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Based on a simulative experiment and a comparison analysis, the effect of bivalve Corbiculafluminea activity on sediment-water exchange of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) is studied. The areas included three intertidal flat sites of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary in China. The interface exchange flux of ammonium, nitrate and nitrite in the short experiment (6 h) was -46.4-40, -74.8-929.1 and 2.5-14.6 μmol/(m^2·h), respectively. It was found that the burrowing activities of C. fluminea increased NH4 and NOi release from sediments to overlying water in the short-term experiment. During long-term incubation, NH4 and NOi released in turn from the sediments. At the beginning of incubation, bioturbation by C. fluminea could accelerate NH2 release from sediments 2-17 times in different sites, resulting in stronger nitrification and increased NOi concentrations in the overlying water. Sediment profile analysis post-incubation shows that organic matter mineralization and sediment-water NH4 exchange had been stimulated by C. fluminea bioturbation and bioirrigation during the experiment. Therefore, C. fluminea activities such as excretion, burrowing, irrigation and turbation can effectively alter nitrogen dynamics and accelerate and stimulate nitrogen exchange and cycling at the sediment-water interface.  相似文献   

Application of transition metal isotope tracers in global change research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-precision isotope composition determinations using multicollector, magnetic-sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) have recently revealed that some transition metal isotopes such as those of Mo, Fe, Cu, Zn etc. can be used as biogeochemical tracers in global change research.The Mo isotope system may be useful in paleoredox investigations indicating that δ^97 ^95Mo in seawater may co-vary with changes in the relative proportions of anoxic and oxic sedimentation in the ocean, and that this variation may be recorded in δ^97 ^95Mo of anoxic sediments. The Mo continental flux into the oceans and the global Mo isotope budget can be estimated from δ^97 ^95M0 values. The Fe isotope composition in seawater is an important issue because Fe plays a controlling role in biological productivity in the oceans and its abundance in seawater may have substantial effect on climate changes. Iron isotope fractionations could result from bio- and abio-processes and have about 0.1% variation ( δ^56 ^54Fe), so Fe isotopes considered alone cannot be used to distinguish the products of abiotic and biotic Fe processing in geological records. Cu and Zn isotopes are also used as biogeochemical tracers, but the researches are relatively less. This review mainly focuses on the methods for preparation, purification and determination of new isotope tracer samples, and on isotope applications in marine environmental changes.  相似文献   

对长岛北四岛海洋牧场海域101个表层沉积物和102个表层海水样进行取样调查,开展表层沉积物类型、粒度、表层沉积物和海水重金属等指标分析测试,采用单因子污染指数法、富集系数法和潜在生态危害指数法评价该区表层沉积物潜在生态风险,采用海水水质分类和单因子污染指数法评价表层海水污染情况。表层沉积物结果表明:沉积物为泥质砂质砾、砾质泥质砂、砾质泥、含砾泥质砂、砂、粉砂质砂和砂质粉砂,平均粒径介于2.44~5.44Ф;Hg、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、As、Cr、硫化物和石油类都符合第一类标准,属于清洁沉积物;Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Hg和As富集系数均<1,处于低度污染水平;Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Hg和As单项潜在生态危害系数Eir介于0.56~30.71之间,RI均值为66.27,远低于低度生态危害的划分标准值。表层海水结果表明:21个站位受到Hg污染,略高于第一类标准,满足第二类标准,主要位于研究区西北部、西中部和东北部海域,其余指标均符合规定第一类标准;Hg、Cu和Zn含量处于较清洁环境范围内,As、COD、石油类、Pb、Cr和Cd含量处于自然本底环境。根据海底沉积物和海水分析结果得出,长岛北四岛海域海洋牧场规划区底质和水质环境适宜建设海洋牧场。  相似文献   

Rainwater samples were collected in series in Qianliyan Island (southern Yellow Sea) and Shengsi Archipelago (East China Sea) between May 2000 and May 2002, chemical analysis for pH values,concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd) and nutrients (NH4^-, NO3^-, PO43^-, SiO32^-) were performed.Results indicate that concentrations of most of the heavy metals and nutrients in rainwater show clear seasonal variation, i.e. high level in winter and low level in summer. Regionally, concentrations are higher in the southern Yellow Sea than in the East China Sea, but the annual input of heavy metals into oceans by wet deposition is similar in both stations. However, the input of nutrients by wet deposition in the East China Sea is 2-3 times higher than that in the southern Yellow Sea. In individual, Pb and PO4^3- are input to the sea mainly by dry deposition; whereas Cu, Zn, Cd and N compounds are input dominantly by wet deposition, the N/P ratios in the rainwater from two stations are much higher than those in seawater, showing a significant impact of atmospheric wet deposition on marine production and biogeochemical circulation of nutrients in these sea regions.  相似文献   

We review the species composition,distribution, and seasonal variation of fouling acorn barnacles in Chinese waters-from Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea to East and South China Seas. Thirty-two species of acorn barnacles were found, of which, the dominant species are Amphibalanus amphitrite, A. reticulatus, A. variegates, Balanus trigonus, Fistulobalanus kondakovi, Megabalanus tintinnabulum, Striatobalanus amaryllis, and Eurapha withersi in the fouling communities. A. amphitrite is the dominant species in the coastal waters of Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea and A. reticulatus is dominant in the East and South China Seas. The settlement period of fouling acorn barnacles is usually in summer and autumn. From north to south with the decrease of latitude, their settlement period obviously extends, even to the whole year, and the species number also increases.0ther environmental factors, such as salinity and distance from shore, also play an important role in the distribution of fouling acorn barnacles.  相似文献   

The research on tectonization intensity plays an important role in the analyses of basin evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation. At present, methods in this field are almost qualitative, and the quantitative one is still rarely reported. In this study, a quantitative research method for tectonization intensity is proposed. The research result on Tahe-Lunnan oilfield shows that this method can not only quantitatively express the tectonization intensity, but also qualitatively reflect the macroscopic deform property and the evolution history of strata. Therefore, it is an effective method for analyzing the characteristics of tectonization. In addition, the realization of the method also can provide qualitative information for studying the influence and control of tectonization on hydrocarbon accumulation.  相似文献   

An advanced ocean observatory has been established in Lunenburg Bay of Nova Scotia, Canada as part of an interdisciplinary research project of marine environmental prediction. The development of a high-resolution coastal circulation model is one of important components of the observatory. The model horizontal resolution is 60m and the vertical resolution is about 1 m. The coastal circulation model is used to simulate the semi-diurnal tidal circulation and associated nonlinear dynamics with the M2 forcing specified at the model open boundaries. The model is also used to simulate the storm-induced circulation in the bay during Hurricane Juan in September 2003, with the model forcing to be the combination of tides and remotely generated waves specified at the model open boundaries and wind stress applied at the sea surface. The model results demonstrate strong interactions between the local wind stress, tidal forcing, and remotely generated waves during this period. Comparison of model results with the surface elevation and current observations demonstrates that the coastal circulation model has reasonable skills in simulating the tidal and storm-induced circulation in the bay.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Yellow Sea and the East China Sea are typical coastal Case-II waters with high sediment load and complicate optical properties. The total absorption coefficient of sea water is one of the main parameters influencing the calculation of o…  相似文献   

The forms of phosphorus and silicon in the natural grain sizes surface sediments of the southern Bohai Sea were studied. In sediments, the organic matter bound form of phosphorus was the main form of transferable phosphorus and ranged from 0.37μmol/g to 1.57μmol/g, accountingfor 10.7% of the total phosphorus, others were the carbonate bound form, iron-manganeso oxide bound form and ion-exchange able form; the transferable form of phosphorus accounted for 19.2% of the total phosphorus. Silicon‘ s carbonate bound form was predominant over others among its transferable forms, and content ranged from 1.55μmol/g to 8.94μmol/g, accounting for 0.05% of the total silicon; the total amount of transferable silicon forms accounted for only 0.12% of the total silicon. Therefore, 19.2% of the total phosphorus and 0.12 % of the total silicon contained in the surface sediments of the southern Bohai Sea could participate in the biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   

Surface sediments and bivalves were collected from the Changjiang Estuary in December 2003 and November 2004, respectively. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in these samples were measured with high-resolution chromatography (HRGC)/High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (HRMS). The concentrations of total PCDD/Fs and toxic equivalent (TEQ) were 169.83±119.63 and 0.81±0.36 pg/g dry weight (dw) in sediments, and 580.33±240.17 and 7.24±3.65 pg/g dw in bivalves. The homolog compositions of PCDD/Fs were similar among samples, the most abundant congener was octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) and then octa-chlorinated dibenzofuran (OCDF) and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-hepta-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (HpCDD). The herbicide pentachlorophenol (PCP) and sodium pentachlorophenol (Na-PCP) were proved the main source of PCDD/Fs in this area.  相似文献   

In order to determine and assess the concentrations of trace elements in coral reefs sediments from Red Sea of Yemen, sediment samples were collected, treated and analyzed for cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, iead, iron, zinc and vanadium by the atomic absorption spectrometric analysis. The result is that cadmium, cobalt and lead concentrations were high and other elements are low or the same as natural background. It is concluded that the high cadmium, cobalt and lead levels in coral reefs sediments will have negative effects on marine life of the sites, so further researches are needed to characterize the sources fate, biogeochemical processes and impacts of these trace elements on coral reefs and marine of the region.  相似文献   

In order to determine and assess the concentrations of trace elements in coral reefs sediments from Red Sea of Yemen, sediment samples were collected, treated and analyzed for cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, lead, iron, zinc and vanadium by the atomic absorption spectrometric analysis. The result is that cadmium, cobalt and lead concentrations were high and other elements are low or the same as natural background. It is concluded that the high cadmium, cobalt and lead levels in coral reefs sediments will have negative effects on marine life of the sites, so further researches are needed to characterize the sources fate, biogeochemical processes and impacts of these trace elements on coral reefs and marine of the region.  相似文献   

Spatial changes in grain size parameters (i. e. grain size trends) contain information on sediment transport patterns. An analytical procedure has been proposed to transform the grain size trends into an image of trend vectors, which may represent net sediment lransport pathways. A fundamental assumption for such an approach is that the frequency of occurrence of the trend adopted is much higher in the transport direction, than in any of other directions. Preliminary studies show agreement between this assumption and observations. However, further investigations into the physical processes and mechanisms for the formation of grain size trends are required to improve the technique, including flume experiments and numerical modeling. Moreover, attention should be paid to the trends associated with finegrained sediment, for the method of grain size trend analysis is so far designed for coarse-grained material only. The processes of flocculation during settling and the wash-load property must be considered. Appropriate interpretation of grain size data will improve our understanding of the physics of granular materials.  相似文献   

Core sediments from the Muthupettai mangroves on the southeast coast of India were analyzed for soil texture,total nitrogen,organic carbon,phosphorus and heavy metals(Fe,Mn,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,Zn and Cd).The distinct seasonal variation in the distribution of metals in the sediments was observed.The minimum concentration was recorded in river mouth and the maximum was in lagoon.High metal concentration in sediment was observed during monsoon and low concentration in summer.The total nu-trient in lagoon and river mouth was recorded in the range of 4.528 to 8.526 mg g-1 for organic carbon,2.213 to 10.5 mg g-1 for nitro-gen and 0.824 to 7.22 mg g-1.  相似文献   

The present paper reports Zn,Cu,Pb,Cd,Ni,Fe,Mn and Co contents in the tissues of oyster,solen,red-tail prawn,sea eel and kelp,taken from Meizhou Bay(and analysed by flame atomicabsorption spectrophotometry after wet digestion)in June 1992,and also the concentration factors esti-mated from the mean metal concentrations in the organisms and water there.Heavy metal concentrationsin every species of the organisms followed the pattern:Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn>Pb,Cd,Ni,Co and in variousorganisms showed considerable variation.In general,levels of most of these metals were in the order:softtissues of the bivalves>the kelp>muscles of the red-tail prawn,the sea eel.The greatest concentrationof most metals was found in the gill or viscera of the sea eel,whereas the muscle tissues,in general,con-tained only low concentrations of them.The Cu,Zn concentration factors of the oyster were higher by1—2 orders of magnitude than that of the other organisms.The observed heavy metal levels were closeto those reported from various waters  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThetoxicityofheavymetalsreleasedintotheenvironmenthasrecentlytriggeredanumberofstudiesaimingattheremovalofmetalionsfromaqueoussolutions (FourestandVolesky ,1 997;FehrmannandPohl,1 993 ;KuyucakandVolesky,1 989) .Itwasfoundthattheaccumulationofheavymeta…  相似文献   

重金属在不同粒径PM10中的含量与形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用WYX 402A型原子吸收分光光度计和Tessler形态分类法研究了Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、As重金属在不同粒径PM10中的质量浓度与形态分布。结果表明Cu、Pb、Cd、As质量浓度随粒径增加而减少,Zn、Cr质量浓度在1.1~2.0μm粒径范围内有一峰值,总体上仍表现为随粒径增加而减少。重金属的形态分布表现出各自的特征,反映了其环境活性的不同。颗粒越细,Cu的活性越大;Pb的活性在各粒级中变化不大;Zn的活性随粒径增加而变大;Cd主要以碳酸盐结合态和氧化物结合态为主,且在小颗粒中活性较大;Cr以氧化物结合态和不溶物为主,在各粒级中含量较稳定,环境活性不大;As主要以前3种形态存在,在稳定环境下,其活性随粒径增加而减小。  相似文献   

A total of 30 surface sediments samples from the estuary wetland of the Tangxi River, Chaohu Lake Basin were obtained and tested. Enrichment factor (EF) and geoaccumulation index (I_(geo)) as well as multivariate statistical analysis methods including Factor Analysis (FA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were applied for the assessment of heavy metal pollution in surface sediments. The results of EF values show that the pollution of copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) occurs in the estuarine sediments, and that zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) and chrome (Cr) may originate from crustal materials or natural weathering process. The mean EF values of the five heavy metals are in the decreasing order: Cu>Cd>Zn>Pb>Cr. Based on the I_(geo) of target heavy metals, the surface sediments collected from the study area can be approximately categorized as unpolluted with Zn, Pb and Cr, and moderately polluted with Cu and Cd. The degree of heavy metal pollution decreases in the order of Cu>Cd>Zn>Pb>Cr. Three groups of pollution factors are presented from FA: Zn-TOC, Cu-Cd and Cr-Pb, which respectively accounte for 27.22%, 25.20% and 21.05% of variance. By means of HCA, a total number of seven groups are distinguished from 30 sampling sites. Results indicate that Cu and Cd are the prior controlled pollutants in the estuarine sediments of the Tangxi River.  相似文献   

为了解研究区土壤重金属环境质量状况,对土壤进行样品采集和测试。采用单因子污染指数法和内梅罗(Nemerow)综合污染指数法,依据《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618--2008)第二级标准对土壤中Ni和Cd的污染状况进行环境风险评价。结果表明, Ni的污染范围主要在距中心点3000 m范围内,超标点共15个,大部分超标点为轻微污染或轻度污染。个别点存在重度污染和综合污染现象。此外,对土壤重金属超标点位的玉米作物进行测试分析,发现其Ni和Cd含量均不超标,说明土壤的污染程度对于当地的玉米作物没有影响。  相似文献   

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