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A one year study of downward particle fluxes conducted in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea is presented. Two mooring lines equipped with sediment traps and current meters were deployed at around 1000 m depth on the northeastern continental slope of the Gulf of Lions, one inside the Grand-Rhône canyon and the other outside on the adjacent open slope. Mean total mass fluxes increased slightly with trap depth inside the canyon, a feature quite typical of fluxes in continental margin environments. The near-bottom trap inside the canyon collected more material than its counterpart deployed at equivalent depth on the open slope, indicating a preferential transport of material within the canyon. Major biogeochemical constituents (organic and inorganic carbon, opal, and siliciclastic residue) revealed a marked difference in particle composition between the sub-surface (80 m) and deeper traps, suggesting the existence of at least two sources of material. The two shallower traps showed a clear biological signal: flux peaks were related to periods of surface biological production, especially perceptible in summer and autumn. The particulate matter trapped at deeper levels in the canyon and on the open slope was characterized by a more stable composition with a major lithogenic contribution, originating from sedimentary material most probably resuspended on the upper- or mid-slope. The seasonal variability was dominated by the summer/winter alternation; the latter period was characterized by a weak stratification of the water column and an enhanced current variability favoring vertical exchanges. The present results are compared with those obtained previously in the Lacaze-Duthiers canyon on the southwestern side of the Gulf of Lions. The comparison shows strong differences between the NE entrance and the SW exit of the gulf, with respect to the general along-slope circulation of water masses, both in terms of intensity of particulate fluxes and transport processes.  相似文献   

Three mooring arrays were deployed in the Palamós Canyon axis with sediment traps, current meters and turbidimeters installed near the bottom and in intermediate waters. Frequent sharp and fast turbidity peaks along with current speed increases were recorded, particularly at 1200 m depth in spring and summer. During these events, near-bottom water turbidity increased by up to more than one order of magnitude, current velocity by two to four times and horizontal sediment fluxes by one to three orders of magnitude. When these events occurred, 9–11 days integrated downward particle fluxes collected by the near-bottom sediment trap increased by two to three times. These events were identified as sediment gravity flows triggered by trawling activities along the northern canyon wall. Sediment eroded by the trawling nets at 400–750 m depth on this wall seems to be channeled through a gully and transported downslope towards the canyon axis, where the 1200 m mooring was located. The sediment gravity flows recorded at the 1200 m site were not detected at deeper instrumented sites along the canyon axis, suggesting that they affect local areas of the canyon without traveling long distances downcanyon. These observations indicate that trawling can generate frequent sediment gravity flows and increase sediment fluxes locally in submarine canyons. Furthermore, in addition to the various natural processes currently causing sediment gravity flows and other sediment transport events, human activities such as trawling must be taken into account in modern submarine canyon sediment dynamics studies.  相似文献   

Rates of sediment accumulation and biological particle mixing in eight cores from the Peru shelf have been estimated by application of uranium-series disequilibrium techniques and radiocarbon dating. Activities of 210Pb, 226Ra, 234Th and 238U have been determined in closely spaced intervals in each sediment core. Biological particle mixing coefficients were determined via a two-box advection-diffusion steady-state mixing model based on the distribution profiles of excess 210Pb and, in some cases, excess 234Th activities.

The sedimentation rates estimated were in the order of a few millimeters/yr except for cores enriched in phosphatic components which displayed rates a few orders of magnitude slower. Bioturbation was significant in most cores studied with the exception of one core collected from within the middle of the oxygen-minimum zone. Estimated biological mixing coefficients were in the order of 100–101 cm2 yr−1 for the surface mixed layer and 10−1–100 cm2 yr−1 for the layer below. Sediment slumping appears to have affected the 210Pb distribution of two or three of our cores.  相似文献   

Results are presented from particle flux studies using sediment trap and current meter moorings along a transect at the European continental margin at 49°N within the EU-funded Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX) project. Two moorings were placed, at the mid- and outer slope in water depths of 1500 and 3660 m, with traps at 600 and 1050 m and at 580, 1440 and 3220 m, respectively. Residual currents at the mid-slope follow the slope contour, whereas seasonal off-slope flow was registered at the outer slope. At 600 m on the slope fluxes are similar to those in the abyssal North Atlantic. The flux of all components (bulk dry weight, particulate organic and inorganic carbon, lithogenic matter and opal) increased with water depth. Highest fluxes were recorded at 1440 m at the outer slope, where off-slope residual currents mediate particle export. The injection of biogenic and lithogenic particles below the depth of winter mixing results in the export of particles from shallower waters. Calculated lateral fluxes of particulate organic carbon exceed the primary flux by over a factor of 2 at 1440 m on the outer slope. Estimated lateral fluxes of suspended particulate matter in the water column and intermediate nepheloid layers at the outer slope are potentially large compared to sinking fluxes measured by sediment traps. A comparison is made of particle flux at three continental margin sites and two sites in the adjacent open North Atlantic, from which it is seen that bulk and organic matter flux increases exponentially with proximity to the shelf break. The percentage contribution of particulate organic carbon to biogenic fluxes increases from a mean of 5.7% in the abyssal N. Atlantic to 13.9% at the continental margins.  相似文献   

A 2-yr record of downward particle flux was obtained with moored sediment traps at several depths of the water column in two regions characterized by different primary production levels (mesotrophic and oligotrophic) of the eastern subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Particle fluxes, of ∼71–78% biogenic origin (i.e. consisting of CaCO3, organic matter and opal) on average, decrease about six-fold from the mesotrophic site (highest fluxes in the North Atlantic) nearer the Mauritanian margin (18°30′N, 21°00′W) to the remote, open-ocean, oligotrophic site (21°00′N, 31°00′W). This decrease largely reflects the difference in total primary production between the two sites, from ∼260 to ∼110 g organic C m−2 yr−1. At both sites, temporal variability of the downward particle flux seems to be linked to westward surface currents, which are likely to transport seaward biomass-rich water masses from regions nearer the coast. The influence of coastal upwelling is marked at the mesotrophic site. The large differences between the 1991 and 1992 records at that site, where carbon export is large, underscore the interest of long-term studies for export budget estimates. The different productivity regimes at the two sites seem to induce contrasting downward modes of transport of the particulate matter, as shown in particular by the faster settling rates and the higher E ratio (particulate organic carbon export versus total primary production) estimated at the mesotrophic site.  相似文献   

The flux of settling particles in the ocean has been widely explored since 1980s due to its important role in biogenic elements cycling, especially in the transport of particulate organic carbon (POC) in the deep sea. However, research in the seamount area of the oligotrophic subtropical Northwest Pacific Ocean is lacking. In this work, two sediment traps were deployed at the foot and another two at the hillside of Niulang Guyot from August 2017 to July 2018. The magnitude and composition of particle fluxes were measured. The main factors influencing the spatial variations of the fluxes were evaluated. Our results indicated a low particulate flux from Niulang Guyot area in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, reflecting low primary productivity of the oligotrophic ocean. The total mass flux (TMF) decreased from 2.57 g/(m2·a) to 0.56 g/(m2·a) with increasing depth from 600 m to 4 850 m. A clear seasonal pattern of TMF was observed, with higher flux in summer than that in winter. The peak flux of 26.52 mg/(m2·d) occurred in August at 600 m, while the lowest value of 0.07 mg/(m2·d) was shown in February at 4 850 m. The settling particles at the deep layers had similar biochemical composition, with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) accounting for up to 90%, followed by organic matter and opal, characteristics of Carbonate Ocean. The POC flux decreased more rapidly in the twilight layer because of faster decomposition, remineralization, and higher temperature. A small fraction of POC was transported into the deep ocean by biological pump. Particle fluxes were mainly controlled by the calcareous ballasts besides the primary productivity of the surface water. The advection may be another important factor affecting the flux in the seamount area. The combination of settled matters rich in foraminiferal tests with topography and currents may be the reason for regulating the local abundance of benthos on seamounts. Our results will fill in the knowledge gap of sedimentation flux, improve the understanding of ecosystem in Niulang Guyot area, and eventually provide data support for the optimization of regional ecological modeling.  相似文献   

Currents, particle fluxes and ecology were studied in the Palamós submarine canyon (also known as the Fonera canyon), located in the northwestern Mediterranean. Seven mooring arrays equipped with current meters and sediment traps were deployed along the main canyon axis, on the canyon walls and on the adjacent slope. Additionally, local and regional hydrographic cruises were carried out. Current data showed that mean near surface and mid-depth currents were oriented along the mean flow direction (NE–SW), although at 400 and 1200 m depth within the canyon current reversals were significant, indicating a more closed circulation inside the canyon. Mean near-bottom currents were constrained by the local bathymetry, especially at the canyon head. The most significant frequency at all levels was the inertial frequency. A second frequency of about three days, attributed to a topographic wave, was observed at all depths, suggesting that this wave was probably not trapped near the bottom. The current field observed during the most complete survey revealed a meandering pattern with cyclonic vorticity just upstream from and within the canyon. The associated vertical velocity ranged between 10 and 20 m/day and was constrained to the upper 300 m. This latter feature, together with other computations, suggests that during this survey the meander was not induced by the canyon but by some kind of instability of the mean flow.In the canyon, suspended sediment concentration, downward particle fluxes, chlorophyll and particulate C and N were significantly higher up-canyon from about 1200 m depth than offshore, defining, along with the different hydrodynamics, two canyon domains: one from the canyon head to about 1200 m depth more affected by the canyon confinement and the other deeper than 1200 m depth more controlled by the mean flow and the shelf-slope front. The higher near-bottom downward total mass fluxes were recorded in the canyon axis at 1200 m depth along with sharp turbidity increases and are related to sediment gravity flows. During the deployment period, the increase in downward particle fluxes occurred by mid-November, when a severe storm took place. On the canyon walls at 1200 m depth, suspended sediment concentrations, downward particle fluxes, chlorophyll and particulate C and N were higher on the southern wall than on the northern wall inversely to the current’s energy. This could be caused by an upward water supply on the southern canyon wall and/or the mean flow interacting with the canyon bathymetry. In the swimmers collected by the sediment traps, the dominant species was an elasipod holothurian, which has not been recorded in other canyons or elsewhere in the Mediterranean, indicating particular speciation.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the multidisciplinary RECS project and with the aim of describing the particle flux transfer from the continental shelf to the deep basin, an array of five mooring lines equipped with a total of five pairs of PPS3/3 sequential-sampling sediment traps and RCM-7/8 current meters were deployed 30 m above the bottom from March 2003 to March 2004 inside and outside the Blanes Canyon. One mooring line was located in the upper canyon at 600 m depth, one in the canyon axis at 1700 m depth and other two close to the canyon walls at 900 m depth. A fifth mooring line was deployed in the continental open slope at 1500 m water depth.The highest near-bottom downward particle flux (14.50 g m−2 d−1) was recorded at the trap located in the upper canyon (M1), where continental inputs associated with the presence of the Tordera River are most relevant. On the other hand, the downward fluxes (4.35 g m−2 d−1) in the canyon axis (M2) were of the same order as those found in the western flank (M3) of the canyon. Both values were clearly higher than the value (1.95 g m−2 d−1) recorded at the eastern canyon wall (M4). The open slope (M5) mass flux (5.42 mg m−2 d−1) recorded by the sediment trap located outside the canyon system was three orders of magnitude lower than the other values registered by the inner canyon stations. The relevance of our data is that it explains how the transport pathway in the canyon occurs through its western flank, where a more active and persistent current toward the open ocean was recorded over the entire year of the experiment.Off-shelf sediment transport along the canyon axis showed clear differences during the period of the study, with some important events leading to strong intensifications of the current coupled with large transport of particle fluxes to the deepest parts of the canyon. Such events are primarily related to increases in river discharge and the occurrence of strong storms and cascading events during the winter.In summary, in this study it is shown that the dynamics of the water masses and the currents in the study area convert the sharp western flank of the Blanes Canyon in a more active region that favors erosion processes than the eastern flank, which has a smoother topography and where the absence of erosional conditions yields to steadier sedimentary processes.  相似文献   

在独流减河入海口附近河道之间的盐沼采用人工探坑侧壁连续取样,获得2个站位的沉积物样品。通过210Pb和137Cs定年法建立年代框架,结合粒度分析、有孔虫鉴定和水文数据,探讨了该区的现代洪水事件沉积。结果表明,该区沉积物的210Pbexc比活度-深度剖面中存在2处明显的低值沉积层,分别在3~6 cm和10~14 cm深度,这2个沉积层分别对应137Cs曲线的次峰和主峰。这两层与上下相邻层位相比呈现粒径较粗、分选较差,有孔虫丰度较低、破损百分比较高的特征。210Pb测年结果显示,137Cs曲线下部的主峰对应的年龄为1963年,与全球性的最大峰值形成时间相对应,而上部的次峰对应的并非1986年切尔诺贝利核泄漏事故形成的次峰。区内水文数据显示,在1963和1996年分别发生了2次较大的洪水事件。因此,推断S4和S5站位剖面中2个特殊的沉积层是由洪水事件造成的。本研究说明高分辨率沉积特征的多指标研究可以较为准确地揭示洪水等灾害性事件发生的年代和频率,这有利于系统地揭露海陆过渡带地区地质历史时期灾害和气候事件的频率和强度,为灾害预防和未来规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Located in the south-eastern part of the Bay of Biscay, the Capbreton Canyon incises the continental shelf up to the 30 m isobath contour, and acts as a natural conduit for continental and shelf-derived sediments. EM1000 multibeam bathymetry shows two main features characterising the canyon — a deeply entrenched meandering channel, bordered by fluvial-like terraces constituting large sediment traps. A dataset of cores and seismic profiles together with a multibeam bathymetry map has enabled the characterisation of recent sedimentary activity in the axial channel and on the terraces. Data analysis evidenced the major role of the canyon head in recent sediment dynamics. This part of the canyon is a temporary reservoir for sediments, accumulated by coastal hydrodynamic processes. Exceptional climatic, tectonic or hydrodynamic events can mobilise the sediments and generate gravity-driven flows. Under the present-day sea-level highstand conditions, these flows are not powerful enough to bring their bedload to the deep sea, and are confined mainly to the upper part of the canyon. Turbidity currents model the axial channel pathway and are at the origin of terrace formation. Terraces in the Capbreton Canyon are not typical but rather are reduced to confined levees. Three factors control the vertical growth of a terrace: (1) the amount of overspilled sediments brought by turbidity currents, (2) hemipelagic sedimentation and (3) terrace height. The amount of sediment spilling over a terrace decreases with increased terrace elevation. Concurrently, the proportion of hemipelagic fallout depositing on a terrace increases. Terraces are considered to be fossil when the height of the terrace prevents further deposition by overspilling. The terraces studied in this paper are interpreted as having formed during the Holocene, implying that the sediment dynamics of the Capbreton Canyon is continuous through time. Highstand periods differ from lowstand periods because they show a decrease in the energy of erosive processes. Temporal variations in erosive and depositional processes in the canyon are controlled by the Adour River, which delivers large amounts of sediment to the system.  相似文献   

In order to define the nature and distribution of the organic matter (OM) preserved in the modern Ogooué deep sea turbidite system (Gabon), bulk geochemical techniques (Rock-Eval pyrolysis, elemental and isotopic analyses) and palynofacies were applied to three piston cores collected in the Cape Lopez Canyon and lobe and on the continental slope, north of the canyon.The hemipelagic sedimentation in the study area is characterized by high accumulations of well-preserved OM (∼2-3 wt. TOC %). Bulk geochemical and palynofacies analysis indicate both a marine and terrestrial origin of the OM. Contribution of the marine source is higher on the slope than in the canyon and lobe.OM accumulation in turbidites is strongly controlled by the combined influence of the Cape Lopez Canyon and littoral drift. In the canyon and lobe, turbidites show generally low TOC content (0.5 wt. %) and OM is oxidized. The origin of the OM is interpreted as both marine and terrestrial, with a higher contribution of continental source versus marine source. The low TOC contents are due to the large siliciclastic fraction transported by the littoral drift and diverted in the Cape Lopez Canyon during high energy processes (e.g. storms) which tend to dilute the OM in the turbidites. Transport by long-shore currents and/or turbiditic flows leads to oxidation of the OM.On the continental slope located north of the Cape Lopez Canyon, large amounts of OM are deposited in turbidites (up to 14 wt. %). The OM is predominantly derived from terrestrial land plants and has not been subjected to intense oxidation. These deposits are characterized by high hydrocarbon potential (up to 27 kg HC/t rock), indicating a good potential as gas-prone source rock. Because Cape Lopez Canyon captures a significant part of the sediment transported by the littoral drift, the siliciclastic sedimentary flux is reduced north of the canyon; OM is thus concentrated in the turbidites. Variation in TOC content within turbidite laminae can be explained by the burst and sweep deposition process affecting the boundary layer of the turbulent flow.This study confirms that gravity flows play a preponderant role in the accumulation and preservation of OM in deep water and that deep sea turbidite systems could be regarded as an environment where organic sedimentation occurs.  相似文献   

A new approach to predict biogenic particle fluxes to the seafloor is presented, which is based on diffusive oxygen uptake and, in particular, opal fluxes to the seafloor. For this purpose, we used a recently published empirical equation coupling benthic silica to oxygen fluxes, and showing a clear negative correlation between Si and O2 fluxes. Dissolution of biogenic silica mediated by aerobic microbial activity has been inferred at 24 sites along the African and South American continental margins. Based on the assumption that these findings hold essentially for the entire Southern Atlantic Ocean, we applied the silica to oxygen flux ratio to a basin-wide grid of diffusive oxygen uptake extracted from the literature. Assuming that the silica release across the sediment-water interface equals the particulate flux of biogenic opal to the seafloor, we estimated minimum opal rain rates. We combined these calculations with published relationships between aerobic organic carbon mineralization and dissolution rates of calcite above the hydrographical lysocline, thereby assessing the calcite rain rate and particulate organic carbon flux to the seafloor. The addition of the buried fraction completes our budget of biogenic particulate rain fluxes. The combination of such empirical equations provides a powerful and convenient tool which greatly facilitates future investigations of biogenic particle fluxes to the seafloor.  相似文献   

A total of 67 samples from the upper and lower sediment traps in the central South China Sea were analyzed, which were collected during 1993~1996. It is indicated that the distribution of stable isotope values, surface primary productivity, fluxes of total particulate matter, carbonate, biogenic opal, organic carbon, planktonic foraminiferal species and their total amount exhibit obviously seasonal and annual fluctuations. High values of the fluxes occurred in the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons, and the low values occurred during the periods between the two monsoons. The fluxes of some planktonic foraminiferal species (Globigerinoides sacculifer, G. ruber, Globigerinita glutinata, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) and their percentages also exhibit two prominent peaks during the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons respectively, while those of Globigerina bulloides, Globorotalia menardii and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata only exhibit one peak in the prevailing periods of the northeastern monsoon. In addition, fluxes and percentages of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globorotalia menardii as well as the fluxes of carbonate and total amount of planktonic foraminifera decrease gradually from 1993 to 1996, and those of Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinita glutinata and biogenic opal increase gradually from 1993 to 1996. The fluxes of carbonate and organic carbon in the upper trap are higher than those in the lower one. The study indicates that the seasonal and annual variations of the sediment fluxes and planktonic foraminiferal species are mainly controlled by the changes of surface primary productivity and hydrological conditions related to the East Asian monsoon. The lower carbonate and organic carbon fluxes in the lower trap are related to the dissolution.  相似文献   

Five transects across the NW Iberian margin were studied in the framework of the EU-funded Ocean Margin EXchange II (OMEX II) project, to determine and establish recent sediment and organic carbon transport and accumulation processes and fluxes.On the Galician shelf and shelf edge, resuspension of sediments resulting in well-developed bottom nepheloid layers was observed at all stations, but transport of suspended sediment appears largely confined to the shelf. On the continental slope, only very dilute bottom nepheloid layers were present, and intermediate nepheloid layers were only occasionally seen. This suggests that cross-slope transfer of particles is limited by the prevailing northerly directed shelf and slope currents.Optical backscatter and ADCP current measurements by the BOBO lander, deployed at 2152 m depth on the Galician slope, indicated that particles in the bottom boundary layer were kept in suspension by tidal currents with highest speeds between 15–25 cm s−1. Net currents during the recording period August 6th–September 10th 1998, were initially directed along-slope toward the NNW, but later turned off-slope toward the SW.The separation of the water masses on the slope from the sediment-laden shelf water by the along-slope current regime is reflected in the recent sedimentary deposits of the Galician shelf and slope. Apart from compositional differences, shelf deposits differ from those on the slope by their higher flux of excess 210Pb (0.57–5.37 dpm cm−2y−1 versus 0.11–3.00 dpm cm−2y−1), a much higher sediment accumulation rate (315.6–2295.9 g m−2y−1 versus 10.9–124.7 g m−2y−1) and organic carbon burial rate (1.01–34.30 g m−2y−1 versus 0.01–0.69 g m−2y−1).In contrast to the observations on the Galician margin, pronounced nepheloid layers occurred in the Nazaré Canyon, which extended to considerably greater water depths. This indicates that significantly greater transport of fine-grained particles in both the INL and the BNL was occurring within the canyon, as reflected in the exceptionally high 210Pb excess flux (up to 34.09 dpm cm−2y−1), mass accumulation rates (maximum 9623.1 g m−2y−1) and carbon burial fluxes (up to 180.91 g m−2y−1) in the sediment. However, radioisotope fluxes in the lower canyon were only slightly higher than at comparable depths on the Galician margin. This suggests that transport and rapid accumulation is focused on the upper and middle part of the canyon, from where it is episodically released to the deep sea. Compared to the Galician margin, the Nazaré Canyon may be considered as an important organic carbon depocenter on short time-scales, and a major conduit for particulate matter transport to the deep sea on >100 y time-scales.  相似文献   

The response of benthic organisms to organic carbon fluxes in a continental margin region was studied by investigating the diet of the suprabenthic isopod Munnopsurus atlanticus, which is well represented on the southern margin of the Cap-Ferret Canyon (Bay of Biscay). The grain-size distribution, foraminiferal assemblages, particulate organic carbon and pigments found in the sediment and in the gut of the isopods were analyzed. These results suggest that M. atlanticus feeds on benthic agglutinated foraminifers which are in a high “nourishment state” and represent a link between primary and secondary producers.  相似文献   

Fluxes of amino acids and hexosamines to the deep South China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Settling particles collected by sediment traps deployed between 1987 and 1999 in the northern, central and southwestern South China Sea (SCS) were analysed to study seasonal, interannual and spatial variations in the composition and flux of labile particulate matter. Results were combined with remote-sensing and surface-sediment data in order to describe the factors controlling the preservation of organic matter en route from the upper ocean to the seafloor. Organic carbon, amino acid and hexosamine fluxes generally follow the fluxes of total particulate matter, with maxima during the SW and NE monsoon periods. During non-El Niño conditions spectral amino acid distributions show that degradation of organic matter in the water column decreases as the flux rates increase. This is suggested to be the combined result of enhanced primary productivity, greater input of lithogenics serving as ballast to increase settling rates, and sorption of labile components to clay minerals. During El Niño conditions, in contrast, the degree of organic matter degradation is at very high and comparable levels at all trap sites. Flux component seasonality is strongly reduced except for the coastal upwelling areas, particularly off central Vietnam, which show significantly higher fluxes of organic carbon and lithogenic matter as compared to the open SCS. This suggests that the fluxes are affected by lateral advection of reworked organic matter from riverine sources or resuspended sediments from the nearby shelf/slope. Comparison of the measured organic carbon fluxes in 1200 m depth with those accumulating in surface sediments results in a more than 80% loss of organic matter before final burial in the sediments. The degree of organic matter preservation in the surface sediments of the deep SCS is distinctly lower than in other monsoonal oceans. This may be due to varying lithogenic input and almost complete dissolution of protective biogenic mineral matrices at greater water depth.  相似文献   

As part of the ECOMARGE operation (J.G.O.F.S. France), macrobenthic assemblages in the Toulon Canyon were described and quantified on the basis of sampling carried out between 250 and 2000 m depth on the Mediterranean continental slope. Results show that Mediterranean bathyal assemblages are made up mainly of continental shelf eurybathic species. The qualitative and quantitative composition of populations varies with depth on the slope and also varies with station position at equivalent depth, whether on the flanks or in the canyon channel. Various analyses have provided evidence on the factors responsible for this population distribution pattern. No single factor emerges as predominant, but rather a group of factors, which are related to the nature and origin of sediments and more particularly their grain size distribution, geochemical composition and mode of transportation and sedimentation (benthic nepheloid or originating from the water column), act in conjunction to determine the pattern. Comparison with ocean continental slopes shows that in the Mediterranean Sea the absence of tidal current modifies the trophic structure of the macrobenthic assemblages, which are characterized by a dominance of surface and subsurface deposit feeders as compared to a dominance of suspension feeders and carnivores in the upper and median part of the slope in the ocean. Surface dumping of dredge spoil at the canyon head and channelling of waste induces an increase of organic matter and pollutant concentrations in sediment from the upper part of the canyon channel but does not give rise to any marked population degradation.  相似文献   

A previous study based on data from a NE Atlantic site provided evidence, using an existing foodweb/vertical-flux modelling approach, that the size-structure of the phytoplankton community — rather than primary production — can be the dominant control on downward particulate organic carbon (POC) flux. In order to assess whether taking community structure into account can also provide more reliable estimates of downward POC flux in other oceanic provinces, epipelagic observations (mainly size-fractionated primary production, biomass, community structure data and heterotrophic bacterial production) and POC flux data from deep-moored sediment traps were collated from the six different ocean regions for which suitable data are available. At each site the epipelagic data were used in conjunction with two standard versions of the foodweb/vertical-flux model (one permits direct sinking of large ungrazed algae out of surface waters, the other does not) and published empirical depth/POCflux algorithms to predict the POC flux to the deep ocean. Predictions were also made using published primary-production/POC-flux algorithms, and the two sets of predictions were compared to the deep-ocean POC flux measurements. While the version of the foodweb/ vertical-flux model permitting the direct sinking of ungrazed algae provided the most reliable predictor of POC flux for five of the six sites, no conventional algorithm provided comparable predictions for more than two sites. The reliability of these predictions is discussed in the context of recent modelling studies that explore the extent to which flow fields in the water column overlying deep-moored sediment traps confound attempts to relate particle flux measurements to observations of surface-water processes. The present study suggests that the sinking of ungrazed large cells, probably diatoms, may be the key determinant of the magnitude of the downward POC flux in a variety of ocean regions. Planned ocean-observing programmes may provide sufficient epipelagic data to allow this approach to be used to improve the accuracy of basin-scale estimates of downward POC flux and hence reduce the uncertainty of the magnitude of this flux within the oceanic carbon budget.  相似文献   

The role of the Setúbal–Lisbon canyon in accumulation and transport of labile organic matter from the coastal sea and ocean surface water towards the deep sea was assessed by investigating the distribution of organic matter of different quality in sedimentary aggregates and surface sediments of the canyon and adjacent slopes. Total hydrolysable amino acids (THAA) and organic carbon (Corg) were measured from aggregates, and contents of Corg, chlorophyll a (chl a), phaeopigments (phaeo), chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE) from sediments. As indices of organic matter (OM) quality THAA:Corg, degradation index (DI), chl a:phaeo, chl a:Corg and C:N ratio were determined. Sediment profiles of chl a and the isotope 210 of lead (210Pb) were used as tracers in a transport model to estimate deposition rates and background levels of the tracers, and sediment mixing rates (Db). Whereas bulk Corg contents of canyon and slope sediments were practically similar at all depths, higher contents of THAA, chl a and CPE, as well as higher THAA:Corg, DI and chl a:Corg, in aggregates and sediments from the upper reaches of the canyon indicate that labile organic matter accumulates in the upper canyon. This is confirmed by higher chl a and 210Pb deposition and Db calculated from the model. Hence, the Setúbal–Lisbon canyon, specially the upper region, acts as a natural trap of organic matter that is transported to the region via lateral transport and vertical settling from primary productivity. Organic matter might be further transported in downward canyon direction via rebound processes. The chl a and 210Pb profiles reveal active sediment mixing by physical processes and/or animal reworking.  相似文献   

Organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) contents and δ13C and δ15N values in total organic matter (OM) were measured in sub-surface sediments (0–30 cm sub-bottom) from 21 cores raised from the Laurentian Channel of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Labrador Sea, to document OM fluxes and storage along the eastern Canadian margin. Storage rates as high as 2.5 g m−2 yr−1 for OC and 0.2 g m−2 yr−1 for N are observed in the Laurentian Channel, suggesting that the shelf plays a significant role in terms of OM storage (from 1 to 2% of the primary production). Based on the isotopic composition of the essentially marine OM of the Labrador Sea (δ13C/V-PDB=−21.9±0.4‰; δ15N/AIR=7.6±0.6‰; n=12), there is no isotopic evidence for a significant relative input of terrestrial OM along the Laurentian Channel (δ13C/V-PDB=−21.9±0.4‰; δ15N/AIR=8.0±0.9‰; n=10), either due to high relative fluxes of marine OM and/or to the trapping of continental OM in the estuary and upstream. High storage rates of OM are also observed on the continental rise of the Labrador Sea (as high as 1.1 g C m−2 yr−1 and 0.09 g N m−2 yr−1). They contrast with one order of magnitude lower rates on the slope, due to low sedimentation rates (SR) and sediment winnowing by the Western Boundary Undercurrent (WBUC). Reduced early diagenetic alteration of OM is observed, particularly in the Laurentian Channel. It results in discrete (i) losses of OC and N, (ii) shifts in C/N ratios, suggesting preferential removal of N-bearing OM also highlighted by losses in total hydrolysable amino acids (HAA). In the Labrador Sea slope records, due to low SR, OM concentration changes linked to long term temporal variations may superimpose on these diagenetic trends, and some influence of the WBUC is noticeable.  相似文献   

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