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Rainfall is characterized by high variability both in space and time. Despite continuous technological progress, the available instruments that are used to measure rainfall across several spatio-temporal scales remain inaccurate. To remedy this situation, scaling relationships of spatial rainfall offer the potential to link the observed or predicted precipitation quantities at one scale to those of interest at other scales. This paper focuses on the estimation of the spatial rainfall scaling functions. Standard scaling analysis constructed by means of the ordinary least squares method often violates such basic assumptions implicit in its use and interpretation as homoschedasticity, independence, and normality of the errors. Consequently, the authors consider alternative regression frameworks i.e. bootstrapping regression, semi parametric linear model, and multilevel normal linear model to show how these different approaches exert a significant impact on the multifractal analysis of radar rainfall. In addition, the uncertainties associated with the construction of the scaling function due solely to the regression procedure are quantified. The radar data come from the polarimetric C-band weather radar located in Rome, Italy, and the scaling properties are computed for a square domain centred on the radar site with a side length of 128 km and a finest resolution of 1 km2.  相似文献   

Tropical Precipitation Estimated by GPCP and TRMM PR Observations   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this study, tropical monthly mean precipitation estimated by the latest Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) version 2 dataset and Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission Precipitation Radar (TRMM PR) are compared in temporal and spatial scales in order to comprehend tropical rainfall climatologically. Reasons for the rainfall differences derived from both datasets are discussed. Results show that GPCP and TRMM PR datasets present similar distribution patterns over the Tropics but with some differences in amplitude and location. Generally, the average difference over the ocean of about 0.5 mm d^-1 is larger than that of about 0.1 mm d^-1 over land. Results also show that GPCP tends to underestimate the monthly precipitation over the land region with sparse rain gauges in contrast to regions with a higher density of rain gauge stations. A Probability Distribution Function (PDF) analysis indicates that the GPCP rain rate at its maximum PDF is generally consistent with the TRMM PR rain rate as the latter is less than 8 mm d^-1. When the TRMM PR rain rate is greater than 8 mm d^-1, the GPCP rain rate at its maximum PDF is less by at least 1 mm d^-1 compared to TRMM PR estimates. Results also show an absolute bias of less than 1 mm d^-1 between the two datasets when the rain rate is less than 10 mm d^-1. A large relative bias of the two datasets occurs at weak and heavy rain rates.  相似文献   

The remarkable wide range spatial scaling of TRMM precipitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The advent of space borne precipitation radar has opened up the possibility of studying the variability of global precipitation over huge ranges of scale while avoiding many of the calibration and sparse network problems which plague ground based rain gage and radar networks. We studied 1176 consecutive orbits of attenuation-corrected near surface reflectivity measurements from the TRMM satellite PR instrument. We find that for well-measured statistical moments (orders 0 < < 2) corresponding to radar reflectivities with dBZ < 57 and probabilities > 10− 6, that the residuals with respect to a pure scaling (power law) variability are remarkably low: ± 6.4% over the range 20,000 km down to 4.3 km. We argue that higher order moments are biased due to inadequately corrected attenuation effects. When a stochastic three — parameter universal multifractal cascade model is used to model both the reflectivity and the minimum detectable signal of the radar (which was about twice the mean), we find that we can explain the same statistics to within ± 4.6% over the same range. The effective outer scale of the variability was found to be 32,000 ± 2000 km. The fact that this is somewhat larger than the planetary scale (20,000 km) is a consequence of the residual variability of precipitation at the planetary scales. With the help of numerical simulations we were able to estimate the three fundamental parameters as α ≈ 1.5, C1 = 0.63 ± 0.02 and H = 0.00 ± 0.01 (the multifractal index, the codimension of the mean and the nonconservation parameter respectively). There was no error estimate on α since although α = 1.5 was roughly the optimum value, this conclusion depended on assumptions about the instrument at both low and high reflectivities. The value H = 0 means that the reflectivity can be modeled as a pure multiplicative process, i.e. that the reflectivity is conserved from scale to scale. We show that by extending the model down to the inner “relaxation scale” where the turbulence and rain decouple (in light rain, typically about 40 cm), that even without an explicit threshold, the model gives quite reasonable predictions about the frequency of occurrence of perceptible precipitation rates.While our basic findings (the scaling, outer scale) are almost exactly as predicted twenty years ago on the basis on ground based radar and the theory of anisotropic (stratified) cascades, they are incompatible with classical turbulence approaches which require at least two isotropic turbulence regimes separated by a meso-scale “gap”. They are also incompatible with classical meteorological phenomenology which identifies morphology with mechanism and breaks up the observed range 4 km–20 000 km into several subranges each dominated by different mechanisms. Finally, since the model specifies the variability over huge ranges, it shows promise for resolving long standing problems in rain measurement from both (typically sparse) rain gage networks and radars.  相似文献   

TRMM测雨雷达对1998年东亚降水季节性特征的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用热带测雨计划卫星上的测雨雷达得到的降水资料,对1998年东亚降水,特别是中国大陆东部、东海和南海的降水,进行了分析研究,并对比了热带降水研究结果。年统计结果表明,东亚地区层状云降水出现概率极高(比面积达83.7%),对流云降水的比面积仅占13.6%,然而两者对总降水量的贡献相当。结果还表明,暖对流云降水出现的比例和对总降水量的贡献很小。在季节尺度,对流云和层状云降水的比与两者的面积比成比例关系。除夏季外,测雨雷达降水量与GPCP降水量可比性好。研究结果还指出:在中纬度陆地和海洋上对流云和层状云的比降水量和比面积呈相反方向作季节性南北移动,这一活动与东亚季风变化一致;该地区降水的季节性变化还表现为降水垂直廓线的变化。除冬季外,南海地区降水垂直结构呈热带特征。CRAD分析表明,对流云降水的地面雨强变化大,尤其在陆地上,而层状云多表现为地面弱降水。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the spectral scaling of a heavy rainfall event and assesses the performance of the Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) model in terms of the multiscale variability of rainfall in the temporal spectral domain. The event occurred over southern Malay Peninsula on 18 December 2006 and was simulated at high resolutions. 10, 5 and 1?min aggregate rainfall data from rain gauge stations in Singapore and simulated rainfall sampled at different evaluation points on 0.9, 0.3 and 0.1?km grids were utilized. The simulated and observed rain rates were compared via Fourier and wavelet analyses. A scaling regime was noted in the observed rainfall spectra in the timescales between 60?min and 2?min. The scaling exponent obtained from the observed spectra has a value of about 2, which may be indicative of the physics of turbulence and raindrop coalescence and might suggest the predominance of a characteristic raindrop size. At 0.9?km resolution, the model rainfall spectra showed similar scaling to the observed down to about 10?min, below which a fall-off in variance was noted as compared to observations. Higher spatial resolution of up to 0.1?km was crucial to improve the ability of the model to resolve the shorter timescale variability. We suggest that the evaluation of dynamical models in the spectral domain is a crucial step in the validation of quantitative precipitation forecasts and assessing the minimal grid resolution necessary to capture rainfall variability for certain short timescales may be important for hydrological predictions.  相似文献   

The accurate representation of rainfall in models of global climate has been a challenging task for climate modelers owing to its small space and time scales. Quantifying this variability is important for comparing simulations of atmospheric behavior with real time observations. In this regard, this paper compares both the statistical and dynamically forced aspects of precipitation variability simulated by the high-resolution (36?km) Nested Regional Climate Model (NRCM), with satellite observations from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 dataset and simulations from the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) at T85 spatial resolution. Six years of rainfall rate data (2000?C2005) from within the Tropics (30°S?C30°N) have been used in the analysis and results are presented in terms of long-term mean rain rates, amplitude and phase of the annual cycle and seasonal mean maps of precipitation. Our primary focus is on characterizing the annual cycle of rainfall over four land regions of the Tropics namely, the Indian Monsoon, the Amazon, Tropical Africa and the North American monsoon. The lower tropospheric circulation patterns are analyzed in both the observations and the models to identify possible causes for biases in the simulated precipitation. The 6-year mean precipitation simulated by both models show substantial biases throughout the global Tropics with NRCM/CAM systematically underestimating/overestimating rainfall almost everywhere. The seasonal march of rainfall across the equator, following the motion of the sun, is clearly seen in the harmonic vector maps. The timing of peak rainfall (phase) produced by NRCM is in closer agreement with the observations compared to CAM. However like the long-time mean, the magnitude of seasonal mean rainfall is greatly underestimated by NRCM throughout the Tropical land mass. Some of these regional biases can be attributed to erroneous circulation and moisture surpluses/deficits in the lower troposphere in both models. Overall, the results seem to indicate that employing a higher spatial resolution (36?km) does not significantly improve simulation of precipitation. We speculate that a combination of several physics parameterizations and lack of model tuning gives rise to the observed differences between NRCM and the observations.  相似文献   

利用1998-2014年热带测雨(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission,TRMM)卫星上携带的闪电成像仪(light ning imaging sensor,LIS)数据,建立西北太平洋热带气旋闪电数据集,并研究该区域热带气旋闪电属性特征.结果 表明:热带气旋闪电各属性值均呈对数正态分...  相似文献   

R. Krishnan  M. Sugi 《Climate Dynamics》2003,21(3-4):233-242
Recent studies have furnished evidence for interdecadal variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The importance of this phenomenon in causing persistent anomalies over different regions of the globe has drawn considerable attention in view of its relevance in climate assessment. Here, we examine multi-source climate records in order to identify possible signatures of this longer time scale variability on the Indian summer monsoon. The findings indicate a coherent inverse relationship between the inter-decadal fluctuations of Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) and the Indian monsoon rainfall during the last century. A warm (cold) phase of the Pacific interdecadal variability is characterized by a decrease (increase) in the monsoon rainfall and a corresponding increase (decrease) in the surface air temperature over the Indian subcontinent. This interdecadal relationship can also be confirmed from the teleconnection patterns evident from long-period sea level pressure (SLP) dataset. The SLP anomalies over South and Southeast Asia and the equatorial west Pacific are dynamically consistent in showing an out-of-phase pattern with the SLP anomalies over the tropical central-eastern Pacific. The remote influence of the Pacific interdecadal variability on the monsoon is shown to be associated with prominent signals in the tropical and southern Indian Ocean indicative of coherent inter-basin variability on decadal time scales. If indeed, the atmosphere–ocean coupling associated with the Pacific interdecadal variability is independent from that of the interannual El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), then the climate response should depend on the evolutionary characteristics of both the time scales. It is seen from our analysis that the Indian monsoon is more vulnerable to drought situations, when El Niño events occur during warm phases of the Pacific interdecadal variability. Conversely, wet monsoons are more likely to prevail, when La Niña events coincide during cold phases of the Pacific interdecadal variability.  相似文献   

中国及周边海域对流云团的水平和垂直尺度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2007年1月-2010年12月CloudSat-CALIPSO二级云产品2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR,统计中国及其周边海域对流云的发生频率,根据对流云发生频率的分布特征将中国及周边海域划分为青藏高原(TP)、东部陆地(EC)、南部海域(SO)和西北太平洋(WP)4个子区域,并研究了4个子区域积云团和深对流云团的水平尺度和垂直尺度。统计结果表明,海洋积云团的水平尺度约为2 km,陆地积云团的水平尺度约为1 km,海洋下垫面热力性质均匀,积云团尺度更大;陆地下垫面非均匀性强,积云团分布更为零散。深对流云团的水平尺度为10-50 km,东部陆地最大,约为45 km,西北太平洋最小,约为30 km。陆地深对流云团水平尺度较海洋上大,且多尺度特征显著,应该与深对流云发生的复杂天气背景有关。积云团的垂直尺度范围为0.24-2 km,4个区域无明显差异。垂直尺度海洋深对流云团大于陆地云团,其中在南部海域地区最大,约为15 km,青藏高原最小,约为10 km。与陆地云团相比,海洋深对流云团表现为水平尺度更小、垂直尺度更大的中尺度对流体特征。   相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to investigate the spatial and temporal structures of precipitation over the Korean Peninsula using extensive AWS (automatic weather stations) observation network data for the summertime from May to September. Additionally TRMM/PR precipitation data in the southern part of peninsula was used to investigate the vertical structure. For the spatial and temporal scales of hourly precipitation, the e-folding threshold approach was employed to cut off the correlation in terms of distance in km and time in hours. From a correlation analysis of AWS precipitation in terms of time and space, it was found out that the e-folding distance and e-folding time in correlation coefficients ranged from 50 km–110 km and 1 h–2 h. The shortest distance and time in e-folding values were found to be in July and August. Precipitation structures in May and September tended to be isotropic, a cell-type structure, and those of July and August had an apparent band type, from the southwest to northeast. In the case of the vertical feature of precipitation, the correlation with height showed that the vertically efficient height was within 5 km as convective rain cells with a monthly difference of 1.2 km. In this study, the coastal effect tended to slightly increase threshold values.  相似文献   

0302号(鲸鱼)台风降水和水粒子空间分布的三维结构特征   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5  
由于缺乏关于台风结构信息的高分辨率资料,即探测台风云系内部结构特征的技术限制,造成了进一步理解台风的动力传送特征的困难.作者用热带测雨卫星(TRMM,Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)的测雨雷达(PR,Precipitation Radar)和TRMM微波图像仪(TMI,TRMM Microwave Imager)资料详细研究了"鲸鱼"台风(0302号)于2003年4月16日1105 UTC的降水和降水云系中各种水粒子的三维结构特征.通过分析发现该时刻:(1)台风降水中大部分区域为层性降水(占总降水面积的85.5%),对流性降水占总降水面积的13.1%,但对流性降水的贡献却达到41.8%,所以,虽然对流性降水所占面积比例很少,但是它对总降水量的贡献却很大.(2)60%降水主要集中在距离台风中心100 km以内的区域,约占总降水量的60%.(3)各种水粒子含量随着与台风中心距离的增加而减少.降水云系中水粒子最大含量出现高度与水粒子的种类和与台风中心的距离有关.最后,分析了台风降水和降水云系中三维分布的成因.  相似文献   

Soil moisture variability of various spatial scales is analyzed based on empirical orthogonal function (EOF) method using soil moisture datasets with various spatial resolutions: 1 km eco-hydrological model simulation, 0.25° passive microwave (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System, AMSR-E) dataset, and 0.5° land surface model simulation from Climate Predictor Center (CPC). All three datasets generate EOFs that explain similar variances with those generated from in situ observations from agro-meteorological network. Using AMSR-E product and eco-hydrological model simulation, it is found that the primary spatial pattern of soil moisture obtained from watershed scale has a strong connection to topographic attributes, followed by soil texture and rainfall variability, as suggested by the correlation between the primary EOF mode (EOF1) of soil moisture and landscape attributes. However, the EOF analysis of both AMSR-E and CPC datasets at regional scale reaches the conclusion that soil texture indices, such as sand and clay content, is of higher importance to soil moisture EOF1 spatial pattern (explaining 61 % variance) than topography is. Furthermore, correlation between soil moisture EOF1 and soil property is higher in spring than in autumn, which indicates that soil water-holding and drainage capabilities are more important under dry conditions. At national scale, the combined effects of topographic feature and soil property are clearly exhibited in EOF1. The study results reveal that different emphases should be placed on accurate acquisition of landscape attributes for soil moisture estimation according to various spatial scales.  相似文献   

In urban drainage systems, knowledge of short-duration rainfall events can be considered as one of the most critical elements when their hydrological behaviour wants to be investigated. The temporal resolution of rainfall data usually available for practical applications is often lower than the data requested for the design procedures or mathematical models application, greatly affecting their reliability. Moreover, when high resolution rain gauges are available in the catchment, the registration period cannot be sufficiently long for obtaining practically usable statistical analyses. The present study proposes a method for estimating the distribution of sub-hourly extreme rainfalls at sites where data for time interval of interest do not exist, but rainfall data for longer duration are available. The proposed method is based on the “scale-invariance” (or “scaling”) theory whose concepts imply that statistical properties of the extreme rainfall processes for different temporal scales are self-related by a scale-changing operator involving only the scale ratio. The methodology is applied to extreme rainfall data from a rain gauge network within the metropolitan area of Palermo (Italy). Following the application, it is shown that the statistical properties of the rainfall series have a simple scaling property over the range of duration 10 min–24 h. A simple parsimonious analytical formulation for the DDF curves, which embodies the scaling behaviour, is presented.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the evaluation of 3-hourly 0.25° × 0.25° satellite-based rainfall estimates produced by the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA). The evaluation is performed during six heavy rainfall events that were generated by tropical storms passing over Louisiana, United States. Two surface-based rainfall datasets from gauge and radar observations are used as a ground reference for evaluating the real-time (RT) version of the TMPA product and the post-real-time bias adjusted research version. The evaluation analysis is performed at the native temporal and spatial scales of the TMPA products, 3-hourly and 0.25° × 0.25°. Several graphical and statistical techniques are applied to characterize the deviation of the TMPA estimates from the reference datasets. Both versions of the TMPA products track reasonably well the temporal evolution and fluctuations of surface rainfall during the analyzed storms with moderate to high correlation values of 0.5–0.8. The TMPA estimates reported reasonable levels of rainfall detection especially when light rainfall rates are excluded. On a storm scale, the TMPA products are characterized by varying degrees of bias which was mostly within ± 25% and ± 50% for the research and RT products, respectively. Analysis of the error distribution indicated that, on average, the TMPA products tend to overestimate small rain rates and underestimate large rain rates. Compared to the real-time estimates, the research product shows significant improvement in the overall and conditional bias, and in the correlation coefficients, with slight deterioration in the probability of detecting rainfall occurrences. A fair agreement in terms of reproducing the tail of the distribution of rain rates (i.e., probability of surface rainfall exceeding certain thresholds) was observed especially for the RT estimates. Despite the apparent differences with surface rainfall estimates, the results reported in this study highlight the TMPA potential as a valuable resource of high-resolution rainfall information over many areas in the world that lack capabilities for monitoring landfalling tropical storms.  相似文献   

利用热带测雨卫星搭载的测雨雷达10年探测结果,就季尺度亚洲对流降水和层云降水的降水频次和强度及降水垂直结构的特点进行了研究.结果表明春、秋、冬三季东亚季平均降水环西太平洋副热带高压呈带状分布,雨强一般不超过10 mm/d;夏季,沿孟加拉湾、中国西南、中国东部至日本的大片雨区中出现了大于12 mm/d强降水;亚洲陆面对流和层云降水强度均弱于洋面.亚洲山地强迫不但可引起迎风坡上千公里长度的高降水频次和强降水带,而且导致其下风方向降水频次减少.季尺度降水频次分析表明,亚洲大部分地区对流降水频次小于3%;而层云降水频次一般大于3%,最高可超过10%;副热带高压南侧及西南侧的热带地区对流和层云降水频次均高于副热带高压北侧及西北侧的中纬度地区;降水频次的区域分布还表明,春季中南半岛至中国华南及南海南部对流活动多于同期的印度次大陆.季平均对流和层云降水廓线的季节变化主要表现为"雨顶"高度的季节变化,即降水云的厚度变化;两类降水平均廓线季节变化的区域性差异表明,热带外地区较热带地区显著、陆面较同纬度洋面显著、孟加拉湾比南海显著,而南海和西太平洋暖池无明显的季节变化.此外,降水结构的剖面分析还表明对流降水存在4层结构、层云降水存在3层结构.  相似文献   

Multifractal analysis can provide parameters associated with different scales of rainfall, which may be useful for setting up parsimonious downscaling models of rainfall, or for revealing climate-specific properties. Time series of rain rate with 1-min resolution collected from ten stations over a monsoon watershed in eastern China were used to study the multifractal properties. The power spectra estimated by fast Fourier transform (FFT) and discrete Haar wavelet transform (DWT) showed three scaling regimes: the sub-hourly scaling regime with β?≈?1.2, the scaling regime from 1 h to 1 day with β close to 0.6, and the low-frequency spectra plateau with β?≈?0.1. From the hyperbolic tails of exceeding probability distributions, the estimated values of parameter q c are in 2–2.5, which were consistent with the critical order of K(q) curves. The statistical moments display two main scaling regimes: the high-frequency regime from 3 min to 5 days and the scaling regime beyond 5 days. The scales of 5–10 days seem a transitional regime. The reason that the regimes, revealed by the power spectra, disagree with the statistical moments may be that both FFT and DWT power spectra have limited abilities of analyzing low-frequency scaling but are sensitive to the properties in high-frequency scales. The H values estimated for the regime of sub-hourly scales are larger than 0.4, and the values for the regime 1 h–1 day are close to 0.1. For the low-frequency scales beyond 1 day, negative H is obtained by DWT power spectra. The parameters of universal multifractal models were also estimated. The values of α for the scaling range of 1 min–5 days are 0.486?±?0.047, and for the low-frequency scaling range, its values are 0.808?±?0.323. For the high- and low-frequency scaling ranges, the values of C 1 are 0.5 and 0.169, respectively, which is different from the values for daily rainfall series collected at the same rain gages.  相似文献   

Summary This study addresses the relationship between the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) and the coupled atmosphere/ocean system in the tropical Pacific on the interannual time scales. High positive correlations are found between ISM rainfall and both mixed layer sea water temperature (SWT) and sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies of the tropical western Pacific in the following winter. Negative correlations between ISM rainfall and SST in the central/eastern Pacific also appear to be most significant in the following winter. These parameters are correlated with each other mainly on a biennial time scale. Lag-correlations between the zonal wind and SST along the the equatorial Pacific show that the westerly (easterly) surface wind stress anomalies over the central/western Pacific are greatly responsible for the formation of negative (positive) SST/SWT anomalies in the western Pacific and positive (negative) SST/SWT anomalies in the central/eastern Pacific. Furthermore, it is evidenced that these lagcorrelations are physically based on the anomalies in the large-scale convection over the Asian monsoon region and the associated east-west circulation over the tropical Pacific, which first appear during the Indian summer monsoon season and evolve during the following autumn and winter. These results strongly suggest that the Asian summer monsoon may have an active, rather than a passive, role on the interannual variability, including the ENSO events, of the coupled atmosphere/ocean system over the tropical Pacific.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Rainfall over Vietnam is highly variable from north to south, due to the interaction of the monsoonal winds with the terrain. There is high rainfall from April to September, and little rainfall from October to March (except along the central Vietnam coast). In order to study the ability of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation stretched-grid Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model (CCAM) to capture the climatic and interannual variability of rainfall, downscaled simulations at approximately 20 km horizontal resolution over the region were produced for the period 1979–2001. A scale-selective digital filter was used to force the winds, temperature and sea-level pressure from the ERA-Interim reanalysis for length scales greater than about 700 km. For wind and temperature, the forcing is applied for pressure-sigma levels above about 0.9. ERA-Interim sea surface temperatures were used over the oceans. The simulations were primarily validated against the gridded Asian Precipitation Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Toward Evaluation of the Water Resources rainfall dataset and station observations using standard statistical methods. It was found that CCAM reproduces well the amount and spatial variability of rainfall, with an area-averaged bias for the entire study domain of less than 1 mm day?1; CCAM is also able to capture the rainfall pattern under different El Niño Southern Oscillation phases reasonably well for the dry season. For interannual variability, the simulation generally performed better for North and Central Vietnam than for South Vietnam, where rainfall variability was overestimated.  相似文献   

In this study, empirical orthogonal function was applied to analyze rainfall variability in the Nile basin based on various spatio-temporal scales. The co-occurrence of rainfall variability and the variation in selected climate indices was analyzed based on various spatio-temporal scales. From the highest to the lowest, the cumulative amount of variance explained by the first two principal components (PCs) for any selected size of the spatial domain was obtained for the annual, seasonal, and monthly rainfall series respectively. The variability in the annual rainfall of 1° × 1° spatial coverage explained by only the first PC was about 55% on average. However, this percentage reduced to about 40% on average across the study area when the size of the spatial domain was increased from 1° × 1° to 10° × 10°. The variation in climate indices was shown to explain rainfall variability more suitably at a regional than location-specific spatial scale. The magnitudes and sometimes signs of the correlation between rainfall variability and the variation in climate indices tended to vary from one time scale to another. These findings are vital in the selection of spatial and temporal scales for more considered attribution of rainfall variability across the study area.  相似文献   

Statistical models for rainfall downscaling based on multiple linear regression techniques have been developed and tested in the Andean Region of west Argentina, an extended mountainous region where three different rain regimes predominate and rainfall has great spatial and temporal variability. The verification procedure was focused on the model’s ability to reproduce observed rainfall trends in recent decades. In the northwest of Argentina, domain of the tropical summer rain regime, the monthly rainfall variance accounted for by downscaling models was 77% on average and models reproduced satisfactorily the negative linear trend observed in the last two decades of the past century. In the arid central-west Argentina, a region of rapid transition between two different rain regimes, model performance was rather poor (an average of 50% of explained variance), even so models were able to capture outstanding differences in the linear trend between the northern and southern sectors of the region. In the southwest of Argentina, domain of the mid-latitude winter rain regime, the monthly variance accounted for by downscaling models was 71% on average and models were capable to reproduce a singular change in the onset of the rainy season that occurred during the 1990s. The results achieved demonstrate that it is feasible to establish significant and useful statistical relationships between atmospheric variables and rainfall at monthly and river basin scales, even for a topographically complex region like western Argentina.  相似文献   

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