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Near the outskirts of the Albanian port of Durres on the Adriatic Coast, at a place called Porto Romano, an old chemical complex has been producing chromate salts for a period of ∼20 years (1972–1993). As a result large quantities of chromite ore processing residue (COPR) waste were released mainly as suspended particles and/or dissolved species in effluents, which settled in a decantation pond area, 200 × 250 m in size, east of the industrial plant. Unfortunately, pollutants were spread out with time. Knowing that chromium mobility and toxicity in natural settings is species dependent, the species characterization has been carried out in different sampling media (pond sediments, lagoonal sediments and water samples). Five pond profiles were sampled within the decantation area up to a depth of ∼1 m, till the underlying Quaternary lagoonal silty-clays were reached. Total Cr content is highly variable with values between 1,130 and 24,409 mg/kg which is clearly higher than the defined local background values for lagoonal silty-clays (198 mg/kg of Cr). Leaching of Cr(VI) especially occurs in the pond sediments, which are low in OC, CEC and clay content, under acidic and neutral pH conditions (e.g. up to ∼2,230 mg/kg Cr(VI) leached from a sample containing a total concentration of Cr 12,200 mg/kg). Moreover, leaching of the Cr(III) occurs only under strictly acidic conditions (maximum 1,144 mg/kg leached from a sample containing a total Cr-concentration of 17,608 mg/kg). In this study also a number of natural attenuation conditions (i.e. reaction with lagoonal clays rich in organic matter and iron as well as isomorphous substitution) have been recognized.  相似文献   

The area of the city of Tsumeb in northern Namibia is strongly affected by gaseous emissions and by dust fallout from the local smelter. This is also reflected in increased concentrations of lead and arsenic in blood and urine of the residents. Consequently, modeling of the dispersion of dust and SO2 emissions from the smelter was used in this study to delineate the contaminated area and to assess the health risks. The modeling results were verified by ground-based geochemical survey of soil and grass in the area. The results of modeling revealed that the concentrations of SO2 in the Tsumeb town were relatively low, whereas the highest dust fallout concentrations were found around the Tsumeb smelter. The Tsumeb town residential area was less affected due to favorable landscape morphology between the smelter and the city (the Tsumeb Hills).The results of modeling of dust fallout and geochemical survey coincided very well. Since the anthropogenic contamination was bound only to the surface layer of soil, the local soils were sampled at two depth horizons: topsoil and the deeper soil horizon. This enabled us to distinguish between the anthropogenic contamination of soil surface from natural (geogenic) concentrations of studied metals in the deeper part of the soil profile. Concentrations of metals in grass correlated with the concentration of metals in topsoil.In contrast to a good conformity with the modeling of dust fallout from the smelter and geochemical survey, the results of modeling of SO2 contents in the air, and total sulfur content in soils were different. Differences can be explained by additional sources of contamination, as for example a sulfate-rich dust fallout from local tailings ponds and slag dumps that were not considered in the SO2 dispersion model.The results of the present investigation can be used by the mining companies in the management of air quality, assessment of the efficacy of applied remediation measures, and in reducing the impact of dust fallout on the local ecosystem. The Municipal Administration may use these results to plan further development of the city of Tsumeb, especially in terms of further expansion of housing construction.  相似文献   

In the area surrounding the El Teniente giant porphyry copper deposit, eight soil sites were sampled at three depth levels in the summer 2004. The sites were selected for their theoretical potential of being influenced by past SO2 emissions from the smelter and/or seepage from a now idle tailings impoundment. The soil mineralogy, grain size distribution, total organic matter contents, major element composition, cation exchange capacity, and Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, As and SO4 2− concentrations were determined for all samples after nitric acid extraction and separate leaches by ammonium acetate (pH 7) and sodium acetate (pH 5). For water rinses, only Cu could be determined with the analytical set-up used. Cu and SO4 2− enrichment in topsoils was found at six sites either downwind from the smelter or within the combined influence of the smelter and the tailings impoundment. Both elements were released partially by ammonium and sodium acetate extractions. Due to the scarce background trace element concentrations of soil and rock outside the immediate mine area, assessment of trace element mobility for Mo, Zn, Pb and As was difficult. Arsenic was found to be concentrated in soil horizons with high smectite and/or organic matter contents. Mo appears to be linked to the presence of windblown tailings sediment in the soils. Mobilization of Mo, Zn, and As for the acetate extractions was minimal or below the detection limits for the AAS technique used. The presence of windblown tailings is considered to be an additional impact on the soils in the foothills of the El Teniente compound, together with the potential of acidity surges and Cu mobilization in topsoils after rainfalls. Two sites located at the western limit of the former SO2 saturated zone with strongly zeolitized soils and underlying rock did not show any Cu or SO4 2− enrichment in the topsoils, and remaining total trace element concentrations were below the known regional background levels.  相似文献   

In developing countries, large amounts of wastes are dumped daily in open dumping sites without proper management. This practice usually causes enhanced concentration of metallic ions in environmental media within and beyond the vicinity of such dumps with attendant adverse environmental and health risks. Hence the aim of this study is to assess and elucidate the physico- and metallic ions concentrations in three environmental media (soils, sediments and waters) around active (Ojota) and abandoned (Isolo) dumpsites in Lagos and also to do a comparative study with reference to possible environmental and health impacts. A total of eighty samples comprising water, sediments and topsoils were collected around the two dumpsites. The soil and sediment were dried, disaggregated and sieved to 〈75 μm fraction for analysis of the metallic ions using aqua-regia digestion technique and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The analysis of metallic ions and cations in water was carried out using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) while unacidified water samples were analyzed for anions concentrations using the DIONEX DX-120 Ion Chromatography techniques. Analytical results show that pH, NO3, Fe, Mn and Na in most of the water samples are above WHO and EPA standards. Also there are relatively strong correlations between NO3 and Cl, SO4, Coliform, TDS and EC which are an indicator of water contamination especially in the direction of groundwater flow. The mean values of the significant metallic ions present in the water samples include Cu (16.29 and 38.0), Zn (535.71 and 667.0), A1 (0.27 and 0.19), Ba (42.86 and 55.0), Sr (80.0 and 136.0) and B (118.7 and 160.2) for active (Ojota) and abandoned (Isolo) dnmpsites respectively. Soil samples revealed varied concentrations with the estimated average contamination factors of 3.86 and 5.71 (As), 1.60 and 1.93 (Mo), 3.41 and 4.24 (Zn), 0.93 and 2.23 (Cu), 7.71 and 12.64 (Pb), 8.71 and 9.21(Cd) for both active and abandoned sites respectively. All these metals with Ag are also significant and follow the same trend in the sediments. Ag, Bi, Sb, Ga, Sc, Mn, Ga and La in soil samples are only significant for samples close to the dnmpsites while Bi, Be, Sb, Co, Cu, La and Cr are significant for sediments taken downstream. Most of the metallic ions show significant enrichment in both soil and sediments while A1, B, Ba and Sr are only significant in water.  相似文献   

An investigation of the metallurgical complex surroundings in Elbasani, Albania used background samples to rule out the level of contamination in the study area. Our results show that atmospheric dust particles and soils are of high concern while overbank sediments and actual river sediments are of lower concern. The heavy metals with concentrations of up to 5 times above the local background values are Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Fe and Co in soils; Fe, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, Pb in dust particles; and, Cr and Zn in the actual river/stream sediments. Due to the small size of the dust particles and the atmospheric transportation mechanism primarily related to prevailing winds, the concern for the transport of dust particles is high, especially with respect to risks associated with inhalation. The people working and living in the vicinity of the metallurgical complex of Elbasani are at the highest risk of exposure. Concerns relating to soils are associated with the potential for translocation of the trace element particles into vegetation, in particular, within the upper part of the plants. Therefore, the consumption of the vegetables grown in the vicinity of the metallurgical site should be avoided. Special attention has been given to the Shkumbini river, where the long residence time of water and particulates may result in transitions of trace elements between dissolved and particulate phases downstream.  相似文献   

The importance of study of heavy metal distribution in river sediments is a component in understanding the exogenic cycling as well as in assessing the effect of anthropogenic influences of the elements. In India, the river Subernarekha flows over Precambrian terrain of Singhbhum craton in the eastern India. The geological succession in this part of India is through (1) iron ore series, (2) ultrabasic igneous rocks, (3) diorite, (4) granite, (5) newer dolerites, (6) newer tertiary and (7) alluvium. The first four groups belong to the Archaean era, and the representative is the iron ore series consisting of iron ore, manganese and chromite which are abundantly present. The primary rock types are schist and quartzite layers. One main tributary, the Kharkhai flow through granite and schist and quartzite layers. Two important creeks are Gurma and Garra, respectively. The former after originating in basic igneous area travels through schist quartzite, while the later one originates in granite area where some functional but old gold mines are located. Freshly deposited sediments of river were collected upstream and downstream the industrial zone (East Singhbhum district). Samples were collected from four locations and analysed in <63 μm sediment fraction for heavy metals like Ni, Co and Cr by adsorption stripping voltammetry on hanging mercury drop electrode and Hg by anodic stripping voltammetry using polished rotating gold disk electrode. Enrichment of these metals over and above the local natural concentration level (NCL) has been calculated and applied to determine metal-pollution index (MPI) proposed by Goncalves et al. and also geo-accumulation index (I geo) by Muller. Based on Muller’s classification, Ni, Cr and Hg have been classified from unpolluted to moderately polluted range in pre-monsoon period but for metals Ni and Cr, during the post-monsoon period the values have reached moderately polluted level while Hg has been classified under unpolluted to moderately polluted level except at the monitoring station situated upstream to Gurma Creek where it was found at unpolluted level. Presence of natural resources of the minerals is primarily the reason for their detection in river sediments (lithogenic) but some anthropogenic sources are also contributing for their presence at some sampling stations. Hg is considered to be chalcophilic in nature and is detected wherever known sulphidic ores of copper or nickel are present.  相似文献   

Overbank sediments of the Geul River (East Belgium) are highly contaminated by the heavy metals Pb, Zn, and Cd due to former Pb-Zn mining activities in the drainage basin. Geochemical variations in vertical overbank sediment profiles sampled 1 km north of the mine tailings of Plombiéres allow metal fluxes back to the 17th century to be reconstructed. The vertical profiles are subdivided into three major units corresponding to different industrial periods based on sedimentological criteria as well as on the distribution of contaminants. Alluvial sediments with the highest heavy metal concentrations correspond to the major period of mining activity of the 19th century. The fact that Zn mining at the La Calamine open mine started before large-scale mining of the PbS-ZnS subsurface exploitations is reflected in the vertical profiles by an increase in Zn content before a marked increase in Pb and Cu. The regional extent of contamination in the alluvial deposits was evaluated on the basis of the geochemical analysis of sediments at depths of the 0–20 cm and 80–100 cm. Most of the upper samples are extremely contaminated. Significant local variations in heavy metal concentration in the lower samples are interpreted in terms of which overbank sediment horizon has been sampled at a depth of 80–100 cm. This indicates that blind sampling of overbank sediments to characterize the degree of contamination in shallow boreholes can give very erratic results.  相似文献   

For experimental geochemical mapping soil was sampled in 5×5 km regular grid in Istria and the Slovenian littoral (Croatia and Slovenia). The territory consists predominantly of karstified limestones and dolomites, and of flysch beds exposed in two basins, Istrian and Brkini. In addition to soil, stream sediment was also collected in the flysh area. Sampling was performed according to an analysis of variance design that permitted one to estimate the effects of the sample medium, geographic position, sampling error and analytical error. The analysis of variance of chemical variables indicated that soil and stream sediment as sampling media lead to similar results in producing geochemical maps. The largest differences with respect to the lithologic substrate of soil is indicated by calcium. As shown by the geochemical map, calcium in soil is high on the Istrian flysch beds, and low on limestones as well as on the flysch beds of the Brkini basin. The two soils also differ in mineralogy. The reason for this difference seems to lie in soil genesis on limestone and on flysch, and in the variable calcium content of flysch beds. The results of Q-mode factor analysis confirmed the adherence of soil and stream sediment of the two flysch basins to two differing groups. This difference was discovered by geochemical mapping. The hypothesis of differing calcium content in the rocks of the two basins was confirmed by the investigation of fresh and weathered rocks and soils in eight profiles sampled in the Brkini and Istrian flysch basin. It was found that the sandstone and calcarenitic samples from the Istrian basin contain an average factor of 3.5 more Ca than those of the investigated Brkini basin, and the samples of Istrian marls 4 times more Ca than those of the Brkini siltstones. Furthermore, the investigated weathered rocks and soils that originated from these rocks in the Istrian basin contain considerably more Ca than in the Brkini basin. In comparison with sandstone and siltstone samples of the Brkini basin, sandstone, calcarenite and marl samples of the Istrian flysch basin contain less clay minerals, quartz and feldspars and more calcite.  相似文献   

Soil samples collected from various places in and around Mysore were analyzed for the total trace elements such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd. The results of the analysis indicate that the concentration of lead and cadmium in soils is below 2.5 g ml–1 and 0.2 g ml–1, respectively, which are the minimum detection levels, whereas the concentration of iron, manganese, copper, and zinc in most of the samples is within the global average ranges of 3%, 500–1000 g g–1, 15–40 g g–1, and 50–100 g g–1, respectively. The investigated area has the presence of gneisses and schists, in which partly there are igneous intrusions and pegmatitic intrusions. There are amphibolite enclaves in gneisses that account for the higher concentration of trace elements. The lower concentration may be attributed to the presence of silicic type of rock.  相似文献   

This paper examines the surface sediments collected from Dongping Lake in China for speciation and distribution of toxic heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd) in different grain size fractions, and for the factors that need to be considered in potential hazard of metals to the environment. Four grain size fractions (<63, 63–78, 78–163 and 163–280 μm), divided in wet condition, and bulk samples less than 280 μm in diameter were analyzed for their distribution, density and appearance. A three-stage extraction procedure following the BCR protocol was used to chemically fractionate metals into “acid soluble”, “reducible”, “oxidizable” and “residual” fractions. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the datasets. The results showed that <63 μm grain size part constitutes the major proportion of the sediments, but its density is the smallest among the four grain size fractions. In general, the metal content curve against grain size presents “S” distribution, and the highest concentrations do not exist in <63 μm grain size. Appearance observation indicates that the adsorbed substance increases gradually along with the decreasing grain size. The dominant speciation of elements and the extent of pollution are responsible for the metal distribution in different grain size sediments. While studying bioavailability and mobilization of metals, it is advisable to take metal speciation, grain size distribution and density into consideration.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1999,12(2):57-70
An analysis of the functioning of the valley slope/ stream system is carried out in the catchment area of the Tortue, a hilly, sandy region, east of Le Mans. The swift restructuring of plots is responsible for two types of morphogenesis: Chronic erosion accounts for the slow transfer of sediments towards the lower part of plots and slopes. The overland flow caused by the restructuring of surface soil erodes some 150 to 200 kg ha−1 during the month following sowing. But the limited amount of deposits (the Royeau brook carries away less than 50 kg ha−1 per month) proves the existence of numerous relays. Catastrophic erosion, triggered by storm showers tailing on dry soils with sparse vegetation led, in 1988 and 1990, to extensive gullying and longitudinal transportation that modified stream dynamics. Taken away partly from the stocks accumulated through chronic erosion, the sand flow progresses slowly downstream with the floods.  相似文献   

The role of both natural weathering and anthropogenic pollution in controlling the distribution of major oxides and several trace elements in soils, stream sediments, and rocks of the Fiume Grande catchment was evaluated. The contents of major oxides and trace elements in soils appear to be governed by weathering and pedogenetic processes, although the use of fertilizers in agriculture could also partly affect K2O and P2O5 contents. Stream sediments have concentrations of major oxides (except CaO) very similar to soils, as relevant amounts of soil materials are supplied to the stream channels by erosive phenomena. In contrast, stream sediments have concentrations of Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, As, and Pb significantly higher than those of soils, probably due to different conditions and rates of mobility of these elements within the three considered matrices and/or disposal of wastes in the drainage network. Comparison of the concentrations of PHEs in soils with the maximum admissible contents established by the Italian law shows that these limits are too restrictive in some cases and too permissive in other ones. The approach of setting these limits with no consideration for the local geological–geochemical framework may lead to improper management of the territory and its resources. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The computer program PHREEQC was used to determined the distribution, chemical speciation and mineral saturation indices in a fresh groundwater environment with limited mining activities in the adjoining areas. The aim was mainly to determine the potential risk of a coastal plain aquifer contamination by some potentially toxic elements. The results show that the elements Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sr, and Zn are distributed as free metal ions. Arsenic is in the neutral form of H3AsO3 o, while three species of aluminium [Al3+, AlOH2, Al(OH)2 +] dominate. The major species of uranium include UO2CO3, UO22++, UO2+, and UO2OH+, respectively, in order of abundance. The groundwater is saturated with respect to alunite [KAl3 (SO4)2 (OH)6], basaluminite [Al4 (OH)10 SO4], boehmite [Al(OH)], Cu metal (Cu), cuprous ferrite (CuFeO2), diaspore [AlO(OH)], gibbsite [Al(OH)3], goethite (FeOOH), hematite (Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4) and uraninite (UO2). Most of the species are not mobile under the prevailing pH (3.3 to 5.9) and Eh (7 to 158 mV) conditions. The mobile ones are very low in concentration and will be immobilized by precipitation of mineral phases. The study concludes that presently these species do not pose any risk to the aquifer.  相似文献   

The sedimentological study of thirteen sediment cores from the periplatform setting surrounding Pedro Bank (Northern Nicaragua Rise, Caribbean Sea) shows that during the last 300 ka turbidite deposition is controlled by at least four factors: (1) late Quaternary sea level fluctuations, (2) prolific fine-grained sediment production and export resulting in oversteepening of the upper slope environment, (3) the proximity to the bank margin, and (4) local slope and seafloor morphology. The most intriguing finding of this study is the paucity of turbidites, with only 101 turbidites in 13 cores in this tectonically active setting near the Caribbean plate boundary. Throughout the last 300 ka, the frequency of turbidite input during interglacial stages is three times higher than during glacial stages. Also it is obvious that changes in sea level influence the timing of turbidite deposition. This is especially evident during the transgressions resulting in rapid renewed bank-top flooding, subsequent neritic sediment overproduction, and offbank export. The flooding event during each transgression is usually recorded by the onset of turbidite deposition at various sites along several platform-to-basin transects in down- and upcurrent slope settings. Overall, however, more turbidites are deposited during the regressive rather than the transgressive phases in sea level, probably as a result of sediment reorganisation on the slope resulting in slope failure. Five cores show "highstand bundling" of calciturbidites, i.e. higher number of turbidites during highstands than during lowstands in sea level.  相似文献   

 The Oka River basin is located in the Urdaibai National Biosphere Reserve, North Spain. In order to obtain a preliminary view of its environmental conditions, nitric acid extractable Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni and Co, organic matter content (L.O.I.), geochemical fractionation of heavy metals and mineralogical composition were analysed in surficial sediments (fraction <63 μm) collected in October 1991. Relatively high concentrations of metals occurred in a sampling site upstream, due to a local natural enrichment controlled by weathering of volcanic rocks. Geochemical fractionation confirmed the lithogenic origin of metals, which were mainly associated to the detrital phase. The significant increase of heavy metals found in some samples collected in the municipal area of Gernika suggested a pollution effect, related to anthropogenic wastes. Large amounts of metallic slags have been found mixed with the sediments upstream from this locality. Nevertheless, in view of their composition, it is unlikely that these slags constitute a significant source of heavy metals in the studied area. In a second sampling in October 1997 an apparent decreasing trend in some heavy metal levels was noted, particularly for Pb and Cu. Nowadays, enrichment factors relative to background values confirm moderate anthropogenic influence on Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Ni concentrations. However, heavy metal levels in the Oka river sediments are much lower than those detected in other major rivers of the Basque Country (Nervión, Urumea, Deba). Received: 7 July 1997 · Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   

Z. Borovec 《GeoJournal》1993,29(4):359-364
Sequential extraction of the fine fraction (63 µm) of the bottom sediments of the Labe river in Central Bohemia indicates that the readily reducible sediment fraction is a major reservoir of silver for release into the aqueous phase. Molybdenum is preferentially mobilized by ion-exchange, while beryllium is accumulated in all the chemical fractions of the sediments, especially in the moderately reducible and the organic/sulphidic phases.Contamination of the aquatic system from anthropogenic sources is characterized by the formation of relatively unstable chemical forms and only a small portion of these elements remain in the stable residual fraction.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution in the surficial sediments derived from estuary in Daliao River and Yingkou Bay is investigated in the present work in order to assess environmental quality and pollution levels. Physicochemical parameters of surficial sediments (sediment type and TOC) and the overlying water (temperature, EC, pH and dissolved oxygen) are also studied. The total concentrations of Cd, Cr, Mn and Ni in the samples are determined using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The result indicates the comparatively low concentrations of the four metals (the max. of 0.67 mg/kg of Cd, 85.80 mg/kg of Cr, 1073.00 mg/kg of Mn and 38.62 mg/kg of Ni), the distribution rule of four metals in different regions of the studying area and the sources of the pollution. The methods of index of geoaccumulation, potential ecological risk index and pollution load index are used to assess the degree of contamination, distribution character and the sequence of pollution level in different regions which reflect the overall low values and low pollution level. The six-step sequential extraction method is used to determine the chemical forms of the four metals in order to evaluate their possible mobility, bioavailability and toxicity in surficial sediments. Cd and Mn are mostly concentrated in the CARB fraction, while Ni and Cr are mostly concentrated in the RES fraction. The mobility of the metals has the following order (average value): Cd > Mn > Ni > Cr.  相似文献   

Freshwater chlorophycean algae are characteristic organic-walled microfossils in recent coastal and shelf sediments from the Beaufort, Laptev and Kara seas (Arctic Ocean). The persistent occurrence of the chlorophycean algae Pediastrum spp. and Botryococcus cf. braunii in marine palynomorph assemblages is related to the discharge of freshwater and suspended matter from the large Siberian and North American rivers into the Arctic shelf seas. The distribution patterns of these algae in the marine environments reflect the predominant deposition of riverine sediments and organic matter along the salinity gradient from the outer estuaries and prodeltas to the shelf break. Sedimentary processes overprint the primary distribution of these algae. Resuspension of sediments by waves and bottom currents may transport sediments in the bottom nepheloid layer along the submarine channels to the shelf break. Bottom sediments and microfossils may be incorporated into sea ice during freeze-up in autumn and winter leading to an export from the shelves into the deep sea. The presence of these freshwater algae in sea-ice and bottom sediments in the central Arctic Ocean confirm that transport in sea ice is an important process which leads to a redistribution of shallow water microfossils.  相似文献   

Sr and Nd isotopes were applied to 5 soil profiles from the Muravera area, in south-eastern Sardinia.All the soils, which have developed during the Quaternary on the Lower Paleozoic metamorphic basement except for one on Eocene carbonates, are located far from major sources of pollution. Therefore, they are suitable for testing pedogenic processes and geochemical evolution to benefit for environmental studies.The Sr isotopic ratios range largely (δ87Sr = 1.7–65.9‰), even in each soil profile. In particular, the observed increase of δ87Sr with depth in the most of the metamorphic rock-based soils can be accounted for by the downward decrease of Sr contributions from organic matter and Saharan dust, both displaying lower isotopic ratios than the soil bedrocks. The carbonate rock-based soil exhibits δ87Sr higher (1.7–18.1‰) than the bedrock, indicating a significant contribution of radiogenic Sr from the siliciclastic fraction of the soil, and probably from dust input. The Nd isotopic ratios are slightly variable through the profiles (ɛNd from −7.8 to −14.5), confirming little mobility of Nd and Sm during the pedogenesis. Among the minerals present in the soils, phosphates, albite, and calcite are those important in providing low radiogenic Sr and Nd to organic matter of the soils.Lastly, this isotopic study has in particular allowed for evaluating the potential proportion of contribution of Saharan dust to south-eastern Sardinia, thus corroborating the findings of other studies related to soils from the central-western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

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