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由中国水利水电科学研究院研制的山洪灾害预警系统投入使用,主要包括山洪及地质灾害易发区雨量、水位自动采集等自然灾害防御应急通信网络、基于GIS的山洪灾害预报预警与决策支持系统预警发布平台等。系统可以清晰显示水库水位变化情况、水库实时库容,以及是否需要采取开闸泄洪等措施降低水位等。  相似文献   

一、引言以海洋、河流、湖泊、水库等水体为代表的测量是陆海空天地一体化测绘体系的重要组成部分,相对于空天地测量而言,水域测量方面比较薄弱。因此,应大力发展海洋、河道测量技术,加快配备综合测量船,以便于其应用到数字水利、智慧航道、海洋海岛测绘等领域。通常,水域三维地理空间信息主要包括水上和水下两个部分。在采集方式方面,传统的  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种利用河流两岸GPS水准点之间的大地高高差及水准测量高差来拟合跨河点之间正常高高差的方法,并对高差拟合的几种数学模型进行了探讨和研究。该方法只关心GPS水准点间的高差而不必考虑其高程系统,避免了通常的高程拟合方法中河流两岸的水准高程系统必须相同且只能利用已知高程点进行外推计算的缺点,为解决高山峡谷、海岛及其他困难地区的跨河水准测量提供了一种简便而又实效的新方法,与常规跨河水准测量方法相比,成果精度及工效得到大幅度的提高。最后采用该方法对四川南充的试验数据进行了分析处理,表明GPS水准测量方法完全可以达到并优于常规跨河水准测量方法的精度。  相似文献   

利用GIS软件,以大汶河流域雪野水库近年的TM影像为基础资料,根据GIS的栅格数据矢量化处理应用原理进行了水库库区矢量和栅格文件的处理,提出了基于GIS技术的水库水域面积的提取分析方法,结合水文统计观测数据,得到水库汛期水位面积曲线,相比传统的水库面积量算方法,具有快速、精准、效率高的优势,大大简化了测量过程。为水库更进一步的水文分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

运用GIS的空间分析功能,借助Logistic回归分析方法构建从化流溪河流域先秦时期遗址分布预测模型,得出遗址分布与海拔等自然地理要素之间的定量关系.结果表明,从化流溪河流域先秦遗址分布受自然因素影响显著,其中河流缓冲区(距河流距离)对遗址分布影响最大,海拔高程、坡度影响次之,坡向则对遗址分布影响甚微.遗址预测模型显示较高概率分布区集中分布于从化流溪河中下游干流、潖江河干流及两侧大型一二级支流两岸;较低概率区集中分布于从化流溪河中下游干流、潖江河远离河道的区域.此外,从化流溪河上游广阔地区除大型河流两岸外,多属于低概率分布区.经Kvamme增益统计方法检验,遗址预测模型能有效识别遗址分布较高概率区,将为未来的考古调查工作提供参考,减少盲目性.  相似文献   

介绍利用RTK,GIS等现代技术和手段,进行水库库容测量、编制库容表、绘制库容曲线的作业模式和方法,为中小水库建立基于GIS的防洪和营运管理系统所需空间基础数据的采集提出一种解决方案。  相似文献   

综合运用遥感图像处理系统和地理信息系统,探讨一种无需编程即可快速计算水库溃坝后所产生的洪水量、下游淹没水深和淹没面积的溃坝模拟方法,适用于溃坝源头与淹没区落差较大地区。以青海大南川水库灌溉区的南川河流域作为研究区域,假定由于暴雨、地震等自然灾害的发生使得大南川水库坝体瞬间溃决而形成有源洪水,计算洪水到达时间、淹没区的洪水深度和淹没面积,并分析洪水造成的损失情况,通过模拟计算,其结果比较接近实际。  相似文献   

湖北省水利水电勘测设计院是全国水利行业46个甲级资格工程勘察设计单位之一,也是国家测绘局批准的甲级测绘单位。全院职工总人数为649人,其中教授级高级工程师42人、高级工程师163人。我院主要从事河流及区域水利规划、水库、水电站、涵闸、河道整治、堤防工程、机电排灌、水土保持与监测、供水排水、地下工程等勘测、设计、试验、规划以及工程总承包、工程建设监理、技术咨询等业务。完成了全省长江、汉江堤防共3081km中的1904km的堤防设计任务;设计了国内外大、中型水库40余座,泵站10余座,船闸30余座,电站40余座,流域和地区规划30余项,工…  相似文献   

差分GPS RTK技术在富春江水库库容测量中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
采用以GPS定位和测深技术为基础的三维数据自动采集系统,通过快速准确地采集高密度、高精度的水下地形数据,利用有关软件进行测量数据综合处理的方法,实现了对浙江富春江水库库容测量自动成图及库容计算,并通过对其实测数据成果的分析,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

针对水库和堤防具有防洪、蓄水、灌溉、供水、调节生态平衡等多项功能,关系到人民生命财产安全,目前多数中小型水库的信息化系统建设仍相对落后的问题。该文探讨利用已有基础地理信息数据和地理国情普查数据,结合水利部门专题数据,开展水库堤防地理信息的采集、建库方法研究,并以江西省为试验区域,建立了全省统一、权威的水库与堤防专题地理信息数据库。从而为防汛工程专题地理信息系统提供数据支持,为"数字水利""智慧水利"的建设搭建地理空间框架。  相似文献   

In order to understand the dynamic aspects of suspended sediments in an inland water body, Tungabhadra reservoir on the Tungabhadra river in the Krishna basin was studied. The study has been carried out using Landsat MSS and IRS-1 A LISS-II images. Visual interpretation techniques have been used to obtain information on the location and extent of sediment distribution pattern in the water-spread area of the reservoir. It has been possible to monitor the seasonal fluctuations in the reservoir water-spread; measure corresponding fluctuation in the volume of water in the reservoir, and study seasonal changes in the suspended sediment distribution pattern in the reservoir. An attempt has also been made to prepare area capacity curve for the reservoir. Semi-quantitative assessment of sediment deposits between reservoir levels were made considering water spread area from the satellite images (May 1986, April 1987, Jan. 1988, Jan. 1989 and March 1989) and sedimentation survey report of KERS 1985, (Karnataka Engineering Research Station). The results indicated that the high Concentration of sediments is at the western confluence of the Tungabhadra river. On the basis of tonal variation as observed, the reservoir could be divided into four major zones, viz., very high and high at the river confluence, moderate at the periphery and low at the dam site.  相似文献   

The flood-affected areas in Siras district, Haryana, was mapped during 1993 using IRS-1A LISS-II data. Two categories of flood-affected areas viz. (i) standing water, and (ii) wet areas were identified. The flood water was standing in an area of 19676.25 ha, while wet areas covered 16773.75 ha., Silting of Ottu reservoir, mismanagement of river banks and bunds and lack of drainage system were identified, as major causes of floods. Three management practices including (i) desilting of Ottu reservoir, (ii) proper management of river banks and bands, and (iii) constructions of drains to flush out flood water have been suggested to contain the fury of floods. This study will be useful to the planners and administrators in the planning of flood-affected areas.  相似文献   

利用资源三号(ZY-3)高分辨率遥感影像提取三峡库区水体数据,通过负荷格林函数积分模型法计算出三峡水库蓄水过程中水体对地壳形变及对大地水准面的影响。研究发现:1三峡库区近岸地壳垂直形变与水库水位呈负相关关系,大地水准面与水库水位呈正相关关系;水位上升,长江近岸地面水平向内形变,方向指向江心;2三峡水库蓄水造成的地壳垂直形变最大可达35mm左右,大地水准面形变最大值在8mm左右,而对库区地壳水平形变影响不超过0.5mm;3出现形变最大值的地点是忠县环湾一带,而并非是三峡大坝周边。  相似文献   

Availability of Water resources is not uniform in space and time resulting in deficient and surplus areas. In India, the idea of interlinking of river is proposed for many years to transfer water from surplus regions to water deficient areas. Ken-Betwa river link proposes to transfer 659 MCM of surplus waster from Ken basin to Betwa basin in order to utilise for irrigation and water supply by constructing new projects. Before taking up any new projects feasibility assessment studies are essential. In this context, satellite remote sensing plays vital role in providing required information for the feasibility assessment studies. The processes involved in deriving the satellite based information are explained with Ken-Betwa case study. Using this satellite derived information reservoir submergence analysis and irrigation command analysis were described for one proposed dam site namely Neemkheda. The results of the analysis provide the decision makers to arrive at selection of suitable sites among the proposed dam sites and the final reservoir levels and area that can be irrigated under its command.  相似文献   

长江上游重点水土流失区遥感动态监测及泥沙输移分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以嘉陵江流域重点产沙区为试点,选择1992和1996年两个时段,通过遥感、GIS以及数学模型相结合的方法对水土流失现状和水土保持效益进行调查分析,建立水土流失变化动态监测信息系统,并从流域的土壤侵蚀推测和分析流域河流泥沙的输移变化。  相似文献   

In the present study, prioritization of sub-watersheds was carried out on the basis of sediment production rate. Further, basic hydrologic information such as peak rate of runoff and annual surface water potential were also assessed for the study watersheds and these are essential requisites for effective watershed management. The 10 sub watersheds of Tarai development project area are selected for the present study. Morphometric parameters pertaining to study area are used in the estimation of sediment production rate. The sediment production rate in the study area varies between 2.45 to 11.0 ha-m/100 km2/year. The remote sensing data has been utilized for generating land use/land cover data which is an essential prerequisite for land and water resource planning and development. The remote sensing data can especially play significant role in collection of real time information from remote areas of river basins for generation of parameters required for hydrologic modeling.  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄放水对地面重力变化的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前对地面重力的影响分析多采用模拟计算,从而导致对蓄放水的影响范围和程度分析还存在不足的问题,该文利用资源三号(ZY-3)高分辨率多光谱遥感影像提取了三峡库区江河湖库水体数据,结合水位数据,通过负荷格林函数积分模型,计算出三峡水库蓄放水导致水位升降的过程中水体对地面重力变化的影响。研究发现:(1)以1a为周期,三峡库区库岸及长江近岸地面重力的变化趋势与水库的蓄放水时期对应;(2)三峡水库放水期间水位下降,水库库岸及长江近岸地面重力减小;蓄水期间水位上升,地面重力增大;(3)三峡水库蓄放水对库岸及长江近岸的地面重力影响最大可达1 000μGal以上,且距离长江中心线越近,地面重力变化越大。  相似文献   

石漠化敏感性指的是区域在自然状况下发生石漠化现象的可能性大小,开展石漠化敏感性评价对区域生态环境的建设和可持续发展具有重要意义。本文以OLI影像为数据源,选取植被覆盖率、裸岩率和坡度作为评价指标,以地理信息技术为支撑开展禄劝县石漠化敏感性评价。评价结果显示:禄劝县轻度敏感面积为2 091 km~2,占总面积的57.492%;中度敏感面积为1 470 km~2,占总面积的40.418%;重度敏感面积为75.46 km~2,占总面积的2.075%;极度敏感面积为0.533 km~2,占总面积的0.015%。从空间分布上看,轻度敏感区主要分布于中西部地区;中度敏感集中分布于北部及南部地区;重度敏感主要分布于北部金沙江流域、东南部普渡河流域和云龙水库内流河沿线区域;极度敏感区主要分布在普渡河下游地区。总体而言,禄劝县石漠化敏感性相对较高,在区域开发与保护过程中应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

Traditional approaches of image classification, such as maximum likelihood and the band thresholding method, involve the per-pixel approach to delineate the water spread area of a reservoir. One of the limitations of these approaches is that the pixels representing the reservoir border, containing a mixture of water, soil and vegetation, are classified entirely as water, thereby resulting in inaccurate estimates of the water spread area. To compute the water spread area accurately, the sub-pixel approach has been used in this study. The water spread areas extracted using per-pixel and sub-pixel approaches from IRS-1D and P6 satellite image data were in turn used to quantify the capacity of the Singoor reservoir, Andhra Pradesh, India. The estimated capacity of the reservoir using the per-pixel and sub-pixel approaches was 727.75 Mm3 and 716.11 Mm3, respectively. The validation shows that the sub-pixel approach produced much less error (1.08%) than the per-pixel based approach (3.14%).  相似文献   

主要介绍了大伙房水库及浑河水下地形测量项目开展的工作要点与作业流程,着重对实际测绘过程中发现的问题及处理方法进行了系统的论述。  相似文献   

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