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The structure and functioning of nanoplanktonic assemblages in coastal upwelling areas have usually been overlooked in explorations of the productivity of these areas. As part of a multidisciplinary, time-series station in the coastal area off Concepción, seasonal variations (upwelling and non-upwelling) in the abundance and biomass of these assemblages were investigated. Hydrographic measurements and biological samples were taken monthly over a 2-year period (18 August 2004-28 July 2006). Nanoflagellates dominated the total integrated abundance (3-317 × 109 cells m−2; 0-80 m). Diatoms and dinoflagellates usually contributed to a lesser degree (<20%) but sporadically made important contributions to the total integrated nanoplankton biomass (0.02-10.6 g C m−2). Most of the nanoplankton was concentrated in surface waters (<30 m) during all the samplings and no seasonal differences in abundance or biomass were found in this layer, although the mean values and dispersions around them were highest during the upwelling period along with maximum integrated (0-80 m) chlorophyll-a values, as total or in the <20 μm fraction. Changes in nanoplankton abundance were significantly but weakly (r < 0.4) correlated with changes in the hydrographic variables; the highest correlation values were positive for temperature and oxygen, factors that varied with depth and date. The potential grazing rates of heterotrophic nano-predators (flagellates and dinoflagellates) on prokaryotic prey, estimated with a generic model, ranged from 3 to 242 bacterioplankton predator−1 h−1 and from 0.1 to 14 cyanobacteria predator−1 h−1. Our results imply a small impact of seasonal hydrographic variability on the abundance and biomass of nanoplanktonic assemblages and suggest that grazing by nanoheterotrophs might control the prokaryotic picoplankton populations in the upwelling area off Concepción.  相似文献   

The oceanographic setting and the planktonic distribution in the coastal transition zone off Concepción (∼35-38°S, ∼73-77°W), an area characterized by its high biological production, were assessed during two different seasons: austral spring with equatorward upwelling favorable winds and austral winter with predominately northerly winds. Oceanographic and biological data (total chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon, microplankton, large mesozooplankton >500 μm as potential consumers of microplankton) were obtained during two cruises (October 1998, July 1999) together with satellite imagery for wind stress, geostrophic flow, surface temperature, and chlorophyll-a data. The physical environment during the spring sampling was typical of the upwelling period in this region, with a well-defined density front in the shelf-break area and high concentrations of surface chlorophyll-a (>5 mg m−3) on the shelf over the Itata terrace. During the winter sampling, highly variable though weakly upwelling-favorable winds were observed along with lower surface chlorophyll-a values (<2 mg m−3) on the shelf. In the oceanic area (>100 km from the coast), cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies were evident in the flow field during both periods, the former coinciding with higher chlorophyll-a contents (∼1 mg m−3) than in the surrounding waters. Also, a cold, chlorophyll-a rich filament was well defined during the spring sampling, extending from the shelf out to 350-400 km offshore. Along a cross-shelf transect, the micro- and meso-planktonic assemblages displayed higher coastal abundances during the spring cruise but secondary peaks appeared in the oceanic area during the winter cruise, coinciding with the distribution of the eddies. These results suggest that the mesoscale features in this region, in combination with upwelling, play a role in potentially increasing the biological productivity of the coastal transition zone off Concepción.  相似文献   

Recurrent coastal upwelling is recognized as one of the main factors promoting the exceptionally high productivity of the Humboldt Current System. Herein, we study time series data of gross primary production (2003-2006) and its fluctuation in relation to seasonal changes in the light and nutrient field of the Concepción upwelling ecosystem. Concurrent measurements of gross primary production, community respiration, bacterial secondary production, and sedimentation rates allowed a characterization of the main carbon fluxes and pathways in the study area. The integrated values of gross primary production were higher during the upwelling period (>1 g C m−2 d−1; October-April; that is, early spring to early austral fall). Seasonal changes in the system were also reflected in community respiration, organic matter sedimentation, and bacterial production rates, which varied along with the gross primary production. The significant correlation between gross primary production and community respiration (Spearman, r = 0.7; p < 0.05; n = 18) reflected an important degree of coupling between organic matter formation and its usage by the microplanktonic community during periods when gross primary production/community respiration were highly similar. Higher gross primary production values (>6 g C m−2 d−1) were consistently associated with maximum biomass levels of Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira subtilis. We observed a positive correlation between gross primary production and the sedimentation of intact diatom cells (Spearman, r = 0.5, p < 0.05, n = 17). Our data suggest that, in the Concepción upwelling ecosystem, bacteria utilize an important fraction of the gross primary production. If our interpretations are correct, they leave unanswered the question of how the system supports the extremely high fish biomass levels, therein pointing out the system’s limited capacity to buffer the evasion of CO2 following upwelling.  相似文献   

Horizontal water velocities were measured using three current meters moored at the levels of 5, 18, and 30 m depth in the oriental side of Concepción Bay (36°40′S; 73°02′W), an almost rectangular, shallow bay off central Chile, connected with the open sea through two mouths.The large momentum transfer from the wind to the water causes variations of the internal volume of the bay generating circulation layers having almost anti-parallel directions. Northerly winds carry superficial water into the bay, causing a compensating flow leaving the bay near its bottom. Winds from the SW, on the other hand, cause an outgoing circulation layer in the surface and a circulation layer entering into the bay near the bottom. During wind calm periods, longer than 12 h, the two layers disappear, leaving a current system comprising only one circulation layer. The response time necessary for the generation or dissipation of these layers, which fluctuates between 1 and 7 h, depends on the initial conditions of the bay and on the intensity, direction and persistence of the wind.  相似文献   

We estimated monthly fluxes of 210Pb in shelf sediments beneath a high productivity area off central-southern Chile (36°S) during 1 year (September 2002-August 2003). Sediment cores were obtained using a multiple corer and were analyzed mainly for 210Pb, total pigments, and macrofauna abundance. The 210Pb inventories and fluxes were estimated for surface sediments (0-5 cm) and bioturbation coefficients were inferred using chlorophyll-a (reactive) profiles. In general, 210Pb content was inversely correlated with phytodetritus fluxes. High photosynthetic pigment contents in surface sediments were consistently associated with lower 210Pb contents. Macrofaunal activity responded to oxygen and organic matter supplies at the sediment surface, generally concentrated in the first centimeters, but particularly so during months of high organic matter fluxes and deficient bottom water oxygen conditions. At this study site, several processes involved in the 210Pb surface distribution make it difficult to accurately estimate ages at the surface. We postulate that the organic fluxes promote changes in the faunal activity, which, in combination with sediment resuspension and water circulation over the shelf, produce seasonal variations in the 210Pb inventories.  相似文献   

The effects of the oxygen minimum zone on the metabolism of the heterotrophic microplankton community (0.22-100 μm) in the Humboldt Current System, as well as the factors controlling its biomass production, remain unknown. Here we compare the effect of four sources of dissolved organic carbon (glucose, oxaloacetate, glycine, leucine) on microbial biomass production (such as ATP-P) and the potential enzymatic activities involved in catabolic pathways under oxic and suboxic conditions. Our results show significant differences (p < 0.05) in the ATP-P production when induced by the different substrates that are used as dissolved organic carbon herein. The induction of ATP-P production is enhanced from glucose < oxaloacetate < glycine < leucine. Nevertheless, for individual substrates, no significant differences were found between incubation under oxic and suboxic conditions except in the case of leucine. For this amino acid, the induction of ATP-P synthesis was higher under suboxic than oxic conditions. The data sets of all the substrates used showed greater potential ATP-P production under suboxic than oxic conditions. The results of the potential enzymatic activities suggest that malate dehydrogenase has the highest signal of NADH oxidization activity in the microbial assemblage. Furthermore, for all experiments, the malate dehydrogenase activity data set had a significant relationship with ATP-P production. These findings suggest that the microbial community inhabiting the oxygen minimum zone has the same or greater potential growth than the community inhabiting more oxygenated strata of the water column and that malate dehydrogenase is the activity that best represents the metabolic potential of the community.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in diversity and biomass of diatoms, tintinnids, and dinoflagellates and the contribution of microplankton and faecal material to the vertical flux of particulates were investigated at one time series station T (station 18) between 2002 and 2005 and at a grid of stations during November 2004 in the coastal and oceanic area off Concepción (36°S), Chile. The variations were analysed in relation to water column temperature, dissolved oxygen, nutrient concentration, offshore Ekman transport, and chlorophyll-a concentration. Abundance was estimated as cell numbers per litre and biomass in terms of biovolume and carbon units.A sharp decrease with depth was observed in the abundance of both phytoplankton and microzooplankton during the whole annual cycle; over 70% of their abundance was concentrated in the upper 10 m of the water column. Also, a clear seasonality in microplankton distribution was observed at station T, with maxima for diatoms, tintinnids, and dinoflagellates every summer (centred on January) from 2002 to 2005.On the grid of stations, the maximum integrated (0-50 m) micro-phytoplankton abundances (>1 × 109 cells m−2) occurred at the coastal stations, an area directly influenced by upwelling. A similar spatial distribution was observed for the integrated (0-200 m) faecal carbon (with values up to 632 mg C m−2). Tintinnids were distributed in all the first 300 miles from the coast and dinoflagellates were more abundant in oceanic waters.At station T, the average POC export production (below 50 m depth) was 16.6% (SD = 17%; range 2-67%; n = 16). The biological-mediated fluxes of carbon between the upper productive layer and the sediments of the continental shelf off Concepción depend upon key groups of phytoplankton (Thalassiosira spp., Chaetoceros spp.) and zooplankton (euphausiids) through the export of either cells or faecal material, respectively.  相似文献   

Cold filaments associated with Eastern Boundary Currents are typically narrower than 100 km but can be several hundred kilometers long, extending from the coast to the open ocean in upwelling areas. One such structure, observed off Península de Mejillones (23°S, Chile), was studied with both satellite images and two 5-days hydrographic cruises carried out during January 1997. The study used a coastal grid of 31 stations in an area of 165 ×155 km2, approximately. The spatial distribution of the filament and its change between cruises are described from the horizontal distributions of dynamic height, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. The filament was a shallow feature (thickness <100 m) and extended at least 165 km toward the open ocean. A meandering northward current flowed at the borders of the filament, separating oceanic and coastal waters of different physical properties. Comparisons of cross sections of the filament near the coast and in the oceanic zone show the ascent of the shallow salinity minimum (SSM), and its extension toward the ocean, bound to the filament. It is concluded that Subantarctic Water ((SAAW) distinguish by low salinity, high dissolved oxygen) and Equatorial Subsurface Water ((ESSW) high salinity, low dissolved oxygen, high nutrient content) form this filament, and that their relative proportions depend on the strength of the coastal upwelling. Thus, the knowledge of the dynamics of these structures is fundamental to better understanding of the spatial distribution of important biological variables, such as nutrients and chlorophyll, in the coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

Studies of the trophic structure in methane‐seep habitats provide insight into the ecological function of deep‐sea ecosystems. Methane seep biota on the Chilean margin likely represent a novel biogeographic province; however, little is known about the ecology of the seep fauna and particularly their trophic support. The present study, using natural abundance stable isotopes, reveals a complex trophic structure among heterotrophic consumers, with four trophic levels supported by a diversity of food sources at a methane seep area off Concepción, Chile (~36° S). Although methanotrophy, thiotrophy and phototrophy are all identified as carbon fixation mechanisms fueling the food web within this area, most of the analysed species (87.5%) incorporate carbon derived from photosynthesis and a smaller number (12%) use carbon derived from chemosynthesis. Methane‐derived carbon (MDC) incorporation was documented in 22 taxa, including sipunculids, gastropods, polychaetes and echinoderms. In addition, wide trophic niches were detected in suspension‐feeding and deposit‐feeding taxa, possibly associated with the use of organic matter in different stages of degradation (e.g. from fresh to refractory). Estimates of Bayesian standard ellipses area (SEAB) reveal different isotopic niche breadth in the predator fishes, the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides and the combtooth dogfish Centroscyllium nigrum, suggesting generalist versus specialist feeding behaviors, respectively. Top predators in the ecosystem were the Patagonian toothfish D. eleginoides and the dusky cat shark, Bythaelurus canescens. The blue hake Antimora rostrata also provides a trophic link between the benthic and pelagic systems, with a diet based primarily on pelagic‐derived carrion. These findings can inform accurate ecosystem models, which are critical for effective management and conservation of methane seep and adjacent deep‐sea habitats in the Southeastern Pacific.  相似文献   

Carbonate system parameters (pH and alkalinity) were used to estimate the coastal water CO2 fluxes off central Chile (30°S) during September 2007. Coastal waters rich in nitrate and silicate were strongly CO2 supersaturated and normally poor in chlorophyll a. MODIS satellite chlorophyll a data suggest that phytoplankton biomass remained particularly low during September 2007 although coastal waters were highly fertilized with nitrate and silicate. The phytoplankton gross primary productivity in macronutrient-rich waters was very low with the exception of shallow waters (e.g. within or near bays). Several iron-enrichment bottle experiments show that fCO2 rapidly decreases during iron-enrichment treatments compared to controls. This suggests that iron limitation of phytoplankton growth (mainly diatoms) plays a role in maintaining high-CO2 outgassing by preventing rapid interception of upwelled CO2.  相似文献   

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