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A total of 85 samples, collected from the UBGH1-9 core taken from the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Korea, were analyzed using diatom assemblages. 111 diatom species belonging to 46 genera were identified, and three diatom assemblage zones were established on the basis of occurrence and distribution pattern of diatoms. Diatom assemblage zone I(134.10–174 m) is characterized by a relatively high abundance of marine species, while the increased number of the brackish species is recorded in diatom assemblage zone II(75–125 m). The assemblage zones IIIa became drastic drop of valve abundances and brackish planktons, whereas it became increase during the IIIb. High Td values which indicate an influence of warm current are recorded both in diatom assemblage zone I and III, and low Td values in diatom assemblage zone II. Analysis of diatom assemblages indicating that the depositional condition moved from oceanic to littoral-neritic environments and that paleotemperature underwent a shift from warm to cold condition at the middle interval, and from cold to warm condition in the upper interval of the UBGH1-9 core. This suggests that the lower(130–162 m) and upper intervals(0–20 m) of the UBGH1-9 core were deposited in the warm current condition(Tsushima Warm Current).  相似文献   

The Tsushima Basin is located in the southwestern Japan Sea, which is a back-arc basin in the northwestern Pacific. Although some geophysical surveys had been conducted to investigate the formation process of the Tsushima Basin, it remains unclear. In 2000, to clarify the formation process of the Tsushima Basin, the seismic velocity structure survey with ocean bottom seismometers and airguns was carried out at the southeastern Tsushima Basin and its margin, which are presumed to be the transition zone of the crustal structure of the southwestern Japan Island Arc. The crustal thickness under the southeastern Tsushima Basin is about 17 km including a 5 km thick sedimentary layer, and 20 km including a 1.5 km thick sedimentary layer under its margin. The whole crustal thickness and thickness of the upper part of the crust increase towards the southwestern Japan Island Arc. On the other hand, thickness of the lower part of the crust seems more uniform than that of the upper part. The crust in the southeastern Tsushima Basin has about 6 km/s layer with the large velocity gradient. Shallow structures of the continental bank show that the accumulation of the sediments started from lower Miocene in the southeastern Tsushima Basin. The crustal structure in southeastern Tsushima Basin is not the oceanic crust, which is formed ocean floor spreading or affected by mantle plume, but the rifted/extended island arc crust because magnitudes of the whole crustal and the upper part of the crustal thickening are larger than that of the lower part of the crustal thickening towards the southwestern Japan Island Arc. In the margin of the southeastern Tsushima Basin, high velocity material does not exist in the lowermost crust. For that reason, the margin is inferred to be a non-volcanic rifted margin. The asymmetric structure in the both margins of the southeastern and Korean Peninsula of the Tsushima Basin indicates that the formation process of the Tsushima Basin may be simple shear style rather than pure shear style.  相似文献   

The paper presents a comparative analysis of ferromanganese crusts and concretions (FMC) recovered during the dredging of 14 seamounts in the Central Basin, Sea of Japan. The major rock-forming elements in FMC are Mn, Fe, and Si. In terms of the Mn content, the studied 53 samples are divided into four groups: (1) less than 10% (given than concentrations of 2–8% are lacking); (2) 10?25%; (3) 25?42%; and (4) 42?63%. The (Mn + Fe)/Si ratio increases from group 1 to group 4, and average value in them is 1.6, 2.5, 6.7, and 70.7, respectively. Taking Fe/Si and Mn/Si values into consideration, concretions of these groups belong to the following varieties: (1) ferrosiliceous; (2) mangano-ferrosiliceous; (3) siliceous-ferromanganese, and (4) manganiferous. The highest concentration of nonferrous metals is observed in FMC of groups 2 and 3. Their concentration is slightly lower in group 4 and very low in group 1. The internal structure of FMC in these groups is variable, suggesting their different formation settings. Crusts of group 1 were formed during the precipitation of Mn from a hydrothermal plume on the older ferrosiliceous crusts. Crusts of groups 2 and 3 were likely formed by the diffuse percolation of Mn-bearing hydrothermal solutions along fractures and weakened zones in volcanic rocks, with their subsequent cementation by manganiferous hydroxides from sedimentary or volcaniclastic deposits on seamounts. Crusts of group 4 were formed at sites of the hydrothermal solution discharge on the seafloor. FMC of different groups are recovered during the dredging of most volcanic seamounts in the Central Basin (Sea of Japan). Since the dredging is accomplished at a depth interval of a few hundreds of meters, the detection of concretions of a certain type is governed by the distance to the nearest hydrothermal source.  相似文献   

Abstract: Systematic measurements of magnetic susceptibility were carried out at the outcrops of the Uchiyama granitic pluton, Tsushima Islands. The pluton consists of hornblende-biotite granodiorite and biotite granite. It intrudes concordantly along an anticline axis of the Taishu Group in middle Miocene (16. 10. 5 Ma), and crops out in five areas. The results show that the low magnetic susceptibility facies (LM–facies, <100A-10-6 emu/g) always occurs in the peripheral part of the pluton, while the high magnetic susceptibility facies (HM–facies, > 250 A 10-6 emu/g) occupies the core through the medium magnetic susceptibility zone (MM–facies). It is pointed out that the pluton forms a magnetic zoning within a single plutonic body.
Chemical compositions of the granitoids show no conspicuous differences in major elements among the LM–, MM–, and HM–facies. Biotites from the LM–, MM–, and HM-facies also indicate uniform compositions with Fe/(Fe+Mg)=0. 6.
The pluton is principally surrounded by black mudstones of the Lower Formation of the Taishu Group, which is deltaic to shallow sea sediments of the Eocene to early Miocene age, and the carbon contents in them were analyzed. The analyses show that carbon was mostly decomposed and lost in the hornfels zone, while mudstones in the non-hornfels zone usually contain 0. 5 to 0. 7 % C.
From these facts, it is concluded that the magnetically zoned pluton at Tsushima was formed by an external volatile buffer system such as CH4–CO2 during the solidifying magma process.  相似文献   

Lower Miocene rocks of the Taishu Group accumulated in the Tsushima pull-apart graben, which downwarped and was filled with sediments at a particularly high rate (about 2700 m/Ma), in the background of northeastern regional shortening. A considerable part of the sedimentary prism is composed of material supplied by landslide blocks from the shallow shelf. Folding and penetration of granite intrusions on Tsushima Island occurred ca. 15 Ma ago, simultaneously with the main phase of opening of the Sea of Japan, in the field of different, northwestern shortening, which had a local character and was related to clockwise rotation of the Southwestern Japan block. These rotations in turn could have been the result of an intensive rifting episode in the Central and Honshu basins of the Sea of Japan, which are located north of Tsushima Island.  相似文献   

Abstract: K–Ar datings and oxygen isotope analyses revealed a cooling history of the Uchiyama granitic pluton, which is genetically related to the Pb-Zn deposits (Taishu mine) in the Tsushima Islands, Japan. The pluton intrudes into the Paleogene Taishu Group to form the biotite-hornfels zone, while the Taishu vein-type Pb–Zn deposits occur in fissures developed in the non-hornfels zone about 1 to 3 km westward from the contact. Amphibole and biotite K-Ar ages of the pluton have a wide range from 19 to 13 Ma. Oxygen isotopes of the biotite and coexisting quartz grains indicate that isotopic exchange reactions have occurred under subsolidus conditions, and that the K-Ar ages are affected by various cooling rates in the pluton. The mineralization age of the Taishu ore deposits is obtained for the first time to be 15.40.8 Ma by a K-Ar age of 2 M 1–muscovite in a calcite–quartz–muscovite–chlorite veinlet of the Shintomi orebody. Whole rock K-Ar ages of biotite-hornfels near the pluton represent similar ages to the ore deposits. Using blocking temperature calculated from reported diffusivity for argon, the pluton was cooled from 560 to 350C in the period of 17 to 14 Ma. The vein formation took place after the time when temperature in wall rocks of the pluton had dropped below the brittle-plastic transition (about 400C). These results imply that the cooling of the pluton has caused injection of magmatic fluids into meteoric hydrothermal systems, and the Pb-Zn mineralization has occurred due to this mixing at the age of about 15 Ma.  相似文献   

A total of 402 coastal sea-sediment samples were collected from the continental shelf, slope, and basin off Tsushima Island in the western Sea of Japan, and were analyzed for 51 elements as part of a nationwide marine geochemical mapping project. The samples were compared to potentially related sample sets, and the results were considered from the viewpoint of the origin of marine surface sediments in the western Sea of Japan. The spatial distribution of elemental concentrations in the coastal sea sediments correspond to texture, grain size, the presence of shells and foraminifera, and the mud content of surface marine sediments. Most elemental concentrations increased with increasing mud content. Some samples located in littoral areas included sediment particles apparently supplied from nearby rivers, but their contribution was limited. Overall, the mean chemical compositions of clastic material in coastal sea sediments appear to differ from those of stream sediments in adjacent terrestrial areas. In addition, the geochemistry of the coastal sea sediments cannot be fully explained by the mixing of the material supplied from Korean and Chinese stream sediments, which are the most feasible sources. Coastal sea sediments in the study area are well mixed by transportation processes; therefore, elemental abundances in these marine sediments may be homogenized to such an extent that it is not possible to determine their origin. Alternatively, most of the clastics in the sediment may actually represent relict reworked material, originally formed in the Yellow Sea and Tsushima Strait during the last glacial stage and subsequent transgression.  相似文献   

The 3-D lithospheric-density model for the southeastern part of the Caspian Sea and the Transcaspian area, practically coinciding with the territory of the Turkmen Republic, has been constructed based on geophysical data and in accordance with the principle of isostasy. From the model selected the anomalous density of the subcrustal layer between the Moho discontinuity and the 100-km depth level is found to be — 100 kg/m3 under the Tien-Shan, − 50 kg/m3 under the Kopet-Dag mountain area, + 80 kg/m3 under the central region of the South Caspian basin, −50 kg/m3 under the eastern part of the basin, known as the West Turkmenian depression, and + 45 kg/m3 under the Murgab depression.

Significant disturbances of the local isostasy are determined both in the northern and central areas of the South Caspian basin and also in the area of the Kara-Bogaz swell of the Turan platform and for the Kopet-Dag foredeep. indicating a high level of stresses in the lithosphere. The shape of the Turan plate determined by the seismic profiling is accounted for by elastic deformation resulting from the forces acting on the southern edge of the plate in the area of the Turan plate-Kopet-Dag collision. The elastic thickness of the Turan plate is estimated as 25 ± 5 km. The results obtained seem to confirm the idea that the decomposition of the Turan plate has taken place in the zone of the plates interaction and the decomposed material is situated under the Kopet-Dag ridge.

We propose that the Kara-Bogaz swell is supported by the mantle material upwelling whereas the subsidence of the adjacent part of the South Caspian basin may be due to the downgoing mantle flow i.e., a small convection cell is suggested in that area.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of seismic measurements along the Baltic Sea-Black Sea profile. The basic wave groups recorded up to distances of 900 km are characterized. The main elements of a lithospheric model of the southwestern part of the Precambrian East European Platform are given. The thickness of the Earth's crust is about 45 km and the mean velocity of the crust is about 6.3 km/s. At a depth of 65 km, the velocity increases from 8.2 to 8.5 km/s. In the depth interval 110 to 135 km, there is a series of layers with low and high velocities. The lower boundary of the lithosphere is probably defined by the boundary at a depth of 110 km.  相似文献   

Two gravity sediment cores (GH99‐1239 and GH99‐1246) obtained from the north‐eastern Japan Basin in the East Sea/Japan Sea were analyzed for the orbital‐ and millennial‐scale paleoceanographic changes. Chronostratigraphically, core GH99‐1239 represents a continuous sedimentary record since 32 ka, based on correlation of distinct lithological markers (i.e. dark layer or TL layer) with those in core GH98‐1232 collected nearby. For core GH99‐1246, the age model is constructed through correlation of lightness (L*) values and tephra (Aso‐4 and Toya) layers with those in the well‐dated Oki Ridge core (MD01‐2407), indicating about 134 ka of sedimentation since the latest Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6. New geochemical data from both cores corroborate orbital‐scale paleoceanographic variation, such that surface‐water productivity, represented by biogenic opal and total organic carbon (TOC) contents, increased during MIS 1 and MIS 5; CaCO3 contents do not show such distinct glacial–interglacial cycles, but were influenced by dissolution and preservation rather than foraminiferal production. During the glacial periods when sea ice was prevalent, surface‐water productivity was low, and bottom‐water conditions became anoxic, as indicated by high total sulfur (TS) contents and high Mo concentrations. The geochemical data further document millennial‐scale paleoceanographic variability, corresponding to a series of thin TL layers in response to Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles but irrespective of the glacial or interglacial periods. In particular, thin TL layers formed during MIS 3 are characterized by less TOC (about 1%) and TS (about 0.4%) contents and lower Mo (about 5 p.p.m.) concentration, whereas those during MIS 4 and MIS 5 exhibit more TOC (up to 4%) and TS (up to 5%) contents and higher Mo (up to 120 p.p.m.) concentration. Such a discrepancy is attributed to different degree of surface‐water productivity and of bottom‐water oxygenation, which is closely related to the sea level position and extent of ventilation. Flux of the East China Sea Coastal Water controlled by millennial‐scale paleoclimatic events is the most critical factor in deciding the properties of TL layers in the north‐eastern Japan Basin. Our results strongly confirm that TL layers in the Japan Basin also validate the unique feature of basin‐wide paleoceanographic signals in the East Sea/Japan Sea. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A schematic but quantitative geochemical, petrological, model of the sub-marine lithosphere and its genesis is given. With this model we calculate numerically, a priori, the geophysical characteristics of the lithosphere, its acoustic properties, density, oceanic heat flow and ocean bottom topography. Comparison with observational data for these characteristics shows good agreement. Particular attention is given to anomalous upper mantle in the vicinity of spreading centres. Compressional and shear wave velocity distributions are given in tabular form for the submarine lithosphere as a function of age. Comparison between observations for Vp, Vs and the calculated acoustic properties suggests that the lower marine lithosphere is anisotropic. Possible thickening of layer 3 with age is discussed. Melt distribution in the ridge axial region has been evaluated. All calculations were done for a plate velocity of 1 cm y−1.  相似文献   

Gravity signals from the lithosphere in the Central European Basin System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the gravity signals from different depth levels in the lithosphere of the Central European Basin System (CEBS). The major elements of the CEBS are the Northern and Southern Permian Basins which include the Norwegian–Danish Basin (NDB), the North-German Basin (NGB) and the Polish Trough (PT). An up to 10 km thick sedimentary cover of Mesozoic–Cenozoic sediments, hides the gravity signal from below the basin and masks the heterogeneous structure of the consolidated crust, which is assumed to be composed of domains that were accreted during the Paleozoic amalgamation of Europe. We performed a three-dimensional (3D) gravity backstripping to investigate the structure of the lithosphere below the CEBS.Residual anomalies are derived by removing the effect of sediments down to the base of Permian from the observed field. In order to correct for the influence of large salt structures, lateral density variations are incorporated. These sediment-free anomalies are interpreted to reflect Moho relief and density heterogeneities in the crystalline crust and uppermost mantle. The gravity effect of the Moho relief compensates to a large extent the effect of the sediments in the CEBS and in the North Sea. Removal of the effects of large-scale crustal inhomogeneities shows a clear expression of the Variscan arc system at the southern part of the study area and the old crust of Baltica further north–east. The remaining residual anomalies (after stripping off the effects of sediments, Moho topography and large-scale crustal heterogeneities) reveal long wavelength anomalies, which are caused mainly by density variations in the upper mantle, though gravity influence from the lower crust cannot be ruled out. They indicate that the three main subbasins of the CEBS originated on different lithospheric domains. The PT originated on a thick, strong and dense lithosphere of the Baltica type. The NDB was formed on a weakened Baltica low-density lithosphere formed during the Sveco-Norwegian orogeny. The major part of the NGB is characterized by high-density lithosphere, which includes a high-velocity lower crust (relict of Baltica passive margin) overthrusted by the Avalonian terrane. The short wavelength pattern of the final residuals shows several north–west trending gravity highs between the Tornquist Zone and the Elbe Fault System. The NDB is separated by a gravity low at the Ringkøbing–Fyn high from a chain of positive anomalies in the NGB and the PT. In the NGB these anomalies correspond to the Prignitz (Rheinsberg anomaly), the Glueckstadt and Horn Graben, and they continue further west into the Central Graben, to join with the gravity high of the Central North Sea.  相似文献   

The study addresses the space distribution of lithospheric density contrasts in 3D and 2D surface (spherical) sources of gravity anomalies to depths of 120 km below the geoid surface and their relationship with shallow deformation and Archean, Early Paleozoic, and Late Mesozoic geodynamic environments. The lithospheric section in northeastern Transbaikalia and the Upper Amur region includes two layers of low-density gradients attendant with low seismic velocities and low electrical resistivity. The lower layer at depths of 80–120 km is attributed to an asthenospheric upwarp that extends beneath the North Asian craton from the Emuershan volcanic belt and the Songliao basin. The concentric pattern of density contrasts in the middle and lower crust beneath the Upper Amur region may be produced by the activity of the Aldan-Zeya plume, which spatially correlates with the geometry of the asthenospheric upwarp as well as with the regional seismicity field, magnetic and heat flow anomalies, and stresses caused by large earthquakes and recent vertical crustal movements. The relationship between shallow and deep structures in the crust and upper mantle bears signature of horizontal displacement (subduction) of the lower crust of the Baikal-Vitim and Amur superterranes beneath the North Asian craton.  相似文献   

New data on the fluid lithospheric regime in the junction zone of the continent and the marginal seas are presented. For the first time, this problem was solved by the comprehensive interpretation of the geophysical methods, including magnetotelluric and geomagnetic-variation sounding, unique investigations of the variations of the electric field along the Japan Sea Cable (JASC), structural-density modeling, thermometry, and thermodynamics. A joint analysis of the distribution of the electric conductivity, density, and temperature in the lithosphere made it possible to substantiate the participation of mantle fluids in the formation of lithotectonic complexes that are quite different beneath the continent and the marginal Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Contourite drifts were first detected in the Tatar Strait in the framework of the Sakhalin Slope Gas Hydrates International Project (2012–2015). The number of...  相似文献   

Abstract: Miocene granitoids of the Tsushima Islands have unique characteristics that cannot be seen in other major granitic plutons in the Japanese Islands as follows: (1) They are granitic in composition but contain synplutonic mafic dikes, abundant mafic enclaves, and intermediate facies between granite and mafic enclaves. (2) They are mixture of magnetite‐bearing and –free facies, but generally magnetite‐free in the marginal part. (3) They are high in K2O content (K65=3. 1) and intermediate in normative corundum (C65=0. 1) and δ18O value (+9% at SiO2 70 %), which may be comparable with those of the Miocene Outer Zone granitoids. (4) Yet the initial Sr ratio is low as 0. 7037. (5) They are high in Cl and S, which occur in fluid inclusions and as pyrrhotite>pyrite, respectively. Two genetic models are considered for the source of the unique granitoid magmas: the continental crust or the upper mantle fertilized with Si, K and 18O. The latter may be the case for the Tsushima granitoids, because of the low initial Sr ratio. The age of the granitoids (16 Ma) indicates the magmatism related to the opening of the Sea of Japan. It is suggested that both basaltic and granitic magmas were generated in the continental lithosphere under an extensional tectonic setting; the two magmas could have been partly mingled. The mingled magma was originally an oxidized type, but reduced during the emplacement by repeated inflow of S and C‐bearing gases from the pelitic wall rocks. Because of the reduction, SO3 sulfur is almost nil in the rock‐forming apatite, and most of sulfur remained in fluid phase of the magma as reduced species. Cl content was high in the original magma and concentrated in the fluid phase of the residual system which dissolved silver, lead and zinc metals. Such a fluid migrated into the Taishu fracture systems, as the magma crystallized, and formed the silver–lead–zinc deposits.  相似文献   

Although barite nodules are extremely rare in the World Ocean, they are rather widespread in the Japan Sea. They were first discovered by Japanese scientists in the Honshu Island borderland (Okada et al., 1971; Sakai, 1971). They were later reported from the North Yamato Rise (Lipkina and Tsoi, 1980) and Okushiri Ridge (Astakhova et al., 1990) (Fig. 1, Table 1). All barite nodules in the Japan Sea are confined to Miocene marine sediments.  相似文献   

The Japan Sea was profoundly different during glacial times than today. Available δ18O evidence indicates that sea surface salinity was lower by several per mil. This probably increased the stability of the water column and caused anoxic sedimentary conditions in the deep sea, as shown by the absence of benthic microfossils and the presence of laminated sediment. These changes are likely related to the effects of late Quaternary sea-level change on the shallow sills (ca. 130 m) across which the Japan Sea exchanges with the open ocean. The Hwang He (Yellow River) has previously been implicated as the source of fresh water to the Japan Sea during glaciation, but the possible roles of the Amur River and excess precipitation over evaporation must also be considered. Ambiguous radiocarbon chronologies for the latest Quaternary of Japan Sea cores do not adequately constrain the timing of salinity lowering. Previous studies have suggested that lowest sea surface salinity was achieved 27,000 to 20,000 14C yr B.P. However, if global sea-level fall restricted exchange with the open ocean circulation, then lowest salinity in the Japan Sea may have occurred as recently as 15,000 to 20,000 yr ago when sea level was lowest. If this alternative is correct, then as sea level abruptly rose about 12,000 yr ago, relatively fresh water must have been discharged to the open Pacific. This might have affected the dynamics of outflow, local faunal and floral expression of the polar front, and stable isotope ratios in foraminifera. These environmental changes could be misinterpreted as evidence for the cooling of Younger Dryas age, which has not been identified in nearby terrestrial records.  相似文献   

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