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《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):204-212

This article examines samples of southern literature from the first half of the twentieth century that can be used to understand geographically the rural landscapes of the Coastal Plain from North Carolina through Mississippi. The socioeconomic imprint upon the land, climatic perceptions, and the role of the forest are themes addressed. The advantages and significance of using a literary approach are also discussed.  相似文献   

The use of multifunctionalism to conceptualise contemporary rural landscapes has focused attention on the increased extent and impact of non-farmers in traditionally agriculture-based rural communities. Typologies of rural landholders have been developed as part of that research effort. However, those typologies are not grounded in established theory, including collective identity theory that could provide an important foundation for the study of occupational identity. Indeed, most quantitative studies may be flawed in drawing on only one of the seven elements contributing to collective identity. This paper examines the efficacy of relying on self-declared occupational identity through the analysis of rural landholder survey data in an Australian region. Tests for expected relationships between self-declared identity of farmer/non-farmer and social and farming variables expected to be correlated with occupation, such as property size, profitability, hours worked on- and off-property, enterprise type and membership of farming-related local organisations found that the expected relationships existed. It seems that self-declared occupational identity is a valid and cost-effective way to explore occupational identity amongst rural landholders. Collective identity, however, is complex and it is unlikely that important research questions can be adequately explored without a more holistic approach to the study of farmer identity in multifunctional landscapes. The paper concludes with a discussion of the potential benefits of moving beyond self-declared occupation to include other elements in the collective identity construct.  相似文献   

While research into the formation of memorial landscapes in the American South has focused on those resulting from racial conflicts, a new landscape memorializing labor conflict and class consciousness is also emerging in the region's textile-producing Piedmont. This memorialization poses significant challenges to dominant regional discourses of economic development and class mutuality in a region in which labor organizing and radical politics remain anathema. This paper examines this emerging landscape for what it can tell us about class relations in the region and the process by which memorial landscapes are formed.  相似文献   

云南石林景区主要乡土植物物候特征的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握石林景区主要乡土植物物候节律,选择25科35种乡土植物,对其物候特征与同期主要气象因子进行了2 a平行观测。结果表明,在2月气温达到10℃,有46%的植物开始萌动;3月气温持续增高并超过15℃,展叶的植物最多,占57.1%;开花期集中在3~6月,尤其在5月温度超过20℃,有82.9%的树种开花;果实成熟期则分散在4~12月。各个物候期的平均温度和≥5℃积温与植物物候表现较为密切,光照和温度对植物开花和结实期影响较大。根据乡土植物物候特征,结合喀斯特山地自然景观特点和景区适配植物群落建设,提出“石中有树,树中有石”的配置原则,筛选在时空格局上适应喀斯特山地环境的观赏植物,构建出与石林喀斯特景观相协调的植被景观,增加景区景观和生态价值,提升景区的内涵。  相似文献   

While research into the formation of memorial landscapes in the American South has focused on those resulting from racial conflicts, a new landscape memorializing labor conflict and class consciousness is also emerging in the region's textile‐producing Piedmont. This memorialization poses significant challenges to dominant regional discourses of economic development and class mutuality in a region in which labor organizing and radical politics remain anathema. This paper examines this emerging landscape for what it can tell us about class relations in the region and the process by which memorial landscapes are formed.  相似文献   

This article recounts information gleaned from a case study of three indigenous tribes in Taiwan regarding the origin and nature of their spatial knowledge. Sketched mental maps and GIS 3D virtual environment (VE) are used by indigenous elders and hunters to delineate their traditional territories. Spatial components representing the predominant spatial elements are identified. Spatial structures used for locational positioning are analyzed, as are spatial reference systems for orientation and movement. The results show that spatial components are used for daily activities, as well as having historical and cultural meaning; a quadrant structure is used for spatial positioning; and instead of using the directional reference system of east, south, west, and north, these indigenous people rely on the orientation analogies of uphill, downhill, upstream, and downstream for direction.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the driving forces behind indigenous participation in the market is essential for practitioners intending to integrate conservation and development policies in indigenous territories. Nevertheless, empirical research on the determinants of market integration among indigenous peoples is still scarce. This article uses household survey data and multivariate techniques to examine the drivers of market integration among indigenous groups in the Ecuadorian Amazon. We use multiple measures of market integration, including the sale of crops, timber, and wildlife; the use of credit; and participation in wage labor. The results show that the way in which indigenous peoples integrate into the market depends on their endowments of human, financial, and physical capital. More educated households are able to engage in commercial agriculture and nonagricultural wage work, whereas uneducated poor households in communities in conflict with outsiders are pushed to engage in poorly paid agricultural wage work and (often illegal) timber operations.  相似文献   

Studies of coffee agroecosystems have focused on their role in providing habitat for biodiversity across a range of management intensities. These studies have not taken into account the temporal and spatial transformations in coffee landscapes and their impacts on structural heterogeneity and biodiversity, nor systematically linked these transformations to farmer management responses to price and policy shocks. We utilize a coupled natural–human system framework to examine the historical transformations of the coffee landscape in a matrix of community-protected forests in a coffee-growing community in Oaxaca, Mexico, and study how those transformations impact tree biodiversity across a range of management options, including formerly certified organic and conventional coffee, abandonment, and conversion. The coffee landscape has historically transitioned from forests and fields (1950s–1960s) to one dominated by coffee (1970s–1980s) to a richly mosaic and biodiverse landscape (1990–2010) resulting from 43% recent abandonment and conversion of coffee back to forest and fields.  相似文献   

以中国和日本两国都市旅游街区的商店招牌为研究对象,以北京琉璃厂、东京浅草寺作为传统旅游街区,以北京王府井、东京新宿作为更新型旅游街区,以南京新街口、东京银座作为都市现代商贸旅游街区,设计了特定的书法景观指数从不同空间尺度探讨了两国书法景观空间分异特征及文化认同的异同。结果表明:全球化背景下中、日两国对书法文化仍然存在的较强文化认同,书法景观作为一种文化符号,标识了城市内部象征空间的形成,表征着全球化背景下的社会与文化过程。虽然两国文字、民俗和书法传统的差异性导致两国在书法艺术的认同角度和形式上的差异,但两国书法景观在整体上具有城市空间分异规律和文化认同的一致性:在全球化的背景下,现代旅游街区的书法景观较之传统旅游街区已经弱化;书法景观在不同类型业态之间的差异则揭示了这种空间分异的形成机制。  相似文献   

“传统”农业景观旅游保护困局的反思(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球范围对"文化景观"重新燃起兴趣需要从多维方式来解释。传统栖息地,人民和他们在特殊环境里的生活方式的价值改变过程是和与遗产地有关的"文化、社会和经济建设"的引入密不可分的。自上世纪90年代开始,文化景观作为一种新型遗产列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录,它强调人类与环境相互作用的重要性,需要了解景观在时空上的动态性。观念的变化产生了对标志性景观和传统社区的"动态保护"。从交叉学科的视角来理解这一交互过程对规划和保护可持续遗产景观至关重要。遍及全世界的各试点项目和案例研究都引起了关于遗产景观的可持续性和旅游的至高无上作用的批判性反思。全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)能否受益于旅游产生的经济资源,需要基于研究的方法来分析机会和预期,评估其战略政策和自上而下的政策。  相似文献   

历史上的黄河素以善淤、善决、善徙而闻名于世,也塑造了黄泛平原上独特的自然与人文景观,其中以古城镇水域景观尤为著名。从历史地理学的角度对黄泛平原上古城镇水域景观的形成原因进行初步探析,在对黄泛平原上古城镇的护城河-环城湖、城内坑塘和旧城湖等水域景观的特点进行归纳分析的基础上,对其历史地理成因作了综合研究,指出了自然成因、城墙和护城堤的修建、人与自然的共同作用三方面成因,并对历史时期黄泛平原古城镇水域景观的演变过程与分布规律进行了探索,提出了积极保护、合理开发利用的相关建议。  相似文献   

在技术溢出和技术互动效应理论辨析的基础上,以中国高技术制造业为例,基于分行业面板数据,在多元回归模型中引入连乘变量,从技术能力互动、研发行为互动2个方面,对与跨国企业技术互动对本土企业创新绩效的影响进行实证分析。结果显示:1)以双方技术实力为基础的技术能力互动对本土企业的创新绩效具有显著的正效应;2)研发行为互动同时促进双方研发行为的强化,对本土企业创新绩效也具有显著的正效应。3)控制变量中,产品进入国际市场能力与企业创新绩效存在显著的负相关,本土企业规模、资本强度及市场结构对企业创新绩效的影响在统计学上不显著。研究结果同时支持了跨国资本对地方企业研发行为的“控制变量,有助于丰富全球化与地方创新相互作用与机制的理解。  相似文献   

Indigenous rice has maintained the survival of local people for more than a thousand years in the Yuanyang terraced rice fields of southern Yunnan, China. It is the foundation for long-term stable development of local agriculture and food security and its unique and irreplaceable characteristics give the terraces value. The status of indigenous rice resources is threatened by serious loss, so a better understanding of rice diversity and the factors that influence rice variety protection is conducive to policy. Here, we investigate the planting and conservation situation of indigenous rice, analyze factors impacting the protection and loss of traditional rice varieties, and construct an indigenous rice protection influence index system. Controllable factors which have special meaning to the maintenance and management of local rice are identified and corresponding strategies for the protection and maintenance of indigenous rice are discussed.  相似文献   


How can indigenous communities in illiberal regimes benefit from oil production? This paper compares the experience of two indigenous peoples in the Russian Arctic, the Nenets and the Komi-Izhemtsi, in their quest for environmental protection and the development of benefit-sharing arrangements with Lukoil, a Russian oil company. The Nenets people, recognized by the Russian state as indigenous, are marginalized political actors who identified a route to receiving compensation for loss of land and damage to the environment as well as economic benefits under the auspices of Russian law and Lukoil’s corporate policies. In contrast, the Komi-Izhemtsi, despite indigenous status in global institutions including the United Nations and the Arctic Council, are unrecognized as indigenous domestically and initially received no compensation. Their path to benefit sharing was more challenging as they partnered with local nongovernmental organizations and global environmentalists to pressure Lukoil to sign a benefit-sharing agreement. Ultimately, the comparison illustrates how transnational partnerships can empower indigenous people to gain benefits from natural resource exploitation even in illiberal political systems.  相似文献   

Environmental change, geographical displacement, and disputes over land and resources have increased around the world. This article focuses on strategies developed by the Kaiabi indigenous people to cope and adapt to environmental change after development-forced displacement and resettlement in the Brazilian Amazon. A mixed methods approach was adopted, combining ethnographic and quantitative methods. Semistructured interviews were performed among 214 individuals in a study on the dynamics of indigenous knowledge (IK) and natural resource management across three Kaiabi lands. We identified seven main coping and adaptive strategies developed by the displaced group: leadership and reciprocity networks, mobility, maintenance and innovation of native language, knowledge articulation, substitution of strategic resources, transmission across genders, and revitalizing diversity. These strategies have helped to enhance social–ecological resilience at different scales. Policies for resettlement and adaptation to environmental change must be developed with indigenous communities based on local knowledge and institutions.  相似文献   

山地多民族地区农业文化景观的演变与当地地理空间的复杂性和民族文化的多样性特征密切相关。运用遥感、GIS技术,并结合田野调查,点面结合,分析了西双版纳傣族自治州橡胶文化景观的空间格局及其对民族关系的影响。研究表明:受全球化的影响,西双版纳地区传统稻作文化正逐渐式微,因经济利益驱使导致橡胶种植面积急剧扩大,土地利用方式改变,这是橡胶文化景观兴起的主要空间演化机制。橡胶文化在给当地少数民族带来丰厚经济收入和促进现代化发展的同时,也造成了生态多样性的破坏,民族特色经济、文化的损害,民族发展互补性的减少以及民族经济共生关系的打破。民族感情和民族认同让位于经济利益,民族乡土社会结构受到冲击,民族共生关系受到影响,这些都集中体现在橡胶文化景观上。通过研究文化景观演变与民族关系的关联,可以丰富人地关系理论的内涵,引入民族因素和文化因素来思考民族地区人地关系,扩展当今全球化变革影响下民族地理学研究的内容,同时也在实践上为做好民族工作和构建新型和谐民族关系提供新的思路。  相似文献   

以广州市本土制造企业为例,通过半结构式问卷及有序多分类logistic模型,从企业微观尺度阐明全球-地方背景下本土企业研发行为的演变,从技术联系、生产联系及劳动力联系3个方面探究跨国资本技术溢出对本土企业研发行为演变的影响与机制。结果表明:20世纪90年代以来,本土企业研发行为经历由技术依赖型向自主研发主导下兼有研发内部化与国际化扩张的模式转变。跨国与本土企业技术差距减小、更紧密地嵌入全球产业链、劳动力从跨国向本土企业流动均显著提升本土企业的自主研发强度,国际技术采购则具有显著的负效应。  相似文献   

Remote rural areas have encountered significant change and the need for renegotiation of economic and social priorities in the late 20th and early 21st century. In our broader research, we ask how have such communities been responding to this change? What role have different organisations and agencies played? And, how have they acted on the aspirations of marginalised communities? In this paper we examine these issues through a case study of Westland District on the west coast of Aotearoa New Zealand's South Island. We probe the general shift towards prioritising tourism in the District, and highlight particular experiences in regard to Indigenous endeavour in tourism. We find that those engaged in leading local development and tourism have not collaborated strategically across the sector and have not established meaningful partnerships with the community that recognise both economic and socio‐cultural aspirations.  相似文献   

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