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Introduction Increasing evidences show that the properties of candidate earthquake precursors seem to befocal mechanism dependent (Tsuruoka, et al, 1995; Reasenberg, 1999; Wan, et al, 2002). Test ofearthquake precursors without the classification of earthquakes could be misleading (Wu, 1999,Nature debates, http://helix.nature.com/debates/). In this paper we use the reported earthquakeprecursors for some earthquakes in China (ZHANG, 1988; 1990a, b; 1999; 2000; CHEN, 2002a, b;2003) to…  相似文献   

1933年叠溪地震的发震位置、震源机制与区域构造   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
王康  沈正康 《地震学报》2011,33(5):557-567
1933年发生于中国四川省境内的叠溪M7.5大地震造成了人民生命财产的重大损失.然而限于资料匮乏,人们对此次地震的发震构造和震源机制解的认识尚不统一.本文收集整理了当时全球各地震台站对此次大地震的记录,对叠溪地震进行了重新定位,确定的震中位置为31.9°N,103.6°E.挑选具有P波初动符号的台站记录,利用格点尝试法...  相似文献   

2016年8月唐山震群视应力变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年8月河北唐山发生震群活动,具有频次高、持续时间长等特点。利用首都圈数字化地震台网监测的2016年1月—2017年5月河北唐山地区ML≥2.5地震,采用遗传算法反演震源参数,计算相应地震视应力值。分析结果如下:①此次地震序列为前震—主震—余震型;②视应力值在震群发生前明显增高,发生过程中出现高低相间现象,在ML 4.3主震出现峰值,震源区应力状态不稳定,震后视应力恢复正常;③震群视应力与震级呈现一定正相关。  相似文献   

2001年雅江6.0级地震序列震源机制解与应力场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了利用P波初动和短周期体波振幅联合测定震源机制解和利用震源机制解求取区域主应力张量的方法,采用成都遥测数字地震台网在2001年2月雅江Ms 5.0、Ms 6.0地震前后的3.0级以上的26个地震,共14个台站的垂直分向速度波形记录进行计算。使用主事件定位法,确定了这些地震较准确的震中位置,并在此后的计算中采用该数据。震源机制解结果表明:5.0和6.0级地震与另外3次地震为走滑型,呈北东向分布;而外围的其他21次地震全部是倾滑型。分析认为,雅江震区位于鲜水河断裂带南端西侧的以贡嘎山为中心的地壳隆起区内,地壳的抬升运动导致震源体的形成,两种破裂方式与之有关。前震与余震时段的最大主压应力σ1轴的方向大致相同,5.0和6.0级地震期间,σ1轴的方向偏转了约100°。  相似文献   

利用山东数字地震台网记录的2003年6月青岛震群波形资料,由P波、SV波、SH波初动和它们之间的振幅比,联合计算了ML≥2.9地震的震源机制解。结果表明,震群发生前期,震源机制较为一致,P轴与北东东(80°)近水平方向的区域应力场主压应力方向一致,震群发生后期震源机制变化相对较大。上述现象相对于强震P轴方向与区域应力场主压应力方向一致,而余震P轴絮乱的现象有一定的相似性。但相对于强震在震后引起的主压应力方向变化(约40°~96°)来说,青岛震群地震引起震源区P轴的变化(约45°)并不显著。  相似文献   

文章搜集了盈江地区多个地震序列震源机制解共计162个,对从苏典断裂到大盈江断裂的区域进行了构造应力场反演。研究结果表明,该区域总的主压应力轴方向为NNE—SSW向。并从内在动力学演化的角度分析了2008年3月21日—2014年5月30日发生的6次震群活动,发现其存在明显的相互联系性。研究还发现,局部也出现应力场偏转的现象,苏典断裂南端的主压应力轴向北偏转角度变大,这可能与该区形成的三角凹陷有关。此外,本文还搜集到2016—2020年之间发生于盈江地区的1003个地震目录,通过分析发现昔马—盘龙山断裂到大盈江断裂之间的区域可能存在应力场闭锁,因此,加强该区域的危险性防范至关重要。  相似文献   

2019年8月22日在黑龙江绥滨发生9次小震活动,地震活动分布的时间与空间相对集中。利用调制地震、震源机制解及视应力等方法,分析此次小震序列活动特征,并结合黑龙江省以往震例,进行震后趋势分析,初步判定,黑龙江绥滨地区后续发生中强地震的可能性较小。  相似文献   

使用中国数字地震台网记录的区域和远震宽频带波形,通过频率域和时间域多步反演,研究四川芦山 MS 7.0地震基于点源模型的震源机制解和有限断层模型。考虑到使用不同波形资料类型、盆地效应及简化的一维速度模型等给反演震源参数带来的影响,经测试比较,结果表明:使用区域波形和本区域简化一维速度模型,波形拟合误差最小。此次地震表现为高倾角纯逆冲型事件矩心在水平方向上位于震中偏南西向约4.5 km,最佳波形拟合矩心深度约17 km,矩震级 MW约6.6。推断此地震大多数能量主要在震源偏南西约4.5 km 处释放。  相似文献   

北京时间2016年7月31日广西梧州市苍梧县发生M_S 5.4地震,基于海南地震台网数字波形资料,采用CAP方法反演震源机制解。结果显示,此次M_S 5.4地震震源深度较浅,最佳深度为5.1 km,其中节面Ⅰ参数为:走向340°,倾角37°,滑动角-18°;节面Ⅱ参数为:走向85°,倾角79°,滑动角-125°。初步推断苍梧M_S 5.4地震破裂面运动以走滑为主,兼有正断性质,反演参数与中国地震台网中心结果较为一致。  相似文献   

ntroductionXinjiangisaseismicalyactiveregioninChina,andJiashiisafocalmonitoringareainXinjiang.IntheperiodfromJanuary21toApril...  相似文献   

The 2010 Yushu MS7.1 earthquake occurred in Ganzi-Yushu fault, which is the south boundary of Bayan Har block. In this study, by using double difference algorithm, the locations of mainshock (33.13°N, 96.59°E, focal depth 10.22 km) and more than 600 aftershocks were obtained. The focal mechanisms of the mainshock and some aftershocks with MS>3.5 were estimated by jointly using broadband velocity waveforms from Global Seismic Network (GSN) and Qinghai Seismic Network as well. The focal mechanisms and relocation show that the strike of the fault plane is about 125° (WNW-ESE), and the mainshock is left-laterally strikeslip. The parameters of shear-wave splitting were obtained at seismic stations of YUS and L6304 by systematic analysis method of shear-wave splitting (SAM) method. Based on the parameters of shear-wave splitting and focal mechanism, the characteristics of stress field in seismic source zone were analyzed. The directions of polarization at stations YUS and L6304 are different. It is concluded that after the mainshock and the MS6.3 aftershock on April 14, the stress-field was changed.  相似文献   

Based on abundant aftershock sequence data of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, we studied the spatio-temporal variation process and segmentation rupture characteristic.Dense aftershocks distribute along Longmenshan central fault zone of NE direction and form a narrow strip with the length of 325 km and the depth between several and 40 km.The depth profile(section of NW direction) vertical to the strike of aftershock zone(NE direction) shows anisomer-ous wedgy distribution characteristic of aft...  相似文献   

韩立波  蒋长胜 《地震学报》2012,34(3):415-422
2011年6月8日9时53分,新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番地区托克逊县发生Ms5.3地震.据新疆自治区民政厅报告,截至6月9日7时,地震造成托克逊县1241人受灾,324户1335间房屋不同程度受损,其中50户168间农牧民住房成为危房、无法居住,274户1135间房屋墙体开裂,博斯坦乡中学24间教室房屋开裂,伊拉湖乡医院8间病房开裂,无人员伤亡报告.  相似文献   

Based on abundant aftershock sequence data of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, we studied the spatio-temporal variation process and segmentation rupture characteristic. Dense aftershocks distribute along Longmenshan central fault zone of NE direction and form a narrow strip with the length of 325 km and the depth between several and 40 km. The depth profile (section of NW direction) vertical to the strike of aftershock zone (NE direction) shows anisomerous wedgy distribution characteristic of aftershock concentrated regions; it is related to the force form of the Longmenshan nappe tectonic belt. The stronger aftershocks could be divided into northern segment and southern segment apparently and the focal depths of strong aftershocks in the 50 km area between northern segment and southern segment are shallower. It seems like 'to be going to rupture' segment. We also study focal mechanisms and segmentation of strong aftershocks. The principal compressive stress azimuth of aftershock area is WNW direction and the faulting types of aftershocks at southern and northern segment have the same proportion. Because aftershocks distribute on different secondary faults, their focal mechanisms present complex local tectonic stress field. The faulting of seven strong earthquakes on the Longmenshan central fault is mainly characterized by thrust with the component of right-lateral strike-slip. Meantime six strong aftershocks on the Longmenshan back-range fault and Qingchuan fault present strike-slip faulting. At last we discuss the complex segmentation rupture mechanism of the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

Complex time-space spreading and focal mechanism of the 1989 Batang earthquake swarm (M_s=6.7)(程万正)(陈天长)Complextime-spacespre...  相似文献   

I suggest that earthquake precursors can be divided into two major categories, physical and tectonic. I define physical precursor to be a direct or indirect indication of initiation or progression of an irreversible rupture-generating physical process within the preparation zone of a forthcoming earthquake. Tectonic precursor is defined as a manifestation of tectonic movement which takes place outside the preparation zone of an impending earthquake as a link in a chain of particular local tectonism in each individual area preceding the earthquake.Most intermediate-term, short-term and immediate precursors of various disciplines within the source regions of main shocks are considered physical ones. Some precursory crustal deformations around the source regions are, however, possibly tectonic precursors, because they may be caused by episodic plate motions or resultant block movements in the neighboring regions of the fault segments that will break. A possible example of this phenomena is the anomalous crustal uplift in the Izu Peninsula, Japan, before the 1978 Izu-Oshima earthquake ofM s 6.8. Some precursory changes in seismicity patterns in wide areas surrounding source regions also seem to be tectonic precursors, because they were probably caused by the particular tectonic setting of each region. A typical example is a so-called doughnut pattern before the 1923 Kanto, Japan, earthquake ofM s 8.2.Although most studies on earthquake precursors so far seem to regard implicitly all precursory phenomena observed as physical ones, the two categories should be distinguished carefully when statistical analysis or physical modeling is carried out based on reported precursory phenomena. In active plate boundary zones, where a practical strategy for earthquake prediction may well be different from that in intraplate regions, tectonic precursors can be powerful additional tools for intermediate-term earthquake prediction.  相似文献   

We relocate the spatial distribution of the devastating 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and its aftershocks.The relocation database is obtained from 89 stations deployed by the China Earthquake Administration,including 54 525 seismograms from 1 376 local earthquakes over MS3.5 between 12 May 2008 and 3 August 2008.The cross-correlation technique used in this paper has greatly improved the relocation precision by giving much more accurate P-wave differential travel-time measurements than those obtained from ...  相似文献   

We relocate the spatial distribution of the devastating 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and its aftershocks. The relocation database is obtained from 89 stations deployed by the China Earthquake Administration, including 54 525 seismograms from 1 376 local earthquakes over MS 3.5 between 12 May 2008 and 3 August 2008. The cross-correlation technique used in this paper has greatly improved the relocation precision by giving much more accurate P-wave differential travel-time measurements than those obtained from routinely picked phase onsets. At the same time, we pick P-wave polarity observations of the Wenchuan earthquake series (hereafter referred to as WES) from 1 023 stations in China and 59 IRIS (incorporated Research Institutions of Seismology) stations. Then, employing a newly developed program CHNYTX, we obtain 83 well-determined focal mechanism solutions (hereafter referred to as FMSs). Based on spatial distribution and FMSs of the WES, we draw following conclusions: (1) The region near the main shock exhibits a buried low-angle northwest-dipping seismic zone with the main shock at its upper end and two conjugated seismic zones dipping southeast with roughly equal dip-angle; (2) The compressional directions of all kinds of FMSs of the WES are subhorizontal, which reflects the dominant stress in this area is compressional; (3) The principal compressional direction of the regional stress around Wenchuan is roughly perpendicular to the strike of Beichuan-Yingxiu fault, while around Qingchuan it is roughly parallel to the strike of Qingchuan fault. In intermediate part of the Longmenshan area, the principal compressional direction of the stress should be in-between; (4) The possibly existed molten materials in the lower crust of Songpan-Garze terrain have small contribution to the local stress state in Longmenshan area. The listric geometries of the Longmenshan faults most probably resulted from subhorizontal compression along NW-SE direction in history.  相似文献   

用前兆逆向追踪法研究台湾东部地区大地震前兆, 讨论适合该地区地震链和中期图象的参数,确定地震链的中期图象阈值. 将线性判别方法应用于地震链的中期图象,给出一种探索大地震前兆的途径. 数据分析结果表明,这种途径可降低对该地区大地震的虚报率; 前兆逆向追踪法在台湾地区是适用的.   相似文献   

2010年1月24日,山西省运城市河津-万荣交界地区发生Ms4.8地震.由于本次地震强度较低,并未形成地表破裂带,分析其发震构造具有一定的困难.地震现场工作队只能根据浅层人工地震剖面、附近钻孔资料、烈度等震线长轴和震中区附近活动断裂等来推定,认为西辛封隐伏断裂为可能的发震断裂.为此,下面我们将在分析本次地震的震源机制解、序列三维空间分布特征的基础上,结合本次地震的宏观考察结果,确定其发震构造并探讨发震机理.  相似文献   

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