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The pristine Okavango Delta wetland of northern Botswana is potentially under threat due to water abstraction from its tributaries. We have developed a statistical model which makes it possible to predict the extent of wetland loss which will arise from water abstraction. The model also permits prediction of the maximum area of flooding, and its spatial distribution, three months in advance of the flood maximum. The model was calibrated using maximum areas of seasonal inundation extracted from satellite imagery covering the period 1985–2000, which were correlated with rainfall and total flood discharge. A technique was developed to translate the modelled flood area into a flood map. The methodology can predict maximum area of flooding and its distribution with better than 90% accuracy. An important, although relatively minor, source of error in the spatial distribution of the flood arises from a secular change in flood distribution in the distal Delta which has taken place over the last 15 years. Reconstruction of flooding history back to 1934 suggests that the Delta may be subject to a quasi 80 year climatic oscillation. If this oscillation continues, the extent of flooding will increase in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Dust plays a globally important role in supplying biologically essential elements to landscapes underlain by nutrient-poor substrates. Here we show that dust may play a significant role in sustaining productivity in the vast wetlands of the Okavango Delta in southern Africa, one of the world's richest biodiversity hotspots. Dust accumulates preferentially on tree-covered islands in the seasonal swamps of the Delta, creating pockets of fine-grained, nutrient-rich material within the semi-arid landscape of the Kalahari Desert. Strontium and neodymium isotopes reveal that this dust likely originates predominantly from the Makgadikgadi salt pans, located 300 km away, and contributes 10–80% of the fine-grained material present in Okavango island soils. Surface material sourced from the Makgadikgadi Pans contains relatively high amounts of bioavailable phosphorus and iron, potentially influencing Okavango Delta biological productivity. We propose that long-term ecosystem productivity and nutrient availability in the Okavango may be strongly mediated by regional dust inputs. Understanding the influence of dust deposition on nutrient loads and biogeochemical cycling is thus critical for predicting the response of the Okavango Delta to future changes in climate. We suggest that dust inputs may play a significant role in the supply of nutrients to other large, global wetland systems located in dryland environments. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

T.S. McCarthy   《Journal of Hydrology》2006,320(3-4):264-282
The Okavango Delta of northern Botswana is a large (40,000 km2) alluvial fan located at the terminus of the Okavango River. The river discharges about 10 km3 of water onto the fan each year, augmented by about 6 km3 of rainfall, which sustains about 2500 km2 of permanent wetland and up to 8000 km2 of seasonal wetland. Interaction between this surface water and the groundwater strongly influences the structure and function of the wetland ecosystem. The climate is semi-arid, and only 2% of the water leaves as surface flow and probably very little as groundwater flow. The bulk of the water is lost to the atmosphere. The Okavango River also delivers about 170,000 tonnes of bedload sediment and about 360,000 tonnes of solutes to the Delta each year, most of which are deposited on the fan. Bedload is deposited in the proximal, permanent wetland, whilst much of the solute load is deposited in the seasonal wetland. Notwithstanding the high evapotranspirational loss, saline surface water is rare. Between 80 and 90% of the seasonal flood water infiltrates the ground, recharging the groundwater beneath the flood plains and the many islands on the flood plains. The remainder is lost by evaporation. This groundwater reservoir is transpired into the atmosphere by both aquatic vegetation on the flood plains and terrestrial vegetation on the islands, and the water table is steadily lowered following passage of the seasonal flood. Trees, which are almost exclusively confined to islands, are particularly important, as they lower the water table beneath islands relative to the surrounding wetlands. There is therefore a net flow of groundwater towards islands. Accumulation of dissolved salts in this groundwater leads to precipitation of solutes (mainly of silica and calcite) in the soils beneath island fringes and the islands grow by vertical expansion. Islands are thus an expression of the chemical sedimentation taking place on the fan. Sodium bicarbonate accumulates in the groundwater beneath island centres, and this impacts on the vegetation, leading ultimately to barren island interiors. Dense saline brine thus produced subsides under density-driven flow. This cycling of seasonal flood water through the groundwater reservoir thus plays a key role in creating and maintaining the biological and habitat diversity of the wetland, and inhibits the formation of saline surface water.  相似文献   

The Okavango wetland in northern Botswana is one of the world's largest inland deltas. The delta is a dynamic environment with shifting channel routes, causing growth and decay of ?anking wetlands, and giving birth to islands. Primary island nuclei are formed by ?uvial processes and bioengineering, and subsequently grow into secondary larger islands of irregular shape by clastic and chemical sedimentation, and later by coalescence. This article presents classi?cations and quantitative estimations of channels, wetlands and islands of the Okavango Delta. Islands were classi?ed dependent on composition, pattern of composition, shape and juxtaposition. 90 per cent of all islands in the entire wetland were identi?ed, with a classi?cation accuracy of 60 to 85 per cent. Smaller islands of the nucleus types dominate the upper parts of the delta, whereas larger secondary islands are more common in the distal part, a re?ection of the age of the islands. Islands in the entry valley of the delta, the Panhandle, are larger in the top end – the primary region of recent clastic sedimentation. The overall size distribution of islands in the delta, however, shows no clumps, indicating that island growth is a uniform process over time and space. The total area ?ooded at least every decade is approximately 14 000 km2, of which 9000 km2 is classi?ed as actual wetland. Channel meandering decreases from the Panhandle to the distal part of the delta, with the abandoned Thaoge channel as an exception. Occurrence of ?uvially formed islands in the distal delta indicates that the water ?ow and area of inundation must once have been much larger. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over‐bank flooding is one of the driving forces controlling ecological integrity of riparian wetlands. Indentifying natural over‐bank flooding regime and its temporal variations is crucial for developing conservation and restoration plans and making water resources management policies for these ecosystems. Along the midstream of the Wei River in Xi'an, China lies the Jingwei riparian wetland, which was well preserved until the 1970s. Based on historical record of hydrological and morphological data of the Wei River from 1951 to 2000, we analysed temporal variations of over‐bank flooding frequency, duration, and timing in this paper. The natural annual over‐bank flooding regime was identified as having an occurrence frequency of 2·2 times a year and average duration of 5·3 days; these flooding events typically occur between June and September with occasional occurrence in late spring and late autumn. Over‐bank flooding occurrence frequency and duration decreased significantly during the 1990s, seasonal events of over‐bank floods were changed through reduced flooding frequency during summer and disappearing flooding events in late spring and late autumn. Further investigations showed that reduced discharge in the Wei River was the principal cause for these changes in over‐bank flooding dynamics. Our analysis also showed that decreased discharge of the Wei River during the 1990s was attributed near equally to disturbances from human activities and decreased regional precipitation. Results from this study may help reestablish natural over‐bank flooding dynamics in order to ensure successful restoration of Jingwei riparian wetland. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

丁扬  姜百惠  丁鑫  杨帆  孙涛 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1745-1754
消落区是河流、湖泊和水库因阶段性或长期性的水位涨落而反复淹没或出露而形成的一种特殊的季节性湿地.消落区植被在维持水陆生态系统的动态平衡、生物多样性、生态安全及生态服务功能等方面发挥着重要作用.通过样方法调查分析了海南松涛水库消落区植物组成、区系特点以及群落分布特征.结果显示:松涛水库消落区共有维管植物40科101属115种,其中被子植物36科97属111种,蕨类植物4科4属4种.植物区系以热带性为主,外来入侵种较多,且既耐水淹又耐干旱植物众多;群落以草本、灌木植物为主,乔木较少且大多以幼苗形式存在.主要群落类型为以铺地黍(Panicum repens)为优势种的复合群落,个别区域零散分布有美洲蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)、光荚含羞草(Mimosa sepiaria)、猪屎豆(Crotalaria pallida)、马松子(Melochia corchorifolia)、假臭草(Praxelis clematidea)和铺地黍等单优群落.消落区不同海拔区间群落分布存在明显差异,物种多样性从高到低呈显著递减趋势.研究结果可为松涛水库消落区植被恢复工作提供科学指导.  相似文献   

江维薇  杨楠  肖衡林 《湖泊科学》2023,35(2):564-576
近年来,我国西南流域陆续建成多座梯级高坝大库工程,随之形成的大面积水库消落带面临着植物恢复等问题,能否借鉴三峡库区消落带已有的大量植物修复成果和经验尚缺乏科学依据。通过对2021年出露期三峡库区和西南库区消落带现存植物进行调查,采用淹水时间统一划分淹水梯度带,淹水时间7个月及以上为重度淹水区(S)、淹水时间为5~6个月为中度淹水区(M)和淹水时间4个月及以下为轻度淹水区(L),定量比较了三峡库区和西南库区消落带沿各淹水梯度的物种组成、物种多样性和系统发育多样性,探讨了水库消落带物种组成的驱动因子、植物群落构建策略以及多样性维持机制等。结果显示,三峡库区消落带共发现维管束植物20科36属36种,西南库区消落带共发现维管束植物21科41属45种,二者物种组成的Jaccard、Sorensen相似性系数分别为30.65%、46.91%,均以一年生为主要生活型、菊科和禾本科为优势科,相似的淹水时间可能是导致二者物种组成相似的主要因素;西南库区消落带的Gleason丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数和Pielou均匀度指数整体优于三峡库区消落带,二者物种...  相似文献   

近1200 a来黄河下游梁山泊沉积记录的环境变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用梁山泊670 cm柱状岩芯沉积物,基于精确的AMS-~(14)C年代测定,通过高分辨率的粒度、磁化率、总有机碳、C/N比值等环境代用指标的综合分析,并结合历史文献记载,初步揭示了1200 a来黄河下游地区平原湖泊沉积特征及环境演化历史.结果表明,梁山泊环境演化大致分为5个阶段:790-940 AD期间,为低湖面的沼泽沉积环境,气候冷干;940-1215 AD期间,屡次受到黄河决溢洪水影响,湖盆扩张,湖泊水位上升,为梁山泊极盛期,气候暖湿;1215-1310 AD期间,黄河夺淮入黄海,湖区淤积严重,湖泊萎缩减小;1310-1470 AD期间,再次受到黄河决溢洪水影响,水位上升,面积扩张,但逊于极盛期;1470 AD至现代,黄河河道进一步南移,远离梁山泊,湖盆淤积抬高,梁山泊最终消失,直到1855AD,黄河第6次大改道北移,湖泊再次受到黄河洪水影响,由于前期受到泥沙淤积抬高,该地区仅作为黄河泥沙承载区.在气候变化大背景下,黄河改道决溢是梁山泊演化的主因.  相似文献   

Silcretes exposed within river-marginal or valley settings have been described in a number of studies, but few models have been suggested for the development of these ‘fluvial’ silcretes. An exception is that proposed by McCarthy and Ellery (Journal of Sedimentary Research, 1995, Vol. A65, pp. 77–90) to describe mechanisms of early stage near-surface silica diagenesis in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. This paper describes the characteristics and possible origins of massive surface and sub-surface silcretes at Samedupe and Boro Junction, beyond the distal margin of the Okavango Delta and further downstream than the sites described by McCarthy and Ellery. Morphological and petrological evidence from surface exposures and three sedimentary cores suggests that other modes of formation may also be applicable. A dual model of formation is proposed: surface silcretes are suggested to have developed by silica accumulation in seasonal pools remaining after the annual Okavango flood, whilst sub-surface horizons appear to have formed under conditions of varying pH associated with fluctuating groundwater levels beneath the channel floor. This model is reviewed in the context of the fluvial silcrete debate. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

枯落物分解过程是湿地生态系统生源要素生物地球化学循环的关键环节.研究湿地枯落物分解过程是揭示湿地生态功能机理的关键.洪泛平原湿地枯水期的地下水位及丰水期的洪水淹没深度和持续时间都是湿地枯落物分解过程的重要调控因素.本研究采用分解袋法和原位观测模拟试验研究了鄱阳湖优势湿地植物薹草枯落物分解及碳、氮、磷释放对枯水期转化到丰水期的响应.利用鄱阳湖湿地洲滩的高程差选取4个水位梯度,在枯水期4个梯度分别是G-H(高地下水位带)、G-MH(中高地下水位带)、G-ML(中低地下水位带)和G-L(低地下水位带),而在丰水期这4个梯度又转变为G-H(深淹水带)、G-MH(中度深淹水带)、G-ML(中度浅淹水带)和G-L(浅淹水带).研究结果表明:无论在枯水期内还是在丰水期内,4个梯度带之间薹草枯落物干物质残留率及分解速率都具有极显著的差异性.在枯水期内,4个梯度分解速率的大小关系为:G-HG-MHG-MLG-L,在丰水期内,分解速率大小关系发生了反转,即为:G-LG-MLG-MHG-H.薹草枯落物碳、氮、磷相对归还指数表现出与干物质相似的差异性.本研究可为湿地生态系统生物地球化学循环过程对水文节律的响应研究提供数据和理论支撑,也为鄱阳湖基于水位调控下的生态系统管理提供新的认识和决策依据.  相似文献   

水位变化对河流、湖泊湿地植被的影响   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
水位是湿地生态水文过程的关键因素之一,其改变将影响湿地植被覆盖度和物种组成,最终产生群落演替.从水位梯度,水位波动和人工控湖、控河工程3方面论述水位变化对湿地植被的影响:由于对水位选择的不同及彼此竞争力的差异,湿地植物种沿水位具有梯度分布现象,同时形态可塑性能对其分布范围产生一定影响;水位波动的频率和淹没持续时间对于植被演替具有基础性的作用,水位波动幅度的影响则相对较小,周期性波动能维持以草本植物为主的湿地植被的物种多样性和稳定性,非周期性波动以洪水、干旱为主,易促进湿地植被向固定的水生或陆生方向演替;人工控湖、控河的影响在机理上并无特殊之处,但保证物种多样性和生态系统稳定性的各种缓解措施具有较高的参考价值.基于机理的量化模型,自然、人为因素驱动下水位变化对湿地植被影响的差别研究,模拟水位波动实验以及人工控湖、控河工程的跟踪观测将是今后该领域研究的热点.  相似文献   

范少军  周立志  于超 《湖泊科学》2022,34(5):1596-1607
升金湖是长江中下游地区典型的浅水通江湖泊,是东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁徙路线上水鸟重要的越冬地. 2017年11月-2018年3月,以该湖泊越冬鸭属(Anas)鸟类为研究对象,对其在芦苇湿地、芡实塘、退耕还湿和水生植被恢复湿地4种湿地生境中的群落结构、行为特征及其环境影响因素进行了研究. 结果表明,升金湖分布有10种越冬鸭属鸟类,斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)、绿翅鸭(A. crecca)和绿头鸭(A. platyrhynchos)为该属鸟类群落的优势种. 鸭属鸟类群落在越冬前期种类和数量最多,在整个越冬期,鸭属鸟类在芦苇湿地中种数、数量、密度和多样性指数最高. 在水生植物盖度高、人为活动弱的芦苇湿地,鸭类的主要行为是休息;在食物资源丰富、人为活动强的芡实塘和退耕还湿湿地,其主要行为是觅食和警戒. 鸭属鸟类群落种数、数量、密度和多样性指数与湿地的面积、水域面积、水生植物盖度呈正相关,与干扰度和水深呈负相关. 觅食时间与气温和沉水植物的盖度呈正相关,与水深和干扰度呈负相关,警戒时间与干扰度呈正相关,与挺水植物的盖度呈负相关. 各种恢复类型的湿地生境成为越冬鸭属鸟类的重要栖息地,因此恢复多种湿地栖息地对于越冬水鸟的保护具有重要意义.  相似文献   

采用高时间分辨率遥感信息的谐波分析方法,提取反映鄱阳湖湿地植被指数随水位变化的谐波分量,分别以自然年和水文年的不同周期作为湿地植被指数谐波分析单元,利用时间序列信号的最大振幅谐波分量的变化周期表征湿地植被指数在不同分析单元的变化模式,结合常年水位观测数据和湿地植被群落在不同物候期的时间与空间特征,探讨鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区和南矶湿地国家级自然保护区的植被分布面积与水位变化关系.结果表明:(1)鄱阳湖湿地植被分布受水文状况影响的特征明显,相对于南矶自然保护区,鄱阳湖自然保护区湿地植被分布面积对观测水位的变化更为敏感.(2)两个自然保护区范围内的湿地植被分布面积与对应水文年9和10月的观测水位呈现较强的负相关关系,且在0.05水平上显著.一年两季生长的湿地植被分布面积受退水时间影响大于次年的涨水时间,与枯水期的观测水位无明显的相关关系.(3)两个自然保护区在不同高程区间的湿地植被分布面积与观测水位的相关关系和显著性呈现各自特征.在鄱阳湖保护区,12~13 m高程区间的湿地植被分布面积与9月观测水位的相关性最强,且相关关系在0.05水平上显著;13~14 m高程区间的湿地植被分布面积与10月观测水位相关关系更强.在南矶自然保护区,湿地植被分布面积在不同高程区间均与9和10月观测水位显著相关.采用谐波分析方法分析湖泊湿地的植被分布面积与水位关系有助于基于多时间序列遥感信息的湿地水文节律研究.  相似文献   

Naturalization of the flow hydrograph and ice regime is a key step in assessment of ecological and socioeconomic impacts of regulation across large portions of Europe, Asia and North America, where many rivers are dammed for hydropower generation. Building on previous naturalization of early-freshet flows that influence the nature of breakup and jamming events, novel methodology is developed to estimate natural freezeup flows and thence determine associated water levels, also known to influence subsequent breakup events. Using reservoir inflows, the new methodology is applied to the lower portion of the regulated Peace River, Canada, which forms the northern boundary of the Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD), a Ramsar wetland of international importance that partially depends on spring ice-jam flooding for recharge of its high-elevation, or “perched” basins. The PAD provides habitat for numerous aquatic, terrestrial and avian species and is vital to the maintenance of indigenous culture and lifeways. Naturalized freezeup levels in the lower Peace River are shown to be nearly always lower than corresponding regulated values, with the difference averaging ~1.6 m. Consistent with known physics of river ice breakup processes, the present results suggest that ice-jam flood frequency would likely have been greater under natural conditions. Though potentially adverse from the ecological standpoint, reduction of spring ice-jam flooding can benefit riverside communities. Implications of the present results to and comparison with, other Canadian and international rivers are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydrological monitoring in complex, dynamic northern floodplain landscapes is challenging, but increasingly important as a consequence of multiple stressors. The Peace-Athabasca Delta in northern Alberta, Canada, is a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance reliant on episodic river ice-jam flood events to recharge abundant perched lakes and wetlands. Improved and systematic monitoring of landscape-scale hydrological connectivity among freshwater ecosystems (rivers, channels, wetlands, and lakes) is needed to guide stewardship decisions in the face of climate change and upstream industrial development. Here, we use water isotope compositions, supplemented by measurements of specific conductivity and field observations, from 68 lakes and 9 river sites in May 2018 to delineate the extent and magnitude of spring ice-jam induced flooding along the Peace and Athabasca rivers. Lake-specific estimates of input water isotope composition (δI) were modelled after accounting for influence of evaporative isotopic enrichment. Then, using the distinct isotopic signature of input water sources, we develop a set of binary mixing models and estimate the proportion of input to flooded lakes attributable to river floodwater and precipitation (snow or rain). This approach allowed identification of areas and magnitude of flooding that were not captured by other methods, including direct observations from flyovers, and to demarcate flow pathways in the delta. We demonstrate water isotope tracers as an efficient and effective monitoring tool for delineating spatial extent and magnitude of an important hydrological process and elucidating connectivity in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, an approach that can be readily adopted at other floodplain landscapes.  相似文献   

王朝  周立志  戴秉国  古辰  蒋忠冠 《湖泊科学》2019,31(5):1403-1414
水位的洪枯变化通过江湖连通影响泛滥平原湖泊鱼类的组成和分布,因而江湖过渡带是反映泛滥平原生态系统鱼类交流和多样性变动的关键区域.尽管如此,针对江湖过渡带鱼类群落随水位洪枯变化的研究十分匮乏.本研究以菜子湖江湖过渡带为例,分别在洪水和枯水期选取包括静水和流水生境的样点对鱼类群落进行系统的调查采样,探讨水位洪枯变化对菜子湖江湖过渡带鱼类物种和功能多样性的影响.共采集到鱼类6目12科37属52种,其中,洪水期和枯水期物种数差异显著,分别采集到鱼类50和42种,而静水生境和流水生境物种数差异不明显,分别采集到鱼类47和48种.与洪水期相比,枯水期山溪河流性鱼类的物种数、重量、尾数和优势度百分比分别减少了7.3%、6.3%、14.4%和12.0%;与静水生境相比,流水生境山溪河流性鱼类的物种数、重量、尾数和优势度百分比分别增加了5.3%、14.6%、18.0%和22.3%.SIMPER分析结果显示,麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)、蛇鮈(Saurogobio dabryi)、(Hemiculter leucisculus)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、鲫(Carassius auratus)、短颌鲚(Coilia brachygnathus)、似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni)、翘嘴鲌(Culter ilishaeformis)、达氏鲌(Culter dabryi)、光唇蛇鮈(Saurogobio gymnocheilus)和无须鱊(Acheilognathus gracilis)是引起水位洪枯变化以及不同生境类型鱼类群落结构差异的主要物种.优势度分析结果表明枯水期和静水生境的优势种鱼类相似,重要值较高的优势种鱼类为鲤、鲫、和似鳊;而洪水期和流水生境的优势种鱼类同样相似,重要值较高的优势种鱼类为麦穗鱼、蛇鮈、光唇蛇鮈和短颌鲚.通过双因素方差分析解析了水位洪枯变化和不同生境类型对鱼类物种和功能多样性的影响.发现洪枯水位变化仅对物种多样性指数中的物种数(Richness)产生显著差异,而对功能多样性的3个指数(功能丰富度指数(FRic)、功能离散指数(FDiv)和功能分散指数(FDis))均有显著影响.洪水期鱼类的Richness、FRicFDivFDis指数均显著高于枯水期.同时,静水生境条件下的FRic指数要显著高于流水生境.本研究发现,与传统的物种多样性相比,基于功能性状的功能多样性对水位的洪枯变动更为敏感,河流周期性洪泛是泛滥平原生态系统中鱼类功能补充的重要方式.  相似文献   

研究植物生活型和生态型可以深刻解析植物群落结构和其环境的关系,对研究植物群落的发生、发展以及演替规律都具有重要意义.通过对洞庭湖湿地植物群落物种生活型及生态型进行调查研究,结果表明:洞庭湖湿地植物主要生长型为草本植物,其次为藤本植物,木本类植物缺乏;生活型主要为一年生植物,其次为地下芽和地面芽植物,高位芽和地上芽植物最少.在不同典型群落中,高位芽和地上芽植物在不同群落中所占比重随着高程的递增而增加,且相同生活型在不同群落中所占的比重也随高程的递增而增加.植物生态型构成中,水分生态型以湿生植物为主,土壤pH值生态型以中性土植物最多,光照强度生态型以阳性植物为主,淤积生态型以非淤积植物最多.洞庭湖湿地不同高程典型植物群落生态型组成为:阳性、旱生、中生、碱性,中性、非淤积型植物主要分布于高、中程区,淤积植物主要分布于低程区;阴性、耐阴性、酸性、碱性、非淤积型植物随高程的递增而递增.在洞庭湖湿地,能同时适应洪水和泥沙淤积胁迫的生长型和生活型所占比例较高.水分是决定不同植物生态型分布的关键因子,在湿地高程区分布的物种更多,植物生态型更丰富.  相似文献   

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