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思维科学与地理思维研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
马蔼乃 《地理学报》2001,56(2):232-238
思维科学是研究人脑对信息加工、处理过程的科学。电脑实际上是仿人脑的 ,但是与人脑还有许多差别。地理思维在运用大脑时 ,比较全面 ,抽象思维、形象思维、和创造性思维 ,运用都很多 ,对开发大脑具有特殊的意义。文中概括地阐述了思维科学的主要内容 ,结合地理思维给出了具体的地理逻辑思维、地理图像思维和地理创造性思维的内容。  相似文献   

抽象思维向形象思维转换是认知和分析地理问题的基本方法,以图为载体利于培养学生思维能力,促进学生对地理问题的理解。本文聚焦高考经典试题,根据材料和设问信息绘制示意图,引导学生明晰问题含义,直观感受地理问题。  相似文献   

地理信息科学发展与技术应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文回顾了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所在地理信息科学研究与技术应用方面的历史过程,从早期的测量和制图的研究,到开创中国地理信息学科,建立资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室的历史,是中国特色原创地理信息理论发展的历史,是中国具备自主研发世界级地理信息软件的历史,是地理信息为国家重大战略提供坚实科技支撑的历史。本文主要从地图学、地学遥感、地理信息科学、地学数据共享、重大技术突破和国家战略支撑等方面进行概述,最后从地学知识图谱、地理大数据分析、遥感人工智能、地理系统模拟和知识服务角度展望地理科学发展的新科学范式。  相似文献   

形象思维是学生思维的重要形式。电教媒体的特点是直观形象,化繁为简,化虚为实,动静变换,快慢调控以及不走样的多次重复出现。这些特点都能促进学生的形象思维和抽象思维的综合发展。在地理教学过程中,根据教材内容,利用投影片对地图所表现的要素进行选择、取舍,突出讲课需要选取有关部分,舍去与教学内容无关部分,简化地图,突出重点,集中学生注意力强化记忆,提高学习效率。在地理教学中,多制作复合投影片、抽拉投影,可以很好地帮助学生分析地理要素之间的相互联系,分析地理成因。借助录像能突破时空限制,直观表现地理特征,揭示地理成因,帮助学生掌握教材重点,顺利地解决教材难点,提高教学效率。  相似文献   

人文地理学课程是高校地理科学专业的基础课程,对学生建构人文地理学理论框架、培养人文地理学科思维、提高人文地理问题分析能力具有重要作用。本文在阐释人文地理学理论体系和实践内容的基础上,从教学体系、思政元素、育人效果和专业特色4个方面探讨了人文地理学课程思政建设的总体思路。并且,本文结合具体实践,从目标引领与融合、建设模式与实施路径、课程思政内容体系、教学方法与考核方式等方面提出了课程思政设计方案,以期为地理科学专业相关课程的思政建设与教学提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

初中地理第一册“世界地形”一章中“地形的变化”一节,内容抽象,而且理论性又很强。针对初一学生的年龄特点——感性认识、形象思维较强,而理性认识、抽象思维能力还较差,为了把这些抽象的理性知识传授给学生.并使之能快速理解消化,我采用了创造一种情境,让学生展开丰富的联想、促使抽象思维转化成形象思维的方法,收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

地理科学是提升人类对地球表层认知、探索人地关系、解决资源、环境、发展所面临的复杂问题的重要支撑。引领科学发展,支撑领域人才队伍的建设与培育,是国家自然科学基金委员会的使命与职责。追踪地理科学领域前沿,优化学科布局并开展战略引导是基金委地理科学学科工作的重要任务。以2021年国家自然科学基金地理科学领域4 479项申请书为样本,运用词云分析方法,对申请书的关键词进行统计分析,剖析了地理科学及各分支学科的研究热点。结果表明:“深度学习”“气候变化”“生态系统服务”“高光谱遥感”“青藏高原”“可持续发展”等是2021年地理科学研究内容与方法的热点关键词。在分支学科间交叉融合方面,信息地理学与人文地理学的共现关键词主要有“空间分析模型”“地理信息系统”“遥感”“机器学习”等;自然地理学与人文地理学的共现关键词主要有“生态系统服务”“土地利用”“土地利用变化”“可持续发展”“情景分析”等;自然地理学与信息地理学的共现关键词主要有“遥感监测”“尺度效应”“机器学习”“数字土壤制图”等。未来,国家自然科学基金委员会将从关键词设置、学科间交叉融合等途径入手,进一步从战略层面优化地理科学研究布局,引导科学家聚焦地理学基础理论与热点前沿问题,服务碳中和、乡村振兴等国家重大战略需求。  相似文献   

信息地理学学科体系与发展战略要点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李新  袁林旺  裴韬  黄昕  刘广  郑东海 《地理学报》2021,76(9):2094-2103
信息时代的到来极大地促进了地理科学的发展,地理科学的研究已从传统的自然地理空间、人文地理空间拓展到了信息地理空间,催生了信息地理学的发展,并逐渐形成了地理遥感科学、地理信息科学和地理数据科学3个分支学科。在《中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)》地理科学的学科规划背景下,本文梳理了信息地理学的形成、定义和学科体系,重点阐述了信息地理学的学科发展战略布局、优先领域发展目标和重点方向。以期本文有助于促进遥感、地理信息科学与技术的发展和应用回归地理科学,进一步强化地理科学研究,使其更加系统化、科学化和现代化,促进地理科学的整体发展。  相似文献   

第一届广东省中学生地理研学旅行成果交流展示活动,立足关注学生在野外考察、社会调查、撰写报告过程中表现出的信息搜集与分析、组内交流与协作、创新性地解决问题等能力;关注学生在复杂真实情境中探究问题的综合思维、认知深度、素养表现;关注学生在实践活动中流露出的地理探究兴趣与地理审美情趣等,进而制定指向地理核心素养的研学活动内容、达成落实地理核心素养的研学活动任务、创设测评地理核心素养的过程表现评价。  相似文献   

程道生 《福建地理》2003,18(1):54-56
本文根据思维品质的特点,结合地理课堂教学过程中的问题探究,提出培养学生地理思维的目的性、深刻性、独立性、广阔性、创造性和敏捷性的途径与方法,从而促进学生地理学科能力和综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether spatial learning outcomes differ with respect to different instructional media. Spatial thinking skills were tested pre- and postlesson implementation via the spatial thinking ability test as eighth grade students participated in either paper-based or digital map-based instruction. Students' attitudes toward geography, past travel experience, and demographic variables such as gender, were also examined to search for differences in spatial thinking skill development. Results of the study reveal that both paper and digital media aid in developing and improving spatial thinking skill acquisition among students.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):208-219

Geography textbooks contain chapter or review questions that may engage students in spatial thinking. This research used Jo and Bednarz’s (2009) Taxonomy of Spatial Thinking to evaluate the percentage of spatial thinking questions in four university-level world geography course textbooks. The results from this study were then compared to the findings in Jo and Bednarz’s (2009) analysis of high school geography textbooks. Thirty-five percent of university level textbook questions are related to spatial thinking compared to twenty-four percent in high school geography textbooks. The results provide information useful to stakeholders, such as teachers, administrators, and textbook writers and may help these stakeholders to consciously incorporate the three components of spatial thinking as defined by the National Research Council (2006). A simplified taxonomy for identifying spatial-thinking concepts in textbook review questions is also suggested.  相似文献   

Economic Notes     

This article introduces the development and validation of the spatial thinking ability test (STAT). The STAT consists of sixteen multiple-choice questions of eight types. The STAT was validated by administering it to a sample of 532 junior high, high school, and university students. Factor analysis using principal components extraction was applied to identify underlying spatial thinking components and to evaluate the construct validity of the STAT. Spatial components identified through factor analysis only partly coincided with spatial concepts used to develop the questions that compose the STAT and with the components of spatial thinking hypothesized by other researchers.  相似文献   

Since the National Research Council (2006) report Learning to Think Spatially formalized geospatial thinking, researchers and educators have recognized the importance of investigating and understanding geospatial thinking. Conceptual frameworks have been developed and applied to individual research projects. Although useful in these contexts and potentially extendable to other related inquiries, they also overlap and conflict with one another. Moreover, the separate frameworks are built on different constructs, resulting in a disparate rather than a cohesive theoretical foundation for geospatial thinking. This article synthesizes existing frameworks and generates a model that represents conceptual advances and provides a foundation for research question generation.  相似文献   

Understanding geospatial technologies (GSTs) and spatial thinking is increasingly vital to contemporary life including common activities and hobbies; learning in science, mathematics, and social science; and employment within fields as diverse as engineering, health, business, and planning. As such, there is a need for a stand-alone K–12 curriculum in this area rather than the more piecemeal integration of GSTs and spatial thinking that is more common in today's schools. This article discusses the development of a systematic GST/spatial thinking course and analyzes how this course promoted student learning in these areas as well as developing problem-solving skills in other fields and applications.  相似文献   

地理研究者的地图空间认知过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地理研究者的地图空间认知过程,经历了地图的感知觉阶段、心象形成阶段、心象记忆对比分析阶段和认知思维(提出问题、解决问题)阶段。其对地图的认知带有强烈的目的性,已有的心象地图(地理空间概念)对地图空间认知有重要的影响。知觉过程经历了先自上而下后自下而上的两个阶段,是两个阶段的有机结合;心象地图的形成过程是概括地物图形特点、抽取地物组成元素及其组织关系的过程;心象地图的记忆则是构成心象的元素和组织这些元素的关系分别编码储存的过程;认知思维是根据地理空间概念进行判断、推理的过程,是地理研究者认知地图空间的核心;心象地图(地理空间概念)则是认知思维的基础。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):196-206

To effectively use journals and other writing for learning tasks as critical thinking and learning tools, geographic educators need to draw from the education literature on concept learning. Using the literature on concept learning and critical thinking, geographic educators can construct different kinds of journal assignments that give students opportunities to personalize and understand concepts. I demonstrate that students, regardless of their sex, level of education, or previous coursework in geography, found journal assignments helpful in understanding human geographic concepts.  相似文献   

地理综合思维是解决地理问题的基本思维,其概念的界定和结构的明晰关系到地理学领域综合思维应用的规范性,也影响着地理教育领域综合思维培养方向的正确性。论文基于地理综合思维主流的要素综合、时空综合、地方综合三维分类,尝试对细分小类进行组合,形成了6种地理综合思维认知结构模型假说。以高中学生为样本,运用地理综合思维测量量表获得学生的地理综合思维水平数据,采用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析方法,对地理综合思维的认知结构假说进行检验。结果发现结构假说与数据拟合不够理想。讨论认为要素综合、时空综合、地方综合是地理综合思维外在的形式认知结构,它们表征了地理综合思维全面、系统、动态的思维特征,而体现心理发展本质的地理综合思维内在认知结构有待进一步研究和确立。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):169-180

Research in the cognition and learning sciences has demonstrated that the human brain contains basic structures whose functions are to perform a variety of specific spatial reasoning tasks and that children are capable of learning basic spatial concepts at an early age. There has been a call from within geography to recognize research on spatial cognition in a meaningful way in primary school curriculum. This article utilizes the spatial thinking taxonomy proposed by Gersmehl and Gersmehl (2006) to examine to the extent to which spatial thinking concepts are being practiced in U.S. schools. The National Geography Standards and forty-nine state social studies or geography standards are examined. Using standards as a measure of geography content, it is concluded that while some of spatial thinking concepts appear often in curriculum, others are largely absent. Designing geography standards that address the findings of spatial cognition research may serve as a means of improving geography instruction.  相似文献   

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