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Summary In May 1992 during the interdisciplinary measurement campaign HartX (Hartheim eXperiment), several independent estimates of stand water vapor flux were compared at a 12-m high Scots pine (Pinus silvestris) plantation on a flat fluvial terrace of the Rhine close to Freiburg, Germany. Weather during the HartX period was characterized by ten consecutive clear days with exceptionally high input of available energy for this time of year and with a slowly shifting diurnal pattern in atmospheric variables like vapor pressure deficit. Methods utilized to quantify components of stand water flux included porometry measurements on understory graminoid leaves and on pine needles and three different techniques for determining individual tree xylem sap flow. Micrometeorological methods included eddy covariance and eddy covariance energy balance techniques with six independent systems on two towers separated by 40 m. Additionally, Bowen ratio energy balance estimates of water flux were conducted and measurements of the gradients in water vapor, CO2, and trace gases within and above the stand were carried out with an additional, portable 30 m high telescoping mast.Biologically-based estimates of overstory transpiration were obtained by up-scaling tree sap flow rates to stand level via cumulative sapwood area. Tree transpiration contributed between 2.2 and 2.6 mm/day to ET for a tree leaf area index (LAI) of 2.8. The pine stand had an understory dominated by sedge and grass species with overall average LAI of 1.5. Mechanistic canopy gas exchange models that quantify both water vapor and CO2 exchange were applied to both understory and tree needle ecosystem compartments. Thus, the transpiration by graminoid species was estimated at approximately 20% of total stand ET. The modelled estimates for understory contribution to stand water flux compared well with micrometeorologically-based determinations. Maximum carbon gain was estimated from the canopy models at approximately 425 mmol/(m2day) for the tree needles and at 100 mmol/(m2day) for the understory. Carbon gain was suggested by the modelling analysis to remain relatively constant during the HartX period, while water use efficiency in carbon fixation increased with decreasing vapor pressure deficit. Biologically- and micrometeorologically-based estimates of stand water flux showed good general agreement with variation of up to 20% that reflects both errors due to the inherent assumptions associated with different methods as well as natural spatial variability in fluxes. The various methods support a reliable estimate of average ET from this homogeneous canopy during HartX of about 2.6 mm/day (a maximum of about 3.1 mm/day) with an insignificant decreasing trend in correlation with decreasing vapor pressure deficit and possibly soil moisture.Findings during HartX were embedded in local scale heterogeneity with greater roughness over the forest and much higher ET over the surrounding agricultural fields which results in weak but clearly existant circulation patterns. A variety of measurements were continued after the HartX campaign. They allow us to extend our findings for six months with changing environmental conditions, including shortage of soil moisture. Hydrological estimates of soil water extractions and micrometeorological estimates of ET by the one-propeller eddy covariance (OPEC) system were in very good agreement, supporting the use of this robust eddy covariance energy balance technique for long-term monitoring.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

There has been some controversy concerning the rate of deposition of particles having diameters near 1.0 m to vegetated surfaces. In this size range, the processes of Brownian diffusion and inertial impaction are not effective and deposition to smooth surfaces reaches a minimum. However, most measurements of deposition of micrometer diameter particles to vegetated surfaces indicate a greater deposition than extrapolation of the results from less rough surfaces would suggest. In this study, the aerodynamic profile method was used to estimate deposition to a pine plantation. The deposition velocities were found to be sensitive to the displacement height and the form of the profile stability correction used in the calculations. An analysis of a limited set of Bowen ratio data, collected over the same forest, suggests that the data are reasonably described by using a displacement height of 7.9 m and the stability correction proposed by Raupach (1979).The average deposition velocities, measured over a 9-month period were 0.0043, 0.0078, and 0.0092 m/s for the three diameter classes 0.5\2-1.0, 1.0\2-2.0 and 2.0\2-5.0 \gmm. These deposition velocities are lower than the corresponding aerodynamic conductance for the same periods, indicating that the deposition rate is limited by surface phenomena. Average surface conductances calculated for the three size classes of particles were 0.0060, 0.0141, and 0.0276 m/s, respectively. A multiple regression analysis showed high correlation between deposition velocity and wind speed. No other measured environmental factor or linear combination of factors was significantly correlated with deposition velocity.This paper was prepared in connection with work done under Contract No. DE-AC09-76R00001 with the U.S. Department of Energy. By acceptance of this paper, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper, along with the right to produce and to authorize others to reproduce all or part of the copyrighted paper.  相似文献   

Summary Simultaneous measurements of xylem sap flow and water vapour flux over a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest (Hartheim, Germany), were carried out during the Hartheim Experiment (HartX), an intensive observation campaign of the international programme REKLIP. Sap flow was measured every 30 min using both radial constant heating (Granier, 1985) and two types of Cermak sap flowmeters installed on 24 trees selected to cover a wide range of the diameter classes of the stand (min 8 cm; max 17.5 cm). Available energy was high during the observation period (5.5 to 6.9 mm.day–1), and daily cumulated sap flow on a ground area basis varied between 2.0 and 2.7 mm day–1 depending on climate conditions. Maximum hourly values of sap flow reached 0.33 mm h–1, i.e., 230 W m–2.Comparisons of sap flow with water vapour flux as measured with two OPEC (One Propeller Eddy Correlation, University of Arizona) systems showed a time lag between the two methods, sap flow lagging about 90 min behind vapour flux. After taking into account this time lag in the sap flow data set, a good agreement was found between both methods: sap flow = 0.745* vapour flux,r 2 = 0.86. The difference between the two estimates was due to understory transpiration.Canopy conductance (g c ) was calculated from sap flow measurements using the reverse form of Penman-Monteith equation and climatic data measured 4 m above the canopy. Variations ofg c were well correlated (r 2 = 0.85) with global radiation (R) and vapour pressure deficit (vpd). The quantitative expression forg c =f (R, vpd) was very similar to that previously found with maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) in the forest of Les Landes, South Western France.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Transpiration of a 7 m-high Stika spruce forest was investigated using measurments of net radiation, sensible heat and ground heat fluxes in an energy balance to give latent heat flux, and hence canopy resistance from the Penman-Monteith equation. Sensible heat flux was measured by the eddy-correlation method using a Fluxatron circuit.During six consecutive days of measurement in July/August, canopy resistance typically followed a decreasing trend from high values (150 s m-) at dawn to around 40 s m–1 at midday and then returning steadily to > 100 s m–1 at sunset. Transpiration was 3 mm day–1 on average over the period studied and changes in the rate within the day were significantly correlated with changes in net radiation.Comparisons are drawn with published data from other forest sites and the conclusion is reached that it is imprudent to generalise about transpiration rates and canopy resistances of different species at different sites from results gathered at one or two places.  相似文献   

Observations have been made of the windspeed, wind direction, and tree movement at the edge and 20 m within a stand of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) close to 11 m in height. The spectra of windspeed near canopy top, together with the output of accelerometers and video observations of tree movement at mid-crown, were compared in the same stand prior and two years after first thinning. Furthermore, the transfer of wind energy into tree movement was investigated by calculating the mechanical transfer function (H m 2 ) between the wind spectrum (S uu) and the tree's response (S yy), i.e. H m 2 = Syy/Suu. Trees were found to behave like damped harmonic oscillators. They reacted to sudden increases in windspeed, reached their greatest displacement during the first cycle, and then returned to their rest position under the influence of damping. The spectral peak frequencies in S yy and in H m 2coincided with the estimated natural sway frequency of trees. Response in the second mode was, however, also evident, especially within the unthinned stand. The periodogram plots showed a consistent trend of a marked decrease in the response of the tree to increase in frequency. Almost no difference in the wind energy transfer, i.e. peak frequencies and peak width, and damping of the system was found between Scot pine at 2700 and 1500 stems per hectare. However, along the stand edge tree movement was greater than within the stand indicating greater wind energy transfer and damping of the system along the stand edge than within the stand.  相似文献   

Summary During the Hartheim Experiment (HartX) 1992 conducted in the upper Rhine Valley, Germany, three different methods were used to measure sap flow in Scots pine trees via heating of water transported in the xylem: (1) constant heating applied radially in the sapwood (Granier-system-G), (2) constant heating of a stem segment (ermák-system-C), and (3) regulated variable heating of a stem segment that locally maintains a constant temperature gradient in the trunk (ermák/Schulze-system-CS). While the constant heating methods utilize changes in the induced temperature gradient to quantify sap flux, the CS-system estimates water flow from the variable power requirement to maintain a 2 or 3 degree Kelvin temperature gradient over a short distance between inserted electrodes and reference point. The C- and CS-systems assume that all transported water is encompassed and equally heated by the electrodes. In this case, flux rate is determined from temperature difference or energy input and the heat capacity of water. Active sapwood area need not be determined exactly. In contrast, the G-system requires an empirical calibration of the sensors that allows conversion of temperature difference into sap flow density. Estimates of sapwood area are used to calculate the total flux. All three methods assume that the natural fluctuation in temperature of the trunk near the point of insertion of heating and sensing elements is the same as that where reference thermocouples are inserted.Using all three systems, 24 trees were simultaneously monitored during the HartX campaign. Tree size within the stand ranged between 18 and 61 cm circumference at breast height, while sample trees ranged between 24 and 55 cm circumference. The smallest trees could only be measured by utilizing the G-system. Sap flow rates of individual trees measured at breast height increased rapidly in the morning along with increases in irradiance and vapor pressure deficit (D), decreased slowly during the course of the afternoon with continued increase inD, and decreased more slowly during the night.Ignoring potential effects introduced by the different methods, maximum flow rates of individual trees ranged between 0.5 and 2.5 kg H2O h–1 tree–1 or 0.3 and 0.6 mm h–1 related to projected crown area of trees and daily sums of sap flow for individual trees varied between 4.4 and 24 kg H2O tree–1 d–1 or 1.1 and 6.0 mm d–1. Maximum sap flow rates per sapwood area of trees varied least for the G-system (11–17 g cm–2 h–1) and was of similar magnitude as the C- (8–21 g cm–2 h–1) and CS-system (4–14 g cm–2 h–1).Regressions of total tree conductance (g t ) derived from sap flow estimates demonstrated the same linear increase of conductance with increasing irradiance, however decrease of conductance with increasingD under non-limiting light conditions was different for the three systems with strongest reduction ofg t measured with the CS-system followed by the C- and G-system. This led to different estimates of daily sap flow rates especially during the second part of the measurement period.Variation in sap flow rates is explained on the basis of variation in leaf area index of individual trees, heterogeneity in soil conditions, and methodological differences in sap flow measurements. Despite the highly uniform plantation forest at the scale of hectares, the heterogeneity in tree size and soil depth at the scale of square meters still make it difficult to appropriately and efficiently select sample trees and to scale-up water flux from individual trees to the stand level.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Vertical profiles of H2O, CO2, O3, NO and NO2 were measured during the Hartheim Experiment (HartX) to develop and calibrate a multi-layer resistance model to estimate deposition and emission of the cited gaseous species. The meteorological and gas concentration data were obtained with a 30 m high telescopic mast with 7 gas inlets located at 5 m intervals and meteorological sensors at 5, 15 and 30 m above ground; a complete gas profile was obtained every 9 min 20 s. Measured profiles were influenced by several exchange processes, namely evapotranspiration, dewfall, assimilation of CO2 in the tree crowns, soil respiration, deposition of NO2 and O3 to the soil and advection of NOx from the nearby highway. Surprisingly, no decrease in O3 concentration was observed in the crown layer during daytime, probably due to the relatively low density of foliage elements and strong turbulent mixing.The advantage of measuring in-canopy profiles is that turbulent exchange coefficients need not be estimated as a prerequisite to obtaining vertical flux estimates. In recent years, flux-gradient relationships in canopies have been subject to many criticisms. If fluxes are calculated at several heights considering only the transfers between the turbulent air and the interacting surfaces at a certain height, and those fluxes are then integrated vertically in a subsequent step, then exchange estimates (deposition or emission) can be obtained independent of turbulent exchange conditions.Typical estimated deposition velocities calculated for a 3-day period are between 4 and 10 mm/s for NO2 and about 4–9 mm/s for O3 (day and night values respectively). This leads to deposition rates of about 20–40 ng N/m2s for NO2 and about 30–40 mg O3/m2 deposited daily under the conditions encountered during HartX. Sensitivity tests done with the best available and most realistic values for model parametrization have shown that sensitivity is large with respect to the soil and cuticula resistances as well as for gas-phase ozone destruction and that more research is required to describe the effectiveness of cuticula and soil in modifying sink characteristics for NO2 and O3.With 12 Figures  相似文献   

Summary  We compared two one-dimensional simulation models for heat and water fluxes in the soil-snow-atmosphere system with respect to their mathematical formulations of the surface heat exchange and the snow pack evolution. They were chosen as examples of a simple one-layer snow model and a more detailed multiple-layer snow model (SNTHERM). The snow models were combined with the same one-dimensional model for the heat and water balance of the underlying soil (CoupModel). Data from an arable field in central Sweden (Marsta), covering two years (1997–1999) of soil temperature, snow depth and eddy-correlation measurements were successfully compared with the models. Conditions with a snow pack deeper or shallower than 10 cm and bare soil resulted in similar discrepancies. The simulated net radiation and sensible heat flux were in good agreement with that measured during snow-covered periods, except for situations with snowmelt when the downward sensible heat flux was overestimated by 10–20 Wm−2. The results showed that the uncertainties in parameter values were more important than the model formulation and that both models were useful in evaluating the limitations and uncertainties of the measurements. Received November 1, 1999 Revised April 20, 2000  相似文献   

Quartz crystal thermometers with ceramic tubes for the wet bulbs were used to measure vertical profiles of temperature and humidity above a pine forest. The effect of the supporting structures on the measurements and an objective method of calculating the Bowen ratio are described. The surface resistance was computed from the Bowen-ratio results. The diurnal variations in the average surface resistance of the forest for groups of dry days in Spring, Summer and Autumn are presented.  相似文献   

Estimates of hourly transpiration from a 16–17 yr old Sitka spruce forest were calculated from the Penman-Monteith combination equation and compared with estimates from an eddy correlation/energy balance method.Canopy conductances were estimated from stomatal conductances measured using null balance diffusion porometers and took account of canopy variations of stomatal conductance and needle area index.Vertical heat fluxes were measured by the eddy correlation method; transpiration fluxes were then estimated from an energy balance of the forest.There was not a 1:1 relationship between the estimates of transpiration from the two methods. The major sources of error were concluded to be (i) difficulties of estimating the variation in stomatal conductance and leaf area through the canopy, (ii) errors in the value of total leaf area index, and (iii) errors in stomatal conductance measurements.The eddy correlation method was suggested as the more useful for future studies of the variation of forest transpiration in time or space, because the Penman-Monteith equation requires extensive biological measurements.  相似文献   

A multilayer canopy model of a pine forest is used to investigate the sensitivity of the water balance of the wet canopy to variations in meteorological input. The multilayer model does not take into account large-scale eddies, which are now considered to be of importance to canopy transport. It does, however, provide realistic simulations of wet canopy water balance and often predicts interception loss rates higher than those predicted by a unilayer model for the same meteorological input. Stable layers both within and above the canopy are often simulated during rainfall events, and these may help to spontaneously generate large-scale eddies or waves within forest canopies. The sensitivity study for a wet canopy suggests that low vapour pressure deficits and low wind speeds are associated with unstable surface conditions, and increasing values of both variables are associated with decreasing canopy drainage values and increasing evaporative losses. Low short- or long-wave radiation inputs are associated with stable surface conditions, and increasing values of both variables are associated with decreasing canopy drainage values and increasing evaporative losses. Increasing temperature is associated with increasing surface stability and increasing canopy drainage and decreasing evaporative losses. In real situations the tendency for increasing temperature to cause surface stability and decreased evaporative loss is probably compensated by the opposite effects of increasing short- or long-wave radiation. The model simulations suggest that wet forest canopies may be better ventilated at low temperatures, if other meteorological conditions are constant.  相似文献   

Three models of the partitioning of net radiation into latent and sensible heat fluxes over Sahelian savannah are described. Each model has a different configuration of stomatal and aerodynamic resistances. Their performance was assessed by comparison against field measurements of latent heat flux over savannah vegetation consisting of bushes interspersed with a herbaceous understorey. The modelled results indicate that in dry conditions, a Penman-Monteith based single source model performs adequately when predicting the latent heat flux. However, the models with two sources demonstrate that the bushes and herbs have very different responses to local climate. In all the models, evaporation is highly sensitive to stomatal resistance, suggesting that a better understanding of stomatal response would improve the accuracy of the models.  相似文献   

Global estimates of momentum and heat fluxes are required for the application of any general atmospheric and oceanic circulation model. A new technique for the estimation of these fluxes in a constant flux boundary layer is developed. The new approach is a modification of the dissipation technique but the only required measurements are the mean and fluctuating temperatures at two levels within the constant flux layer. All other flux estimation techniques require measurement of both temperature and velocity. Data are presented to compare flux estimation results with the conventional eddy-correlation technique. Also discussed are the limitations of the procedure and restrictions on its applicability.  相似文献   

The projections of leaf areas onto a horizontal plane and onto a vertical plane are examined for their utility in characterizing canopies for sunlight penetration (direct beam only) models. These projections exactly specify the penetration if the projections on the principal plane of the normals to the top surfaces of the leaves are in the same quadrant as the Sun. Inferring the total leaf area from these projections (and therefore the penetration as a function of the total leaf area) is possible only with a large uncertainty (up to ±32%) because the projections are a specific measure of the total leaf area only if the leaf angle distribution is known. It is expected that this uncertainty could be reduced to more acceptable levels by making an approximate assessment of whether the zenith angle distribution is that of an extremophile canopy. An extremophile canopy would have the maximum leaf area possible for given set of projections. Simple leaf projection measurements would then become a practical substitute for detailed measurements of the leaf angle distribution. This is not true if for a fraction of the canopy, the leaf normal projections fall in the non-solar quadrant. In this case, accurate and detailed information about the leaf orientation is required for assessing the penetration; the horizontal and vertical projections are inadequate for this purpose.  相似文献   

赵滨  张博 《暴雨灾害》2018,8(1):1-7

传统的降水检验中多采用TS评分等分类检验方法,这些方法由于使用点对点的比较方式,使得降水评估受到空间及时间微小差异所带来的\  相似文献   


利用2015年6月1日至8月31日ECMWF集合预报系统(EPS)51个成员的降水预报结果,基于安徽省大别山区12个代表站点1~3 d的逐12 h降水观测资料,采用TS评分、箱须图、泰勒图等方法,研究ECMWF集合预报降水结果在安徽省大别山区降水分级预报中的应用效果。主要结论如下:ECMWF集合降水预报中,08时起报的24 h降水量和20时起报的48 h降水量可参考性较大;降水分级检验中,晴雨预报正确率在70%以上,小雨和中雨的空报率较高,对大雨以上量级的预报能力相对较差;大型降水过程中,暴雨以上量级的预报需关注不同预报时效下降水量预报的变化趋势,个别成员对极端降水的表现也值得关注。



基于ARPS3DVAR+WRF(Advanced Regional Prediction and 3-dimensional variational System)快速同化模式对西南地区近几年发生的4次强降水过程进行模拟试验,对12 h降水预报结果采用升尺度方法,计算邻域平均预报、站点概率预报,最终形成邻域概率预报,并细致分析了这三种预报的特点与效果,讨论了升尺度窗区尺度给不同量级降水带来的影响,最后结合AROC评分与邻域空间检验FSS讨论业务概率预报应用的最佳尺度。结果表明:升尺度邻域平均预报在小雨与大暴雨量级降水上表现不稳定,对中雨的预报提高不明显,但是对大雨与暴雨预报有较好的改善效果;站点概率预报具有一定的误导性,而邻域概率预报可以弥补其缺憾,越高分辨率的模式有更多的降水样本,在降水不确定性上能给出更好的概率分级信息;相对邻域平均的升尺度预报TS检验结果,基于邻域概率的FSSAROC分析有更好的预报技巧指导意义;36 km升尺度窗区既能消除一定程度的强降水预报不确定性,同时也可以保留适当的对流尺度特征,为最佳升尺度窗区。


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