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1950-2008年黄河入海水沙变化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on hydrological data observed at Lijin gauging station from 1950 to 2008, the temporal changes of water discharge and sediment load of the Yellow River into the sea were analyzed by the wavelet analysis, and their impacts on the estuary were investigated in different periods based on the measured coastline and bathymetry data. The results show that: (1) there were three significant periodicities, i.e. annual (0.5-1.0-year), internnual (3.0-6.5-year) and decadal (10.1-14.2-year), in the variations of w...  相似文献   

In order to find out the variation process of water-sediment and its effect on the Yellow River Delta, the water discharge and sediment load at Lijin from 1950 to 2007 and the decrease of water discharge and sediment load in the Yellow River Basin caused by human disturbances were analyzed by means of statistics. It was shown that the water discharge and sediment load into the sea were decreasing from 1950 to 2007 with serious fluctuation. The human activities were the main cause for decrease of water discharge and sediment load into the sea. From 1950 to 2005, the average annual reduction of water discharge and sediment load by means of water-soil conservation practices were 2.02×109 m3 and 3.41×108 t respectively, and the average annual volume by water abstraction for industry and agriculture were 2.52×1010 m3 and 2.42×108 t respectively. The average sediment trapped by Sanmenxia Reservoir was 1.45×108 t from 1960 to 2007, and the average sediment retention of Xiaolangdi Reservoir was 2.398×108 t from 1997 to 2007. Compared to the data records at Huanyuankou, the water discharge and sediment load into the sea decreased with siltation in the lower reaches and increased with scouring in the lower reaches. The coastline near river mouth extended and the delta area increased when the ratio of accumulative sediment load and accumulative water discharge into the sea (SSCT) is 25.4–26.0 kg/m3 in different time periods. However, the sharp decrease of water discharge and sediment load into the sea in recent years, especially the Yellow River into the sea at Qing 8, the entire Yellow River Delta has turned into erosion from siltation, and the time for a reversal of the state was about 1997.  相似文献   

In order to find out the variation process of water-sediment and its effect on the Yellow River Delta, the water discharge and sediment load at Lijin from 1950 to 2007 and the decrease of water discharge and sediment load in the Yellow River Basin caused by human disturbances were analyzed by means of statistics. It was shown that the water discharge and sediment load into the sea were decreasing from 1950 to 2007 with serious fluctuation. The human activities were the main cause for decrease of water discharge and sediment load into the sea. From 1950 to 2005, the average annual reduction of water discharge and sediment load by means of water-soil conservation practices were 2.02×109 m3 and 3.41×108 t respectively, and the average annual volume by water abstraction for industry and agriculture were 2.52×1010 m3 and 2.42×108 t respectively. The average sediment trapped by Sanmenxia Reservoir was 1.45×108 t from 1960 to 2007, and the average sediment retention of Xiaolangdi Reservoir was 2.398×108 t from 1997 to 2007. Compared to the data records at Huanyuankou, the water discharge and sediment load into the sea decreased with siltation in the lower reaches and increased with scouring in the lower reaches. The coastline near river mouth extended and the delta area increased when the ratio of accumulative sediment load and accumulative water discharge into the sea (SSCT) is 25.4–26.0 kg/m3 in different time periods. However, the sharp decrease of water discharge and sediment load into the sea in recent years, especially the Yellow River into the sea at Qing 8, the entire Yellow River Delta has turned into erosion from siltation, and the time for a reversal of the state was about 1997.  相似文献   

The changing pattern of the Lower Yellow River (LYR) obtained from the traditional studies, which mainly did literal analysis based on historical documents related to the LYR are too macroscopic and absent of intuitiveness. This paper integrates all the records in historical documents related to course shift, flood and overflow of the last 3000 years and stores them in a GIS database. Then, all the data will be visualized in the form of map, which is helpful to show and understand the rules those events conform more intuitively and accurately. Taking these data as foundation, this study summarizes characteristics of the LYR’s courses and influence scope, and classifies them both into three types; divides the flow directions of the LYR’s courses into two periods, and proposes its changing pattern; concludes the characteristic of diversion points of courses shift events; calculates the velocity of courses shifts, gradient and sinuosity, and analyzes their changing patterns. Finally, this study classifies factors that may influence the occurrence of a course shift into two types: the internal factors, such as sediment rate, gradient and sinuosity of the river, and the external factors, such as precipitation and human activities.  相似文献   

黄河中游支流悬移质粒度与含沙量、流量间的复杂关系   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
许炯心 《地理研究》2003,22(1):39-48
本文以黄河中游若干支流为例,研究了宽变幅水沙两相流河流悬移质泥沙的粒度特征。结果表明,宽变幅水沙两相流河流的悬移质泥沙粒度特征与含沙量、流量之间具有复杂的关系。就同一站点而言,随着含沙量和流量的增大,大于0.05mm的粗颗粒泥沙的百分比迅速减小,并达到最小值;当含沙量和流量进一步增大时,其百分比又迅速增大,表现出明显的双值关系。对于小于0.01mm细泥沙而言,情形正好相反。黄河中游不同的支流之间,悬移质泥沙粒度特征与年均含沙量的关系也是复杂的。这些变化图形可以用非高含沙水流与高含沙水流不同的物理力学行为来解释  相似文献   

从防灾观点出发, 从河道的水动力学特性入手, 研究决定黄河下游河道水动力学特性的因素, 找到河道水 动力学特性和影响因子之间的关系。在此基础上, 从水流运动和泥沙输移之间的关系出发, 分析黄河下游河道的泥 沙运动特性, 对于黄河下游河道的演化特性作了探讨, 对于治理黄河提出了建议。和黄河下游河道紧密联系的下游 滩区问题, 不仅仅是一个自然科学的问题, 而且是和社会、经济、环境、资源等问题相关的一个综合性问题, 本文从 可持续发展的角度出发, 给出了解决滩区问题的建议。  相似文献   

黄河下游河道输沙功能的时间变化及其原因   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
许炯心 《地理研究》2006,25(2):276-284
以输出某一河道的泥沙总量与进入这一河道的泥沙量之比来定义河道输沙功能,以此为指标研究了黄河下游输沙功能的时间变化。研究表明,近50年来黄河下游河道输沙功能表现出随时间而减小的明显趋势。在总的减小趋势中,由于水库运用方式与下游水沙组合的不同,河道输沙功能指标具有明显的差异,可以划分为6个阶段。19861997年,由于降水偏少,且人类大量引水,黄河下游进入连续枯水的水文系列,河道萎缩,输沙功能迅速降低,此时段中输沙功能指标的时段平均值为0.62,为有水沙记录以来最低的时期。对于黄河下游输沙功能指标与流域因子和河道特性因子的时间变化系列进行了比较,以揭示输沙功能减小的原因。结果表明,黄河下游河道输沙功能指标与流域平均年降水量、兰州站和三门峡站汛期径流占年径流百分比、游荡段典型断面平滩水位下断面面积、花园口站和高村站水面比降等因子有同步减小的关系,并随流域水土保持面积、人类引水量及其占天然径流量比率的增大而增大,说明这些因子的变化导致了黄河下游输沙功能的减弱。  相似文献   

This paper examines the changes in the time series of water discharge and sediment load of the Yellow River into the Bohai Sea. To determine the characteristics of abrupt changes and multi-scale periods of water discharge and sediment load, data from Lijin station were analyzed, and the resonance periods were then calculated. The Mann-Kendall test, order clustering, power-spectrum, and wavelet analysis were used to observe water discharge and sediment load into the sea over the last 62 years. The most significant abrupt change in water discharge into the sea occurred in 1985, and an abrupt change in sediment load happened in the same year. Significant decreases of 64.6% and 73.8% were observed in water discharge and sediment load, respectively, before 1985. More significant abrupt changes in water discharge and sediment load were observed in 1968 and 1996. The characteristics of water discharge and sediment load into the Bohai Sea show periodic oscillation at inter-annual and decadal scales. The main periods of water discharge are 9.14 years and 3.05 years, whereas the main periods of sediment load are 10.67 years, 4.27 years, and 2.78 years. The significant resonance periods between water discharge and sediment load are observed at the following temporal scales: 2.86 years, 4.44 years, and 13.33 years. Water discharge and sediment load started to decrease after 1970 and has decreased significantly since 1985 for several reasons. Firstly, the precipitation of the Yellow River drainage area has reduced since 1970. Secondly, large-scale human activities, such as the building of reservoirs and floodgates, have increased. Thirdly, water and soil conservation have taken effect since 1985.  相似文献   

不同水沙条件下黄河下游二级悬河的发展过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以大量实测横断面资料为基础,研究了1973~1997年不同水沙过程对黄河下游二级悬河形成过程的影响。发现花园口至高村河段二级悬河集中形成于1985~1997年的枯水阶段。高村以下河段二级悬河的形成可分两个阶段,1973~1985年大水条件下是冲刷主槽和淤积滩地的时期,但是由于泥沙主要堆积在靠近滩唇的部位,造成河床横比降增大;1985~1997年枯水条件下泥沙在主槽中大量淤积,导致二级悬河的形势更加严重。生产堤限制了泥沙的堆积范围,导致生产堤内滩地平均高程增长速度明显快于生产堤外滩地平均高程增长速度,生产堤距较窄的河段生产堤内滩地平均高程增长速度较快,显示了生产堤对二级悬河的发展有促进作用。  相似文献   

陆、气耦合是实现气候变化影响评价的关键,首先介绍了土壤-植物-大气输移方案(surface vegetation atmosplletie transfer schemes,简称SVATS)中具有国际可比性的可变下渗容量模型(Variable Infiltration Capacity,简称VIC模型).将黄河流域划分为432个50 km×50 km正交网格,由108个雨量站1960-1970年的逐日降水量资料插补到各个网格,根据土壤、植被分布资料,确定了各网格的土壤和植被参数,基于15个子流域的水文率定,将水文参数移植到相似区域,进而模拟了黄河流域径流量的空间分布;对典型支流及区间径流量的模拟效果表明,VIC模型具有较好的径流模拟能力,可用于分析、评价环境变化对流域河川径流的影响.  相似文献   

Based on an empirical sediment transport equation that reflects the characteristics of “more input, more output” for sediment-laden flow in rivers, a general sediment transport expression was developed, which can take into account the effects of upstream sediment input, previous cumulative sediment deposition, critical runoff for sediment initiation, and the differences in sediment particle sizes between the mainstream and tributaries. Then, sediment load equations for non-flood and flood seasons for the sub-reaches from Bayangaole to Sanhuhekou and from Sanhuhekou to Toudaoguai, as well as the whole Inner Mongolia reach from Bayangaole to Toudaoguai, were formulated based on data collected between 1952 and 2010. The corresponding sediment deposition and the cumulative values at each river reach were calculated using the proposed sediment transport equations for the period 1952 to 2010 according to the principle of sediment conservation. Comparisons between the calculated and measured values using the proposed sediment load equations for the sub-reaches and the entire reach showed that the calculated sediment load and sediment deposition and the corresponding cumulative values in the flood and non-flood seasons were in good agreement with the measured values. These results indicated that the proposed methods can be applied to calculate the sediment load and the associated sediment deposition in the flood and non-flood seasons for long-term trend analysis of sediment deposition in the Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River.  相似文献   

基于高要(西江)、石角(北江)和博罗(东江)水文站1954-2011 年的连续径流量和输沙率资料,采用Mann-Kendall 非参数秩次检验和小波分析的方法,分析珠江流域的入海水沙通量变化特征。结果显示:(1)1954-2011 年珠江的入海径流量没有明显变化趋势,但输沙率呈明显下降趋势,其间不同阶段的变化趋势不同:1954-1983 年珠江水沙均处于增长阶段,该阶段气候变化和人类活动对输沙的贡献率分别是70%和30%;1984-1993 年珠江水沙通量呈先降后升(1989 年是转折点)波动阶段,主要与气候变化有关;1994-2011 年珠江的水沙通量均呈下降趋势;气候变化和人类活动对输沙率下降的贡献率分别是20%和80%。(2)龙滩水库蓄水后的2007-2011 年与2006 年以前相比,珠江年均入海径流量减少了14%,而年均入海输沙率是减幅达到70%。这一时期水库蓄水和水土保持对输沙率减少的贡献率达到90%以上;(3)珠江的水沙通量变化具有明显年代际周期和年际周期变化特征,且不同子流域的周期有所不同。例如西江的径流量主要存在24 年和13 年的年代际周期以及4~7 年的年际周期,而输沙率主要存在16 年左右和10 年左右的年代际周期和4~7 年的年际周期;北江径流量主要存在12 年左右年代际周期和2 年左右以及8 年左右的年际周期和和输沙率年代际周期主要13-16 年,而年际周期是4~7 年和2~3 年;东江的径流和输沙率主要存在12 年左右年代际周期和2 年左右以及6 年左右的年际周期。这些年代际和年际变化周期与珠江流域降雨量的变化周期有较好关联性。  相似文献   

黄河河口延伸与下游淤积关系研究中的问题分析   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
师长兴 《地理科学》2005,25(2):183-189
阐明了黄河河口延伸与下游淤积关系问题的实质,指出了黄河河口延伸与下游淤积关系对时间尺度的依赖性,进而深入探讨了以前研究这一问题所用论据的合理性题。分析结果揭示,那种认为黄河下游淤积由河口延伸控制和河口延伸作用局限于近口河段的说法都缺乏令人信服的证据。  相似文献   

采用1960-2012年黄河源径流、降水数据,以过程线法、集中度和集中期等方法分析黄河沿以上、黄河沿-吉迈、吉迈-玛曲、玛曲-唐乃亥等4个区段降水、径流的演变特征,并从降水的产流能力、时滞相关和集中期响应等角度分析径流对降水的响应。结果表明:黄河源径流汛期占比年际变化趋势自上游各区段呈不显著的增加-减少-增加-减少的特征。吉迈以上径流量年际变化呈不显著增加,吉迈以下呈减少趋势。各区段径流集中期均有不同程度的提前。下游径流集中期早于上游。黄河源汛期降水占比呈不显著下降趋势。4个区段自上游降水年际变化呈显著增加-显著增加-不显著减少-不显著增加的特征。降水的集中度分布较径流更为集中,且有不显著减少趋势。各区段降水的产流能力在20世纪80年代末至90年代中期出现弱化趋势,中上游在2005年左右降水的产流能力转为较分析时段初期有增强的趋势,而中下游一直较分析时段初期减小。不同区段年径流量与不同统计时段降水量的依存关系不同。黄河源玛曲以上径流相对于降水的集中期滞后天数呈不显著减少,玛曲-唐乃亥滞后天数略有增加。  相似文献   

黄河下游沿岸地市CO2排放的时空分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张金萍  秦耀辰  张丽君  路超君 《地理研究》2012,31(12):2229-2239
地市级尺度的碳排放结构演变与区域差异分析对通过技术学习与知识流动短期内抑制 碳排放的快速增长具有重要意义。以地市级行政区作为基本空间单元, 对黄河下游沿岸区、 两大子区及21地市化石能源与水泥工业生产过程排放的CO2 进行科学核算, 发现CO2 排放量 变化于2000年的364.12~4426.95万t至2009年的1238.98~10411.91万t,呈现出典型的 “S型”增长特征, 但不同尺度区域排放结构的时空差异显着。2006年以来, 工业化进程较快 的区域水泥排碳比例有显着增长, 产业结构优化策略促使少数地市水泥排碳比例有所下降。 CO2 排放强度与人均排放量的变动符合碳排放EKC曲线关系, 但时空分异特征并不一致。排 放强度的全区总体差异较为合理, 而人均排放量的区域差异偏大, 从而为涓滴效应的加速作 用创造了空间。地区内差异分别为两指标全区总体差异变动的主导因素, 整体上, 中原区内 地市间差异对两指标全区差异变动的贡献更大。  相似文献   

黄河下游生态需水量及其估算   总被引:44,自引:3,他引:44  
石伟  王光谦 《地理学报》2002,57(5):595-602
通过分析黄河下游1958-2000年实测生态可用水,探讨生态需水量内涵,根据黄河特殊性及黄河生态需水量的研究现状,将维持和保护河流功能的黄河下游生态水量分为污期输运水量和非汛期生态基流量,在平滩流量输运能力最强的前提下,估算黄河下游汛期输运水量为80-120亿m^3,根据实测资料估算作为黄河下游水量控制断面花园口水文站和作为河口地区水量控制断面利津水文站的非汛期生态基分别为80-100亿m^3和50-60亿m^3,同时指出对黄河下游水沙调控和黄河流域水资源“准市场”的形成,是黄河下游生态需水量实现的保证。  相似文献   

60年来黄河流域径流量时空变化(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Water discharge data of the Yellow River over the past 60 years was analyzed using the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and Mann-Kendall (MK) test methods to identify spatial and temporal variation patterns. Potential connections between water discharge in the Yellow River Basin and El Ni o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) were also examined by the cross wavelet and wavelet coherence methods. CWT results show that the periodic oscillations in water discharges had occurred at the temporal scales of 1-, 2to 4-, 6to 8and 10to 22-year. It was also found that at the annual timescale (1-year) the phase relations between water discharge and ENSO were indistinct probably due to the strong influence by human disturbances. However, over the longer time scales, the phase relation becomes much clearer with an anti-phase relation being found mainly at inter-annual scale (2to 8-year) and in-phase relation at decadal scale (16to 22-year). According to the MK test results water discharge at most stations except Tangnaihai have decreased significantly and the abrupt change occurred in the mid-1980s or the early 1990s. The changes in water discharge were found to be influenced by both climate changes and human activities. Before 1970 the change in water discharge was positively related to precipitation variations in the river basin, but after 1970 the decrease in water discharge has been largely caused by various human activities including constructions of reservoirs, water abstraction and water-soil conservation with water abstraction being the main cause.  相似文献   

黄河下游河滨湿地不同草本植物群落物种多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
暖温带河滨湿地植被以草本植物群落为主。以黄河下游河滨湿地的河漫滩和背河洼地的15个草本植物群落为调查对象,研究河滨湿地不同草本植物群落的组成及多样性。结果表明,15个草本植物群落中共有31科73属94种植物,包括2科蕨类植物门植物和29科被子植物门植物,其中,禾本科植物最多(12属17种);丰富度最高的是狗尾草(Setaria viridis)群落;15个草本植物群落的Shannon-wiener指数介于0.22~2.07之间,人工群落荷花(Nelumbo nucifera)的Shannon-wiener指数最低,仅0.22,而另一人工群落水稻(Oryza sativa)的Shan-non-wiener指数却最大,达到2.07;典型湿地植物群落的Pielou均匀度指数较高,如扁秆藨草(Scirpus planiculmis)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、水烛(Typha angustifolia)群落的Pielou均匀度指数都大于0.6;Simpson多样性指数最高的是荷花群落,而最低的是水稻群落;15个群落中,多样性指数、丰富度、均匀度指数和优势度指数在各群落间存在显著的差异;河滨湿地自然草本植物群落的Shannon-wiener指数、物种丰富度、Pielou均匀度指数均高于人工草本植物群落,而Simpson多样性指数则是前者低于后者,但人工草本植物群落与自然草本植物群落间4个多样性指数的差异并不明显。  相似文献   

黄河是世界闻名的多沙性河流,历史时期就不断淤积、决口改道,且淤积速度不断加快,决口改道的频率也在不断增加。黄河下游地上河的发展和演变是自然因素和人类活动综合作用的结果。历史时期流域内人口的增加、耕作方式的改变及其对植被造成的破坏都对中游地区侵蚀的加剧、来沙的增加,以及下游地区河道的淤积及决口改道的发生带来不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

黄河健康生命的指标体系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
河流健康是人们对河流生命存在状态的描述,是人类对河流向其提供服务的认可程度。通过分析人类和河流生态系统的生存需求,认为连续的河川径流、通畅安全的水沙通道、良好的水质、良性运行的河流生态系统和一定的供水能力是健康黄河的标志,提出用低限流量、河道最大排洪能力、平滩流量、滩地横比降、水质类别、湿地规模、水生生物、供水能力等8项定量指标作为健康黄河的标志,并根据相关的历史水文资料和1956~2004年的实测数据分析,确定了相应的健康指标量值。  相似文献   

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