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During many lava dome-forming eruptions, persistent rockfalls and the concurrent development of a substantial talus apron around the foot of the dome are important aspects of the observed activity. An improved understanding of internal dome structure, including the shape and internal boundaries of the talus apron, is critical for determining when a lava dome is poised for a major collapse and how this collapse might ensue. We consider a period of lava dome growth at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from August 2005 to May 2006, during which a  100 × 106 m3 lava dome developed that culminated in a major dome-collapse event on 20 May 2006. We use an axi-symmetrical Finite Element Method model to simulate the growth and evolution of the lava dome, including the development of the talus apron. We first test the generic behaviour of this continuum model, which has core lava and carapace/talus components. Our model describes the generation rate of talus, including its spatial and temporal variation, as well as its post-generation deformation, which is important for an improved understanding of the internal configuration and structure of the dome. We then use our model to simulate the 2005 to 2006 Soufrière Hills dome growth using measured dome volumes and extrusion rates to drive the model and generate the evolving configuration of the dome core and carapace/talus domains. The evolution of the model is compared with the observed rockfall seismicity using event counts and seismic energy parameters, which are used here as a measure of rockfall intensity and hence a first-order proxy for volumes. The range of model-derived volume increments of talus aggraded to the talus slope per recorded rockfall event, approximately 3 × 103–13 × 103 m3 per rockfall, is high with respect to estimates based on observed events. From this, it is inferred that some of the volumetric growth of the talus apron (perhaps up to 60–70%) might have occurred in the form of aseismic deformation of the talus, forced by an internal, laterally spreading core. Talus apron growth by this mechanism has not previously been identified, and this suggests that the core, hosting hot gas-rich lava, could have a greater lateral extent than previously considered.  相似文献   

After the March–April 1986 explosive eruption a comprehensive gas study at Augustine was undertaken in the summers of 1986 and 1987. Airborne COSPEC measurements indicate that passive SO2 emission rates declined exponentially during this period from 380±45 metric tons/day (T/D) on 7/24/86 to 27±6 T/D on 8/24/87. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the Augustine magma reservoir has become more degassed as volcanic activity decreased after the spring 1986 eruption. Gas samples collected in 1987 from an 870°C fumarole on the andesitic lava dome show various degrees of disequilibrium due to oxidation of reduced gas species and condensation (and loss) of H2O in the intake tube of the sampling apparatus. Thermochemical restoration of the data permits removal of these effects to infer an equilibrium composition of the gases. Although not conclusive, this restoration is consistent with the idea that the gases were in equilibrium at 870°C with an oxygen fugacity near the Ni–NiO buffer. These restored gas compositions show that, relative to other convergent plate volcanoes, the Augustine gases are very HCl rich (5.3–6.0 mol% HCl), S rich (7.1 mol% total S), and H2O poor (83.9–84.8 mol% H2O). Values of D and 18O suggest that the H2O in the dome gases is a mixture of primary magmatic water (PMW) and local seawater. Part of the Cl in the Augustine volcanic gases probably comes from this shallow seawater source. Additional Cl may come from subducted oceanic crust because data by Johnston (1978) show that Cl-rich glass inclusions in olivine crystals contain hornblende, which is evidence for a deep source (>25km) for part of the Cl. Gas samples collected in 1986 from 390°–642°C fumaroles on a ramp surrounding the inner summit crater have been oxidized so severely that restoration to an equilibrium composition is not possible. H and O isotope data suggest that these gases are variable mixtures of seawater, FMW, and meteoric steam. These samples are much more H2O-rich (92%–97% H2O) than the dome gases, possibly due to a larger meteoric steam component. The 1986 samples also have higher Cl/S, S/C, and F/Cl ratios, which imply that the magmatic component in these gases is from the more degassed 1976 magma. Thus, the 1987 samples from the lava dome are better indicators than the 1986 samples of degassing within the Augustine magma reservoir, even though they were collected a year later and contain a significant seawater component. Future gas studies at Augustine should emphasize fumaroles on active lava domes. Condensates collected from the same lava-dome fumarole have enrichments ot 107–102 in Cl, Br, F, B, Cd, As, S, Bi, Pb, Sb, Mo, Zn, Cu, K, Li, Na, Si, and Ni. Lower-temperature (200°–650°C) fumaroles around the volcano are generally less enriched in highly volatile elements. However, these lower-termperature fumaroles have higher concentration of rock-forming elements, probably derived from the wall rock.  相似文献   

This paper describes a methodology for the monitoring of fumarole temperatures at medium ranges (~ 6 km) using a handheld infrared camera (wavelength range: 8–13.5 µm). As a relationship between fumarole temperatures, gas flux and volcanic activity has been demonstrated by a number of studies, fumarole temperature data has a potential use as a monitoring tool. Volcán de Colima is an andesitic stratovolcano with a 300 m diameter summit crater formed by the destruction of the 2004 lava dome by a series of explosions in 2005. Between January 2006 and August 2007, sequences of thermal images were recorded from a viewpoint 6 km to the north during regular 24–48 hour monitoring excursions. The temperatures of fumaroles on the crater rim and the ground surface on the volcano's flanks were measured. A methodology was developed to remove data affected by clouds or volcanic water vapour based on rates of temperature change and scatter within the data. For the remaining data, it is demonstrated mathematically that at this range, typical variations in atmospheric transmissivity will affect the apparent temperatures by +/− 2 °C, while a 25% change in fumarole heat flux would change it by 5–10 °C. The mean night-time apparent temperature of the fumaroles was calculated for each excursion and showed an irregular decline over the 19 month period. Subtracting the radiant heat flux of flank rocks from those of the fumaroles removes seasonal variations and gives the clearest view of trends in the fumarole heat flux. A sharp drop in fumarole temperature during February 2007 coincided with the emergence of a lava dome in the crater. The declining fumarole temperature is interpreted to reflect decreasing gas flux from the crater in line with a change in eruptive regime from frequent, small, ash-rich explosions to slow effusion of lava.  相似文献   

 Lascar Volcano (5592 m; 23°22'S, 67°44'W) entered a new period of vigorous activity in 1984, culminating in a major explosive eruption in April 1993. Activity since 1984 has been characterised by cyclic behaviour with recognition of four cycles up to the end of 1993. In each cycle a lava dome is extruded in the active crater, accompanied by vigorous degassing through high-temperature, high-velocity fumaroles distributed on and around the dome. The fumaroles are the source of a sustained steam plume above the volcano. The dome then subsides back into the conduit. During the subsidence phase the velocity and gas output of the fumaroles decrease, and the cycle is completed by violent explosive activity. Subsidence of both the dome and the crater floor is accommodated by movement on concentric, cylindrical or inward-dipping conical fractures. The observations are consistent with a model in which gas loss from the dome is progressively inhibited during a cycle and gas pressure increases within and below the lava dome, triggering a large explosive eruption. Factors that can lead to a decrease in gas loss include a decrease in magma permeability by foam collapse, reduction in permeability due to precipitation of hydrothermal minerals in the pores and fractures within the dome and in country rock surrounding the conduit, and closure of open fractures during subsidence of the dome and crater floor. Dome subsidence may be a consequence of reduction in magma porosity (foam collapse) as degassing occurs and pressurisation develops as the permeability of the dome and conduit system decreases. Superimposed upon this activity are small explosive events of shallow origin. These we interpret as subsidence events on the concentric fractures leading to short-term pressure increases just below the crater floor. Received: 12 December 1996 / Accepted: 6 May 1997  相似文献   

For many centuries Merapi volcano has generated hot avalanches of blocks, lapilli and ashes, derived from the destruction of partially solidified, viscous lava domes (Merapi-type nuées ardentes). On 15 June 1984, at least four nuées ardentes came down the southwest slope of the Merapi, the first and the last being responsible for more than 99% of the deposits which are now exposed. The first nuée ardente, a Merapi-type nuée ardente, was produced by the destruction of the dome, travelled 7 km from the crater, leaving a measured deposit, 2.7 m thick, 4 km from the crater, near its upper depositional limit, regularly increasing to a maximum measured thickness of 12 m at the front of the deposit. The lower contact is sharp, non-erosive, with pines still rooted in the underlying paleosol. The deposit consists of 50% ash, 33% lapilli, and 17% blocks, with two subpopulations (one Rosin and one normal), and is finespoor, with less than 4% of fine ash (d finer than 4 ). The deposit displays reverse population grading of both vesiculated and massive clasts, and of the maximum grain size. The maximum size significantly increases regularly down-current over most of the exposed length of unit 1, and bed thickness increases for the entire length of the deposit. The deposit of the second nuée ardente is only 6–21 cm thick, and of very limited lateral extent. It is a normally graded, coarse to fine ash, with a finespoor base. The third unit consists of fines-poor, normally graded coarse ash, exposed in low-amplitude (20–40 cm), 12-m-wavelength dunes. The deposit of the fourth nuée ardente rests in sharp erosive contact on the underlying unit, increasing in thickness down-flow. It consists of transitional coarse and fine-grained strata, 6–130 c cm thick, dipping 5–10° down-flow. The deposit, made up of two subpopulations (one Rosin and one normal), is normally graded over the entire bed, but coarsegrained strata are reversely graded. The relative content of vesiculated clasts increases up-bed in both strata types, from 12% at the base to 40% at the top. The characteristics of unit 1 suggest that it accumulated from a concentrated suspension of cohesionless solids exhibiting non-Newtonian behavior, where dispersive pressure played an important role in the suspension of the clasts. Units 2 and 3 were probably deposited from dilute turbulent suspensions, whereas the upper unit (4) is a classic example of deposition from a high-density turbulent suspension leading to the formation of multiple traction carpets driven by the overlying, lower-density, surge. The horizontal distance travelled by a hot rock avalanche may be influenced by its transport mechanism. Debris flows are mobile on very low slopes-as low as 1°-whereas grain flows, even density-modified grain flows, require relatively high slopes-more than 6° at Merapi-to maintain their mobility. If the present Merapi dome were to collapse and produce a debris flow, its present volume coupled with the minimal 1.5 km vertical drop could travel a distance ranging between 15 and 30 km. However, if transport were by grain flow mechanisms, the mass could come to rest as it reaches a 5–10° slope.  相似文献   

Horizontal ground deformation measurements were made repeatedly with an electronic distance meter near the Puu Oo eruption site approximately perpendicular to Kilauea's east rift zone (ERZ) before and after eruptive episodes 22–42. Line lengths gradually extended during repose periods and rapidly contracted about the same amount following eruptions. The repeated extension and contraction of the measured lines are best explained by the elastic response of the country rock to the addition and subsequent eruption of magma from a local reservoir. The deformation patterns are modeled to constrain the geometry and location of the local reservoir near Puu Oo. The observed deformation is consistent with deformation patterns that would be produced by the expansion of a shallow, steeply dipping dike just uprift of Puu Oo striking parallel to the trend of the ERZ. The modeled dike is centered about 800 m uprift of Puu Oo. Its top is at a depth of 0.4 km, its bottom at about 2.9 km, and the length is about 1.6 km; the dike strikes N65° E and dips at about 87°SE. The model indicates that the dike expanded by 11 cm during repose periods, for an average volumetric expansion of nearly 500 000 m3. The volume of magma added to the dike during repose periods was variable but correlates positively with the volume of erupted lava of the subsequent eruption and represents about 8% of the new lava extruded. Dike geometry and expansion values are used to estimate the pressure increase near the eruption site due to the accumulation of magma during repose periods. On average, vent pressures increased by about 0.38 MPa during the repose periods, one-third of the pressure increase at the summit. The model indicates that the dikelike body below Puu Oo grew in volume from 3 million cubic meters (Mm3) to about 10–12 Mm3 during the series of eruptions. The width of this body was probably about 2.5–3.0 m. No net long-term deformation was detected along the measured deformation lines.  相似文献   

Processes generating block and ash flows by gravitational dome collapse (Merapi-type pyroclastic flow) were observed in detail during the 1990–1995 eruption of Unzen volcano, Japan. Two different types were identified by analysis of video records and observations during helicopter flights. Most of the block and ash flows erupted during the 1991–1993 exogenous dome growth stage initially involved crack propagation due to cooling and flowage of the dome lava lobes. The mass around the crack became unstable, locally decreasing in tensile strength. Finally, a slab separated from the lobe front, fragmented progressively from the base to the top within a few seconds, and became a block and ash flow. Rock falls immediately followed, in response to local instability of the lobe front. Clasts in these rock falls fragmented and merged with the preceding flow. In contrast, block and ash flows during the endogenous dome growth stage in 1994 were generated due to local bulge of the dome. Unstable lava blocks collapsed and subsequently fragmented to produce block and ash flows.  相似文献   

Summary Winter and summer Mid-Latitude (45oN) atmospheres to 90 km, two of a family of nine atmospheres supplemental to the U.S. Standard Atmosphere (1962), provide information on atmospheric structure by seasons rather than the mean annual data shown in the Standard, which is described for reference. Principal data sources for constructing these atmospheres consisted of summaries of Northern Hemisphere radiosonde observations at stations near, 45oN, and observations made from rockets and instruments released by rockets, from nearly a dozen Northern Hemisphere launching sites.Winter and summer temperature-height profiles begin with surface temperatures of –1° and +21 °C, respectively, and contain three isothermal layers: –58°C at 19 to 27 km in winter and –57.5°C at 13 to 17 km in summer; –7.5° and +2.5°C at 47 to 52 km; and –79.5 and –99°C at 80 to 90 km, respectively. The temperature-height curve for the U.S. Standard has a surface temperature of +15°C with isothermal regions at 11 to 20 km (–56.5°C), 47 to 52 km (–2.5°C), and 80 to 90 km (–92.5°C). In all three atmospheres, temperature gradients for various segments are linear with geopotential, height. Humidity is incorporated into the lowest 10 km of the Supplemental Atmospheres, whereas the Standard is dry. Figures and tables depict temperature, relative humidity, pressure, and density for winter and summer, and temperature, pressure, density, speed of sound, and dynamic viscosity for the U.S. Standard Atmosphere.The Supplemental Atmospheres are mutually consistent; zonal wind profiles, computed from the geostrophic wind equation and selected pressure heights, compare favorably with existing radiosonde and rocket wind observations.  相似文献   

The EISCAT UHF radar system was used to study the characteristics of E-region coherent backscatter at very large magnetic aspect angles (5–11°). Data taken using 60 s pulses during elevation scans through horizontally uniform backscatter permitted the use of inversion techniques to determine height profiles of the scattering layer. The layer was always singly peaked, with a mean height of 104 km, and mean thickness (full width at half maximum) of 10 km, both independent of aspect angle. Aspect sensitivities were also estimated, with the Sodankylä-Tromsø link observing 5 dB/degree at aspect angles near 5°, decreasing to 3 dB/degree at 10° aspect angle. Observed coherent phase velocities from all three stations were found to be roughly consistent with LOS measurements of a common E-region phase velocity vector. The E-region phase velocity had the same orientation as the F-region ion drift velocity, but was approximately 50% smaller in magnitude. Spectra were narrow with skewness of about –1 (for negative velocities), increasing slightly with aspect angle.  相似文献   

 Lascar Volcano (22°22'S, 67°44'W) is the most active volcano of the central Andes of northern Chile. Activity since 1984 has been characterised by periods of lava dome growth and decay within the active crater, punctuated by explosive eruptions. We present herein a technique for monitoring the high-temperature activity within the active crater using frequent measurements of emitted shortwave infrared (SWIR) radiation made by the spaceborne along-track scanning radiometer (ATSR). The ATSR is an instrument of low spatial resolution (pixels 1 km across) that shares certain characteristics with the MODIS instrument, planned for use as a volcano monitoring tool in the NASA EOS Volcanology Project. We present a comprehensive time series of over 60 cloud- and plume-free nighttime ATSR observations for 1992–1995, a period during which Lascar experienced its largest historical eruption. Variations in short wavelength infrared flux relate directly to changes in high-temperature surfaces within the active crater. From these data, interpretations can be made that supplement published field reports and that can document the presence and status of the lava dome during periods where direct, ground-based, observations are lacking. Our data agree with less frequent information collected from sensors with high spatial resolution, such as the Landsat thematic mapper (Oppenheimer et al. 1993) and are consistent with field observations and models that relate subsidence of the dome to subsequent explosive eruptions (Matthews et al., 1997). Most obviously, Lascar's major April 1993 eruption follows a period in which the magnitude of emitted shortwave infrared radiation fell by 90%. At this time subsidence of the 1991–1992 lava dome was reported by field observers and this subsidence is believed to have impeded the escape of hot volatiles and ultimately triggered the eruption (Smithsonian Institution 1993a). Extrapolating beyond the period for which field observations of the summit are available, our data show that the vulcanian eruption of 20 July 1995 occurred after a period of gradual increase in short wavelength infrared flux throughout 1994 and a more rapid flux decline during 1995. We attribute this additional, otherwise undocumented, cycle of increasing and decreasing SWIR radiance as most likely representing variations in degassing through fumaroles contained within the summit crater. Alternatively, it may reflect a cycle of dome growth and decay. The explosive eruption of 17 December 1993 appears to have followed a similar, but shorter, variation in SWIR flux, and we conclude that large explosive eruptions are more likely when the 1.6-μm signal has fallen from a high to a low level. The ATSR instrument offers low-cost data at high temporal resolution. Despite the low spatial detail of the measurements, ATSR-type instruments can provide data that relate directly to the status of Lascar's lava dome and other high-temperature surfaces. We suggest that such data can therefore assist with predictions of eruptive behaviour, deduced from application of physical models of lava dome development at this and similar volcanoes. Received: 1 October 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

Rupture process of the 19 August 1992 Susamyr, Kyrgyzstan, earthquake   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The Susamyr earthquake of August 19, 1992 in Kyrgyzstan is one of the largest events (Ms = 7.4, Mb = 6.8) of this century in this region of Central Asia. We used broadband and long period digital data from IRIS and GEOSCOPE networks to investigate the source parameters, and their space-time distribution by modeling both body and surface waves. The seismic moment (M0 = 6.8 × 1019 N m) and the focal mechanism were determined from frequency-time analysis (FTAN) of the fundamental mode of long period surface waves (100–250 s). Then, the second order integral moments of the moment-rate release were estimated from the amplitude spectra of intermediate period surface waves(40–70 s). From these moments we determined a source duration of 11–13 s, major and minor axes of the source of 30 km and 10–22 km, respectively; and an instant centroid velocity of 1.2 km/s. Finally, we performed a waveform inversion of P and SH waves at periods from 5–60 s. We found a source duration of 18–20 s, longer than the integral estimate from surface wave amplitudes. All the other focal parameters inverted from body waves are similar to those obtained by surface waves ( = 87° ± 6°, = 49° ± 6°, = 105° ± 3°, h = 14 ± 2 km, and M0 = 5.8 ± 0.7 × 1019 N m). The initial rupture of this shallow earthquake was located at the south-west border of Susamyr depression in the western part of northern Tien Shan. A finite source analysis along the strike suggests a westward propagation of the rupture. The main shock of this event was preceded 2 s earlier by small foreshock. The main event was almost immediately followed by a very strong series of aftershocks. Our surface and body wave inversion results agree with the general seismotectonic features of the region.  相似文献   

This study aims at quantifying the effect of rheology on plan-view shapes of lava flows using fractal geometry. Plan-view shapes of lava flows are important because they reflect the processes governing flow emplacement and may provide insight into lava-flow rheology and dynamics. In our earlier investigation (Bruno et al. 1992), we reported that flow margins of basalts are fractal, having a characteristic shape regardless of scale. We also found we could use fractal dimension (D, a parameter which quantifies flow-margin convolution) to distinguish between the two endmember types of basalts: a a (D: 1.05–1.09) and pahoehoe (D: 1.13–1.23). In this work, we confirm those earlier results for basalts based on a larger database and over a wider range of scale (0.125 m–2.4 km). Additionally, we analyze ten silicic flows (SiO2: 52–74%) over a similar scale range (10 m–4.5 km). We note that silicic flows tend to exhibit scale-dependent, or non-fractal, behavior. We attribute this breakdown of fractal behavior at increased silica contents to the suppression of small-scale features in the flow margin, due to the higher viscosities and yield strengths of silicic flows. These results suggest we can use the fractal properties of flow margins as a remote-sensing tool to distinguish flow types. Our evaluation of the nonlinear aspects of flow dynamics indicates a tendency toward fractal behavior for basaltic lavas whose flow is controlled by internal fluid dynamic processes. For silicic flows, or basaltic flows whose flow is controlled by steep slopes, our evaluation indicates non-fractal behavior, consistent with our observations.  相似文献   

The lavas of the 1955 east rift eruption of Kilauea Volcano have been the object of considerable petrologic interest for two reasons. First, the early 1955 lavas are among the most differentiated ever erupted at Kilauea, and second, the petrographic character and chemical composition of the lava being erupted changed significantly during the eruption. This shift, from more differentiated (MgO=5.0–5.7%) to more magnesian (MgO=6.2–6.8%) lava, has been variously interpreted, as either due to systematic excavation of a zoned, differentiated magma body, or to invasion of the differentiated magma by more primitive magma, followed by rapid mixing and eruption of the resulting hybrid magmas. Petrologic examination of several nearvent spatter samples of the late 1955 lavas shows abundant evidence for magma mixing, including resorbed and/or reversely zoned crystals of olivine, augite and plagioclase. In addition, the compositional ranges of olivine, plagioclase and groundmass sulfide are very large, implying that the assemblages are hybrid. Core compositions of olivine phenocrysts range from Fo85 to Fo77. The most magnesian olivines in these samples must have originally crystallized from a melt containing 8.0–8.5% MgO, which is distinctly more magnesian than the bulk composition of the late 1955 lavas. The majorelement and trace-element data are either permissive or supportive of a hybrid origin for the late 1955 lavas. In particular, the compositional trends of the 1955 lavas on plots of CaO vs MgO, and the virtual invariance of Al2O3 and Sr in these plagioclase-phyric lavas are more easily explained by magma mixing than by fractionation. The pattern of internal disequilibrium/re-equilibration in the late 1955 spatter samples is consistent with reintrusion and mixing having occurred at least twice, during the latter part of the 1955 eruption. Plagioclase zonation preserves possible evidence for additional, earlier reintrusion events. Least-squares modelling the mixing of early 1955 bulk compositions with various summit lavas±olivine pick the 1952 summit lava as most like the primitive component. The results also indicate the primitive component had MgO=7.5–8.0%, corresponding to liquidus temperatures of 1165–1175°C. The absence of Fe-Ti oxide phenocrysts in the late 1955 lavas implies that the cooler component of the hybrid had T>1110°C. Thus the thermal contrast between the two components may have been as much as 55–65°C, sufficient to produce the conspicuous disequilibrium effects visible in the spatter samples.  相似文献   

Fugen-dake, the main peak of Unzen Volcano, began a new eruption sequence on November 17, 1990. On May 20, 1991, a new lava dome appeared near the eastern edge of the Fugen-dake summit. Small-scale, 104–106 m3 in volume, Merapi-type block and ash flows were frequently generated from the growing lava dome during May–June, 1991. These pyroclastic flows were accompanied by co-ignimbrite ash plumes that deposited ash-fall deposits downwind of the volcano. Three examples of co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits from Unzen pyroclastic flows are described. The volume of fall deposits was estimated to be about 30% by volume of the collapsed portions of the dome that formed pyroclastic flows. This proportion is smaller than that described for other larger co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits from other volcanoes. Grain size distributions of the Unzen co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits are bi-modal or tri-modal. Most ashes are finer than 4 phi and two modes were observed at around 4–7 phi and 9 phi. They are composed mainly of groundmass fragments. Fractions of another mode at around 2 phi are rich in crystals derived from dome lava. Some of the fine ash component fell as accretionary lapilli from the co-ignimbrite ash cloud indicating either moisture or electrostatic aggregation. We believe that the co-ignimbrite ash of Unzen block and ash flows were formed by the mechanical fracturing of the cooling lava blocks as they collapsed and moved down the slope. These ashes were entrained into the convective plumes generated off the tops of the moving flows.  相似文献   

We distinguish three eruptive units of pyroclastic flows (T1, T2, and T3; T for trass) within the late Quaternary Laacher See tephra sequence. These units differ in the chemical/mineralogical composition of the essential pyroclasts ranging from highly differentiated phonolite in T1 to mafic phonolite in T3. T1 and T2 flows were generated during Plinian phases, and T3 flows during a late Vulcanian phase. The volume of the pyroclastic flow deposits is about 0.6 km3. The lateral extent of the flows from the source vent decreases from > 10 km (T1) to < 4.5 km (T3). In the narrow valleys north of Laacher See, the total thickness of the deposits exceeds 60 m.At least 19 flow units in T1, 6 in T2, and 4 in T3 can be recognized at individual localities. Depositional cycles of 2 to 5 flow units are distinguished in the eruptive units. Thickness and internal structure of the flow units are strongly controlled by topography. Subfacies within flow units such as strongly enriched pumice and lithic concentration zones, dust layers, lapilli pipes, ground layers, and lithic breccias are all compositionally related to each other by enrichment or depletion of clasts depending on their size and density in a fluidized flow. While critical diameters of coarse-tail grading were found to mark the boundary between the coarse nonfluidized and the finer fluidized grain-size subpopulations, we document the second boundary between the fluidized and the very fine entrained subpopulations by histograms and Rosin-Rammler graphs. Grain-size distribution and composition of the fluidized middle-size subpopulations remained largely unchanged during transport.Rheological properties of the pyroclastic flows are deduced from the variations in flow-unit structure within the valleys. T1 flows are thought to have decelerated from 25 m/s at 4 km to < 15 m/s at 7 km from the vent; flow density was probably 600–900 kg/m3, and viscosity 5–50 P. The estimated yield strength of the flows of 200– > 1000 N/m2 is consistent with the divergence of lithic size/distance curves from purely Newtonian models; the transport of lithics must be treated as in a Bingham fluid. The flow temperature probably decreased from T1 (300°–500°C) to T3 (<200°C).A large-scale longitudinal variation in the flow units from proximal through medial to distal facies dominantly reflects temporal changes during the progressive collapse of an eruption column. Only a small amount of fallout tephra was generated in the T1 phase of eruption. The pyroclastic flows probably formed from relatively low ash fountains rather than from high Plinian eruption columns.  相似文献   

Lateral blasts at andesitic and dacitic volcanoes can produce a variety of direct hazards, including ballistic projectiles which can be thrown to distances of at least 10 km and pyroclastic density flows which can travel at high speed to distances of more than 30 km. Indirect effect that may accompany such explosions include wind-borne ash, pyroclastic flows formed by the remobilization of rock debris thrown onto sloping ground, and lahars.Two lateral blasts occurred at a lava dome on the north flank of Mount St. Helens about 1200 years ago; the more energetic of these threw rock debris northeastward across a sector of about 30° to a distance of at least 10 km. The ballistic debris fell onto an area estimated to be 50 km2, and wind-transported ash and lapilli derived from the lateral-blast cloud fell on an additional lobate area of at least 200 km2. In contrast, the vastly larger lateral blast of May 18, 1980, created a devastating pyroclastic density flow that covered a sector of as much as 180°, reached a maximum distance of 28 km, and within a few minutes directly affected an area of about 550 km2. The May 18 lateral blast resulted from the sudden, landslide-induced depressurization of a dacite cryptodome and the hydrothermal system that surrounded it within the volcano.We propose that lateral-blast hazard assessments for lava domes include an adjoining hazard zone with a radius of at least 10 km. Although a lateral blast can occur on any side of a dome, the sector directly affected by any one blast probably will be less than 180°. Nevertheless, a circular hazard zone centered on the dome is suggested because of the difficulty of predicting the direction of a lateral blast.For the purpose of long-term land-use planning, a hazard assessment for lateral blasts caused by explosions of magma bodies or pressurized hydrothermal systems within a symmetrical volcano could designate a circular potential hazard area with a radius of 35 km centered on the volcano. For short-term hazard assessments, if seismicity and deformation indicate that magma is moving toward the flank of a volcano, it should be recognized that a landslide could lead to the sudden unloading of a magmatic or hydrothermal system and thereby cause a catastrophic lateral blast. A hazard assessment should assume that a lateral blast could directly affect an area at least 180° wide to a distance of 35 km from the site of the explosion, irrespective of topography.  相似文献   

Ten years after the last effusive eruption and at least 15 years of seismic quiescence, volcanic seismic activity started at Colima volcano on 14 February 1991, with a seismic crisis which reached counts of more than 100 per day and showed a diversity of earthquake types. Four other distinct seismic crises followed, before a mild effusive eruption in April 1991. The second crisis preceded the extrusion of an andesitic scoriaceous lava lobe, first reported on 1 March; during this crisis an interesting temporary concentration of seismic foci below the crater was observed shortly before the extrusion was detected. The third crisis was constituted by shallow seismicity, featuring possible mild degassing explosion-induced activity in the form of hiccups (episodes of simple wavelets that repeat with diminishing amplitude), and accompanied by increased fumarolic activity. The growth of the new lava dome was accompanied by changing seismicity. On 16 April during the fifth crisis which consisted of some relatively large, shallow, volcanic earthquakes and numerous avalanches of older dome material, part of the newly extruded dome, which had grown towards the edge of the old dome, collapsed, producing the largest avalanches and ash flows. Afterwards, block lava began to flow slowly along the SW flank of the volcano, generating frequent small incandescent avalanches. The seismicity associated with the stages of this eruptive activity shows some interesting features: most earthquake foci were located north of the summit, some of them relatively deep (7–11 km below the summit level), underneath the saddle between the Colima and the older Nevado volcanoes. An apparently seismic quiet region appears between 4 and 7 km below the summit level. In June, harmonic tremors were detected for the first time, but no changes in the eruptive activity could be correlated with them. After June, the seismicity decreasing trend was established, and the effusive activity stopped on September 1991.  相似文献   

Numerous rootless fumaroles were developed on pyroclastic flows and a lava flow generated during the March 1986 eruptive cycle of Mount St. Augustine. Gases issued from fumarole vents with four different shapes: fissure, phreatic explosion crater, single/multiple ovoid opening, and diffuse, multiple opening. Fumarole distribution and morphology were controlled by preeruption drainage and topography, as well as by the thickness, compaction, and settling of the flow deposits. Fumarole temperatures measured in June and July 1986 ranged from 75°–394°C. Varying amounts of colorful and often roughly zoned encrustations are associated with all fumarole vent shapes. Only six types of crystalline phases were detected by X-ray diffraction, with gypsum the most abundant mineral, followed by anhydrite, sulfur, tridymite, halite, and soda alum. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis revealed a number of amorphous phases, mainly halogen-rich, as well as other minor crystalline phases. The mineral assemblages in the encrustations suggest formation conditions for these deposits within a general range of 25°–250°C in an oxidizing environment. Many of the amorphous phases are metastable and upon cooling of the fumarole lose nonstructural water and crystallize to more stable forms. The high halogen contents of the fumarole condensates and the mineralogy, chemistry, and morphology of the encrustations support leaching of the andesitic ash and lava flow by condensed acid vapors as the primary source for the chemical components contained in the encrustations. Comparison of traceelement (Sr, Ba, V, Co, Ni, and Cr) contents in unaltered and altered ash suggests that trace-element distribution follows a pattern of isomorphic substitution in the encrustation phases.  相似文献   

A narrow band spectroradiometer was used to determine the characteristic temperatures of a very active channeled lava flow for the phase 50 eruption of Pu'u 'O'o on the East Rift Zone of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. During the twilight of 19 February 1992, 14 spectra of this activity were acquired over a 51 minute interval [18.29 to 19.20 Hawaiian Standard Time (HST)], from which the thermal distribution of energy of two 18 m2 areas, one near the center and one near the margin of the flow, may be investigated. A twocomponent thermal mixing model applied to the data taken of the center of the channel gave, in the most powerful instance (1.8x105 W/m2), a crust temperature of 940° C, a hot component temperature of 1120°C and a hot radiating area of 60% of the total area. A simultaneous spectrum acquired near the channeled flow margin yielded a crust temperature of 586° C and a hot area of only 1.2% of the total area radiating at 1130° C. Average radiant flux densities recorded for the center of the lava channel (1.3x105 W/m2 average) are much greater than previous measurements of lava lakes (4.9x103 W/m2) or recently emplaced lava flows (maximum of 7.2x104 W/m2). The energetic nature of this eruption is shown by satellite measurements made at 02.33 HST on 22 February 1992 by the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer in Band 2 (0.72–1.10 m). These show the utility of using existing satellites with moderate resolution (1 km x 1 km pixels) and high temporal coverage (eight overpasses each day for Hawaii) as potential thermal alarms for rapidly assessing the hazard potential of large volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

In this study, we integrate information gathered from surface geology and tectonics with the results of a shallow (0–2 km b.s.l.) seismic tomography of Vulcano Island (Italy), obtained from the analysis of local earthquakes. The observed low Vp regions correspond to caldera filling products, mainly consisting of pyroclastics, tuffs, lava flows and hyaloclastites. High-velocity anomalies represent intrusive bodies. The striking correspondence between the stratigraphy from deep wells and the calculated velocity structure allows us to reconstruct the geometry and distribution of a main intrusion and to recognize some intra-caldera depressions. The shape and location of the high and low Vp anomalies are consistent with NW–SE and N–S strikes. Eruptive centres younger than 42 kyr, as well as the structural depressions of Vulcano and of the neighbour Lipari Island, align along a N–S direction. The combined interpretation of the available structural data and of the results from the tomography suggests that magmatic reservoirs of Vulcano at shallow depth (>0.5 km) align along a NW–SE strike but their shape is controlled by N–S striking normal faults and/or cracks that accommodate the right-lateral movements of the NW–SE strike-slip fault system.Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt  相似文献   

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