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Arsenic (As) content of sediments from the Rio Conchos and Rio San Pedro in northern Mexico were measured to determine if this toxic metalloid had accumulated to unsafe levels to humans and aquatic life. The spatial distribution of As in each of the six clusters of river and arroyo sediments was analyzed to determine variations with respect to background levels and to infer about potential As sources and sinks. In the northern part of the study area, background concentrations varied little throughout the area and concentrations in river sediments were close to background levels. In the southern part, however, the content of As in arroyo sediment contained a wider range of values and anomalous concentrations. The latter could be traced in part to the presence of mine tailings. As concentrations were below the limit in all studied river stretches and thus do not pose an immediate threat to the river environment, but As content in reservoir sediments exceeded the guideline values. Reservoirs seem to act as a sink for As, warranting closer observation and monitoring.  相似文献   

Geochemical and environmental magnetic studies were carried out to identify the effect of iron oxyhydroxides on arsenic mobilization in high arsenic aquifer system. Using high arsenic sediment samples from two boreholes, specifically drilled for this study, chemical composition and magnetic properties including magnetic susceptibility, saturation remnant magnetization, and isothermal remnant magnetization were measured. Results of correlation analysis of element contents show that arsenic and iron are closely associated with each other (r 2 = 0.40, α = 0.05, n = 21). In contrast, the correlation of phosphorus with iron (r = 0.11, α = 0.05, n = 21) and arsenic (r 2 = 0.18, α = 0.05, n = 21) was poor, which might result from competitive adsorption of phosphorus and arsenic on the surface of Fe-oxyhydroxides. The high correlation coefficients between arsenic contents and magnetic parameters suggest that the ferrimagnetic minerals including maghemite and hematite are the dominant carrier of arsenic in aquifer sediments. The results of sequential extraction experiments also revealed the association of arsenic with reducible iron oxides, such as maghemite and hematite in aquifer sediments. Therefore, under reducing conditions, reductive dissolution and desorption of arsenic from Fe-oxyhydroxides into the aqueous phase should be the dominant geochemical processes for its enrichment in groundwater at Datong. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Mineralogical, geochemical and zircon U–Pb dating studies were carried out to identify the sources of arsenic in the shallow aquifers of Datong Basin in northern China. A sediment sample from 18 m depth containing 10.3 mg/kg arsenic showed a Zircon U–Pb concordant age of 2528 ± 20 to 271 ± 4 Ma that can be divided into two groups (2528 ± 20 to 1628 ± 21 Ma and 327 ± 4 to 271 ± 4 Ma) and is comparable to that of the sedimentary rocks of Taiyuan (upper Carboniferous) and Shanxi Formation (lower Permian) outcropping to the west of Datong Basin. In contrast, a sediment sample from 22.5 m depth containing 5.7 mg/kg arsenic displayed a Zircon U–Pb concordant age ranging from 2561 ± 21 to 1824 ± 26 Ma that is comparable to that of the Hengshan Complex (Ne-Archaean Precambrian) outcropping to the east of .  相似文献   

银川平原是典型的高砷内陆盆地。然而人为活动及沉积物地球化学条件对地下水砷分布的影响并不清楚。本文选取银川平原北部平罗县作为研究区,在不同研究单元共采集119组地下水样品(冲洪积平原、冲湖积平原水田区和冲湖积平原旱田区分别为54组、31组和34组),分析了其主量和微量组分含量。另在水田和旱田分别钻井一眼,采集66组沉积物(水田和旱田单元分别为31组和35组)样品,分析了粒度分布、化学成分、强(S2)、弱(S1)结合态砷等物化指标。结果表明,高砷地下水主要分布在10~20m深度范围内;冲洪积平原地下水中砷浓度普遍较低,平均浓度1.71μg·L~(-1),约95%的样品中砷浓度在10μg·L~(-1)以下;而冲湖积平原水田和旱田砷浓度较高,90%以上超过10μg·L~(-1),平均浓度分别达到26.6μg·L~(-1)和39.6μg·L~(-1)。沉积物总砷含量为3.94~75.2 mg·kg~(-1),平均值为11.5 mg·kg~(-1),S1、S2含量范围分别为<0.01~0.33mg·kg~(-1),<0.01~19.5mg·kg~(-1),分别约占总砷的0.7%和6.2%。沉积物中砷与铁、锰含量呈正相关,其分布受水动力条件及岩性的控制,黏土中砷含量较高。结合相同深度地下水砷浓度,得到S2、S1对应的平均砷分配系数Kd分别为0.001L·g~(-1)和0.007L·g~(-1)。Kd与ORP呈较好的正相关性,表明还原环境利于砷的释放;PO3-4的竞争吸附也能促进沉积物中砷的释放。在冲湖积平原,同深度上沉积物组成相近的含水层中,旱田地下水砷浓度较水田高,表明土地利用方式对砷的分布和运移也有重要影响。  相似文献   

Geological and geochemical study has been carried out to investigate arsenic contamination in groundwater in Nawalparasi, the western Terai district of Nepal. The work carried out includes analyses of core sediments, provenance study by rare earth elements analyses, 14C dating, and water analyses. Results showed that distribution of the major and trace elements are not homogeneous in different grain size sediments. Geochemical characteristics and sediment assemblages of the arsenic contaminated (Nawalparasi) and uncontaminated (Bhairahawa) area have been compared. Geochemical compositions of sediments from both the areas are similar; however, water chemistry and sedimentary facies vary significantly. Extraction test of sediment samples showed significant leaching of arsenic and iron. Chemical reduction and contribution from organic matter could be a plausible explanation for the arsenic release in groundwater from the Terai sediments.  相似文献   

The abandoned Hg mine in Podljubelj was in operation with interceptions from 1557 to 1902. The entire operating period yielded about 110 000 tons of ore, from which 360 tons of Hg was produced. The objective of the research project was to establish the contents and spatial distribution of Hg in soils and stream sediments in the vicinity of the mine. On an area of 88 ha the soil was sampled in a 100 × 100 m grid. Two soil horizons (0–5 cm and 20–30 cm) were sampled in order to distinguish between geogenic and anthropogenic Hg sources. It was established that on an area of about 9 ha Hg content in soil exceeds The New Dutchlist action value for Hg (10 mg/kg). Total Hg concentrations in soil samples vary between 0.17 and 719 mg/kg, with a mean of 3.0 mg/kg. Mercury contents in stream sediments range from 0.065 to 1.4 mg/kg, with a mean of 0.64 mg/kg. The highest determined value in soils was found in the area around the former roasting furnace, where the ore was processed. Increased Hg concentrations were also found on the mine waste dump (108 mg/kg). Mercury contents in soils generally decrease with soil profile depth and with the distance from the mine and from the roasting furnace location. Mercury also appears in higher concentrations along the road that runs through the valley, which results from the use of Hg-bearing ore residues in road construction. The average enrichment factor (EF) of Hg in topsoil with respect to subsoil is 3.3. Calculated enrichment factors show higher values also for Cd (3.2), Pb (2.7), Ca (2.4) and P (1.9). The average enrichment factor of Hg in topsoil with regard to the established Slovenian soil averages (EFslo) is 19. EFslo of other determined chemical elements do not exceed 3.0.  相似文献   

洱海近代沉积物中碳-氮-硫-磷的地球化学记录   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
在^210Pbex和^137Cs计年基础上,对采自洱海深水湖区沉积物柱芯进行了C inorg(无机碳)、Corg(有机碳)、N、S含量和P开矿分析。Corg生趣剖面具“沉降-降解-堆积”三阶段分布特征,沉降和堆积通量分别为12.7g/(m^2.a)和7.20g/(m^2.a);降解速率常数为0.017a^-1,寄宿时间为40a。N的生趣分布与Corg相似,沉降和堆积通量分别为2.62g/(m^2.a  相似文献   

Hydroxy acids in sediments of Lakes Bonney, Fryxell, Joyce and Vanda, and unnamed ponds (B2, NF1, NF2 and L4) as well as in cyanobacterial mats from the McMurdo Sound region of southern Victoria Land in Antarctica have been studied to clarify their features and elucidate their source organisms. Normal and branched (iso and anteiso) 2-hydroxy acids were found in all the samples studied with the predominance of even- and odd-carbon numbers, respectively. The most dominant 2-hydroxy acids in the sediments were mainly short-chain components (<C20). Normal and branched 3-hydroxy acids were detectewith the predominance of even- and odd-carbon numbers, respectively, in total concentrations between 0.48 and 53 μg/g of dry sediment. (ω-1)-Hydroxy acids were all long-chains (C22, C24, C26, C28 and C30). 9,10-Dihydroxyhexadecanoic and/or 9,10-dihydroxyoctadecanoic acids were identified in all the sediments and a cyanobacterial mat. The composition of hydroxy acids differ considerably among the lakes and ponds, suggesting the difference of source organisms. These 2-, 3- and (ω-1)-hydroxy, and 9,10-dihydroxy acids may be derived from cyanobacteria and microalgae, in addition to non-photosynthetic microorganisms. Cyanobacteria and microalgae which are widely distributed in the world, may be important sources of hydroxy acids in the natural environments.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic influence, mainly due to urban and industrial activities, may affect fluvial environments and soils, via atmospheric contamination and liquid and solid waste.Continuing previous works on stream sediments and soils, the Gran La Plata area was chosen. In this area, located in the Northeast of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina), several streams and soils were sampled. The streams have similar characteristics, although some of them have a higher input of pollutants (fluvial effluents, fly ashes, solid wastes, etc.). The studied soils have different pedological development.Magnetic and chemical studies were carried out in the laboratory. Analyses of the results indicated that the behavior of magnetic parameters can be related to the variations of heavy metal contents in stream sediments but there is not a good correlation in soils. The comparison between both environments (stream-sediment and soils) reveals a different impact of pollutants. Magnetite, especially PSD grains, seems to be the main carrier for both environments.  相似文献   

Results obtained from the wide-spaced floodplain sediments indicate that the abundances of Pt and Pd in floodplain sediments are 0.46ng/g and 0.40ng/g,respectively.Three geochemical provinces.Yunnan-Guizhou,Xinjiang-Gansu and Tibet of Pt and Pd with a content of 0.8ng/g,were delineated.  相似文献   

The old Senhora das Fontes uranium mine, located in central Portugal, was closed down in 1971. The treatment of ores from this mine and other mines by heap-leach ended in 1982. Seven dumps partially covered by vegetation were left in the area. Soil and stream sediment samples were collected in December 2009. The remediation was carried out from May 2010 to January 2011. Stream sediment samples were collected again in October 2013. Before the remediation, soils from inside the mine influence area have higher Al, As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Sr, Th, U and Zn concentrations than soils from outside this area, due to radionuclides, metals and metalloid released from the mine dumps. The principal component analysis (PCA) shows a distinction between soils from inside and outside the mine influence area. The U(VI), As(V) and metals from soils can be adsorbed to Fe-oxyhydroxides and the humic acid can increase the U uptake. Soils must not be used for public or private green and residential areas, because they are contaminated in U, As, Co, Cd and Ni. Before the remediation, downstream sediments have higher Al, As, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, U and Zn than upstream sediments, due to erosion and percolation of water through the mine dumps. The PCA shows a distinction between downstream and upstream sediments. The U(VI), Th and As(V) can be adsorbed to Fe-oxyhydroxides. The stream sediments are contaminated in As, Mn, Th and U. Downstream sediments are the most contaminated in U and As. After the remediation, upstream and downstream sediments have generally higher Al, Fe, As, Cr, Ni, Th, U and Zn concentrations than before the remediation, attributed to the relocation of dumps. Radionuclides, metals and metalloids were transported by surface water. Consequently downstream sediments have higher Al, As, Cu, Mn, Ni, Th, U and Zn concentrations than upstream sediments. The U(VI), Th and As(V) can be adsorbed to Fe-oxyhydroxides. Stream sediments became more contaminated in U, Th and As than before the remediation, but more intensively downstream.  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江表层沉积物地球化学元素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
雅鲁藏布江流域还没有大的工业污染源,仍然属于自然河流.对雅鲁藏布江16个表层沉积样品的全样、小于20μm 和小于63μm 粒级的32种元素含量进行了测定,并分析了与人类活动密切相关的元素 Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd 和 Pb 的含量分布特征,以及这些元素含量与粒径之间的关系.结果表明,多数元素(Cs 除外)与西藏土壤元素背景值相差不大, B、Cr、Ni、As 和 Cs 含量高于中国陆壳元素丰度值,但这些元素主要来源于该流域富含这些元素的页岩、片岩和千枚岩等母岩.由于相似的地球化学行为,沉积物中 Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn 之间显著正相关;除 Pb、As 外,一些元素(如 Zn、Ni)与沉积物的粒径显著负相关  相似文献   

The arsenic accumulation process in intertidal sediments of Iriomote Island, Japan, is analyzed as a naturally balanced arsenic-fixation system. Major and minor element chemistry is analyzed by X-ray fluorescence photometry, mineralogy is investigated by X-ray diffractometry, and four arsenic compounds are characterized by hydrogen-generated atomic absorption photometry. It is found that arsenic is accumulated by iron hydroxides/oxides precipitated following the decomposition of humic acids in the shallower sediment, and is subsequently incorporated into iron sulfide minerals at depth. The arsenic is immobile during incorporation into arsenic-bearing phases, suggesting that arsenic is unlikely to be released into the porewater under natural conditions in early diagenesis. The formation and decomposition of arsenic-bearing organic compounds appear to be associated with the formation and decomposition of arsenic in oxyhydroxides/oxides, suggesting that microbial activity may play an important role in controlling the behavior of arsenic and arsenic-bearing phases in the sediment column.  相似文献   

An integrated study has been carried out to elucidate the distribution and occurrence of arsenic in selected groundwater samples in the area of Sherajdikhan, Bangladesh. Arsenic and other parameters (T, pH, EC, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, NO3 , SO4 2−, HCO3 , PO4 3−, Fe, Mn and DOC) have been measured in groundwater samples collected from shallow/deep tube wells at different depths. Hydrogeochemical data suggest that the groundwaters are generally Ca–Mg–HCO3 and Mg–Ca–HCO3 types with bicarbonate (HCO3 ) as the dominant anion, though the other type of water has also been observed. Dissolved arsenic in groundwater ranged from 0.006 to 0.461 mg/l, with 69% groundwater samples exceeded the Bangladesh limit for safe drinking water (0.05 mg/l). Correlation and principal component analysis have been performed to find out possible relationships among the examined parameters in groundwater. Low concentrations of NO3 and SO4 2−, and high concentrations of DOC, HCO3 and PO4 3− indicate the reducing condition of subsurface aquifer where sediments are deposited with abundant organic matter. Distinct relationship of As with Fe and Mn, and strong correlation with DOC suggests that the biodegradation of organic matter along with reductive dissolution of Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides has being considered the dominant process to release As in the aquifers studied herein.  相似文献   

An unusual nodular form of monazite has been found to account for abnormally high levels of cerium in panned heavy mineral concentrates from stream sediments in several areas in Wales and pan of Exmoor. Textural features indicate a pre-metamorphic, diagenetic origin within Lower Palaeozoic shale or siltstone host-rocks but REE patterns show only minor variation, including relative enrichment in europium, from ‘average’ granitic monazite. The similarities between these occurrences, described for the first time from the British Isles, and those previously described from Brittany and elsewhere are discussed.  相似文献   

The Sample Catchment Basin Approach (SCBA) is one of the techniques widely employed in the analysis of stream sediment geochemical data and delineation of anomalous catchments. However, this method fails to take into account the real catchment basin boundaries of each sample by incorporating only the incremental area between two adjacent samples. In other words, the SCBA incorrectly assumes that the geochemistry of every sample catchment within a drainage is independent from upstream sample catchment(s) feeding into this drainage. The chemical composition of sediment at the basin outlet originates from the whole basin upstream and not the incremental area as postulated in the SCBA. Consequently, the calculated background values for various lithologies and the background value for the element of interest at the basin outlet might be far from reality.This study used a True Sample Catchment Basin Approach (TSCBA), that reflects the true catchment boundary of every stream sediment sample, and in which all calculations are carried out on the premise that this boundary and the true area affect the composition of each sample. The results obtained from the application of both the SCBA and TSCBA to a gold endowed study area in western Iran clearly illustrated the superiority of the TSCBA over the SCBA. In addition, this study demonstrated the advantage of using the modified dilution correction equation of Mokhtari and Garousi Nezhad (2015), as compared to the existing Hawkes’s equation commonly used for dilution correction of residual values.  相似文献   

Incubation studies were carried out using 5 freshly collected sediments from shallow aquifers of the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia. The aquifer sediments covering a range of redox conditions, as indicated by their deep grey to yellow color were mixed with degassed artificial As solution or degassed deionized water at a ratio of solid to water of about 1:10 (wt./wt.). Suspensions which were either amended with glucose or autoclaved, were incubated in parallel with unamended suspensions. Five microcosm cultures of unamended sediments gradually release the equivalent of 0.03–0.30 μg/g As to the dissolved phase. The addition of glucose as a potential electron donor results in a marked stimulation in the mobilization of As (0.71–3.81 μg/g) in the amended incubations for all sediments. The quantity of As released accounts for 60–70% of As bound to Fe/Mn oxides in the original sediments. The microbially mediated mobilization of As with the organic nutrient as an electron donor is strongly associated with the As bound to Fe/Mn oxides, as well as the exchangeable As. During the incubations amended with glucose, 2–4% of the sediment Fe is released. The results suggest that the introduction of labile dissolved organic C into the yellowish sediment aquifers with As-free groundwater would reduce a significant proportion of the Fe(III) oxyhydroxides mediated by anaerobic bacteria respiration and increase groundwater As concentrations.  相似文献   

Sediments from shallow aquifers in Bengal Delta, India have been found to contain arsenic. Rivers of Ganga-Brahmaputra system, responsible for depositing these sediments in the delta, have created a store of arsenic. Geomorphological domains with different depositional styles regulate the pattern of distribution of zones with widely different content of groundwater arsenic. The high arsenic zones occur as narrow sinuous strips confined to channel deposits. A few iron-bearing clastic minerals and two post-depositional secondary products are arsenic carriers. Secondary siderite concretions have grown on the surface of the clastic carriers in variable intensity. The quantity of arsenic in all clastic carriers is in excess of what is generally expected. Excess arsenic is contributed by the element adsorbed on the concretion grown on the surface of the carriers, which adds up to the arsenic in the structure of the minerals. Variable abundance of concretions is responsible for the variable quantity of arsenic in the carriers and the sediment samples. Fe2+ for the growth of siderite concretions is obtained from the iron-bearing clastic carriers. The reaction involves reduction of trivalent iron to bivalent and the required electron is obtained by transformation of As3+ to As5+. It is suggested that oxidation of As3+ to As5+ is microbially mediated. In the Safe zone arsenic is retained in the carriers and groundwater arsenic is maintained below 0.05 mg/l. In the Unsafe zone sorbed arsenic is released from the carriers in the water through desorption and dissolution of concretion, thereby elevating the groundwater arsenic level to above 0.05 mg/l.  相似文献   

鹿鸣钼矿床位于黑龙江省卫星-安全地区,该地区水系沉积物发育.引入了常用的统计学方法,对鹿鸣钼矿床所在的卫星-安全地区水系沉积物地球化学特征与成矿关系进行了研究,得出结论:① Mo形成大型矿床的可能性最大;Au也有成矿的可能,但规模不会太大.② Mo与Sb、Cu、Pb、Zn、W属于同一因子,Mo经历了多期次成矿;Au与Ag及As属于同一因子.③ 通过对水系沉积物异常的研究,划分了4个成矿远景区,并新发现了钼矿体,印证了本区Mo的找矿前景良好.  相似文献   

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