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《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国极地冰冻圈数据库设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
秦翔  秦大河  丁永建 《冰川冻土》2001,23(2):193-199
以世界各国极地冰冻圈数据为基础,我国极地冰雪数据为核心,全面、系统地存储南极和北极地区冰盖、冰川、冻土、积雪、海冰、冰雪化学、地形等方面的基础信息和观测资料,建成了我国极地冰冻圈数据库,在Windows NT平台上,利用Power Builder和Visual C^ 语言开发客户/服务器(Client/Server)模式下的数据库管理系统(SQL Server),其中空间地形数据与地理信息系统软件ARC/INFO)格式兼容,极地冰冻圈数据库系统与国际互联网(Internet)相连接,通过建立极地冰冻圈数据库系统网页,向用户提供WWW服务网址,用户在权限范围内可以方便地实现对网上资源的检索、浏览、打印、下载等所有功能。  相似文献   

冰川跃动是多种冰川灾害的主要致灾因子,近年来与冰川跃动相关的冰崩、冰川垮塌、冰川泥石流等灾害的发生频率不断增加,使其成为国际国内冰川学研究的热点。依据对现有文献的统计发现,全球总计约有1 850条跃动冰川,主要分布于环北极地区和亚洲高山区,其中我国西部约有跃动冰川146条。跃动冰川可通过其特殊的表面形态标志,跃动前后冰川末端位置、表面高程和运动速度的变化,以及跃动产生的地貌学和沉积学特征来进行鉴别。跃动冰川的特殊运动模式主要由其内部和底床特性决定,包括冰内/冰下的热力学、水力学与形变等参数及变化过程等。现有大多数跃动冰川研究是基于各类遥感技术,主要着眼于跃动冰川表面变化,并据其对冰川跃动的可能机制进行分析。由于遥感方法精度有限且受天气、地形条件等的制约,同时无法获取冰内/冰下关键参数,因此野外现场观测在这些参数获取方面仍具有不可替代的作用。受限于冰内/冰下参数野外观测数据的缺乏,目前对冰川跃动机理的认识仍局限于早期提出的水力学和热力学两种机制,无法解释同一区域具备不同跃动机制的冰川共存,以及部分冰川跃动从冰川下部发起等问题。同时,在气候变化对跃动冰川的影响研究以及冰川跃动的模拟和预测等方面还有较大欠缺,需要在未来研究中重点关注。  相似文献   

2022年,在所有编委、审稿专家、作者和读者的支持与助力下,《冰川冻土》顺利完成了本年度出版任务。在大家的共同努力下,2022年4月期刊被Scopus数据库收录!这一年,共有455位审稿专家以自身在专业领域的深厚造诣、认真严谨的态度和无私奉献的精神来遴选优质稿件,保证了优秀科研成果的快速发表,为期刊高质量发展“保驾护航”。《冰川冻土》编委会和编辑部衷心感谢每一位审稿人对本刊作出的贡献!  相似文献   

20世纪全球变暖的冰冻圈证据   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
20世纪80年代以来,地面气象观测结果表明全球气温在明显升高,而探空资料和卫星遥感资却表明低层大气在降温,这使得人们对于全球变暖问题提出了质疑。通过对近100多年来冰冻圈各组成要素(冰川、积雪、冻土、海冰等)变化的综合分析,并结合全球不同地区的冰芯记录,证明了20世纪全球气候是在变暖,指出开展冰冻圈(尤其是冰盖、积雪、冻土和海冰)与大气/海洋之间相互作用(影响和响应)过程研究的必要性和迫切性。  相似文献   

我国著名冰川学家谢自楚先生辞世两年余,Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions曾组织谢先生英文纪念专刊,受到了学术界的重视和欢迎。为了表达对谢先生的深切缅怀,在《冰川冻土》主编和编委倡议下,再组织一期中文专刊(第44卷第3期),希望以此推动相关领域的学术交流和进步。谢自楚先生1937年出生于湖南衡南县,冰川学家、地理学家,国家有突出贡献专家,国际欧亚科学院院士。1960年毕业于苏联时期莫斯科国立大学地理系极地与冰川专业。  相似文献   

冰川反照率时空变化特征研究对于评估冰川能量物质平衡及认识冰川消融过程至关重要。本文基于高空间分辨率的Landsat OLI影像和高时间分辨率的MOD10A1产品,并结合冰面反照率实测数据,开展了2011—2021年北疆萨吾尔山木斯岛冰川表面反照率的时空变化特征及其对冰川物质平衡影响的研究。结果表明:Landsat反演反照率和MOD10A1反照率与同期内冰面实测反照率的相关性分别为0.95和0.62,均显示木斯岛冰川表面反照率存在显著的时空变化特征;在空间尺度上,冰面反照率沿主流线整体随海拔升高呈增加趋势。但由于局部地形差异,反照率在海拔3 600 m以下区域随海拔升高出现下降趋势;在同一海拔处,反照率沿冰川两侧边缘向中部递增。2011—2021年,冰川年均反照率微弱增加,消融期内(5—8月)平均反照率与全年平均反照率的变化速率分别为0.0024 a-1和0.0017 a-1;逐月反照率具有显著的季节变化特征,6—8月冰面反照率较低(0.330),12月—次年2月冰面反照率较高(0.586);消融期内冰川消融区反照率下降幅度大于积累区。研究进一步表明,夏季(6—8月)平均反照率与冰川物质平衡存在显著的正相关(R=0.84,P<0.01),气温、固态降水、云量、太阳入射角、吸光性杂质等是影响冰川反照率变化的重要因素。该研究将对冰川消融过程和机理、能量物质平衡模拟等工作提供重要的基础支撑。  相似文献   

中国冰冻圈水文过程变化研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
冰冻圈显著的变化已经对冰冻圈水文过程产生了一系列影响。本文重点梳理和分析了近20年,尤其是近10年以冰川融水、融雪径流、冻土水文等为主体的中国冰冻圈水文过程变化研究方面取得的新进展:①在冰川融水变化研究方面,对不同尺度的冰川融水开展了全面研究,发现冰川融水呈现全面增加之势;对冰川融水"拐点"是否出现进行了科学辨识,有了基本认识;对冰川融水过程进行了模型模拟,取得显著进展。②在融雪径流变化研究方面,通过对不同流域融雪径流估算,可基本掌握各河流的融雪贡献率;中国融雪径流变化差异较大,增减不一;融雪期变化具有普遍性,突出特点是峰值提前。③在冻土水文研究方面,通过对地表水-活动层壤中流-多年冻土层上水之间关系的研究,揭示了冻土区径流形成的重力和热力耦合机制;多年冻土变化对地表径流的影响已经显现,主要表现在冬季(枯水季)径流增加;已经发现多年冻土退化对径流有直接补给作用,在一些流域补给量可能达到一定量级。  相似文献   

The Working Group I report of the Sixth Assessment Report(AR6)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)was released in August 2021. Base on updated and expanding data, AR6 presented the improved assessment of past changes and processes of cryosphere. AR6 also predicted the future changes us⁃ ing the models in CMIP6. The components of cryosphere were rapid shrinking under climate warming in the last decade. There were decreasing trends in Arctic sea-ice area and thickness. Sea-ice loss was significant. The Greenland Ice Sheet, the Antarctic Ice Sheet and all glaciers lost more mass than in any other decade. Global warming over the last decades had led to widespread permafrost warming, active layer thickness increasing and subsea permafrost extent reducing. Snow cover extent in the Northern Hemisphere also decreased significantly. However, the variations of snow depth and snow water equivalent showed great spatial heterogeneity. The rapid shrinking of the cryosphere accelerated the global mean sea level rise. The impact of human activities on cryo⁃ sphere will become more significant in the future. The Arctic sea-ice area will decrease, and the Arctic Ocean will likely become practically sea ice-free. The Greenland Ice Sheet, the Antarctic Ice Sheet and glaciers will continue to lose mass throughout this century. Permafrost and Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent will con⁃ tinue to decrease as global climate continues to warm. In addition, there are still uncertainties in the prediction of cryosphere due to the absence of observations, the poor sensitivity of models to the components and processes of cryosphere, and the inexplicit represent of the mechanism of light-absorbing impurities. More attentions should be paid on these issues in the future. © 2022 Science Press (China). All rights reserved.  相似文献   

According to 73 snow samples collected in the southeast and southwest of Tibetan Plateau in January,2021,the characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes(δD and δ18O)fractionation in dry season and the influence of water vapor migration on the chemical composition change of snow profile were revealed by measuring the stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen and soluble inorganic ions in snow,and the relationship between stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen and climate and the composition and source of soluble inorganic ions were discussed. The results show that the local meteoric waterline of snowpack in the whole study area is δD=7. 86δ18O+11. 8(R2=0. 95),which is close to the Lhasa winter meteoric waterline,and the slope and inter⁃ cept of the meteoric waterline in the southeast are slightly lower than those in the southwest. δD and δ18O fluctu⁃ ates from -178. 11% to -68. 07% and -23. 80% to -9. 61%,respectively,and the d-excess values fluctuate from 11. 03% to 23. 49%,showing low values of δD and δ18O in winter,and high d-excess values. The surface layer is relatively enriched in heavy isotopes,and the isotope values are higher than those of the lower snow sam⁃ ples,and the water vapor migration inside the snow makes the slope of the relationship between δD and δ18O dif⁃ ferent. The concentration sequence of the main soluble inorganic ions is Ca2+>SO42->Na+>NO3->Cl->K+>Mg2+> NH4+,of which Ca2+(42. 47%),SO42-(23. 53%)accounted for the largest proportion of cation and anion,re⁃ spectively,and the average concentration of ions in the southeast was higher than that in the southwest. The re⁃ sults of principal component analysis show that terrigenous sources are the main source of ions in snow,and NH4+ and some NO3- are related to human activities. The backward air mass trajectory shows that the source of water vapor is related to the water vapor transport controlled by the upper-altitude westerly circulation,and most of the ions are terrestrial mineral dust carried by westerly winds in winter. © 2023 The Author(s).  相似文献   

中国冰冻圈水文过程变化研究新进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
冰冻圈显著的变化已经对冰冻圈水文过程产生了一系列影响。本文重点梳理和分析了近20年,尤其是近10年以冰川融水、融雪径流、冻土水文等为主体的中国冰冻圈水文过程变化研究方面取得的新进展:①在冰川融水变化研究方面,对不同尺度的冰川融水开展了全面研究,发现冰川融水呈现全面增加之势;对冰川融水"拐点"是否出现进行了科学辨识,有了基本认识;对冰川融水过程进行了模型模拟,取得显著进展。②在融雪径流变化研究方面,通过对不同流域融雪径流估算,可基本掌握各河流的融雪贡献率;中国融雪径流变化差异较大,增减不一;融雪期变化具有普遍性,突出特点是峰值提前。③在冻土水文研究方面,通过对地表水-活动层壤中流-多年冻土层上水之间关系的研究,揭示了冻土区径流形成的重力和热力耦合机制;多年冻土变化对地表径流的影响已经显现,主要表现在冬季(枯水季)径流增加;已经发现多年冻土退化对径流有直接补给作用,在一些流域补给量可能达到一定量级。  相似文献   

A comprehensive grasp of the research status of tensile strength of frozen soil is the basis for further research. Firstly,the typical methods that can be used to test the tensile strength of frozen soil are introduced,and the test conditions,sample forms and stress mechanism of different test methods are described in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of typical tensile strength test methods are compared and listed. Secondly,the research work and shortcomings based on different test methods are summarized. Then,the latest research progress of the influence of temperature,water content,loading(deformation)rate,soil quality and sample size on the change law of frozen soil tensile strength is comprehensively analyzed. Finally,it is proposed to develop and improve the research method and system of frozen soil tensile strength,and increase the testing research of warm frozen soil tensile strength,so as to obtain the prospect of more accurately simulating the tensile failure behavior of frozen soil. It is pointed out that the internal cause of the formation of the tensile strength and the tensile failure mechanism of frozen soil should be thoroughly revealed by combining the research methods of microstructure and digital image technology of frozen soil. Based on the multi-factor test,a more perfect prediction method of frozen soil tensile strength is explored. Meanwhile,expand the in-situ test research on the tensile strength of frozen soil,and strengthen the parallel research ideas of indoor and outdoor double tracks. Through the analysis of the research status and development trend at home and abroad,it provides reference and guidance for the experimental study of frozen soil tensile strength,the improvement of theoretical model of frost heave,geotechnical engineering design in cold regions and artificial freezing reinforcement engineering. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   

赵银  张勇  刘时银  王欣 《冰川冻土》2022,44(3):930-945
青藏东南部海洋型冰川具有独特的气候敏感性,普遍呈现加速退缩趋势,这不仅影响区域水资源安全,而且伴生了相应的冰川灾害,是当前青藏高原冰冻圈变化研究的热点区域之一。本文对海洋型冰川物质平衡时空变化特征进行了综述,2000年以来冰川总体处于物质亏损状态,其平均物质平衡介于-0.66~-0.61m w.e.·a^(-1)之间;同时总结了海洋型冰川物质加速变化的驱动因素以及新特征。当前海洋型冰川物质平衡变化研究受观测数据缺乏和模型模拟不确定性等问题限制,尤其现有模型对冰面裂隙增多与扩张、冰崖-冰面湖-表碛相互作用、冰内冰下过程、冰崩、末端冰湖水-冰相互作用等过程的描述过于简化或基本缺失,其机理及影响仍存在较大的不确定性。未来需加强海洋型冰川物质平衡的综合监测,基于多数据和多方法的集成研究提高模型对冰川物质平衡多物理过程的耦合与模拟能力,为开展海洋型冰川物质变化的区域水资源效应和致灾效应研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

基于2002-2011年的MODIS积雪产品数据, 对新疆积雪的年际变化特征、年内变化特征及空间分布特征进行了分析.结果表明: 年内积雪从10月中旬开始建立, 于1月面积达到最大, 7月面积达到最小.其中, 冬季积雪面积所占比例最大, 夏季最小. 2002-2011年新疆积雪面积总体上呈减少趋势. 其中, 春季和冬季为减少趋势;夏季的积雪由于其基本上都是高海拔的永久性积雪, 故比较稳定, 变化趋势不明显;秋季为上升趋势.新疆积雪空间分布极不均匀, 北疆积雪分布明显多于南疆.山区为积雪覆盖频次的高值区, 盆地为积雪覆盖频次的低值区.永久性积雪在阿尔泰山脉分布较少, 主要分布在天山山脉和昆仑山脉.就永久性积雪面积而言, 分布在海拔5 000~6 000 m的面积最大, 其次是海拔4 000~5 000 m, 再次是海拔6 000~7 000 m.  相似文献   

Hao J.  Li L. 《冰川冻土》2022,(3):722-770
Snow avalanches are a major natural hazard in the cryosphere. It seriously threatens transportation corridors, energy transmission and communication lines, mining and touristic areas in the cold mountainous regions and often causes the destruction of infrastructure and human casualties, hindering the sustainable development of society and economy in mountainous areas. Under climate change and the expansion of human activities to alpine mountains, more population and infrastructure will expose to the risk of avalanches. In order to ensure the sustainable development in mountainous areas, the demand for the prevention and management of avalanche disasters is increasing. Based on the review of the main avalanche research progress in China since 1960 and the avalanche research results all over the world, this paper summarized the progress on the influencing factors and regional distribution of avalanche activities, avalanche formation and movement mechanism, avalanche monitoring and early warning, avalanche risk assessment and engineering prevention, as well as the frontier problems and scientific difficulties that need to be studied. In addition, the impact of climate change on avalanche activities and the interaction between human activities and avalanche activities are discussed. By looking forward to the future needs of avalanche disaster prevention and reduction, including the countermeasures, the research on avalanche in China is promoted. © 2022 by the Author(s).  相似文献   

王凯  孙永玲  孙世金  刘晓 《冰川冻土》2022,44(3):971-983
Skamri Glacier is the largest glacier in China, and it is a surge-type glacier. The study on the charac⁃ teristics of glacial movement is of great significance for early warning of glacial disasters caused by glacier surge. In this paper, 20 pairs of Landsat-8 images from 2018 to 2021 were selected to extract the surface veloci⁃ ty of Skamri Glacier using optical image feature tracking method, analyze the uncertainty of velocity, and ana⁃ lyze the temporal and spatial changes characteristics of velocity of the glacier. The results show that there are ob⁃ vious spatial differences in the surface velocity of Skamri Glacier. During the period from January 2018 to June 2019, the velocity of the south tributary of Skamri Glacier is much greater than that of its north tributary(west), while during the period from June 2019 to November 2021, it presents completely opposite spatial characteris⁃ tics, which is mainly due to the sudden increase of the velocity of the north tributary(west)in June 2019. Ac⁃ cording to the results of velocity changes from 2018 to 2021, it is found that the north tributary(west)surges in June 2019 and is still in the surge period until November 2021. The north tributary(west)glacier terminus will advance about 320 m towards the main glacier from August 2020 to September 2021;The velocity of the south tributary has been very large during the study period, and the maximum velocity reaches 441 m·a-1;The veloci⁃ ty of the north tributary(east)of Skamri Glacier increased sharply in July 2021, and the tributary may surge;The velocity of the main glacier of Skamri Glacier increased significantly after the confluence of the south tribu⁃ tary and the surge of the two north tributaries. In addition, there are temporal and spatial differences in the eleva⁃ tion distribution of the maximum velocity of the main glacier and its tributaries in this area. © 2022 Science Press (China). All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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