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A two-dimensional finite element model for density dependent groundwater flow was calibrated to simulate sea water intrusion in Nauru Island in the Central Pacific Ocean. Nauru Island occupies an area of 22 km2 and supports a population of 8500. The island has been mined for its phosphate deposits and current reserves indicate that the mine has about eight years life remaining. The water supply of the island is about one third dependent on imported water which is also used as ballast on the phosphate ships. Imported water will not be available in the future, and a hydrogeological investigation shows that the island is underlain by a fresh water layer, less than 5 m thick. The freshwater layer overlies a thick transition zone of brackish water which in turn overlies sea water. Simulation of several management options shows that it is possible to substitute current importation of fresh water by careful extraction from the groundwater resources of the island.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the validation of water level forecasts in the Gulf of Finland. Daily forecasts produced by four setups of operational, three-dimensional Baltic Sea oceanographic models are analyzed using statistical means and are compared with water level observations at three Finnish stations located on the northern coast of the Gulf of Finland. The overall conclusion is that the operational systems were skillful in forecasting water level variations during the study period from November 1, 2003, to January 31, 2005. The factors causing differences between the water level forecasts of different models are discussed as well. An important task of operational sea level forecasting services is to provide accurate and early information about extreme water levels, both positive and negative surges. During the study period, two major winter storms occurred which caused coastal flooding in the region. According to our analysis, the operational models forecast the rise of water levels during these events rather successfully. Nowadays, operational forecasts can provide early warnings of extreme water levels at least 1 day in advance, which may be regarded as a minimum requirement for an operational forecasting system. The paper concludes that the models generally performed very well, with over 93% of the hourly water level forecasts found to be within the range of ±15 cm of the observed water levels, and with the timing of the water level peaks accurately predicted. Further discussion and studies dealing with the assessment of the skills of both operational meteorological and oceanographic forecasts, especially in connection with rare surge events, will be necessary. Skill assessment of operational oceanographic models would be relatively easy if acceptable error limits or a quality system was developed for the Baltic Sea operational models.  相似文献   

The on- and off-site effects of soil erosion in many environments are well known, but there is still limited understanding of the soil loss fluxes in downstream direction due, among other factors, to scarce and poor quality. A four year study to (i) evaluate water and sediment fluxes at different spatio-temporal scales and (ii) interpret the results in terms of processes involved and the controlling factors, was conducted in Thukela basin, South Africa. Five hierarchically nested catchments; namely microcatchment (0.23 km2), subcatchment (1.20 km2), catchment (9.75 km2), sub-basin (253 km2) and basin (29,038 km2), were used in addition to fifteen (1 m2) microplots and ten (10 m2) plots on five locations within the microcatchment. The results showed 19% decrease of unit-area runoff (q) from 3.1 L m−2 day−1 at microplot to 2.5 L m−2 day−1 at plot scale followed by steeper (56%) decrease at microcatchment scale. The q decreased in downstream direction to very low level (q ≤ 0.26 L m−2 day−1). The changes in q were accompanied by initial 1% increase of soil loss (SL) from 18.8 g m−2 day−1 at microplot to 19.1 g m−2 day−1 at plot scale. The SL also decreased sharply (by 39 fold) to 0.50 g m−2 day−1 at microcatchment scale, followed by further decrease in downstream direction. The decrease of q with spatial scale was attributed to infiltration losses, while initial increase of SL signified greater competence of sheet than splash erosion. The decrease of SL beyond the plot scale was attributed to redistribution of the soil on the hillslope and deposition on the stream channel upstream of the microcatchment outlet. Therefore, erosion control strategies focussing on the recovery of vegetation on the slope and stabilisation of gullies are recommended.  相似文献   

陶玉强  赵睿涵 《湖泊科学》2020,32(2):309-324
持久性有机污染物(POPs)在环境中广泛且持久存在,多数具有致畸、致癌、致突变等危害中国是全球湖泊密度较大的国家之一,湖泊在供水、渔业、维护生态系统多样性等众多方面发挥了重要作用湖泊是POPs的重要归宿之一湖泊水体中的POPs可被水生生物吸收利用并传递,对生态系统及人体健康构成较大危害因此湖泊水体中POPs的分布水平对周围的生态系统及人体健康有非常重要的影响本文收集、分析了2003年至2019年2月公开发表的80篇文献中的中国湖泊水体POPs数据,包括多环芳烃(PAHs)、六六六类农药(HCHs)、滴滴涕类农药(DDX)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)、多氯联苯醚类(PCDEs)、全氟化合物(PFCs)及邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs),发现:目前中国已有水体POPs研究数据的湖泊共有49个,涉及19个省、直辖市、自治区,研究区域主要在东部地区(n=32),云贵高原(n=14)和青藏新疆湖区(n=3)少有研究,其它地区鲜有研究; PAHs、HCHs和DDX是研究最多的三类POPs,在中国湖泊水体中平均浓度分别为360.0±433.8 ng/L(n=26)、12.8±23.5 ...  相似文献   

Five marine fish species were collected from the Natuna Island, South China Sea to investigate the occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs). Concentrations of PBDEs, PCBs, and DDTs in marine fish ranged from 2.85 to 7.82, 14.3 to 48.1, and 7.99 to 40.3 ng/g lipid weight, respectively. Higher concentrations of PBDEs, PCBs, and DDTs were observed in Snakefish (Trachinocephalus myops), which might be attributed to their different feeding and living habits. PCBs were the predominant POPs in all marine fish, followed by DDTs and PBDEs. BDE 47 and PCB 153 were the predominant congener of PBDEs and PCBs, respectively. Compositional distribution of DDTs indicated the possible presence of fresh input sources around the Natuna Island. The ratios of o,p′-DDT/p,p′-DDT being less than 1 in fish samples suggested that DDT contributions from dicofol seemed considerably low. New input sources of DDT in South China Sea are worth further research.  相似文献   


Multivariate statistical analysis and inverse geochemical modelling techniques were employed to deduce the mechanism of groundwater evolution in the hard-rock terrain of Telangana, South India. Q-mode hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to extract the hydrogeochemical characteristics and classify the groundwater samples into three principal groups. Use of thermodynamic stability diagrams and inverse geochemical modelling in PHREEQC identified the chemical reactions controlling hydrogeochemistry of each of the groups obtained from statistical analysis. The model output showed that a few phases are governing the water chemistry in this area and the geochemical reactions responsible for evolution of groundwater chemistry along the flow path are (i) dissolution of evaporite minerals (dolomite, halite); (ii) dissolution of primary silicate minerals (albite, anorthite, K-feldspar, biotite); (iii) precipitation of secondary silicate minerals (kaolinite, quartz, gibbsite, Ca-montmorillonite) along with anhydrite and calcite; and (iv) reverse ion exchange processes.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study aimed at evaluating the occurrence, significance of concentrations and spatial distribution of priority pollutants (PPs) along the Comunidad Valenciana coastal waters (Spain) was carried out in order to fulfil the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Additionally, PP concentrations were also analysed in the effluent of 28 WWTPs distributed along the studied area. In coastal waters 36 organic pollutants of the 71 analysed, including 26 PPs were detected although many of them with low frequency of occurrence. Only 13 compounds, which belong to four different classes (VOCs, organochlorinated pesticides, phthalates and tributyltin compounds (TBT)) showed a frequency of occurrence above 20% in coastal waters. In the results obtained until now, octylphenol, pentachlorobenzene, DEHP and TBT exceeded the annual average concentration (EQS-AAC), and only TBT surpassed the maximum allowable concentration (EQS-MAC). The most frequent contaminants determined in coastal waters were also present in WWTP effluents.  相似文献   

The Tungabhadra River is one of the sacred rivers in south India. Industrial and mining operations on its banks generate enormous amounts of effluent that have led to substantial metal and nutrient contamination of the aquatic system. In the present investigation an attempt has been made to assess variation in the physico-chemical characteristics and speciation of zinc in the water and sediment of the Tungabhadra River. Most of the metal ions in the collected samples were in high concentrations compared to the applicable standards. The Individual Contamination Factor (ICF) of Zn was found to be more at Site-B compared to sites A and C. Zinc-bearing particles were characterized by the different morphologies measuring from large colloidal to small particles which were associated with biological structures or may be present in amorphous nature which were observed by Transition electron microscopy (TEM) with X-EDS (Energy dispersive spectrometry). In conclusion, the level of Zn contamination in the Tungabhadra River is increasing at an alarming rate due to industrial activities.  相似文献   

Catchment runoff is the most widely used catchment scale measurement in modelling studies, and we have a reasonable degree of confidence in its accuracy. The advent of satellites gives access to a new suite of measurements taken over a defined spatial range. These measurements, principally reflected or emitted radiation, provide hydrologists with new possibilities for quantifying the state of a catchment. Surface temperatures can be readily measured by a satellite on a scale comparable to the size of a small catchment.

In this paper we show that satellite sensed temperatures can provide an important measure of catchment status, which can complement runoff measurements in water balance studies. A one-dimensional model, which couples the land surface energy balance with the soil and surface water balance is tested by comparison with runoff and with remotely sensed surface temperature measurements. Simulations have been run over four years for two small catchments which have a fairly homogeneous vegetation, one being forest and its neighbour pasture. Satellite “surface” temperatures have been interpreted in terms of the energy balance, and used as a test of modelling accuracy. An “effective” surface temperature is calculated as a weighted mean of temperatures of the separate soil and leaf surfaces. This modelled “effective” temperature correlates well with Landsat TM surface temperatures.

When pasture replaces forest, the model predicts a reduction in evapotranspiration of around 30%, a three-fold increase in runoff, and an increase in mean soil moisture status. The change to pasture also results in a rise in mean effective surface temperature of about 4°C, and an increase in summer diurnal temperature range from 10 to 22°C. The winter diurnal temperature range is similar for both vegetation systems.

Inclusion of soil moisture variability in thermal properties results in an increase in mean daily maximum temperature of about 2°C in summer and winter, without much change in daily minima. The daily mean temperature is not significantly affected.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the distribution, speciation and bioavailability of mercury in mangrove sediments. A systemic survey of surficial sediments from 13 mangrove wetlands of China was carried out. Hg concentrations ranged from 2.3–903.6 ng g−1, with an average value of 189.4 ng g−1. Of the 13 areas surveyed, the Hg content in sediments was similar to background levels in 6 areas but was much higher in the other seven areas. Hg levels were affected by natural and anthropogenic factors, including terrestrial pollutants, geomorphic properties, and indirectly by economic status. Hg levels were positively correlated with organic matter, pH, and silt and clay fractions, but Hg was negatively correlated with sand fraction. In most mangrove wetlands, Hg existed primarily in the form of volatile Hg. Hg is easily bioaccumulated in mangrove wetlands and may be the natural source of Hg emissions to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Water and land are the two natural resources restraining crop production in South Africa. With the increasing demand for food, emphasis has shifted from the sole reliance on rain fed crop production, to irrigation. The deterioration in irrigation water quality from surface water sources is, however, posing a big challenge to the sustainability of irrigated crop production. This is because more water is required for leaching, resulting in shallow water tables in agricultural lands. The installation of well designed subsurface drainage systems alone is not enough; the provision of timely maintenance is also necessary. In this study, the extent and severity of problems as a consequence of shallow water tables and their possible causes were investigated at three sugarcane fields in Pongola, South Africa, having low hydraulic conductivity soils. Also investigated were soil salinity levels and the temporal variation in the salinity of the irrigation water. A water table map of a 32 ha sugarcane field was generated, using observed water table depth (WTD) data from 36 piezometers monitored from September 2011 to February 2012. Out of the total 32 ha under cultivation, 12% was found to be affected by shallow WTDs of less than the 1.0 m design WTD. The inability of natural drainage to cope with subsurface drainage needs and the poor maintenance of subsurface drainage systems contributed to the shallow water tables in the area. Furthermore, the currently adopted drainage design criteria also proved unsatisfactory with mean observed water table depth and drainage discharge (DD) of 20% and 50%, respectively, less than their respective design levels. The salinity of the irrigation water was, on average, 32% higher than threshold tolerance level of sugarcane. The root zone soil salinity levels at the three study sites were greater than the 1.7 dS m−1 threshold for sugar cane. The subsurface drainage design criteria adopted at the site needs to be revisited by ensuring that the slope of the land is taken into consideration in the drainage design in addition to adhering to a recommended maintenance schedule.  相似文献   

In recent years, antibiotics have been used widely in intensive shrimp culture and this may lead to their contamination of the environment. Surveys on residues of trimethoprim (TMP), sulfamethoxazole (SMX), norfloxacin (NFXC) and oxolinic acid (OXLA) in water and mud in shrimp ponds in mangrove areas were conducted in the north as well as in south of Viet Nam in July and August, 2002. The results show that these antibiotics are found in all samples in both shrimp ponds and surrounding canals. The highest concentrations of TMP, SMX, NFXC and OXLA are 1.04, 2.39, 6.06, and 2.50 ppm in water samples; and 734.61, 820.49, 2615.96, 426.31 ppm (based on wet mud weight), respectively. The comparison of antibiotics residues between study sites and types of shrimp ponds will be discussed in this paper. The results also suggest that antibiotics residues may cause harmful effect on ecosystems in the study sites.  相似文献   

Development of guidelines for ammonia in estuarine and marine water systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The water quality guideline trigger value for ammonia in estuarine and marine waters has been revised with the addition of 38 new results to the data set of 21 used in earlier guideline derivations. Using species sensitivity distributions, a new trigger value of 460 μg total NH3-N/L was derived for slightly to moderately disturbed systems (95% protection concentration, PC95), with a value of 160 μg total NH3-N/L applying to waters of high conservation value (PC99). For sediment pore waters, a guideline trigger value of 3.9 mg total NH3-N/L, derived from the 80th percentile of background data from Sydney Harbour, is recommended. This value is likely to be exceeded in degraded sediments subject to dredging; however, ocean disposal of such sediments results in rapid decreases in porewater ammonia and a guideline trigger value for dissolved ammonia during disposal of dredged sediments of 1550 μg total NH3-N/L is proposed.  相似文献   

Water tanks as traditional rainwater harvesting systems for agriculture are widely distributed in South India. They have a strong impact on hydrological processes, affecting streamflow in rivers as well as evapotranspiration. This study aims at an accurate representation of water harvesting systems in a hydrologic model to improve model performance and assessment of the catchment water balance. To this end, spatio-temporal variations of water bodies between the years 2016 and 2018 and the months of January and May 2017 were derived from Sentinel-2 satellite data to parameterize the water tanks (reservoir) parameters in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+) model of the Adyar basin, Chennai, India. Approximately 16% of the basin is covered by water tanks. The initial model performance was evaluated for two model setups, with and without water tanks. The best model run was selected with a multi-metric approach comparing observed and modelled monthly streamflow for 5000 model runs. The final model evaluation was carried out by comparing estimated water body areas by the model and remote sensing observations for January to May 2017. The results showed that representing water tanks in the hydrologic model led to an improvement in the representation of the seasonal variations of streamflow for the whole simulation period (2004–2018). The model performance was classified as good and very good for the calibration (2004–2011) and validation (2012–2018) periods as NSE varies between 0.67 and 0.85, KGE varies between 0.65 and 0.72, PBIAS varies between −24.1 and −23.6, and RSR varies between 0.57 and 0.39. The best fit was shown for the high and middle flow segments of the hydrograph where the coefficient of determination (R2) ranges from 0.81 to 0.97 and 0.75 to 0.81, respectively. The monthly variation of water body areas in 2017 estimated by the hydrologic model was consistent with changes observed in remote sensing surveys. In summary, the water tank parametrization using remote sensing techniques enhanced the hydrologic model's efficiency and applicability for future studies.  相似文献   

At present, there is a very limited information on the levels and distribution of dissolved metals in Manila Bay. In this study, the horizontal and vertical distribution of operationally defined species (labile, bound and total) of dissolved copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) were determined using differential pulse anodic and cathodic stripping voltammetry in water samples obtained from 18 stations in November 1998. In addition, the 24-h variability in the concentrations of these species at different depths in the water column was determined. These measurements were complemented by the determination of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, particulate organic carbon and nutrients. Results showed that more than 50% of total dissolved copper and cadmium were labile while 50% of total dissolved zinc was organically bound. Vertical profiles showed that Cu, Cd and Zn concentrations were generally high at the surface. Zinc and cadmium were characterised by the presence of a mid-depth minimum while copper did not show any clear vertical trend.

Dissolved Cu concentrations during the spatial and diurnal samplings ranged from 0.32 to 6.95 nM and 1.52 to 45.65 nM, respectively. For Cd, the concentrations in 18 stations ranged from 0.05 to 2.92 nM, and from 0.03 to 2.42 nM over a 24-h period. Zn concentrations ranged from 2.48 to 147.43 nM and 2.87 to 88.27 nM during the spatial and diurnal samplings, respectively. The large variation in the concentration of Cu, Cd and Zn in the bay was observed to be associated with the presence of a large vertical density gradient in the water column, which appeared to limit the exchange of materials between the surface and bottom waters. Elevated levels of these metals near point sources suggest anthropogenic inputs in the bay.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations and possible sources of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in water and estuarine sediments from Gao-ping River in order to evaluate the environmental quality of aquatic system in southern Taiwan. High concentrations of heavy metals including Cr, Zn, Ni, Cu and As, ranging from 10.7 to 180 mg/kg-dry weight (dw), were detected in sediments from Gao-ping River. When normalized to the principal component analysis (PCA), swinery and electroplating wastewaters were found to be the most important pollution sources for heavy metals. Of various organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues detected, aldrin and total-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) were frequently found in sediments. The total concentrations of OCPs were in the range 0.47-47.4 ng/g-dw. Also, the total-HCH, total-cyclodiene, and total-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) were in the range 0.37-36.3, 0.21-19.0, and 0.44-1.88 ng/g-dw, respectively. The polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations in sediments from Gao-ping River ranged between 0.37 and 5.89 ng/g-dw. The PCB concentrations are positively correlated to the organic contents of the sediment particles. alpha-HCH was found to be the dominant compound of HCH in the sediments, showing that long-range transport may be the possible source for the contamination of HCH in sediments from Gao-ping River. In summary, trace amounts of POPs in estuarine sediments from Gao-ping River were detected, showing that there still exist a wide variety of POP residues in the river sediments in Taiwan. These POP residues may be mainly from long-range transport and weathered agricultural soils, while heavy metal contamination is primarily from the swinery and industrial wastewaters.  相似文献   

All previous versions of a physically based land-surface model SWAP have assumed for simplicity that vegetation is fully covered by snow during the cold season. Such assumption is reasonable only for the regions dominated by short vegetation or for warm climates where snow processes are absent. The major goals of this paper are (i) modification of the latest version of SWAP by incorporation of tall vegetation into the cold-season parameterizations to make the model applicable for simulating heat and water transfer within a boreal forest biome and (ii) validation of the modified version using the data from a forested catchment located in the boreal zone. Modification of SWAP required to parameterize radiative and turbulent exchange between the forest crown and forest floor, partitioning snowfall between interception by the canopy (in doing so, snow interception differs from rain interception) and falling to the ground, formation of snow cover on the forest crown and forest floor including snow accumulation (both in solid and liquid fractions), snow evaporation, and snowmelt. The advanced model was validated using a set of hydrometeorological data measured during 18 years (1966–1983) at the Tayozhniy catchment (covered by boreal spruce forest), Valdai, Russia. Simulations of annual and monthly snow/rain interception, daily runoff at the catchment outlet, snow density, snow depth, snow water equivalent, soil water storage in three layers (0–20, 0–50 and 0–100 cm), and monthly evapotranspiration from the catchment were compared with observations. Analysis of the results of validation shows that the new version of the model SWAP reproduces the heat and water exchange processes occurring in mid-latitude boreal forest quite reasonable.  相似文献   

人类活动和社会经济迅速发展导致大量化学品排放进入地表水环境,对水生生态系统和人类健康产生诸多不利影响,如何从众多的化学品中筛选识别出具有潜在危害的优先污染物是水污染治理和管控的关键.本研究基于污染物环境暴露水平、持久性、生物累积性、生态风险和人体健康风险5个评价参数,构建多指标综合评分法定量筛选识别地表水环境优先污染物类别,并应用于涨渡湖水体中优先污染物清单的建立.污染物环境暴露水平基于靶向分析综合考虑了污染物环境实测浓度和检出频率.目标污染物持久性和生物累积性毒害性参数分别采用生物降解系数和正辛醇-水分配系数来表征.此外在物种敏感度分布法和评估因子法的基础上计算生态风险熵以定量表征生态风险,人体健康风险则由终生致癌风险指数或危害指数来表征.基于该多指标综合评分法可于涨渡湖水体7类151种特征污染物中筛查出41种优先污染物,主要包括11种多氯联苯、8种有机氯农药、6种多环芳烃、4种邻苯二甲酸酯、4种挥发性有机物和8种金属元素.鉴于不同地表水环境污染状况不同,通过多指标综合评分法可建立因地制宜的优先污染物清单,从而有利于形成以保护水生生物和人类健康为最终目标的优先污染物水质基准,为地表水环境污染物管控及治理提供方法学支撑和科学依据.  相似文献   

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