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Summary. A direct calculation is made of the effect on the Chandler wobble of 1287 earthquakes that occurred during 1977–1983. The hypocentral parameters (location and origin time) and the moment tensor representation of the best point source for each earthquake as determined by the 'centroidmoment tensor' technique were used to calculate the change in the Chandler wobble's excitation function by assuming this change is due solely to the static deformation field generated by that earthquake. The resulting theoretical earthquake excitation function is compared with the 'observed' excitation function that is obtained by deconvolving a Chandler wobble time series derived from LAGEOS polar motion data. Since only 7 years of data are available for analysis it is not possible to resolve the Chandler band and determine whether or not the theoretical earthquake excitation function derived here is coherent and in phase with the 'observed' excitation function in that band. However, since the power spectrum of the earthquake excitation function is about 56 dB less than that of the 'observed' excitation function at frequencies near the Chandler frequency, it is concluded that earthquakes, via their static deformation field, have had a negligible influence on the Chandler wobble during 1977–1983. However, fault creep or any type of aseismic slip that occurs on a time-scale much less than the period of the Chandler wobble could have an important (and still unmodelled) effect on the Chandler wobble.  相似文献   

Summary. An overview is taken of the last decade of studies of the effect of earthquakes on the polar motion. The treatment of the liquid outer core in static deformation is reviewed and some misconceptions in a number of papers are pointed out. Volterra's formula is generalized to the case of a liquid core which does not obey the highly idealized Adams—Williamson density law. The focal mechanism representation of Smylie & Mansinha (1971) is corrected for neglected terms arising from coordinate curvature, bringing the computed polar shifts into near numerical agreement with those of other workers. On the basis of the comparison of the observed and computed polar shifts for the Chile 1960 and Alaska 1964 events, it is suggested that the observed polar shifts for large earthquakes may be useful as discriminators in selecting focal mechanism parameters. The observed level of Chandler wobble excitation provides a constraint on some of the more extreme values of seismic moment recently proposed, unless these are supposed to depend only weakly on magnitude. The cumulative effect of the 30 largest earthquakes in the period 1901–64, recently examined by O'Connell & Dziewonski, is found to yield a rms Chandler wobble excitation of 0".10, using the random walk theory of Mansinha & Smylie (1967). This is close to the observed level (∼ 0".15). In addition to yielding the solution to a very long-standing geophysical puzzle, the study of the effect of earthquakes on the polar motion over the last decade may have produced a useful tool for the elucidation of seismic mechanism.  相似文献   

The change in the inertia tensor of the Earth, due to the mass shift following a seismic event, has been computed by several authors for non-rotating earth models. Rotation is taken into account in the present paper, and the additional change in the inertia tensor is computed for an equivalent earth model, in which the axis of geometrical symmetry becomes tilted instead of the axis of greatest inertia. Rotation is thus seen to produce an increase by a factor 1.4 in the amplitude variation of the Chandler wobble, with respect to the non-rotating case, which, when added to the 1.4 amplitude increase due to the precessional re-adjustment of the equatorial bulge, gives a factor of 2 increase of the Chandler wobble amplitude with respect to the case of a rigid earth model.  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis for filtering is used to improve estimation of gravity variations induced by Chandler wobble. This method eliminate noise in superconducting gravimeter (SG) records with bandpass filters derived from Daubechies wavelet. The SG records at four European stations (Brussels, Membach, Strasbourg and Vienna) are analysed in this study. First, the earth tidal constituents are removed from the observed data by using synthetic tides, then the gravity residuals are filtered into a narrow period band of 256–512 d by a wavelet bandpass filter. These data are submitted to three regression analysis methods for estimating the gravimetric factor of the Chandler wobble. After processing by wavelet filtering, SG records can provide amplitude factors δ and phase lags κ of the Chandler wobble with much smaller mean square deviation (MSD) than these provided by former studies. It is mainly because the wavelet method can effectively eliminate instrumental drift and provide smoothed data series for the regression analysis.  相似文献   

summary . The character of the Chandler wobble suggests that the optimal representation of the observed polar motion is a complex AR.MA model. This paper develops the theory of such a model and presents a modification of the scalar AR.MA computer program of Akaike, Arahata & Ozaki. The complex AR.MA model is applied to the ILS data covering the period 1900–1975. An optimal AR.MA (1,4) model is obtained. The model parameters are interpreted to give a Chandler frequency of 0.8400 ± 0.0039 cpy a Q value of 50 < Q < 300, with the most probable value of 96 and the power density of the excitation to be about 0.51 × (0".01)2/cpy. This result leads to the conclusion that the contribution of meteorological sources to the excitation of the Chandler wobble is about 11 to 19 per cent.  相似文献   

The period P and Q -value of the Chandler wobble are two fundamental functional of the Earth's internal physical properties and global geodynamics. We revisit the problem of the estimation of P and Q , using 10.8 yr of modern polar motion as well as contemporary atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) data. We make full use of the knowledge that AAM is a major broad-band excitation source for the polar motion. We devise two optimization criteria under the assumption that, after removal of coherent seasonal and long-period signals, the non-AAM excitation is uncorrelated with the AAM. The procedures lead to optimal estimates for P and Q. Our best estimates, judging from comprehensive sets of Monte Carlo simulations, are P = 433.7 ± 1.8 (1σ) days, Q =49 with a la range of (35, 100). In the process we also obtain (as a by-product) an estimate of roughly 0.8 for a 'mixing ratio' of the inverted-barometer (IB) effect in the AAM pressure term, indicating that the ocean behaves nearly as IB in polar motion excitation on temporal scales from months to years  相似文献   

Continental drift and true polar wandering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary . Evidence in the form of 75 yr of ILS data is accumulating which suggests that true polar wander may be currently taking place. It seems likely that true wander of some magnitude must always accompany plate motions, but the extrapolated ILS rate is an order of magnitude larger than the rate of true polar wander deduced from palaeomagnetic data over the past 55 Myr. The conflict between palaeomagnetic and latitude data provides the motivation for investigating one possible excitation of polar wander, the mass redistribution which accompanies continental drift.
The mass redistribution arises mainly because of the contrasting density structure of oceanic and continental regions. The change in the inertia tensor resulting from 106yr of plate motions is found to be negligibly small; even consideration of episodic plate movements, anelasticity, or a decoupled lithosphere cannot boost the effect to the ILS rate of polar wander. These conclusions are strengthened by the fact that any one of several absolute plate velocity models, based on extremely diverse assumptions, yields the same results.
In contrast, preliminary findings regarding the effect of Pleistocene deglaciation activities on the inertia tensor reveal that such non-isostatic phenomena may have a large influence on polar wander.  相似文献   

Summary. We give the analytical formulation for calculating the transient displacement of fields produced by earthquakes in a stratified, selfgravitating, incompressible, viscoelastic earth. We have evaluated the potential of viscous creep in the asthenosphere in exciting the Chandler wobble by a four-layer model consisting of an elastic lithosphere, a two-layer Maxwell viscoelastic mantle, and an inviscid core. The seismic source is modelled as an inhomogeneous boundary condition, which involves a jump condition of the displacement fields across the fault in the lithosphere. The response fields are derived from the solution of a two-point boundary value problem, using analytical propagator matrices in the Laplace-transformed domain. Transient flows produced by post-seismic rebound are found to be confined within the asthenosphere for local viscosity values less than 1020P. The viscosity of the mantle below the low-viscosity channel is kept at 1022P. For low-viscosity zones with widths greater than about 100 km and asthenospheric viscosities less than 1018P, we find that viscoelasticity can amplify the perturbations in the moment of inertia by a factor of 4–5 above the elastic contribution within the time span of the wobble period. We have carried out a comparative study on the changes of the inertia tensor from forcings due to surface loading and to faulting. In general the global responses from faulting are found to be much more sensitive to the viscosity structure of the asthenosphere than those produced from surface loading.  相似文献   

Summary. The viscoelastic response of the Earth to the mass displacements caused by late Pleistocene deglaciation and concomitant sea level changes is shown to be capable of producing the secular motion of the Earth's rotation pole as deduced from astronomical observations. The calculations for a viscoelastic Earth yield a secular motion in the direction of 72° W meridian which is in excellent agreement with observed values. The average Newtonian viscosity and the relaxation time obtained from polar motion data are about (1.1 ± 0.6)1023 poise (P) and 104 (1 ± 0.5) yr. The non-tidal secular acceleration of the Earth can also be attributed to the viscoelastic response to deglaciation and results in an independent viscosity estimate of 1.6 × 1023 P with upper and lower limits of 1.1 × 1023 and 2.8 × 1023 P. These values are in agreement with those based on the polar drift analysis and indicate an average mantle viscosity of 1–2 × 1023 P.  相似文献   

A decadal polar motion with an amplitude of approximately 25 milliarcsecs (mas) is observed over the last century, a motion known as the Markowitz wobble. The origin of this motion remains unknown. In this paper, we investigate the possibility that a time-dependent axial misalignment between the density structures of the inner core and mantle can explain this signal. The longitudinal displacement of the inner core density structure leads to a change in the global moment of inertia of the Earth. In addition, as a result of the density misalignment, a gravitational equatorial torque leads to a tilt of the oblate geometric figure of the inner core, causing a further change in the global moment of inertia. To conserve angular momentum, an adjustment of the rotation vector must occur, leading to a polar motion. We develop theoretical expressions for the change in the moment of inertia and the gravitational torque in terms of the angle of longitudinal misalignment and the density structure of the mantle. A model to compute the polar motion in response to time-dependent axial inner core rotations is also presented. We show that the polar motion produced by this mechanism can be polarized about a longitudinal axis and is expected to have decadal periodicities, two general characteristics of the Markowitz wobble. The amplitude of the polar motion depends primarily on the Y 12 spherical harmonic component of mantle density, on the longitudinal misalignment between the inner core and mantle, and on the bulk viscosity of the inner core. We establish constraints on the first two of these quantities from considerations of the axial component of this gravitational torque and from observed changes in length of day. These constraints suggest that the maximum polar motion from this mechanism is smaller than 1 mas, and too small to explain the Markowitz wobble.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic secular variation since 1901   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. All available annual means, from the world-wide network of magnetic observatories, of north intensity ( X ), east intensity ( Y ) and vertical intensity (Z) from 1901 to 1977 are subjected to spherical harmonic analysis to obtain 38 models of the Earth's geomagnetic field at two-year intervals. These models are differenced to give 37 models of secular variation at two-year intervals from 1903.5 to 1975.5. The results show the decreasing trend of the dipole moment and are analysed for possible information on the westward drift of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

Polar motion is modelled for the large 2004 Sumatra earthquake via dislocation theory for an incompressible elastic earth model, where inertia perturbations are due to earthquake-triggered topography of density–contrast interfaces, and for a compressible model, where inertia perturbation due to compression-dilatation of Earth's material is included; density and elastic parameters are based on a multilayered reference Earth. Both models are based on analytical Green's functions, propagated from the centre to the Earth's surface. Preliminary and updated seismological solutions are considered in elucidating the effects of improving earthquake parameters on polar motion. The large Sumatra thrust earthquake was particularly efficient in driving polar motion since it was responsible for large material displacements occurring orthogonally to the strike of the earthquake and to the Earth's surface, as imaged by GRACE gravity anomalies over the earthquake area. The effects of earthquake-induced topography are four times larger than the effects of Earth's compressibility, for l = 2 geopotential components. For varying compressional Earth properties and seismic solution, modelled polar motion ranges from 8.6 to 9.4 cm in amplitude and between 117° and 130° east longitude in direction. The close relationship between polar motion direction, earthquake longitude and thrust nature of the event, are established in terms of basic physical concepts.  相似文献   

Summary An extension of the Love-Larmor theory to a low-loss unelastic earth model, leads to the surprisingly simple approximation
where τs= 447.4 sidereal day is the static wobble period, τR= 306 sidereal day is the rigid-earth wobble period and τw= 433 sidereal day is the observed Chandler period. Q W, Q μ are the respective average Q values of the wobble and the Earth's mantle at τW. The known numerical factor F is only slightly dependent on the Earth structure.  相似文献   

The work of Bullard (1950) and Rochester (1960) on the geomagnetic westward drift and its effects on the Earth's rotation is extended to investigate the effects of assuming various distributions of electrical conductivity in the mantle. By a proper choice of conductivities, one is able to increase the theoretical value for the tightness of the coupling by a factor of at least six over that afforded by Rochester's model, without sacrificing agreement with observations on the rapidity with which changes in the secular variation are established at the Earth's surface. It is shown that it is reasonable to attribute the observed random changes in the length of the day to perturbations in the electromagnetic coupling.  相似文献   

Summary. A new value of the Earth's dynamical ellipticity H , defined as the ratio of the difference between the Earth's polar and mean equatorial moments of inertia to its polar moment of inertia, is derived from the most recent, and accurate, values of the Earth's equinoxial precession, the Earth—Moon mass ratio μ and other appropriate data, and a re-evaluation of the numerical procedures involved. This value is an order of magnitude more accurate than its previous values and yields an equivalent improvement in accuracy in other geodynamical quantities derived from H . The new value is consistent with the new System of Astronomical Constants and the new Geodetic Reference System 1980 and is suitable for use in the many astronomical, geophysical and geodetic applications of H .  相似文献   

Summary A uniformly valid linear viscoelastic rheology is described which takes the form of a 'generalized' Burgers' body and which appears capable of reconciling the behaviour of the Earth's mantle across the complete spectrum of geodynamic time-scales. This spectrum is bracketed by the short time-scales of body wave and free oscillation seismology on which anelastic effects are dominant, and the long time-scale of mantle convection on which the Earth behaves viscously. The parameters of the model which control the viscous response are fixed by post-glacial rebound data whereas those which govern the anelasticity are to be determined by fitting the model to observations of seismic Q. The paper is concerned primarily with a discussion of the normal mode spectrum of the Earth as a generalized Burgers' body. Focusing upon the homogeneous model, it includes an initial analysis of the accuracy of first-order perturbation theory as a method of calculating the respective Q s of the elastic gravitational free oscillations. Also considered are the quasi-static modes of relaxation which only exact eigenanalysis can reveal. The importance of these modes is assessed within the context of a discussion of the effect of viscoelasticity upon the efficiency of Chandler wobble excitation.  相似文献   

Atmospheric excitation of the annual wobble   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. The excitation of the annual wobble due to the atmosphere is computed on the basis of modern global homogeneous atmospheric pressure and temperature fields of 5°× 5°.
The contribution of the oceans is estimated using two hypotheses of the response to the atmospheric load.
The results are compared with estimates by other authors and with data from astronomical observations. The atmospheric excitation computations have now reached their maximum accuracy and the discrepancies with the observations demonstrate the large errors in the estimates of the non-atmospheric contributions for which constraints are given.  相似文献   

The Passive Influence of the Oceans upon the Rotation of the Earth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A general theory is developed which allows the exact numerical computation of the static equilibrium response of a non-rotating spherically symmetric Earth model covered by thin oceans with geometrically irregular coastlines to the action of an imposed static tidal or centrifugal potential. The theory is self-consistent, and takes into account the gravitational self-attraction of the oceans and the elastic-gravitational response of the Earth model to both the applied potential and the equilibrium oceanic tidal load on the surface. The results are used to determine the influence of an equilibrium pole tide on the free period and the associated rotational eigenfunction of the Chandler wobble. If the pole is globally well represented by this equilibrium approximation, its effect is to increase the Chandler wobble period by 27·6 days. It is shown that a fully self-consistent theory of the rotation of an Earth model with oceans predicts that changes in spin and wobble will be coupled, and that the Chandler wobble should, as a result, be accompanied by an associated periodic change in the length of day. The consequences of spin-wobble coupling are explored quantitatively, and found to be slight.  相似文献   

The dynamical flattening of the Earth, as observed by geodetic techniques, is different by about 1 per cent from the value associated with the PREM density profile with hydrostatic equilibrium. In this paper, we compute a new dynamical flattening H induced by PREM mean density with hydrostatic equilibrium, to which we add lateral heterogeneities associated with (1) seismic velocity variations observed by tomography and (2) internal boundary topographies. First, we compute mantle circulation associated with the density anomalies derived from a tomography model. The flow-induced boundary deformations are then converted into additional mass anomalies which are added to the tomography model for computing the associated perturbation to the Earth's inertia tensor. Finally, we show that it is possible to obtain a dynamical flattening from the total inertia tensor (i.e. the sum of the PREM inertia tensor and of the perturbation) in agreement with that observed.  相似文献   

Summary. Palaeomagnetic results from Part I of this study and their analysis in Part II are combined to eliminate bias from the Cenozoic apparent polar wander path for Australia – a bias due to non-dipole components in past geomagnetic fields or, for poles calculated from hot-spot data, due to the motion of hot spots relative to the Earth's rotational axis. This path is extended in approximately bias-free form to the late Mesozoic, and indicates a significant change in the drift direction of the continent between 26 and about 60 Ma.
The bias-corrected Australian path is used, first, with seafloor spreading data for the Southern Ocean to derive a corresponding late Mesozoic–Cenozoic pole path for Antarctica. The latter shows that the Antarctic drift direction reversed in the early Tertiary. It is suggested that the early Tertiary directional changes of both Australia and Antarctica are part of a global reorganization of plates during the Eocene, postulated by Rona & Richardson, Cande & Mutter and Patriat & Achache.
Next, the Australian path is compared with hot-spot data from the African and Australian plates, indicating a movement of the hot spots relative the Earth's rotational axis during the Cenozoic. The direction of this movement is found to be consistent with previous results from other parts of the world.
Finally, the Australian path is used together with non-dipole components in the geomagnetic field to explain a prominent westward displacement of the mid- and late Cenozoic poles of India relative to those of Australia.
Because of uncertainties in the original poles and in the analysis, the present results are likely to contain appreciable errors. Nevertheless, their consistency with independent findings supports the dipole-quadrupole model of Part II for mid- and late Cenozoic geomagnetic fields.  相似文献   

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