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“制度”原是政治经济学取向中传统的分析对象,但在1970年代后的社会脉络变迁与学术发展进程的影响下,制度开始拥有主体性的地位。在都市政治的研究场域里,一方面由于都市从统治(government)迈向治理(governance)成为普遍的趋势,另一方面受到社会科学制度转向的学术风潮影响,制度在都市政治研究中的角色开始面临重新反省与理论化的困境,但此一部份缺乏系统性的探讨。本文即在这样的脉络下,首先将分析都市政治的变迁,及其与地方政府制度间的关系;其次则试图论述制度论的演进与观点,及其在都市治理范畴中的发展;最后则讨论重新将制度理论化的取径,反省制度转向后的理论议题,并试图提出可能的研究观点,藉以寻求媒合不同概念层次之都市政治理论的可能。  相似文献   

N Henry  C McEwan  & J Pollard 《Area》2002,34(2):117-127
Birmingham is re–inventing itself through a strategy of prestige city centre regeneration. Drawing on the theoretical lenses of transnationalism and postcolonialism, we sketch one alternative vision of Birmingham's economic place in the world. Through a focus on 'ethnic diversity', and the subsequent distinctiveness of the city's economy, this paper re–visions Birmingham as a 'global' city. Reflecting on a 'politics of scale', we highlight a 'globalization from below' that draws on the city's residents and their histories  相似文献   

The Sirens' voices? Field practices and dialogue in geography   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Richard C. Powell 《Area》2002,34(3):261-272
This paper responds to recent demands for greater discussion between physical and human geographers over common conceptualizations and entities. I argue that one possible way in which to conduct such a dialogue would be through considerations of reconceptualized modes of fieldwork practice across the discipline of geography and cognate disciplines. In consequence, I examine such concepts of fieldwork, encompassing diverse attempts such as an ethnographic politics of location and new visions of geomorphological practice. In so doing, I indicate some of the broader potentialities available to historians and philosophers of field science.  相似文献   

陈丹阳 《热带地理》2016,36(2):158-165
现代涂鸦发源于欧美国家,近些年来也在中国的城市街巷空间中大量出现,并带来了一定的社会问题。通过梳理国内外学界相关研究成果,阐明了涂鸦具有建构和改变地方意义的作用。在此基础上运用尺度政治理论分析香港著名涂鸦者“九龙皇帝”曾灶财的个案,探讨了3个时期中香港政府、文化精英和曾灶财本人对其涂鸦性质的不同界定,以及相互之间的博弈过程。分析认为:香港政府在曾灶财去世后对其涂鸦的保护并不意味着对这些涂鸦艺术品性质的承认,而是面对文化精英尺度上推策略的妥协。最后探讨了尺度政治理论在当前中国城市涂鸦问题中的应用前景。  相似文献   

This article describes an experiment in learning with a course on “research and philosophies of place and space” in which students were repeatedly dislocated from an environment familiar to them and replaced in key locations about the city with local place experts as their guide. The article begins with a review of the meaning of place and the opportunities offered by the City of Kingston for reflective engagement. It briefly hints at some of the social trends devaluing place learning and the consequently political nature of this pedagogy. Finally, it summarizes the lessons learned in five of the ten classes.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):476-483
This commentary reflects on the ways that the issues raised by Edward Soja in his book Postmetropolis (2000) resonate (or do not) today. It entails a re-examination of Soja's six discourses on the postmetropolis in light of the highly significant events of the past decade that have changed the ways we think about and analyze cities. It is suggested that the crises and instabilities of the 2000s have humbled analyses, bringing greater attention to the everyday; to different, often smaller scales of analysis; to ordinary cities; to provisional politics; and to the rootedness of the urban within the natural.  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue that feminist geographers need to scrutinize the claims being made by the three identifiable epistemological orientations in feminist geography regarding the use of numbers, for each offers a different view of objectivity and a different way to count. I go on to pursue a refinement of a critical feminist epistemology grounded in a mediated objectivity, one located in the embeddedness of everyday life. Within this framework, I suggest that numbers are useful, but only in context.  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue that feminist geographers need to scrutinize the claims being made by the three identifiable epistemological orientations in feminist geography regarding the use of numbers, for each offers a different view of objectivity and a different way to count. I go on to pursue a refinement of a critical feminist epistemology grounded in a mediated objectivity, one located in the embeddedness of everyday life. Within this framework, I suggest that numbers are useful, but only in context.  相似文献   

Playing the Field: Questions of Fieldwork in Geography   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Many questions-practical, strategic, political, ethical, personal-are raised by conducting field research. Some of these seem, or are constituted as, separate from the “research itself,” yet are integral to it. In this paper I attempt to cut through the breach that divides the doing of fieldwork and the fieldwork itself by addressing what constitutes the “field,” what constitutes a field researcher, and what constitutes data under contemporary conditions of globalization. Drawing on my work in New York City and Sudan, I argue that by interrogating the multiple positionings of intellectuals and the means by which knowledge is produced and exchanged, field researchers and those with whom they work can find common ground to construct a politics of engagement that does not compartmentalize social actors along solitary axes.  相似文献   

Borders are often portrayed in stark terms, perhaps as national‐scale threats, or as sites of suffering, or conversely as hosts to socio‐cultural symbiosis. Yet borders are many things all at once. In this paper, we use the comparative context of the US–Mexico border and the Mexico‐Guatemala border to critique what we call the ‘border as hegemony’, a borderscape constructed through obstructions, punitive policing and reinforcing the limits of state control. Instead, we propose a model of the ‘border as discord’. In our heuristic framework, diverse mobilities are embraced, interests of borderlanders are acknowledged and prioritized, and borders are interpreted not as a security threat but as a resource for change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This critical history of geography looks to the political concepts that historical actors held and analyzes the incorporation of these concepts into geography. Peter Heylyn, who politicized his geographical books Microcosmus (1621) and, still more, Cosmographie (1657), followed William Laud's characteristic brand of High Church Anglicanism, avowedly hostile both to Roman Catholicism and to Calvinist forms of Protestantism, while upholding an ideal of the Church of England as both independent and apostolic. Further, Laudians were stalwart defendants of monarchy as a divine institution. This Laudian vision of church and state informed Heylyn's geographical works, which goes against a received wisdom that they are divorced from his polemical historical, political, and theological tracts. We thus recover the politics of early modern geography as contemporaries might have understood them.  相似文献   

Urban water scarcity in south-east Australia forces us to engage with how our present centralised public utilities are embedded in our everyday lives, amidst uncertain futures. In the last decades, socio-technical approaches have illustrated how the myth of endless main water supply is made possible by cultures of engineering and plumbing. To extend debates about the cultural dimensions of environmental sustainability, this paper takes an ethnographic approach to understand the processes by which Burmese refugees and migrants who lived with water scarcity pre-migration make water potable post-migration to Australia. With a focus on mapping the material, discursive, spatial and emotional relations that enable the provisioning of potable water, the paper brings into conversation Elizabeth Shove's social practice theory with Elspeth Probyn's emplaced formulation of subjectivity. The adaptive provisioning capacities of people whose lives are immersed in cultures of water scarcity point towards a politics and relational ethics of care underpinned by provisioning and first-person contact. To conclude, these grounded Burmese examples provide an opportunity to employ scenario thinking to imagine alternative drinking water futures for south-east Australian cities.  相似文献   

三鹿奶粉事件的尺度政治分析   总被引:24,自引:7,他引:17  
刘云刚  王丰龙 《地理学报》2011,66(10):1368-1378
本文在详细剖析西方已有研究成果的基础上,提出尺度政治分析的一般框架,并运用该框架分析了2008 年发生在中国的三鹿奶粉事件的尺度变换过程。在此基础上,通过案例比较总结了中西方尺度政治的差异,并揭示了在中国尺度政治研究的有效性及其应用领域。对三鹿奶粉事件的分析表明,中国的社会事件含有多种利益主体和复杂的尺度政治过程,尤其是中央和地方两级政府在其中发挥着极其重要的作用。尺度政治分析清晰地再现了中央和地方政府在社会事件中由第三方向强势方转化的取向及其尺度下推行为,同时也凸显了在中国独立的第三方尺度政治相对缺失的问题。通过三鹿案例的剖析,本文进一步完善了尺度政治的理论框架,也证实了在中国进行尺度政治分析的可行性。分析表明,尺度政治源于地理思维,但它同样也可对社会学、政治学等其他学科产生影响;它不仅是对尺度概念的一种深化,更可成为解构社会现实的一个有效工具。  相似文献   

This article discusses New Zealand geography's recent engagement in institutional regeneration that is aimed at redeveloping the knowledge claims its geography community can make. This engagement has led to new levels of understanding among many New Zealand geographers of colearning and coproduction of knowledge as geographic processes involving knowledge, power, and authority relations. The article briefly outlines two linked trajectories: those relating to the gradual recognition of institutional collapse, and the commitment to remaking a new and generative institutional framework, and the uptake of ideas from international geography that helped with prioritizing revisioning and institutional regeneration. Lessons from New Zealand geography's sobering institutional experiences and new efforts at collective learning and activity to extend the spheres of geography's action are salutary for international geography.  相似文献   

多尺度视角下的印度地缘环境解析及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国和印度共同崛起的背景下,随着中国“向西开放”和“一带一路”倡议的推进,中国与印度的地缘竞争日益激烈。加强对印度地缘环境解构有助于中国更好地识别地缘风险和制定有效的地缘策略。本文从地理环境、国家的地缘政治想象、地缘关系环境三个方面,从全球、区域和国家内部三个尺度来解构印度的地缘环境,并论证了印度如何在其地缘环境的基础上制定并实施本国的地缘战略:(1)在全球尺度上,凭借印度洋的地缘优势,印度建构了以印度洋为基础的全球地缘战略,追求“有声有色”的大国地位;(2)在区域尺度上,印度凭借地理结构、体量、权力和影响力的优势,构建了邻国优先和防止域外大国干涉的区域战略,谋求南亚领导地位;(3)在国家内部尺度上,印度的国家实力被内部的多样性(包括种姓制度、宗教矛盾、地方主义、党派斗争等)所肢解,如何加强统一的国家认同是印度面临的极大挑战。根据印度地缘环境的特点和中印的权力对比情况,从中国国家利益的角度出发,在南亚和印度洋地区,中国作为权力弱势方,应该加强与印度的利益共同体建构、加强区域内合作、区域互联互通和一体化建设、增强区域内的话语权和合法性;在中印边境区,中国作为权力的强势方,应该加强边境管理、防止域外势力干涉。  相似文献   

The recent expansion of protected areas and oil palm plantations in Jambi (Sumatra), Indonesia, has been notably disruptive. This article investigates the scalar dimensions of land conflicts within a privately managed conservation area. We built on qualitative research focusing on struggles related to the formation of two informal settlements within the conservation area. Results indicate that, especially in the context of rapid rescaling (e.g., decentralization), new power constellations emerge, thereby altering preexisting property relations. We argue that competing scales of meaning and regulation are structuring the ability of actors to access land and, consequently, reflect tensions between structure and agency.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):297-329
This paper examines recent proposals for memorials and monuments on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Demands for memorials are increasingly at odds with the Mall's important role as open green space and public protest space. This article analyzes the broader issues embodied in the competing purposes of this highly visible public space by considering the recent controversy over the World War II Memorial. The controversy focused primarily on the location of the memorial. Opponents contended the World War II Memorial would interrupt or destroy the iconography of the National Mall. Supporters argued that the location selected for the memorial was consistent with its importance in U.S. history and that it deserved such a prized location in the central axis between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. The article then analyzes the politics behind the site selection, and examines the debate about the impact of the memorial's location. It concludes that the location of the memorial was not accidental but intentional, and thereby reveals a purposeful re-writing of the Mall's symbolic space to suit a specific vision of the war and its meaning in American history. The article also contends that the location of the memorial represents an emerging social-political agenda that is prioritizing the Mall as a place of commemoration at the expense of open space, and, perhaps, at the expense of public protest space.  相似文献   

以流动看世界——基于彼得·阿迪《流动性》的研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡晓梅  卜美玲  李军 《热带地理》2020,40(3):455-465
“流动”正改变着人们的生存、生活和生产方式。流动性经历了从学科间独立的分散研究,到以地理学和社会学为主导的多学科研究,再转向新流动性范式下的跨学科研究。其中,彼得·阿迪(Peter Adey)的《流动性》(Mobility)(第二版)是一部梳理流动性演变脉络、解读理论并联系案例和方法的力作。因此,文章从流动性研究产生的背景、主要内容、研究方法与运用3个方面凝练该书观点,指出未来研究要跳出以二元对立看问题的思维方式,用一种网络化、关系式和辩证的思维洞察世界,在深度理解流动的意义、政治、实践和媒介基础上进行流动性研究。最后,文章基于国内研究现状,提出未来可以从流动性政治、流动性时空维度、旅游与流动性、流动主体的多元化、流动性研究方法等几个方面展开深入研究。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):501-504

The teacher certification process is complex, confusing, and important. After explaining the fundamentals of certification, this article suggests pragmatic strategies geographers can use to influence state certification procedures and requirements. The most effective way to change certification guidelines in order to require more geography for preservice teachers may be to change the problems certification guidelines are intended to solve. However, it is important to remember that more geography and better education are not synonymous phrases.  相似文献   

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