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The purpose of this paper is to propose a new notion on prominent areas of a city defined by two types of comprehensive prominence for identifying urban spatial structure. Not only geometric attributes and topological attributes but also thematic attributes of irregular areas (e.g. districts of a city) are used to define these indices. In the paper, first the topological prominence related to geometric attributes such as size, location, and shape of areas is constructed by spatial weight matrix. Second, for finding comprehensive prominences, the principle axis factor model is adopted, and the first factor score is defined as the comprehensive prominence 1. Then, the proportion of thematic attributes of each area occupied in across the city is used to define the comprehensive prominence 2. Finally, we use these comprehensive prominences to extract some important regions in Matsudo City of Chiba Prefecture in Japan. The areas composing those regions show a high topological prominence, have a large population, have many offices, and are located around the train station.  相似文献   

This study examines spatial accessibility of pharmacies in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Two popular geographic information systems (GIS)—based methods are compared: the proximity method uses the distance (travel time) from the nearest pharmacy, and the two‐step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method considers the match ratio between providers and population as well as the complex spatial interaction between them. The study indicates that disproportionally higher percentages of African‐Americans are in areas with shorter travel time to the nearest pharmacies than whites, but suffer from poorer accessibility measured by the 2SFCA method—that is, fewer pharmacies per 10,000 residents. Seniors, particularly those of seventy‐five years or older, tend to be disproportionally concentrated in areas that not only are closer to pharmacies, but also have more pharmacies per 10,000 residents. The two methods used in the study capture different elements in spatial accessibility: one being physically close to a facility and another adding the crowdedness in service. Both properties can be valuable for residents. The two may not always coincide with each other in spatial variability, as it is the case for racial disparity in our study area. However, when they do, as in the case for seniors, it may imply a true (dis)advantage for a demographic group in terms of both properties of spatial accessibility.  相似文献   

Methodological Advances in the Spatial Analysis of Land Fragmentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article evaluates the effect of moving window (MW) size on observed fragmentation spatial patterns and proposes a method to identify an effective MW size using Simpson's diversity index. To test the robustness of the proposed method, we demonstrate its use in six cities in the Phoenix metropolitan area that have substantial variation in land composition and configuration. Next we explore the effects of gradient observation scale and the role of scale in removing noise. We compare and discuss two popular approaches to measuring urban-to-rural fragmentation gradients—concentric ring- and transect-based approaches—highlighting the usefulness of each approach in an extensive and rapidly urbanizing region. This study provides a new method for selecting window size, offers insights on scale effects, and provides guidance on gradient scale selection to achieve the best representation of land fragmentation patterns for urban analysis.  相似文献   

夏永久  邓世玉  王越 《热带地理》2021,41(4):769-777
基于生活圈理论,构建了城市养老服务设施空间配置合理性评价标准,运用GIS空间分析方法,从城市、行政区及街道等不同空间层面对合肥市城市养老服务设施空间分布特征及配置合理性进行分析。研究发现:1)合肥市城市养老供给以社区养老服务为主要类型,城市养老服务设施建设数量和体量在4个行政区间存有较大差异;2)合肥市城市养老服务设施空间分布、配置合理性均由城市中心向外围地区呈圈层式递减,城市新区是养老服务供给的薄弱地段;3)合肥市城市养老服务设施空间配置合理性在街道层面差异更显著,覆盖率相似街道呈现明显的空间聚集特征。  相似文献   

在中国人口城镇化的快速推进下,人口非对称流动引致的城市间集聚差异不断循环累积而产生空间极化现象,研究极化形成的格局及其空间效应对区域协调发展具有重要现实意义。论文以长三角地区的41个城市为研究案例,构建人口城镇化水平综合评价指标体系,在测度2000—2019年人口集聚指数的基础上,运用极化指数和变异系数等,探究长三角人口城镇化空间极化的演变过程、空间特征及其正负效应。研究发现:(1) 2000年以来长三角地区人口城镇化的时空分异逐年上升,空间极化度提高近40%,城市发展的非均衡性不断增强;空间极化表现出随尺度放大而递增的趋势,呈现出长三角地区整体大于长三角城市群的极化特征,形成“上海—南京—杭州—合肥”的“多中心”空间极化格局,核心区已演变为空间正极化区域。(2)随着人口集聚程度的变化,不同维度的空间极化时空分异不断扩大,高值区主要集中在以上海—南京为中心的长三角沿江轴线上,由此向安徽、江苏北部、浙江南部等区域递减,呈现明显的“核心—边缘”结构,形成人口素质>人口结构>人口潜力的空间极化态势。(3)研究期内绝大多数城市的极化水平发生了的跃迁,正—正型和负—负型城市的增多加剧...  相似文献   

Fast food restaurants and liquor stores—vice stores—have been shown to be more prevalent in predominantly Black and low income U.S. neighborhoods, and are associated with a number of health risks and social ills. The purpose of this study was to investigate in the City of Chicago vice store density and spatial distribution as a function of racial, socioeconomic, and other population characteristics; to examine spatial clustering among these outlets; and to study how store turnover follows population change over a 13-year period. We used spatial point process analysis to fit linear and non-linear models for the intensity function of stores. Spatial clustering was estimated using the K function. We found heterogeneous associations between stores and population characteristics, with the most consistent finding being a positive association between percent Black and liquor store exposure. A high degree of spatial clustering was evident, and liquor stores were more likely to stay in business over time than fast food restaurants. However, when liquor stores closed, they were more likely to be replaced by non-vice businesses. Results suggest that vice stores are associated with lower positions in racial and socioeconomic hierarchies, and this patterning is often durable over time.  相似文献   

加快培育和发展住房租赁市场,是新时代中国住房制度改革的重要内容。基于2000年和2010年全国分县人口普查数据,运用GIS空间统计方法和空间计量模型,实证分析了中国337个地级以上城市的租赁住房发展区域差异与影响因素。研究表明:2000—2010年,中国租赁住房发展经历了“空间分散化”向“空间集聚”的发展态势,租赁住房发展高值区向长三角和珠三角城市群、西部地区的部分区域中心城市以及北京、厦门等经济发达城市更加靠拢;中国租赁住房发展和变化存在显著的空间集聚特征,且空间集聚趋势越来越强,而不同时期的中国租赁住房发展热点区分布有所变迁;空间计量模型表明,二三产业从业人员比例、住宅价格、租售比、外来人口比例、常住人口、65岁以上人口比例、家庭户规模和平均受教育年限等因素是影响2010年中国租赁住房发展区域差异的显著因素;而2000—2010年中国租赁住房发展变化主要与常住人口、外来人口比例、人均住房面积、65岁以上人口比例、平均受教育年限和少数民族比例等因素有关。  相似文献   

区域历史人口空间格局精细化重建:方法与实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛樵风  金晓斌  韩娟  杨绪红  周寅康 《地理科学》2019,39(12):1857-1865
以清中期(1736~1820年)苏州府为例,探索历史时期人口空间分布的影响机制,构建历史人口空间分布适宜性计算方法,在2个典型时段(1776年、1820年)重建1 km×1 km空间格网下的人口数据集。研究结果表明:在数量上,1776年,苏州府人口总量为511.1万,其中城市人口120.1万,农村人口391.0万;1820年,总人口为590.8万,其中城市168.7万,农村422.1万;城市人口增长速率明显快于农村人口。空间格局上,1776~1820年,苏州府中部的吴县、长洲、元和等县人口较为集中,东北部昭文、新阳及中南部吴江、震泽等县较为稀疏,但区域间差异渐趋缩小;人口增长主要集中在城镇区域,较高等级城镇人口集聚特征更为显著。通过与当地历史文献及现代人口格局进行相关性和趋势检验,总体特征、分布趋势和变化特点具有一致性。  相似文献   

杨振山  杨航 《地理研究》2022,41(10):2663-2679
人力资本是体现在劳动者身上知识、技能、健康水平的总和,在“以人为本”、创新驱动发展新阶段中对城市和区域具有重要意义。长期以来,人力资本的测度面临着数据收集困难、指标内涵单一、研究空间尺度较粗等问题。本文利用人口普查数据,基于全局主成分分析方法,构建了一套适用于多空间尺度的人力资本水平综合评价体系,分析了2000年和2010年全国省、市、县(区)级行政单位人力资本水平的时空分异与变化。研究表明,全国人力资本水平呈“东北高,西南低,高人力资本水平地区呈点状或块状分布”的特征,且具有较强的空间集聚性;人力资本水平具有尺度效应,县(区)级尺度的人力资本水平差异程度和空间集聚程度最高;研究期内全国人力资本水平和人力资本总量均上升,但约有11%的县(区)级单位人力资本水平呈现负增长态势。研究结果为在空间尺度上测算人力资本水平提供了新方法,为从空间视角开展人力资本研究、优化人力资本配置提供支撑。  相似文献   

中国城镇化进程中的空间集聚、机理及其科学问题   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
构建科学合理的城镇化空间格局,是推进新型城镇化的内在要求,对提升城镇化质量和推动城镇化健康发展具有重要意义。基于统计数据和地理信息技术,深刻揭示了中国城镇化进程中的空间集聚态势及其造成的突出矛盾,从理论视角综合考察了城镇化进程中的空间集聚形成机理,并简要探讨了优化城镇化空间格局的政策建议。研究表明,改革开放以来中国城镇化进程中的空间集聚态势十分明显,人口、资源、要素和产业大规模向东部沿海地区集聚,并在空间上形成了若干个城市和人口密集区。造成这种空间集聚态势的因素是多方面的,自然本底条件和资源禀赋的地带性差异起到基础性作用,国家发展战略的东部偏向及资源要素的空间集聚效应是外部条件,而更深层次的基本动力源于区域之间日益拉大的发展差距。应该看到,改革开放以来中国人口与产业向东部地区集聚具有一定的历史必然性,但二者的空间集聚未能协同一致,由此导致两个“不协调”,即人口分布与产业及就业岗位分布的不协调及人口、经济分布与资源环境承载能力的不协调。这两个“不协调”造成了数以亿计的“两栖”农民工跨区域迁移、能源与大宗商品的跨区域流动、局部地区资源环境面临巨大压力、不稳定因素和社会矛盾日益激化等突出问题。要构建高效、均衡、安全的城镇化空间格局,其本质就是要实现区域协调发展,即不单纯要强调人的繁荣,还要强调地域的繁荣。“产业西进”和“人口东移”是优化中国城镇化空间格局和形态的战略重点。  相似文献   

This article uses accessibility as an analytical tool to examine health care access among immigrants in a multicultural urban setting. It applies and improves on two widely used accessibility models—the gravity model and the two-step floating catchment area model—in measuring spatial accessibility by Mainland Chinese immigrants in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area. Empirical data on physician-seeking behaviors are collected through two rounds of questionnaire surveys. Attention is focused on journey to physician location and utilization of linguistically matched family physicians. Based on the survey data, a two-zone accessibility model is developed by relaxing the travel threshold and distance impedance parameters that are traditionally treated as a constant in the accessibility models. General linear models are used to identify relationships among spatial accessibility, geography, and socioeconomic characteristics of Mainland Chinese immigrants. The results suggest a spatial mismatch in the supply of and demand for culturally sensitive care, and residential location is the primary factor that determines spatial accessibility to family physicians. The article yields important policy implications.  相似文献   

Geographic variations in spatial accessibility to public resources, such as health care services, raise important questions about the efficiencies and inequities of the processes that determine where these services are located. Spatial accessibility can be measured many different ways, but many of methods in use today involve some measure of travel cost (in time or distance). In this study we explore a simple methodological question: how much are models of spatial accessibility influenced by the precise metric of travel cost? We address this question by comparing spatial accessibility to primary care physicians for two different methods of calculating travel cost (in time) on a street network: free-flow travel time and congested with turn penalties travel time—which augments free-flow travel times with the burden of traffic congestion and traffic intersection controls. We consider the effect of these two metrics of travel cost on a gravity-based measure of spatial accessibility to primary health care services in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Our results suggest that while travel times between locations of demand and locations of primary care providers greatly differ based on how travel cost is calculated, the gravity-based measure of spatial accessibility provides similar information for both travel cost metrics. Using congested with turn penalties travel time can be an onerous addition to the analysis of spatial accessibility, and is more useful for measuring absolute travel time rather than modeling relative spatial accessibility.  相似文献   

Urban segregation has received increasing attention in the literature due to the negative impacts that it has on urban populations. Indices of urban segregation are useful instruments for understanding the problem as well as for setting up public policies. The usefulness of spatial segregation indices depends on their ability to account for the spatial arrangement of population and to show how segregation varies across the city. This paper proposes global spatial indices of segregation that capture interaction among population groups at different scales. We also decompose the global indices to obtain local spatial indices of segregation, which enable visualization and exploration of segregation patterns. We propose the use of statistical tests to determine the significance of the indices. The proposed indices are illustrated using an artificial dataset and a case study of socio‐economic segregation in São José dos Campos (SP, Brazil).  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):560-580
Segregation-or, more specifically, the spatial sorting of population categories and the problems resulting from this phenomenon—has been an important policy issue in the Netherlands since the early 1990s, particularly with regard to the four biggest Dutch cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht. This article offers some insight into why many Dutch policy-makers are concerned about increasing segregation. We establish that different conclusions may be drawn, depending on which spatial scale and population characteristics are used in the analysis. Specifically, in terms of the demographic and ethnic profile, the differences between the city and the surrounding area tend to increase, whereas this is not the case for the socioeconomic profile. We also underpin that the problems of The Hague are growing. Even those districts that had managed to remain free of undesirable developments—notably unemployment and absenteeism in schools—are now confronted with the negative effects of such situations. Problems have accumulated more rapidly in the early post-1945 districts than in the traditionally deprived areas. Nevertheless, the problems remain the most urgent in those parts of the city that have traditionally been the worst off.  相似文献   

赵美风  刘盛和  戚伟 《地理研究》2018,37(6):1208-1222
以北京市为案例区,以土地利用与人口分布的同一性为基础,通过建立基于空间配置法的流动人口聚居区识别方法,实现了社区尺度流动人口聚居区的空间识别。在此基础上,对比街道尺度和社区尺度流动人口聚居区的识别结果,判断流动人口聚居区的空间尺度效应,探析流动人口聚居区空间尺度效应的形成原因,明确选择社区尺度作为识别空间单元的必要性。研究发现:基于空间配置法的社区尺度流动人口聚居区识别方法具有较高的准确度,能够有效识别案例区约90%的流动人口聚居区。流动人口聚居区具有显著的空间尺度效应,主要原因包括:较大空间尺度容易忽略区域内部社会空间差异、城乡分割的二元社会经济体制和高速城市化进程。研究结论将为流动人口聚居区系统化、精细化研究提供技术支撑和方法借鉴,为政府相关部门进行流动人口聚居区顶层制度设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Variations in spatial and temporal availability of fruits and seeds in oases are important not only for animal seeking resources, but also for palm population dynamics. We explored spatial association patterns between avian frugivores and blue fan palms in two natural palm patches of Baja California. Spatial patterns were analyzed at the individual tree and at 2 ha patches. We evaluated seed predation by vertebrates and invertebrates, and vertebrate seed dispersal around palms. Birds responded to fruit aggregation at the individual tree and the patch scales, but responses varied between patches. Palm fruit variables—the quantity and the phenological phase—and avian visits showed strong spatial aggregation and association at both scales in one patch, but not in the other. The intensities of seed predation and seed dispersal were significantly higher directly below palms than at >3 m away from them. Patches differed in the intensity of seed predation around palms and in the diversity of mammalian dispersers, but not in the intensity of seed dispersal. Blue fan palms function as important resources' focuses for a great number of animals that use palm oases as corridors, bringing seeds as they move and connecting isolated populations of palms.  相似文献   

Successful implementation of a forest based climate change mitigation mechanism such as REDD + depends on robust and available methods for measurement and estimation of forest degradation. Currently available methods are for application in single-hit degradation incidents in high density humid forests. However, it has been suggested that gradual degradation, especially in dry forests, is more widespread and that methods are needed for measuring and estimating associated emissions. We assess the applicability of an indirect remote sensing approach for monitoring forest degradation: infrastructure and other indicators of human activities are mapped and used for spatial prediction of degradation activities. For proxy variables we tested distance to forest edge, distance to roads, and population pressure calculated as the sum of inhabitants per pixel in the Landscan 2010 population raster dataset multiplied by an inverse power distance decay function. Wood extraction incidents were counted in 160 plots in two dry forests in Tanzania with infrastructural entry from one side only. We analyzed the spatial pattern of forest degradation as a function of the chosen proxy variables using zero inflated count models which allows for an excess of zero counts. A jack-knife bootstrap using 10,000 runs was applied to optimize the population distance decay function. We found that the impact of forest degradation is highest near high population concentration, above 1000 individuals. Furthermore, distance to nearest forest edge or road was a significant proxy for estimation of the number of wood extraction incidents (p < 0.001), where degradation incidents decreased with increasing distance to forest edge or road. At 3000 m from the forest edge towards the forest core the probability of wood extraction is 20% and dropping. The population distance decay function was found to have a steep decline indicating a relative small impact on forest degradation. Further, and perhaps larger, studies are needed to be able to recommend a distance decay function for general application in Tanzania. However, the results are useful for understanding spatial patterns of wood harvesting as a function of distance to nearest forest edge or road in dry Miombo woodland areas with average population pressure at 1685 ± 101 persons within a radius of 4000 m from the wood extraction sites.  相似文献   

北京市养老设施空间可达性评价   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
发展养老服务是当前中国社会建设中的重要部分。近年来,北京市养老设施发展迅速,但是由于快速的人口老龄化,北京市养老设施的供给仍难以满足老年人口对养老设施的需求。对北京市养老设施空间可达性进行科学评价是进行合理空间配置的基础,具有重要的现实意义。本文基于GIS技术,应用改进的两步移动搜索法,对北京市养老设施的空间可达性进行了测算,并重点对1小时单一有效服务半径和按养老设施规模划分的三级有效服务半径这两种情形进行了比较分析。结果表明,后者对北京市养老设施的空间可达性评价更具合理性。本文对空间可达性的测算结果识别出了北京市各区域养老设施的稀缺程度,为养老设施的空间布局提出了政策性建议。  相似文献   

中国城市人口的空间集聚特征与规律分析   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
陈刚强  李郇  许学强 《地理学报》2008,63(10):1045-1054
城市集聚增长日益显著以及城市间连接性的增强等是20 世纪90 年代以来中国城市发 展的显著特征。通过运用GIS 环境下的Moran's I 等技术方法, 探讨了1990-2005 年中国城市 人口的空间集聚特征及其演变规律, 结果表明: 尽管总体上城市人口的正空间集聚性不强, 但局部空间集聚特征明显, 存在较强的规律性, 主要表现为“T” 字型和沿主要铁路交通线 的发展态势, 而其演变过程体现了中国城市体系空间结构正处在不断优化之中; 三大地带城 市人口空间集聚的特征反差明显, 东部城市区域基本表现为一体化发展趋势, 而中西部城市 区域则趋向于极化发展或表现出较差的整体协调能力; 进一步来看, 城市人口空间集聚的不 平衡性, 不仅体现于区域之间也体现于区域内部的城市之间, 且其作用范围进一步扩大, 集 聚区位有所变化。总体来看, 这一典型转型时期里, 中国城市人口的空间集聚特征及其演变, 体现出了市场力量、经济发展状况、基础设施建设及国家空间开发政策等的积极作用。  相似文献   

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