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Based on analyses of calcite twins, we constrain the tectonic history of the Paleozoic Sargaz complex within the SE part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (hinterland domain of the Zagros orogen), SE Iran. The mean width of measured calcite twins was 1.97 μm, corresponding to the width of type II twins; variations in twin width with twin density indicate that calcite twinning in the study area occurred at temperatures of between 170 and 200°C. These results support the interpretation that the twins developed at a shallower depth and lower temperature than those of greenschist facies metamorphism recorded in this complex, and that twinning is therefore mainly a late, post-metamorphic deformation process. The c-axis fabrics of the studied samples are monoclinic, consisting of an intense point maximum located slightly anticlockwise of the normal to the shear plane; this asymmetry indicates non-coaxial deformation and a dextral component of shear in the thrust zones. The geometric relationship between stress axes and bedding reveals that the reconstructed stress tensors mainly post-date F1-folding. Compressional stress axes are oriented NE–SW. This compressional stress was probably related to the (oblique) subduction of the Neotethys beneath Central Iran by Middle Triassic–Jurassic times, during the Cimmerian orogeny.  相似文献   

Deposition of organic rich black shales and dark gray argillaceous limestones in the Berriasian–Turonian interval has been documented in many parts of the world. Northwest of Zagros, Iran (Lurestan zone), thin bedded black shales and marls, dark gray argillaceous limestones and fissile limestone layers, having bitumen, of the Garau Formation are deposited. For biostratigraphic studies two stratigraphic sections including one surface section (Kuzaran) and one subsurface section (Naft well) were selected, respectively. In this study, 61 foraminiferal species belonging to 17 genera have been identified, and 12 biozones were recognized. Based on fossils distribution and biozones identification, the age of the Garau Formation is Berriasian?–early Cenomanian. In addition, the micropalaeontological study demonstrated a variety of widespread morphological changes in planktonic foraminifera assemblages (e.g., the elongation of the final chambers, appearance of twin chambers in the last whorl). These changes coincide with deposition of argillaceous limestones and marls rich in organic matter, indicating oceanic anoxic events. On this basis, three oceanic anoxic events such as OAE1a, OAE1b and OAE1d were recognized in Naft well section and two (OAE1b and OAE1d) in Kuzaran section.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Alvand intrusive complex in the Hamedan area in Iran is in the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone of the Zagros orogen. It consists of a wide range of plutonic...  相似文献   

The Chah-Bazargan gabbroic intrusions are located in the south of Sanandaj–Sirjan zone. Precise U–Pb zircon SHRIMP ages of the intrusions show magmatic ages of 170.5 ± 1.9 Ma. These intrusions consist primarily of gabbros, interspersed with lenticular bodies of anorthosite, troctolite, clinopyroxenite, and wehrlite. The lenticular bodies show gradational or sharp boundaries with the gabbros. In the gradational boundaries, gabbros are mineralogically transformed into anorthosites, wehrlites, and/or clinopyroxenites. On the other hand, where the boundaries are sharp, the mineral assemblages change abruptly. There is no obvious deformation in the intrusions. Hence, the changes in mineral compositions are interpreted as the result of crystallization processes, such as fractionation in the magma chamber. Rock types with sharp boundaries show abrupt chemical changes, but the changes exhibit the same patterns of increasing and decreasing elements, especially of rare earth elements, as the gradational boundaries. Therefore, it is possible that all parts of the intrusions were formed from the same parental magma. Parts showing signs of nonequilibrium crystallization, such as cumulate features and sub-solidification, underwent fracturing and were interspersed throughout the magma chamber by late injection pulses or mechanical movements under mush conditions. The geological and age data show that the intrusions were formed from an Al-, Sr-, Fe-enriched and K-, Nb-depleted tholeiitic magma. The magma resulted from the partial melting of a metasomatized spinel demonstrated by negative Nb, P, Hf, and Ti, and positive Ba, Sr, and U anomalies typical of subduction-related magmas.  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction The Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range Massif(SZRM)crops out over an extensive part of NE China and was thought to contain Precambrian crystalline basement material,as evidenced by the presence of what appears to bePaleoproterozoicbasementmaterialwithin exploration drillholes(Pei et al.,2007).An alternative view is that the basement within the SZRM is  相似文献   

The Ching-dar syncline is located to the west of the city of Birjand, in the east of han. The ca. 500 m thick studied section at the eastern flank of the syncline contains a sequence of almost continuous shallow- marine limestones that exhibit no major sedimentary breaks or evidence for volcanic activity. Skeletal grains consist of large benthic foraminifera and green algae whereas non-skeletal grains are mostly peloids and intraclasts. They were deposited on a shallow-marine carbonate ramp. The limestones have undergone extensive diagenetic processes with varying intensities, the most important of which are micritization, cementation, compaction (chemical and mechanical), internal filling and stylolitization. Chemical analysis of the limestone samples revealed high calcium and low magnesium content. Major and minor element values were used to determine the original carbonate mineralogy of these lime- stones. Petrographic evidence and elemental values indicate that calcite was the original carbonate mineral in the limestones of the Ching-dar syncline. The elemental composition of the Ching-dar car- bonates also demonstrates that they have stabilized in a meteoric phreatic environment. Variation of Sr/ Ca vs. Mn values suggests that diagenetic alteration occurred in an open geochemical system.  相似文献   

The Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Yilashan mafic–ultramafic complex is located in the middle part of the Bangong–Nujiang suture zone, central Tibet. It features a mantle sequence composed of peridotites and a crustal sequence composed of cumulate peridotites and gabbros that are intruded by diabases with some basalts. This article presents new whole-rock geochemical and geochronological data for peridotites, gabbros, diabases and basalts to revisit the petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Yilashan mafic–ultramafic complex. Zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb ages of three diabase samples are 169.6 ± 3.3 Ma, 132.5 ± 2.5 Ma, and 133.6 ± 4.9 Ma, respectively. These ages together with previous studies indicate that the Yilashan mafic–ultramafic complex probably formed during the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous. The peridotites exhibit nearly U-shaped REE patterns and are distinct from abyssal peridotites. The diabase and basalt samples show arc features with selective enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREE) and large ion lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g. Rb, U, and Sr) and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs; e.g. Nb, Ta, and Ti). The gabbro samples display cumulate features with selective enrichment in LILEs (e.g. Rb, Ba, and Sr) but depletion in LREEs and HFSEs (e.g. Nb, Zr, and Ti). Combing the positive εNd(t) values (+6.1 to +10.0) and negative zircon εHf(t) values (–16.5 to –11.7 and –13.6 to –0.4) with older Hf model ages for the mafic rocks, these signatures suggest that the Yilashan mafic and ultramafic rocks likely originated from an ancient lithospheric mantle source with the addition of asthenospheric mantle materials and subducted fluids coupled with limited crustal contamination in a continental arc setting as a result of the southward subduction of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethys Ocean beneath the Lhasa terrane during the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Bavanat Cu–Zn–Ag Besshi-type volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit occurs within the Surian volcano-sedimentary complex in the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (SSZ) of southern Iran. The Surian complex is comprised of pelite, sandstone, calcareous shale, basalt, gabbro sills, and thin-bedded limestone. Mineralization occurs as stratiform sheet-like and tabular orebodies hosted mainly by greenschist metamorphosed feldspathic and quartz feldspathic sandstone, basalt, and pelites. The basalts of the Surian complex show predominantly tholeiitic to transitional affinities, with a few samples that are alkalic in composition. Primitive mantle-normalized trace and rare earth element (REE) patterns of the Surian basalts display depletions in light REE, negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, and Ti, and positive anomalies of P. Positive P anomalies are indicative of minor crustal contamination. Furthermore, Th enrichments in the mid-ocean ridge basalt-normalized patterns of the Surian basalts are characteristic of rifted arc basalts emplaced in continental margin subduction zones. The high MgO content (>6?wt.%) of most Surian basalts and low TiO2 content of two samples (0.53 and 0.62?wt.%) are characteristic of boninites. The aforementioned features of the basalts indicate arc tholeiites emplaced in intra-arc rift environments and continental margin subduction zones. U–Pb dating by laser ablation- inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry of detrital zircons extracted from the host feldspathic and quartz feldspathic sandstone yields various ages that are predominantly Permian and Triassic; however, the youngest zircons give a mean Early Jurassic concordant U–Pb age of 191?±?12?Ma. This age, together with geological and petrochemical data, indicate that VMS mineralization formed in the Early Jurassic in pull-apart basins within the SSZ. These basins and the VMS mineralization may be temporally related to an intra-arc volcano–plutonic event associated with Neo-Tethyan oblique subduction.  相似文献   

40Ar–39Ar geochronological studies carried out on the Khardung volcanics of Ladakh, India and our earlier Ar–Ar results from the volcanics of the Shyok suture along with the available geological and geochemical data provide good constraints for post-collision evolution of the Shyok suture zone. Whole-rock samples from the Shyok volcanics yielded disturbed age-spectra and we have demonstrated earlier that the youngest tectonic event in the Shyok suture zone responsible for the thermal disturbance of these samples is Karakoram fault activation at ~14 Ma. Contrastingly whole-rock samples from the Khardung volcanics, which are in tectonic contact with these Shyok volcanics, and are exposed in the form of thick rhyolitic and ignimbritic flows, yielded undisturbed age-spectra and good plateau-ages. The whole-rock plateau-ages of two rhyolite samples are 52.8 ± 0.9 and 56.4 ± 0.4 Ma. We interpret these ages to be the time and duration of emplacement of these volcanics over thickened margin of the continental crust, which appears to be coeval with the initiation of the collision between the Indian and Asian plate. The lesser extent of post-emplacement isotopic re-equilibration in these samples unlike the Shyok volcanics indicate that these samples were present in different tectonic settings, away from the Karakoram fault, at the time of deformation in the Shyok suture zone. We propose that the two volcanic belts of contrasting nature were brought together in juxtaposition by the Karakoram strike slip faulting at ~14 Ma.  相似文献   

The Menghai batholith (Yunnan Province, China) is the southern extension of the ~370 km long Lincang granite body that syntectonically intruded the collisional zone between Gondwana (Baoshan block) and Laurasia (Simao block) terranes during closure of the Palaeo-Tethyan Ocean. Eight Menghai granodiorites were analysed across an ~45 km E–W transect from the pluton’s central region to eastern perimeter. Each rock was imaged in cathodoluminescence and geochemically analysed for major and trace elements. A minimum 30 zircons per sample were dated using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. Samples are peraluminous to strongly peraluminous, magnesian, calcic or calc-alkalic granodiorites. Trace element suggest a high pressure (12–15 kbar) low clay source with >20–30% volume interaction with basalt. Crustal anatexis was likely related to post-collisional lithosphere delamination and upwelling of hot asthenosphere, forming large-volume melts. Zircon ages (207Pb–206Pb and 238U–206Pb) range from 3234 ± 42 to 171.7 ± 5.4 Ma (±2σ). Inherited zircon ages include the Palaeoarchaean–Neoarchaean (average 2938 ± 27 Ma, n = 8 ages), Lüliang (2254 ± 38 Ma, n = 7), Changcheng–Jixianian (1274 ± 47 Ma, n = 33), Qinbaikou (963 ± 29 Ma, n = 7), Nanhua (787 ± 24 Ma, n = 7), Sinian (595.4 ± 12.2 Ma, n = 14), Qilian (452.2 ± 8.7 Ma, n = 24) and Tienshan (358.9 ± 12.4 Ma, n = 5). The presence of these ages decrease from the batholith’s central portion (>50% ages) to eastern perimeter (2–16% ages), as the rocks appear progressively metamorphosed. The distribution of U/Th ratio suggests inherited zircons are Carboniferous (317.6 ± 5.7 Ma) and older and crystallization ages span the Permian to Early Jurassic. The average and youngest zircon age per sample decreases from the centre of the batholith to its eastern perimeter, from 226.8 ± 8.8 and 210.7 ± 3.3 to 211.8 ± 5.7 and 171.0 ± 5.4 Ma, respectively. If recorded by syntectonic zircon crystallization, collision and closure of a branch of the Palaeo-Tethyan Ocean occurred here over an ~100 million years time period from the Permian (281.0 ± 13.0 Ma) to Jurassic (171.5 ± 5.4 Ma).  相似文献   

Eclogites are high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphic rocks and are regularly considered as an indicator of ancient subduction zones. Eclogites have recently been found in the North Shahrekord metamorphic complex (NSMC) of the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone and represent the only ones within the Zagros orogen. Their occurrence and timing are important for the reconstruction of convergence history and geodynamic evolution of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and Zagros orogen. White mica from the eclogites and an associated paragneiss give 40Ar/39Ar ages ranging from 184.3 ± 0.9 to 172.5 ± 0.8 Ma and represent the age of cooling through the closure temperature for phengitic white mica. The NSMC also comprises the ductile NW–SE trending North Shahrekord Shear Zone (NSSZ), which is located in the northeast of the Main Zagros Reverse Fault. The NSMC consists mainly of various metasedimentary rocks, orthogneiss and small-sized bodies of metabasic rocks containing also the eclogites. Furthermore, pre-metamorphic granitoids represent part of the NSMC. The North Shahrekord eclogites are composed of garnet, omphacite, zoisite, Ca–Na amphibole, phengite and rutile. The highly deformed and metamorphosed granitoids yield hornblende and biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages 170.1 ± 0.9 Ma and 110.7 ± 0.3 Ma, respectively. According to the new age dating results of eclogites, the rocks are the oldest high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Zagros orogenic belt testifying the Neo-Tethys Ocean subduction. Our new data indicate that the eclogites formed during Early Jurassic subduction of a Panafrican microcontinental piece from the northern margin of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean under the Central Iranian microplate. We suggest that initiation of subduction in Neo-Tethyan Ocean occurred a few million years prior to 184 Ma (Pliensbachian stage).  相似文献   

The Asmari Formation(a giant hydrocarbon reservoir)is a thick carbonate sequence of the Oligocenee Miocene in the Zagros Basin,southwest of Iran.This formation is exposed at Tang-e-Lendeh in the Fars interior zone with a thickness of 190 m comprising medium and thick to massive bedded carbonates.The age of the Asmari Formation in the study area is the late Oligocene(Chattian)eearly Miocene(Burdigalian).Ten microfacies are defned,characterizing a gradual shallowing upward trend;the related environments are as follows:open marine(MF 8e10),restricted lagoon(MF 6e7),shoal(MF 3e5),lagoon(MF 2),and tidal fat(MF 1).Based on the environmental interpretations,a homoclinal ramp consisting of inner and middle parts prevails.MF 3e7 are characterized by the occurrence of large and small porcelaneous benthic foraminifera representing a shallow-water setting of an inner ramp,infuenced by wave and tidal processes.MF 8e10,with large particles of coral and algae,represent a deeper fair weather wave base of a middle ramp setting.  相似文献   

The Gurpi Formation in the southwest of Iran has been studied for microfacies and bulk organic geochemistry in order to elucidate its depositional environment and petroleum source rock characteristics. The obtained results ended up with four types of organic facies and three types of microfacies through the formation. Three microfacies types differentiated including Pelagic mudstone Wackstone, microbioclast Packstone and bioclastic Packstone reflect a distal outer ramp or basinal environment. Combination of palynofacies and organic geochemistry resulted in differentiation of four organic facies corresponding to organic facies B, BC, C and CD of Jones 1987. Detailed organic facies shows that the formation is characterized by low values of TOC, high percentages of amorphous organic matter and black phytoclasts, rare marine algae thereby representing a mixture of terrestrial and marine kerogen that confirm the formation was deposited in a distal anoxic to oxic condition. The formation shallows upward to the Microbioclast Packstone facies below the Lopha Member reaching its minimum depth in boundstones of this member in uppermost Campanian and then is followed by stagnant condition and high contents of organic matter in suboxic to anoxic condition that favoured accumulation of organic matter in early Maastrichtian. Organic geochemical and petrographical data indicate that the formation is not potentially suitable for petroleum production except for the minor interval (organic facies 2) in early Maastrichtian. Tmax values vary between 340 and 440 °C confirming immaturity trends indicated by Rock-Eval data.  相似文献   

早侏罗世东巧蛇绿岩位于班公湖-怒江缝合带(班怒带)东段,蕴含较为丰富的豆荚状铬铁矿资源。东巧地幔橄榄岩主体由方辉橄榄岩组成,铬铁矿赋存在其内部的纯橄岩脉中。方辉橄榄岩和纯橄岩均显示出弧前橄榄岩的特征。方辉橄榄岩中橄榄石的Fo值为89.8~92.2,斜方辉石的和单斜辉石的Mg^(#)值分别变化于89.7~92.0和92.7~95.1,铬尖晶石的Cr^(#)值(Cr^(#)=100×Cr/(Cr+Al))为60.8~75.9;纯橄岩中橄榄石的Fo值为91.7~92.5,斜方辉石Mg^(#)值变化于91.7~92.1,单斜辉石的Mg^(#)值变化于94.0~94.6,铬尖晶石的Cr^(#)值为69.0~83.1。铬铁矿主要呈致密块状和浸染状构造,其中铬尖晶石的矿物包裹体有橄榄石、斜方辉石、单斜辉石、角闪石和铂族矿物等。矿石中的铬尖晶石与橄榄岩中的铬尖晶石相比,具有较高的Cr^(#)值(72.5~86.9)和Mg^(#)值(52.8~70.5),较低的Al_(2)O_(3)(6.25%~13.6%)、TiO_(2)(0.06%~0.16%)和Zn(518×10^(-6)~714×10^(-6)),属于高铬型铬铁矿,平衡熔体与玻安质熔体有亲缘性。方辉橄榄岩中铂族元素(PGE)总含量(14.01×10^(-9)~32.81×10^(-9))近似于原始地幔,IPGE(Os、Ir和Ru)/PPGE(Rh、Pt和Pd)的比值均大于1;纯橄岩的PGE总量(13.36×10^(-9)~16.08×10^(-9))略低于原始地幔,IPGE和PPGE富集程度近似;铬铁矿的铂族元素总量(108.4×10^(-9)~645.7×10^(-9))远远高于原始地幔和地幔橄榄岩中PGE的含量,且IPGE以及Rh相对原始地幔富集,而Pt和Pd相对亏损,具明显右倾特征的配分模式,指示东巧地幔橄榄岩和铬铁矿形成过程经历了熔体抽取和交代作用。通过与全球典型豆荚状铬铁矿矿床的特征对比,认为班怒带的蛇绿岩应该有良好的铬铁矿成矿背景。  相似文献   

The Oligocene–Miocene carbonate record of the Zagros Mountains, known as the Asmari Formation, constitutes an important hydrocarbon reservoir in southern Iran. This marine carbonate succession, which developed under tropical conditions, is explored in terms of larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy, facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy in a new section at Papoon cropping out in the western Fars sub-basin, in the south-east of the Zagros belt. Facies analysis shows evidence of re-working and transport of skeletal components throughout the depositional system, interpreted here as a carbonate ramp. The foraminifera-based biozones identified include the Globigerina–Turborotalia cerroazulensis–Hantkenina Zone and Nummulites vascus–Nummulites fichteli Zone, both of Rupelian age, the Archaias asmaricus–Archaias hensoni–Miogypsinoides complanatus Zone of Chattian age and the ‘Indeterminate’ Zone of Aquitanian age. The vertical sedimentary evolution of the formation exhibits a progressive shallowing of the facies belts and thus the succession is interpreted as a high-rank low-order regressive systems tract. This long-lasting Rupelian–Aquitanian regressive event is in accordance with accepted global long-term eustatic curves. Accordingly, long-term eustatic trends would have been a factor controlling accommodation during the deposition of the Asmari Formation studied in the western Fars sub-basin.  相似文献   

Summary The Degana pluton hosts one of the few known tungsten deposits in India It is an epizonal, moderately high silica pluton emplaced during the Proterozoic in a posttectonic setting. Though homogeneous in composition, it displays textural heterogeneity from coarse-grained hypidiomorphic to fine-grained porphyritic to hypabyssal granite porphyry. Genetically related rhyolites are also present. Coherency of geochemical and mineralogical attributes in the Degana pluton can be explained by fractional crystallisation. Complex variety of hydrothermal and pneumatolytic features is also present. At shallow depths, emanation differentiation has led to progressive enrichment of Li, Rb, and W. Both the plutonic and volcanic phases of the magma show development of rapakivi texture and other diagnostic characteristics of the rapakivi granites.The Degana granite is a specialised granite and classified as an A-type intraplate anorogenic granite of mantle plume origin. The mineralogy and chemistry of the Degana pluton compares well with the various rapakivi granites of south-eastern Fennoscandia. Chemical and textural characteristics of the Degana pluton provide a constraint on the formation of the rapakivi texture when interpreted in terms of experimentally determined phase equilibria. The mantling process is interpreted as a result of pressure fluctuations due to escape and recharging of volatiles (e.g., H2O and F) accompanying the emplacement of the magma.
Geologie und Geochemie des Degana-Plutons—ein proterozoischer Rapakivi Granite in Rajasthan, Indien
Zusammenfassung Der Degana Pluton enhält eine der wenigen in Indien bekannten Wolfram-Lagerstätten. Es handelt sich hier um einen epizonalen Pluton mit höheren Si-Gehalten, der während des Proterozoikums in ein posttektonisches Setting intrudiert wurde. Obwohl er in seiner Zusammensetzung homogen ist, zeigt er Heterogenität auf dem texturellen Bereich, die von grobkörnig hypidiomorph bis feinkörnig porphyritisch und schließlich bis zu hypabyssischen Granitporphyren reicht. Genetisch verwandte Rhyolite kommen im Untersuchungsgebiet auch vor. Übereinstimmende geochemische und mineralogische Parameter können auf fraktionierte Kristallisation zurückgeführt werden. Eine komplexe Vielfalt von hydrothermalen und pneumotolytischen Erscheinungen ist bemerkenswert. In geringen Tiefen hat die Emanations-Differentiation zu einer progressiven Anreicherung von Li, Rb und W geführt. Sowohl die plutonischen als auch die vulkanischen Erstarrungsprodukte des Magmas zeigen die Entwicklung von Rapakivi-Texturen und anderen diagnostischen Eigenschaften der Rapakivi-Granite.Der Degana-Granit ist ein spezialisierter Granit und ist als ein anorogener Intraplattengranit des A-Typs zu klassifizieren, der auf einen mantle plume zurückgeführt wird. Die Mineralogie und Chemie des Degana-Plutons läßt sich gut mit der verschiedener Rapakivi Granite im südöstlichen Fennoskandien vergleichen. Chemische und texturelle Eigenheiten des Degana Plutons ermöglichen eine Eingrenzung der Bildung von Rapakivi Texturen, sofern sie im Sinne experimentell bestimmter Phasen-Gleichgewichte interpretiert werden. Die Entstehung von Überwachsungen einzelner Kristalle wird als Resultat von Druckschwankungen interpretiert, die auf das Entweichen und die Neuzufuhr von volatilen Phasen (i.e. H2O und F) im Gefolge der Platz nahme des Magmas zurückzuführen sind.

Lancang Group within the Changning-Menglian complex belt in the Sanjiang area, Yunnan Province involves many kinds of meta-sediments, including staurolite-kyanite-bearing garnet-mica schist, garnet-mica schist, chloritoid-white mica schist and chlorite-glaucophane-albite schist. Detailed petrographic observation, mineral chemistry analysis and phase equilibrium modelling have shown that these meta-sediments preserve distinctly metamorphic evolutions. The staurolite-kyanite-bearing garnet-mica schist records the decompression and cooling histories related to retrograded metamorphic processes from middle-temperature eclogite facies to amphibolite facies with a peak mineral assemblage of garnet + kyanite + phengite + jadeite formed at the P-T condition of about 19 similar to 30kbar and 600 similar to 750 degrees C. For the garnet-mica schist, the peak metamorphic mineral association constrained by X-Prp and X-Grs in garnet, and Si content in phengite includes garnet + phengite + omphacite + lawsonite + paragonite and the related P-T condition is around 17 similar to 19. 5kbar and 430 similar to 475 degrees C . The chloritoid-white mica schist is characterized by the mineral assemblage of chloritoid + phengite + paragonite + chlorite whereas the peak mineral assemblage includes phengite + paragonite + carpholite. The peak P-T condition defined by Si content in phengite is limited in the range of 17 similar to 19kbar and 300 similar to 330 degrees C. Both garnet-mica schist and chloritoid-white mica schist consistently record heating and decompression processes from lawsonite-blueschist facies to epidote-blueschist facies. Metamorphic reactions and mineralogy of chlorite-glaucophane-albite schist roughly give the P-T condition of 9 similar to 11kbar and 430 similar to 520 degrees C. Studies on the geochemistry of Lancang Group reveal that these meta-sediments show the geochemistry affinity to the continental arc, active continental margin and upper crust sediments. The protoliths are mainly mud rock and sandstone with low maturity and a little of mafic-intermediate volcanic rock. The sediment sources are predominantly intermediate-acid magmatic rocks with old sedimentary contamination to different degree. Tectonic discrimination diagrams show that meta-sediments in the Lancang Group are mainly derived from the continental island arc or active continental margin tectonic setting. Combined with the metamorphism and geochemistry characteristics of these rocks in the Changning-Menglian complex belt, it is therefore inferred that the meta-sediments of Lancang Group display various metamorphic evolutions. Lancang Group are considered to have experienced multi-phase/stage and complex tectonic evolution histories.  相似文献   

Polymetamorphic units are important constituents of continent–continent collisional orogens, and rift metamorphic assemblages are often overprinted by subsequent metamorphism during subduction and collision. This study reports the metamorphic conditions and evolution of the Dorud–Azna metamorphic units in the central part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (SSZ), Iran. Here, new geothermobarometry results are integrated with 40Ar/39Ar mineral and Th–U–Pb monazite and thorite ages to provide new insight of polyphase metamorphism in the two different basement units of the SSZ, the lower Galeh-Doz orthogneiss and higher Amphibolite-Metagabbro units. In the Amphibolite-Metagabbro unit, staurolite micaschist underwent a prograde P–T evolution from 640 ± 20 °C/6.2 ± 0.8 kbar in garnet cores (M1) to 680 ± 20 °C/7.2 ± 1.0 kbar in garnet rims (M2). Three Th–U–Pb monazite ages of 306 ± 5 Ma, 322 ± 28 Ma and 336 ± 39 Ma from the garnet-micaschists testify the Carboniferous age of M1 metamorphism. In the same unit, the metagabbro records P–T conditions of 4.0 ± 0.8 kbar and 580 ± 50 °C in the (magmatic) amphibole core (Late Carboniferous intrusion) to 7.5 ± 0.7 kbar and 700 ± 20 °C in the amphibole rim indicating a prograde P–T path during subsequent burial (M1). New 40Ar/39Ar dating of white mica from the staurolite micaschist yielded a staircase pattern ranging from 36 ± 12 Ma to 170 ± 2 Ma. This implies polymetamorphism with a minimum Late Jurassic cooling age through the Ar retention temperature of ca. 425 ± 25 °C after M2 metamorphism and a Paleogene low-grade metamorphic overprint (M3), while 40Ar/39Ar white mica dating of garnet micaschist yielded a plateau age of 137.84 ± 0.65 Ma. We therefore interpret the amphibolite-grade metamorphism M2 to have predated 170 Ma and is likely between 180 and 200 Ma. Furthermore, it is overprinted at about 36 Ma under retrogressive low-grade M3 metamorphism (at temperatures of ~350–240 °C) during final shortening and exhumation. In the underlying Galeh-Doz unit, the Panafrican granitic orthogneiss intruded at P–T conditions of 3.2 ± 4 kbar and 700 ± 20 °C, then it was metamorphosed and deformed at 600 ± 50 °C and 2.0 ± 0.8 kbar (metamorphic stage M1) prior to Late Carboniferous intrusion of mafic dikes. 40Ar/39Ar dating of amphibole from the Galeh-Doz orthogneiss gave plateau-like steps between 260 and 270 Ma, representing the age of cooling through ca. 500 °C after the M1 metamorphic event. Interestingly, the results of this study demonstrate polyphase metamorphic histories in both the Galeh-Doz orthogneiss and Amphibolite-Metagabbro units at different P–T conditions and final thick-skinned Paleogene emplacement of these units over the underlying low-grade metamorphic June Complex. Our findings suggest that both units are affected by high-T/low-P Late Carboniferous orogenic metamorphism along with the bimodal magmatism, as result of rifting. We propose that the Early Jurassic amphibolite-grade M2 metamorphism of the SSZ is correlated with the initial subduction of the Neotethyan Ocean. Eventually, the investigated units reflect various stages of a Wilson cycle, from rifting to initiation of the subduction in final plate collision.  相似文献   

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