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Editors' note: Larry Ford, who taught geography at San Diego State University from 1971 to 2009, was to deliver a version of this essay at the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, 30 September–3 October 2009, but he passed away on 17 September 2009. To honor Larry, Richard Fusch, a professor of geography at Ohio Wesleyan University, read his deceased colleague's paper at that meeting. Prior to the meeting and subsequent to it, Janice Ford, Larry's wife, and Dr. Fusch edited the paper for submission to the Geographical Review, the journal in which Larry had published most frequently and for which he had a great deal of respect. This is that edited version.  相似文献   

In this ‘Thinking Space’ essay we revisit Maurie Daly’s 1982 book Sydney Boom, Sydney Bust, fuelled by concern for how Australian cities are being transformed by financialised real estate. Daly's insights remain highly relevant to Sydney and other cities around Australia and the world today. Poorly planned densification, inflated property markets, land speculation, and housing poverty are all outcomes of the (global) capitalist intersection of finance and land in Australia. The overwriting of Aboriginal country with colonial-capitalist systems of land ownership set in train a process of land and housing booms, bubbles and busts that are better understood by their circular continuity rather than as a set of ephemeral ruptures. It is the property and finance system itself, rather than any ruptures to it, that reproduces unequal and alienating social relations. Researchers investigating property speculation, global capital, urban planning and financialisation, we argue, ought to revisit this key text to inform their contemporary analyses. Moreover, those wielding power over Australian urban affairs would do well to read it too, lest its lessons be ignored for another generation.  相似文献   

This essay examines the recent controversy surrounding ‘Safe Schools', a federally-funded education program designed to reduce anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) bullying in Australian schools. Although LGBTI students are known to experience homophobic, biphobic and transphobic verbal and physical abuse at school, opponents of Safe Schools have argued that the Program is both unnecessary and potentially harmful. In the essay, we argue that geographers have valuable contributions to make to this debate, particularly by revealing the ways in which sexuality and gender shape young people's experiences of school spaces.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Environmental determinism has served to validate a Eurocentric world history for several centuries, and it continues to do so today. This essay looks briefly at the historical marriage between environmental determinism and Eurocentric history, then develops a detailed critique of the environmental determinism put forward in two recent world-history books: Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel (1997) and David Landes's The Wealth and Poverty of Nations (1998).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Strabo of Amasia (ca. 64 B.c.‐ca. A.D. 23) wrote the first comprehensive geography of the world known to the Greeks and Romans. Interest in Strabo and his Geography, which survives nearly intact in seventeen books, has fluctuated over the centuries among both classicists and historians of geography. After some historical background on Strabo and his reception, this essay considers the contribution of two significant recent English‐language treatments, as well as Strabo's Geography itself, and suggests ways in which the Strabonic model may have renewed relevance to the geographer's task of interpreting the oikoumene in the contemporary world.  相似文献   


This essay narrates the ‘slow violence’, or creeping environmental harms taking place within contemporary environmental governance. It centres on a tall, dense and highly flammable introduced pasture species Gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus), which was listed as a weed across north Australian jurisdictions in 2008. Since this time, it has continued to expand its reach across the Northern Territory (NT). With a potential invasion range of over 380,000?sqkm2, this grass is a serious threat to many more-than-human worlds in the north, including Indigenous-led and Indigenous-owned environmental service economies and multimillion-dollar projects engaged in savanna fire management for carbon credits. Drawing upon fieldwork and interviews with a range of public servants, landholders and researchers in the NT between 2015 and 2018, this essay demonstrates how environmental governance is being undermined through specific institutions and practices. Through an ethnographic reading of weed management documents, including several legal permits to grow Gamba grass within the NT’s ‘eradication zone’, this essay narrates the diverse threads of a pressing ‘slow’ disaster. The unfolding story of Gamba grass, we suggest, is instructive for those seeking to understand the present and future of resource extraction or ‘extractivism’ in Australia and elsewhere.  相似文献   

On 4 December 2017 the Australian Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee is due to report on its inquiry into the implications of climate change for Australia's national security. Public submissions to the inquiry closed on 4 August 2017 and, at the time of writing, some 59 submissions had been made by researchers, public-interest organisations and members of the public, including a number of geographers. A topic of profound significance, climate change and national security warrants deep and sustained public engagement such as that offered by the Senate Inquiry submission process. In this Thinking Space essay, I urge geographers, working in Australia and internationally, to make ongoing contributions to such engagements. The emerging debate about climate change and national security will likely amplify following the release of the Committee's report. Geographic data and analysis pertaining to various aspects of climate change and security are needed in order to shape policy directions and support evidence-based policy making. My contention here is that contributions ought to extend not just from those working at the coalface of climate change risk, for example in political geography, but from all quarters of the discipline.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the spatiality of the Australian Antarctic Territory in the important 1954–61 period. Attending particularly to three key components of polar spatiality—geopolitics, international territorial law, and the built environment—the article analyses the development of the Territory as a unique Australian space. The 1954–61 period is particularly significant: during this period, the International Geophysical Year brought an unprecedented number of people to Antarctica; the continent's first permanent colonies were constructed; and, despite Cold War tensions, the 1961 Antarctic Treaty established the spatial configurations and rules which continue to govern the continent today. The article focuses particularly on two key stations in the Territory constructed during this period: Australia's Mawson Station and the Soviet Mirnyy Station. Mawson is a legal colony, designed to cement Australia's claim to 42 per cent of the Antarctic continent; Mirnyy, in contrast, is an anti-colony, designed to reject Australia's claim. How the individual spatialities of these two stations articulate to the broader politics of Antarctic territoriality—and particularly Australia's claim to the Australian Antarctic Territory—is the focus of this article.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Carl Ortwin Sauer (1889–1975) is widely regarded as one of the most influential geographers of the twentieth century, admired particularly for his studies in cultural and historical geography. His contribution to the study of prehistory is less widely acknowledged, but, between 1944 and 1962, he published a series of speculative yet scholarly papers that contain many prescient insights into humanity's remote past and the relationships of our ancestors to the environments they occupied—and modified. In this essay, based on the Carl O. Sauer Memorial Lecture given at the University of California, Berkeley, in October 2001, I reflect on Sauer's contribution to the science of prehistory by examining, in the light of recent advances in knowledge, two major themes of Sauer's work: the early dispersal of Homo sapiens in the Old World, and the origins and prehistoric spread of agriculture.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(7):388-389

Handbook of Climatology. Part I. General Climatology. By Dr. Julius Hann. Translated with the Author's permission from the second revised and enlarged German edition, with additional references and notes, by Robert De Courcey Ward. Size, 9 × 51/2. Pp. xvi and 437. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1903. Price $3.00.

How We Are Fed. A Geographical Reader. By James Franklin Chamberlain Size, 41/2 × 6. Pp. xii and 214. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1903. Price 40c. Professor Chaniberlain's How We Are Fed covers a field which has hitherto  相似文献   

Since 1979, China's Open Door policy has attracted increasing foreign investment. To maintain global competitiveness, the British confectioner, Cadbury, authorised its Australian subsidiary to develop a chocolate plant in China. This paper details the decision‐making processes that eventually led to a new factory on a greenfield site near Beijing. It also illustrates some of the adaptations that Cadbury has had to make in its product and production procedures in order to match its own standards for dairy milk chocolate and yet accommodate guo qing (the special situation in China).  相似文献   

While the experience of migrants in the Australian labour market has received considerable attention, few researchers have asked how uniform this experience has been across the country's major metropolitan labour markets. This paper shows that migrants employed in the manufacturing sector exhibit noticeable differences in their relative access to jobs in different parts of the country. This evidence raises a number of questions about the appropriate scale within which to consider the labour participation and occupational selection experience of migrant men and women.  相似文献   

This essay interrogates the long historical development of Guayaquil's arcades, or soportales, by analysing their historical development and relation to global commerce through littoral Ecuador's experience of cacao capitalism (1700–1925). I do so by employing and referencing Walter Benjamin's now paradigmatic texts concerning commodity culture and modernity in Paris' arcades. My work critically and synthetically examines archival and historical sources that catalogue Guayaquil's urban and architectural development in that tropical city-region. I explore how environmental factors, indigenous architectural techniques, globalizing commercial culture, cacao exports, and liberal ideologies form historical constellations expressing the multi-layered influences contributing to the growth and modification of Guayaquil's arcades. This transnational history of the particular attempts to recast understandings of urban space, architecture, and the tropical as dynamic edges of capitalist cultural modernity. This essay both deepens and decolonizes Benjamin's work by analysing the importance of the ‘coloniality of power’ on the formation of Guayaquil's arcades and their afterlives as aura. Whereas the arcades of Benjamin's Paris presented him with the primary form of capitalism's cultural modernity, I argue that Guayaquil's soportales serve as constellations for reading an alternative (tropical) modernity predicated on plantation agriculture, Eurocentrism, and cultural hybridization as an expression of political economy.  相似文献   

This essay traces the evolution of children's geographies as a concept through three phases. First, in the early 1970s as a beginning impression influenced heavily by developmental and environmental psychology. Second, beginning around 1990, children's geographies cohered politically as geographers focused on young people's identity through feminism and Marxism, and global policy initiatives on children's rights. The third phase, covering the last couple of decades, coming from issues of political identity, challenges what we think we know about young people and their geographies, and also advocates a set of loose theories about the ways young people create and re‐create spaces and themselves. Cognate disciplines coming to geography for insights about children and their worlds characterize this current phase. To offset this seeming linear progression the essay also notes an involution of the concept that defies clear categories and sequences, but suggests the fluidity of tensions and accommodations that comprises children's geographies.  相似文献   

Editors' note: This essay by Dan Arreola begins the second set of retrospective pieces commissioned to celebrate the centennial volume. Members of the Editorial Board responded to our request to prepare brief commentaries on landmark Geographical Review articles that were influential in their professional careers. Although many other articles touched the minds of emerging scholars, this small sampling covers a fairly wide swath of the fabric of American geography. It also reminds us that each future article has the potential to have a similar enduring value and help open new intellectual vistas. In addition to Arrreola's piece, the short essays include the musings of Barry Keim, Susan Walcott, Larry Ford, and Risa Palm.  相似文献   

The depiction of pristine countryside in New Zealand film has engendered a cultural disconnection with the environmental stories within the landscape. In this essay, we briefly examined the meaning of rural New Zealand landscape and its role in film. This research was done in part by making a short documentary, River Dog, a film about the rural New Zealand landscape. The character, plot and underlying message of River Dog were framed within visually relevant archetypes to form a constructive environmental message. Here, we examined River Dog's use of empathetic storytelling, an approach used to communicate an environmental issue without promulgating science or politics.  相似文献   

Editors' Note: This essay by Alexander Murphy begins the final set of retrospective works commissioned to celebrate the centennial volume of the Geographical Review. In this group, American Geographical Society Councilors undertake the challenge of reviewing major conceptual approaches or topical fields as presented in the journal's first ninety‐nine volumes and to muse about how those approaches will contribute to the field in its second century. In addition to Murphy, the contributors comprise Councilors Marie Price and Douglas Sherman, as well as a review of fieldwork by Associate Editor Dydia DeLyser and her coauthor, Paul Karolczyk. As much as retrospective views, we hope these essays point the way for scholarship in the coming years.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):449-450
Sea changes generate tides of big ideas about cities. Postmodernity, like modernity before it, framed urban speculations spanning the gamut from liberation to purgatory and everything in between. And it is no accident that both focused the hopes and fears of the age on cities. For cities have long constituted the crucible of lived human experience vis-à-vis other humans, as well as the built and natural worlds. Taking stock involves a process of assessing what has come to pass, and what has not; in addition, it involves analyzing the topography of the present, always with an eye on that which is to come. This essay introduces the collection of articles published as a group in this symposium—and mark the first decade of the new millennium as well as the tenth anniversary of the publication of Edward Soja's Postmetropolis. At a decade's remove from both, how do urban geographers take stock of the urban condition?  相似文献   

The caravan park sub-sector of the Australian tourism accommodation industry provides at least half of the national tourism bed capacity, and in 2009 generated over A$1.1 billion in annual takings. However, the number of parks and park capacity is in decline nationally while both international and domestic demand for the drive-tourism experience is growing. This sets a trend towards an accommodation facilities shortage for the caravanning sector and exposes its vulnerability. This paper uses a case study of caravan parks in the Tweed Shire, New South Wales, Australia, to examine the life-cycle pattern of these parks as a discrete unit of tourist area development and to consider the sector's future. The sector's history is framed within Butler's (Canadian Geographer 24(1): 5–12 (1980)) concept of the tourist area life cycle (TALC). The historical data demonstrate the urban and market change that has occurred around and within caravan parks of this coastal region over almost two centuries. The pattern of caravan park development and evolution conformed to the involvement, exploration, development, consolidation and stagnation stages of the TALC. In 2011, caravan parks in the Tweed region were at a critical tipping point with potential for either decline or rejuvenation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we look at the relationship between the development of domestic and overseas markets for Australian renewable energy. It is argued that encouraging the promotion of Australian renewable energy technology in overseas markets could be a practical strategy for developing the Australian renewable energy industry. Also, it is reasoned, Australian foreign aid and trade organisations could play an important role in assisting the Australian renewable energy industry via overseas market research, technology transfer, and human resource and institutional development programs. We suggest that further research and development cooperation between Australian renewable energy companies and research institutes would be beneficial, especially in exploring potential overseas markets. We also recommend that joint ventures between renewable energy industry partners in Australia and developing countries be used to promote growth in Australian renewable energy exports and, ultimately, in developing Australia's renewable energy industries.  相似文献   

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