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采用X射线粉晶衍射、红外光谱仪、电子探针、激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪以及紫外可见光分光光度计对不同深浅的秘鲁产粉色蛋白石样品进行了物相组成及颜色成因的测试和分析。结果显示,粉色蛋白石的主要矿物组成为Opal-CT、坡缕石、石英和水,且水的类型较为丰富,包含了结晶水、结构水和沸石水。结合X射线粉晶衍射、红外光谱及电子探针分析认为粉色蛋白石的颜色与坡缕石有关,且通过XRD定量分析坡缕石的含量,认为其与颜色呈正相关。综合紫外-可见光光谱、电子探针和激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱结果分析,粉色蛋白石的颜色与坡缕石结构中的有机物醌和β类胡萝卜素及Mn2+有关,且Mn2+含量越多,颜色越深,同时提出了Fe3+对颜色的影响,发现Fe3+只出现在了深色样品中。  相似文献   

采用傅立叶变换红外光谱、紫外可见分光光谱、X射线粉晶衍射、X射线荧光分析、偏光显微镜下观察以及电子探针等测试方法,对目前市场上较常见的软玉品种——俄罗斯碧玉进行了分析测试,主要针对其物质组成及颜色成因进行了研究。结果表明俄罗斯碧玉主要由闪石族矿物组成,颜色较浅的碧玉主要矿物为透闪石,随着颜色加深,矿物过渡为阳起石。俄罗斯碧玉中含有少量碳酸盐矿物,俄罗斯碧玉中常见的黑色点状矿物包体为铬铁矿。俄罗斯碧玉的绿色主要是由于含铁所致,绿色的深浅主要由铬含量决定。  相似文献   

The electronic absorption spectra of natural uvarovite containing 62 mole% of the Cr3+ end-member were studied at pressures between 10−4 and ca. 13 GPa using DAC techniques combined with microscope spectrometric device. With increasing pressure, a barochromic effect with change from green to red color of the garnet specimen was observed. This change could be interpreted on the basis of the spectra and the data points derived in an ICE color card. The evaluation of crystal field data from the spectra showed that 10Dq of chromium increases on pressure while the Racah parameter B, and thus the nature of the chemical bond of Cr–O does not change significantly.  相似文献   

The Tasmanian dolerites, part of the Ferrar Province of Australia and Antarctica, have some trace‐element and isotopic compositions that suggest continental contamination of mantle‐derived magmas. The debate has centred on whether the contamination occurred during intrusion into the crust, or if the mantle source itself was contaminated. The behaviour of Sr and O isotopes suggests that the mantle source had a δ18O composition of +6‰ and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.709, which supports the latter contention. Recently published Re–Os data likewise dismiss upper crustal contamination: Re–Os isotopic compositions of magnetite‐rich mineral separates from seven Tasmanian dolerites yield an isochron that gives the same age, within uncertainties, as other dating techniques, namely 175 ± 5 Ma. Moreover, Re–Os data from a study of Antarctic Ferrar Province samples lie on the same isochron and the data together give an age of 177.3 ± 3.5 Ma. The initial 187Os/188Os of 0.125 ± 0.033 is the calculated mantle composition at the time. These results support previous models that attribute chemical features of the Ferrar magmas to re‐enrichment of a depleted mantle source region rather than processes involving assimilation of crust by basaltic magma.  相似文献   

On the origin of sheet jointing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SummaryOn the Origin of Sheet Jointing Although the deep-seated fractures which run approximately parallel to the land surface and are known as sheeting joints are widely attributed to erosional offloading alone, there is much evidence and argument which casts doubt on this hypothesis. There is no sound mechanical reason why fractures should normally develop as a result of decompression. Sheet jointing is well developed in strata which have never been deeply buried. The domed inselbergs on which sheet jointing is commonly displayed appear to survive by virtue of their joints being compressed, which is inconsistent with the sheet jointing developing through radial expansion or tensional stress. A few inselbergs are underlain by rocks affected by sheeting joints which are not parallel to the hill profile but on the contrary dip into the slopes of the residuals. These and other types of evidence and lines of argument point to sheeting joints having developed under compressive stress.The joints determine the shape of the land surface and not vice versa.
ZusammenfassungÜber den Ursprung von Plattenklüften Obwohl die tiefliegenden, ungefähr zur Geländeoberfläche parallel verlaufenden, als Plattenklüfte bezeichneten Brüche verschiedentlich der Sonneneinstrahlung u. ä., weitgehend aber der Entlastung durch Erosion allein zugeschrieben werden, liegt eine Reihe von Argumenten vor, die Zweifel an dieser Hypothese aufkommen lassen. Es gibt für die Annahme einer Druckentlastung als Ursache für diese Entscheidung keinen mechanisch verständlichen Grund. Plattenklüfte sind deutlich in Gesteinen ausgebildet, die nie eine größere Überlagerung hatten. Domartige Inselberge oder Bornhardts, bei denen Plattenklüftung weit verbreitet und gut entwickelt ist, scheinen ihre Formresistenz dadurch zu sichern, daß ihre Klüftung unter Kompression stand. Dies widerspricht einer Erklärung als Effekt einer radialen Ausdehnung oder einer Dehnungsspannung. Einige Inselberge sind von Gesteinen unterlagert, die eine Plattenklüftung aufweisen, welche nicht parallel zum Bergprofil verläuft, sondern gegen die Hänge des Inselberges einfällt.Vieles deutet darauf hin, daß die Plattenklüftung nicht als Folge einer Druckentlastung, sondern als Folge einer Druckbelastung zu deuten ist.Plattenklüfte und druckbedingte Verwerfungen treten häufig zusammen auf. Messungen geben Zeugnis von hoher Druckbelastung in Bergwerken und Steinbrüchen. Druckbelastung scheint ein physikalischer Parameter für die Ausbildung von Plattenklüftung zu sein. Auch viele morphologische Merkmale, die mit Plattenklüftung verbunden sind, weisen auf Kompression hin. Eine solche macht insbesondere die Formresistenz der Inselberge verständlich.

RésuméSur l'origine des joints en nappe L'origine des fractures profondes, dites joints en nappe, qui sont à peu près parallèles à la surface de la terre, a été attribuée à plusieurs causes, dont l'insolation, l'altération chimique, l'injection plutonique, l'expansion métasomatique et le soulèvement vertical. Ces idées peuvent fournir des explications partielles, ou bien elles peuvent éclaircir des cas particuliers, mais en tant qu'explications générales elles ne sont pas acceptables.La présence des joints en nappe est attribuée le plus souvent à l'allègement par l'érosion uniquement, au point que certains géologues les désignent sous le nom de joints d'allègement. Toutefois de nombreux témoignages et discussions mettent cette hypothèse en doute. Aucune raison mécanique valable ne mène normalement au développement des fractures par suite de la décompression. Les joints en nappe se montrent aussi bien dans des couches qui n'ont jamais été profondément enfouies. Les inselbergs à dôme ou bornhardts, sur lesquels les joints en nappe se manifestent amplement, paraissent subsister en raison de la compression de leurs joints; il s'ensuit que le développement de ces joints en nappe ne peut pas être attribuable à l'expansion radiale ou au travail à la tension. Quelques-uns des inselbergs ont pour base des roches qui ont été soumises à l'influence des joints en nappe qui ne sont pas parallèles au profil de la colline mais qui, au contraire, s'inclinent jusque dans les pentes des résiduels.D'autre part, divers témoignages et discussions font croire que les joints en nappe ont pu évoluer par la suite du travail à la compression. Certaines failles sont causées par la compression, et d'ordinaire les failles et les joints en nappe se produisent dans des conditions uniformes; il existe des observations de mesures de compression très considérable dans beaucoup de mines et carrières; le travail à la compression paraît matériellement capable de produire ces joints; de nombreuses caractéristiques morphologiques associées aux joints en nappe se rapportent à la compression. Ce qui s'explique surtout, c'est la conservation des inselbergs à dôme.Cette hypothèse propose donc que les joints en nappe déterminent les configurations de la surface terrestre, et non vice versa.

With 13 Figures  相似文献   

Garnets and clinopyroxenes, intergrown with diamonds in 37 diamondites (“bort”, “polycrystalline diamond aggregates”, “polycrystalline diamond”, “framesite”), presumably from southern Africa, were analyzed for trace element contents by LA-ICP-MS. The intimate diamond-silicate intergrowths suggest that both precipitated from the same fluids during the same crystallization events. In this study we distinguish 5 chemical garnet groups: “peridotitic” (P), intermediate (I) and 3 “eclogitic” groups (E1, E2 and E3). Chondrite-normalized trace element patterns for the garnet groups roughly correlate with major element abundances. Most of P garnets show complex, mildly sinusoidal REEN patterns with relatively flat HREEN-MREEN, a small hump at Sm-Nd and depleted LREEN, and have relatively high contents of Nb, Ta, U, and Th. The REEN abundance patterns of E garnets differ by showing a continuous increase from LREE to HREE and depletion in LREE and highly incompatible elements relative to the P garnets. Of all garnet groups, E3 garnets are the poorest in highly incompatible trace elements and in Mg. Model equilibrium fluids for P garnets suggest crystallization from magnesian carbonate-bearing fluids/melts, which were very rich in incompatible trace elements — similar to kimberlites. Hypothetical equilibrium melts for E1 and E2 garnets are also magnesian and poorer in LREE and highly incompatible elements relative to typical kimberlitic or carbonatitic melts. Fluids that crystallized the P and most of the E garnets have similar mg numbers indicating a peridotitic source for both. The differences in Cr and highly incompatible element contents can be the result of differences in fluid formation and/or evolution rather than different source rock. The positive correlation of Cr2O3 and mg with the abundances of highly incompatible elements in garnets indicate fluid-rock fractionation processes rather than igneous fractional crystallization processes being responsible for the evolution of the diamondite-forming fluids.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that the explanation of orogenic volcanism lies in the shear heating and subsequent partial melting of the crustal fraction of subducted lithosphere. Careful examination of simple models of the shear-heating process indicates, however, that this process cannot occur in a system with constant strain-rate boundary conditions, for reasonable values of the strain rate and material parameters. Thermal runaway cannot occur because viscous dissipation process is limited by the effect of temperature on viscosity, although shear-heating instability may develop during non-steady-state shear at stress or strain-rate values above certain critical values. Examination of subduction history models indicates that supercritical shear stresses constant over some tens of kilometers may be found in subduction shear zones. Since instability may develop if such conditions are present over even a 1–10 km range, it is still possible that non-steady-state process could explain the origin of orogenic volcanism.
Zusammenfassung Schererwärmung bis zum partiellen Aufschmelzen der subduzierten Kruste wird vielfach als Ursache des orogenen Vulkanismus genannt. Eine sorgfältige Betrachtung eines einfachen Schererwämungsmodells führt zu folgenden Resultaten: Schererwärmung unter Vorgabe konstanter Dehnungsrate in der Scherzone führt zu allmählicher Erwärmung, wobei die Temperatur unter der Solidusgrenze bleibt, sofern man vernünftige Werte der Modellparameter wählt. Die Temperaturerhöhung bleibt in diesem Fall beschränkt durch die Rückkopplung von Temperatur und Viskosität. Schererwärmungsinstabilitäten, die zu partiellem Aufschmelzen führen, sind möglich, sofern bei nicht-stationärer Schererwärmung die Scherspannung oder die Dehnungsrate gewisse kritische Werte übersteigen. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Annahme superkritischer und konstanter Scherspannung entlang von 1–10 km langen Wegstücken der subduzierten Kruste mit Beobachtungen und Modellrechnungen verträglich ist. In diesem Fall können Scherinstabilitäten in einer Tiefe von 100 km bis 200 km in der subduzierten Kruste auftreten.

Résumé On croit couramment que l'explication du volcanisme orogénique se trouve dans l'échauffement causé pai les tensions d'arrachement et dans la fusion partielle consécutive de la fraction crustale de la lithosphere en voie de subduction. Une considération soigneuse d'un modèle simple d'échauffement par tensions conduit aux résultats suivants: un échauffement sous de telles tensions et dans des conditions avantageuses d'un degré d'extension constant dans la zone de cisaillement conduit à un échauffement par broyage où la température reste maintenue en-dessous de la limite du solidus pour autant qu'on choisisse des valeurs raisonables pour les paramètres du modèle. L'élévation de température reste dans ce cas limitée par le couple température-viscosité. Les instabilités par échauffement sous tension qui conduisent à la mise en fusion partielle, sont possibles pour autant que, sous un échauffement non stationnaire, le cisaillement ou le degré d'extension ne dépasse pas certaines valeurs critiques. On montre que l'adoption d'une tension de cisaillement supercritique et constante le long de tronçons de 1–10 km de la croûte en voie de subduction est compatible avec les observations et avec les calculs déduits du modèle. Dans ce cas des instabilités sous l'effet du cisaillement peuvent se produire dans la croûte en voie de subduction à une profondeur de 100 à 200 km.

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Rubies and sapphires are of both scientific and commercial interest. These gemstones are corundum colored by transition elements within the alumina crystal lattice: Cr3+ yields red in ruby and Fe2+, Fe3+, and Ti4+ ionic interactions color sapphires. A minor ion, V3+ induces slate to purple colors and color change in some sapphires, but its role in coloring rubies remains enigmatic. Trace element and oxygen isotope composition provide genetic signatures for natural corundum and assist geographic typing. Here, we show that V can dominate chromophore contents in Mogok ruby suites. This raises implications for their color quality, enhancement treatments, geographic origin, exploration and exploitation and their comparison with rubies elsewhere. Precise LA-ICP-MS analysis of ruby and sapphire from Mogok placer and in situ deposits reveal that V can exceed 5,000 ppm, giving V/Cr, V/Fe and V/Ti ratios up to 26, 78, and 97 respectively. Such values significantly exceed those found elsewhere suggesting a localized geological control on V-rich ruby distribution. Our results demonstrate that detailed geochemical studies of ruby suites reveal that V is a potential ruby tracer, encourage comparisons of V/Cr-variation between ruby suites and widen the scope for geographic typing and genesis of ruby. This will allow more precise comparison of Asian and other ruby fields and assist confirmation of Mogok sources for rubies in historical and contemporary gems and jewelry.  相似文献   

Representative subsamples of Pocahontas No. 3 coal obtained at a fresh mining cut in a coal mine in West Virginia, U.S.A., were oxidized in air at 50°C or stored at ambient temperature in argon. Periodically, subsamples were removed from their locations and analyzed both petrographically and through Gieseler plastometry.With increasing oxidation, as indicated by plastometer results, the percentage of vitrinite decreased while the percentage of oxyvitrinite increased. Also, the percentage of slitted pseudovitrinite initially increased, but, subsequently decreased. The same trends occurred for both the 50°C and ambient samples, although at a lower rate for the ambient samples. This has been interpreted as indicating that slitted pseudovitrinite is an oxidation product of vitrinite that is intermediate, in terms of degree of oxidation, between vitrinite and oxyvitrinite.Vitrinite and slitted pseudovitrinite reflectances were found to be approximately the same, however, a shallow trend of decreasing reflectance with degree of oxidation may be indicated. No explanation is submitted for an observed decrease (with oxidation) in percentage of micrinite; however, an explanation of the origin of slitted structures in vitrinite material as it relates to cell structure and geological conditions is offered.  相似文献   

Bridgwater and Collerson are congratulated on their important contributions to the knowledge of early Archaean terrains in Labrador and southwestern Greenland. Many of the interpretations advanced in their paper (Bridgwater and Collerson, 1976) throw much light on the evolution of deep-seated Archaean crustal domains. Other interpretations, however, raise a number of questions, discussed below in the following terms; (1) nature of original field relations between Uivak gneiss and Upernavik supracrustals; (2) timing of development of K-feldspar bands in Uivak gneiss; (3) isotopic effects of Rb-addition associated with the development of the K-feldspar bands; (4) crustal history of Uivak gneiss precursors, and (5) relations between gneisses of high-grade terrains and granites of low-grade terrains in the Archaean. In each case, the questions are accompanied by suggested tentative interpretations.  相似文献   

The present-day topography of the Iberian peninsula can be considered as the result of the Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Iberian plate (including rifting and basin formation during the Mesozoic and compression and mountain building processes at the borders and inner part of the plate, during the Tertiary, followed by Neogene rifting on the Mediterranean side) and surface processes acting during the Quaternary. The northern-central part of Iberia (corresponding to the geological units of the Duero Basin, the Iberian Chain, and the Central System) shows a mean elevation close to one thousand meters above sea level in average, some hundreds of meters higher than the southern half of the Iberian plate. This elevated area corresponds to (i) the top of sedimentation in Tertiary terrestrial endorheic sedimentary basins (Paleogene and Neogene) and (ii) planation surfaces developed on Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of the mountain chains surrounding the Tertiary sedimentary basins. Both types of surfaces can be found in continuity along the margins of some of the Tertiary basins. The Bouguer anomaly map of the Iberian peninsula indicates negative anomalies related to thickening of the continental crust. Correlations of elevation to crustal thickness and elevation to Bouguer anomalies indicate that the different landscape units within the Iberian plate can be ascribed to different patterns: (1) The negative Bouguer anomaly in the Iberian plate shows a rough correlation with elevation, the most important gravity anomalies being linked to the Iberian Chain. (2) Most part of the so-called Iberian Meseta is linked to intermediate-elevation areas with crustal thickening; this pattern can be applied to the two main intraplate mountain chains (Iberian Chain and Central System) (3) The main mountain chains (Pyrenees and Betics) show a direct correlation between crustal thickness and elevation, with higher elevation/crustal thickness ratio for the Central System vs. the Betics and the Pyrenees. Other features of the Iberian topography, namely the longitudinal profile of the main rivers in the Iberian peninsula and the distribution of present-day endorheic areas, are consistent with the Tertiary tectonic evolution and the change from an endorheic to an exorheic regime during the Late Neogene and the Quaternary. Some of the problems involving the timing and development of the Iberian Meseta can be analysed considering the youngest reference level, constituted by the shallow marine Upper Cretaceous limestones, that indicates strong differences induced by (i) the overall Tertiary and recent compression in the Iberian plate, responsible for differences in elevation of the reference level of more than 6 km between the mountain chains and the endorheic basins and (ii) the effect of Neogene extension in the Mediterranean margin, responsible for lowering several thousands of meters toward the East and uplift of rift shoulders. A part of the recent uplift within the Iberian plate can be attributed of isostatic uplift in zones of crustal thickening.  相似文献   

It is broadly accepted that so-called 'thermal' gas is the product of thermal cracking, 'primary' thermal gas from kerogen cracking, and 'secondary' thermal gas from oil cracking. Since thermal cracking of hydrocarbons does not generate products at equilibrium and thermal stress should not bring them to equilibrium over geologic time, we would not expect methane, ethane, and propane to be at equilibrium in subsurface deposits. Here we report compelling evidence of natural gas at thermodynamic equilibrium. Molecular compositions are constrained to equilibrium,

A system is presented in which an atmosphere containing less than 10?6 mole fraction oxygen and water containing less than 5 ppb oxygen can be maintained. Flotation of chalcocite, chalcopyrite, galena, pyrite and sphalerite in this system reveals that these minerals are naturally floatable under these conditions.  相似文献   

A. R. Ritsema 《Tectonophysics》1970,10(5-6):609-623
This is a report of a symposium organized by the Netherlands Commission for the Upper Mantle Project. The data relative to the generation of the western Mediterranean Sea basins, presented during this symposium, are summarized in the Appendix.

Several modes of origin have been discussed:

1. (1) the basins are remnants of a former larger ocean;

2. (2) they are formed in the wake of drifting continental blocks;

3. (3) by an erosion and denudation of a continental crust;

4. (4) by an upheaval and later subsidence of an ocean floor; or

5. (5) by sub crustal erosion of a continental crust.

It is concluded that, although many data are in agreement with the drift model, this process cannot have been the sole agent in the generation of the basins.  相似文献   

With the transmission electron microscope, we have made detailed studies of the track density gradients and irradiation geometries of track-rich grains and chondrules in sections of Fayetteville and Kapoeta. We have made the same type of studies in sections of lunar breccias and grains from lunar soil for comparison.A substantial fraction (50–90 per cent) of the meteoritic track-rich grains and chondrules show evidence of having been irradiated anisotropically in their different faces, as would be expected for irradiation on the surface of a parent body. Our observations thus support the hypothesis that the irradiation of these grains and chondrules took place on the regoliths of asteroidal-sized bodies.Measurement of steepest track density gradients indicate that while there are finite differences between spectra exhibited by individual gas-rich meteorites, the average solar flare spectral shapes have been similar over the last ~4 b.y. or so.  相似文献   

Natural colored fluorites were studied by means of optical absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Complex centers involving rare-earth ions and/or oxygen give rise to the various colors observed. These include yttrium-associated F centers (blue), coexisting yttrium and cerium-associated F centers (yellowish-green), the (YO2) center (rose) and the O 3 ? molecule ion (yellow). Divalent rare-earth ions also contribute to the colorations, as for instance Sm3+ (green fluorites), or they are at the origin of strong fluorescence observed (Eu2+). Strong irradiation of the crystals with ionizing radiation leads to coagulation of color centers, and to precipitation of metallic calcium colloids. There is probably no simple relation connecting the coloration and the growth process of the crystal. Thermal stability studies, however, have allowed to partially classify the colors as being of primary or secondary origin.  相似文献   

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