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Hydrochemical data are presented for groundwater samples, collected from fractured aquifers in parts of northern Ghana. The data was collected to assess the groundwater suitability for domestic and agricultural use. Results of the study reveal that the pH of the groundwater in the area is slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. The electrical conductivity values, total dissolved solids (TDS) values and calcium, magnesium and sodium concentrations in the groundwater are generally below the limit set by the WHO for potable water supply. On the basis of activity diagrams, groundwater from the fractured aquifers appears to be stable within the montmorillonite field, suggesting weathering of silicate minerals. An inverse distance weighting interpolator with a power of 2 was applied to the data points to produce prediction maps for nitrate and fluoride. The distribution maps show the presence of high nitrate concentrations (50–194 mg/l) in some of the boreholes in the western part of the study area indicating anthropogenic impact on the groundwater. Elevated fluoride level (1.5–4 mg/l), higher than the WHO allowable fluoride concentration of 1.5, is recorded in the groundwater underlying the northeastern part of the study area, more specifically Bongo and its surrounding communities of the Upper East region. Results of this study suggest that groundwater from the fractured aquifers in the area exhibit low sodicity–low salinity (S1–C1), low sodicity–medium salinity (S1–C2) characteristics [United States Salinity Laboratory (USSL) classification scheme]. All data points from this study plot within the ‘Excellent to good’ category on a Wilcox diagram. Groundwater in this area thus appears to provide irrigation water of excellent quality. The hydrochemical results indicate that, although nitrate and fluoride concentrations in some boreholes are high, the groundwater in the study area, based on the parameters analyzed, is chemically potable and suitable for domestic and agricultural purposes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the subsurface strata and groundwater situation of Olomoro, Nigeria using borehole logging and electrical resistivity techniques. The borehole logging consisting of resistivity and spontaneous potential logs were conducted by using the Johnson Keck logger on a drilled well in the study area. The electrical resistivity survey involving 17 vertical electrical soundings (VES) with a maximum current electrode spacing of 100 to 150 m was conducted using the Schlumberger electrode configuration. Analysis of the well cuttings revealed that the lithology of the subsurface consist of topsoil, clay, very fine sand, medium grain sand, coarse sand and very coarse sand. Results of the downhole logging also revealed that the mean electrical conductivity and the total dissolved solid of the groundwater was obtained as 390 μS/cm and 245 mg/cm3 respectively. These values are within the acceptable limit set by the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) for drinking water. The result of the vertical electrical sounding interpreted using the computer iterative modeling revealed the presence of four to five geoelectric layers which showed a close correlation with result from the lithology and downhole logging. Results further showed that the resistivity of the subsurface aquifer ranged between 1584 and 5420 Ωm while the aquifer depths varied between 27.8 and 39.3 m. Groundwater development of the area is suggested using the depth and resistivity maps provided in this study.  相似文献   

The hydrochemical characteristics and quality of groundwater in Lokoja basement area have been evaluated based on different indices for assessing groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes. Twenty groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for physicochemical parameters, major ions and heavy metals. The results revealed that the groundwater is slightly alkaline, with little variations in chemical composition. For example, electrical conductivity (EC) ranges from 242μS/cm to 1835μS/cm. The abundance of the major ions is in the order of Ca2+ >Na+>Mg2+>K+> Fe2+/3+ = HCO3 >Cl? >NO3 >SO4 >PO4. Based on the hydrochemical data, four hydrochemical facies were identified namely, Ca-Mg-HCO3, Na-K-HCO3, Na-K-Cl-SO4 and Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4 and these facies depict groundwater recharge zone, transition flow zone, deep flow zone and mixed water zone respectively. Groundwater from the area is unsuitable for drinking and domestic purposes as some of the ions and heavy metals of health concerns are well above the stipulated guideline values. Irrigation water quality indicators (salinity, Na % and Mg %), reveal that the groundwater is unsuitable for irrigation purposes. Interpreted statistical analysis reveals that the groundwater chemical compositions are controlled predominantly by weathering of litho units of the basement rocks and by drainage from domestic wastes.  相似文献   

Geological transition zones are noted to be problematic in groundwater potential and development, due to their erratic and complex nature as well as characteristic of the subsurface lithologies. There were several occurrences of reported borehole failures and dry wells in these zones in Nigeria as a result of very scanty information that could serve as database for studying its groundwater potential. This study was therefore designed to generate hydrogeophysical data that could serve as baseline information on the groundwater potential in the study. In addition, to also delineate various subsurface lithologies present. Electrical resistivity survey for geophysical investigation was carried out using vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique. A total of 150 VES stations were purposively probed using Schlumberger electrode array. The interpreted data were used to produce geoelectric subsurface lithologies and to draw the geological section across the entire area. Various subsurface lithologies with their resistivities (Ωm) were delineated for basement complex (BC), transition zone (TZ), and sedimentary terrain (ST). In BC were topsoil, weathered zone, and fresh bedrock and in TZ were topsoil, sandy, laterite/clay, dry sand, sandstone, and fresh bedrock delineated while in the ST, topsoil, lateritic and sandy clay, dry sand, and the sandstone were delineated. In conclusion, the groundwater potential of the study area is largely been affected by the topography and the nature/composition of the Abeokuta Group that underlie the sedimentary part of the study area and the presence of thick laterite/clay unit of the basement complex portion of the study area.  相似文献   

在对肉切村岩群的岩石组合、变质特点以及区域综合对比研究基础上,根据其中锆石U-Pb法年龄值686 Ma、黑云母斜长变粒岩全岩Rb-Sr法年龄值796±103 Ma,认为其原岩形成于新元古代,时代属震旦纪;前人划分的震旦—寒武系肉切村群,实际上是前寒武纪变质岩地层,聂拉木地区并未出露寒武纪地层。将前寒武纪地层划分为聂拉木岩群和肉切村岩群,并将聂拉木岩群划分为友谊桥岩组、曲乡岩组、康山桥混合岩和江东岩组4个构造岩石地层单元,将肉切村岩群划分为扎西宗混合岩和塔吉岭岩组两个构造岩石地层单元。  相似文献   

Orthogonal set of 2D geoelectrical resistivity field data, consisting of six parallel and five perpendicular profiles, were collected in an investigation site using the conventional Wenner array. Seven Schlumberger soundings were also conducted on the site to provide ID layering information and supplement the orthogonal 2D profiles. The observed 2D apparent resistivity data were first processed individually and then collated into 3D data set which was processed using a 3D inversion code. The 3D model resistivity images obtained from the inversion are presented as horizontal depth slices. Some distortions observed in the 2D images from the inversion of the 2D profiles are not observed in the 2D images extracted from the 3D inversion. The survey was conducted with the aim of investigating the degree of weathering and fracturing in the weathered profile, and thereby ascertaining the suitability of the site for engineering constructions as well as determining its groundwater potential.  相似文献   

The major sources of cassiterite in Nigeria are the alluvial and eluvial deposits from the biotite granites within the Jurassic alkaline ring complex (the Younger Granites) of the Jos Plateau. Less than 5% of the total production has been recovered from pegmatites within the largely Precambrian basement complex consisting of migmatites, gneisses, the Pan-African (Older) Granites and pegmatites, but with the rapidly depleting reserves of the former source new reserves have to be found.This study presents the first report on an important new source of cassiterite in basement-complex gneisses, migmatites, pegmatites and aplites in the Gurum area near Jos. The cassiterite, which has been economically concentrated by the leaching and weathering of these rocks, is generally finer grained and darker than the alluvial cassiterite derived from the Jurassic biotite granites. This new find has important petrogenetic and economic implications, suggesting that the basement complex could be a suitable parent rock for the Younger Granites and a significant potential source of cassiterite in Nigeria.  相似文献   

The Precambrian basement complex in the southernmost part of North-Central Nigeria is underlain by migmatitic banded gneisses, granitic intrusions and dykes of dolerite, rhyolite porphyry and pegmatite. The rocks are generally felsic, containing modal and normative hypersthene, as well as normative corundum. The basement complex has experienced high-grade regional metamorphism as indicated by the presence of hypersthene and plagioclase of andesine composition. Anatectic melting is suggested by the occurrence of ptygmatic folds, folded gneissose foliation, numerous quartzo-feldspathic veins and lenses of dark-colured, micaceous schistose rocks. Geochemically, the rocks have magnesian, calc-alkalic and strongly peraluminous characteristics. Their overall characteristics suggest derivation from progressive (fractional) partial melting of pelitic rocks during high-grade regional metamorphism, possibly associated with intense hydrothermal activities. The magnesian characteristics reflect close affinity to relatively hydrous, oxidizing melts and source regions in settings broadly related to subduction.  相似文献   

Large-scale structures, textures and mineral assemblages in the Precambrian rocks of the Banded Gneissic Complex and the overlying Delhi Group in north-central Aravalli Mountain reveal a complex deformational-crystallization history. In the basement Gneissic Complex at least three deformational events, D0, D1 and D2, and two separate episodes of metamorphism, M1 and M2, are recognized. The supracrustal Delhi Rocks display only two phases of deformation, D1 and D2, associated with a single protracted period of metamorphism, M2.The first phase of deformation (D1) of the Delhi orogeny (1650-900 m.y.) produced large isoclinal folds that are overturned towards the southeast and have gentle plunges in NE and SW directions. The second phase of deformation (D2) gave rise to tight open folds on the limbs and axial-plane surfaces of the D1 folds. These folds generally plunge towards the N and NNW at 30°–80°. In the Basement Complex one more deformation (D0) of the Pre-Delhi orogeny (> 2000 m.y.) is recorded by the presence of reclined and recumbent folds with W to WNW trending fold axes. The D0 folds were superimposed by D1 and D2 folds during the Delhi orogeny.The three deformational events have been correlated with the crystallization periods of minerals in the rocks and a setting in time is established for this part of the Aravalli range.  相似文献   

The chemical character of groundwater is generated through processes including the leaching of surficial and near-surface soil salts, cation exchange and mineral dissolution of, in this case, mainly amphiboles and sodic plagioclase. Molar ratios thermodynamic analysis using a NETPATH geochemical model and standard Piper trilinear and Gibbs diagrams have been used to establish these geochemical processes. Though the groundwater is dominantly of NaCl type, it is apparently suitable for general irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

The distribution of 18O and 2H in various water sources indicates that groundwater recharge is due to local rainfall occurring within the basins. Groundwater recharge takes place under a bypass flow mechanism and matrix diffuse flow and is 3% and 2% of the long-term mean annual rainfall of 550 mm for the Makutapora and Hombolo basins, respectively. Chloride mass balance indicates that 60% and 40% of the total groundwater recharge takes place through macropores and matrix flow, respectively. Sporadic variations in 18O, 2H and chloride among adjacent boreholes suggest existence of a discrete fractured aquifer and/or dominance of local recharge. The relationship between δ2H and chloride indicates that groundwater salinization is due to the leaching of surficial and soil salts during high intensity rainfall, which causes high surface runoff and flash floods. It has been concluded that the isotopic and chemical character of groundwater in fractured semi-arid areas may provide the most effective complementary means of groundwater recharge assessment and therefore is very useful in the management of the water resources.  相似文献   

The Basement complex of Nigeria is polycyclic and retains memories of events dating back to about 3000 m. y. As in other parts of Africa, it suffered its most pronounced deformation and remobilisation during the Pan African Orogeny (about 650-450 m. y. ago).A review of the geology of this terrain is presented following recent field and geochronological data. It is also shown that the basement may have participated in the 1300-900 m. y. Kibaran Orogeny.In addition, an attempt is made at discussing the evolution of the Precambrian rocks in Nigeria and the conclusion is made that most of the rocks evolved by ensialic rather than plate tectonic processes.
Zusammenfassung Das Basement Nigerias ist polyzyklisch aufgebaut mit Ereignissen, die bis zu 3000 m. y. zurückliegen. Wie in anderen Teilen Afrikas erfolgte die stÄrkste Deformation und Remomobilisation wÄhrend der Panafrikanischen Orogenese (vor etwa 650-450 m. y.).Es wird eine übersicht über die Geologie dieses Gebietes gegeben, die jüngste GelÄndeaufnahmen und geochronologische Daten berücksichtigt. Auch wird gezeigt, da\ das Basement von der Kibarischen Orogenese vor 1300-900 m. y. erfa\t worden sein könnte.ZusÄtzlich wird der Versuch unternommen, die Evolution der prÄkambrischen Gesteine Nigerias zu diskutieren mit dem Schlu\, da\ die meisten Gesteine sich eher aus ensialischen als aus plattentektonischen Prozessen entwickelten.

Résumé Le complexe du soubassement nigérien est polycyclique, et porte la marque d'événements remontant à 3.000 millions d'années. Il a subi sa déformation et sa remobilisation les plus marquées, comme ce fut le cas dans le reste du continent Africain, au cours de l'orogénie Pan Africaine, c-a-d il y a entre 650-450 millions d'années.Dans ce travail, nous présentons la géologie de ce terrain d'après des données cartographiques et géochronologiques récentes. Nous démontrons également que ce soubassement peut très bien avoir participé à l'orogénie kibarienne d'il y a 1.3000 à 900 millions d'années.En outre, nous essayons de discuter l'évolution de roches précambriennes de la Nigérie, et nous en tirons la conclusion que pour la plupart des roches, cette évolution répond à une formation ensialique plutÔt qu'à des processus de tectonique de plaques.

3000 . , ( 650-450 ) . ; , 1300-900 . , , , .

The principal structures of the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of Angelsey are described. Tight folding, with variably developed slaty cleavage and a first phase of reverse faulting, took place probably in late Silurian times, along axes which are parallel to pre-Cambrian foliation trends. A second phase of reverse faulting followed basic dyke intrusion and was succeeded by normal faulting and mineralization. Joint production was a comparatively late feature. A technique for analysing fault data, in terms of stress axes, is outlined and applied to faulting within the Lower Palaeozoic rocks.  相似文献   

川西攀枝花—西昌地区结晶基底的划分   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
长期以来,由于同位素年龄依据不足和没有正确区分晚二叠世热接触变质岩、喜马拉雅期动力变质岩与前震旦纪区域变质岩,攀西地区结晶基底的划分存在许多困难和问题。本文依据1:50000区域地质调查结果,将原仁和群(Pt1R)修改为晚二叠世岩浆岩和喜马拉雅期动力变质岩,将五马箐(岩)组(Pt1w)和顶针杂岩(Pt1D)修改为晚二叠世热接触变质岩和喜马拉雅期动力变质岩,将安宁村组(Ptlα)和纸房沟组(Pt1z)修改为震旦系地层,并依据岩石学、岩石化学和微量元素地球化学特征,将结晶基底划分为变质侵入体、变质表壳岩和TTG套岩,论述了结晶基底的成因和演化。  相似文献   

The Nyamandhlovu aquifer is the main water resource in the semi-arid Umguza district in Matebeleland North Province in Zimbabwe. The rapid increase in water demand in the city of Bulawayo has prompted the need to quantify the available groundwater resources for sustainable utilization. Groundwater recharge estimation methods and results were compared: chloride mass balance method (19–62 mm/year); water-table fluctuation method (2–50 mm/year); Darcian flownet computations (16–28 mm/year); 14C age dating (22–25 mm/year); and groundwater modeling (11–26 mm/year). The flownet computational and modeling methods provided better estimates for aerial recharge than the other methods. Based on groundwater modeling, a final estimate for recharge (from precipitation) on the order of 15–20 mm/year is believed to be realistic, assuming that part of the recharge water transpires from the water table by deep-rooted vegetation. This recharge estimate (2.7–3.6% of the annual precipitation of 555 mm/year) compares well with the results of other researchers. The advantages/disadvantages of each recharge method in terms of ease of application, accuracy, and costs are discussed. The groundwater model was also used to quantify the total recharge of the Nyamandhlovu aquifer system (20?×?106–25?×?106 m3/year). Groundwater abstractions exceeding 17?×?106 m3/year could cause ecological damage, affecting, for instance, the deep-rooted vegetation in the area.  相似文献   

Integrated geoelectrical resistivity, hydrochemical and soil property analysis methods were used to study the groundwater characteristics of sandy soils within a shallow aquifer in the agriculture area, Machang. A pilot test investigation was done prior to the main investigation. The area was divided into two sites. Test-Site 1 is non-fertilized; Test-Site 2 is the former regularly fertilized site. From the surface to depths of 75 cm, a lower average resistivity was obtained in Test-Site 2 (around 0.37 less than in Test-Site 1). The presence of nitrate and chloride contents in pore water reduced the resistivity values despite the low moisture content. The pH values for the whole area range from 4.11 to 6.88, indicating that the groundwater is moderately to slightly acidic. In the southern region, concentration of nitrate is considered to be high (>20 mg/l), while it is nearly zero in the northern region. In the south, the soil properties are similar. However, the geoelectrical model shows lower resistivity values (around 18 Ω m) at the sites with relatively high nitrate concentration in the groundwater (>20 mg/l). Conversely, the sites with low nitrate concentration reveal the resistivity values to be higher (>35 Ω m). Basement and groundwater potential maps are generated from the interpolation of an interpreted resistivity model. The areas that possibly have nitrate-contaminated groundwater have been mapped along with groundwater flow patterns. The northern part of the area has an east to west groundwater flow pattern, making it impossible for contaminated water from the southern region to enter, despite the northern area having a lower elevation.  相似文献   

The Avalon Platform, which is often assumed to be the southeastern margin of the Appalachian—Caledonian orogenic belt, is represented in New Brunswick by the Late Precambrian volcanic rocks of the Coldbrook Group underlain by the metacarbonates and gneisses of the Greenhead Group. The overlying Palaeozoic sequence has been affected by the Acadian (Siluro-Devonian) and Variscan orogenic movements. Granites and a dyke/sill swarm of possible Precambrian age intrude the metasedimentary and volcanic rocks. A pre-Acadian structural event in the Greenhead Group is associated with the local formation of migmatite gneisses. The New Brunswick succession is compared with Cape Breton, Newfoundland and the British Isles. An ensialic volcanic-arc model is proposed for the unified ‘Avalon Platform’ that, during the Late Precambrian, stretched from present-day southern Massachusetts to southern Britain as a microcontinent. The Acadian, Caledonian and Variscan orogenies and the later Mesozoic distentional movements resulted in the fragmentation of the platform.  相似文献   

出露在湘东北益阳-浏阳,呈近东西向断续分布,经角闪岩相-绿片岩相变质结晶片岩、层状、似层状超镁铁质岩的Sm-Nd全岩等时线年龄为2.6~3.028Ga、2.2~1.9Ga,应属湖南早前寒纪结晶基底岩片.  相似文献   

Three types of tourmaline occurrence have been identified in the area of Bin Yauri, Nigeria, mesothermal lode-gold mineralization. These are: (1) stratabound tourmalinites in pelitic metasediments, (2) tourmaline in a hydrothermal alteration assemblage within hornfelsed wall rocks, (3) tourmaline in auriferous quartz and quartz-carbonate veins. Although the tourmaline occurrences are all within or close to the contact aureole of a granodiorite intrusion, geochemical characteristics of the tourmalines are broadly similar and reflect a common metasedimentary source. Two stages of tourmalinization are envisaged. The earlier (ca. 1100 Ma) involved syngenetic-diagenetic formation of tourmalinites, while the later (ca. 500 Ma) involved epigenetic (hydrothermal) tourmaline-gold mineralization, possibly derived by dehydration and devolatilization of metasedimentary sequences containing tourmaline-rich rocks or tourmalinites. Electron microprobe analyses indicate that the tourmalines are intermediate members of the schorl-dravite solid solution series. Plots involving FeO, MgO, and/or Al2O3 from these analyses are used to constrain the sources and processes of tourmalinization. Two metallogenic implications are derived from this study. One is that, although the tourmalinites are barren of gold and base metal mineralization, their occurrences nevertheless encourages exploration for syngenetic-exhalative massive sulphide deposits in the region. The other implication applies to the potential use of tourmaline in deciphering the physico-chemical conditions of gold-mineralizing fluids in the Bin Yauri area.  相似文献   

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