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高坝明流泄洪洞的掺气减蚀问题倍受关注。以溪洛渡水电站3#泄洪洞为研究对象,结合大比尺单体模型试验成果,应用分段计算方法对泄洪洞掺气减蚀问题进行了三维紊流数值模拟分析。结果表明:泄洪洞各道掺气坎布置合理且有稳定掺气空腔,掺气坎体型基本合理,明流段洞顶余幅足够。泄洪洞反弧段及末端一段区域水力特性复杂,应重点关注此部位的设计及施工问题。对于高流速、大梯度泄洪洞水力学问题,采用分段计算能提高计算速度。  相似文献   

陈善雄  冯美果  许锡昌  陈守义 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3365-3371
运用非饱和土土力学理论分析了某电厂贮灰坝失稳过程,揭示了该贮灰坝的失稳和破坏机制。分析表明,随着子坝挡水历时的增加,积水不断下渗,浸润线逐渐抬高,非饱和区域相应减少,坝体中受此影响的部位的孔隙水压力也随之不断增高,抗剪强度不断降低。此过程发展到一定程度,则导致贮灰坝产生破坏和滑动。上述分析清楚地诠释了干滩长期消失会使贮灰坝的稳定性遭受巨大威胁的原因。其研究结果可为贮灰坝、尾矿坝在类似工况下的稳定性评价和预测预报提供借鉴。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁河流域水库大坝下游岸坡常具黄土-砂卵砾石二元结构地层组合,成为水库渗漏潜在隐伏结构.随着伊犁河流域水利水电工程建设开发力度的加大,该地层组合中显现出的渗漏和岸坡稳定性等工程地质问题也逐渐增多,有必要对该方面进行研究和总结.本文以斯木塔斯水电站、巴喀勒克水库为例,对其坝下游岸坡稳定性开展运行期的地质调查,并结合研...  相似文献   

In central Turkey, there are serious groundwater quality problems in the main river valleys and plains, and even in the lower parts of the secondary basins due to the underlying evaporitic geological formations. Groundwater quality improves towards the upstreams in the alluvium aquifers in most secondary valleys; however, groundwater potential decreases as well due to the reduced basin area, areal extent and thickness of the aquifers. The Malibogazi valley is situated to some 100 km north of Ankara. The dam constructed in the narrowest section of the valley has an average storage coefficient of 0.2 and the total and active storage capacities of 110,000 and 55,000 m3, respectively. The 20-m-thick aquifer extends for 6–7 km till the dam site within valley with an average width of 50–70 m. It mostly comprises sandy–gravely alluvial deposits. Malibogazi groundwater dam is a valve-controlled gravity flow dam. When the valves are opened, the water from the aquifer reservoir flows by gravity through supply pipe to the main irrigation channel, but when the valves are closed the water is stored in the aquifer and groundwater level begins to rise. Average groundwater discharge was about 20 l/s in 2005–2006 irrigation period. In this period, groundwater levels were about 2 m higher compared to the groundwater levels in the same seasons before the construction of the groundwater dam. Because the dam is of gravity flow type, it means an important contribution to the farmers since the operation cost is quite low. Malibogazi groundwater dam represents one of the first experiences of Turkey in the field of groundwater storage. Although the dam has small storage capacity, it may be a model for Turkey from the viewpoints of investigation, construction, dam wall, intake facility and measurements etc.  相似文献   

Post-collision magmatic rocks are common in the southern portion of the Marmara region (Kap?da?, Karabiga, Gönen, Yenice, Çan areas) and also on the small islands (Marmara, Av?a, Pa?aliman?) in the Sea of Marmara. They are represented mainly by granitic plutons, stocks and sills within Triassic basement rocks. The granitoids have ages between Late Cretaceous and Miocene, but mainly belong to two groups: Eocene in the north and Miocene in the south. The Miocene granitoids have associated volcanic rocks; the Eocene granitoids do not display such associations. They are both granodioritic and granitic in composition, and are metaluminous, calc-alkaline, medium to high-K rocks. Their trace elements patterns are similar to both volcanic-arc and calc-alkaline post-collision intrusions, and the granitoids plot into the volcanic arc granite (VAG) and collision related granite areas (COLG) of discrimination diagrams. The have high 87Sr/86Sr (0.704–0.707) and low 143Nd/144Nd (0.5124–0.5128). During their evolution, the magma was affected by crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC). Nd and Sr isotopic compositions support an origin of derivation by combined continental crustal AFC from a basaltic parent magma. A slab breakoff model is consistent with the evolution of South Marmara Sea granitoids.  相似文献   

A. I. Okay  O. Monod  P. Moni 《Lithos》2002,64(3-4):155-178
Triassic eclogite and blueschist facies rocks occur as a thrust sheet, 25-km long and over 2-km thick, in an Eocene fold-and-thrust belt in northwest Turkey along the zmir–Ankara suture. The thrust sheet consists mainly of metabasites with minor marble, phyllite and metachert, and rare lenses of serpentinite. The common blueschist facies mineral assemblage in the metabasites is sodic amphibole+epidote+albite+chlorite+phengite±garnet. Sodic amphibole commonly shows replacement by barroisite, and there is continuous petrographic transition from blueschist–metabasites to barroisite-bearing epidote–amphibolites. Eclogite with the mineral assemblage of garnet+sodic pyroxene+sodic–calcic amphibole+epidote is found only in one locality. PT conditions of the epidote–blueschist facies metamorphism are estimated as 450±50 °C and 11±2 kbar. The blueschist formation was followed by a decrease in pressure and increase in temperature, leading to the development of barroisite-bearing epidote–amphibolites. Phengite, sodic amphibole and barroisite Ar/Ar ages from three metabasic rocks range between 215 and 205 Ma, and indicate Late Triassic high-pressure metamorphism. The Triassic blueschists in northwest Turkey constitute part of a much larger allochthonous tectonic unit of Triassic mafic volcanic rocks. They probably represent the upper layers of a Triassic oceanic plateau, which was accreted to the Laurasian margin during the latest Triassic. The close spatial association of the Triassic and Cretaceous blueschists along the zmir–Ankara suture suggests that the suture represents a long-lived plate boundary of Late Palaeozoic to early Tertiary age.  相似文献   

In northwest Guernsey, excellently exposed sections of coast reveal a wide variety of diorites and associated rocks which are particulariy instructive in understanding field relationships in diorite complexes generally. In this area, three groups of rocks may be distinguished. A Diorite Group consists of even grained diorite, acicular diorite and appinite, believed to be related to each other by fractionation. This group was intruded by a Granodiorite Group which contains diorite xenoliths. In turn, both of these were intruded by an Inhomogeneous Suite of rocks varying from meladiorite through to tonalite. Field evidence and geochemistry show that this last, highly variable suite of rocks was formed by the unusual process of fractional crystallization coupled with disruption and partial redigestion of early solid fractionates by derivative liquids, leading to the marked inhomogeneity. Such a mechanism may be more generally applicable but clear evidence for it seems to be restricted to rocks of dioritic composition. The margins of the Inhomogeneous Suite usually consist of tonalite which has piped into the surrounding diorites of the Diorite Group, and the two rock groups are thought to have been at least partially liquid at the same time. The exact shape of pipes may prove to be a useful indicator of physicai conditions at the time of magma emplacement in this and other intimate associations of magmas of contrasted composition. Although the Diorite Group was emplaced first, dark (apparently chilled) margins sometimes occur in diorites of this Group where they are in contact with the later Inhomogeneous Suite. In such intimate associations as this, dark margins must be interpreted with extreme caution.  相似文献   

Neogene-Quaternary post-collisional volcanism in Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP) is mainly characterized by calc-alkaline andesites-dacites, with subordinate tholeiitic-transitional-mildly alkaline basaltic volcanism of the monogenetic cones. Tepekoy Volcanic Complex (TVC) in Nigde area consists of base surge deposits, and medium to high-K andesitic-dacitic lava flows and basaltic andesitic flows associated with monogenetic cones. Tepekoy lava flows petrographically exhibit disequilibrium textures indicative of magma mixing/mingling and a geochemisty characterized by high LILE and low HFSE abundances, negative Nb–Ta, Ba, P and Ti anomalies in mantle-normalized patterns. In this respect, they are similar to the other calc-alkaline volcanics of the CAVP. However, TVC lava flows have higher and variable Ba/Ta, Ba/Nb, Nb/Zr, Ba/TiO2 ratios, indicating a heterogeneous, variably fluid-rich source. All the geochemical features of the TVC are comparable to orogenic andesites elsewhere and point to a sub-continental lithospheric mantle source enriched in incompatible elements due to previous subduction processes. Basaltic monogenetic volcanoes of CAVP display similar patterns, and HFS anomalies on mantle-normalized diagrams, and have incompatible element ratios intermediate between orogenic andesites and within-plate basalts (e.g. OIB). Accordingly, the calc-alkaline and transitional-mildly alkaline basaltic magmas may have a common source region. Variable degrees of partial melting of a heterogeneous source, enriched in incompatible elements due to previous subduction processes followed by fractionation, crustal contamination, and magma mixing in shallow magma chambers produced the calc-alkaline volcanism in the CAVP. Magma generation in the TVC, and CAVP in general is via decompression melting facilitated by a transtensional tectonic regime. Acceleration of the extensional regime, and transcurrent fault systems extending deep into the lithosphere favoured asthenospheric upwelling at the base of the lithosphere, and as a consequence, an increase in temperature. This created fluid-present melting of a fluid-enriched upper lithospheric mantle or lower crustal source, but also mixing with asthenosphere-derived melts. These magmas with hybrid source characteristics produced the tholeiitic-transitional-mildly alkaline basalts depending on the residence times within the crust. Hybrid magmas transported to the surface rapidly, favored by extensional post-collision regime, and produced mildly alkaline monogenetic volcanoes. Hybrid magmas interacted with the calc-alkaline magma chambers during the ascent to the surface suffered slight fractionation and crustal contamination due to relatively longer residence time compared to rapidly rising magmas. In this way they produced the mildly alkaline, transitional, and tholeiitic basaltic magmas. This model can explain the coexistence of a complete spectrum of q-normative, ol-hy-normative, and ne-normative monogenetic basalts with both subduction and within-plate signatures in the CAVP.  相似文献   

With the increasing adoption of the surface mining of coal, problems associated with spoil pile instability, which affects resource recovery, mining cost, and safety and presents environmental hazards, have become a matter of prime concern to mine planners and operators. The study of geotechnical aspects is thus very important in the rational planning for the disposal, reclamation, treatment and utilization of spoil material. A strip coal mine, one of the largest open pit mines in Turkey, is located in Central Anatolia and provides coal to a thermal power station. Coal production is carried out in two adjacent open pits, the Central Pit and South Pit. A large-scale spoil pile instability over an area of 0.3 km2 occurred within the dumping area of the Central pit. In addition, small-scale movement occurred in the outside dumping area. This paper outlines the results of field and laboratory investigations to describe the mechanisms of the spoil pile instabilities and to assess deformations monitored over a long period following the failure. Shear test results indicate that the interface between the floor and spoil material dumped by dragline has a negligible cohesion and is the most critical plane of weakness for spoil pile instability. Back analyses based on the method of limit equilibrium and the numerical modelling technique, and observations in the pit revealed that failure occurred along a combined sliding surface consisting of a circular surface through the spoil material itself and a planar surface passing along the interface between the spoil piles and floor. The analyses also indicated that pore water pressure ratios of about 0.25 satisfy limiting equilibrium condition and that rainfall about one month before the failure may be a contributing factor to the instability. Movement monitoring data obtained following the failure over a 1.5-year period suggested that the ongoing deformations were mainly due to compaction of the spoil material. Based on the monitoring data and the results of the analyses, the failure mode of the local instability occurring at the outside dumping area was considerably similar to that of the large instability.  相似文献   

Neogene-Quaternary post-collisional volcanism in Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP) is mainly characterized by calc-alkaline andesites-dacites, with subordinate tholeiitic-transitional-mildly alkaline basaltic volcanism of the monogenetic cones. Tepekoy Volcanic Complex (TVC) in Nigde area consists of base surge deposits, and medium to high-K andesitic-dacitic lava flows and basaltic andesitic flows associated with monogenetic cones. Tepekoy lava flows petrographically exhibit disequilibrium textures indicative of magma mixing/mingling and a geochemisty characterized by high LILE and low HFSE abundances, negative Nb–Ta, Ba, P and Ti anomalies in mantle-normalized patterns. In this respect, they are similar to the other calc-alkaline volcanics of the CAVP. However, TVC lava flows have higher and variable Ba/Ta, Ba/Nb, Nb/Zr, Ba/TiO2 ratios, indicating a heterogeneous, variably fluid-rich source. All the geochemical features of the TVC are comparable to orogenic andesites elsewhere and point to a sub-continental lithospheric mantle source enriched in incompatible elements due to previous subduction processes. Basaltic monogenetic volcanoes of CAVP display similar patterns, and HFS anomalies on mantle-normalized diagrams, and have incompatible element ratios intermediate between orogenic andesites and within-plate basalts (e.g. OIB). Accordingly, the calc-alkaline and transitional-mildly alkaline basaltic magmas may have a common source region. Variable degrees of partial melting of a heterogeneous source, enriched in incompatible elements due to previous subduction processes followed by fractionation, crustal contamination, and magma mixing in shallow magma chambers produced the calc-alkaline volcanism in the CAVP. Magma generation in the TVC, and CAVP in general is via decompression melting facilitated by a transtensional tectonic regime. Acceleration of the extensional regime, and transcurrent fault systems extending deep into the lithosphere favoured asthenospheric upwelling at the base of the lithosphere, and as a consequence, an increase in temperature. This created fluid-present melting of a fluid-enriched upper lithospheric mantle or lower crustal source, but also mixing with asthenosphere-derived melts. These magmas with hybrid source characteristics produced the tholeiitic-transitional-mildly alkaline basalts depending on the residence times within the crust. Hybrid magmas transported to the surface rapidly, favored by extensional post-collision regime, and produced mildly alkaline monogenetic volcanoes. Hybrid magmas interacted with the calc-alkaline magma chambers during the ascent to the surface suffered slight fractionation and crustal contamination due to relatively longer residence time compared to rapidly rising magmas. In this way they produced the mildly alkaline, transitional, and tholeiitic basaltic magmas. This model can explain the coexistence of a complete spectrum of q-normative, ol-hy-normative, and ne-normative monogenetic basalts with both subduction and within-plate signatures in the CAVP.  相似文献   

Data from the Greenland ice sheet and continental records from Europe have indicated climatic fluctuations during the last interglacial (Eemian: Oxygen Isotope Substage 5e). Similar fluctuations have not, however, been documented previously from marine environments. Here, we show the existence of two cold events during substage 5e in two marine, benthic foraminiferal, shelf records from northwest Europe and suggest that these cooling events are a result of fluctuations in the strength of the North Atlantic surface-water circulation.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1419-1442
The Palaeogene deposits of the Thrace Basin have evolved over a basement composed of the Rhodope and Sakarya continents, juxtaposed in northwest Turkey. Continental and marine sedimentation began in the early Eocene in the southwest part, in the early-middle Eocene in the central part, and in the late Lutetian in the north-northeast part of the basin. Early Eocene deposition in the southern half of the present Thrace Basin began unconformably over a relict basin consisting of uppermost Cretaceous–Palaeocene pelagic sediments. The initial early-middle Eocene deposition began during the last stage of early Palaeogene transtension and was controlled by the eastern extension (the Central Thrace Strike–Slip Fault Zone) of the Balkan-Thrace dextral fault to the north. Following the northward migration of this faulting, the Thrace Palaeogene Basin evolved towards the north during the late Lutetian. From the late Lutetian to the early Oligocene, transpression caused the formation of finger-shaped, eastward-connected highs and sub-basins. The NW–SE-trending right-lateral strike–slip Strandja Fault Zone began to develop and the Strandja Highland formed as a positive flower structure that controlled the deposition of the middle-upper Eocene alluvial fans in the northern parts of the Thrace Palaeogene Basin. Also, in the southern half of the basin, the upper Eocene–lower Oligocene turbiditic series with debris flows and olistostrome horizons were deposited in sub-basins adjacent to the highs, while shelf deposits were deposited in the northern half and southeast margin of the basin. At least since the early Eocene, a NE-trending magmatic belt formed a barrier along the southeast margin of the basin. From the late Oligocene onwards, the Thrace Palaeogene Basin evolved as an intermontane basin in a compressional tectonic setting.  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess the instability hazard of a granite boulder. The procedure was first to consider the geological setting and geomorphologic features of the boulder in relation to typical granite landscape forms. Climatic and seismic data were next obtained from different sources, and geomechanical parameters were measured in situ and in the laboratory, with terrestrial laser scanning techniques used to measure shape and volume and to conduct a detailed survey of the boulder. Different analytical approaches were then applied to the calculation of boulder safety factors against sliding and toppling. Since the boulder was considered to be unstable in the worst possible scenario, a particle code approach was used to determine its fall trajectory, calculate the final run out of the block, and assess the risk for houses located at the foot of the slope. Finally, conclusions were drawn regarding the instability hazard, and recommendations were made in regard to definitively stabilizing the granite boulder.  相似文献   

考虑突变理论的顺层岩质边坡失稳研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用突变理论,以顺层岩质边坡为例,考虑地下水对滑面带介质的应变和水致弱化性质,以及地下水对边坡后缘张裂缝的水力效应,构建了边坡的尖点突变模型,分析了顺层岩质边坡失稳的力学机制:边坡失稳过程主要是内部因素和外部因素共同作用的结果,内部因素主要是地下水通过物理化学作用软化了滑面带岩体,使滑面带岩体刚度比降低,在边坡失稳的过程中起主导的定性作用;外部因素主要是指边坡后缘张裂隙的静水压力,不仅使得边坡的滑动势能增加,还对边坡造成一种扰动的作用,加速滑坡的启动。在突变分析的基础上,推导了边坡后缘张裂缝临界充水高度和临界降水强度的关系式,建立了边坡滑移破坏的水力判据;给出了边坡岩体在渐进软化过程中的位移变化规律,剪切位移并非均匀增长,而是呈现出阶梯状跳跃式上升。同时,进行了室内物理模型试验(当刚度比 ),在一定程度上验证了考虑突变理论来分析顺层岩质边坡失稳的力学机制和边坡岩体在渐进软化过程中位移变化规律的合理性。并提出了此种类型边坡的处治技术与优化方法建议。  相似文献   

The Ataturk Dam is the fourth largest clay cored rock-fill dam in the world. Located in southeastern Turkey, it is the centrepiece of a project called the Southeastern Anatolian Project (GAP). The construction of the dam was finished in the short time of 3 years and 8 months in August 1990. As the reservoir level started to rise, settlement problems started to occur along the crest reaching considerable levels by May 1992 and the weathered vesicular basalt used in the rock-fill section of the dam started to slake seriously. The elevation of the crest has fallen down to such an extent that now the upper part of the dam is being reconstructed to the original height of 549 m in order to maintain the 7 m freeboard and keep the dam operational. The settlement and slaking problems of the dam were investigated both in the field and the laboratory using soil and rock mechanical techniques. Standard proctor tests were run to determine the optimum moisture content at which the highest dry density (best compaction) is obtained during compaction of the impervious clay core. Consolidation tests were performed on undisturbed compacted clay core samples to determine if the field compaction of the clay core was done to the standards determined in the laboratory. Unconfined compression tests were run on the two different (sound aphanitic and weathered vesicular) basalts used in the rock-fill section of the dam to determine their unconfined compressive strengths. Slake durability tests were run on the same basalts to determine their durability under wetting and drying cycles. Petrographic and X-ray analysis were done so as to study the mineralogical contents of the two basalts and in turn, to determine the cause of rapid slaking of the vesicular textured weathered basalt. The consolidation test results show that, the field compaction of the impervious clay core of the dam was not done to the standards determined through the proctor tests in the laboratory. The unconfined compressive strength of the sound aphanitic basalt is more than ten times greater than the weathered vesicular basalt, and while the former has extremely high durability the latter only has medium durability. Because of nontronite (iron montmorillonite) and secondary calcite amygdules filling the vesicles, the weathered vesicular basalt used in the rock-fill section is slaking badly causing additional settlement and landslides both in the clay core which is already settling and the rock-fill section of the dam. With the continuing slaking, the present reconstruction of the crest up to the theoretically intended height of 549 m to maintain the 7 m freeboard and keep the dam operational seems only to be a temporary solution.  相似文献   

Mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) in host granitoids can provide important constraints on the deep magmatic processes. The Oligocene-Miocene granitoid plutons of the NW Anatolia contain abundant MMEs. This paper presents new hornblende Ar-Ar ages and whole-rock chemical and Sr-Nd isotope data of the MMEs from these granitic rocks. Petrographically, the MMEs are finer-grained than their host granites and contain the same minerals as their host rocks (amphibole + plagioclase + biotite + quartz + K-feldspar), but in different proportions. The Ar-Ar ages of the MMEs range from 27.9 ± 0.09 Ma to 19.3 ± 0.01 Ma and are within error of their respective host granitoids. The MMEs are metaluminous and calc-alkaline, similar to I-type granites. The Sr-Nd isotopes of MMEs are 0.7057 to 0.7101 for 87Sr/86Sr and 0.5123 to 0.5125 for 143Nd/144Nd, and are similar to their respective host granitoids. These lithological, petrochemical and isotopic characteristics suggest that the MMEs in this present study represent chilled early formed cogenetic hydrous magmas produced during a period of post-collisional lithospheric extension in NW Anatolia. The parental magma for MMEs and host granitoids might be derived from partial melting of underplated mafic materials in a normally thickened lower crust in a post-collisional extensional environment beneath the NW Anatolia. Delamination or convective removal of lithospheric mantle generated asthenospheric upwelling, providing heat and magma to induce hydrous re-melting of underplated mafic materials in the lower crust.  相似文献   

The 200m long and 106.2m wide spillway of Bunakha Hydroelectric Project is proposed at the centre of the dam to pass the flood discharge. The spillway area was investigated through detailed engineering geological mapping, geophysical survey, exploratory drilling and laboratory testing. The rock mass properties, i.e. joint sets, weathering grade, RQD, RMR, permeability, P-wave velocity etc. of the rock masses to be encountered during the excavation of spillway have been analyzed in detail. Core samples from the exploratory drill hole drilled at the spillway alignment were tested for physico-mechanical properties of rocks in the laboratory. The mapping details indicated that the major rock types which are exposed to the surface and cover the entire spillway area are foliated gneisses with bands of banded gneisses. On the basis of detailed investigations and laboratory testing, inferences and recommendations have been made which will be helpful during the construction of the project.  相似文献   

大坝工作性态的模糊可拓评估模型及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苏怀智  顾冲时  吴中如 《岩土力学》2006,27(12):2115-2121
对大坝工作性态评估的研究主要包括评估指标体系的构建、评估指标度量方法和综合评估工程方法等3个方面的内容。依据大坝工作性态评估信息物元系统,应用可拓理论,基于多因素优化融合的思想,通过物元变换建立了大坝工作性态评估的模糊物元模型。该模型综合考虑了地质资料、数值分析计算成果以及监测数据等多源信息,实现了对大坝工作性态的定性与定量集成描述,结合其随时间的变化趋势分析,可以完成三维动态评估大坝工作性态的目标。另外对物元特征权重和特征值权重拟定方法进行了研究。最后对某混凝土重力坝的工作性态进行了评估,得出该工程整体安全度介于正常与基本正常之间的结论,该结论较符合实际情况。  相似文献   

We performed a probabilistic analysis of earthquake hazard input parameters, NW Turkey covers Gelibolu and Biga Peninsulas, and its vicinity based on four seismic sub-zones. The number of earthquakes with magnitude M ≥ 3.0 occurred in this region for the period between 1912 and 2007 is around 5130. Four seismic source sub-zones were defined with respect to seismotectonic framework, seismicity and fault geometry. The hazard perceptibility characterization was examined for each seismic source zone and for the whole region. The probabilities of earthquake recurrences were obtained by using Poisson statistical distribution models. In order to determine the source zones where strong and destructive earthquakes may occur, distribution maps for a, b and a/b values were calculated. The hazard scaling parameters (generally known as a and b values) in the computed magnitude–frequency relations vary in the intervals 4.28–6.58 and 0.59–1.13, respectively, with a RMS error percentage below 10 %. The lowest b value is computed for sub-zone three indicating the predominance of large earthquakes mostly at Gelibolu (Gallipoli) and north of Biga Peninsula (southern Marmara region), and the highest b value is computed for sub-zone two Edremit Bay (SW Marmara region). According to the analysis of each seismic sub-zone, the greatest risk of earthquake occurrence is determined for the triangle of Gelibolu–Tekirda? western part of Marmara Sea. Earthquake occurrence of the largest magnitude with 7.3 within a 100-year period was determined to be 46 % according to the Poisson distribution, and the estimated recurrence period of years for this region is 50 ± 12. The seismic hazard is pronounced high in the region extending in a NW–SE direction, north of Edremit Bay, west of Saros Bay and Yenice Gönen (southern Marmara region) in the south. High b values are generally calculated at depths of 5–20 km that can be expressed as low seismic energy release and evaluated as the seismogenic zone.  相似文献   

This paper presents the slope stability and excavatability assessment of rocks at the Kapikaya dam site that contains diabases. Both field and laboratory studies were carried out. The field study involved detailed discontinuity surveys. Laboratory tests were carried out to determine uniaxial compressive strength, Young's modulus, unit weight, point load strength index and shear strength parameters of discontinuities.Kinematical and numerical analyses were performed to determine right and left slopes at the dam site. According to kinematical analyses, the types of planar and wedge failure are not expected at the site. Also, shear strength reduction analyses was carried out using Phase2 for the right and left slopes at the dam site. According to results of numerical analysis, Strength Reduction Factor (SRF) of the right and left slopes are 8.08 and 6.5 respectively and any rotational failure will not occur. The excavation category of the diabases was determined as easy ripping for the right slope and easy-hard ripping for the left slope.  相似文献   

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