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The ecology of the family Pinnidae was studied by sampling three pinnid species from 36 sampling sites across four different microhabitats in the Gulf of Thailand. The species spatial distributions were mostly uniform, with some populations having random distributions. Species abundances differed between sandy and coral habitats according to non-metric multi-dimension scaling analyses. Although the Gulf of Thailand is a relatively small geographic area, habitats are varied enough to provide variable shell densities. Small islands are important distribution areas, and coral reefs provide both direct and indirect shelter which support high abundances, densities and increased shell size. The highest density was recorded in sand beds within coral reefs. Low density and small shell size in sand beaches might be related to high mortality in shallow water or to adaptations for survival in shallow waters. A clear correlation between sediment composition and species abundance was found in Pinna atropurpurea; abundance increased with the sand content of the sediment. For P. deltodes, abundance increased as the rock fraction of the sediment increased. These results suggest that adaptations in Pinnidae, such as shell size, shell morphology, and the exposure of the shell above the sediment-water interface, are responses for survival in different habitats.  相似文献   


We conducted hydrographic observations throughout the year to investigate seasonal variations of the hypoxic water mass distribution in the Upper Gulf of Thailand (UGoT). Hypoxic water masses were observed from June to November, with half of the UGoT occupied by hypoxic water in September. A hypoxic water mass appeared in the northeastern part of the UGoT in June and August, and moved westward over time. Low-salinity surface water moved from east to west as the rotational direction of surface circulation shifted with the reversal of monsoon winds. Westward movement of low-salinity water causes strong stratification in the northwestern part of the UGoT, leading to severe hypoxia. Numerical experiments showed high dissolved oxygen consumption rates around and offshore of river mouths, where hypoxic water is generated. This finding suggests that hypoxic water masses are transported to the south by physical processes. We examined how flooding affects hypoxic water mass formation. The volume of hypoxia in a flood year was approximately 2.5 times greater than in a normal year. In addition, hypoxia occurred in the dry season and extensive hypoxia was observed in the year after flooding. These results suggest that the hypoxic water mass persists for a long time after flooding.


The seismic geomorphology and seismic stratigraphy of a deep-marine channel-levee system is described. A moderate to high-sinuosity channel trending southeastward across the northeastern Gulf of Mexico basin floor, and associated depositional elements are well imaged using conventional 3D multi-channel seismic reflection data. Depositional elements described include channels, associated levees, a channel belt, avulsion channels, levee crevasses, frontal splays, sediment waves, and mass transport complexes. Distinguishing morphologic and stratigraphic characteristics of each depositional element are discussed. These deposits are presumed to be associated with repeated deep-marine turbidity flows and other mass transport processes.  相似文献   

在海上地震拖缆施工中产生的采集脚印,对地下精细地质构造解释和储层特征及物性的描述和刻画均影响甚大.剩余静校正可以有效衰减采集脚印带来的影响,大大提高地震剖面成像质量,进而真实地反映地下深部地质构造特征,为油气勘探开发部署及油气地质综合研究提供高质量的地震剖面.文章阐述了剩余静校正及其衰减采集脚印的原理,并以南海A工区地震资料处理为例,论证了应用剩余静校正方法在海上地震数据处理中衰减采集脚印的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

With the aid of seismic geomorphology method, depositional systems such as fluvial-delta and turbidity current of the Cretaceous Quantou-Nenjiang Formations in Sangliao Basin were studied in detail as well as the morphology, dimension, depositional structures and boundaries of these sedimentary bodies. A geological model of a point bar in a fluvial system and the method to identify paleocurrent direction were proposed. The delta of Yaojia Formation with a gentle slope less than 1.4‰ in trangressive system tract (TST) was controlled by lake waves. Subaqueous distributary channels were widely developed in large-scale delta front with a width more than 16 km. Fluvial-dominated deltas with leaf and bird's foot shapes were widespread in highstand system tract (HST) of Qinshankou and Nengjiang Formation with moderately high slope gradients of 4‰ and 6.7‰.The width of the leaf-like and bird's foot delta front ranges from 1 km to 4 km and 3 km–5 km respectively. The mouth bar were well preserved due to the poorly developed widely distributed subaqueous distributary channels and the delta plains having widths of 9 km–15 km, 16 km-25 km respectively. Many turbidity current systems were recognized in the TST of the first member of Nengjiang Formation and the distribution area is about 10,000 km2. Fourteen sublacustrine fans with different dimension were formed by ten fluvial-delta systems extending 30 km–70 km toward the lake from the west and south. With the application of seismic geomorphology, the analysis of fluvial system, delta system and turbidity current system could switch from approximation to quantitative analysis. Sedimentary model proposed for point bars and the quantitative analysis of delta system could provide new technical support for exploration and drilling plan. The research on turbidity current systems will also be beneficial for new exploration targets.  相似文献   

为了对海表温度(SeaSurfaceTemperature,SST)和海表盐度(SeaSurfaceSalinity,SSS)数据进行精确的短期预报,基于多站位海洋观测浮标获取的海表温度和海表盐度数据,利用反向传播(BackPropagation,BP)和径向基函数(RadialBasisFunction,RBF)两种神经网络方法开展了短期预测。首先,在预测时长固定为5d的情况下,对比不同训练时长的预测结果的均方误差(MeanSquaredError,MSE),进而确定以20d的观测数据作为训练集的预测结果均方误差最小。然后,以 PAPA 站观测浮标获取的2009年1月、4月、7月和10月各月的前20d温盐数据作为训练集,分别训练BP和 RBF神经网络,将训练好的2种神经网络模型应用于各月第21至25日的温盐数据预测。结果表明:BP和 RBF神经网络均能有效预测海表温盐数据的季节性变化,但 RBF神经网络对不同预测时间的整体预测效果优于 BP神经网络。多站点数据的预测实验进一步验证了 RBF神经网络模型具有较强适用性和更高的准确性。RBF神经网络模型可以作为海表温盐数据短期预报的有力工具。  相似文献   

The Gulf of Cadiz lies astride the complex plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia west of the Betic-Rif mountain belt. We report on the results of recent bathymetric swathmapping and multi-channel seismic surveys carried out here. The seafloor is marked by contrasting morphological provinces, spanning the SW Iberian and NW Moroccan continental margins, abyssal plains and an elongate, arcuate, accretionary wedge. A wide variety of tectonic and gravitational processes appear to have shaped these structures. Active compressional deformation of the wedge is suggested by folding and thrusting of the frontal sedimentary layers as well as basal duplexing in deeper internal units. There is evidence for simultaneous gravitational spreading occurring upslope. The very shallow mean surface and basal slopes of the accretionary wedge (1° each) indicate a very weak decollement layer, geometrically similar to the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex. Locally steep slopes (up to 10°) indicate strongly focused, active deformation and potential gravitational instabilities. The unusual surface morphology of the upper accretionary wedge includes “raft-tectonics” type fissures and abundant sub-circular depressions. Dissolution and/or diapiric processes are proposed to be involved in the formation of these depressions.  相似文献   

In the Shenhu area of the northern South China Sea (SCS), canyon systems and focused fluid flow systems increase the complexity of the gas hydrate distribution in the region. It also induces difficulties in predicting the hydrate reservoir characteristics and quantitatively evaluating reservoir parameters. In this study, several inversion methods have been executed to estimate the velocities of strata and gas hydrate concentrations along a profile in the Shenhu area. The seismic data were inverted to obtain the reflection coefficient of each stratum via a spectral inversion method. Stratigraphic horizons were then delineated by tracking the inverted reflectivities. Based on the results of spectral inversion, a low-frequency velocity field of the strata was constructed for acoustic impedance inversion. Using a new iterative algorithm for acoustic impedance inversion, reflection coefficients were converted into velocities, and the velocity variations of the strata along a 2D seismic line were then obtained. Subsequently, gas hydrate saturations at well SH2 were estimated via the shale-corrected resistivity method, the chloride ion concentration method and three different rock physics models. The results were then compared to determine the optimal rock physics model, and the modified Wood equation (MWE) was found to be appropriate for this area. Finally, the inverted velocities and MWE were used to predict the distribution and concentrations of gas hydrates along the seismic line. The estimated spatial distribution of gas hydrates is consistent with that from sonic logging and resistivity data at well SH2, and with the drilling results. Therefore, this method is applicable in areas with no well data, or with few wells, and provides an effective tool for predicting and evaluating gas hydrates using seismic data.  相似文献   

过去的几十年里,三维地震技术已经成为描述地下地层和沉积体系必不可少的工具。地震地层学和地震地貌学的快速发展大幅度提升了应用3D地震数据解释深水区沉积地层的能力。时间切片和层属性分析等技术能够增强对古地貌的解释,并且当与地层分析手段相结合时,能够对储层和盖层分布进行预测。多属性叠加技术能够进一步突出其常规技术方法容易忽视的地质现象。本文提出将频谱分解的不同组分与相干属性叠加突出深水水道沉积要素的边界和砂体分布,进而精细描述水道结构要素。通过应用该技术在研究区识别出四种沉积要素(1)点坝,(2)迁移的曲流环,(3)侵蚀水道,(4)决口。研究发现深水水道平面上从低弯曲度向高弯曲度变化。这个技术方法有助于解释人员识别复杂的沉积要素并且可以定性预测水道富砂要素,这对于勘探和开发中降低钻井风险是至关重要的。  相似文献   

The South Caspian Basin contains major hydrocarbon reservoirs within the largely Early Pliocene Productive Series. This paper describes and contrasts outcrops of the uppermost ∼500 m of the series (the Surakhany Suite) deposited by two of the main fluvial systems that supplied the Azeri margin of the basin. Sedimentary facies and, for the first time from the Productive Series, palynological analyses document fluvial channel belt complexes, sheetflood overbank and flood plain to flood plain lake environments. The Productive Series on the Apsheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan, was supplied predominantly from the north by the palaeo-Volga river system. It displays an overall fining-upward trend, such that the Surakhany Suite at Lokbatan is dominated by mudstone. Siltstone and coarser-grained sediments make up 28% of the section. Channel bodies are on average 1.5 m thick and form 13% of the succession. In the sub-surface of the Apsheron Peninsula, ratty wireline log responses also indicate that siltstone and sandstone bodies are predominantly thin bedded, with SP-derived net-to-gross sand ratios of ∼0.35–0.40. The succession in the Kura Basin was sourced predominantly from the west by the palaeo-Kura river system. It displays a coarsening-upward trend, such that in the middle and upper Surakhany Suite at Babazanan siltstone and coarser sediments make up 52% of the section. It is characterised by numerous stacked and laterally continuous channel sandstone bodies that are on average 5.8 m thick and comprise 42% of the outcrop. In the sub-surface of the Kura Basin, wireline log responses of the Surakhany Suite have a blocky character and indicate SP-derived net-to-gross sand ratios of 0.26–0.38. These values are similar to calculated sandstone volumes at outcrop (44%). The palynological data, including multivariate analyses, show that the main controls on palynomorph distribution are the degree of fluvial or lacustrine influence, subaerial exposure and salinity. Despite their more lithic nature, Surakhany Suite sandstones derived from the palaeo-Kura river system along the Kurovdag-Babazanan-Neftchala trend have similar or better petrophysical properties than those derived from the palaeo-Volga river on the Apsheron Peninsula and its offshore continuation. This is probably due to their coarser-grain size. This, combined with their greater sandstone body thickness, would suggest that the axis of the Kura Basin forms the most promising part of the Azeri sector of the South Caspian Basin for exploration within the uppermost part of the Productive Series.  相似文献   

Stock assessments of quota or effort managed fisheries in which the duration of the fishing season is 12 months are invariably delivered well into the subsequent fishing season. As a result, quotas are frequently based on year-old data. This delay is often unavoidable because it may take months to collect, collate and analyse data necessary to assess fishery performance. The South Australian fisheries for blacklip (Haliotis rubra Leach, 1814) and greenlip abalone (H. laevigata Donovan, 1808) have addressed this issue by using provisional data on current stock status to inform application of the harvest strategy decision rules that set the quota for the next year. The primary index of relative abundance for these fisheries is catch per unit effort (CPUE). Our study uses 25 years (1988–2012) of CPUE data to quantify the differences between the provisional and complete-season CPUE estimates at the spatial scales used to assess the fisheries. We demonstrate that, in most cases, there was a strong relationship between the provisional and complete-season CPUE estimates for both species, with little evidence of bias. As the provisional CPUE estimates were a reliable and accurate predictor of the complete-season CPUE estimates, this provides a high degree of confidence in using provisional CPUE estimates to set quotas, thereby overcoming the difficulty of basing decisions on aged data. These findings are likely to be applicable to other fisheries, particularly those where much of the annual catch is obtained (or effort expended) in a short time period at the commencement of the fishing season.  相似文献   

A study of normal faults in the Nubian Sandstone Sequence, from the eastern Gulf of Suez rift, has been conducted to investigate the relationship between the microstructure and petrophysical properties of cataclasites developed along seismic-scale faults (slip-surface cataclasites) and smaller displacement faults (deformation bands) found in their damage zones. The results help to quantify the uncertainty associated with predicting the fluid flow behaviour of seismic-scale faults by analysing small faults recovered from core, a common procedure in the petroleum industry. The microstructure of the cataclasites was analysed as well as their single-phase permeability and threshold pressure. Faulting occurred at a maximum burial depth of ∼1.2 km. The permeability of deformation band and slip-surface cataclasites varies over ∼1.5 orders of magnitude for a given fault. Our results suggest that the lowest measured deformation band permeabilities provide a good estimate for the arithmetic-mean permeability of the major slip-surface cataclasites. This is because the cataclastic permeability reduction is mostly established early in the deformation history. Stress at the time of faulting rather than final strain appears to be the critical factor determining fault rock permeability. For viable predictions it is important that the slip-surface cataclasites and deformation bands originate from the same host. On the other hand, a higher uncertainty is associated with threshold pressure predictions, as the arithmetic-mean slip-surface cataclasite threshold pressure exceeds the highest measured deformation band threshold pressure by at least a factor of 4.  相似文献   

有色可溶性有机物(chromophoric dissolved organic matter,CDOM)是水体中一类重要的光吸收物质,在水色遥感中,其光学特性主要以440 nm处的吸收系数和光谱斜率来表征,利用这些光学特性进行水环境要素遥感反演具有较广泛的应用前景.化学需氧量(chemical oxygen deman...  相似文献   

The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in estuary-plume systems is related to the internal processes of net organic metabolism and physical mixing, but is also strongly influenced by biogeochemical inputs from the land and ocean. Surface layer pCO2, stimulated fluorescence of chlorophyll (f-chl) and colored organic matter (f-com), and beam attenuation at 660 nm (c-660) were measured during three seasonal surveys of the Kennebec (ME) and Merrimack (MA) estuary-plume systems. These estuaries are both supplied by large New England Rivers and separated by less than 150 km, but significant differences were often observed in the distributions of surface pCO2 and optical variables. High pCO2 concentrations were generally associated with high f-com, while lower pCO2 concentrations were associated with high f-chl and c-660. Using simple regression models, optical measurements were used to estimate chlorophyll and total organic carbon concentrations. Results suggest that labile riverine carbon is responsible for sustaining supersaturated pCO2 conditions and that phytoplankton productivity, likely driven by inputs of riverine dissolved inorganic nitrogen, is responsible for pCO2 undersaturation. Although optical variables are often related to surface pCO2, the results suggest that efforts to retrieve pCO2 in complex waters using optical data may be enhanced using a site-specific, multivariate approach.  相似文献   

Very high-frequency marine multichannel seismic reflection data generated by small-volume air- or waterguns allow detailed, high-resolution studies of sedimentary structures of the order of one to few metres wavelength. The high-frequency content, however, requires (1) a very exact knowledge of the source and receiver positions, and (2) the development of data processing methods which take this exact geometry into account. Static corrections are crucial for the quality of very high-frequency stacked data because static shifts caused by variations of the source and streamer depths are of the order of half to one dominant wavelength, so that they can lead to destructive interference during stacking of CDP sorted traces. As common surface-consistent residual static correction methods developed for land seismic data require fixed shot and receiver locations two simple and fast techniques have been developed for marine seismic data with moving sources and receivers to correct such static shifts. The first method – called CDP static correction method – is based on a simultaneous recording of Parasound sediment echosounder and multichannel seismic reflection data. It compares the depth information derived from the first arrivals of both data sets to calculate static correction time shifts for each seismic channel relative to the Parasound water depths. The second method – called average static correction method – utilises the fact that the streamer depth is mainly controlled by bird units, which keep the streamer in a predefined depth at certain increments but do not prevent the streamer from being slightly buoyant in-between. In case of calm weather conditions these streamer bendings mainly contribute to the overall static time shifts, whereas depth variations of the source are negligible. Hence, mean static correction time shifts are calculated for each channel by averaging the depth values determined at each geophone group position for several subsequent shots. Application of both methods to data of a high-resolution seismic survey of channel-levee systems on the Bengal Fan shows that the quality of the stacked section can be improved significantly compared to stacking results achieved without preceding static corrections. The optimised records show sedimentary features in great detail, that are not visible without static corrections. Limitations only result from the sea floor topography. The CDP static correction method generally provides more coherent reflections than the average static correction method but can only be applied in areas with rather flat sea floor, where no diffraction hyperbolae occur. In contrast, the average static correction method can also be used in regions with rough morphology, but the coherency of reflections is slightly reduced compared to the results of the CDP static correction method.  相似文献   

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