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This paper presents a paleoflood study to determine the flood frequency of the Changjiang River, based on core cj0702, taken from the Changjiang River subaqueous delta. We identified flood deposits by means of high-resolution grain-size variation, sensitive population, geochemical indexes and magnetic susceptibility. The core covers a time span of 120 years by 210 Pb dating and was sampled at 1–2 cm intervals. Grain size, geochemical elements, and physical parameters were analyzed. The results indicate that the sediment of the core is mainly composed of silt and clay, as well as groups of interbedded silt, clay silt, and clay. Vertically, the grain size pattern was controlled by seasonal variations in water discharge and by the sediment input in winter from the abandoned Huanghe River delta. River flooding caused extreme values in all our measured parameters. We identified more than 20 flood events that occurred since 1887 using the physical parameter analysis method. The environmentally sensitive component of sediment grain size(14.32–96.39 μm) contribution30%, Zr/Rb ratio1.5, and magnetic susceptibility16 were selected as the criteria for flood identification generally. We also found that floods that had taken place in the upstream, midstream, or downstream parts of the river were clearly identified by these indexes while the large-scale floods that covered the whole drainage area did not leave clear indications in the sediment record. This study for identification of flood events is of great significance for understanding hyperpycnal current sedimentation as well as for forecasting of floods.  相似文献   

以青藏高原西南部塔若错的34cm浅湖芯为研究对象,对其沉积物样品进行总有机碳、无机碳、总氮、微量元素、正构烷烃含量及碳氮比等多项指标的分析测定。采用过剩210 Pb和137 Cs计年法对该湖芯进行了定年和沉积速率研究,获得了近300年的连续湖泊沉积环境序列。在明确了各指标气候环境指示意义的前提下,综合对比分析湖芯中各项气候环境指标,并结合定年结果重建了塔若错湖区近300年来的气候环境变化。结果表明:塔若错湖区气候环境变化可分为3个明显阶段:早期为1705~1778年,该地区气候环境温暖湿润,湖区植被广泛发育;中期为1778~1860年,湖区处于小冰期末次阶段,气候环境寒冷而湿润,植被发育受阻;后期为1860年至今,为小冰期结束后偏暖干化时期。其中,后期又可分为3个亚阶段:1860~1924年,湖区气候环境稍暖且干旱,植被稍有发育;1924~1969年,湖区气候环境呈现偏冷干特点,植被发育暂缓;1969年至今,湖区气候回暖,环境干旱化有所缓解,植被开始逐渐发育。在气候冷暖变化上,该湖芯记录与古里雅冰芯记录和青海湖湖泊沉积记录都有较好的可对比性,只是在起讫年代上存在一些差异。  相似文献   

The biogenic silica (BSi), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and grain size were analyzed with a gravity core (3250-6) collected from the mud area in the north East China Sea. The average deposition rate of the upper core was about 0.078 cm yr?1 based on the results of 210Pbex. The mean grain size increased with depth in general. The frequency distribution of grain size showed that two marked changes of deposition environment occurred at 30 cm and 50 cm depths (about 1550 AD and 1300 AD, respectively). The variations of BSi and TOC indicated two distinct major periods of primary productivity over the past 800 years: a stage of low primary productivity corresponding to weak upwelling and low nutrient input below 30 cm depth (about 1200–1550 AD), and a stage of high primary productivity with strong currents and upwelling above 30 cm depth (about 1550–1950 AD). The stage with high primary productive appeared to be due to the northward-expanded muddy area caused by strong Asian Winter Monsoon and enhanced Yellow Sea Warm Current in winter. In conclusion, the BSi and TOC in the muddy sediments, the symbols of marine primary productivity, can be then used to investigate the evolution history of currents and relative climate change in the offshore areas.  相似文献   

The ecological environment in the East China Sea (ECS) and the Yellow Sea (YS) has changed significantly due to sea-level rising and the Kuroshio incursion since the last deglaciation. In this study, biomarker records of core F10B from the mud area southwest off Cheju Island (MSWCI) were generated to evaluate phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in response to environmental evolution during the last 14 kyr. The contents of diatom, dinoflagellate and haptophyte biomarkers (brassicasterol, dinosterol and C37 alkenones) display similar trends, with increasing phytoplankton productivity during the last 14 kyr due to the increased influences of the Kuroshio, and especially due to the eddy-induced upwelling during the late Holocene. On the other hand, the contents of terrestrial biomarkers (C28 +C30 +C32 n-alkanols) and terrestrial organic matter (TOM) proxies (TMBR’ and BIT) all reveal decreasing TOM input into the area around the sampling site for the 14 kyr, mostly due to sea-level rising. Phytoplankton biomarker ratios reveal a shift from a haptophyte-dominated community at 6.2–2.5 kyr BP to a diatom-dominated community at 2.5–1.45 kyr BP, likely caused by a stronger cold eddy circulation system at 2.5–1.45 kyr BP in the MSWCI.  相似文献   

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