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Some weak unidentified solar photospheric lines in the wavelength range: (3400–3465) Å may be due to PH lines of the (0, 0) band of the PH(A 3 i - X 3 -)system. These faint PH molecular lines have resulted an excitation temperature of the order of 4500 K. Using experimental lifetime data for PH in the A 3 i state, an absorption oscillator strength f 00 = 0.0075 is derived for the 3410 Å band of the PH (A 3 i - X 3 -)system. Accurate line positions, oscillator strength and transition probability for the 4.4 fundamental rotation-vibration band of the PH molecule are obtained. A comparison of positions of some lines of the 4.4 band with those obtained on new tracings of high resolution solar spectra shows many coincidences with weak solar lines.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms of bar mode formation in stellar galactic disks, including the Toomre swing amplification mechanism and modal approaches, are considered. Using the well-known Kuzmin-Toomre stellar disk model as an example, it has been shown through numerical simulations that the stellar bar results from the development of an unstable normal mode. The pattern speed and the spiral wave growth rate found from a numerical experiment agree well with the linear perturbation theory. The nonlinear evolution of the bar is traced. The possible role of growing transient spirals in the formation of bars is discussed.  相似文献   

We study the center-limb (CL) variation of the average profiles of four Ca i lines near 6500 and compare these observations with synthetic data obtained from several line formation models having different thermal structures, line parameters, LTE and non-LTE conditions, and micro and macroturbulence values, to assess the formation characteristics of our Ca i lines in the solar photosphere.Comparison of numerical results with observations indicates that non-LTE is indispensable to fit the CL variation of the central residual intensity for the line 6493, and anisotropic microturbulence is indispensable to improve the CL behavior of the equivalent widths for all lines. The Ca i line analysis favors a cool photospheric model, but this cannot be disentangled clearly from the effects of non-LTE and small-scale velocity fields on the grounds of the present line formation models.  相似文献   

Published photoelectric measurements over a wide wavelength range (0.36–18 µm) are used to study the continuum spectrum of the star Θ1 Ori C. The model that assumes the following three radiation sources is consistent with observations: (1) a zero-age main-sequence O7 star (object 1) of mass M 1=20M , radius R 1=7.4R , effective temperature T 2=37 000 K, and absolute bolometric magnitude $M\mathop {bol}\limits^1 = - 7\mathop .\limits^m 7$ ; (2) object 2 with M 2=15M , R 2=16.2R , T 2=4000 K, and $M\mathop {bol}\limits^2 = - 5\mathop .\limits^m 1$ ; and (3) object 3 with R 310 700 R , T 3=190 K, and $M\mathop {bol}\limits^3 = - 0\mathop .\limits^m 6$ . The visual absorption toward the system is $A_V = 0\mathop .\limits^m 95$ and obeys a normal law. The nature of objects 2 and 3 has not been elucidated. It can only be assumed that object 2 is a companion of the primary star, its spectral type is K7, and it is in the stage of gravitational contraction. Object 3 can be a cocoon star and a member of the system, but can also be a dust envelope surrounding the system as a whole.  相似文献   

Investigations in the line Hα of the spectrum of UX Ori WW Vul are presented. Comparison with the data of other researchers has shown that the regime of variable matter ejection of the star WW Vul is retained for a long time. The spectra of two nights (July 18 and 23, 2006) showed an increased intensity of red emission component without noticeable change in the radial velocity. On the other hand, radial velocity of the central absorption considerably changed to negative values with decreasing V/R. During the night on July 8, 2006, we found doubling of the blue emission component for these two spectra.  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of stellar metallicity gradients in the radial and vertical directions of the disk and their temporal variations provide important constraints on the formation and evolution of the Milky Way disk. We use 297 042 main sequence turn-off stars selected from the LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of the Galactic Anticenter(LSS-GAC) to determine the radial and vertical gradients of stellar metallicity,△[Fe/H]/△R and △[Fe/H]/△|Z | of the Milky Way disk in the direction of the anticenter. We determine ages of those turn-off stars by isochrone fitting and measure the temporal variations of metallicity gradients. We have carried out a detailed analysis of the selection effects resulting from the selection, observation and data reduction of LSS-GAC targets and the potential biases of a magnitude limited sample on the determinations of metallicity gradients. Our results show that the gradients, both in the radial and vertical directions, exhibit significant spatial and temporal variations. The radial gradients yielded by stars with the oldest ages( 11 Gyr) are essentially zero at all heights from the disk midplane, while those given by younger stars are always negative. The vertical gradients deduced from stars with the oldest ages( 11 Gyr)are negative and only show very weak variations with Galactocentric distance in the disk plane, R, while those yielded by younger stars show strong variations with R.After being essentially flat at the earliest epochs of disk formation, the radial gradients steepen as age decreases, reaching a maximum(steepest) at age 7–8 Gyr, and then they flatten again. Similar temporal trends are also found for the vertical gradients. We infer that the assembly of the Milky Way disk may have experienced at least two distinct phases. The earlier phase is probably related to a slow, pressure-supported collapse of gas, when the gas settles down to the disk mainly in the vertical direction. In the later phase, there are significant radial flows of gas in the disk, and the rate of gas inflow near the solar neighborhood reaches a maximum around a lookback time of 7–8 Gyr.The transition between the two phases occurs around a lookback time between 8 and11 Gyr. The two phases may be responsible for the formation of the Milky Way's thick and thin disks, respectively. Also, as a consequence, we recommend that stellar age is a natural, physical criterion to distinguish stars from the thin and thick disks. From an epoch earlier than 11 Gyr to one between 8 and 11 Gyr, there is an abrupt, significant change in magnitude of both the radial and vertical metallicity gradients, suggesting that stellar radial migration is unlikely to play an important role in the formation of the thick disk.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2003,8(5):401-414
Recently, Brittain and Rettig, using the cryogenic echelle spectrograph at the Infrared Telescope Facility to study the infrared emission from the inner preplanetary disk of the Herbig Ae/Be star HD141569, detected CO and H3+ ion emission. This emission has been tentatively interpreted as due to the existence of a forming gas giant planet. The suggested protoplanetary blob appears to be orbiting its host star at about 7 AU being perhaps 2 AU across and roughly five times the mass of Jupiter. Based on numerical modeling of the evolution of the dust disk we show that their observational results are compatible with the presence of an evolved giant vortex in the disk. Our calculations suggest that vortices formed in disks similar to the one found around HD141569 are more effective at capturing solid material than equivalent structures around solar-like stars. On the other hand, we investigate the possibility to find evidence for large-scale vortices in preplanetary disks by submillimeter interferometry. Disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars may be primary targets for giant vortex detection using this technique.  相似文献   

Esin Sipahi 《New Astronomy》2012,17(4):383-387
New multi-colour UBVR light curves of the eclipsing binary KR Cyg were obtained in 2005. Photometric solutions were derived using the Wilson-Devinney method. The result shows that KR Cyg is a near-contact binary system with a large effective temperature difference between the components, approximately 5230 K. All the times of minimum light were collected and combined with our observations obtained in 2010 and 2011. Analysing all the times of mid-eclipse, we found for the first time a possible periodic oscillation with an amplitude of 0.001 days and a period of ∼76 years. The periodic oscillation could be explained by the light-time effect due to a presumed third component.  相似文献   

A detailed list of line identifications of the far UV spectrum of the O4I(n)f star Puppis (HD 66811) in the wavelength range 1168–1984 Å recorded on 16 April, 1981 with the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) is presented. The detailed analysis of the radial velocities measured in the same wavelength range is also presented.  相似文献   

In many different galactic environments the cluster initial mass function (CIMF) is well described by a power law with index ?2. This implies a linear relation between the mass of the most massive cluster (M max?) and the number of clusters. Assuming a constant cluster formation rate and no disruption of the most massive clusters it also means that M max? increases linearly with age when determining M max? in logarithmic age bins. We observe this increase in five out of the seven galaxies in our sample, suggesting that M max? is determined by the size of the sample. It also means that massive clusters are very stable against disruption, in disagreement with the mass-independent disruption (MID) model. For the clusters in M51 and the Antennae galaxies, the size-of-sample prediction breaks down around 106 M, suggesting that this is a physical upper limit to the masses of star clusters in these galaxies. In this method there is a degeneracy between MID and a CIMF truncation. We show how the cluster luminosity function can serve as a tool to distinguish between the two.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the analysis of the stellar system HIP 101227 to determine the actual number of components in the system, and their properties. We use dynamical modeling and complex spectrophotometric(involving atmospheric modeling) techniques with recent data, to determine the physical properties and orbital solution for the system, respectively, with better accuracy than past studies. Based on our analysis, we found that the system is more consistent with being a quadruple rather than a binary or a triple system as suggested by previous studies. The total mass of the system determined from our SED analysis is 3.42 ± 0.20 M, which is distributed almost equally between the four stars. The stars are found to be zero-age main sequence stars; i.e., at the last stage of pre-main sequence, with age less than 200 Myr and spectral types K0. All four stars have very similar physical characteristics, suggesting that the fragmentation process is the most likely theory for the formation and evolution of the system.  相似文献   

The partial mixing of matter between the radiative envelope and convective core in an early Btype star produces an additional increase of star luminosity during main sequence evolution. High quality data on stellar mass and luminosity defined from studies of detached double-lined eclipsing binaries are used to check the existence of such additional increase. It is shown that the additional luminosity increase does not contradict observed high quality data, if the intensity of partial mixing is restricted by the observed increase in surface helium content.  相似文献   

We present our observations of the pair of interacting galaxies NGC 6285/86 carried out with the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) telescope using 1D and 2D spectroscopy. The observations of NGC 6286 with a long-slit spectrograph (UAGS) near the Hα line revealed the rotation of the gaseous disk around an axis offset by 5″–7″ from the photometric center and a luminous gas at a distance up to 9 kpc in a direction perpendicular to the galactic plane. Using a multipupil fiber spectrograph (MPFS), we constructed the velocity fields of the stellar and gaseous components in the central region of this galaxy, which proved to be similar. The close radial velocities of the pair and the wide (5′×5′) field of view of the scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer (IFP) allowed us to simultaneously obtain images in the Hα and [N II]λ6583 lines and in the continuum, as well as to construct the radial velocity fields and to map the distribution of the [N II]λ6583/Hα ratio for both galaxies. Based on all these data, we studied the gas kinematics in the galaxies, constructed their rotation curves, and estimated their masses (2 × 1011M for NGC 6286 and 1.2 × 1010M for NGC 6285). We found no evidence of gas rotation around the major axis of NGC 6286, which argues against the assumption that this galaxy has a forming polar ring. The IFP observations revealed an emission nebula around this galaxy with a structure characteristic of superwind galaxies. The large [N II]λ6583/Hα ratio, which suggests the collisional excitation of its emission, and the high infrared luminosity are additional arguments for the hypothesis of a superwind in the galaxy NGC 6286. A close encounter between the two galaxies was probably responsible for the starburst and the bipolar outflow of hot gas from the central region of the disk.  相似文献   

It is pointed out that Stephenson (1977) has used incorrect z, and has also made an arithmetical error, which invalidate his claims. Tests for randomness of quasar red-shifts clusters using correct z, have been carried out and it is shown that at least for clusters having three red shifts or more the distribution is highly non-random. The model of the Universe proposed by Stephenson does not in any way explain these red-shift clusters; it merely substitutes one paradox by another.  相似文献   

A static spherically-symmetric model, based on an exact solution of Einstein's equation, gives the permissible matter density 2×1014 g cm–3. If we use the change in the ratio of central density to the radiusr=a (i.e., central density per unit radius (0/a), we call it radius density) minimum, we have estimated the upper limit of the density variation parameter () and minimum mass limit of a superdense star like a neutron star. This limit gives an idea of the domain where the neutron abundance with negligible number of electrons and protons (may be treated as pure neutrons) and equilibrium in neutrons begins.  相似文献   

A preliminary numerical analysis of the power spectrum of solar oscillations of the SCLERA group suggests that this curve can be characterized by a Hausdorff-Besicovich dimension close to 3/2 near the present observational resolution (0.03 mHz). We show that this result is not inconsistent with the presence of a component due to non-linear, turbulent-like motions, which, in addition to linear oscillation modes, is shaping the observed spectral distribution.On leave of absence from Institut d'Astrophysique, Cointe-Ougrée, Belgium.  相似文献   

It is shown that the cosmological interpretation of the red shift in the spectra of quasars leads to yet another paradoxical result: namely, that the Earth is the center of the Universe. Consequences of this result are examined.Einstein distinguishes between two main criteria [for a good theory]: (a) theexternal confirmation of a theory, which informs us in experimental checks of the correctness of the theory, and (b) theinner perfection of a theory which judges its logical simplicity or naturalness.  相似文献   

The dynamical mass of a star cluster can be derived from the virial theorem, using the measured half-mass radius and line-of-sight velocity dispersion of the cluster. However, this dynamical mass may be a significant overestimation of the cluster mass if the contribution of the binary orbital motion is not taken into account. Here, we describe the mass overestimation as a function of cluster properties and binary population properties, and briefly touch on the issue of selection effects. We find that for clusters with a measured velocity dispersion of σ los?10 km?s?1 the presence of binaries does not affect the dynamical mass significantly. For clusters with σ los?1 km?s?1 (i.e., low-density clusters), the contribution of binaries to σ los is significant, and may result in a major dynamical mass overestimation. The presence of binaries may introduce a downward shift of Δlog?(L V /M dyn)=0.05–0.4 (in solar units) in the log?(L V /M dyn) versus age diagram.  相似文献   

Based on the digital spectra taken with double monochromators of high spectral resolution, we have constructed the profile of the Fe I λ532.4185-nm line in the spectrum of the solar disk center. Basic spectrophotometric characteristics of the line profile have been determined with a high accuracy. The fine structure of the line profile is studied in detail. The profile asymmetry parameters have been determined.  相似文献   

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