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 Recreation is one of the functions of national parks. Nevertheless, heavy tourism has started to impose serious problems on the maintenance of some national parks in Taiwan. This study has tried to survey as well as calculate the impact problems resulting from park tourism in terms of environmental loads. A simple method is proposed to calculate the quantity of environmental loads. Only visitor information from questionnaires and per capita data are needed in the calculation process. Shei-Pa National Park was taken as an example. The water demand, the electricity used and the various forms of the environmental loads, including wastewater and solid waste discharge, were all surveyed and calculated on a per capita basis. Received: 21 July 1999 · Accepted: 8 November 1999  相似文献   

The economic development of the Rio Colca region and related infrastructure endangers the environment of the deepest canyon worldwide. The unique values of the Colca Valley and Canyon and its tributary Valley of the Volcanoes are summarised. They include a magnificent, deep section of the orogenic belt 100 km long, different geological formations, active faults, a variety of fold structures, young volcanoes, hot springs, geysers, several ecological zones and the largest condor habitat in the Andes. Based on the observed land use, development and regional planning, the threats and conflict areas are outlined. Studies performed by the Polish Scientific Expedition to Peru since 2003 add greatly to the knowledge of geology, landscape and pioneering biota development of the area and its importance to the world heritage of nature. They are aimed to give scientific background to the project of the Canyon Colca and Valley of the Volcanoes National Park. The article gives the proposed limits of the park and its buffer zones, categories of protection zones compatible with the SINANPE system of Peru and suggestions on tourist accessibility. The strict protection zone should cover the most inaccessible part of the area where human economic activity practically does not exist. Traditional farming and animal husbandry, wildlife, cultural tourism and some forms of adventure tourism will be allowed in the zone of special usage. The new park would strengthen the relatively poor system of the protected areas in the Arequipa Department, increase tourist attractiveness and determine constraints for sustained regional development. The expected actions of the park authority and local governments are specified.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to detect shallow landslides using hillshade maps derived from light detection and ranging (LiDAR)-based digital elevation model (DEM) derivatives. The landslide susceptibility mapping used an artificial neural network (ANN) approach and backpropagation method that was tested in the northern portion of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) located in northeast Ohio. The relationship between landslides and predictor attributes, which describe landform classes using slope, profile and plan curvatures, upslope drainage area, annual solar radiation, and wetness index, was extracted from LiDAR-based DEM using geographic information system (GIS). The approach presented in this paper required a training study area for the development of the susceptibility model and a validation study area to test the model. The results from the validation showed that within the very high susceptibility class, a total of 42.6 % of known landslides that were associated with 1.56 % of total area were correctly predicted. In contrast, the very low susceptibility class that represented 82.68 % of the total area was associated with 1.20 % of known landslides. The results suggest that the majority of the known landslides occur within a small portion of the study area, consistent with field investigation and other studies. Sample probabilistic maps of landslide susceptibility potential and other products from this approach are summarized and presented for visualization to help park officials in effective management and planning.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the flexural-slip mechanism in a dome-shaped termination of an anticlinal fold. The flexural slip in the area is expressed by regular offsets of dikes at the contact with a sill, and by many small-scale detachment structures in layered strata. The flexural slip structures are localized in two stratigraphic levels, marking two slip horizons. The lower horizon is located at the top of the Triassic sequence, at the contact between the competent Triassic dolostone and the soft Jurassic strata, which are rich in clay. The upper slip horizon is located within the Jurassic strata at the level of a basaltic sill. The interval between the two slip horizons (32 m) is almost undeformed. Kinematic indicators demonstrate that the slip verges toward the center of the dome structure of the Ramon anticline, and coincides with the directions of the dike offsets. The structural observations suggest that beddingplane slip is the result of flexural-slip folding of the Ramon anticline. The directions in which the dikes are shifted depend upon both the orientations of the slip vector and the dike trends. Amounts of flexural slip, reflected in the dike offsets at the contact with the sill, were calculated as a function of strata dips and thickness of the beds between slip horizons. Estimated and measured magnitudes of displacement are in agreement (± 16%) for the 7 observed dikes.  相似文献   

Abstract The crystalline core of the Himalayan orogen in the Langtang area of Nepal, located between the Annapurna-Manaslu region and the Everest region, contains middle to upper amphibolite grade pelitic gneisses and schists. These rocks are intimately associated with the Main Central Thrust (MCT), one of the major compressional structures in the northern Indian plate, which forms a 3.7-km-wide zone containing rocks of both footwall and hangingwall affinity. An inverted metamorphic gradient is noticeable from upper footwall through hangingwall rocks, where metamorphic conditions increase from garnet grade near the MCT zone to sillimanite + K-feldspar grade in the upper hangingwall. Petrographic data distinguish two metamorphic episodes that have affected the area: a high-pressure, moderate-temperature episode (M1) and a moderate-pressure, high-temperature episode (M2). Comparison with appropriate reaction boundaries suggests that conditions for M1 in the hangingwall were approximately 900–1200 MPa and 425–525°C. Thermobarometric results for 24 samples from the footwall, MCT zone and hangingwall reflect P-T conditions during the M2 phase of 400–1200 MPa and 490–660° C. The decrease in estimated palaeopressures from footwall to hangingwall approximate a lithostatic gradient of 27 MPa km-1, with slight fluctuations in the MCT zone reflecting structural discontinuities. In contrast to the palaeopressures, palaeotemperatures are indistinguishable across the entire area sampled. Although field evidence suggests the presence of the inverted palaeothermal gradient well known in the Himalaya, quantitative thermobarometry indicates that temperatures of final equilibration were all within error of each other across 17 km of section. At Langtang, change in pressure is responsible for the presence of the sequence of index minerals through the section. I interpret these data to reflect diachronous attainment of equilibrium temperature conditions in a lithostatic palaeopressure profile after ductile faulting of the sequence.  相似文献   

Panamint and Eureka playas, both located within Death Valley National Park, exhibit a host of surficial features including fissures, pits, mounds, and plant-covered ridges, representing topographic highs and lows that vary up to 2 m of relief from the playa surface. Aerial photographs reveal that these linear strands often converge to form polygons, ranging in length from several meters to nearly a kilometer. These features stand out in generally dark contrast to the brighter intervening expanse of flat, plant-free, desiccated mud of the typical playa surface.Ground-truth mapping of playa features with differential GPS (Global Positioning System) was conducted in 1999 (North Panamint Valley) and 2002 (Eureka Valley). High-resolution digital maps reveal that both playas possess macropolygons of similar scale and geometry, and that fissures may be categorized into one of two genetic groups: (1) shore-parallel or playa-interior desiccation and shrinkage; and (2) tectonic-induced cracks. Early investigations of these features in Eureka Valley concluded that their origin may have been related to agricultural activity by paleo-Indian communities. Although human artifacts are abundant at each locale, there is no evidence to support the inference that surface features reported on Eureka Playa are anthropogenic in origin.Our assumptions into the genesis of polygons on playas is based on our fortuitous experience of witnessing a fissure in the process of formation on Panamint Playa after a flash flood (May 1999); our observations revealed a paradox that saturation of the upper playa crusts contributes to the establishment of some desiccation features. Follow-up visits to the same feature over 2 yrs' time are a foundation for insight into the evolution and possible longevity of these features.  相似文献   

Twenty organic rich outcrop samples from the Belait and Setap Shale formations in the Klias Peninsula area, West Sabah, were analysed by means of organic petrology and geochemical techniques. The aims of this study are to assess the type of organic matter, thermal maturity and established source rock characterization based primarily on Rock-Eval pyrolysis data. The shales of the Setap Shale Formation have TOC values varying from 0.6 wt%–1.54 wt% with a mean hydrogen index (HI) of 60.1 mg/g, whereas the shal...  相似文献   

"国家地质公园规划"是国家地质公园的"宪法",是建设和管理国家地质公园的依据。按照国土资源部的要求,获得资格的地质公园必须按照《国家地质公园规划编制技术要求》编制国家地质公园规划,经省级国土资源部门初审后报部审查。青州国家地质公园规划是山东省第一个通过国土资源部审查批准的国家级地质公园规划,本文详细介绍了青州国家地质公园规划编写的要点和心得,以期与各位同行交流和探讨。  相似文献   

Approaches to sustainable forestry in the Piatra Craiului National Park   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Declared in 1990, the Piatra Craiului is one of Romania's 15 national parks and biosphere reserves. It has exceptional scenic and biodiversity value but is under threat from unsustainable agricultural, forestry and tourism management. The paper examines these threats in a historical context, regarding both the growth of the town of Braşov and areas of dispersed rural settlement on the mountain edge, and argues that a sustainable future will require negotiation between the park authorities and all stakeholders, including the local communities and private woodland owners who have benefited or will benefit from restitution. The way forward is explored with forest management in a central role. First, the certification of woodlands, along with the establishment of forest user groups and community woodlands, should help to reconcile the conflicting interests in the woodlands and in wood processing in support of sustainability. Second, the overgrazing of the meadows which is degrading the pastures, restricting forest regeneration and conflicting with large carnivore conservation, could be moderated by the growth of ecotourism linked with bears and wolves which would generate a new source of income to compensate farmers for reducing their flocks – given the importance of the biodiversity resources and the socio-economic pressures – and the paper therefore considers how new approaches to forest management might provide a basis for conservation and sustainable development. It will be for the recently-established national park management system – developed with World Bank Global Environment Facility funding – to take these ideas forward in due course. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Annual precipitation in the Yellowstone National Park region since AD 1173   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cores and cross sections from 133 limber pine (Pinus flexilis James) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco) at four sites were used to estimate annual (July to June) precipitation in the Yellowstone National Park region for the period from AD 1173 to 1998. Examination of the long-term record shows that the early 20th century was markedly wet compared to the previous 700 yr. Extreme wet and dry years within the instrumental period fall within the range of past variability, and the magnitude of the worst-case droughts of the 20th century (AD 1930s and 1950s) was likely equaled or exceeded on numerous occasions before AD 1900. Spectral analysis showed significant decadal to multidecadal precipitation variability. At times this lower frequency variability produces strong regime-like behavior in regional precipitation, with the potential for rapid, high-amplitude switching between predominately wet and predominately dry conditions. Over multiple time scales, strong Yellowstone region precipitation anomalies were almost always associated with spatially extensive events spanning various combinations of the central and southern U.S. Rockies, the northern U.S.-Southern Canadian Rockies and the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   

The Suru, Doda and Zanskar river valleys in the semi-arid region of Southern Zanskar Ranges (SZR) preserve a rich repository of the glacial and fluvial landforms, alluvial fans, and lacustrine deposits. Based on detailed field observations, geomorphic mapping and limited optical ages, we suggest four glaciations of decreasing magnitude in the SZR. The oldest Southern Zanskar Glaciation Stage (SZS-4) is inferred from glacially polished bedrock and tillite pinnacles. The SZS-4 is ascribed to the Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS)-4/3. The subsequent SZS-3 is represented by obliterated and dissected moraines, and is assigned to MIS-2/Last Glacial Maximum. The multiple recessional moraines of SZS-2 glaciation are assigned the early to mid Holocene age whereas, the youngest SZS-1 moraines were deposited during the Little Ice Age. We suggest that during the SZS-2 glaciation, the Drang-Drung glacier shifted its course from Suru Valley (west) to the Doda Valley (east). The study area has preserved three generations of outwash gravel terraces, which broadly correlate with the phases of deglaciation associated with SZS-3, 2, and 1. The alluvial fan aggradation, lacustrine sedimentation, and loess deposition occurred during the mid-to-late Holocene. We suggest that glaciation was driven by a combination of the mid-latitude westerlies and the Indian Summer Monsoon during periods of cooler temperature, while phases of deglaciation occurred during enhanced temperature.  相似文献   

Sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin of Neogene age were investigated in this study using different geochemical methods. The results of the inorganic part analyses suggest that during genesis of the sediments, the contents of Na2O, B and As changed the most, which indicates that genesis of the investigated sediments was followed by climate changes and volcanic activity. The quantity of other macro- and microelements did not vary significantly. Investigations of the organic substance showed that it is native organic matter, which has been preserved to a significant extent, formed predominantly of algal precursor organisms, which provided good quality, deposited under reducing conditions and that it is at a low maturity level. As it has been established that genesis of the investigated sediments was mostly affected by an arid climate with more intensive salinity, the aim of this study, was also to identify the processes which were the most affected by the change in salinity, as well as biomarkers which are the most sensitive to this change. The results led to the conclusion that the salinity increase in the depositional environment had a primary effect on the preservation of the organic substance and the formation of the mineral searlesite. In addition, it was noticed that besides the Sq/nC26 ratio, the parameters nC17/nC27, CPI and Ph/nC18, are also significantly sensitive to salinity change in a depositional environment in case of immature organic substance deposited under reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Fire and other disturbances of the forests in Mount Rainier National Park   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent history of catastrophic disturbances in forests was reconstructed at Mount Rainier National Park. Basic data were ages of trees based on ring counts of early seral conifer species and maps of age-class boundaries from field work and aerial photographs. Maps illustrate age classes of the forests and show disturbances from fires, snow avalanches, and lahars (volcanic mudflows). Fires are by far the most important major disturbers, followed by snow avalanches and lahars. Fires over 250 ha in size are called fire events. Burns over 1000 ha, which may have been one fire or a series of fires within a short time, are called fire episodes. Important fire events or episodes occurred in the years 1230, 1303, 1403, 1503, 1628, 1688, 1703, 1803, 1825, 1856, 1858, 1872, 1886, 1894, 1930, and 1934 A.D. The largest fire episode was in 1230; it affected approximately 47% of the forests in the park. The majority of the forests are over 350 yr old, and several stands are over 1000 yr old. Stands 350 yr and 100 to 200 yr in age are the most extensive age classes in the park. Three fire frequency indices are compared. None describe fire frequency at Mount Rainier well. Natural fire rotation was estimated at about 434 yr. All but two episodes of major fires since 1300 A.D. correspond well with major droughts reconstructed for locations east of the Cascade Range crest. Impacts of humans on the disturbance regime may have increased the frequency of fire in the 1850–1900 period, followed by a decrease in frequency after 1900. Fuel build-up as a result of fire suppression should have no significant impact on fire frequency, since fires are relatively infrequent and fuels accumulate naturally.  相似文献   

A contingent valuation survey was conducted involving local community members, domestic and foreign visitors to estimate the environmental economics of the Khangchendzonga National Park and to elicit their willingness-to-pay (WTP) for its maintenance and conservation. Using a random survey, the average WTP was US$ 8.84 for foreign visitors per visit, followed by US$ 6.20 per household per year by local community members and US$ 1.91 per domestic visitor per visit for improvement in environmental conservation. The WTP was strongly influenced by age, education and income. The present study demonstrated that the contingent valuation method (CVM) is a promising approach, however it lacks inclusion of non-monetary contributions. The WTP for environmental management by the local communities was mostly in kind or time for services. The CVM can be a useful tool for decision-makers regarding investment and policy purposes for management of biodiversity hot spots and protected areas in developing countries. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

对西天山伊宁县北琼阿希河谷出露的火山岩进行了地球化学特征研究,结果表明,该地区火山岩属于钙碱性火山岩系列,LREE强烈富集[(La/Yb)N介于2.76~7.03之间],具有弱的Eu负异常,样品的强不相容元素(Cs、Rb、Ba、Th、U)LILE均明显富集,总体在原始地幔的10倍以上,显示了岛弧火山岩的Nb-Ta负异常特征。但是,其(Th/Nb)N、(La/Nb)N的比值远远大于1,Ba/Nb、La/Nb的变化范围较大,Zr/Nb、Zr/Hf接近N-MORB的比值,Ta/Nb却接近上地壳的比值,暗示该地区的火山岩岩浆在上升过程中受到一定程度的地壳混染,所有样品均显示为中钾-高钾系列,这种钾质类型的优势地位也反映了陆壳基质在岩浆活动中占有重要的地位。样品的Zr均大于300、Zr/Y均大于4,显示了板内玄武岩的成分特征,在Zr-Zr/Y判别图解中,大多数样品投到板内玄武岩的构造环境区域内。结合区域上的地质特征,认为该地区在泥盆世一直处于抬升阶段,在石炭纪时碰撞结束并进入碰撞后伸展阶段,局部地区产生一定的裂谷化特征。琼阿希河谷的火山岩的Nb-Ta负异常特征应为地壳混染引起,火山岩的形成环境为碰撞后伸展的构造环境。  相似文献   

The Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve (GSDNPP) in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, contains a variety of eolian landforms that reflect Holocene drought variability. The most spectacular is a dune mass banked against the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, which is fronted by an extensive sand sheet with stabilized parabolic dunes. Stratigraphic exposures of parabolic dunes and associated luminescence dating of quartz grains by single-aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocols indicate eolian deposition of unknown magnitude occurred ca. 1290-940, 715 ± 80, 320 ± 30, and 200-120 yr ago and in the 20th century. There are 11 drought intervals inferred from the tree-ring record in the past 1300 yr at GSDNPP potentially associated with dune movement, though only five eolian depositional events are currently recognized in the stratigraphic record. There is evidence for eolian transport associated with dune movement in the 13th century, which may coincide with the “Great Drought”, a 26-yr-long dry interval identified in the tree ring record, and associated with migration of Anasazi people from the Four Corners areas to wetter areas in southern New Mexico. This nascent chronology indicates that the transport of eolian sand across San Luis Valley was episodic in the late Holocene with appreciable dune migration in the 8th, 10-13th, and 19th centuries, which ultimately nourished the dune mass against the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.  相似文献   

李艳红  曾玲 《四川地质学报》2011,(4):496-498,503
莽山拥有着中国南部保存最完好、面积最大的原生型常绿阔叶林,以独特秀丽的风景和原始自然生态而扬名国内外。简述了莽山国家森林公园的主要旅游资源,并分析了其主要的生态旅游资源特色,就莽山如何进行生态旅游的可持续发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Climate change is allowing fire to expand into previously unburnt ecosystems and regions. While management policies such as fire suppression have significantly altered their frequency and intensity. To prevent future biodiversity/ecosystem services loss, and the large financial burden of wildfires, management plans will be required to adapt to future climate and land use changes. Long-term ecological data offer a unique perspective to assess fire variability under different climate and land-use conditions. In this study, we focus on Killarney National Park, Ireland. An area which today is under threat from an increase in fire activity. Comparing palaeoecological and archaeological records, we reconstruct the past fire dynamic and its impact on the landscape, and evaluate the role of climate vs humans in influencing the natural fire regime over the millennial time-scale. Our results indicate that fire has been present in the landscape since the beginning of the Holocene, with fire in the early Holocene being largely controlled by climate and microsite conditions, and in the late Holocene being increasingly influenced by human activity. The knowledge of past fire regimes can help inform future management in order to protect the semi-natural native woodland. The park's present landscape mosaic, could be preserved by limiting forest encroachment through moderate grazing and burning, while also protecting any fragmented forest from excessive grazing and large/intense fires, via traditional fire management strategies such as fuel load management. However, a fire management strategy should only be implemented following careful consideration of all ecosystem factors and controls.  相似文献   

Samantha Jones 《Geoforum》2007,38(3):558-575
In the buffer zone of the Royal Chitwan National Park (RCNP), community forests represent a key land use to meet the objectives of the buffer zone concept. This article examines three diverse community forests surrounding the national park and explores how national policy has been mediated by emerging community forestry institutions to create different levels of resource access and benefit distribution both within and between local user groups. Mindful of recent critiques of community-based conservation, the analysis gives considerable attention to the dynamics of power relations and inequality. The extent to which property rights have been transferred to the local level is evaluated and to whom power has been devolved in the process is assessed. The distribution of benefits arising from community forestry is critically examined. It seems that the current system for community forestry creates sufficient incentives for local cooperation due to the potential for increased access to important resources and a high perception of ownership of community forests among the communities. However, emerging institutions vary in the extent to which they reproduce favourable resource access conditions for elites and benefit distribution does seem to be skewed in favour of the wealthy and higher castes, even where management practices on the surface appear fair. National policy creates sufficient but not necessary conditions for achieving downward accountability, transparency and fairness. Greater attention to these issues is needed for buffer zone community forestry to better serve the poor and marginalised populations within user groups.  相似文献   

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