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In this study, we reconstruct the inverted metamorphic sequence in the western Arunachal Himalaya using combined structural and metamorphic analyses of rocks of the Lesser and Greater Himalayan Sequences. Four thrust-bounded stratigraphic units, which from the lower to higher structural heights are (a) the Gondwana rocks and relatively weakly deformed metasediments of the Bomdila Group, (b) the tectonically interleaved sequence of Bomdila gneiss and Bomdila Group, (c) the Dirang Formation and (d) the Se La Group are exposed along the transect, Jira–Rupa–Bomdila–Dirang–Se La Pass. The Main Central thrust, which coincides with intense strain localization and the first appearance of kyanite-grade partial melt is placed at the base of the Se La Group.Five metamorphic zones from garnet through kyanite, kyanite migmatite, kyanite-sillimanite migmatite to K-feldspar-kyanite-sillimanite migmatites are sequentially developed in the metamorphosed low-alumina pelites of Dirang and Se La Group, with increasing structural heights. Three phases of deformation, D1–D2–D3 and two groups of planar structures, S1 and S2 are recognized, and S2 is the most pervasive one. Mineral growths in all these zones are dominantly late-to post-D2, excepting in some garnet-zone rocks, where syn-D1 garnet growths are documented. Metamorphic isograds, which are aligned parallel to S2 were subsequently folded during D3. The deformation produced plane-non-cylindrical fold along NW–SE axis.In the garnet-zone, peak metamorphism is marked by garnet growth through the reaction biotite + plagioclase → garnet + muscovite. An even earlier phase of syn-D1 garnet growth occurred in the chlorite stability field with or without epidote. In the kyanite-zone metapelites, kyanite appeared via the pressure-sensitive reaction, garnet + muscovite → kyanite + biotite + quartz. Staurolite was produced in the same rock by retrograde replacement of kyanite following the reaction, garnet + kyanite + H2O → staurolite + quartz. These reactions depart from the classical kyanite- and staurolite-isograd reactions in low-alumina pelites, encountered in other segments of eastern Himalaya. In the metapelites, just above the kyanite-zone, melting begins in the kyanite field, through water-saturated and water-undersaturated melting of paragonite component in white mica. Leucosomes formed through these reactions are characteristically free of K-feldspar, with sodic plagioclase and quartz as the dominant constituents. With increasing structural height, the melting shifts to water-undersaturated melting of muscovite component of white mica, producing an early K-feldspar + kyanite and later K-feldspar + sillimanite assemblages and granitic leucosomes.Applications of conventional geothermobarometry and average PT method reveal near isobaric (at P  8 kbar) increase in peak metamorphic temperatures from 550 °C in the garnet-zone to >700 °C for K-feldspar-kyanite-sillimanite-zone rocks. The findings of near isobaric metamorphic field gradient and by the reconstruction of the reaction history, reveal that the described inverted metamorphic sequence in the western Arunachal Himalaya, deviates from the classical Barrovian-type metamorphism. The tectonic implication of such a metamorphic evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous peraluminous and porphyritic granitic bodies and augen gneisses of granitic compositions occur in the nappe sequences of the Lower Himalaya. They are Proterozoic-to-lower Paleozoic in age and have been grouped into the ‘Lesser Himalaya granite belt’. The mode of emplacement and tectonic significance of these granites are as yet uncertain but they are generally considered to be sheet-like intrusions into the surrounding rocks. The small and isolated granite body (the Chur granite) that crops out around the Chur peak in the Himachal Himalaya is one of the more famous of these granites. Several lines of evidence have been adduced to show that the Chur granite has a thrust (the Chur thrust) contact with the underlying metasedimentary sequence (locally called the Jutogh Group). The Chur granite with restricted occurrence at the highest topographic and structural levels represents an erosional remnant of a much larger sub-horizontal thrust sheet. The contact relations between the country rocks and many of the other granite and granitic augen gneisses in the Lesser Himalaya belt are apparently similar to that of the Chur granite suggesting that at least some of them may also represent thrust sheets.  相似文献   

Normal faults on mesoscopic scale are observed in the Panjal Thrust Zone in the Dalhousie area of western Htmachal. The boundary between the southern margin of the Higher Himalaya Crystalline (HHC) of Zanskar and the Chamba syncline sequence is also described as a normal fault, referred to as Bhadarwah Normal Fault in the Bhadarwah area of Doda district on the basis of field mapping and shear sense criteria using S-C fabric and porphyroblast rotation. The occurrence of these normal faults suggests that the extensional tectonic regime was not restricted only to the Zanskar shear zone area but that it also occurs south of the Higher Himalayan range. This suggests NE-directed subhorizontal extension and exhumation of deeper level rocks of Higher Himalaya Crystallines.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Main Central Thrust (MCT) south of Mt Everest in eastern Nepal is a 3 to 5km thick shear zone separating chlorite-bearing schist in the lower plate from sillimanite-bearing migmatitic gneiss in the overlying Tibetan Slab. The metamorphic grade increases through the MCT zone toward structurally higher levels. Previous workers have suggested that either post- or synmetamorphic thrust movement has caused this inversion of metamorphic isograds. In an effort to quantify the increase in grade and to constrain proposed structural relations between metamorphism and slip on the fault, four well-calibrated thermobarometers were applied to pelitic samples collected along two cross-strike transects through the MCT zone and Tibetan Slab. Results show an increase in apparent temperature up-section in the MCT zone from 778 K to 990 K and a decrease in temperature to ∼850 K in the lower Tibetan Slab, which is consistent with synmetamorphic thrust movement. A trend in calculated pressures across this section is less well-defined but, on average, decreases up-section with a gradient of ∼28MPa/km, resembling a lithostatic gradient. Pressure-temperature paths for zoned garnets from samples within the MCT zone, modelled using the Gibbs' Method, show a significant decrease in temperature and a slight decrease in pressure from core to rim, which might be expected for upper plate rocks during synmetamorphic thrust movement. Samples from the uppermost Tibetan Slab yield higher temperatures and pressures than those from the lower Tibetan Slab, which may be evidence for later‘resetting’ of thermobarometers by intrusion of the large amounts of leucogranite at that structural level.  相似文献   

The concentration of rare earth elements (REE), thorium and uranium were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP−MS) in the plant species, Pterocarpus santalinus, P. marsupium and P. dalbergioides, and the soils on which they were growing. Higher concentrations of lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce) were observed in both plants and soils. Large amounts of thorium and uranium were found in the soil. In all tree species, the concentration of REEs were higher in the heartwood than the leaves. The heartwood of P. santalinus accumulated larger quantities of uranium (average concentration of 1.22 ppm) and thorium (mean value of 2.57 ppm) than the other two species. Received: 8 September 1999 · Accepted: 15 December 1999  相似文献   

This study focuses on the Plio‐Pleistocene fluvial deposits preserved in the terrace staircases in the south‐eastern Alpine foreland of the Mislinja (MV) and Upper Savinja valleys (USV) in northern Slovenia. The area is located at the north‐eastern margin of the Adria microplate, where neotectonic activity is the prevailing driving force for the terrace formation. The aim of this study is to determine the morphostratigraphy and provenance of the Pliocene to Early Pleistocene gravels using geomorphic and clast lithological analysis. The established morphostratigraphic framework encompasses three terraces in the MV and five terraces in the USV. Due to the lack of age‐relevant data, the morphostratigraphy of the MV and USV is based on the results of geomorphic analysis, clast petrography and data from the literature. Low‐level, middle‐level and high‐level terrace groups were tentatively attributed to the Late and Middle Pleistocene, Early Pleistocene–Pliocene and Pliocene, and compared with the traditional Quaternary stratigraphy of the Alpine foreland. The results of the clast lithological analysis revealed major provenance areas. Moreover, the evolution of long‐term drainage from the Miocene onward was inferred, which suggests that the system reached conformity with the present‐day drainage pattern at the Miocene to Plio‐Pleistocene transition. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The eastern Himalayan coals of India associated with Permian (Lower Gondwana) sediments in the Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh have petrographic and chemical properties differing from Peninsular Permian coals.The coals are moderately to highly crushed and have reached a semianthracitic stage. Macerals are highly reflecting and homogenized. Vitrinite and inertinite exhibit a crushing effect in the form of criss-cross fissures and cracks. Exinite is unidentifiable and has attained an inertinitic reflectivity. The Kameng coals are of high rank with average fixed carbon 88.75% and volatile matter 13.75% on d.a.f. basis. The reflectance values (Ro-max 2.02–2.31% in oil) of these coals are quite high with marked anisotropy.It is inferred that these peculiar coal properties have been attained due to prolonged tectonic disturbance in the area during the later Himalayan orogeny. The coal characteristics suggest that these coals were formed in a humid tropical climate within a deltaic regime. The depositional site experienced occasional marine influx due to tectonically controlled subsidence during peat accumulation.  相似文献   

The medium- to coarse-grained and porphyritic granitoid of Dharmawaram, Karimnagar district, Andhra Pradesh, south India is a biotite-hornblende granite with notable contents of rare metal (Zr, Hf, Th) and rare earth (including Y) minerals like zircon, thorite, allanite, monazite and xenotime. Chemically, it is metaluminous (average A/ C+N+K = 0.95)-type, potassic (av. 5% K2O) granite, with dominantly sub-alkaline characters. It shows up to 8 times enrichment of rare metals (Zr, Hf, U, Th) and rare earths (including Y, Sc), with reference to their abundances in normal unevolved granite, and hence, fertile for some of these elements. Field, petrological, geochemical and isotopic data of potassic granite (PG) indicate involvement of silica-rich metasedimentary-basic crustal rocks (amphibole-quartzite, amphibolite, hornblende-biotite gneiss, etc.) in its genesis, at a depth range of 30 km. Further, chondrite-normalized REE patterns demonstrate that low-degree partial melting of source rocks is the major con  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘是全球古滑坡最发育的地区之一。基于大量地面调查、遥感解译和年龄测试资料,总结了青藏高原东缘深切河谷区古滑坡的判识方法、主要发育特征、形成时代和分布规律。结果表明,古滑坡具有规模巨大、高位起动、物质组成和结构复杂等特征,其空间分布与地形地貌、岩性组合和活动构造等因素关系密切。古滑坡在区域上受气候变化影响较明显,一般形成于河流强烈下切阶段,与河流阶地具有较好的对应关系,多数已发现的古滑坡与T2阶地时代相当,时间跨度为40~10 ka,集中分布于30~20 ka。构造活动和地震造成古滑坡在不同区段的分布具有差异性,一般在活动断裂带附近密集发育,现今发现的古滑坡多为这种成因。这些认识对于科学认知古滑坡的形成演化过程和未来巨灾风险预测具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

A geochemical soil sampling survey undertaken at Tumallpalle uranium mineralized zone Cuddapah district, has confirmed the presence of uranium anomalies in soils. Bulk soil samples were collected at every 20 m along the traverse from approximately 30 cm below the surface and were assayed for uranium by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The uranium anomalies detected by the insitu radiometric survey show a correlation with the helium highs. The soil gas helium studies have aided in delineating the subsurface extension of the deposit. This study endeavors for an integration of different techniques in a known area which could probably aid in delineating uranium zones for optimal exploitation in the future exploration programmes.  相似文献   

对藏北长江源地区河谷地貌和新构造变形调查发现,该区具有平行式水系格局,河谷地貌以形态不同的窄谷和宽谷为特点,新近纪以来该区主要经历了早期挤压和晚期伸展构造演化过程,产生了褶皱-逆冲、走滑剪切、正断层和地堑构造3种构造变形样式。长江源区河谷地貌的形成演化明显受新构造运动的影响,新构造运动不仅控制了河谷地貌形态与水系格局,而且影响了河流阶地分布以及洪(冲)积扇的形态、结构。长江源地区主要水系至少自全新世以来是沿新构造运动产生的不同性质断裂构造溯源侵蚀发育而成。  相似文献   

低喜马拉雅结晶杂岩构成了北北东向阿伦背斜的核部,该背斜东、西两翼由高喜马拉雅结晶杂岩组成,这两者之间的界线为主中央冲断层(MCT1)。MCT1原为向南逆冲的韧性断层,后遭受北北东向褶皱作用而转变为正断层。高喜马拉雅结晶杂岩顶部被藏南拆离系下部的韧性正断层所截,与其上覆的北坳组分开,北坳组顶部又被一脆性正断层将其与上覆的藏南特提斯沉积岩分开。这条韧性正断层称为STD1,其上部的脆性正断层称为STD2。独居石U-Th-Pb测年结果和构造分析表明,藏南定日地区的高喜马拉雅结晶杂岩就是借助这2条韧性断层MCT1与STD1在大约13Ma时从藏南中下地壳折返至地壳浅部的,然后再遭受近南北向的褶皱作用。  相似文献   

Plate tectonic activity has played a critical role in the development of petrotectonic associations in the Kadiri schist belt. The calc alkaline association of basalt, andesite, dacite and rhyolite(BADR) is the signature volcanic rock suite of the convergent margin. The N-S belt has gone below the unconformity plane of Cuddapah sediments. In the northern part geochemical and structural attributes of the Kadiri greenstone belt is studied along with microscopic observations of selected samples. Harker diagram plots of major elements generally indicate a liquid line of descent from a common source, such that BADR rocks are derived from a common parent magma of basaltic to andesitic composition. These calc-alkaline volcanic rocks are formed at convergent margins where more silicic rocks represent more highly fractionated melt. All the litho-units of this greenstone belt indicate crush and strain effects. The stretched pebbles in the deformed volcanic matrix with tectonite development along with associated greenschist facies metamorphism, alteration and hydration is remarkable. Flow foliation plane with N-S strike and very low angle(5° to 10°) easterly dip and N-S axial planar schistosity formed due to later phase isoclinal folding can be clearly identified in the field. Basic intrusives are quite common in the surrounding area. All the observations including the field setting and geochemistry clearly demonstrate ocean-continent subduction as the tectonic environment of the study area.  相似文献   

The Main Central Thrust (MCT) is a tectono-metamorphic boundary between the Higher Himalayan crystallines (HHC) and Lesser Himalayan metasediments (LHS), reactivated in the Tertiary, but which had already formed as a collisional boundary in the Early Paleozoic. To investigate the nature of the MCT, we analyzed whole-rock Nd isotopic ratios of rocks from the MCT and surrounding zones in the Taplejung–Ilam area of far-eastern Nepal, Annapurna–Galyang area of central Nepal, and Maikot–Barekot area of western Nepal. We define the MCT zone as a ductile–brittle shear zone between the upper MCT (UMCT) and lower MCT (LMCT). The protoliths of the MCT zone may provide critical constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Himalaya. The LHS is lithostratigraphically divided into the upper and lower units. In the Taplejung–Ilam area, different lithologic units and their εNd (0) values are as follows; HHC (− 10.0 to − 18.1), MCT zone (− 18.5 to − 26.2), upper LHS unit (− 17.2), and lower LHS unit (− 22.0 to − 26.9). There is a distinct gap in the εNd (0) values across the UMCT except for the southern frontal edge of the Ilam nappe. In the Annapurna–Galyang and Maikot–Barekot areas, different lithologic units and their εNd (0) values are as follows; HHC (− 13.9 to − 17.7), MCT zone (− 23.8 to − 26.2 except for an outlier of − 12.4), upper LHS unit (− 15.6 to − 26.8), and lower LHS unit (− 24.9 to − 26.8). These isotopic data clearly distinguish the lower LHS unit from the HHC. Combining these data with the previously published data, the lowest εNd (0) value in the HHC is − 19.9. We regard rocks with εNd (0) values below − 20.0 as the LHS. In contrast, rocks with those above − 19.9 are not always the HHC, and some parts of them may belong to the LHS due to the overlapping Nd isotopic ratio between the HHC and LHS. Most rocks of the MCT zone have Nd isotopic ratios similar to those of the LHS, but very different from those of the HHC. The spatial patterns in the distribution of εNd (0) value around the UMCT suggest no substantial structural mixing of the HHC and LHS during the UMCT activities in the Tertiary. A discontinuity in the spatial distribution of εNd (0) values is laterally continuous along the UMCT throughout the Himalayas. These facts support the theory that the UMCT was originally a material boundary between the HHC and LHS, suggesting the MCT zone was mainly developed with undertaking a role of sliding planes during overthrusting of the HHC in the Tertiary.  相似文献   

Four valleys, recently studied by other workers, were examined along the eastern Sierra Nevada to refine relative-dating techniques. A variety of weathering parameters and soil properties fail to delineate more than two major post-Sherwin Pleistocene glaciations. We correlate these two glaciations with the Tahoe and Tioga Glaciations. Type Mono Basin Till, usually considered to be pre-Tahoe, exhibits the following weathering similarities with Tahoe Till, if both are under sagebrush: (1) grusification of subsurface granitic boulders; (2) degree of pitting, mineral relief, and rind development on surface granitic boulders; and (3) very slight clay increase in the B horizon. Type Casa Diablo Till also has weathering characteristics similar to Tahoe Till, except a slightly more developed Bt horizon is present. Hence, dates on basalt of 0.126 ± 0.025 and 0.062 ± 0.013 my Casa Diablo Till also has weathering characteristics similar to Tahoe Till, except a slightly more developed Bt horizon is present. Hence, dates on basalt of 0.126 ± 0.025 and 0.062 ± 0.013 my (Bailey et al. 1976), which bracket type Casa Diablo, may provide age control on the Tahoe glaciation. In addition, we are unable to demonstrate that the Tenaya is a separate glaciation. In three of the four valleys studied our weathering data for Tenaya Till are equivalent with those for Tioga Till, but with those for Tahoe Till in the fourth valley. We were not satisfied with our ability to differentiate the Casa Diablo, Mono Basin, and Tenaya as separate glaciations even though data were collected in the type areas for two of these deposits. Reasons for suggesting a change back to a two-fold Tahoe-Tioga glacial sequence, rather than the present five-fold sequence, are that we have measured a greater number of parameters than has been done previously, soils were submitted to detailed laboratory analyses, and surface weathering features were studied under consistent present vegetation cover to avoid possible problems induced by ancient forest fires. Nevertheless our relative-dating scheme does not rule out the possibility of a more detailed glacial sequence.  相似文献   

Abstract During the Eocene-Oligocene, the Indian plate collided with the Kohistan arc along the Main Mantle Thrust (MMT) zone. The structure of the Lower Swat rock sequence, on the Indian plate directly south of the MMT, is a dome with a basement of granitic gneiss and quartz-rich schist unconformably overlain by amphibolitic and calcareous schist. The earliest superposed small-scale folds (F1 & F2) represent a progressive F1/F2 deformation that is associated with a single set of WSW-vergent large-scale folds (termed F2). These folds are inferred to have developed during oblique, WSW-directed overthrusting of the MMT suture complex onto the Lower Swat rock sequence. Metamorphism began during F1/F2 as indicated by an S1 foliation that developed during biotite-grade metamorphism. S1 is preserved as a relict texture in porphyroblasts that grew during a subsequent interkinematic phase during garnet- and higher grade metamorphism. The dominant, regional foliation (S2) developed following the interkinematic phase. S2 is associated with transposition of S1 and rotation or dismemberment of porphyroblasts. Annealing recrystallization followed S2 and continued during F3 thereby destroying or masking possible pre-existing stretching fabrics. Superposed F3 folds are upright and open with N-S axial trends. They may correlate with early doming of the Lower Swat rock sequence and with strike-slip displacement in the northern part of the MMT zone, north of the Lower Swat area. F3 was followed by retrograde metamorphism and development of E-W-trending, S-vergent F4 folds. F4 may be associated with a final phase of southward directed thrusting and inactivity in the MMT zone. Correlation of published 40Ar/39Ar ages with the metamorphic fabrics suggests that F1/F2 and F3 occurred in the Eocene, and that F4 developed in the Oligocene. F4 is the earliest indication of southward verging structures on this part of the Indian plate.  相似文献   

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