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An important rifting event, accompanied by massive igneous activity, is recorded in the Ossa-Morena Zone of the SW Iberian Massif (European Variscan Orogen). It likely culminated in the formation of a new oceanic basin (Rheic ocean?), remnants of which appear presently accreted at the southern margin of the Ossa-Morena Zone. Rifting propagated diachronously across the zone from the Early Cambrian to the Late Ordovician, but by Early Ordovician time, the existence of a significant tract of new ocean is evidenced by a breakup unconformity. Although early stages of rifting were not accompanied by mantle-derived igneous activity, a pronounced increase of the geothermal gradient is indicated by partial melting of metasedimentary protoliths in the upper and middle crust, and by coeval core-complex formation. Geochemistry of the main volume of igneous rocks, emplaced some million years later during more mature stages of rifting, suggests an origin in a variably enriched asthenospheric source, similar to that of many OIB, from which subsequent petrogenetic processes produced a wide range of compositions, from basalt to rhyolite. A tectonic model involving collision with, and subsequent overriding of, a MOR is proposed to account for the overall evolution, a present-day analogue for which lies in the overriding of the East Pacific Rise by North America and the rifting of Baja California.  相似文献   

Two distinct Cambrian magmatic pulses are recognized in the Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberia): an early rift-(ER) and a main rift-related event. This Cambrian magmatism is related to intra-continental rifting of North Gondwana that is thought to have culminated in the opening of the Rheic Ocean in Lower Ordovician times. New data of whole-rock geochemistry (19 samples), Sm–Nd–Sr isotopes (4 samples) and ID–TIMS U–Pb zircon geochronology (1 sample) of the Early Cambrian ER plutonic rocks of the Ossa-Morena Zone are presented in this contribution. The ER granitoids (Barreiros, Barquete, Calera, Salvatierra de los Barros and Tablada granitoid Massifs) are mostly peraluminous granites. The Sm–Nd isotopic data show moderate negative εNdt values ranging from ?3.5 to +0.1 and TDM ages greatly in excess of emplacement ages. Most ER granitoids are crustal melts. However, a subset of samples shows a transitional anorogenic alkaline tendency, together with more primitive isotopic signatures, documenting the participation of lower crust or mantle-derived sources and suggesting a local transient advanced stage of rifting. The Barreiros granitoid is intrusive into the Ediacaran basement of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Série Negra succession) and has yielded a crystallization age of 524.7 ± 0.8 Ma consistent with other ages of ER magmatic pulse. This age: (1) constrains the age of the metamorphism developed in the Ediacaran back-arc basins before the intrusion of granites and (2) defines the time of the transition from the Ediacaran convergent setting to the Lower Cambrian intra-continental rifting in North Gondwana.  相似文献   

Multi-equilibrium thermobarometry shows that low-grade metapelites (Cubito-Moura schists) from the Ossa–Morena Zone underwent HP–LT metamorphism from 340–370 °C at 1.0–0.9 GPa to 400–450 °C at 0.8–0.7 GPa. These HP–LT equilibriums were reached by parageneses including white K mica, chlorite and chloritoid, which define the earliest schistosity (S1) in these rocks. The main foliation in the schists is a crenulation cleavage (S2), which developed during decompression from 0.8–0.7 to 0.4–0.3 GPa at increasing temperatures from 400–450 °C to 440–465 °C. Fe3+ in chlorite decreased greatly during prograde metamorphism from molar fractions of 0.4 determined in syn-S1 chlorites down to 0.1 in syn-S2 chlorites. These new data add to previous findings of eclogites in the Moura schists indicating that a pile of allochtonous rocks situated next to the Beja-Acebuches oceanic amphibolites underwent HP–LT metamorphism during the Variscan orogeny. To cite this article: G. Booth-Rea et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

Summary The metabasites of Montiggiu Nieddu occur as a lenticular body in the Hercynian migmatite complex of NE Sardinia and consist of two major lithological associations: ultramafic amphibolites and plagioclase-banded amphibolites, which are genetically related by processes of cumulate differentiation of an original tholeiitic magma. The ultramafic amphibolites consist of relics of igneous phases (anorthite, olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene) and metamorphic minerals (orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, garnet, chlorite, and amphibole) in variable proportions. Based on the distribution of the relics of igneous minerals three main compositional layers (A, B, C) have been identified in the ultramafic amphibolites. The plagioclase-banded amphibolites consist of dark-green and white bands made up of plagioclase, amphibole, garnet, and rare pyroxene in variable proportions. No relics of magmatic minerals were observed. The trace element patterns of the Montiggiu Nieddu metabasites are characterised by selective enrichment of incompatible elements of low ionic potential, such as Sr, Rb, Ba, and Th, and low abundance of K, Cr, Ni, and elements of high ionic potential (from Ta to Yb), which define a relatively flat trend similar to MORB composition. Ti, Y, and heavy rare earth elements are all positively correlated with Zr. This correlation suggests that no significant transport of these elements took place during metamorphism. The metabasites of Montiggiu Nieddu are characterised by low Ti, Ti/V, and Ti/Zr content, low rare earth and high-field strength element concentrations, and moderate selective enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements. They also show geochemical features similar to those of supra subduction zone tholeiites. The CaO-MgO diagram displays a segmented trend, which provides powerful evidence in favour of crystal-liquid separation during magmatic evolution. Received December 4, 2000; revised version accepted January 29, 2001  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2006,144(3-4):297-315
Geochemical data from clastic rocks of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian Massif) show that the main source for the Ediacaran and the Early Cambrian sediments was a recycled Cadomian magmatic arc along the northern Gondwana margin. The geodynamic scenario for this segment of the Avalonian-Cadomian active margin is considered in terms of three main stages: (1) The 570–540 Ma evolution of an active continental margin evolving oblique collision with accretion of oceanic crust, a continental magmatic arc and the development of related marginal basins; (2) the Ediacaran–Early Cambrian transition (540–520 Ma) coeval with important orogenic magmatism and the formation of transtensional basins with detritus derived from remnants of the magmatic arc; and (3) Gondwana fragmentation with the formation of Early Cambrian (520–510 Ma) shallow-water platforms in transtensional grabens accompanied by rift-related magmatism. These processes are comparable to similar Cadomian successions in other regions of Gondwanan Europe and Northwest Africa. Ediacaran and Early Cambrian basins preserved in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Portugal and Spain), the North Armorican Cadomian Belt (France), the Saxo-Thuringian Zone (Germany), the Western Meseta and the Western High-Atlas (Morocco) share a similar geotectonic evolution, probably situated in the same paleogeographic West African peri-Gondwanan region of the Avalonian-Cadomian active margin.  相似文献   

New occurrences of metabentonites from the Telychian Stage of the Silurian successions in SW Scotland, Co. Down and Co. Mayo, Ireland, are described in terms of their biostratigraphical setting and geochemical characteristics. The Co. Mayo occurrence extends the known distribution of Telychian metabentonites in Europe by 280 km WSW from the coast of Co. Down. Comparisons between samples based on selected trace element ratios suggest three potential correlations. One is between a tuffaceous clay from the Finny School Member, Upper Kilbride Formation of Co. Mayo, and a metabentonite from the Tara Sandstone Formation, Gala Group, Co. Down. One pair of metabentonites from the Carghidown Formation of Kirkcudbrightshire can be related to one pair from the Ardglass Formation of Co. Down. In addition, a unique alkaline chemical composition is identified in two samples from the Kirkmaiden Formation of Kirkcudbrightshire and one sample from the Ballyquintin Formation of Northern Ireland, which implies the existence of a local extensional tectonic regime at that time, consistent with a back‐arc basin. These metabentonites extend across at least two Caledonian suspect terranes and a variety of different sedimentary facies. These data may assist future discoveries and be able to improve stratigraphic correlations across three terranes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present data on major and trace elements in highly metamorphosed mafic rocks from the granulite-gneiss complex of the Angara-Kan block (southwestern Siberian craton), identify igneous protoliths of the metabasites, and assess the mobility of elements during metamorphism. Two types of rocks with different geologic relations and compositions were recognized. Garnet-bearing two-pyroxene granulites (Cpx + Pl + Grt + Opx) occur as sheet- and boudin-like bodies, which were folded and deformed with their host paragneisses. Dikes, which in most cases underwent only brittle deformation, are composed of metabasites characterized by the assemblage Cpx + Hbl + Pl + Grt. The major element compositions of igneous protoliths for the mafic granulites and metabasite dykes correspond to variously differentiated basaltic magmas. The protoliths of the metabasites are depleted in K2O, LILE, Zr, Nb, and LREE and were derived from a depleted mantle source. The major and trace element compositions of the dike metabasites are similar to those of low-K tholeiitic basalts of oceanic island arcs. Continental intraplate basalts derived from an enriched mantle source are possible igneous protoliths for the mafic granulites enriched in Ba, LREE, Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf. It is assumed that lower Rb, Th, and U contents in the mafic granulites compared with continental flood basalts, high K/Rb and La/Th, and moderate Th/U ratios reflect the loss of Rb, Th and U during granulite-facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

Summary Pre-Hercynian magmatic rocks are widespread in the Palaeozoic basement of the Peloritani range. The metabasites of the Mongiuffi-Melia and Gallodoro areas represent the largest and the most important lower-Ordovician magmatic products of this range. These rocks were metamorphosed during the Hercynian event and preserve relict igneous minerals and textures. A detailed study of the metamorphic assemblages has allowed the identification of two stages of metamorphic crystallisation; they are mainly distinguished by the differentXCO2 of the fluid phase. The first metamorphic event produced three calcite-free sub-greenschist facies assemblages that contain ubiquitous quartz+albite+titanite+chlorite+epidote along with pumpellyite or prehnite or actinolite. The second metamorphic episode produced a Calcite+Chlorite assemblage, non-diagnostic to evaluate P-T conditions of metamorphism. The first stage assemblages are only preserved in small domains of the rock. As even very low amounts of CO2 in the fluid phase drastically inhibit the formation of diagnostic sub-greenschist facies calc-silicate assemblages, it appears that a more CO2-rich fluid must have been introduced during the second event. We suggest that this introduction of more CO2-rich fluid occurred during the development of S2 crenulation cleavage.
Sub-grünschieferfazielle Mineralvergesellschaftungen in Metabasiten der südöstlichen Peloritani Range (NE Sizilien)
Zusammenfassung Prähercynische magmatische Gesteine sind weitverbreitet im paläozoischen Basement der Peloritani Range. Die Metabasite aus dem Mongiuffi-Melia und dem Gallodoro Gebiet sind die größten und wichtigsten magmatischen Produkte des unteren Ordoviziums in diesem Gebiet. Sie wurden während der hercynischen Orogenese metamorphisiert und sie bewahren reliktische magmatische Minerale und Strukturen. Eine Detailstudie der metamorphen Mineralvergesellschaftungen erlaubt die Identifikation von zwei metamorphen Kristallisationsstadien, die sich hauptsächlich im XCO2 der fluiden Phase unterscheiden. Das erste Ereignis resultierte in der Bildung von drei Calcit-freien sub-grünschieferfaziellen Mineralvergesellschaftungen, die verbreitet Quarz+Albit+Titanit+Chlorit+Epidot mit Pumpellyit oder Prehnit oder Aktinolith führen. Die zweite metamorphe Episode führte zur Bildung der Vergesellschaftung Calcit+Chlorit; diese ist für die Abschätzung der P-T Bedingungen der Metamorphose ungeeignet. Die erste Vergesellschaftung ist nur in kleinen Domänen in den Gesteinen erhalten geblieben. Da bereits sehr geringe Mengen an CO2 in der fluiden Phase die Bildung der diagnostischen sub-grünschieferfaziellen kalk-silikatischen Mineralassoziation verhindern, scheint es, daß das CO2-reiche Fluid während des zweiten Stadiums zugeführt wurde. Wir meinen, daß die Zufuhr dieser CO2-reichen Fluide während der Entwicklung der S2 Krenulationsschieferung erfolgt sein muß.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Seamounts on the drifting oceanic crust are inevitably carried by plate motions and eventually accreted or subducted. However, the geochemical signatures of the subducted seamounts and the significance of seamount subduction are not well constrained. Hundreds of seamounts have subducted beneath the Philippine Sea Plate following the westward subduction of the Pacific Plate since the Eocene (~52 Ma). The subducted oceanic crust and seamount materials can be exhumed from the mantle depth to the seafloor in the Mariana forearc region by serpentinite mud volcanoes, providing exceptional opportunities to directly study the subducted oceanic crust and seamounts. The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) expedition 366 has recovered a few metamorphosed mafic clasts exhumed from the Mariana forearc serpentinite mud volcanoes, e.g., the Fantangisña and Asùt Tesoru seamounts. These mafic clasts have tholeiitic to alkaline affinities with distinct trace elements and Nd-Hf isotopes characteristics, suggesting different provenances and mantle sources. The tholeiites from the Fantangisña Seamount have trace element characteristics typical of mid-ocean ridge basalt. The Pacific-type Hf-Nd isotopic compositions, combined with the greenschist metamorphism of these tholeiites further suggest that they came from the subducted Pacific oceanic crust. The alkali basalts-dolerites from the Fantangisña and Asùt Tesoru seamounts show ocean island basalt (OIB)-like geochemical characteristics. The OIB-like geochemical signatures and the low-grade metamorphism of these alkali basalts-dolerites suggest they came from subducted seamounts that originally formed in an intraplate setting on the Pacific Plate. The Pacific Plate origin of these metabasites suggests they were formed in the Early Cretaceous or earlier.Two types of OIBs have been recognized from alkali metabasites, one of which is geochemically similar to the HIMU-EMI-type OIBs from the West Pacific Seamount Province, and another is similar to the EMII-type OIBs from the Samoa Island in southern Pacific, with negative Nb-Ta-Ti anomalies and enriched Nd-Hf isotopes. Generally, these alkali metabasites are sourced from the heterogeneous mantle sources that are similar to the present South Pacific Isotopic and Thermal Anomaly. This study provides direct evidence for seamount subduction in the Mariana convergent margins. We suggest seamount subduction is significant to element cycling, mantle heterogeneity, and mantle oxidation in subduction zones.  相似文献   

The Nisa-Alburquerque granitic batholith (southern Variscan Belt, Iberian Peninsula) has been studied by petrological, structural and geophysical approaches, obtaining contrasting models for its deep structure and emplacement sequence. In order to test these models and gain knowledge on the thermal increase induced by the intrusion, we have studied its contact aureole, which was developed in similar country rock lithologies (mica schists alternating with metasandstones and feldespatic schists) all along the northern external contact of the batholith. Our results indicate no change in metamorphic grade and some variations in aureole width, which narrows toward the western sectors of the batholith. Cordierite is the only contact metamorphic mineral developed together with a high temperature biotite probably related to the granite thermal input. By considering these new data, together with zircon saturation temperatures within the granite and previous petrological and geophysical studies, we propose a model in which the feeder zones of the granitic magmas were an eastern main one and a western secondary one. We have also made comparisons of the metamorphic grade in the country rocks and the xenoliths within the granite. Most of the xenoliths have the same metamorphic facies as the country rocks (Crd-zone), though some of them contain slightly different assemblages (And + Crd), which could be explained in different ways: (1) differences in the primary schist compositions, (2) increased time-span of xenoliths in contact with the melt and (3) xenolith incorporation at slightly higher depths during final granite ascent.  相似文献   

Metabasites (amphibolites, garnet amphibolites, and basic crystalline schists) compose numerous sheeted bodies (often highly boudined) from a few to 100 meters thick in the plagiogneisses and migmatites of the Kolpakov Group. Chemically, they are reconstructed as basalts and picrites that were metamorphosed, as host terrigenous rocks, under the kyanite-sillimanite subfacies of the amphibolite facies (t = 620–650°C, P s = 5.9–6.9 kbar). Metabasites are dominated by amphibolites and basic crystalline schists distributed throughout the entire section of the Kolpakov Group, whereas garnet amphibolites are more typical of the upper parts of the group, where they are intercalated with amphibolites, basic crystalline schists, plagiogneisses, and quartzites. Metaultrabasites (plagioclase-free amphibolites) occur much more rarely as small boudins up to few meters in size. According to U-Pb SHRIMP zircon dating, the plagiogneiss protolith age corresponds to the end of the Early-Late Cretaceous (90–100 Ma), which is similar in age to the weakly metamorphosed terrigenous deposits of the Kikhchik Group of the Sredinny Range. This allows us to consider the terrigenous rocks of these groups as isofacial sedimentary rocks. The same age (Early-Late Cretaceous boundary) was taken for protoliths of metabasites forming interbeds among metaterrigenous deposits of the Kolpakov Group. The interval of 100?90 Ma coincides with the beginning of the formation of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic marginal-continental belt in East Asia. It is shown that the Kolpakov Group possesses the geochemical features of tholeiitic basalts of different geodynamic settings and comprises both typically island arc (low-Ti) and oceanic (moderate to high-Ti) tholeiites associated with ultrabasic volcanic rocks—picrites. Such a chemical peculiarity of basic rocks is typical of the marginal-continental extension zones (pull-apart basin) that were initiated on the sialic crust. It is obvious that similar geodynamic setting of the basite magmatism existed for the Sredinny Range of Kamchatka. The ascent of the mantle matter beneath the extension zone of the continental crust of the sedimentary basin and its intersection by faults that formed simultaneously with the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt served as the beginning of the basite volcanism in the sedimentary basin. They provided an intense fluid effect and a temperature increase in the crust with subsequent granitization and metamorphism of volcanogenic-terrigenous deposits and, finally, the development of the modern structure of the Sredinny Kamchatka Massif. The intense Late Cretaceous basite volcanism and associated granitoid magmatism in Kamchatka were presumably caused by the ascent of mantle plumes bearing hydrogen fluids.  相似文献   

The amalgamation of Pangea formed the contorted Variscan-Alleghanian orogen,suturing Gondwana and Laurussia during the Carboniferous.From all swirls of this orogen,a double curve in Iberia stands out,the coupled Cantabrian Orocline and Central Iberian curve.The Cantabrian Orocline formed at ca.315–290 Ma subsequent to the Variscan orogeny.The formation mechanism of the Cantabrian Orocline is disputed,the most commonly proposed mechanisms include either(1)that south-westernmost Iberia would be an Avalonian(Laurussian)indenter or(2)that the stress field changed,buckling the orogen.In contrast,the geometry and kinematics of the Central Iberian curve are largely unknown.Whereas some authors defend both curvatures are genetically linked,others support they are distinct and formed at different times.Such uncertainty adds an extra layer of complexity to our understanding of the final stages of Pangea’s amalgamation.To solve these issues,we study the late Carboniferous–early Permian vertical-axis rotations of SW Iberia with paleomagnetism.Our results show up to 70counterclockwise vertical-axis rotations during late Carboniferous times,concurring with the anticipated kinematics if SW Iberia was part of the southern limb of the Cantabrian Orocline.Our results do not allow the necessary penecontemporaneous clockwise rotations in Central Iberia to support a concomitant formation of both Cantabrian and Central Iberian curvature.The coherent rotation of both Gondwanan and Avalonian pieces of SW Iberia discards the Laurussian indenter hypothesis as a formation mechanism of the Cantabrian Orocline and confirms the Greater Cantabrian Orocline hypothesis.The Greater Cantabrian Orocline likely formed as a consequence of a change in the stress field during the late Carboniferous and extended beyond the Rheic Ocean suture affecting the margins of both Laurussia and Gondwana.  相似文献   

The Abu Dabbab albite granite(ADAG), in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt, hosts the most significant rare metal ore deposit in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield. Here, we report detailed field,petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of the ADAG, an isolated stock-like granitic body with sharp intrusive contacts against metamorphic country rocks, probably emplaced at about 600 Ma. The fine-grained porphyritic upper unit is a preserved remnant of the shallowly-emplaced apex of the magma chamber, whereas the medium-grained lower unit crystallized at deeper levels under subvolcanic conditions. The peraluminous leucocratic ADAG shares common geochemical characteristics with post-collisional intraplate A-type magmas. In addition to the conspicuous enrichment in Na2 O, the ADAG is remarkable for its anomalous concentrations of Ta, Nb, Li, Hf, Ga, Sn, Zn and heavy rare-earth elements. Nb-Ta minerals in the ADAG are mixed with Fe-Mn oxides, forming black patches that increase in abundance toward of the base of the intrusion. Columbite-tantalite, cassiterite and wolframite are the most important ore minerals.Pronounced negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu* = 0.10–0.24) reflect extreme magmatic fractionation and perhaps the effects of late fluid-rock interaction. The ADAG was most likely generated by partial melting of the juvenile middle crust of the ANS as the geotherm was elevated by erosional uplift following lithospheric delamination and it was emplaced at the intersection of lineations of structural weakness. Although formation of the ADAG and its primary enrichment in rare metals are essentially due to magmatic processes, late-stage metasomatism caused limited redistribution of rare metals. Fluid-driven subsolidus modification was limited to the apex of the magma chamber and drove development of greisen, amazonite, and quartz veins along fracture systems.  相似文献   

During the transgression following the Last Glacial Maximum, four backstepping parasequences were deposited on the northern Gulf of Cádiz shelf (SW Iberia). In contrast to other areas on the shelf, these transgressive deposits are at, or very close to, the surface to the southeast of the Guadiana Estuary mouth. This is particularly true for transgressive parasequence TC, possibly associated with the Younger Dryas event, and the youngest parasequence TD, probably linked to a slow-down in sea-level rise at around 8.2 ka BP, both of which form a sandy transgressive bulge on the upper middle shelf.The older and more distal parasequence TC is characterised on seismic records by convex low-angle sigmoidal clinoforms, and contains high amounts of quartz and bioclasts. In contrast, the younger and more proximal parasequence TD shows relatively steep concave prograding clinoforms, and contains high amounts of quartz and other terrigenous components, but comparatively low amounts of bioclasts. Furthermore, the difference in age between both parasequences is clearly marked by a difference in the content of glauconite.The results indicate that sediments found in parasequence TC are associated with deposition related to storm events, with frequent reworking of components, and the more proximal and younger sediments in TD are the result of rapid sediment accumulation related to floods in the Guadiana River basin, possibly during the transition from a dry cold period to a warmer more humid period, when vegetation cover was lowest and flood frequency increased.Additionally, accumulations of terrigenous components directly associated with the Guadiana River basin found on the outer shelf indicate that, at least during the beginning of the transgression, overflow channels active during large-scale flood events may have spilled material to an area located immediately to the south of the Guadiana Estuary mouth.  相似文献   

Detailed geochemical and geochronological study of Hercynian granites and related rocks in Portugal and W Spain (the Ibergranite Project) has inspired new ideas about their origin: formerly regarded as the sole products of crustal anatexis, trace element petrology shows descent by crystal fractionation from mantle-derived parent magmas of basic composition.Four main groups are distinguished: gabbros, tonalites (with minor diorites), granites (including granodiorites) and leucogranites. There are three principal stages of fractionation. First, by labradorite and pyroxene fractionation, gabbroic magmas yield tonalitic rest magmas, as intercumulus liquids. This is witnessed by the occurrence of gabbro plutons — large in S Portugal, small in N Portugal -, of gabbro inclusions in tonalites and granites and of labradorite and pyroxene relics in the andesines and hornblendes, resp., of the tonalites. The tonalites are hornblende-biotite-andesine-quartz rocks containing varying amounts of potash feldspar. Fractionation of hornblende, biotite and andesine yields granitic magmas. Lastly, the granite magmas by fractionation of biotite, oligoclase, potash feldspar and quartz produce leucogranitic liquids in which Rb, U, Sn, W, Ta, Nb, P and Ga are enriched and Ba, Sr, Zr, light REE, Y, Th, Ti and V are depleted.The role of crustal contamination and recyling is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Ausführliche geochemische und geochronologische Untersuchungen an herzynischen Graniten und assoziierten Gesteinen in Portugal und Westspanien im Rahmen des Ibergranit-Projektes lie\en neue Ideen zu ihrer Genese aufkommen: obwohl sie bisher als Produkte der krustalen Anatexis betrachtet wurden, weist die Spurenelement-Petrologie auf eine Entstehung infolge Kristallisationsfraktionierung basischer Stamm-Magmen, die im oberen Erdmantel gebildet wurden.Es werden vier Hauptgruppen unterschieden; Gabbros, Tonalite (und untergeordnet Diorite), Granite (einschlie\lich Granodiorite) und Leucogranite. Die Fraktionierung lä\t sich in drei Stufen unterteilen: Zuerst trennen Schmelzen gabbroider Zusammensetzung durch Fraktionierung von Labradorit, Pyroxen und Olivin tonalitische Restmagmen als Interkumulus-Schmelzen ab. Zeugen dafür sind Vorkommen von Gabbroplutonen, die in Südportugal gro\e, in Nordportugal kleine Ausdehnung zeigen, und weiterhin das Auftreten von Gabbro-Einschlüssen in Tonaliten und Graniten sowie von Labradorit- und Pyroxen-Relikten in den Andesinen bzw. Hornblenden der Tonalite. Die Tonalite sind Hornblende-Biotit-Andesin-Quarz-Gesteine, die wechselnde Mengen Kalifeldspat führen. Durch die Fraktionierung von Hornblende, Biotit und Andesin erzeugen die Tonalitmagmen granitische Schmelzen. Zuletzt werden Leukogranitschmelzen durch Fraktionierung von Biotit, Oligoklas, Kalifeldspat und Quarz aus Granitmagmen gebildet, wobei Anreicherung an Rb, U, Sn, W, Ta, Nb, P und Ga auftritt sowie Abreicherung an Ba, Sr, Zr leichten Seltenen Erdelementen, Y, Th, Ti und V.Zusätzlich wird auf die Rolle krustaler Kontamination und von Recycling-Prozessen eingegangen.

Résumé L'étude géochimique et géochronologique détaillée des granites hercyniens et roches associées au Portugal et en Espagne occidentale (le Projet Ibergranite) a inspiré des idées nouvelles sur leur genèse: alors qu'ils étaient jusqu'ici considérés comme provenant uniquement de la fusion de matériel crustal, la géochimie des éléments en trace montre une différenciation par cristallisation fractionnée à partir de magmas basiques d'origine mantélique.On peut distinguer quatre groupes principaux: gabbros, tonalités (avec diorites subordonnées), granites (y compris granodiorites) et leucogranites. Le fractionnement se divise en trois stades principaux. D'abord, par fractionnement de labrador, de pyroxene et d'olivine, les magmas gabbroÏques produisent des magmas résiduels tonalitiques, disposés en liquides inter-cumulat. En témoignent: la présence de plutons de gabbrode dimensions considérables dans le sud du Portugal et petites dans le Nord-, les enclaves gabbroÏques dans les tonalites et granites, les reliques de labrador et pyroxene dans les andesites et de hornblende dans les tonalites. Les tonalites sont des roches à hornblende, biotite, andésine, quartz, accompagnés de feldspath potassique en quantité variable. En second lieu, le fractionnement de hornblende, de biotite et d'andésine conduit aux magmas granitiques. Finalement, par fractionnement de biotite, d'oligoclase, de feldspath potassique et de quartz, les magmas granitiques donnent des magmas leucogranitiques enrichis en Rb, U, Sn, W, Ta, Nb, P, Ga et appauvris en Ba, Sr, Zr, terres rares légères, Y, Th, Ti et V.Le rÔle de la contamination crustale et du recyclage est discuté.

, - , : , , , , . : , ( ), ( ) . : , , , . , , , , . — , , , . , . , , , Rb, U, Sn, W, Ta, Nb, P Ga , a Ba, Sr, Zr, , Y, Th, Ti V .B Recycling'a.

Post-collisional potassium-rich rocks are a critical petrogenetic and geodynamic marker across the European Variscan Belt. We present a detailed characterization of the only potassium-rich mafic intrusions identified so far in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian Massif). Using new major, trace and SmNd isotopic whole-rock analyses, as well as mineral chemistry analyses, we discussed the petrogenesis of the early Carboniferous potassium-rich Veiros and Vale de Maceira (Portugal) stocks in the geotectonic framework of the southern Iberia, marked by the collision of the Ossa-Morena Zone, a Gondwanan terrane, with the South Portuguese Zone, a Laurussian terrane. The Veiros and Vale de Maceira shoshonites (s.l.) range from gabbros to syenites, with a predominance of monzonites and monzogabbros, characterized by different proportions of olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, phlogopite and brown hornblende. The Veiros stock is mainly composed of fine-grained ultrapotassic rocks, and the Vale de Maceira stock is composed chiefly of medium-grained shoshonite rocks. A small group of hornblende-bearing medium-grained calk-alkaline rocks was also identified. The stocks have high contents of K2O, MgO, total alkalis, Th and other LILE, high ratios of LREE/HREE and LREE /HFSE, and show a Nb-Ta-Ti negative anomaly, typical of orogenic settings. Sr and Nd isotopes yielded moderate radiogenic Sr and unradiogenic Nd, that might suggest the involvement of a crustal component. However, the combined use of isotopic and elemental compositions rules out significant contamination by crustal materials upon ascent and emplacement. Instead, a source metasomatised by subduction-related fluids and hydrous melts from the slab is proposed. This diversely metasomatised source was a phlogopite-amphibole-bearing and (phlogopite-free) amphibole-bearing lherzolite at the upper part of the garnet stability field in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. The Devonian mafic volcanic rocks point to a northward dipping (present coordinates) subduction of the Rheic oceanic plate underneath the Ossa-Morena Zone during the Variscan Orogeny. However, the Veiros and Vale de Maceira magmas originated during the post-collisional stage from the partial melting of the supra-subduction metasomatized lithosphere. The melting occurred during a period of enhanced heat due to asthenospheric upwelling related to the slab break-off of the Rheic's slab. The stocks are concomitant with the profusion of granitoid intrusions, which is compatible with a post-collisional tectonic setting. They are also coeval with the opening of the Beja-Acebuches back-arc, likely related to slab roll-back of a segment of the Rheic oceanic crust, implying polyphasic subduction and a complex geodynamic setting for the late stages of oceanic closure in southern Iberia.  相似文献   

Lycian Nappes (in SW Turkey) lie between the Menderes Massif and Bey Dağları carbonates and comprise thrust sheets (nappes piles) of Paleozoic-Cenozoic rocks, ophiolitic and tectonic mélanges and serpentinized peridodites. This study focuses on identification of rudists and their palaeoenvironmental features observed within the Cretaceous low grade metamorphic successions (dominated by recrystallized limestones) from the Tavas and Bodrum nappes. The study is based on fifteen stratigraphic sections measured from Tavas, Fethiye, Köyceğiz, Bodrum, Ören and Bozburun areas. The Lower Cretaceous successions with rudists are very sparse in the Lycian Nappes and a unique locality including a Berriasian epidiceratid-requieniid assemblage is reported so far. A new requieniid-radiolitid assemblage was found within the pre-Turonian (?Albian-?Cenomanian) limestones. Four different Late Cretaceous rudist assemblages were firstly identified as well: 1) Caprinid-Ichthyosarcolitid assemblage (middle-late Cenomanian); 2) Distefanellid assemblage (late Turonian); 3) Hippuritid-Radiolitid assemblage (late Coniacian-Santonian-Campanian); 4) Radiolitid-Hippuritid assemblage (‘middle’-late Maastrichtian). Microfacies data and field observations indicate that the rudists lived in the inner and outer shelves of the Cretaceous carbonate platform(s) in this critical part of the Neotethys Ocean. Rudists formed isolated patchy aggregations in very shallow palaeoenvironments and deposited as shell fragments particularly on the outer shelf environment, which is characterized by higher energy and platform slope characteristics.  相似文献   

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