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The refined Quaternary stratigraphic scale of the Cisuralian and Bashkortostan regions, approved by the Commission on the Quaternary System of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee in 2007, includes the Eopleistocene (with three superhorizons and seven horizons), Neopleistocene (with three superhorizons and 13 horizons), and Holocene (one horizon and three subhorizons). The first defined Holocene Agidel Horizon with three subhorizons, the Middle Neopleistocene Klimovka, and the Upper Neopleistocene Kushnarenkovo Horizon are correlated with the Shuvalov, Gorka, and Mikulino horizons, respectively. New names and reference sections are proposed for all the Eopleistocene units. Local formations are proposed for the horizons, whose stratotypes are located in the northern Fore-Urals. The Quaternary stratigraphic scale is correlated with similar scales of the Urals, the East European Platform, and the Lower Volga region. The scale takes into account all the available data derived from the analysis of original (sediments, faunal and floral remains), published, and archival materials, which make it possible to trace in detail the main Quaternary events that occurred in the Fore-Urals.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of studying zones bounded by the Archean and Early Proterozoic Taratash block, which breaks the meridional structure of the Urals, pinching its structural zones at the latitude of the town of Miass. The mesostructures of rupture zones, microtextures of tectonites, anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility, and seismic-wave propagation rate in blastomylonites were studied. The kinematic history of the Taratash block consists of two phases: (1) exhumation in the Middle Riphean under conditions of crustal extension; and (2) the formation of an indenter in the Late Paleozoic under conditions of compression.  相似文献   

The reasons for the isotopic and geochemical heterogeneity of magmatism of the Neoproterozoic large Volhynia-Brest igneous province (VBP) are considered. The province was formed at 550 Ma in response to the break up of the Rodinia supercontinent and extends along the western margin of the East European craton, being discordant to the Paleoproterozoic mobile zone that separates Sarmatia and Fennoscandia and the Mesoproterozoic Volhynia-Orsha aulacogen. The basalts of VBP show prominent spatiotemporal geochemical zoning. Based on petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic data, the following types of basalts can be distinguished: olivine-normative subalkaline basalts consisting of low-Ti (sLT, < 1.10–2.0 wt % TiO2; εNd(550) from ?6.6 to ?2.7) and medium-Ti (sMT, 2.0–3.0 wt % TiO2, occasionally up to 3.6 wt % TiO2; εNd(550) from ?3.55 to + 0.6) varieties; normal quartz-normative basalts (tholeiites) including low-Ti (tLT, < 1.75–2.0 wt % TiO2) and medium-to-high-Ti (tHT1, 2.0–3.6 wt % TiO2, εNd(550) from ?1.3 to + 1.0) varieties. The hypabyssal bodies are made up of subalkaline low-Ti olivine dolerites (LT, 1.2–1.5 wt % TiO2; εNd(550) = ?5.8) and subalkaline high-Ti olivine gabbrodolerites (HT2, 3.0–4.5 wt % TiO2; εNd(550) = ?2.5). Felsic rocks of VBP are classed as volcanic rocks of normal (andesidacites, dacites, and rhyodacites) and subalkaline (trachyrhyodacites) series with TiO2 0.72–0.77 wt% and εNd(550) of ?12. The central part of VBP is underlain by a Paleoproterozoic domain formed by continent-arc accretion and contains widespread sills of HT2 dolerites and lavas of LT basalts; the northern part of the province is underlain by the juvenile Paleoproterozoic crust dominated by MT and HT1 basalts. MT and LT basalts underwent significant AFC-style upper crustal contamination. During their long residence in the upper crustal magmatic chambers, the basaltic melts fractionated and caused notable heating of the wall rocks and, correspondingly, nonmodal melting of the upper crustal protolith containing high-Rb phase (biotite), thus producing the most felsic rocks of the province. The basalts of VBP were derived from geochemically different sources: probably, the lithosphere and a deep-seated plume (PREMA type). The HT2 dolerites were generated mainly from a lithospheric source: by 3–4% melting of the geochemically enriched garnet lherzolite mantle. LT dolerites were obtained by partial melting of the modally metasomatized mantle containing volatile-bearing phases. The concepts of VBP formation were summarized in the model of three-stage plume-lithosphere interaction.  相似文献   

The region of the junction and interaction between the East European Craton (EEC) and the West Arctic Craton (WAC) is regarded as a complexly built zone or assembly of both the volumetric and dividing linear tectonic elements: the Trollfjord–Rybachi–Kanin (TRK) Lineament, the pericratonic subsidence zone of the EEC, the Karpinskii Lineament, the Murmansk Block of the Fennoscandian (Baltic) Shield, and the Kolmozero–Voronya Zone, which are briefly characterized in this paper. Evidences of thrusting have been established not only in the TRK Suture Zone and on the Rybachi Peninsula, which represent a fragment of the Timanides fold–thrust belt, but also to the southwest, in the Upper Riphean and Vendian terrigenous sequences making up the Sredni Peninsula and related to the pericratonic trough of the VEC. Two phases of fold–thrust deformations with elements of left-lateral strike-slip offset pertaining to the activity and evolution of the lineament suture dividing the Sredni and Rybachi peninsulas have been recorded. The variously oriented fault–fold systems within this fault zone are evidence for multistage deformation and can be explained by an at least twostage change in the kinematics that control displacement along the fault. The disintegrated granitic massifs of the Archean crystalline basement tectonically squeezed out in the upper crust as protrusions are localized within TRK Fault Zone. Plagiogranitic bodies, which underwent superposed fault-fold deformations of both kinematic stages, are an evidence of the vigorous tectonic event that predated folding and two-stage strike-slip displacement along the TRK Fault—by thrusting of Riphean sequences from north to south toward the Archean craton. The nappe–thrust regional structure was formed at this stage; elements of it have been recognized in the Sredni, Rybachi, and Kanin peninsulas. The main stages of tectonic evolution in the junction zone between the EEC and the WAP have been revealed and substantiated.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The dynamics of the average annual temperature in the near-surface air and total annual precipitation in the South Urals are studied on the basis of observation data from...  相似文献   

A methodical approach to assessment of the role played by vertical tectonic movements in the of tectonic-eustatic cyclicity and the facial appearance of the Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits on the eastern part of the East European Craton has been suggested. Resulting from comparison between the global and regional eustatic curves, the modeling of probable versions of the lithological composition for sediments during eustatic oscillations, and the comparison of modeling results with the chronostratigraphic scheme, the global eustatic component and regional ??tectonic noise?? have been identified. It has been found that the vertical tectonic movements formed the boundaries of the most distinguished cyclites on the eastern part of the East European Craton. The spatial-temporal uniformity in the material composition of cyclites, related to the long periods of stable high-stand sea level, caused their mineralogenic specialization for a broad range of non-ore mineral resources.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of U–Pb isotope dating of perovskites from silicate–calcite vein rocks spatially associated with the Kusa–Kopan gabbro intrusion are...  相似文献   

Kuznetsov  N. B.  Romanyuk  T. V. 《Geotectonics》2021,55(4):439-472
Geotectonics - Synthesis of the results of U–Pb dating of detrital zircons (dZr) from the Uppermost Precambrian–Phanerozoic strata of the southern and southeastern framing of the East...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of studies of the regularities of evolution of soils and the environment in the steppe zone of the East European Plain are presented. Different culture-based...  相似文献   

The Kugarchi folded complex is located on the western slope of the Southern Urals; it is a region of complex disharmonic folding in the Lower Carboniferous limestones. We revealed and studied two systems of mineral veins and accompanying veinlets in limestones. The microstructural analysis was used to recognize several deformation stages and orientations of the principal strain directions. This folded complex is interpreted to have formed under conditions close to uniaxial compression accompanied by a progressive change in the extensional strain direction from vertical to horizontal.  相似文献   

A concept for the interpretation of the initial provenance signal in rocks of the Taratash block (in the Southern Urals) using the zircon isotope dating of the Archean and Early Proterozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks was substantiated and carried out. Based on 132 zircon-age datings with a discordance of as much as 10%, a probability-density diagram was compiled first to compare these age data with those of detrital zircons from Lower Riphean sandstones of the Ai Formation and, secondly, with the probability density of zircon ages in metamorphic rocks of the Aleksandrovsk block, which is located to the east. The similarity of the distributions was verified using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.  相似文献   

The Maksyutov Complex consists of two juxtaposed lithotectonic units—Unit #1 of probable Late Proterozoic formation age, and Unit #2, apparently generated in Cambro-Ordovician time. The eclogite-facies metamorphism of Unit #1 occurred prior to 370-380 Ma, when this unit was subjected to blueschist-facies overprinting. Unit #2 displays the effects of a somewhat similar blueschist- or high-pressure greenschist-facies recrystallization, indicating that it may have been metamorphosed contemporaneously with Unit #1. Our field work and geochemical studies have focused on the Sakmara River area. Preliminary conclusions are as follows: (1) Unit #1 was subjected to metamorphic temperatures of 620 ± 70° C and minimum pressures of 1.5 GPa, or 2.7 GPa if the previously reported interpretation of coesite pseudomorphs from similar rocks exposed near the village of Shubino, 75 km to the south (Chesnokov and Popov, 1965), is correct. Peak metamorphic pressures would have reached at least 3.2 GPa if blocky graphite described in this report from a Sakmara River eclogitic mica schist has replaced neoblastic diamond; (2) Unit #2 experienced much lower maximum metamorphic pressures, on the order of 0.5 to 0.6 GPa; (3) Unit #2 was variably but intensely metasomatized, indicating the presence of an aqueous fluid during the Early Devonian blueschist/greenschist-facies metamorphism; (4) tectonic parallelism of the lithostratigraphic units and their bounding sutures, combined with P-T conditions of recrystallization, suggest assembly of the Maksyutov Complex in an intra-oceanic subduction zone. This process was followed by exhumation and suturing against the more easterly Middle Paleozoic unmetamorphosed ophiolitic (oceanic) basement and superjacent calc-alkaline Magnitogorsk island arc. The Late Proterozoic-Ordovician Mugodzhar and Ilmen microcontinents subsequently were thrust beneath the eastern edge of the Devonian Magnitogorsk Arc. Collision of the entire complex with the Ordovician-Lower Carboniferous continentalmargin Suvanjak-Sakmara accretionary complex, lying to the west on the Russian Platform, also occurred during Middle Paleozoic time. Finally, (5), the tectonic imbrication of the several units within and adjoining the Maksyutov Complex was itself truncated and deformed into N-S parallelism by postulated Late Paleozoic postcollisional strike-slip movement (Dobretsov et al., in review).  相似文献   

Belemnites from the lower Bathonian of the Russian Plate are revised on the basis of the study of two reference sections—Pletnyovka and Sokur quarries. The first part of the study deals with the members of the family Megateuthididae. They include eight species of the genus Barskovisella gen. nov., neoendemic to the territory of the Russian Plate and originating from high Boreal taxa—species of the genus Paramegateuthis Gustomesov, 1960, which immigrated to the Middle Russian Sea in the early Bathonian via a short-lived meridional strait. The new genus includes six new species described in the present paper—Barskovisella pseudoishmensis sp. nov., B. issae sp. nov., B. variabilis sp. nov., B. barskovi sp. nov., B. gracilis sp. nov., and B. renegata sp. nov. The beds with Barskovisella, a new belemnite-based unit, corresponding to the Oraniceras besnosovi ammonite zone and including four successive phylogenetic biohorizons well comparable in resolution with ammonite-based infrazonal subdivisions, are introduced.  相似文献   

The results of a microscope study of samples of felsic volcanic rocks from the upper horizons of the Sarbai Formation (O2–S1 sb) in the Southern Urals that compose the formation are presented. A detailed study of the samples and an evaluation of the results of a silicate analysis of these rocks showed their volcanogenic genesis. The rocks have been classified as volcanic glass that underwent several stages of transformation. Three newly-formed structural and textural types of mineralization were defined: spherulitic (felsophyric), axiolitic, and felsitic.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of Pb in pyrite of the Mindyak orogenic gold deposit located in the Main Ural Fault Zone, the Southern Urals, has been studied by the high-precision MC-ICP-MS method. Orebodies at the deposit are composed of early pyrite and late polysulfide–carbonate–quartz mineral assemblages. The orebodies are localized in olistostrome with carbonaceous clayey-cherty cement. Pyrites from early and late mineral assemblages are close in Pb isotope ratios. For early pyrite 206Pb/204Pb = 18.250–18.336, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.645–15.653, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.179–38.461; while for late pyrite 206Pb/204Pb = 18.102–18.378, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.635–15.646, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.149–38.320. The model parameters μ2 (238U/204Pb = 9.91 ± 2), ω2 (232Th/204Pb = 38.5 ± 4), and 232Th/238U = 3.88 ± 3 indicate that an upper crustal Pb source played a leading role in ore formation. Carbonaceous shale as an olistostrome cement and syngenetic sulfide mineralization are considered to be the main Pb sources of both early and late mineral assemblages. An additional recept in apparently magmatic lead is suggested for the late veinlet mineralization. The involvement of lead from several sources in ore formation is consistent with the genetic model, which assumes a two-stage formation of orebodies at the Mindyak deposit.  相似文献   

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