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In land seismic surveys, the seismic data are mostly contaminated by ground-roll noise, high amplitude and low frequency. Since the ground-roll is coherent with reflections and depends on the source, the spectral band of seismic signal and ground-roll always overlap, which can be clearly seen in the spectral domain. So, separating them in time or frequency domain commonly causes waveform distortions and information missing due to cut-off effects. Therefore, the combination of these factors leads to search for alternative filtering methods or processes. We applied the conventional Wiener–Levinson algorithm to extract ground-roll from the seismic data. Then, subtracting it from the seismic data arithmetically performs the ground-roll suppression. To set up the algorithm, linear or nonlinear sweep signals are used as reference noise trace. The frequencies needed in creating a reference noise trace using analytical sweep signal can be approximately estimated in spectral domain. The application of the proposed method based on redesigning of Wiener–Levinson algorithm differs from the usual frequency filtering techniques since the ground-roll is suppressed without cutting signal spectrum. The method is firstly tested on synthetics and then is applied to a shot data from the field. The result obtained from both synthetics and field data show that the ground-roll suppression in this way causes no waveform distortion and no reduction of frequency bandwidth of the data. 相似文献
The scenario assumed for this study was that of a region with a complete or first‐order weather station surrounded by a network of second‐order stations, where only monthly air temperature data were available. The objective was to evaluate procedures to estimate the monthly α parameter of the Priestley–Taylor equation in the second‐order stations by adjusting and extrapolating α values determined at the first‐order station. These procedures were applied in two climatic zones of north‐east Spain with semi‐arid continental and semi‐arid Mediterranean climates, respectively. Procedure A assumed α to be constant over each zone for each month (direct extrapolation). Procedure B accounted for differences in vapour pressure deficit and available energy for evapotranspiration between the first‐ and second‐order stations. Procedure C was based on equating the Penman–Monteith (P–M) and Priestley–Taylor (P–T) equations on a monthly basis to solve for α. Methods to estimate monthly mean vapour pressure deficit, net radiation and wind speed were developed and evaluated. A total of 11 automated first‐order weather stations with a minimum period of record of 6 years (ranging from 6 to 10 years) were used for this study. Six of these stations were located in the continental zone and five in the Mediterranean zone. One station in each zone was assumed to be first‐order whereas the remainder were taken as second‐order stations. Monthly α parameters were calibrated using P–M reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0) values, calculated hourly and integrated for monthly periods, which were taken as ‘true’ values of ET0. For the extrapolation of monthly α parameters, procedure A was found to perform slightly better than procedure B in the Mediterranean zone. The opposite was true in the continental zone. Procedure C had the worst performance owing to the non‐linearity of the P–M equation and errors in the estimation of monthly available energy, vapour pressure deficit and wind speed. Procedures A and B are simpler and performed better. Overall, monthly P–T ET0 estimates using extrapolated α parameters and Rn?G values were in a reasonable agreement with P–M ET0 calculated on an hourly basis and integrated for monthly periods. The methods presented for the spatial extrapolation of monthly available energy, vapour pressure deficit and wind speed from first‐ to second‐order stations could be useful for other applications. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
本文主要针对当前磁法勘探中高精度处理解释的需求,对强磁性体ΔT异常计算存在的误差进行分析研究.我们首先通过理论模型计算试验,证明常规计算采用的投影关系的ΔT与实际测量的模量差ΔT之间的误差E在磁异常幅值大时是明显存在的,其影响不容忽视.其次,当磁性强且剩磁存在时,投影ΔT曲线及其误差曲线在磁化方向与地磁场方向改变时具有一定的对称性;地磁场T0、磁性体形态(如二度水平圆柱体模型的半径r、柱体埋深R)和磁性参数(如磁化率κ)等参数确定的情况下,最大误差值出现在磁性体正上方,且其大小与磁性参数(κ)和模型体规模(如r/R)之间皆是指数关系;另外,研究还发现ΔT的计算误差曲线的一些其他规律特点,如在各纬度带上,ΔT计算误差的最大值Emax曲线的极值主要分布在中纬度地区;磁异常矢量 T a与地磁场 T 0的夹角θ逐渐变化时,随θ变化Emax曲线的极值分布在θ=90°~120°范围内;当磁异常幅值小于10000 nT时,最大误差近似为磁异常矢量垂直于地磁场方向的测点附近的误差值;另外,磁性体(圆柱体为例)的半径(即尺度)与埋深的比值r/R超过0.5,且磁化率超过0.1SI时误差已达到3.9 nT,磁化率增大与对应的Emax的值呈指数增长特点.因此,我们的研究表明,在强磁性体、磁异常幅值大的数据处理、反演及解释时,现有方法会产生较大的误差,应该基于严格的模量差ΔT,完善相应的处理以及反演方法. 相似文献
This paper uses detailed hydrometeorological data to evaluate the influence of channel bed processes on the river energy budget at an experimental site on the regulated River Blithe, Staffordshire, UK. Results from a pilot study are presented for eight days during July, September, October and November 1994. Total energy gains were dominated by net short-wave radiation (97·60%) with significant contributions from sensible heat exchange and friction (1·17 and 1·06%, respectively) and minor additions from condensation and bed conduction (0·16 and 0·01%, respectively). Net long-wave radiation, evaporation, conduction into the river bed, sensible heat transfer and the energy advected during evaporation accounted for 53·98, 23·56, 16·27, 5·25 and 0·94% of the total heat losses. On average, over 82% of the total energy transfers occurred at the air–water interface. Approximately 15% of the total energy exchanges occurred at the channel bed, but maximum daily heat exchanges accounted for up to 24% of the daily total energy transfer. The amount of short-wave radiation attenuated in the water column, and values measured at the channel bed varied considerably from those calculated using a standard coefficient. Values of bed conduction varied in response to different vertical thermal profiles in the channel bed, reflecting the variable influence of sedimentology and groundwater flux. Fluctuations in levels of periphyton and macrophyte cover were also shown to have a significant effect on energy fluxes at the channel bed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with application of the h-adaptive finite element method to dynamic analysis of a pile in liquefiable soil considering large deformation. In finite element analysis of pile behavior in liquefiable soil during an earthquake, especially considering large deformation of liquefied ground, error due to discretization in the zone near the pile becomes very large. Our purpose was to refine the approximation of the finite element method. The updated Lagrangian formulation and a cyclic elasto-plastic model based on the kinematic hardening rule were adopted to deal with the nonlinearity of the soil. The mixed finite element and finite difference methods together with the u-p formulation and Biot's two-phase mixture theory were used. To improve the accuracy and increase the efficiency of finite element analysis, an h-adaptive scheme that included a posteriori error estimation and h-version mesh refinement was applied to the analysis. The calculated results of effective stress were smoothed locally by the extrapolation method and smoothed stress was used to calculate the L2 norm of the effective stress error in the last step of the calculation of each time increment. The mesh was refined by a fission procedure based on the indication of the error estimate As a numerical example, a soil–pile interaction system loaded cyclically was analyzed by our method. 相似文献
欧拉反褶积与解析信号相结合的位场反演方法 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
由于解析信号具有不受(二维) 或少受磁化方向影响,能够较好反映磁性体边界的特性, 因此受到人们的重视. 欧拉反褶积法可以确定场源的位置和深度以及形状因子,具有较强的适应性. 因此前人提出将二者相结合的方法.针对前人提出的方法中存在受高频干扰严重的问题,本文提出低阶的欧拉反褶积与解析信号相结合的位场反演方法.本方法在反演中只需计算磁异常的一、二阶导数,这样能够将高频噪声的干扰减少到人们可以控制的水平.文中详细推导了反演计算公式.模型计算证明了方法的正确性,同时探讨了噪声和邻近磁性体干扰影响的问题.对安徽庐江—枞阳火山岩盆地磁异常反演计算的结果证实了方法的实用性.本方法也可以应用于重力异常的反演计算中. 相似文献
磁相变与地壳地球物理异常 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我们曾提出过一种可能导致地磁和地壳电导率异常的来源:地壳中的二级磁相变,即居里(尼尔)深度附近磁化率的显著提高.这一现象能很好地解释一些来源不明的地磁异常.本文总结了在中地壳深度处、薄且高磁导率异常体的一维和多维大地电磁特征.高磁导率层引起的异常与高电导率层导致的异常相比,大小上可相比拟,但符号相反.无论在什么情况下,经典的大地电磁解释容易导致一个不真实的极厚高阻层,并且在地磁异常附近有与之对应的空间波长,二级磁相变也被认为是这一现象的可能解释.尽管在地壳中是否存在二级磁相变还有一定争议,但最近的一些固体物理实验结果进一步表明它可能是地壳各种地球物理异常的来源之一. 相似文献
Peter Furness 《Journal of Applied Geophysics》2001,48(4)
The general problem of magnetic modelling involves accounting for the effect of both remanent magnetization and the application of an external magnetic field. However, as far as the disturbing field of a magnetic body in a magnetic environment is concerned, there is an equivalence between the effects of these two causations that allows the remanence to be represented in terms of an equivalent primary magnetic H field. Moreover, due to the linearity of the magnetic field in terms of its causations, the general modelling problem involving an applied magnetic field in the presence of remanence can be simply and more efficiently dealt with in terms of an equivalent primary field acting in the absence of any remanent magnetization. 相似文献
Measurement uncertainty is a key hindrance to the quantification of water fluxes at all scales of investigation. Predictions of soil‐water flux rely on accurate or representative measurements of hydraulic gradients and field‐state hydraulic conductivity. We quantified the potential magnitude of errors associated with the parameters and variables used directly and indirectly within the Darcy – Buckingham soil‐water‐flux equation. These potential errors were applied to a field hydrometric data set collected from a forested hillslope in central Singapore, and their effect on flow pathway predictions was assessed. Potential errors in the hydraulic gradient calculations were small, approximately one order of magnitude less than the absolute magnitude of the hydraulic gradients. However, errors associated with field‐state hydraulic conductivity derivation were very large. Borehole (Guelph permeameter) and core‐based (Talsma ring permeameter) techniques were used to measure field‐saturated hydraulic conductivity. Measurements using these two approaches differed by up to 39 orders of magnitude, with the difference becoming increasingly marked within the B horizon. The sensitivity of the shape of the predicted unsaturated hydraulic conductivity curve to ±5% moisture content error on the moisture release curve was also assessed. Applied moisture release curve error resulted in hydraulic conductivity predictions of less than ±02 orders of magnitude deviation from the apparent conductivity. The flow pathways derived from the borehole saturated hydraulic conductivity approach suggested a dominant near‐surface flow pathway, whereas pathways calculated from the core‐based measurements indicated vertical percolation to depth. Direct tracer evidence supported the latter flow pathway, although tracer velocities were approximately two orders of magnitude smaller than the Darcy predictions. We conclude that saturated hydraulic conductivity is the critical hillslope hydrological parameter, and there is an urgent need to address the issues regarding its measurement further. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A versatile integral equation technique for magnetic modelling 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Peter Furness 《Journal of Applied Geophysics》1999,41(4):737
A requirement currently exists in both mineral exploration and environmental or engineering geophysics for a technique to model the magnetic fields caused by bodies with large to extreme susceptibilities in which both induced and remanent magnetizations are significant. It is well known that modelling such magnetic fields is not amenable to any known approximation. It is a significantly difficult task that requires the solution of a magnetostatic boundary value problem. Analytical solutions to the problem are extremely useful for providing insight but generally of limited application in practical interpretation due to the geometrical complexity of real situations. Available numerical solutions include both volume and surface integral equation formulations. However neither of these are particularly efficient for the purpose. An alternative surface integral equation formulation is presented here which represents the required magnetic field in terms of a double layer over the surface of the body. The technique accommodates both remanent and induced magnetization and is generally applicable to any 3D body in a magnetic environment for which the Green's function is available. The present technique has significant advantages over other integral equation solutions in the geophysical literature. It is particularly economic in terms of the density of the surface discretization and consequently the computational effort. Moreover, it is extremely robust. It is found to yield accurate solutions for the type of thin bodies that cause numerical instability with other surface integral equation approaches. 相似文献
基于离散余弦变换的磁位谱分析及磁异常导数计算方法 总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9
针对提高磁异常导数的计算精度,提出磁位离散余弦变换谱的分析方法. 根据重磁位场的泊松公式,利用余弦变换给出磁位与磁场分量间的余弦变换谱关系,推导出磁异常n阶导数的余弦变换谱公式. 利用余弦变换法计算的无限长水平圆柱体磁异常水平和垂向一阶导数的最大误差分别为-0.28 nT/m、0.47 nT/m;水平一阶导数的误差一般在-3.57%~3.27%之间,垂向一阶导数的误差一般在-1.94%~1.88%之间;计算的磁异常一阶导数值与理论值大致重合,而且不受有效磁化倾角的影响. 而Fourier变换法计算的水平和垂向一阶导数最大误差分别为-10.62 nT/m、14.42 nT/m,计算曲线与理论曲线偏离大,受磁化倾角的影响也较大. 这说明与Fourier变换法相比,余弦变换法计算的异常导数精度高,而且具有良好的稳定性. 相似文献
球形磁性地质体是地质勘探中广泛遇到的基本地质体之一,选择合适的磁异常分析方法对其磁场进行准确正演计算具有重要的意义.为了准确快速地求解球形磁性地质体磁场特征,本文提出了一种基于磁偶极子构造原理求解球形磁性地质体磁场的数值计算方法,对球形磁性地质体按半径由小增大进行多层单元分割,再对每层单元进行块单元分割,将每个块单元视为"磁偶极子",利用基本磁偶极子公式计算了所有块单元在探测平面(线)的磁场大小,同时分析了球体磁场的剖面特征,并将数值解与解析解结果进行了对比和误差分析,最后建立双球组合模型结合Comsol多物理场仿真工具对其仿真对比,验证了磁偶极子构造法求解球体磁场的准确性.研究结果表明:数值解法结果与解析解结果磁异常波动趋势完全一致;不同测点处绝对误差有所差别,但磁异常值均在1 nT以下.本文提出的数值解法无需复杂的数学推导,计算结果稳定可靠. 相似文献
阴山造山带和鄂尔多斯盆地北部磁异常场与结晶基底特征研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
阴山造山带与鄂尔多斯盆地跨越不同的构造单元,是典型的盆、山耦合地带,且是构造活动强、弱的变异地域,了解该区结晶基底分布特征对于深化认识盆山耦合的深部要素和深层动力学过程具有十分重要的意义.本文在最新的高精度的地磁观测剖面和数据采集基础上,与航磁异常场在该区域上的展布进行集成研究.通过磁场特征分析以研究盆地和造山带地域的构造分区和结晶基底起伏,进而对该区的油、气能源和金属矿产资源分布特征及前景进行探讨.这一研究成果为进一步深化认识该区的深部构造格局及其深层动力学过程提供了深部介质磁性结构与属性的重要判据. 相似文献
南海北部磁异常特征及对前新生代构造的指示 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
为了研究南海北部前新生代构造,利用新近的船载磁力测量数据,对磁异常进行变纬度化极,并反演计算视磁化强度和磁源重力异常,以及对三条OBS剖面进行重磁拟合.结果认为东沙隆起高磁异常带是浙闽沿海火山岩带向西的延续,其间被NW向古老的转换边界断裂F10错断;NE向的F2断裂是高磁异常带的南界,并限制了底侵活动的北界;F3断裂在拉伸减薄前是一个薄弱带,两侧深部热状态存在差异,极有可能是晚中生代古俯冲缝合带位置.磁静区在F2和F3断裂之间的磁性层磁性减弱,主要原因是底侵活动引起的热蚀变作用影响;而在F3断裂南侧磁性层磁性较强且较为破碎,斜磁化下磁异常正负相互压制是该区形成弱正磁异常的主要原因,该区磁性层的独特特征也可能反映了\"古洋壳\"的存在. 相似文献
This paper investigates the potential of M5 model tree based regression approach to model daily reference evapotranspiration using climatic data of Davis station maintained by California irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS). Four inputs including solar radiation, average air temperature, average relative humidity, and average wind speed whereas reference evapotranspiration calculated using a relation provided by the CIMIS was used as output. To compare the performance of M5 model tree in predicting the reference evapotranspiration, FAO–56 Penman–Monteith equation and calibrated Hargreaves–Samani relation was used. A comparison of results suggests that M5 model tree approach works well in comparison to both FAO–56 and calibrated Hargreaves–Samani relations. To judge the generalization capability of M5 model tree approach, model created by using the Davis data set was tested with the datasets of four different sites. Results from this part of the study suggest that M5 model tree could successfully be employed in modeling the reference evapotranspiration. Further, sensitivity analysis with M5 model tree approach suggests the suitability of solar radiation, average air temperature, average relative humidity, and average wind speed as input parameters to model the reference evapotranspiration Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献