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Nowadays, full-waveform inversion, based on fitting the measured surface data with modelled data, has become the preferred approach to recover detailed physical parameters from the subsurface. However, its application is computationally expensive for large inversion domains. Furthermore, when the subsurface has a complex geological setting, the inversion process requires an appropriate pre-conditioning scheme to retrieve the medium parameters for the desired target area in a reliable manner. One way of dealing with both aspects is by waveform inversion schemes in a target-oriented fashion. Therefore, we propose a prospective application of the convolution-type representation for the acoustic wavefield in the frequency–space domain formulated as a target-oriented waveform inversion method. Our approach aims at matching the observed and modelled upgoing wavefields at a target depth level in the subsurface, where the seismic wavefields, generated by sources distributed above this level, are available. The forward modelling is performed by combining the convolution-type representation for the acoustic wavefield with solving the two-way acoustic wave-equation in the frequency–space domain for the target area. We evaluate the effectiveness of our inversion method by comparing it with the full-domain full-waveform inversion process through some numerical examples using synthetic data from a horizontal well acquisition geometry, where the sources are located at the surface and the receivers are located along a horizontal well at the target level. Our proposed inversion method requires less computational effort and, for this particular acquisition, it has proven to provide more accurate estimates of the target zone below a complex overburden compared to both full-domain full-waveform inversion process and local full-waveform inversion after applying interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to get local-impulse responses.  相似文献   

Compressed Sensing has recently proved itself as a successful tool to help address the challenges of acquisition and processing seismic data sets. Compressed sensing shows that the information contained in sparse signals can be recovered accurately from a small number of linear measurements using a sparsity‐promoting regularization. This paper investigates two aspects of compressed sensing in seismic exploration: (i) using a general non‐convex regularizer instead of the conventional one‐norm minimization for sparsity promotion and (ii) using a frequency mask to additionally subsample the acquired traces in the frequency‐space () domain. The proposed non‐convex regularizer has better sparse recovery performance compared with one‐norm minimization and the additional frequency mask allows us to incorporate a priori information about the events contained in the wavefields into the reconstruction. For example, (i) seismic data are band‐limited; therefore one can use only a partial set of frequency coefficients in the range of reflections band, where the signal‐to‐noise ratio is high and spatial aliasing is low, to reconstruct the original wavefield, and (ii) low‐frequency characteristics of the coherent ground rolls allow direct elimination of them during reconstruction by disregarding the corresponding frequency coefficients (usually bellow 10 Hz) via a frequency mask. The results of this paper show that some challenges of reconstruction and denoising in seismic exploration can be addressed under a unified formulation. It is illustrated numerically that the compressed sensing performance for seismic data interpolation is improved significantly when an additional coherent subsampling is performed in the domain compared with the domain case. Numerical experiments from both simulated and real field data are included to illustrate the effectiveness of the presented method.  相似文献   

地震数据重构问题是一个病态的反演问题. 本文基于地震数据在curvelet域的稀疏性, 将地震数据重构变为一个稀疏优化问题, 构造0范数的逼近函数作为目标函数, 提出了一种投影梯度求解算法. 本文还运用最近提出的分段随机采样方式进行采样, 该采样方式能够有效地控制采样间隔并且保持采样的随机性. 地震数值模拟表明, 基于0范数逼近的投影梯度法计算效率有明显的提高; 分段随机采样方式比随机欠采样有更加稳定的重构结果.  相似文献   




An extension of a previously developed rock physics model is made that quantifies the relationship between the ductile fraction of a brittle/ductile binary mixture and the isotropic seismic reflection response. By making a weak scattering (Born) approximation and plane wave (eikonal) approximation, with a subsequent ordering according to the angles of incidence, singular value decomposition analyses are performed to understand the stack weightings, number of stacks, and the type of stacks that will optimally estimate two fundamental rock physics parameters – the ductile fraction and the compaction and/or diagenesis. It is concluded that the full PP stack, i.e., sum of all PP offset traces, and the “full” PS stack, i.e., linear weighted sum of PS offset traces, are the two optimal stacks needed to estimate the two rock physics parameters. They dominate over both the second‐order amplitude variation offset “gradient” stack, which is a quadratically weighted sum of PP offset traces that is effectively the far offset traces minus the near offset traces, and the higher order fourth order PP stack (even at large angles of incidence). Using this result and model‐based Bayesian inversion, the seismic detectability of the ductile fraction (shown by others to be the important rock property for the geomechanical response of unconventional reservoir fracking) is demonstrated on a model characteristic of the Marcellus shale play.  相似文献   

A robust metric of data misfit such as the ?1‐norm is required for geophysical parameter estimation when the data are contaminated by erratic noise. Recently, the iteratively re‐weighted and refined least‐squares algorithm was introduced for efficient solution of geophysical inverse problems in the presence of additive Gaussian noise in the data. We extend the algorithm in two practically important directions to make it applicable to data with non‐Gaussian noise and to make its regularisation parameter tuning more efficient and automatic. The regularisation parameter in iteratively reweighted and refined least‐squares algorithm varies with iteration, allowing the efficient solution of constrained problems. A technique is proposed based on the secant method for root finding to concentrate on finding a solution that satisfies the constraint, either fitting to a target misfit (if a bound on the noise is available) or having a target size (if a bound on the solution is available). This technique leads to an automatic update of the regularisation parameter at each and every iteration. We further propose a simple and efficient scheme that tunes the regularisation parameter without requiring target bounds. This is of great importance for the field data inversion where there is no information about the size of the noise and the solution. Numerical examples from non‐stationary seismic deconvolution and velocity‐stack inversion show that the proposed algorithm is efficient, stable, and robust and outperforms the conventional and state‐of‐the‐art methods.  相似文献   




陕北富县地区以前的地震勘探沿沟布设弯曲测 线,平面展布呈不规则树枝状,难以形成闭合回 路,很难对二维地震资料在平面上进行储层反 演。2001年在陕北富县探区进行野外采集方法和 地震处理技术攻关,通过采用极其灵活的可变线 元观测系统实现直测线过塬,使测线成网连片; 资料处理中采用基于模型反演的折射波静校正、 地表一致性振幅补偿和反褶积、叠前噪音衰减等 技术,为后续的储层预测、低幅度构造解释和综 合地质研究提供了高保真的地震资料;由于测线 的连片成网,通过伪测井的方法对无井测线进行 控制,最终实现储层反演的连片解释。  相似文献   

宽带高频电磁场数据反演方法研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
采用非线性最小二乘法结合蒙特卡罗法,实现宽带高频电磁场椭圆极化率数据的精确反演,确定地下层状介质的真实电阻率和介电常数.反演结果表明,对于均匀半空间和二层介质模型,最小二乘法能够很好地实现反演,而对于三层或更多层的介质,首先利用蒙特卡罗法确定拟合初始模型,再进行最小二乘反演,能够避免收敛到局部极小值,提高了反演的稳定性.为了加速正演响应函数的计算和迭代的速度,采用高密度采样的线性滤波算法,大大加快了该精确反演方法的速度.针对如覆盖区地质填图和土壤调查等大面积确定地质体性质的应用,本文还给出了一种近似反演方法(相位矢量图法),能够快速获取视电阻率和视介电常数,不仅可以为应用提供有用的基础信息,而且可作为精确反演方法的初始模型.  相似文献   

毛博  韩立国 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):4010-4019



Unexploded war-time bombs (UXB) can be found at the ground surface or buried at depths of up to 20 m, where surface-based detection methods become ineffective due to signal weakness and interference. A total-field borehole magnetometer can penetrate to such depths and collect relatively quiet data. However, conventional interpretation techniques suffer from the inherent non-uniqueness in the borehole dimension. In this paper, a constrained optimisation method is utilised for the interpretation of total-field borehole magnetometer data for the detection of deeply buried unexploded bombs. The major advantage over conventional techniques comes from the analytically-derived constraints imposed on the parameter vector by excluding non-geosensible results from consideration and hence reducing the non-uniqueness to a minimal level. A depth dependant objective function is defined to minimise the interference and measurement errors. A test site has been developed for evaluation using real world data. The interpretation results demonstrate its superior capability in handling real-world problems with high non-uniqueness. Furthermore, this method provides a way to estimate the moment strength without knowing the exact position. Together with the modelled signature data for different objects, characterisation of a particular bomb is possible from the inversion of a single total-field borehole profile.  相似文献   

消除探地雷达数据的子波衰减和频散可以很好地提高探地雷达的勘探深度和勘探分辨率.常用的消除探地雷达数据的子波衰减和频散方法为反Q滤波方法.该方法需要利用地下介质的Q参数,但是正确求取地下介质的Q参数很困难.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种消除探地雷达数据的子波衰减和频散的反滤波方法.该方法以地下介质反射系数是随机数为前提,利用地下介质等效滤波器具有最小相位这个特性,通过求取等效滤波器的振幅谱来求取等效滤波器的反滤波器.最后,利用该反滤波器对探地雷达数据进行反滤波,实现消除探地雷达数据的子波衰减和频散.  相似文献   

The estimation of the depth to the top and bottom of a magnetic source from magnetic data defines a nonlinear inverse problem, while the evaluation of the distribution of magnetization determines a linear inverse problem. In this paper, these interpretation problems are resolved in the continuous case of 21/2D magnetized bodies with lateral magnetization variations. A formulation of the magnetic problem accounting for different directions of remanent and total magnetization vectors and including a more general definition of apparent susceptibility is presented. Differences between 2D and 21/2D formulations are stressed, as regards the anomaly amplitude, shape and zero-level.In order to utilize well-known continuous linear inverse methods, Fréchet derivatives of the data functionals with respect to the depth of the source top and bottom, are analytically described. Thus, using the spectral expansion inverse method (Parker, 1977) and linearizing the problem at several steps of an iterative process, the source depth is obtained within a few iterations, although the starting model is distant from the final solution. The interpretation of an anomaly in the Italian region shows the usefulness of the method.  相似文献   

地震资料去噪方法技术综合评述   总被引:13,自引:19,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
地震资料去噪,无论是叠前还是叠后,都是处理中非常重要的内容.随着勘探技术的进步,地球物理界积累和开发的去噪软件已越来越多.对各种去噪方法进行分门别类,阐述其基本原理、物理意义、适用条件、发展前景,既有理论价值又有实际指导意义.本文从噪声的特征出发,首先对地震资料噪声进行了分类;然后综合评述了目前实际生产中常用的几种去噪方法,包括频率域滤波、频率波数域滤波、频率空间域滤波、Radon变换、聚束滤波、基于小波分解和重建的去噪方法等;最后还简述了去噪技术的应用及发展情况.  相似文献   

地震资料去噪方法、技术综合评述   总被引:36,自引:24,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
地震资料去噪,无论是叠前还是叠后,都是处理中非常重要的内容.随着勘探技术的进步,地球物理界积累和开发的去噪软件已越来越多.对各种去噪方法进行分门别类,阐述其基本原理、物理意义、适用条件、发展前景,既有理论价值又有实际指导意义.本文从噪声的特征出发,首先对地震资料噪声进行了分类;然后综合评述了目前实际生产中常用的几种去噪方法,包括频率域滤波、频率波数域滤波、频率空间域滤波、Radon变换、聚束滤波、基于小波分解和重建的去噪方法等;最后还简述了去噪技术的应用及发展情况.  相似文献   

本文对利用支持向量机进行重震联合反演问题做了深入研究,特别是对支持向量机用于重震联合反演时的重力资料的处理、参数选取、特征量的提取等具体实现问题进行了讨论,最后用所设计的支持向量机重震联合反演模型对东营北部区域结晶基底岩做了预测反演,取得了满意的效果.  相似文献   

On the basis of the dispersion relation of magnetotelluric response functions (MTRF), a filter coefficient algorithm has been made, with which the corresponding impedance phase data can be estimated using a set of apparent resistivity data. The tests of theoretical models and observed magnetotelluric (MT) data show that this algorithm is effective. Comparing the impedance phase estimated using dispersion relation with the observed phase, it can be checked whether the dispersion relation between the observed apparent resistivities and phase data was satisfied. The use of phase data corrected using the dispersion relation in the joint inversion for MT impedance is advantageous to obtain more reliable inversion results. The problems on the one-dimensional joint inversion for the (MT) apparent resistivity and the apparent resistivity of the frequency electromagnetic sounding (FEMS) with horizontal electric dipole, whose observed frequency bands are linked up each other, are studied. The observed data of two kinds of electromagnetic (EM) methods at two sites are used to inverse, the comparison with the drilling data show the results are more reliable. To supply the phase data of FEMS using the dispersion relation, for the apparent resistivity-phase data and impedance real part-imaginary part apparent resistivities of two kinds of EM methods the imitated MT joint inversions are made, and more similar results also are obtained. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 91–96, 1993. The projects sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

林旭  罗志才 《地球物理学报》2016,59(5):1608-1615
多速率Kalman滤波方法可用于低采样率的位移和高采样率的加速度数据融合,而未知的噪声协方差信息则显著制约着多速率Kalman滤波精度.本文通过将多速率Kalman滤波转换为传统的单速率Kalman滤波,建立了Kalman滤波增益的自协方差矢量与未知的加速度谱密度和观测噪声参数间的线性函数模型,并采用最小二乘估计方法对未知的噪声协方差参数进行估计,进而有效地提高了多速率Kalman滤波精度. 数值仿真和震动台实验结果验证了本文方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

简要叙述运用P波初动资料确定地震震源机制(断层面解)的原理与方法,并以图解法为例,详细阐述相关的物理概念及求地震震源机制解的具体步骤,以适应具有不同专业背景(例如:地震学、地球物理学、地质学、大地测量学、工程地震学、灾害科学、管理科学)的不同读者(例如:学生、教师、管理人员)的不同需求(例如:了解、学习、应用).  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for inverting ground penetrating radargrams in terms of one-dimensional profiles. We resort to a special type of linearization of the damped E-field wave equation to solve the inverse problem. The numerical algorithm for the inversion is iterative and requires the solution of several forward problems, which we evaluate using the matrix propagation approach. Analytical expressions for the derivatives with respect to physical properties are obtained using the self-adjoint Green's function method. We consider three physical properties of materials; namely dielectrical permittivity, magnetic permeability and electrical conductivity. The inverse problem is solved minimizing the quadratic norm of the residuals using quadratic programming optimization. In the iterative process to speed up convergence we use the Levenberg–Mardquardt method. The special type of linearization is based on an integral equation that involves derivatives of the electric field with respect to magnetic permeability, electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity; this equation is the result of analyzing the implication of the scaling properties of the electromagnetic field. The ground is modeled using thin horizontal layers to approximate general variations of the physical properties. We show that standard synthetic radargrams due to dielectric permittivity contrasts can be matched using electrical conductivity or magnetic permeability variations. The results indicate that it is impossible to differentiate one property from the other using GPR data.  相似文献   

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