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3D multivalued travel time and amplitude maps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An algorithm for computing multivalued maps for travel time, amplitude and any other ray related variable in 3D smooth velocity models is presented. It is based on the construction of successive isochrons by tracing a uniformly dense discrete set of rays by fixed travel-time steps. Ray tracing is based on Hamiltonian formulation and includes computation of paraxial matrices. A ray density criterion ensures uniform ray density along isochrons over the entire ray field including caustics. Applications to complex models are shown.  相似文献   

一种边缘保持的地震数据插值方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在地震数据处理中,地震数据插值方法常常用来解决地震数据空间采样率低和不规则的问题.本文提出了一种基于边缘保持滤波器的地震数据插值方法.在该方法中,对于一个1D信号,逐点滑动一个处理窗口,将信号分成多个信号片段.对于某一个待恢复的缺失采样点,存在多个包含(或邻近)该采样点的信号片段可以用来估计它.采用多项式来拟合这些信号片段,并选择拟合误差最小的信号片段估计此缺失采样点,达到边缘保持的目的.对于2D地震信号,先沿不同方向扫描抽取1D信号,然后采用上述1D边缘保持插值算法分别进行处理,得到沿不同方向的插值结果.对于任一待插值采样点,选取对应拟合误差最小的方向的插值结果作为最后输出的2D数据的插值结果.理论模型和实际资料的处理结果表明,所提方法具有保边缘、抗假频及能够进行不规则数据重建等特点,既能有效的实现不规则地震数据的重建,又能很好的保持原有数据的边缘特征.  相似文献   

Conventional seismic data processing methods based on post‐stack time migration have been playing an important role in coal exploration for decades. However, post‐stack time migration processing often results in low‐quality images in complex geological environments. In order to obtain high‐quality images, we present a strategy that applies the Kirchhoff prestack time migration (PSTM) method to coal seismic data. In this paper, we describe the implementation of Kirchhoff PSTM to a 3D coal seam. Meanwhile we derive the workflow of 3D Kirchhoff PSTM processing based on coal seismic data. The processing sequence of 3D Kirchhoff PSTM includes two major steps: 1) the estimation of the 3D root‐mean‐square (RMS) velocity field; 2) Kirchhoff prestack time migration processing. During the construction of a 3D velocity model, dip moveout velocity is served as an initial migration velocity field. We combine 3D Kirchhoff PSTM with the continuous adjustment of a 3D RMS velocity field by the criteria of flattened common reflection point gathers. In comparison with post‐stack time migration, the application of 3D Kirchhoff PSTM to coal seismic data produces better images of the coal seam reflections.  相似文献   

地震数据通常存在数据缺失问题,严重影响地震数据各个处理环节,需采用适当的手段对其重构.本文提出了一种基于深度学习卷积神经网络(CNN)的智能化地震数据插值技术.算法的关键在于构建一个适用于地震资料插值的CNN模型,该技术以缺失地震数据作为输入层,由卷积算法提取地震数据的特征信息,并通过池化层实现数据压缩降维,同时引入修正线性函数(ReLU)提高模型的非线性表达能力,再通过反卷积层恢复数据尺寸,最终搭建卷积自编码器模型(CAE),实现数据-数据的映射关系.该模型通过残差学习获得缺失数据特征并实现重构数据输出,与现有技术相比,该方法采用自监督学习方式,利用大量数据训练卷积自编码器模型,通过所得模型实现缺失地震道的数据重构.分别利用CAE模型及POCS插值技术对模型资料和实际数据进行插值,测试结果表明,CAE能有效实现地震数据插值,且与POCS方法相比具有更高的精度,验证了算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   




3D地震数据不规则采样缺失重建是地震勘探数据处理流程中的重要问题.本文提出了一种基于具有保幅特性的非均匀高阶抛物Radon变换(NHOPRT)地震数据重建方法.在最小二乘反演方程中引入Delaunay三角网格剖分来计算空间不规则加权系数,从而获得最接近完整规则数据的高阶抛物Radon变换域系数.在用SVD求解反演方程过程中,利用高阶抛物Radon变换算子在频率域为指数函数,具有线性可分解特性,将二维空间的高阶抛物Radon变换算子分解为两个独立的一维空间变换算子,减小了变换算子的矩阵大小,从而很大程度地提高了计算效率.理论模型和实际地震数据重建测试证明了本文方法的有效性以及实用性.  相似文献   

The cross‐calibration of different vintage data is an important prerequisite in attempting to determine the time‐lapse seismic effects induced by hydrocarbon production in a reservoir. This paper reports the preprocessing and cross‐calibration procedures adopted to modify the data of four seismic vintages (1982, 1989, 1992 and 1999) from the Oseberg field in the North Sea, for optimal conditions for a time‐lapse seismic amplitude analysis. The final results, in terms of time‐lapse variations, of acoustic impedance and of amplitude‐versus‐offset, are illustrated for selected data sets. The application of preprocessing to each individual vintage data set reduces the effects of the different acquisition and noise conditions, and leads to consistency in the amplitude response of the four vintages. This consistency facilitates the final amplitude cross‐calibration that is carried out using, as reference, the Cretaceous horizon reflections above the Brent reservoir. Such cross‐calibration can be considered as vintage‐consistent residual amplitude correction. Acoustic impedance sections, intercept and gradient amplitude‐versus‐offset attributes and coherent amplitude‐versus‐offset estimates are computed on the final cross‐calibrated data. The results, shown for three spatially coincident 2D lines selected from the 1982, 1989 and 1999 data sets, clearly indicate gas‐cap expansion resulting from oil production. Such expansion is manifested as a decrease in acoustic impedance and a modification of the amplitude‐versus‐offset trends in the apical part of the reservoir.  相似文献   

数据空间磁异常模量三维反演   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
强剩磁的存在通常导致了总磁化强度方向未知,进而影响了磁异常的反演和解释.磁异常模量是一种受磁化方向影响小的转换量,可以在强剩磁条件下通过反演三维磁化强度大小分布来推测场源分布状态.我们提出了一种数据空间磁异常模量反演算法来减少剩磁的影响.与标准的模型空间L2范数正则化反演方法相比,我们的方法有两个优点:一是无需搜索正则化参数(需要反复求解非线性反演问题),因而可以减少计算时间;二是反演结果更加聚焦,深度分辨率更高,我们对此进行了原因分析.通过模型和实测数据测试证明了该算法的有效性和更好的反演效果.  相似文献   

The estimation of time-lapse time shifts between two, or several, repeated seismic surveys has become increasingly popular over the past eighteen years. These time shifts are a reliable and informative seismic attribute that can relate to reservoir production. Correction for these time shifts or the underlying velocity perturbations and/or subsurface displacement in an imaging sense also permits accurate evaluation of time-lapse amplitudes by attempting to decouple the kinematic component. To date, there are approximately thirty methods for time-shift estimation described in the literature. We can group these methods into three main families of mathematical development, together with several miscellaneous techniques. Here we detail the underlying bases for these methods, and the acknowledged benefits and weaknesses of each class of method highlighted. We illustrate this review with a number of time-lapse seismic examples from producing fields. No method is necessarily superior to the others, as its selection depends on ease of implementation, noise characteristics of the field data, and whether the inherent assumptions suit the case in question. However, cross-correlation stands out as the algorithm of choice based on the Pareto principle and waveform inversion the algorithm delivering best resolution. This is a companion study to the previous review of time-shift magnitudes and a discussion of their rock physics basis.  相似文献   

In conventional seismic exploration, especially in marine seismic exploration, shot gathers with missing near‐offset traces are common. Interferometric interpolation methods are one of a range of different methods that have been developed to solve this problem. Interferometric interpolation methods differ from conventional interpolation methods as they utilise information from multiples in the interpolation process. In this study, we apply both conventional interferometric interpolation (shot domain) and multi‐domain interferometric interpolation (shot and receiver domain) to a synthetic and a real‐towed marine dataset from the Baltic Sea with the primary aim of improving the image of the seabed by extrapolation of a near‐offset gap. We utilise a matching filter after interferometric interpolation to partially mitigate artefacts and coherent noise associated with the far‐field approximation and a limited recording aperture size. The results show that an improved image of the seabed is obtained after performing interferometric interpolation. In most cases, the results from multi‐domain interferometric interpolation are similar to those from conventional interferometric interpolation. However, when the source–receiver aperture is limited, the multi‐domain method performs better. A quantitative analysis for assessing the performance of interferometric interpolation shows that multi‐domain interferometric interpolation typically performs better than conventional interferometric interpolation. We also benchmark the interpolated results generated by interferometric interpolation against those obtained using sparse recovery interpolation.  相似文献   




随机介质参数估计是随机介质理论应用于地震勘探的关键.本文提出了一种从二维叠后地震数据中估计平稳随机介质参数的方法.文中阐述了二维叠后地震数据与随机介质波阻抗模型的关系,以及随机介质自相关函数参数的估计原理和方法,并结合实例详细介绍了应用功率谱法进行随机介质参数估计的具体步骤;通过多个二维理论模型的估计试验,验证了方法的可行性和正确性;还对实际地震数据进行了随机介质参数的估计试验,结果表明,随机介质参数可以为三角洲沉积相的进一步划分提供参考,反映了该方法有较好的应用前景.相比前人的研究,本文所提出的随机介质参数估计方法是一种真正的二维算法,特别是能给出自相关角度θ的估计,这种基于功率谱的估计方法具有直观且高效率的优点,但也存在着误差较大的问题,需要进一步的改进和完善.  相似文献   

为提高宽方位地震数据的成像质量,改善面元属性之间的不均匀性,发展了宽方位OVT域数据五维插值技术.正交匹配追踪傅立叶插值技术是OVT域五维数据插值的有效技术,该技术以傅立叶变换作为算子,将数据变换到频率空间域,产生若干个频率切片,从若干个频率切片中选取一个傅立叶分量系数,同时综合利用地震数据的"纵向、横向、时间、偏移距、方位角"五个维度信息计算插值算子,为了避免选中假频成份,在每一步迭代中通过引入滤波算子对所选取的傅立叶分量的系数进行重新计算,实现反假频的目的 .与常规三维数据插值相比,OVT域五维插值更精确,振幅保真性更好.  相似文献   

Recovering accurate data is important for both earthquake and exploration seismology studies, when data are sparsely sampled or partially missing. We present a method that allows for precise and accurate recovery of seismic data using a localized fractal recovery method. This method requires that the data are selfsimilar on local and global spatial scales. We present examples that show that the intrinsic structure associated with seismic data can be easily and accurately recovered by using this approach. This result, in turn, indicates that seismic data are indeed self-similar on local and global scales. This method is applicable not only for seismic studies, but also for any field studies that require accurate recovery of data from sparsely sampled datasets with partially missing data. Our ability to recover the missing data with high fidelity and accuracy will qualitatively improve the images of seismic tomography.  相似文献   

四维地震(4D seimic)主要是指利用重复三维地震测量资料进行油藏动态监测。在油田开发过程中,由于储层特性变化所引起的地震振幅异常、频率变化以及反射同相轴下拖现象等均可作为注蒸汽波及范围四维地震监测的良好识别标志。由于叠后地震资料中常常存在动校正速度不准、动校正拉伸畸变、剩余静校正误差、以及CDP道集中各道波形的差异性等多方面的问题,这会对叠后地震资料所反映出的四维地震异常特性产生影响,造成解释结果的差异性和不确定性。为此,本文尝试开展叠前地震属性反演研究,利用瞬时频率、瞬时频率梯度、能量衰减85%时的频率、最大振幅频率、最大振幅、总能量等多种衰减属性的叠前剖面及其差值剖面来定性解释四维地震实验区的注入蒸汽在剖面上的反映。  相似文献   

In the central North Sea ‘Gannet‐A’ field, a 50 ft oil rim is overlain by a gas cap of variable thickness. Oil is produced from horizontal wells which initially produced dry oil, but as the field became more mature, a significant water cut was seen in several wells. A dedicated 4D seismic monitor survey was acquired in order to assess the remaining distribution of oil reserves. By forward modelling the synthetic seismic response to parameters such as contact movement and residual saturations (using 2D and 3D wedge models), and comparing the results with real seismic data, we are able to decipher the contact movements across the field. It is shown that, in one part of the field, the increased water cut is caused primarily by the vertical displacement of the entire oil rim into the initial gas cap. This oil‐rim displacement produces a very different 4D seismic response from the case of a static gas–oil contact and rising oil–water contact (normal production). As a result of these observations, we are able to optimize field production by both re‐perforation of existing wells and by drilling sidetracks into the displaced rim: a brown‐field development opportunity that might otherwise be missed.  相似文献   

We develop the true‐amplitude prestack migration of multicomponent data based on the use of elastic Gaussian beams for walkaway vertical seismic profile (VSP) acquisition systems. It consists in a weighted summation of multishot data with specific weights, computed by tracing elastic Gaussian beams from each imaging point of the target area towards the sources and receivers. Each pair of beams may be connected with either a pair of P‐rays (PP‐image) or the P‐ray towards sources and the S‐ray to receivers (PS‐image) and is uniquely determined by dip (the angle of the bisector between the rays and the vertical direction) and opening (the angle between the rays) angles. Shooting from the bottom towards the acquisition system helps to avoid well‐known troubles, in particular multipathing for the imaging conditions in complex velocity models. The ability to fix the dip angle and implement summation over opening angles leads to the so‐called selective images that contain mostly interfaces with desired slopes. On the other hand, a set of images computed for a range of opening angles by summation over all available dip angles is used as input of an AVO‐like inversion procedure for the recovery of elastic parameters. The feasibility of this imaging procedure is verified by synthetic data for 2D realistic elastic models.  相似文献   




Sea‐bed diffractions are frequently observed for several of the fields in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea. This is a challenge in time lapse seismic analysis, since diffracted multiples are difficult to remove by processing and therefore is a major source of poor time lapse data quality. In this work we test if the diffractions can be used for enhanced 4D interpretation. By analysing the time‐shift of the sea‐bed diffraction hyperbola between the base and monitor it is tested if changes in water velocity and tides can be estimated. Two models using time lapse diffraction analysis are tested: the first one simply adds time‐shifts for the two branches of the diffraction hyperbola and this average time‐shift is then used to estimate the water velocity change. The other method uses an inversion method based on the diffraction equation for a point diffractor to estimate the velocity change. In‐line common‐midpoint shifts are estimated by subtracting the time‐shifts of both hyperbola branches followed by direct inversion. The diffraction based time‐shifts are compared to time‐shifts estimated by standard cross‐correlation of the sea‐bed reflection. The averaging method gives slightly higher uncertainties, while the inversion using an exact traveltime equation gives similar uncertainties compared to the sea‐bed reflection method.  相似文献   

为了满足岩性勘探的需要,苏里格地区开展了高密度地震采集方法.采集技术的进步极大的提高了地震记录的品质,同时对开展以岩性预测为目标的保幅处理提出了更高的要求.而叠前去噪作为室内去噪处理的主战场,在保幅处理中起到重要作用.本文针对苏里格地区地震资料干扰波类型多、背景噪音强的特点,采用多域多方法联合去噪思路,对叠前地震数据上的噪声采用分频压制线性及异常强能量干扰、自适应单频波衰减及高精度反假频去除多次波等保幅去噪方法.在提高信噪比的同时,达到保幅处理效果,提高了处理结果的可靠性,使钻井成功率大大提高,从而大幅度提高了苏里格气田的经济效益.该技术系列对国内其它低孔低渗致密砂岩油气藏研究同样具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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