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用孔隙、裂隙介质弹性波理论反演岩石孔隙分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔隙、裂隙介质的弹性波动理论描述了介质中孔隙与裂隙相互作用的弹性波特征,已被广泛用来模拟和解释实际岩石的声学性质.本文将该理论进一步扩展,用以描述孔隙与多形态裂隙体系的相互作用.扩展理论的一个重要应用是模拟实验室流体饱和岩石在压力加载条件下的弹性波速数据,利用不同形态的裂隙在压力作用下产生的波速变化来反演裂隙的纵横...  相似文献   

This paper aims to demonstrate that the elastic stiffnesses and the anisotropic parameters of rocks can be accurately predicted from geophysical features such as the porosity, the density, the compression stress, the pore pressure and the burial depth using relevant machine learning methods. It also suggests that the extreme gradient boosting method is the best method for this purpose. It is more accurate, extremely faster to train and more robust than the artificial neural networks and the support vector machine methods. Very high R-squared scores was obtained for the predicted elastic stiffnesses of a relevant dataset that is available in the literature. This dataset contains different types of rocks, and the values of the features are in large ranges. An optimal set of parameters was obtained by considering an appropriate sensitivity analysis. The optimized model is very easy to implement in Python for practical applications.  相似文献   

近年来发展起来的“孔隙、裂隙介质弹性波理论”提高了人们对实际岩石声学性质的模拟和预测的能力.作为对这一理论的实验验证和重要应用,我们将它用来模拟和解释岩石超声实验中测得的干燥和饱和岩石弹性波速度随压力的变化曲线.理论模拟的重要参数,如岩石的裂隙密度等是从实验数据反演得到的.结果表明:无论是孔隙度较高的砂岩,还是孔隙度很小的致密岩石,如花岗岩,该理论都能很好地描述岩石在干燥和饱和状态下纵、横波速度随压力的变化.造成波速变化的原因是岩石中裂隙在压力作用下的闭合和裂隙密度的减少.本文的结果还指出了将岩石裂隙密度作为描述岩石的重要物性参数,并给出了从实验室超声测量中确定这一参数的方法.  相似文献   


面向超深碳酸盐岩油气勘探开发中储层精细地震刻画问题,研发了高温(200℃)、高压(200 MPa)岩石弹性性质超声测量系统.收集塔里木盆地9块奥陶系超深碳酸岩储层岩石样品,通过高温高压条件下超声纵、横波速度测量发现,在围压保持69.0 MPa不变的情况下,当温度从25℃上升到200℃时,干岩石样品的纵、横波速度以及体积模量与剪切模量随着温度的升高而下降,纵波速度与体积模量最大降幅分别达到3.54%和7.54%,横波速度与剪切模量最大降幅分别达到4.57%和8.93%;在温度保持200℃不变情况下,当围压从69.0 MPa上升到137.9 MPa时,干岩石样品的纵、横波速度以及体积模量与剪切模量随着围压的升高而升高,纵波速度与体积模量最大升幅分别达到1.78%和3.39%,横波速度与剪切模量最大升幅分别达到1.95%和5.26%.在超深碳酸盐岩油气储层环境下,温度对碳酸盐岩岩石骨架弹性性质的影响可能超过围压对岩石骨架弹性性质的影响.岩石样品温度与围压循环实验表明,干岩石弹性性质与温度以及围压的变化关系不具可逆性,碳酸盐岩岩石样品弹性模量与温度之间总体上存在线性关系,其截距与斜率由碳酸盐岩岩石中方解石的含量控制.





Sizeable amounts of connected microporosity with various origins can have a profound effect on important petrophysical properties of a porous medium such as (absolute/relative) permeability and capillary pressure relationships. We construct pore-throat networks that incorporate both intergranular porosity and microporosity. The latter originates from two separate mechanisms: partial dissolution of grains and pore fillings (e.g. clay). We then use the reconstructed network models to estimate the medium flow properties. In this work, we develop unique network construction algorithms and simulate capillary pressure–saturation and relative permeability–saturation curves for cases with inhomogeneous distributions of pores and micropores. Furthermore, we provide a modeling framework for variable amounts of cement and connectivity of the intergranular porosity and quantifying the conditions under which microporosity dominates transport properties. In the extreme case of a disconnected inter-granular network due to cementation a range of saturations within which neither fluid phase is capable of flowing emerges. To our knowledge, this is the first flexible pore scale model, from first principles, to successfully approach this behavior observed in tight reservoirs.  相似文献   

The direct access to the interior of our planet is very limited. Scientific drilling can reach about 15 km depth. Natural exhumation processes in conjunction with orogeny bring massive rock packages from up to 100 km depth back to surface. Explosion breccia and kimberlite pipes can carry small rock and mineral fragments as xenoliths from up to 250 km depth. But all the detailed knowledge we achieved about Earth's deep interior structures and dynamics, especially during the last two decades is based on highly resolved seismic data, in particular seismic tomography. That means it is a three-dimensional distribution of elastic and inelastic data with the maximum resolution of the seismic wavelength, i.e. at great depth several kilometres in principle. Consequently any material information is a matter of interpretation. Thus a detailed knowledge about the elastic properties of rocks in dependence on pressure, temperature, mineral content, grain size, deformation, crack distribution, etc., is crucial for this interpretation.  相似文献   

Shales play an important role in many engineering applications such as nuclear waste, CO2 storage and oil or gas production. Shales are often utilized as an impermeable seal or an unconventional reservoir. For both situations, shales are often studied using seismic waves. Elastic properties of shales strongly depend on their hydration, which can lead to substantial structural changes. Thus, in order to explore shaly formations with seismic methods, it is necessary to understand the dependency of shale elastic properties on variations in hydration. In this work, we investigate structural changes in Opalinus shale at different hydration states using laboratory measurements and X-ray micro-computed tomography. We show that the shale swells with hydration and shrinks with drying with no visible damage. The pore space of the shale deforms, exhibiting a reduction in the total porosity with drying and an increase in the total porosity with hydration. We study the elastic properties of the shale at different hydration states using ultrasonic velocities measurements. The elastic moduli of the shale show substantial changes with variations in hydration, which cannot be explained with a single driving mechanism. We suggest that changes of the elastic moduli with variations in hydration are driven by multiple competing factors: (1) variations in total porosity, (2) substitution of pore-filling fluid, (3) change in stiffness of contacts between clay particles and (4) chemical hardening/softening of clay particles. We qualitatively and quantitatively analyse and discuss the influence of each of these factors on the elastic moduli. We conclude that depending on the microstructure and composition of a particular shale, some of the factors dominate over the others, resulting in different dependencies of the elastic moduli on hydration.  相似文献   





多孔岩石波传播的热弛豫模型修正   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
经研究发现热弛豫模型的衰减比BISQ模型大得较多,与地球介质相比衰减量也过大;反演与实验结果相比在虚模量的低频(或低温)端和高频(或高温)端相差较大,仅在峰值附近符合较好.针对上述不足,将Arrhenius关系直接引进Biot模型,替换原模型引进的峰值点的频率对数和温度关系,并重新调整了模型参数.这样既改善了原模型衰减量过大,又克服了模型反演中虚模量峰值曲线两侧差异较大的缺点.进行了P波和S波的波传播分析,仍然在频率谱和温度谱上获得热弛豫峰和Biot峰.分析显示热弛豫峰导致波速随频率升高而上升的普遍规律,Biot峰导致波速随温度升高而上升的异常现象.在相同条件下对Biot模型,BISQ模型和热弛豫模型的P波波速和衰减进行了对比.热弛豫模型得到的速度频散更强,频散范围更宽,所得的衰减峰值频率比BISQ模型要低,衰减幅度比BISQ模型稍大.这些结果与实验结果相近,更符合实际.  相似文献   

The effect of anisotropy on the onset of convection in a saturated porous medium is discussed. In particular, the case of time-dependent density-driven convection is examined. The applicability of the value of an equivalent Rayleigh number as the criterion for the onset of convection is discussed.  相似文献   

弹性波在含双裂纹岩体中的传播分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
岩石和岩体是具有复杂细微观结构的非均匀介质.弹性波在岩体中传播时,与岩体细微观缺陷相互作用表现出弹性波的频散效应.为研究岩体内部细观结构对弹性波频散效应的作用,本文采用双裂纹模型:在模型内部,考虑裂纹间的相互作用对弹性波的影响,以分析弹性波在双裂纹体系间的多次散射作用;在双裂纹体系间,采用线性叠加分析法,以考虑岩体缺陷影响的局部化.对波动方程应用Green函数基本解,利用边界积分方法,将双裂纹体系作为内边界处理,得到相应的频散方程,由此对比分析了双裂纹体系在上述两种分析方法下的区别,进一步探讨了双裂纹体系参数、孔隙流体压力和卸荷对岩体频散特性的影响.  相似文献   

The zeta potential is one of the most important parameters influencing the electrokinetic coupling. Most reservoir rocks are saturated or partially saturated by natural water containing various types of ions (mostly monovalent and divalent ions). Therefore, understanding how the zeta potential behaves for mixtures of electrolytes is very important. In this work, measurements of the zeta potential for four different silica-based samples saturated by seven different mixtures of monovalent and divalent electrolytes are then carried out at a fixed ionic strength. It is seen that the magnitude of the measured zeta potential decreases with increasing divalent cation fraction. The experimental results are then explained by a model developed for mixtures of monovalent and divalent electrolytes. The result shows that the theoretical model is able to reproduce the main trend of the variation of the zeta potential with divalent cation fractions. Additionally, the model can fit the experimental data reported in literature well for reasonable values of the input parameters.  相似文献   

Elastic properties of saturated porous rocks with aligned fractures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Elastic properties of fluid saturated porous media with aligned fractures can be studied using the model of fractures as linear-slip interfaces in an isotropic porous background. Such a medium represents a particular case of a transversely isotropic (TI) porous medium, and as such can be analyzed with equations of anisotropic poroelasticity. This analysis allows the derivation of explicit analytical expressions for the low-frequency elastic constants and anisotropy parameters of the fractured porous medium saturated with a given fluid. The five elastic constants of the resultant TI medium are derived as a function of the properties of the dry (isotropic) background porous matrix, fracture properties (normal and shear excess compliances), and fluid bulk modulus. For the particular case of penny-shaped cracks, the expression for anisotropy parameter ε has the form similar to that of Thomsen [Geophys. Prospect. 43 (1995) 805]. However, contrary to the existing view, the compliance matrix of a fluid-saturated porous-fractured medium is not equivalent to the compliance matrix of any equivalent solid medium with a single set of parallel fractures. This unexpected result is caused by the wave-induced flow of fluids between pores and fractures.  相似文献   

基于Biot理论,考虑液相的黏弹性变形和固液相接触面上的相对扭转,提出了含黏滞流体VTI孔隙介质模型.从理论上推导出,在该模型中除存在快P波、慢P波、SV波、SH波以外,还将存在两种新横波-慢SV波和慢SH波.数值模拟分析了6种弹性波的相速度、衰减、液固相振幅比随孔隙度、频率的变化规律以及快P波、快SV波的衰减随流体性质、渗透率、入射角的变化规律.结果表明慢SV波和慢SH波主要在液相中传播,高频高孔隙度时,速度较高;大角度入射时,快P波衰减表现出明显的各向异性,而快SV波的衰减则基本不变;储层纵向和横向渗透率存在差异时,快SV波衰减大的方向渗透率高.  相似文献   

岩石的等效孔隙纵横比反演及其应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过融合Gassmann方程和由微分等效介质理论建立的干岩石骨架模型——DEM解析模型,本文提出根据纵波(和横波)速度反演岩石等效孔隙纵横比进行储层孔隙结构评价和横波速度预测的方法.首先,利用Gassmann方程和DEM解析模型建立岩石的纵、横波速度与密度、孔隙度、饱和度和矿物组分等各参数之间的关系;其次,将岩石孔隙等效为具有单一纵横比的理想椭球孔,应用非线性全局寻优算法来寻找最佳的等效孔隙纵横比使得理论预测与实际测量的弹性模量之间的误差最小;最后,将反演得到的等效孔隙纵横比代入到Gassmann方程和DEM解析模型中构建横波速度.实验室和井孔测量数据应用表明,反演得到的等效孔隙纵横比可准确反映储层的孔隙结构,对于裂缝型储层如花岗岩,其孔隙纵横比通常小于0.025,而对于孔隙型储层如砂岩,其孔隙纵横比通常大于0.08.只利用纵波与同时利用纵、横波反演得到的孔隙纵横比结果几乎完全一致,而且由纵波构建的横波与实测横波吻合良好,说明本文提出的等效孔隙纵横比反演及其横波速度预测方法是有效的.  相似文献   

相比于传统弹性波动方程,非对称弹性波动方程增加的独立自由项,包含有介质特征尺度参数.基于非对称弹性波动方程,可以分析弹性波传播中,由介质内微孔缝隙结构相互作用所导致的地震波传播尺度效应.本文从介质应变能密度函数出发,并结合几何方程和平衡方程,给出修正偶应力理论下的非对称弹性波动方程以及对应的非对称SH型横波波动方程的数...  相似文献   

An approach to determining the effective elastic moduli of rocks with double porosity is presented. The double‐porosity medium is considered to be a heterogeneous material composed of a homogeneous matrix with primary pores and inclusions that represent secondary pores. Fluid flows in the primary‐pore system and between primary and secondary pores are neglected because of the low permeability of the primary porosity. The prediction of the effective elastic moduli consists of two steps. Firstly, we calculate the effective elastic properties of the matrix with the primary small‐scale pores (matrix homogenization). The porous matrix is then treated as a homogeneous isotropic host in which the large‐scale secondary pores are embedded. To calculate the effective elastic moduli at each step, we use the differential effective medium (DEM) approach. The constituents of this composite medium – primary pores and secondary pores – are approximated by ellipsoidal or spheroidal inclusions with corresponding aspect ratios. We have applied this technique in order to compute the effective elastic properties for a model with randomly orientated inclusions (an isotropic medium) and aligned inclusions (a transversely isotropic medium). Using the special tensor basis, the solution of the one‐particle problem with transversely isotropic host was obtained in explicit form. The direct application of the DEM method for fluid‐saturated pores does not account for fluid displacement in pore systems, and corresponds to a model with isolated pores or the high‐frequency range of acoustic waves. For the interconnected secondary pores, we have calculated the elastic moduli for the dry inclusions and then applied Gassmann's tensor relationships. The simulation of the effective elastic characteristic demonstrated that the fluid flow between the connected secondary pores has a significant influence only in porous rocks containing cracks (flattened ellipsoids). For pore shapes that are close to spherical, the relative difference between the elastic velocities determined by the DEM method and by the DEM method with Gassmann's corrections does not exceed 2%. Examples of the calculation of elastic moduli for water‐saturated dolomite with both isolated and interconnected secondary pores are presented. The simulations were verified by comparison with published experimental data.  相似文献   

We investigate the estimation of interfacial areas, curvatures, and common curve lengths in multiphase porous medium systems. Algorithms are developed to obtain estimates of these quantities based upon a variety of potential data sources and estimation approaches. The accuracy of the derived approximations are evaluated as a function of the data type and resolution of the data. The methods advanced improve upon standard approaches now in use and show excellent accuracy at resolutions on the order of five lattice points per minimum radius of curvature of the object being resolved. Finally, we suggest a promising class of extensions that could lead to further improvements in the accuracy of such methods.  相似文献   

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