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各向异性等介质物性参数会对震电波场的传播产生影响.为了定量研究介质物性参数对震电波场传播的影响, 本文首先研究了三维正交各向异性介质的震电耦合方程, 然后采用时域有限差分方法模拟了爆炸源在该介质中的震电响应.在数值模拟中, 首先计算地震波场, 然后把地震波场作为输入来计算伴随电场.为了验证数值算法的精度, 我们将数值结果与从Pride方程获得的解析解进行了对比, 结果表明数值解可以很好地近似解析解.我们设计了几种各向异性模型, 分析了介质物性参数对震电波场的影响, 结果表明爆炸源在各向异性孔隙介质中会产生四种地震波, 分别是快慢纵波和两个可分离的横波.产生的地震波都会在均匀各向异性孔隙介质中产生伴随电场.弯曲度对慢纵波的传播有影响, 当弯曲度为各向异性时, 慢纵波的波场快照为椭圆形, 当弯曲度为各向同性时, 慢纵波的波场快照为圆形.


The effect of anisotropy on the onset of convection in a saturated porous medium is discussed. In particular, the case of time-dependent density-driven convection is examined. The applicability of the value of an equivalent Rayleigh number as the criterion for the onset of convection is discussed.  相似文献   







The streaming potential across a porous medium is induced by a fluid flow due to an electric double layer between a solid and a fluid. When an acoustic wave propagates through a porous medium, the wave pressure generates a relative movement between the solid and the fluid. The moving charge in the fluid induces an electric field and seismoelectric conversion. In order to investigate the streaming potential and the seismoelectric conversion in the same rock sample, we conduct measurements with Berea sandstone saturated by NaCl solutions with different conductivities. We measure the electric voltage (streaming potential) across a cylindrical sample in NaCl solutions with different conductivities and under different pressures to determine the DC coupling coefficients. We also measure the seismoelectric signals induced by acoustic waves with a Berea sandstone plate at different frequencies and solution conductivities. The pressures of the acoustic waves are calibrated with a standard hydrophone (Brüel & 8103) at different frequencies (15–120 kHz). We calculate the quantitative coupling coefficients of the seismoelectric conversion at DC and at high frequencies with samples saturated by solutions with different conductivities. When the Berea sandstone sample is saturated by the NaCl solution with 0.32 mS/m in conductivity, for example, the DC and seismoelectric coupling coefficients at 15 kHz are 0.024 μV/Pa and 0.019 μV/Pa, respectively. The seismoelectric coupling coefficient is an important and helpful parameter for designing a seismoelectric tool. More experimental measurements of seismoelectric coupling coefficients in the frequency range of 100 Hz to 15 kHz are needed in the future.  相似文献   

声电效应测井的有限差分模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关威  姚泽鑫  胡恒山 《地球物理学报》2017,60(11):4516-4526

本文研究声电效应测井波场的有限差分模拟算法.忽略井外地层中诱导电磁场对孔隙弹性波的影响,将求解动电耦合波方程组的问题解耦,先计算孔隙弹性波,再计算其诱导电磁场.基于轴对称柱坐标系下的速度-应力交错网格,采用时域有限差分计算井孔流体声波和井外地层孔隙弹性波.将电磁场近似看作似稳场,基于轴对称柱坐标系下的5点式有限差分网格,求解不同时刻的电位Poisson方程,计算诱导电场.结果表明:本文算法可准确模拟频率6.0 kHz的声电效应测井全波;在声波测井频率范围内,电导率、动电耦合系数和动态渗透率的低频近似对伴随电磁场的计算影响不大;地层水平界面导致伴随反射斯通利波的电场和显著的界面电磁波,后者对于探测地层界面具有潜在的应用价值.


We present an electromagnetic model of a fault using the piezoelectric effect and the elastic dislocation theory to investigate theoretically the spatial distribution of the stress-induced charges associated with faulting. The relevant seismic electric field associated with these induced charges can be estimated quantitatively. Therefore, this simple model would provide a solid framework for additional theoretical developments on the explanations of the anomalous seismoelectric signals. The spatial distribution of the stress-induced charges around a vertical rectangular fault showed complicated characteristics. The estimation of the electric field associated with the stress-induced charges during the 1995 Kobe earthquake was consistent with the previous investigation from some reported anomalous seismic phenomena.  相似文献   

孔隙地层中存在着动电耦合现象,弹性波作用在声阻抗或者电化学性质差异地层会产生辐射电磁波.本文探讨了随钻条件下,利用孔隙地层中的动电耦合效应探测井旁地质体的可行性.为此模拟了井外存在声阻抗差异和电化学差异界面时声波诱导的辐射电场响应特征.求出柱坐标下介质中声场和电场函数表达式,由此计算并比较了均匀介质和弹性差异界面情况下井中接收到的电场.发现随钻条件下,井外的弹性差异界面会产生以光速传播的辐射电磁波.该电磁波反映了井外地质信息,并先于井中直达声波的伴随电磁场到达接收器,因而可以直接观测到.此外,还发现界面辐射电磁波可以用来探测油、水等电化学性质差异大而弹性阻抗差异小的界面;声源频率以及界面两侧地层性质差异程度是辐射电磁波幅度的影响因素.  相似文献   

自从发现震电现象以来,众多学者进行了相关研究.其中,Pride提出了一套描述流体饱和孔隙介质中震电波场的耦合与传播的宏观控制方程组,该方程组后来被广泛地应用到相关的震电研究中.Chen发展了一套广义反透射系数方法并将其应用到层状介质合成地震图的研究当中,该方法数值计算效率高并且可以处理带弯曲界面层状介质这种复杂模型.基于Pride的震电波场控制方程组,我们将Chen的广义反透射系数方法推广应用到层状孔隙介质中震电波场的数值模拟研究中,但是在数值计算过程中发现,当含源层的厚度相对于地震波波长较大时(即高频情况),会出现数值计算的不稳定,此即为高频不稳定性问题.针对高频不稳定性问题,一种自然的处理方法就是在原来的含源层中插入两个虚拟界面,构造出一个新的含源薄层,但是这会带来一些额外的计算量,此外,由于虚拟含源薄层的厚度是有限的,必须针对具体模型参数设定一个合适的厚度值.高频不稳定性问题同样存在于层状介质合成地震图的数值计算过程中,Chen提出了一种解析的处理方法,即在原含源层内引入一无限薄的虚拟含源薄层,通过解析的方法解决高频不稳定性问题,该方法不会降低计算效率且适用于任意参数模型.本文首先对层状孔隙介质中的震电波场数值计算公式进行分析,指出源项积分中的指数增长因子是导致高频不稳定性问题的根本原因;其次将Chen在合成地震图数值模拟研究中采用的解析处理方法推广到震电波场研究中,得到了适用于数值计算的公式;然后给出数值算例,并针对一个含源层过厚的模型,比较了自然处理方法和解析处理方法,两种方法得到的结果具有相当好的一致性,而解析处理方法计算效率更高,证实了本文给出的解析处理方法在解决层状孔隙介质震电波场数值模拟的高频不稳定性问题方面的有效性.  相似文献   

Deep saline aquifers are one of the most suitable geologic formations for carbon sequestration. The linear and global stability analysis of the time-dependent density-driven convection in deep saline aquifers is presented for long-term storage of carbon dioxide (CO2). The convective mixing that can greatly accelerate the CO2 dissolution into saline aquifers arises because the density of brine increases upon the dissolution of CO2 and such a density difference may induce instability. The effects of anisotropic permeability on the stability criteria, such as the critical time for the appearance of convective phenomena and the critical wavelength of the most unstable perturbation, are investigated with linear and global stability analysis. The linear stability analysis provides a sufficient condition for instability while the global stability analysis yields a sufficient condition for stability. The results obtained from these two approaches are not exactly the same but show a consistent trend, both indicating that the anisotropic system becomes more unstable when either the vertical or horizontal permeability increases.  相似文献   

对波达波夫和Pride震电波方程组的对比分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
用Biot介质参数说明了波达波夫震电波方程组中弹性动力学 参数的含义,解释了第一类和第二类震电效应的意义,在忽略第一类震电效应条件下将该方 程组与Pride方程组进行比较,说明了二者在描述第二类震电效应方面的异同点. 同时指出 :波达波夫方程组忽略了流体与固体的耦合质量;方程中的黏性耗散项丢掉了一个孔隙度因 子,依据该方程组计算出的弹性波和转换电场的幅度将偏大;边界条件之一存在错误,会影 响对波在界面上的反射透射规律的描述.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, the influence of inflow and outflow sequences on the behavior of fine sedi-ment was investigated. The experimental set-up consisted of two interconnected rectangular basins, between which water was moved back and forth. Suspended sediment concentration in the main basin as well as the sediment exchange rates were derived from turbidity measurements.The suspended sediment ratio, SSR, and sediment exchange rates (influx sediment rate, ISR, and evacuated sediment rate, ESR) were measured. In twenty test runs, a parametric study on the magnitude and frequency of inflow and outflow cycles, the relative duration between inflow and outflow sequences, the initial sediment concentration, and the intake position was done. An initial test with stagnant water described the set-tling behavior of fine sediment and served as a reference scenario.The test results show that settling of fine particles near the intake/outlet structure can be considerably reduced by the nature of the inflow and outflow sequences. High cycle magnitude and frequency lead to maximum suspended sediment ratio in the system. For low discharges, the evolution of suspended sediment concentration cannot be directly correlated to the inflow and outflow cycles. However, compared to\"no operation\"conditions, the suspended sediment ratio could be increased by 10%to 40%locally. For high discharge, the evolution of suspended sediment concentration correlated with discharge cycles and suspended sediment ratios between 50%and 80%higher than for stagnant water could be achieved. Similar ratios could be obtained when the intake is located closer to the bottom or to the free water surface.Meanwhile, the overall sediment balance remained in equilibrium over the test period, indicating that the influx and evacuated sediment rates are not significantly influenced by the inflow and outflow cycles.  相似文献   


震电勘探结合了传统地震波勘探和流体饱和孔隙介质的动电耦合特性,利用地震波诱导的震电转换信号来评价被测介质的特征参数,是近年地球物理领域广泛关注的一种勘探测量新方法. 与前人大多只测量介质外部流体相中的震电转换信号不同,本文针对固相介质内部震电波场的耦合特性,在实验室内开展岩样内部震电转换的观测实验研究. 基于动电耦合机理,建立适用震电勘探测量的实验系统,制作内嵌测量电极的岩石样品,并通过流体中界面电磁波信号的比较,验证了镀银电极测量震电信号的有效性,进而开展岩样内部界面电磁波和伴随体波震电转换电场信号的实验测量,分析不同条件下两种转换波的传播特性和频率响应特性. 实验结果表明:介质内部传播的界面电磁波信号和伴随纵波电场信号是可测量的,其均值在几十纳伏量级,并且幅值随源距的增大呈现指数规律衰减;随着声源频率的提高呈现先增大后减小的趋势,但伴随纵波电场信号对频率的敏感性更强. 本文实验结果验证了Pride理论关于伴随震电场的预测,同时为震电勘探数据解释提供参考.


Seismoelectric coupling in an electric isotropic and elastic anisotropic medium is developed using a primary–secondary formulation. The anisotropy is of vertical transverse isotropic type and concerns only the poroelastic parameters. Based on our finite difference time domain algorithm, we solve the seismoelectric response to an explosive source. The seismic wavefields are computed as the primary field. The electric field is then obtained as a secondary field by solving the Poisson equation for the electric potential. To test our numerical algorithm, we compared our seismoelectric numerical results with analytical results obtained from Pride's equation. The comparison shows that the numerical solution gives a good approximation to the analytical solution. We then simulate the seismoelectric wavefields in different models. Simulated results show that four types of seismic waves are generated in anisotropic poroelastic medium. These are the fast and slow longitudinal waves and two separable transverse waves. All of these seismic waves generate coseismic electric fields in a homogenous anisotropic poroelastic medium. The tortuosity has an effect on the propagation of the slow longitudinal wave. The snapshot of the slow longitudinal wave has an oval shape when the tortuosity is anisotropic, whereas it has a circular shape when the tortuosity is isotropic. In terms of the Thomsen parameters, the radiation anisotropy of the fast longitudinal wave is more sensitive to the value of ε, while the radiation anisotropy of the transverse wave is more sensitive to the value of δ.  相似文献   

水平分层孔隙介质中点源激发的震电波场数值模拟及分析   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
为认识地震波诱导的电磁场的特性,本文研究地震波在孔隙介质中由于动电效应引起的电磁场.基于Pride弹性-电磁耦合方程组推导了双力偶震源对应的位移-应力-电磁场间断向量的表达式,模拟了双力偶源激发的震电波场.作为比较,还模拟了爆炸点源激发的震电波场.结果表明:存在伴随纵波的电场,其各分量的波形与固相位移对应分量的波形相似,但相位相反;存在伴随横波的磁场,其波形与固相位移波形相似;双力偶震源还激发出了独立传播的辐射电磁场,其速度比纵波至少高一个数量级,几乎是“瞬间同时”到达了每个接收器,但是其强度比伴随电磁场小得多,且随着源距增大而迅速减小.本文研究还表明:伴随纵波的电场强度不仅与地震纵波幅度和动电耦合系数有关,还与由介质孔隙结构决定的流-固两相动力协调性有关,存在一种动力协调介质,纵波在这种介质中不引起电场.  相似文献   

I introduce a new explicit form of vertical seismic profile (VSP) traveltime approximation for a 2D model with non‐horizontal boundaries and anisotropic layers. The goal of the new approximation is to dramatically decrease the cost of time calculations by reducing the number of calculated rays in a complex multi‐layered anisotropic model for VSP walkaway data with many sources. This traveltime approximation extends the generalized moveout approximation proposed by Fomel and Stovas. The new equation is designed for borehole seismic geometry where the receivers are placed in a well while the sources are on the surface. For this, the time‐offset function is presented as a sum of odd and even functions. Coefficients in this approximation are determined by calculating the traveltime and its first‐ and second‐order derivatives at five specific rays. Once these coefficients are determined, the traveltimes at other rays are calculated by this approximation. Testing this new approximation on a 2D anisotropic model with dipping boundaries shows its very high accuracy for offsets three times the reflector depths. The new approximation can be used for 2D anisotropic models with tilted symmetry axes for practical VSP geometry calculations. The new explicit approximation eliminates the need of massive ray tracing in a complicated velocity model for multi‐source VSP surveys. This method is designed not for NMO correction but for replacing conventional ray tracing for time calculations.  相似文献   

吴建鲁  吴国忱 《地球物理学报》2017,60(10):3942-3953
地震波在地下含流体孔隙介质中传播时,会引起中观尺度的\"局域流\",进而产生地震波震电效应.基于Biot(1941)固结理论的准静态方程,在频率域中采用空间有限差分方法,正演模拟虚岩石物理岩样的地震波衰减和震电效应.与时间域虚岩石物理方法相比,该方法既可以直接求取任一频率下的地震波衰减和电势,便于应用于实际岩样的预测分析,也避免了讨论岩样外表面施加的力源函数表达式及时间剖分稳定性条件等问题.首先利用周期性层状介质模型验证了本文所描述方法的有效性,并进一步求取分析了周期性层状介质两种不同特征单元的渗流电流密度及电势,数值模拟结果表明由中观尺度\"局域流\"引起的震电效应电势振幅数量级在实验室测量范围之内,随后,分析研究了四种不同高渗介质占比值的地震衰减及震电效应特征.最后,将本文提出的震电效应数值计算方法推广至二维,并求取了二维斑块饱和模型的地震波衰减、速度频散、电势的振幅和相位角数值结果.  相似文献   

井孔声电效应转换电磁波的特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为探索声电效应在测井技术中的应用前景,利用微弱信号检测技术对岩石的声电效应进行了实验研究,在模型井孔中不同矿化度的条件下同时记录声波与电磁波信号,对比分析研究声波和电磁波的特征.结果表明所记录的电磁波信号为声波在井孔中传播时激发的转换电磁波.在频谱分析中发现,转换电磁波在频率谱上存在对称的双主频峰.声波在井孔中传播时激发的伪瑞利波产生声电转换,形成转换电磁波.  相似文献   

双声源激发随钻测井声电耦合波理论模拟   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
随钻单极源声波测井中,由于钻铤模式波的干扰而使地层纵波速度的测量变得困难.孔隙地层的声电转换物理效应给我们提供了通过测量转换电信号实现声学参数测量的可能性.针对随钻声电测井,采用Pride声电耦合方程组描述井外孔隙地层的声电耦合波场,考虑随钻环境条件下的边界条件,采用实轴积分法计算出了随钻声电测井瞬态响应的波场.计算结果表明,声电转换比与电缆声电测井量级相同,也说明随钻环境下声电效应是可应用的.但是,从得到的电场波形图中可以观察到,钻铤模式波成分虽有压制,但仍然存在.为了削弱钻铤模式波,鉴于钻铤的声波速度已知,我们尝试利用双发射源测井方法,通过控制源间距及合适的发射延迟时间对钻铤模式波进行进一步压制.结果表明,采用双源后的井内转换声场和电场波形中,钻铤模式波被有效地抑制,残余钻铤波的相对振幅明显减小,压制效果在电场波形中尤为明显,地层波的信噪比显著增强,有利于地层纵波速度的提取.  相似文献   

We have modeled the effect of a direct current (DC) electric field on the propagation of seismic waves by the pseudospectral time domain (PSTD) method, based on a set of governing equations for the poroelastic media. This study belongs to the more general term of the seismoelectric coupling effect. The set of physical equations consists of the poroelastodynamic equations for the seismic waves and the Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic waves; the magnitude of the seismoelectric coupling effect is characterized by the charge density, the electric conductivity, the Onsager coefficient, a function of the dielectric permittivity, the fluid viscosity, and the zeta potential. The poroelastodynamic vibration of a solid matrix generates an electric oscillation with the form of streaming current via the fluctuation of pore pressure. Meanwhile, fluctuating pore pressure also causes oscillatory variation of the electric resistivity of the solid matrix. The simulated poroelastic wave propagation and electric field variation with an existing background DC electric field are compared with the results of a physical experiment carried out in an oilfield. The results show that the DC electric field can significantly affect the propagating elastic energy through the seismoelectric coupling in a wide range of the seismic frequency band.  相似文献   

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