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We present an approach that creates the possibility of reservoir monitoring on a quasi‐continuous basis using surface seismic data. Current strategies and logistics for seismic data acquisition impose restrictions on the calendar‐time temporal resolution obtainable for a given surface‐seismic time‐lapse monitoring program. One factor that restricts the implementation of a quasi‐continuous monitoring program using conventional strategies is the time it takes to acquire a complete survey. Here quasi‐continuous monitoring describes the process of reservoir monitoring at short‐time intervals. Our approach circumvents the restriction by requiring only a subset of complete survey data each time an image of the reservoir is needed using surface seismic data. Ideally, the time interval between survey subset acquisitions should be short so that changes in the reservoir properties are small. The accumulated data acquired are used to estimate the unavailable data at the monitor survey time and the combined recorded and estimated data are used to produce an image of the subsurface for monitoring. We will illustrate the effectiveness of our approach using 2D and 3D synthetic seismic data and 3D field seismic data. We will explain the benefits and drawbacks of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Introduction The azimuth and slowness are two major features of seismic signals. The accurate estimation of them is quite important for both phase identification and event location. Generally, there are two types of seismic stations, i.e. 3-component stations (3C) and arrays. To estimate the two direc-tional parameters, the polarization analysis (Jurkevics, 1988) is commonly used for 3C stations and the frequency-wavenumber spectrum analysis ( f-k) (Capon, 1969; Kvaerna, Doornbos, 1986) is …  相似文献   




The important effects of bottom sediments on the seismic response of arch dams are studied in this paper. To do so, a three‐dimensional boundary element model is used. It includes the water reservoir as a compressible fluid, the dam and unbounded foundation rock as viscoelastic solids, and the bottom sediment as a two‐phase poroelastic domain with dynamic behaviour described by Biot's equations. Dynamic interaction among all those regions, local topography and travelling wave effects are taken into account. The results obtained show the important influence of sediment compressibility and permeability on the seismic response. The former is associated with a general change of the system response whereas the permeability has a significant influence on damping at resonance peaks. The analysis is carried out in the frequency domain considering time harmonic excitation due to P and S plane waves. The time‐domain results obtained by using the Fourier transform for a given earthquake accelerogram are also shown. The possibility of using simplified models to represent the bottom sediment effects is discussed in the paper. Two alternative models for porous sediment are tested. Simplified models are shown to be able to reproduce the effects of porous sediments except for very high permeability values. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seismic inversion has drawn the attention of researchers due to its capability of building an accurate earth model. Such a model will need to be discretised finely, and the dimensions of the inversion problem will be very high. In this paper, we propose an efficient differential evolution algorithm and apply it to high‐dimensional seismic inversion. Our method takes into account the differences among individuals, which are disregarded in conventional differential evolution methods, resulting to a better balance between exploration and exploitation. We divide the entire population into three subpopulations and propose a novel mutation strategy with two phases. Furthermore, we optimise the crossover operator by applying the components having the best objective function values into the crossover operator. We embed this strategy into a cooperative coevolutionary differential evolution and propose a new differential evolution algorithm referred to as a differential evolution with subpopulations. Then, we apply our scheme to both synthetic and field data; the results of high‐dimensional seismic inversion have shown that the proposed differential evolution with subpopulations achieves faster convergence and a higher‐quality solution for seismic inversion.  相似文献   

Dictionary learning is a successful method for random seismic noise attenuation that has been proven by some scholars. Dictionary learning–based techniques aim to learn a set of common bases called dictionaries from given noised seismic data. Then, the denoising process will be performed by assuming a sparse representation on each small local patch of the seismic data over the learned dictionary. The local patches that are extracted from the seismic section are essentially two‐dimensional matrices. However, for the sake of simplicity, almost all of the existing dictionary learning methods just convert each two‐dimensional patch into a one‐dimensional vector. In doing this, the geometric structure information of the raw data will be revealed, leading to low capability in the reconstruction of seismic structures, such as faults and dip events. In this paper, we propose a two‐dimensional dictionary learning method for the seismic denoising problem. Unlike other dictionary learning–based methods, the proposed method represents the two‐dimensional patches directly to avoid the conversion process, and thus reserves the important structure information for a better reconstruction. Our method first learns a two‐dimensional dictionary from the noisy seismic patches. Then, we use the two‐dimensional dictionary to sparsely represent all of the noisy two‐dimensional patches to obtain clean patches. Finally, the clean patches are patched back to generate a denoised seismic section. The proposed method is compared with the other three denoising methods, including FX‐decon, curvelet and one‐dimensional learning method. The results demonstrate that our method has better denoising performance in terms of signal‐to‐noise ratio, fault and amplitude preservation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for coupled arch dam–foundation–reservoir seismic behaviour analysis. The dam is discretized by finite elements (FE) and the foundation and reservoir are discretized by boundary elements (BE). The opening of contraction joints and the spatial variability of the seismic action is taken into account. The study of Pacoima dam by this method is also presented. The computed results show that no cracks were to be expected due to the vibrations induced during the Feb. 9, 1971 San Fernando earthquake. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

油藏水驱开采时移地震监测岩石物理基础测量   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
岩石物理测量是油藏水驱开采时移地震监测的基础.在实验室对来自胜利油田的5块岩石样品模拟储层条件进行了水驱和气驱动态岩石物理弹性测量,重点分析了流体替换、温度、孔隙压力对岩石纵、横波速度的影响.实验表明,在水驱情形下,由于流体替换和温度、孔隙压力变化所引起的岩石纵横波速度的变化均很小,实施时移地震监测具有较大的风险性.相比之下,气驱可能引起较为明显的纵波速度变化,有利于时移地震监测的实施.进一步完善实验方法、丰富实验内容、是今后时移地震岩石物理实验研究的主要任务.  相似文献   

Study on characterizing reservoir parameters dynamic variations by time-lapse seismic attributes is the theoretical basis for effectively distinguishing reservoir parameters variations and conducting time-lapse seismic interpretation,and it is also a key step for time-lapse seismic application in real oil fields. Based on the rock physical model of unconsolidated sandstone,the different effects of oil saturation and effective pressure variations on seismic P-wave and S-wave velocities are calculated and analyzed. Using numerical simulation on decoupled wave equations,the responses of seismic amplitude with different offsets to reservoir oil saturation variations are analyzed,pre-stack time-lapse seismic attributes differences for oil saturation and effective pressure variations of P-P wave and P-S converted wave are calculated,and time-lapse seismic AVO (Amplitude Versus Offset) response rules of P-P wave and P-S converted wave to effective pressure and oil saturation variations are compared. The theoretical modeling study shows that it is feasible to distinguish different reservoir parameters dynamic variations by pre-stack time-lapse seismic information,including pre-stack time-lapse seismic attributes and AVO information,which has great potential in improving time-lapse seismic interpreta-tion precision. It also shows that the time-lapse seismic response mechanism study on objective oil fields is especially important in establishing effective time-lapse seismic data process and interpreta-tion scheme.  相似文献   

针对测震台网台站方位角普查校正实际需要和方位角普查工作技术要求,提出测震台网台站方位标志安装、台站新安装地震计方位测定、已运行台站地震计方位角普查校正的操作方法,以及摆墩与摆坑型场地地震仪输出极性的检测判定方法。  相似文献   

储层温压变化与油藏地震监测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在分析储层温压变化对孔隙流体地震特性、岩石孔隙度和速度等影哈的基础上,以油藏注水地震监到为例说明了油藏地震监剩中考虑温压变化的重要性。研究结果表明:①储层温度、压力的变化将会引起原油地震特性的明显变化,但地层水的变化相对较小。②温度对岩石孔隙度和速度的影响是线性的,而压力的影响则是非线性的。对于中等孔隙的砂岩,温度每增加20℃,岩石的孔隙度和纵横波速度分别减小约2.6%和1.0%以上。对于深度在1100m左右的储层,4MPa的地层压力降低将分别会引起约1.8%和3.3%的纵、横波速度增加。③在油藏强化开采地震监副研究中,除流体替换外,当储层温度、压力的变化较大时,其对实施油藏地震监测有具有非常重要的影响,必须慎重对待。  相似文献   

To investigate the characteristics of the anisotropic stratum, a multi‐azimuth seismic refraction technique is proposed in this study since the travel time anomaly of the refraction wave induced by this anisotropic stratum will be large for a far offset receiver. To simplify the problem, a two‐layer (isotropy–horizontal transverse isotropy) model is considered. A new travel time equation of the refracted P‐wave propagation in this two‐layer model is derived, which is the function of the phase and group velocities of the horizontal transverse isotropic stratum. In addition, the measured refraction wave velocity in the physical model experiment is the group velocity. The isotropic intercept time equation of a refraction wave can be directly used to estimate the thickness of the top (isotropic) layer of the two‐layer model because the contrast between the phase and group velocities of the horizontal transverse isotropic medium is seldom greater than 10% in the Earth. If the contrast between the phase and group velocities of an anisotropic medium is small, the approximated travel time equation of a refraction wave is obtained. This equation is only dependent on the group velocity of the horizontal transverse isotropic stratum. The elastic constants A11, A13, and A33 and the Thomsen anisotropic parameter ε of the horizontal transverse isotropic stratum can be estimated using this multi‐azimuth seismic refraction technique. Furthermore, under a condition of weak anisotropy, the Thomsen anisotropic parameter δ of the horizontal transverse isotropic stratum can be estimated by this technique as well.  相似文献   

Extended common‐image‐point gathers (CIP) constructed by wide‐azimuth TI wave‐equation migration contain all the necessary information for angle decomposition as a function of the reflection and azimuth angles at selected locations in the subsurface. The aperture and azimuth angles are derived from the extended images using analytic relations between the space‐ and time‐lag extensions using information which is already available at the time of migration, i.e. the anisotropic model parameters. CIPs are cheap to compute because they can be distributed in the image at the most relevant positions, as indicated by the geologic structure. If the reflector dip is known at the CIP locations, then the computational cost can be reduced by evaluating only two components of the space‐lag vector. The transformation from extended images to angle gathers is a planar Radon transform which depends on the local medium parameters. This transformation allows us to separate all illumination directions for a given experiment, or between different experiments. We do not need to decompose the reconstructed wavefields or to choose the most energetic directions for decomposition. Applications of the method include illumination studies in complex areas where ray‐based methods fail, and assuming that the subsurface illumination is sufficiently dense, the study of amplitude variation with aperture and azimuth angles.  相似文献   

A new, adaptive multi‐criteria method for accurate estimation of three‐component three‐dimensional vertical seismic profiling of first breaks is proposed. Initially, we manually pick first breaks for the first gather of the three‐dimensional borehole set and adjust several coefficients to approximate the first breaks wave‐shape parameters. We then predict the first breaks for the next source point using the previous one, assuming the same average velocity. We follow this by calculating an objective function for a moving trace window to minimize it with respect to time shift and slope. This function combines four main properties that characterize first breaks on three‐component borehole data: linear polarization, signal/noise ratio, similarity in wave shapes for close shots and their stability in the time interval after the first break. We then adjust the coefficients by combining current and previous values. This approach uses adaptive parameters to follow smooth wave‐shape changes. Finally, we average the first breaks after they are determined in the overlapping windows. The method utilizes three components to calculate the objective function for the direct compressional wave projection. An adaptive multi‐criteria optimization approach with multi three‐component traces makes this method very robust, even for data contaminated with high noise. An example using actual data demonstrates the stability of this method.  相似文献   

我国具有丰富的稠油资源,但国内外针对陆相薄互层稠油油藏热采动态的时移地震监测研究还很少.通过分析火烧油层对储层的影响,结合已有的岩石物理测量结果,建立了薄互层油藏火烧油层模型,开展了地震正演模拟研究,并给出了应用实例.结果表明,稠油热采(注蒸汽、火烧油层、注热水)会引起储层岩石和孔隙流体弹性特性的显著改变,从而导致明显的地震属性差异;时移地震可以用来划分油层中高温区范围,跟踪高温前缘等.在陆相薄互层稠油田热采开发中,利用时移地震来监测油田开发的全过程是可行的.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of erosion and sedimentation in reservoirs under different management conditions is required to anticipate sedimentation issues and implement effective sediment management strategies. This paper describes a unique approach combining fluvial geomorphology tools and morphodynamic modeling for analyzing the sediment dynamics of an elongated hydropower reservoir subjected to management operations: the Génissiat Reservoir on the Rhône River. Functional sub‐reaches representative of the reservoir morphodynamics were delineated by adapting natural river segmentation methods to elongated reservoirs. The segmentation revealed the link between the spatial and temporal reservoir changes and the variability of longitudinal flow conditions during reservoir management operations. An innovative modeling strategy, incorporating the reservoir segmentation into two sediment transport codes, was implemented to simulate the dynamics of erosion and sedimentation at the reach scale during historic events. One code used a bedload approach, based on the Exner equation with a transport capacity formula, and the other used a suspended load approach based on the advection–dispersion equation. This strategy provided a fair quantification of the dynamics of erosion and sedimentation at the reach scale during different management operations. This study showed that the reservoir morphodynamics is controlled by bedload transport in upper reaches, graded suspended load transport of sand in middle reaches and suspended load transport of fine sediments in lower reaches. Eventually, it allowed a better understanding of the impact of dam management on sediment dynamics. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An approach is developed to estimate pore‐pressure changes in a compacting chalk reservoir directly from time‐lapse seismic attributes. It is applied to data from the south‐east flank of the Valhall field. The time‐lapse seismic signal of the reservoir in this area is complex, despite the fact that saturation changes do not have an influence. This complexity reflects a combination of pressure depletion, compaction and stress re‐distribution throughout the reservoir and into the surrounding rocks. A simple relation is found to link the time‐lapse amplitude and time‐shift attributes to variations in the key controlling parameter of initial porosity. This relation is sufficient for an accurate estimation of pore‐pressure change in the inter‐well space. Although the time‐lapse seismic estimates mostly agree with reservoir simulation, unexplained mismatches are apparent at a small number of locations with lower porosities (less than 38%). The areas of difference between the observations and predictions suggest possibilities for simulation model updating or a better understanding of the physics of the reservoir.  相似文献   

水库地震监测是我国地震监测的重要组成部分。文中阐述了红水河梯级水电站水库地震监测台网的建设发展历程,详细介绍了天生桥一级、龙滩、岩滩、大化及大藤峡水库专用地震监测台网的建设和发展,并对比分析了库区蓄水前后的地震活动记录,讨论了水库地震监测台网面临的升级改造及运行管理等问题,建议采用流域化统一管理。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model‐based state observer to perform high‐definition response estimation in partially instrumented building structures. The proposed estimator is verified in a simulated five‐story shear‐building structure and validated using measurements from a seven‐story reinforced concrete building slice tested at the NEES‐University of California at San Diego shake table. In both cases the proposed estimator yielded satisfactory results by estimating the time history of shear forces, bending moments, displacements, and strains at various points/sections of interest. The proposed algorithm can be used in instrumented buildings for various practical applications such as post‐earthquake damage assessment, structural control, and building code calibration. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In comparison to high-frequency signals, low-frequency seismic signals suffer less from scattering and intrinsic attenuation during wave propagation, penetrate deeper strata and thus can provide more energy information related to the hydrocarbon reservoirs. Based on the asymptotic representation for the frequency-dependent reflections in the fluid-saturated pore-elastic media, we first derive a novel equation of the reservoir energy density and present an efficient workflow to calculate the reservoir energy density using low-frequency seismic data. Then, within a low-frequency range (from 1 to 30 Hz), we construct an objective function to determine the optimal frequency, using the energy densities calculated from the post-stack seismic traces close to the wells. Next, we can calculate the reservoir energy density using the instantaneous spectra of optimal frequency at the low-frequency end of the seismic spectrum. Tests on examples for synthetic and field data demonstrate that the proposed reservoir energy density can produce high-quality images for the fluid-saturated reservoirs, and it produces less background artefacts caused by elastic layers. This method provides a new way to detect the location of hydrocarbon reservoirs and characterize their spatial distribution.  相似文献   

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