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Hosted within the Pacquet Harbour Group (PHG) on the Baie Verte Peninsula of north-central Newfoundland, the Rambler rhyolite is a 487 Ma unit of felsic tuffs, flows and subvolcanic intrusive rocks. The PHG has been affected by multiple phases of deformation with the youngest D4 deformation event producing broad northeast plunging upright cross folds in the Rambler rhyolite. Fold culminations on the upper bounding surface of the rhyolite host Cu +/− Au volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (e.g. Rambler and Ming mines). Geophysical inversions of recently acquired high resolution gravity and magnetic data have been implemented to determine the extent of the fold axis (dome) at depth. To direct the outcome of the inversion process towards a more geologically reasonable solution this study outlines a procedure which permits the inclusion of known geological and geophysical constraints into the input (reference) model for inversion using the MAG3D and GRAV3D algorithms provided by the University of British Columbia Geophysical Inversion Facility. Reference model constraints included surficial geological contacts as defined by aeromagnetic data, and subsurface distribution of physical property variations from a series of drill-hole logs. The output (computed) model images the surface of the rhyolite dome as dipping roughly 40° to the northeast as a series of voxels with density values ranging from 2.71 to 2.75 g/cm3. While previously published ore deposit models parallel this structure in the near surface, results from these inversions suggest deeper exploration may be favorable. Magnetic inversion modeling has not provided any insight into dome morphology however it outlines the distribution of gabbroic dykes surrounding the dome.  相似文献   

Window‐based Euler deconvolution is commonly applied to magnetic and sometimes to gravity interpretation problems. For the deconvolution to be geologically meaningful, care must be taken to choose parameters properly. The following proposed process design rules are based partly on mathematical analysis and partly on experience.

Structurally bound upwelling and outflowing hot fluids in the city of Wiesbaden suggest an interesting geothermal potential at the northern margin of the permo‐carboniferous Saar–Nahe basin, Germany. The Saar–Nahe basin in the Wiesbaden area was previously not a target for intensive geophysical prospecting of the deep underground. We present an exploration concept to investigate potential geothermal reservoirs near Wiesbaden for heat and power production. The acquired geophysical exploration data give new insights into the local geometry and internal structure of the Saar–Nahe basin. The exploration combines a wide range of methods, including the analysis of data, a dense grid gravity survey, as well as two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional seismic surveys. The resulting data, which for the first time reveal the deep structure of the Mainz and Saar–Nahe basins near Wiesbaden down to a depth of c. 4,000 m, show that the Saar–Nahe basin is strongly segmented and contains deep‐reaching active faults. Combining these information with numerical models of the stresses in the fault system and of the temperature distribution in the exploration area, a promising drilling target has been identified, which promise high permeability at a low risk of induced or triggered seismicity.  相似文献   

A constrained 3D density model of the upper crust along a part of the Deccan Syneclise is carried out based on the complete Bouguer anomaly data. Spectral analysis of the complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the study region suggests two major sources: short wavelength anomalies (<100 km) caused primarily due to the density inhomogeneities at shallow crustal level and long wavelength anomalies (>100 km) produced due to the sources deeper than the upper crust. A residual map of the short wavelength anomalies is prepared from the complete Bouguer anomaly using Butterworth high‐pass filter (100 km cut‐off wavelength). Utilizing the constraints from deep resistivity sounding, magnetotellurics and deep seismic sounding studies, 2.5D density models have been generated along 39 profiles of this region. The mismatch between the calculated response of the a priori 2.5D model with the residual (short wavelength) gravity anomalies is minimized by introducing high‐density intrusive bodies (≥2.81 g/cm3) in the basement. With these 2.5D density models, the initial geometry of our 3D density model, which includes alluvium, Deccan trap, Mesozoic sediment and high‐density intrusive bodies in the basement up to a depth of 7 km (upper crust), is generated. In the final 3D model, Deccan trap extends from 200 m to nearly 1700 m below the 90–150 m thick Quaternary sediment. Further down, the sub‐trappean Mesozoic sediment is present at a depth range of 600–3000 m followed by the basement. The derived 3D density model also indicates six intrusive bodies of density 2.83 g/cm3 in the basement at an average depth of about 4–7 km that best fits the residual gravity anomaly of the study area.  相似文献   

High‐resolution aeromagnetic data over the Bida Basin, North Central Nigeria has been analysed to investigate the possible continuity of Ifewara fault zone, through the Bida Basin, to Zungeru fault zone. Analytic signal magnitude, horizontal gradient magnitude, and Euler deconvolution methods were applied to the aeromagnetic data to delineate the subsurface structures. The results showed that a prominent NNE–SSW trending fault associated with the Ifewara fault zone extends through the study area. Other faults trending in the ENE–WSW, NE–SW, NW–SE, E–W, and WNW–ESE directions were also mapped. Interpreted models revealed the presence of intrusives and a possible mineralised zone within the study area. We therefore concluded that the inferred fault zones within the basin have affinity with the trend of the Ifewara fault zone, which is an indication of possible extension and linkage with Zungeru fault zone through the Bida Basin.  相似文献   

Santo Antão, the northernmost island of the Cape Verde Archipelago, consists entirely of silica-undersaturated volcanic products and minor intrusions. 40Ar–39Ar incremental heating experiments have been carried out on 24 samples that cover the entire exposed chronological sequence. The oldest lavas (7.57±0.56 Ma), representing an older volcanic basement, are exposed about 620 m above mean sea level. After an interval of quiescence of up to 4.3 Ma the volcanic activity resumed and continued at low eruption rates. The older basement is unconformably overlain by a ca. 810-m-thick lava sequence that spans an age range from 2.93±0.03 to 1.18±0.01 Ma. This sequence is cut by many dykes and sills. Simultaneous volcanic activity occurred in the northeastern, central and eastern part of the island. A phonolitic pumice deposit that forms a noteworthy feature over most of the island has an estimated age of 0.20 Ma. This predates volcanic activity that formed the highest point of the island (Tope de Coroa) which has an age of 0.17±0.02 Ma. The most recent eruption on the island formed nephelinitic lavas in the Porto Novo region at 0.09±0.03 Ma. The oldest volcanism exposed on Santo Antão, which took place about 7.6 Ma ago, was simultaneous with waning activity on Maio at the eastern end of the Cape Verde Archipelago.  相似文献   

Remote islands, such as the São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago (SPSPA), Brazil, are pristine areas. However, these locations are not exempt from the arrival of anthropogenic agents, such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The present study aimed to determine the occurrence and distribution of POPs in the marine biota of the SPSPA. Sample extractions were performed using a microwave-assisted method. The predominant compounds were PCBs and DDTs, which respectively had mean wet weight concentrations of 62.23 and 9.23 ng g−1 in the tropical two-wing flying fish (Exocoetus volitans), 78.66 and 6.81 ng g−1 in the brown booby (Sula leucogaster) and 43.40 and 3.03 ng g−1 in the red rock crab (Grapsus grapsus). Low levels of contaminants suggest a relative degree of isolation. Occurrence and distribution profiles of PCBs support long-range atmospheric transport as the main source of contamination and demonstrate the ubiquity of these pollutants in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Calibration shift seriously influences gravity values measured using Scintrex CG‐3M gravimeters. We calibrated three Scintrex CG‐3M gravimeters three times (1999, 2003 and 2006) over eight years, using a calibration line with a gravity difference of 1.38 Gal. The scale factor correction coefficients (calibration factors) obtained here range from 0.9998–1.0005. The calibration factors vary with time by 89 ppm, ?102 ppm and ?126 ppm between the 1999–2003 surveys. The calibration shifts of two of the three gravimeters decreased to about 20 ppm or less in the second interval, the other remained about the same (142 ppm). The results indicate that they shifted at rates on the order of 10 ppm/year even several years after manufacturing. The large shift in calibration factors indicates that they must be corrected using calibrations done before and after the measurements to perform microgravity measurements when gravity differences between a reference gravity site and survey sites are on the order of a hundred milligals (mGal) or more. The results also indicate that the calibration factors change gradually with time, so their interpolation provides a good practical approximation for a specific survey time. We applied the time‐dependent calibration factors to microgravity monitoring at the Iwo‐tou caldera, Japan, where the gravity difference between the base site on the island and the reference site on Honshu (the mainland of Japan) is about 870 mGal mainly due to the 11° latitude difference. Gravity surveys were conducted every two years from 1998–2006. The correction of scale factors estimated from the repeated calibration surveys leads to satisfactory measurements, in which the average of the absolute differences between two Scintrex CG‐3M instruments in five surveys is reduced from 207μGal to 19μGal; for three of those surveys, it is less than 10 μGal. This result demonstrates the importance of repeated calibration surveys.  相似文献   

The added value of the joint pre-stack inversion of PP (incident P-wave and reflected P-wave) and PS (incident P-wave and reflected S-wave) seismic data for the time-lapse application is shown. We focus on the application of this technique to the time-lapse (four-dimensional) multicomponent Jubarte field permanent reservoir monitoring seismic data. The joint inversion results are less sensitive to noise in the input data and show a better match with the rock physics models calibrated for the field. Further, joint inversion improves S-impedance estimates and provides a more robust quantitative interpretation, allowing enhanced differentiation between pore pressure and fluid saturation changes, which will be extremely useful for reservoir management. Small changes in reservoir properties are expected in the short time between the time-lapse seismic acquisitions used in the Jubarte project (only 1 year apart). The attempt to recover subtle fourth-dimensional effects via elastic inversion is recurrent in reservoir characterization projects, either due to the small sensitivity of the reservoirs to fluid and pressure changes or the short interval between the acquisitions. Therefore, looking for methodologies that minimize the uncertainty of fourth-dimensional inversion outputs is of fundamental importance. Here, we also show the differences between PP only and joint PP–PS inversion workflows and parameterizations that can be applied in other projects. We show the impact of using multicomponent data as input for elastic seismic inversions in the analysis of the time-lapse differences of the elastic properties. The larger investment in the acquisition and processing of multicomponent seismic data is shown to be justified by the improved results from the fourth-dimensional joint inversion.  相似文献   

The eastern portion of the Maranhão coast is characterized by large active dune‐fields located in a tropical setting. This article combines the analysis of dune‐field morphologic patterns with the classical analysis of grain size and heavy minerals to study the sedimentary dynamics of the active aeolian system in this region. Based on the heavy mineral analysis, the main sedimentary suppliers feeding the system are the westward alongshore drift bringing sand from the coast east of the Parnaíba River mouth and the river itself. The absence of well‐defined variation patterns of the two morphometric parameters studied, dune spacing and crest length, reflects complex sedimentary dynamics and transport pathways, inside the aeolian system, despite the unidirectional wind. During the wet season, the interdune plains are flooded and the system is intensely reworked by intermittent drainages. During the dry season, the deposits formed by the drainages and interdune lakes become temporary internal sedimentary sources for the system. Due to this combined aeolian‐fluvial transport, the sediment source area has a planar geometry, with contributions from the beach and interdune plains, and not linear as expected in a typical case of source only in the beach. The areal limits of the dune‐fields is the main boundary condition controlling the dune‐field patterns, as dune spacing and crest length, by changing the sedimentary inflow–outflow balance and interactions between migration dunes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water chemical data from the Botucatu Sandstone aquifer in the São Paulo State part of the Paraná Basin, Brazil, was evaluated using geochemical methods and two statistical analyses: cluster analysis and factor analysis. The results were used to develop a conceptual geochemical model, in which three geochemical regions were identified, and their chemical behavior was modeled. The characteristic chemicals, changing from the recharge area to the center of the basin, are: SiO2—(HCO3 and Ca2+)—(Na+, CO32−, and SO42−). The distribution of the chemicals is interpreted as controlled by different water–rock interaction processes in the different regions. In the recharge area, dissolution of alkali–feldspar minerals in the sandstone is the main reaction observed; in the mid-section of the basin, calcite dissolution results in high calcium and bicarbonate concentration; in the center of the basin, leakage from underlying layers becomes the governing factor.  相似文献   

Extensive coastal dune ?elds occur on the Quaternary strandplain associated with the São Francisco River mouth. Two different generations of dunes are identi?ed. One is inactive, already ?xed by vegetation, comprising parabolic dunes. The other generation is active, bordering the present‐day shoreline and transgressing over the inactive dune ?eld. Three morphological provinces in the active coastal dune ?elds are recognized. On the updrift side of the São Francisco River mouth, they are: (a) sand‐sheet with shrub coppice and shadow dunes; (b) isolated dunes of the barchan‐transversal type up to 5 m high, and interdune areas; and (c) a 23 m high compound dune, with superimposed small dunes. The same provinces are recognized on the downdrift side of the river mouth, with two important exceptions: the barchan‐transversal and compound dunes are replaced, respectively, by (i) zibar‐type dunes up to 5 m high, and (ii) a 19 m high precipitation dune, which is associated with numerous blowouts. The prevailing eastern winds from August to January favour the development of the aeolian bedforms and the migration of dunes. The shoreline orientation almost transversal to the winds and the great supply of ?ne‐grained sediments contribute to the formation of barchan‐transversal types and compound dunes in the updrift side. On the other hand, in the downdrift side the shoreline orientation is almost parallel to the prevailing winds. This fact, in association with a coarser grain size in the beachface, favours the formation of zibar‐type and precipitation dunes with numerous blowouts. The rate of migration of individual dunes is about 20 to 24 m per year. This study suggests that the aeolian sedimentation is a relatively recent phenomenon at the Quaternary strandplain of the São Francisco River. The ?rst generation of dune ?elds initiated some time after 3000 years BP and the second generation originated some centuries ago. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The nature and restricted range of Dupal-type Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of Cretaceous kimberlites, tuffaceous diatremes of kamafugitic affinity and carbonatite complexes which intrude the southwestern São Francisco craton margin in Brazil, indicate that these magmas either interacted extensively with, or were derived from, a light rare earth element (LREE) enriched homogeneous lithospheric mantle source isotopically similar to the “enriched mantle I” (EMI) component. The shallow-derived alkalic rocks contain a greater proportion of this EMI-like component, whereas the lower time-averaged Rb/Sr, Nd/Sm and Pb/U ratios of the kimberlites compared to the other rock types suggest mixing of the EMI-like mantle material with variable amounts of mantle with a high 238U/204Pb (HIMU-like) component. Systematic variations in rock types and geochemistry on a regional scale are believed to be indicative of vertical geochemical heterogeneities which are translated into lateral heterogeneities by different depths of melting. It is proposed that HIMU- and EMI-like signatures in particular, are concentrated in laterally extensive but vertically distinctive portions of the mantle beneath the São Francisco craton. The EMI-type signatures appear to be restricted to shallow-derived volcanism, whereas the HIMU-type signatures may originate from a source that started melting deeper in the mantle. The Nd signatures of the EMI-type volcanics follow the evolution path defined by the NeoProterozoic crustal sequences which overlie and flank the craton margin. This suggests that the source of the EMI-type mantle signatures might be related to the tectono-thermal processes which led to the formation and evolution of such crustal sequences. The isotopic similarity of the sources of the studied rocks and of the high-Ti basalts of the northern Paraná basin to those of some Ocean Island Basalts with Dupal signatures in the South Atlantic (viz. in Walvis Ridge) is ascribed to processes by which continental lithosphere became firstly delaminated, and then contaminated a zone of South Atlantic asthenosphere from which hotspot islands have been erupting.  相似文献   

Superficial bottom samples were collected near diffusers of domestic sewage submarine outfalls at Araçá and Saco da Capela, São Sebastião Channel, Brazil. The goal of this study was to investigate the distribution and composition of live benthic foraminifera assemblages and integrate the results obtained with geochemical analyses to assess human-induced changes. According to the results obtained no environmental stress was observed near the Saco da Capela submarine outfall diffusers. The foraminifera assemblage is characterised by species typical of highly hydrodynamic environments, with well-oxygenated bottom waters and low nutrient contents. In contrast, near Araçá submarine outfall, organic enrichment was denoted by high phosphorus, sulphur and, to a lesser extent, total organic carbon content. Harmful influences on foraminifera could be identified by low richness and specific diversity, as well as the predominance of detritivore feeder species, which are associated with higher organic matter flux and low oxygen in the interstitial pore water.  相似文献   

Mangrove swamps are found in estuaries along the coastal plains of tropical regions and have be subjected to heavy occupation and use pressure due to their privileged locations and abundance of biological resources. The present work evaluated the ecological characteristics and solid wastes accumulated in eight areas along the Santos - São Vicente Estuary Complex. The superficially deposited residues at each sampling site were collected and subsequently washed, drained, counted, weighed and separated into classes according to their composition and predominant use. The predominant litter type in terms of density was plastic (62.81%) and, by weight, wood (55.53%). The greatest deposition of residues was associated with areas that were less inclined and that had low plant density levels, indicating that the presence of obstacles was not critical for retaining floating residues in mangrove areas. The presence of the most frequently encountered types of solid waste residues could be explained by local activities.  相似文献   

We determine the three-dimensional distribution of P- and S-wave velocities for Central São Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal) by tomographic inversion of local earthquake arrival times. We use P- and S-phases from 289 earthquakes recorded by a network of 20 seismometers. The model shows good resolution in the shallowest 5–6 km, as illustrated by different resolution tests. There are several velocity anomalies, interpreted as pyroclastic deposits, intrusive bodies, geothermal fields, and the effects of tectonics. A low Vp zone marks Furnas caldera, probably evidencing volcaniclastic sediments with development of intense geothermal activity. Another low Vp zone extends in correspondence of the highly fractured area between Fogo and the north coast. Conversely, strong positive anomalies are found south of Fogo and northwest of Furnas. They are interpreted in terms of high-density deposits and remnants of a plutonic intrusion. These interpretations are supported by the distribution of Vp/Vs, and are consistent with previous geological, geochemical, and geophysical data.  相似文献   

The Serra Leste region, located in the northeast portion of Carajás Mineral Province (PA), hosts important chrome-PGE, Au–Pd–Pt, Cu–Mo–Au, iron, and manganese deposits and occurrences related to different geological settings. We present a regional prospective model with focus on PGE mineralizations based on airborne geophysics (magnetometry, gamma-ray spectrometry and time domain electromagnetometry) and geological data. Geological and geophysics data analysis indicate a plausible correspondence between areas with meta-mafic–ultramafic rocks and low values in gamma spectrometry, mainly for the thorium channel. The meta-ultramafic units of the complexes, the main host rock of the PGE mineralization, are well defined by analytic signal from the anomalous magnetic field and by the apparent conductance anomalies derived from the GEOTEM system. The combination of the derivative products with updated geological data of the Serra Leste region and PGE-Luanga deposit enable to establish a regional prospective model for PGE and the identification of new targets within the studied area.  相似文献   

The syn-eruptive and post-eruptive history of São Roque tuff cone, its geological setting and volcanological features were studied in detail to understand the role played by the different factors that contributed to the morphological evolution of this relatively simple and small volcanic edifice.In addition, attention was also focused on the series of natural changes that affected the tuff cone during the course of the years and that finally led to its structural disassembly. A novel model is proposed to explain this process.The São Roque volcanic centre, located on the island of São Miguel (Azores), consists of two well-consolidated bodies and numerous small islets that formed more than 4700 years ago during the hydromagmatic activity that took place along an intruding dyke, whose NNW–SSE trend is in agreement with the regional tectonic pattern. The eruptive vents probably migrated progressively from SSE to NNW, forming small edifices through the rapid accumulation of sediments during alternating phases of “dry” and “wet” magmatic emissions. Syn-eruptive partial collapses greatly modified the original morphological structure of these edifices, probably allowing sea water to continuously flow into the vents. The complex interaction of these factors controlled the depth of magma fragmentation, producing different types of deposits, in which the ash-lapilli ratio varies considerably. The high-water saturation degree of these deposits caused syn-eruptive and post-eruptive remobilization which resulted in collapses and some small-scale landslides.Post-eruptive, WNW–ESE trending transtensional and extensional tectonic activities operated during the initial dissection of the cone, generating instability. Furthermore, the rapid accumulation of “wet” tephra, and its following consolidation, caused selective collapses that favoured the fragmentation of the deposit and caused the formation of numerous islets separated by radially-arranged channels. Collapses also involved the lava units emplaced in more recent times around the tuff cone, which show that brittle deformation has been significant in the area for a prolonged period.  相似文献   

The number of hydroelectric dams used for energy production and the cultivation of sugar cane crops for ethanol production have increased significantly in the southeastern region of Brazil. These land use/land cover changes (LULCC) associated with energy policy can affect landscape changes over a range of temporal and spatial scales. This article focuses on how human–landscape interactions have influenced geomorphological dynamics in the lower course of the Piracicaba River for two different scenarios that represent pre‐dam and post‐dam conditions in 1962 and 2007, respectively, and the expansion of sugar cane crops after 1975. This assessment was performed by mapping land use and geomorphological changes in the study area in the 1962 and 2007 scenarios, in addition to quantifying the sedimentation rates upstream from the Barra Bonita Reservoir using 210Pb. The main land uses identified for the 1962 scenario were pastures, meadows, annual crops and forests. However, the main land use change was the expansion of sugar cane cropland from 4 to 39%. In the 1962 scenario, the lower course of the Piracicaba River had a predominantly meandering pattern, and there were pronounced alluvial plains in the region. In the 2007 scenario, oxbow lakes were not mapped, and the river terraces were reduced in area due to construction of the Barra Bonita Reservoir. The changes in the sedimentation rates indicate an association between the construction of the Barra Bonita Reservoir and the expansion of sugar cane crops. It was therefore not possible to assess the specific influences of each anthropogenic change on the sedimentation processes, reinforcing that the human–landscape systems in São Paulo State associated with energy policy are complex. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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