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We recently proposed an efficient hybrid scheme to absorb boundary reflections for acoustic wave modelling that could attain nearly perfect absorptions. This scheme uses weighted averaging of wavefields in a transition area, between the inner area and the model boundaries. In this paper we report on the extension of this scheme to 2D elastic wave modelling with displacement‐stress formulations on staggered grids using explicit finite‐difference, pseudo‐implicit finite‐difference and pseudo‐spectral methods. Numerical modelling results of elastic wave equations with hybrid absorbing boundary conditions show great improvement for modelling stability and significant absorption for boundary reflections, compared with the conventional Higdon absorbing boundary conditions, demonstrating the effectiveness of this scheme for elastic wave modelling. The modelling results also show that the hybrid scheme works well in 2D rotated staggered‐grid modelling for isotropic medium, 2D staggered‐grid modelling for vertically transversely isotropic medium and 2D rotated staggered‐grid modelling for tilted transversely isotropic medium.  相似文献   

Introduction There are various factors affecting the propagation of earthquake waves. Usually these fac- tors include the earthquake source, the path and the site effects. Simulations of the earthquake wave propagation and the strong ground motion are an adequate way to exhibit these factors (Virieux, 1986; Levander, 1988; Frankel and Vidale, 1992; Frankel, 1993; Graves, 1993, 1996a; Olsen et al, 1995; Pitarka et al, 1996; Pitarka, 1999). The most popular numerical method in use is the gri…  相似文献   

印兴耀  刘博  杨凤英 《地震学报》2015,37(2):278-288
在地震波场数值模拟中, 交错网格有限差分技术得到了广泛的应用, 但是在弹性模量变化较大时, 通常会因插值而导致模拟误差增大. 旋转交错网格可以很好地克服这个缺点, 因而适合于各向异性介质正演模拟. 但是对于同样大小的网格单元, 旋转交错网格需要的步长比常规交错网格要大, 这会使梯度和散度算子的误差增大因而更易产生空间数值频散. 针对这些问题, 本文提出了旋转交错网格与紧致有限差分相结合的方法, 并基于模拟退火算法进行全局优化, 压制数值频散, 拓宽波数范围. 数值模拟结果表明, 此方法可以有效地压制数值频散, 且具有较高的模拟精度.   相似文献   

Finite‐difference frequency‐domain modelling of seismic wave propagation is attractive for its efficient solution of multisource problems, and this is crucial for full‐waveform inversion and seismic imaging, especially in the three‐dimensional seismic problem. However, implementing the free surface in the finite‐difference method is nontrivial. Based on an average medium method and the limit theorem, we present an adaptive free‐surface expression to describe the behaviour of wavefields at the free surface, and no extra work for the free‐surface boundary condition is needed. Essentially, the proposed free‐surface expression is a modification of density and constitutive relation at the free surface. In comparison with a direct difference approximate method of the free‐surface boundary condition, this adaptive free‐surface expression can produce more accurate and stable results for a broad range of Poisson's ratio. In addition, this expression has a good performance in handling the lateral variation of Poisson's ratio adaptively and without instability.  相似文献   

声波方程数值模拟已广泛应用于理论地震计算,同时构成了地震逆时偏移成像技术的基础.对于有限差分法而言,在满足一定的稳定性条件时,普遍存在着因网格化而形成的数值频散效应.如何有效地缓解或压制数值频散是有限差分方法研究的关键所在.有限差分格式分为显式有限差分和隐式有限差分.隐式有限差分能够进一步压制数值频散效应.因此本文提出了给定频率范围满足时间-空间域隐式有限差分频散关系的方法,并根据震源频率、波速和网格间距确定波数范围,在此基础上建立方程确定了相应的隐式有限差分系数,使得差分系数能在更大频率范围符合波场传播规律.通过频散分析和正演模拟,验证了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Prediction of elastic full wavefields is required for reverse time migration, full waveform inversion, borehole seismology, seismic modelling, etc. We propose a novel algorithm to solve the Navier wave equation, which is based on multi‐block methodology for high‐order finite‐difference schemes on curvilinear grids. In the current implementation, the blocks are subhorizontal layers. Smooth anisotropic heterogeneous media in each layer can have strong discontinuities at the interfaces. A curvilinear adaptive hexahedral grid in blocks is generated by mapping the original 3D physical domain onto a parametric cube with horizontal layers and interfaces. These interfaces correspond to the main curvilinear physical contrast interfaces of a subhorizontally layered formation. The top boundary of the parametric cube handles the land surface with smooth topography. Free‐surface and solid–solid transmission boundary conditions at interfaces are approximated with the second‐order accuracy. Smooth media in the layers are approximated up to sixth‐order spatial schemes. All expected properties of the developed algorithm are demonstrated in numerical tests using corresponding parallel message passing interface code.  相似文献   

We compare two approaches to modelling floodplain inundation: a raster‐based approach, which uses a relatively simple process representation, with channel flows being resolved separately from the floodplain using either a kinematic or diffusive wave approximation, and a finite‐element hydraulic model aiming to solve the full two‐dimensional shallow‐water equations. A flood event on a short (c. 4 km) reach of the upper River Thames in the UK is simulated, the models being validated against inundation extent as determined from satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. The unconstrained friction parameters are found through a calibration procedure, where a measure of fit between predicted and observed shorelines is maximized. The raster and finite‐element models offer similar levels of performance, both classifying approximately 84% of the model domain correctly, compared with 65% for a simple planar prediction of water surface elevation. Further discrimination between models is not possible given the errors in the validation data. The simple raster‐based model is shown to have considerable advantages in terms of producing a straightforward calibration process, and being robust with respect to channel specification. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于自适应网格的仿真型有限差分地震波数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在复杂山地和复杂海底条件下,地表和海底的剧烈起伏对地震波数值模拟提出了更高的要求.常规有限差分法采用矩形网格对模型进行网格剖分,由于矩形网格自身的限制,起伏地表或起伏海底只能由一系列阶梯状折线代替,从而引起人为虚假绕射波.此外,在模拟液-固界面的反射波时,如果界面与网格线不一致,则需要更密的网格才能得到精确的结果.为了解决上述问题,本文将自适应网格生成技术引入到起伏海底速度模型的网格剖分中,采用高阶仿真型有限差分法(MFD)对曲线坐标下的声波方程波进行了数值模拟.利用自适应网格生成技术对速度模型进行网格剖分不仅可以准确地描述模型边界,而且可以有效消除虚假绕射波.高阶仿真型有限差分法可以有效压制频散提高计算精度.模型试算结果表明,本文方法对复杂海底模型具有很好的适应性.  相似文献   

When modelling the propagation of 3D non‐axisymmetric elastic and viscoelastic waves in cylindrical coordinates using the finite‐difference time‐domain method, a mathematical singularity occurs due to the presence of terms in the elastic and viscoelastic wave equations. For many years, this issue has been impeding the accurate numerical solution near the axis. In this work, we propose a simple but effective method for the treatment of this numerical singularity problem. By rotating the Cartesian coordinate system around the z‐axis in cylindrical coordinates, the numerical singularity problems in both 2D and 3D cylindrical coordinates can be removed. This algorithm has three advantages over the conventional treatment techniques: (i) the excitation source can be directly loaded at , (ii) the central difference scheme with second‐order accuracy is maintained, and (iii) the stability condition at the axis is consistent with the finite‐difference time‐domain in Cartesian coordinates. This method is verified by several 3D numerical examples. Results show that the rotating the Cartesian coordinate method is accurate and stable at the singularity axis. The improved finite‐difference time‐domain algorithm is also applied to sonic logging simulations in non‐axisymmetric formations and sources.  相似文献   

It is important to include the viscous effect in seismic numerical modelling and seismic migration due to the ubiquitous viscosity in an actual subsurface medium. Prestack reverse‐time migration (RTM) is currently one of the most accurate methods for seismic imaging. One of the key steps of RTM is wavefield forward and backward extrapolation and how to solve the wave equation fast and accurately is the essence of this process. In this paper, we apply the time‐space domain dispersion‐relation‐based finite‐difference (FD) method for visco‐acoustic wave numerical modelling. Dispersion analysis and numerical modelling results demonstrate that the time‐space domain FD method has great accuracy and can effectively suppress numerical dispersion. Also, we use the time‐space domain FD method to solve the visco‐acoustic wave equation in wavefield extrapolation of RTM and apply the source‐normalized cross‐correlation imaging condition in migration. Improved imaging has been obtained in both synthetic and real data tests. The migration result of the visco‐acoustic wave RTM is clearer and more accurate than that of acoustic wave RTM. In addition, in the process of wavefield forward and backward extrapolation, we adopt adaptive variable‐length spatial operators to compute spatial derivatives to significantly decrease computing costs without reducing the accuracy of the numerical solution.  相似文献   

介质微结构相互作用会使介质存在不均匀性,而这种不均匀性,则会引发新的响应.当位移场/旋转场存在强烈空间/时间变化时,这种由介质微结构相互作用所导致的不均匀性会愈加明显.应变梯度通过在应变能密度函数中引入应变的一阶或者高阶导数,以描述这种由介质微结构相互作用导致的不均匀性,由于引入高阶导数,应变梯度理论可以描述更小尺度的...  相似文献   

基于WNAD方法的非一致网格算法及其弹性波场模拟   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
加权近似解析离散化(WNAD) 方法是近年发展的一种在粗网格步长条件下能有效压制数值频散的数值模拟技术. 在地震勘探的实际应用中, 不是所有情况都适合使用空间大网格步长. 为适应波场模拟的实际需要, 本文给出了求解波动方程的非一致网格上的WNAD算法. 这种方法在低速区、介质复杂区域使用细网格, 在其他区域采用粗网格计算. 在网格过渡区域, 根据近似解析离散化方法的特点, 采用了新的插值公式, 使用较少的网格点得到较高的插值精度. 数值算例表明, 非一致网格上的WNAD方法能够有效压制数值频散, 显著减少计算内存需求量和计算时间, 进一步提高了地震波场的数值模拟效率.  相似文献   

如何有效压制数值频散是有限差分正演模拟研究中的关键问题之一.近年来,许多学者对二阶声波方程的差分算子开展了大量的优化工作,在压制频散方面取得不错的效果.一阶压强-速度方程广泛用于研究地震波在地下变密度模型中传播规律,目前针对一阶方程的优化工作大多只是在空间差分算子上展开.本文在前人研究的基础上,推导出一阶声波方程中压强场与偏振速度场之间的解析关系,据此在传统交错网格基础上给出一种高精度的显式时间递推格式,该递推格式将时间差分与空间差分算子结合在一起,并采用共轭梯度法得到精确时间递推匹配系数,实现时空差分算子的同时优化.在编程实现算法的基础上,通过频散分析与三个典型模型测试表明:本文方法能够较为有效地压制时间频散与空间频散,提高数值计算精度;同时对复杂模型也有很好适用性.  相似文献   

Staggering grid is a very effective way to reduce the Nyquist errors and to suppress the non‐causal ringing artefacts in the pseudo‐spectral solution of first‐order elastic wave equations. However, the straightforward use of a staggered‐grid pseudo‐spectral method is problematic for simulating wave propagation when the anisotropy level is greater than orthorhombic or when the anisotropic symmetries are not aligned with the computational grids. Inspired by the idea of rotated staggered‐grid finite‐difference method, we propose a modified pseudo‐spectral method for wave propagation in arbitrary anisotropic media. Compared with an existing remedy of staggered‐grid pseudo‐spectral method based on stiffness matrix decomposition and a possible alternative using the Lebedev grids, the rotated staggered‐grid‐based pseudo‐spectral method possesses the best balance between the mitigation of artefacts and efficiency. A 2D example on a transversely isotropic model with tilted symmetry axis verifies its effectiveness to suppress the ringing artefacts. Two 3D examples of increasing anisotropy levels demonstrate that the rotated staggered‐grid‐based pseudo‐spectral method can successfully simulate complex wavefields in such anisotropic formations.  相似文献   

数字岩石物理利用三维成像技术和数学方法,建立数字岩心,开展多场物理响应模拟,计算岩石的等效弹性参数,为岩石物理学研究开拓了新的领域.本文发展了一种基于高阶有限差分的岩石模量数值计算的新方法,该方法便于理解,容易实现,占用内存相对较少,计算效率高,结果合理,弥补了常规岩石物理实验周期长,成本高,误差大等不足.该方法将三维数字岩心样本嵌入一个具有与岩心样本骨架颗粒相同弹性性质的区域中扩充成一个新模型,测量由数字岩石样本非均匀结构带来的纵波或横波峰值振幅的时间差,利用该时间差(相对参考模型)估算纵横波的等效速度,进而求取等效弹性模量.理论模型和实际岩心的计算结果表明,数值模拟结果与实验结果有较高的吻合度,验证了该方法的合理性.  相似文献   

A cell‐based long‐term hydrological model (CELTHYM) that can be integrated with a geographical information system (GIS) was developed to predict continuous stream flow from small agricultural watersheds. The CELTHYM uses a cell‐by‐cell soil moisture balance approach. For surface runoff estimation, the curve number technique considering soil moisture on a daily basis was used, and release rate was used to estimate baseflow. Evapotranspiration was computed using the FAO modified Penman equation that considered land‐use‐based crop coefficients, soil moisture and the influence of topography on radiation. A rice paddy field water budget model was also adapted for the specific application of the model to East Asia. Model sensitivity analysis was conducted to obtain operational information about the model calibration parameters. The CELTHYM was calibrated and verified with measured runoff data from the WS#1 and WS#3 watersheds of the Seoul National University, Department of Agricultural Engineering, in Hwaseong County, Kyounggi Province, South Korea. The WS#1 watershed is comprised of about 35·4% rice paddy fields and 42·3% forest, whereas the WS#3 watershed is about 85·0% forest and 11·5% rice paddy fields. The CELTHYM was calibrated for the parameter release rate, K, and soil moisture storage coefficient, STC, and results were compared with the measured runoff data for 1986. The validation results for WS#1 considering all daily stream flow were poor with R2, E2 and RMSE having values of 0·40, ?6·63 and 9·69 (mm), respectively, but validation results for days without rainfall were statistically significant (R2 = 0·66). Results for WS#3 showed good agreement with observed data for all days, and R2, E2 and RMSE were 0·92, 0·91 and 2·23 (mm), respectively, suggesting potential for CELTHYM application to other watersheds. The direct runoff and water balance components for watershed WS#1 with significant areas of paddy fields did not perform well, suggesting that additional study of these components is needed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The central difference method (CDM) that is explicit for pseudo‐dynamic testing is also believed to be explicit for real‐time substructure testing (RST). However, to obtain the correct velocity dependent restoring force of the physical substructure being tested, the target velocity is required to be calculated as well as the displacement. The standard CDM provides only explicit target displacement but not explicit target velocity. This paper investigates the required modification of the standard central difference method when applied to RST and analyzes the stability and accuracy of the modified CDM for RST. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on an average‐derivative method and optimization techniques, a 27‐point scheme for a 3D frequency‐domain scalar wave equation is developed. Compared to the rotated‐coordinate approach, the average‐derivative optimal method is not only concise but also applies to equal and unequal directional sampling intervals. The resulting 27‐point scheme uses a 27‐point operator to approximate spatial derivatives and the mass acceleration term. The coefficients are determined by minimizing phase velocity dispersion errors and the resultant optimal coefficients depend on ratios of directional sampling intervals. Compared to the classical 7‐point scheme, the number of grid points per shortest wavelength is reduced from approximately 13 to approximately 4 by this 27‐point optimal scheme for equal directional sampling intervals and unequal directional sampling intervals as well. Two numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the theoretical analysis. The average‐derivative algorithm is also extended to a 3D frequency‐domain viscous scalar wave equation.  相似文献   

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