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Sedimentary facies of the Tsagayan Formation is distributed in the eastern Zeya-Bureya Basin has been analyzed. The formation is of the Maastrichtian to Danian in age and characterized by the cyclicity of the fining-upwards successions. Analysis of environmental changes during the K/T boundary is the focus of this study. Five facies have been identified: Facies A, thick and laterally extensive coarse-grained to medium-gained sandstone units, interpreted as channelfill deposits; Facies B, parallel-laminated to massive mudstone units interpreted as interchannel lakes and flood plain deposits; Facies C, sheet-like medium-grained to fine-grained sandstones interpreted as crevasse splay deposits; Facies D, coal to coaly mudstone beds interpreted as deposits of peatlands; Facies E, very poorly sorted sandy mudstone beds interpreted as debris flow deposits. Fluvial environments with the low-relief fiat topography was inferred. A channel transported large volumes of clasts, and a flood basin with interchannel lakes and peatlands was deciphered. Any distinct change of sedimentary environments has not been identified throughout the Tsagayan Formation (including the K/T boundary). However, two beds of debris flow deposits were identified. The one occurs at the uppermost part of the lower Tsagayan Subformation and contains dinosaur fossils. The other is intercalated in the upper Tsagayan Subformation.  相似文献   

This article presents the results ofhydrochemical and hydrobiological studies of shallow saline lakes of the Borzya group (Zabaikalsky K_rai, Russia) at the initial filling phase. The lake-margin ecosystems of the studied lakes are characterized by varying degrees of salinity from polyhaline to brine water. Cyclical variations of meteorological conditions and high salinity determined that the compositions of the aquatic organisms are specific, mostly between stenohaline and euryhaline species, the quantities are low, and the community structures are simple.  相似文献   

Mountain Biosphere Reserves in the Russian Federation Mountains and highlands occupy more than 50 % of the territory of the Russian Federation. In 2005, Russia had 36 Biosphere Reserves (BRs), of which 15 are Mountain Biosphere Reserves (MBRs). The MBRs represent different environmental and economic zones of Northern Eurasia; they lie far apart from one another (Figure 1). Laplandskiy MBR on the Kola Peninsula (No 1) is an example of a reserve located in the arctic belt and affecte…  相似文献   

1 Introduction A desert is defined as a large area of barren land, waterless and treeless, often sand-covered (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English 1974). The presence of numerous, sometimes prosperous agricultural communities in the so-called deserts defies this definition. The land is not necessarily barren; leaching of nutrients that causes certain deficiencies in the soils of humid environments hardly occurs in deserts. The most apparent deficiencies for crop product…  相似文献   

Matthias Kuhle 《山地科学学报》2006,3(2):91-124,i0001,i0002
1 Introduction, Methods of Evidence and Characteristics of the Investigation Areas The aim of this study was to find geomorph- ological and sedimentological indicators of a past glaciation. In addition to the reconstruction of the maximum extent of Ice Age glacier cover, field investigations combined with panorama photo- graphs and laboratory analyses of samples werefocused on the evidence of glacier trim-lines and -thicknesses. This is the regional continuation of a detailed and spatially …  相似文献   

1Introduction The East Australian Current(EAC)partially sepa-rates from the coast of Australia(Godfrey et al.,1980)and subsequently flows eastward along the Tas-man Front(TF)(Warren,1970).When the east-ward flow reaches the northernmost point of New Zealand,it turns southeastward and becomes the East Auckland Current(EAUC).The flow that goesround the East Cape is named the Ease Cape Current(ECC).The ECC separates from North Island and proceeds eastward to the north of the Chatha…  相似文献   

Introduced species may outcompete or hybridize with native species, resulting in the loss of native biodiversity or even alteration of ecosystem processes. In this study, we reported an alien distromatic Ulva species, which was found in an embayment(Holly Pond) connected with Long Island Sound, USA. The morphological and anatomical observations in combination with molecular data were used for its identification to species. Anatomy of collected specimens showed that the cell shape in rhizoidal and basal regions was round and the marginal teeth along the basal and median region were not found. These characteristics were primarily identical to the diagnostic characteristics of Ulva laetevirens Areschoug(Chlorophyta). The plastid-encoding tufA and nucleus-encoding ITS1 were used for its molecular identification. Phylogenetic analysis for the tufA gene placed the specimens from Holly Pond in a well-supported clade along with published sequences of U. laetevirens identified early without any sequence divergence. In ITS tree, the sample also formed well-supported clades with the sequences of U. laetevirens with an estimated sequence divergence among the taxa in these clades as low as 1%. These findings confirmed the morpho-anatomical conclusion. Native to Australia, this species was reported in several countries along the Mediterranean coast after the late of 1990 s. This is the first time that U. laetevirens is found in the northeast coast of United States and the second record for Atlantic North America.  相似文献   

The Himalayan region is a known hot spot of crop diversity. Traditional varieties (usually called primitive cultivars or landraces), having withstood the rigors of time (including harsh climatic conditions as well as attacks of insects, pests and diseases), can still be found in crop fields in rural parts of Indian Central Himalaya (ICH). These landraces harbor many desired traits from which, for example, varieties that are tolerant/resistant to abiotic/biotic stresses could be developed. In addition to the above benefits, landraces provide a basis for food security and a more varied and interesting diet. Some landraces are also known to be of medicinal value. These, along with some lesser known hill crops, are often referred to by different names such as under exploited crops, crops for marginal lands, poor person crops, and neglected mountain crops. The Himalayan region continues to be a reservoir of a large number of landraces and cultivars whose economic and ecological potential is yet to be fully understood and/or exploited. Indians have had a history of rice cultivation since ancient times. Farmers, including tribals inhabiting the IHR, still cultivate a plethora of landraces of rice and thus directly contribute towardson-farm conservation of valuable germplasm and help in the preservation of crop diversity. The present paper looks at the on-farm conservation of rice germplasm, which is still practised in the Kumaun region of ICH.  相似文献   

Although chub mackerel (Scomberjaponicus) is a primary pelagic fish species,we have only limited knowledge on itskey life history processes.The present work studied the age and growth of chub mackerel in the East China and Yellow Seas.Agewas determined by interpreting and counting growth rings on the sagitta otoliths of 252 adult fish caught by the Chinese commercialpurse seine fleet during the period from November 2006 to January 2007 and 150 juveniles from bottom trawl surveys on the spawn-ing ground in May 2006.The difference between the assumed birth date of 1 st April and date of capture was used to adjust the agedetermined from counting the number of complete translucent rings.The parameters of three commonly used growth models,the vonBertalanffy,Logistic and Gompertz models,were estimated using the maximum likelihood method.Based on the Akaike InformationCriterion (AIC),the von Bertalanffy growth model was found to be the most appropriate model.The size-at-age and size-at-maturityvalues were also found to decrease greatly compared with the results achieved in the 1950s,which was caused by heavy exploitationover the last few decades.  相似文献   

Coordinated and sustainable development of farmers, agriculture and countryside (FAC) is key to realize the national objective of comprehensively developed well-off society. Since the peaceful liberation of Tibet, outstanding achievements have been made in FAC work. However, compared with East and Middle China, there still exists a big gap. The farmers‘ net income per capita in 2001 was 1,404 yuan, 962 yuan lower than the nation‘s average. In late 90‘s the farmers‘ income growth slowed down. Agricultural industrialization is at low level, technologies play a small role in agricultural development, rural infrastructure is weak, the rural grass root organization is much underdeveloped, and construction of towns is behind the other regions of China. Based on the problems of FAC development there, this paper proposes FAC development strategies and measures for accelerating rural development in Tibet.  相似文献   

Hankaisky Region is the most densely populated and economic developed part of the Primorskiy Krai. It is promoting development of dangerous geological processes there. In the article the reasons of formation and intensive development in Hankaisky Region of the following dangerous geological processes lateral, winder and ground erosive, sill, floods, taluses, bogging, slope wash, karts, rebound of ground are considered.  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古1∶5万保胜屯等四幅矿产调查项目的工作,在西南沟地区圈定了以Ag,Cu,Pb,Zn为主要元素的HS1化探综合异常,异常区浓集中心明显,规模较大,各元素套合较好,物探异常特征亦明显,通过开展异常查证工作,发现银铅锌多金属矿体4处,矿体与物化探异常吻合较好,具有一定的找矿意义。  相似文献   

闽三角城市群地质灾害敏感性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态安全是地区社会经济可持续的根本保障,然而地质灾害会对地区的生态安全造成严重威胁,对闽三角城市群进行地质灾害敏感性分析具有重要意义。本文分别选取坡度、高程、土壤类型、NDVI、岩性、多年平均降水量、距主要公路距离和5 km格网内的地质灾害点数目这8个指标,基于SPCA、全局Moran's I和局部Moran's I,对闽三角城市群的地质灾害敏感性进行综合评价。结果表明:闽三角城市群整体处于中度敏感,不同敏感性的面积大小顺序为:中度敏感>高度敏感>轻度敏感>极敏感>不敏感,占比分别为26.96%、25.67%、23.89%、11.75%和11.72%;地质灾害敏感性由东南沿海向西北内陆呈现出由不敏感向极敏感逐渐过渡的整体趋势,并存在着明显的地带性特征;不同县(市、区)间及其内部的地质灾害敏感性均存在较大的空间异质性;地质灾害敏感性存在显著的空间自相关性,且为显著正相关,并呈现出显著的空间集聚性特征,在德化县、永春县、安溪县和南靖县为高高聚集,在惠安县、丰泽区、鲤城区、晋江市和石狮市为低低聚集;不同土地利用类型下的地质灾害敏感性综合指数大小顺序为:林地>草地>未利用地>耕地>水域>建设用地,林地和草地整体处于中度敏感,水域、耕地、建设用地和未利用地整体处于轻度敏感;多年平均降水量、坡度、距主要公路距离、地质灾害点数目、岩性和土壤类型是研究区地质灾害的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

本义以东海陆架盆地地质调查和勘探开发的实际资料为依据,阐明了东海海底地形、地貌及地质特征;强调了近年来在石油地质学理论研究中的重要突破及石油勘探中的重要进展。文章分析了东海地层分布及其含油气规律;重点解剖了西湖凹陷及台北坳陷的油气资源富集特征;探讨了东海油气田早期开发利用方案;并指出了其开发的巨大经济价值和良好的前景。  相似文献   

遥感地质解译工作是1:5万区域地质调查工作中不可缺少的手段之一,该文通过新疆温泉县牙马特一带1:5万区调工作,进行了遥感数据处理、专题信息影像图制作、遥感地质解译标志建立、遥感蚀变信息提取等工作。通过数据处理及影像成图,特别加强对地层、岩浆岩、构造的解译,并对其进行了野外验证。另外,采用比值法提取了遥感蚀变信息铁化因子和泥化因子,对找矿工作提供了有利信息。  相似文献   

喀英迪铅锌矿主要产于早石炭世阿克沙克组及其与晚奥陶世呼独克达坂组的接触带上。通过普查工作共圈定15个铅锌矿体。其中主要矿体4个,Ⅰ-4矿体处于晚奥陶世呼独克达坂组灰岩与早石炭世阿克沙克组的不整合接触面上及其两侧,工程控制总长度为523m,最大斜深100m。倾向70°~100°,倾角一般20°~50°,连续性较好。该矿体铅单工程厚0.86~5.64m,平均2.86m,厚度变化系数为70.57%;锌单工程厚0.80~5.64m,平均1.81m,厚度变化系数为93.97%,属于变化较稳定型矿体。铅单工程品位0.62%~16.47%,平均4.53%,品位变化系数114.34%;锌单工程品位0.53%~12.37%,平均3.78%,品位变化系数57.47%。属于有用组分分布较均匀型矿体。通过对矿床地质特征的研究,认为该矿床属沉积岩容矿的、层控的、构造控制非岩浆型低温热液矿床。  相似文献   

通过黄河(山东段)悬河稳定性影响因素分析,各河段都有决口失稳的可能。该文从区域地壳稳定性、堤基稳定性、河道稳定性3个方面,采用模糊数学综合评判法进行悬河稳定性评价,对河段可能出现的失稳或决口险点及其可能造成的危害性进行分析和预测,初步确定了10处地质险段。  相似文献   

通过研究新疆阿勒泰地区袄多克金矿床地质特征,结合元素地球化学剖面特征及元素组合特征分析,认为袄多克金矿床金及其他多金属元素主要赋存于中泥盆世托克萨雷组变粉砂岩、千枚岩中及顺层侵入的石英闪长岩脉中;金成矿的主要元素组合为Au-W-Bi-Ag-Pb-Zn-As;金矿属于岩浆热液后期形成的构造蚀变岩型金矿。结合区域地质背景及Au,W,Bi等元素地球化学剖面特征,认为该区具有较好的金矿成矿远景。  相似文献   

盐水沟北铜矿区位于新疆库车县北部,其大地构造位置处于塔吉克-塔里木陆块区、塔里木陆块、塔里木北缘隆起、库车前陆盆地,区内构造活动强烈。铜矿床赋存于新近纪中新统康村组第一岩性段,矿体呈层状,严格受地层控制。区内共圈定10个铜矿体,矿石矿物主要为孔雀石、赤铜矿、水胆矾、自然铜等,矿体内无夹石,顶、底板围岩均为褐红色及浅红色粉质泥岩。该矿床为砂岩型铜矿床。  相似文献   

哈西亚图石英闪长岩是东昆仑地区中生代具幔源组分贡献的花岗岩类典型代表,岩体出露于东昆仑中构造带,广泛发育暗色微粒包体。包体为闪长质岩石,并含有一系列岩浆混合成因的证据,如水滴状、长条状塑性流变外形,淬冷边、反向脉等高—中温混合迹象,以及低Mg/(Fe+Mg)、Na/(Ca+Na)值等混合成因特征。包体A/CNK值介于0.77~0.87,属准铝质,富Al2O3、Fe2O3、MgO,贫K2O、Na2O,富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、K等),同时又具有Ta、Nb、Ti的"TNT"负异常,具有俯冲带幔源岩石的成分特点。依据岩石学、地球化学特征并结合同时期大地构造背景,东昆仑晚古生代—早中生代含暗色微粒包体花岗质岩石是幔源岩浆经历多次熔融、同化、存储和均一(MASH)过程后与壳源岩浆混合的产物。在混合岩浆中,富镁铁质端元是由辉长质岩浆进化而来的闪长质岩浆。  相似文献   

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