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Lake area information in the Badain Jaran Desert in 1973, 1990, 2000, and 2010 was obtained by visual interpretation and water index analysis of remote sensing images, based on the spatial and temporal characteristics of lake area changes during 37 years. Results indicated that the nttmber of lakes declined from 94 to 82 and the total surface area was reduced by 3.69 km2 during 1973-2010. The desert lake area reduced by different degrees in different periods, but this occurred most rapidly during 1973-1990. According to the statistics of lake area changes, lake area decreases mainly occurred in the lakes with areas less than 0.2 km2, while the areas of lakes greater than 0.9 km2 only fluctuated. The changes of lake areas were probably due to changes in the quantity of underground water supplies rather than the effects of local climate change or human factors.  相似文献   

Lake area information in the Badain Jaran Desert in 1973, 1990, 2000, and 2010 was obtained by visual interpretation and water index analysis of remote sensing images, based on the spatial and temporal characteristics of lake area changes during 37 years. Results indicated that the number of lakes declined from 94 to 82 and the total surface area was reduced by 3.69 km2 during 1973–2010. The desert lake area reduced by different degrees in different periods, but this occurred most rapidly during 1973–1990. According to the statistics of lake area changes, lake area decreases mainly occurred in the lakes with areas less than 0.2 km2, while the areas of lakes greater than 0.9 km2 only fluctuated. The changes of lake areas were probably due to changes in the quantity of underground water supplies rather than the effects of local climate change or human factors.  相似文献   

EffectoftheenvironmentinAntarcticaonimmunefunctionandelectroencephalogramYuYongzhong(于永中);WangZonghui(王宗惠);ZhangWencheng(张文诚)...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionDeseamcation. defined as land degradation in tri4 send-arid and dry SUb-htald areas reSulhng fromvarious factors, including cljjnatic variahons and human activihes, is a world-wide phenomenon whichcauses the end's ecosystems to deteriorate. Nowadays it edicts about tWo-thirds of the coUntries of theworld, and one-third of the earth's surface, on which one-ffe of the world population liVe.Desertilicahon is accompanied by a reduction in the natUI'al potenhal Of the land ecosyst…  相似文献   

奈曼地区的沙漠化以固定沙丘的活化为特征。研究利用陆地卫星资料监测地被物和土地利用变化的方法以分析沙漠化的进展。天然植被、结构和土壤红度指数对分析沙漠化现状及发展趋势很有效。研究证实 ,典型区的沙漠化程度有明显变化 ;对居民区 ,公路及铁路沿线附近地区的土地管理比较重视 ,正在对沙漠化土地进行改良。应用上述方法可以分析沙漠化现状及发展趋势但不能确定其面积的变化。其次根据调查分类提出了地被物和土地利用变化的监测法。此法要求提供一年中两次不同时间的数据。文中还分析使用此法的可能性。最后 ,根据陆地卫星红色谱带反射率与实测生物之间的高度相关性可估算草地的生物量并得出结论 ,从奈曼北部到中部的大部分地区都处于过度放牧状态。  相似文献   

We present a simple method to derive spatial precipitation (P) and evapotranspiration (ET) for the typical steppe of the Xilin river catchment at 1 km and 8-day resolution during the main vegetation period (23 April to 28 August) of 2006. The hydrological model BROOK90 was parameterised from eddy covariance measurements. The daily model input data, precipitation, minimum (Tamin) and maximum air temperature (Tamax), were derived by manipulating MODIS leaf area index (LAI) and surface temperature data. P was estimated based on a linear regression of P measured at several sites against the mean gain of the MODIS LAI of surrounding 3 × 3 pixels areas (R2 = 0.76). Tamin and Tamax were derived using a relationship between measured Tamin and Tamax and MODIS surface temperatures (R2 = 0.92 and R2 = 0.88, respectively). The mean precipitation was 145 mm; it varied between 52 mm in the north-western region and 239 mm in the eastern region. In spring, the modelled ET was low (<0.8 mm d−1); evaporation dominated over transpiration and spatial differences were small. At the end of June, the mean ET reached its maximum (2 mm d−1) and spatial differences were pronounced. From July on, transpiration dominated over declining evaporation, and spatial differences decreased in August.  相似文献   

Fire has been historically infrequent in the Mojave Desert, and its increased prevalence caused by the invasion of non-native annual grasses is a major concern for land managers there. The most dramatic changes have occurred in middle elevation shrublands dominated by creosotebush (Larrea tridentata), Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia), and/or blackbrush (Coleogyne ramossissima), where most of the fires occurred between 1980 and 2004. This zone is more susceptible than other areas of the Mojave Desert to increased fire size following years of high rainfall. Increases in fire size are likely related to the flush of non-native annual grasses, Bromus rubens in particular, that produces continuous fuelbeds following years of high rainfall. This dynamic also has occurred to some degree at lower elevations, but the background cover of native perennial fuels there is already very low, muting the effects of the ephemeral fuels. At elevations above the middle elevation shrublands, fire size does not vary with rainfall, indicating that native woody fuels dictate fire regimes. These results suggest that an invasive plant/fire regime cycle is currently establishing in the middle and possibly the low elevation shrublands of the Mojave Desert, but not at higher elevations.  相似文献   

Different government departments and researchers have paid considerable attention at various levels to improving the eco-environment in ecologically fragile areas. Over the past decade, large numbers of people have emigrated from rural areas as a result of the rapid urbanization in Chinese society. The question then remains: to what extent does this migration affect the regional vegetation greenness in the areas that people have moved from? Based on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data with a resolution of 1 km, as well as meteorological data and socio-economic data from 2000 to 2010 in Inner Mongolia, the spatio-temporal variation of vegetation greenness in the study area was analyzed via trend analysis and significance test methods. The contributions of human activities and natural factors to the variation of vegetation conditions during this period were also quantitatively tested and verified, using a multi-regression analysis method. We found that: (1) the vegetation greenness of the study area increased by 10.1% during 2000-2010. More than 28% of the vegetation greenness increased significantly, and only about 2% decreased evidently during the study period. (2) The area with significant degradation showed a banded distribution at the northern edge of the agro-pastoral ecotone in central Inner Mongolia. This indicates that the eco-environment is still fragile in this area, which should be paid close attention. The area where vegetation greenness significantly improved showed a concentrated distribution in the southeast and west of Inner Mongolia. (3) The effect of agricultural labor on vegetation greenness exceeded those due to natural factors (i.e. precipitation and temperature). The emigration of agricultural labor improved the regional vegetation greenness significantly.  相似文献   

To better understand the dust storm (hereafter DS) inducing circulation in the China–Mongolia (CM) DS activity area, the spring mean circulation features and differences on lower levels in three subregions of the CM DS area for the major- and minor-DS years have, as a whole (not partly), been analyzed, utilizing the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalyzed gridded data, the observed DS frequency data in the CM area, and the composite analysis method. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Judging from the differences in the DS-inducing systems, dust origins, paths of invading cold air, and main DS-strike areas, the whole CM DS area is roughly divided into the three subregions: the East-, Middle- and West-CM subregions (in this paper, referred to as E-, M-, and W-CM). (2) In major DSs during spring over the E-CM, the middle- and lower-level troughs or cyclones over the Japan Sea and northeastern China (NEC) dominate. The invading cold air along the northeastern (NE) or north by east (NE) path often causes the DS in the E-CM region. But nearly the opposite is true in minor DS during spring in E-CM. (3) In the major DS during spring over the M-CM region, the Mongolian troughs or cyclones are the main DS-inducing systems. The strong invading cold air along the northwestern (NW)- or north by west (Nw) path causes the DSs in the M-CM region. (4) In the major DSs during spring over the W-CM region, the South Xinjiang heat lows prevail, the intruding cold air has a western path, and creates the DSs in South Xinjiang. (5) In the past 50 years, the DSs over the M-CM region have had the most severe impact on the preceding three subregions of the CM DS area. Overall, DS activities over all of three regions of the CM area decreased in the past (particularly, over M- and W-CM regions since the mid-1980s. But there existed a short and sudden increasing in E-CM in the years 2000–2002. (6) It is circulation changes and desertification evolutions that cause the yearly and decadal changes of DS in CM area, especially the former. With the backdrop of global warming in the future, perhaps the decreased DS activities over M- and W-CM will persist for some time again, and special attention should be paid to ones over E-CM or to the individual DS events over M- and W-CM.  相似文献   

In the present study, Eastern Inner Mongolia (EIM) and the North China Plain (NCP) during the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911) were selected as study areas. Based on records of agricultural exploitation, settlement expansion, and revolts obtained from the Veritable Records of the Qing Dynasty (a collection of official records), a collection of proxy data reflecting historical social change in EIM was gathered. The social response in EIM to the immigrants from the NCP, who were mainly destitute and homeless refugees and came into EIM under the acquiescence or even with the encouragement of the government in and after a severe flood or drought, was analysed by comparing the data on climatic factors as well as changes in governmental policy. The results indicated that social response was significantly dependent on phase changes. In the 18th century, immigrants from the NCP promoted the reclamation of EIM, which was a pastoral region throughout the 17th century and displayed agricultural prosperity, settlement expansion, and positive regional interactions. However, from the beginning of the 19th century, agriculture declined and settlement slowed. Immigrants intensified local social contradictions in EIM, which led to a series of armed revolts and collapse in the late 19th century. This transformation was affected by both natural and human factors, especially periodic fluctuations in temperature, which significantly affected land use and environmental capacity in EIM by controlling the location of the agro-pastoral transitional zone, and the implementation and repeal of quarantine policy, which immediately affected the extent of immigration in EIM.  相似文献   

The theory on the cyclic adaptation between society and ecosystems sheds new light on the evolution and internal structure of human–environment systems. This paper introduces the risk index(RI) and adaptation capacity index(ACI) to evaluate the rural human–environment system. An evaluation index system for the adaptability of rural human–environment systems is configured in the context of climate change and policy implementation. On this basis, the stages, features, dominant control factors, and evolution mechanism were examined vis-à-vis the adaptability of the rural human–environment system in Darhan Muminggan Joint Banner from 1952 to 2017. The main results are as follows:(1) The evolution of the rural human–environment system can be divided into three stages, namely, the reorganization and rapid development stage(1952–2002) with population, cultivated land, livestock and degraded grassland increasing by 260%, 13%, 134% and 16.33%, respectively. The rapid to stable development stage(2003–2010) with population increasing by 2.8%; cultivated land, livestock and degraded grassland decreasing by 2.3%, 13.6% and 10.7%, respectively. The stable to release stage(2011–2017) with population, cultivated land, livestock and degraded grassland decreasing by 2.6%, 0.2%, 10.6% and 3.8%, respectively.(2) With the passage of time, the ACI of the rural human–environment system first increased slightly(–0.016–0.031), followed by a slight decline(0.031–0.003), and culminating in a rapid increase(0.003–0.088). In terms of spatial patterns, adaptability is high in the middle, moderate in the north, and low in the south.(3) The evolution of adaptability in the rural human–environment system was mainly controlled by the per capita effective irrigation area(22.31%) and the per capita number of livestock(23.47%) from 1990 to 2000, the desertified area(25.06%) and the land use intensity(21.27%) from 2000 to 2005, and the per capita income of farmers and herdsmen(20.08%) and the per capita number of livestock(18.52%) from 2010 to 2007.(4) Under the effects of climate change and policy interventions, the cyclic adaptation of the rural human–environment system was propelled by the interactions between two kinds of subjects: farmers and herdsmen on the one hand and rural communities on the other hand. The interaction affects the adaptive behavior of the two kinds of subjects, which in turn drives the cyclic evolution of the system. As a result, the system structure and functions developed alternatively between coordinated and uncoordinated states. Small-scale adaptive behaviors of farmers and herdsmen have a profound impact on the evolution of the rural human–environment system.  相似文献   

With the advent of climate change,winter temperatures have been steadily in-creasing in the middle-to-high latitudes of the world.However,we have not found a corre-sponding decrease in the number of extremely cold winters.This paper,based on Climatic Research Unit (CRU) re-analysis data,and methods of trend analysis,mutation analysis,correlation analysis,reports on the effects of Arctic warming on winter temperatures in Hei-longjiang Province,Northeast China.The results show that:(1) during the period 1961-2018,winter temperatures in the Arctic increased considerably,that is,3.5 times those of the Equator,which has led to an increasing temperature gradient between the Arctic and the Equator.An abrupt change in winter temperatures in the Arctic was observed in 2000.(2) Due to the global warming,an extremely significant warming occurred in Heilongjiang in winter,in particular,after the Arctic mutation in 2000,although there were two warm winters,more cold winters were observed and the interannual variability of winter temperature also increased.(3)Affected by the warming trend in the Arctic,the Siberian High has intensified,and both the Arctic Vortex and the Eurasian Zonal Circulation Index has weakened.This explains the de-crease in winter temperatures in Heilongjiang,and why cold winters still dominate.Moreover,the increase in temperature difference between the Arctic and the Equator is another reason for the decrease in winter temperatures in Heilongjiang.  相似文献   

Although several previous studies in Inner Mongolia examined the effects of ecological conservation on the delivery of ecosystem services, they were often limited in scope (few ecosystem services were assessed) and often suffered from confounding by spatial variation. In this study, we examined the impact of conservation measures (changes in grassland utilization patterns) on the provision of selected ecosystem services in three types of grasslands (meadow steppe in Hulun Buir, typical steppe in Xilin Gol, and semi-desert steppe in Ordos) in Inner Mongolia. We examined five utilization patterns: no use (natural grasslands), light use, moderate use, intensive use, and recovery sites (degraded sites protected from further use). Through household surveys and vegetation and soil surveys, we measured the differences in ecosystem services among the different grassland utilization patterns. We also identified spatial factors that confounded the quantification of ecosystem services in different types of grasslands. We found that light use generally provided high levels of ecosystem services in meadow steppe and typical steppe, with the main differences in the supporting ecosystem services. Surprisingly, we found no consistently positive impacts of strict conservation activities across the sites, since the results varied spatially and with respect to differences in the land-use patterns. Our study suggests that appropriate grassland utilization patterns can enhance the supply of ecosystem services and reduce negative effects on both household livelihoods and the environment.  相似文献   

Chen  Fahu  Wu  Shaohong  Cui  Peng  Cai  Yunlong  Zhang  Yili  Yin  Yunhe  Liu  Guobin  Ouyang  Zhu  Ma  Wei  Yang  Linsheng  Wu  Duo  Lei  Jiaqiang  Zhang  Guoyou  Zou  Xueyong  Chen  Xiaoqing  Tan  Minghong  Wang  Xunming  Bao  Anming  Cheng  Weixin  Dang  Xiaohu  Wei  Binggan  Wang  Guoliang  Wang  Wuyi  Zhang  Xingquan  Liu  Xiaochen  Li  Shengyu 《地理学报(英文版)》2021,31(1):3-45
Physical geography is a basic research subject of natural sciences.Its research object is the natural environment which is closely related to human living and development,and China's natural environment is complex and diverse.According to national needs and regional development,physical geographers have achieved remarkable achievements in applied basis and applied research,which also has substantially contributed to the planning of national economic growth and social development,the protection of macro ecosystems and resources,and sustainable regional development.This study summarized the practice and application of physical geography in China over the past 70 years in the following fields:regional differences in natural environments and physical regionalization;land use and land cover changes;natural hazards and risk reduction;process and prevention of desertification;upgrading of medium-and low-yield fields in the Huang-Huai-Hai region;engineering construction in permafrost areas; geochemical element anomalies and the prevention and control of endemic diseases;positioning and observation of hysical geographical elements;and identification of geospatial differentiation and geographical detectors. Furthermore, we have proposed the future direction of applied research in the field of physical geography.  相似文献   

The starting dates of the pre-summer rainy season during historical times (1736- 1911) in Fuzhou and Guangzhou of South China, were determined and reconstructed on the basis of historical documents in the Yu-Xue-Fen-Cun archive, together with observed features of precipitation during the pre-summer rainy season. In addition, starting dates of the pre-summer rainy season from 1953 in Fuzhou and from 1952 in Guangzhou were reconstructed for the instrumental period. These data allowed for analyses of inter-annual and inter-decadal changes in the starting dates of the pre-summer rainy season in South China over the past 300 years. Results show that the mean starting date of the pre-summer rainy season in South China was the first pentad of May; in addition, periodicities in the starting dates of 2-3 years, 10 years, and 40 years were detected during the period 1736-1911, and of 2-3 years, 10 years, and 22 years during the instrumental period. From 1736 to 1911, the earliest starting dates at Fuzhou and Guangzhou both occurred at the fourth pentad of April, while the latest starting dates were at the sixth pentad of May in Fuzhou and the first pentad of June in Guangzhou. During the instrumental period, the earliest and latest starting dates were at the fourth pentad of April and the first pentad of June, respectively, in both Fuzhou during 1953-2010 and Guangzhou during 1952-2010. The maximum difference between neighboring decades during 1736-1911 was 2.2 and 1.6 pentads in Fuzhou and Guangzhou, respectively, and during the instrumental period it was 2.5 and 2.4 pentads in Fuzhou and Guangzhou, respectively.  相似文献   

Integrated archaeological and paleoenvironmental investigations provide long-term perspectives on human–environment interactions. In the North Atlantic region, early human settlements were established in marginal agricultural environments and were susceptible to various environmental stressors. The Lofoten Islands have had an important role in the history of this region, particularly during the Iron Age, when Lofoten developed from pioneering agricultural settlements to a prominent node of power and trade under Viking chieftains. Iron Age developments in Lofoten were concurrent with significant natural environmental changes, including variations in climate and sea level. However, there has not been a comprehensive investigation of their influence on early settlements. The purpose of the study is to review Iron Age cultural developments in Lofoten using published archaeological data and paleoenvironmental records of past climate and sea-level change, and to present specific examples of the intersection of early human development and natural environmental changes. The findings show that climate changes probably influenced agricultural phases and that relative sea-level variations had important impacts on maritime developments. In conclusion, the findings demonstrate that human–environment interactions were significant factors in Lofoten’s history and the authors suggest specific areas for future research.  相似文献   

Xiao  Fan  Wang  Kaiqi  Hou  Weisheng  Wang  Zhenghai  Zhou  Yongzhang 《Natural Resources Research》2020,29(1):89-113
Natural Resources Research - In order to comprehensively utilize regional-scale geological, geochemical and geophysical datasets for future exploration of undiscovered porphyry Cu–Mo...  相似文献   

A 6.48 m sediment core sequence from Erhai lake, Yunnan Province, provides a multi-proxy record of Holocene environmental evolution and human activity in southwest China. These sedimentary records provide proxy time series for catchment vegetation, flooding, soil erosion, sediment sources and metal workings. They are complemented by independent regional climate time-series from speleothems, archaeological records of human habitation, and a detailed documented environmental history. The article attempts to integrate these data sources to provide a Holocene scale record of environmental change and human–environment interactions. These interactions are analysed in order to identify the roles of climate and social drivers on environmental change, and the lessons that may be learned about the future sustainability of the landscape. The main conclusions are: lake sediment evidence for human impacts from at least 7,500 cal year BP is supported by a terrestrial record of cultural horizons that may extend back to ∼9,000 cal year BP. A major shift in the pollen assemblage, defined by detrended correspondence analysis, at ∼4,800 cal year BP marks the transition from a ‘nature-dominated’ to a ‘human-dominated’ landscape. From 4,300 cal year BP, a change in river discharge responses may signal the beginning of hydraulic modification through drainage and irrigation. Major increases in disturbed land taxa and loss of forest taxa from 2,200 cal year BP onward, also associated with the start of significant topsoil erosion, register the expansion of agriculture by Han peoples. It is also the start of silver smelting linked to trade along the SW Silk Road with Dali becoming a regional centre. Peak levels of disturbed land taxa, topsoil and gully erosion are associated with the rise and fall of the Nanzhao (CE 738–902) and Dali (CE 937–1253) Kingdoms, and the documented environmental crisis that occurred in the late Ming and Qing dynasties (CE 1644–1911). The crisis coincides with a stronger summer monsoon, but exploitation of marginal agricultural land is the main driver. These historical perspectives provide insight into the resilience and sustainability of the modern agricultural system. The largest threat comes from high magnitude-low frequency flooding of lower dry farmed terraces and irrigated valley plains. A sustainable future depends on reducing the use of high altitude and steep slopes for grazing and cultivation, maintaining engineered flood defences and terraces, and anticipating the behaviour of the summer monsoon. This article is based on a keynote address delivered by John Dearing at the 10th International Paleolimnology Symposium, June 2006, Duluth, Minnesota, USA.  相似文献   

The recent economic recession brought much university hiring to a standstill in the United States. Geography, in spite of strong prerecession growth, was no exception. Without a sense of how the academic geography job market has changed over the past decades, however, it is difficult to assess any recession-related decline or the relative strength of any recovery. This article presents an analysis of academic job postings in the field of geography from 1990 through 2011. Using data aggregated from the AAG Newsletter, which acts as an informal clearinghouse for most academic openings for geographers at four-year colleges and universities in the United States, we assess changes in the overall magnitude in numbers of academic job openings, with the particular goal of placing the recession-based paucity of openings within its broader historical context. Our results indicate that, indeed, the recession led to a very sharp decline in advertisements, but compared to previous recessions, the recovery appears to have occurred very quickly. Open-rank and temporary/non-tenure-track positions appear to have been fairly robust to the poor economic conditions, whereas assistant professor openings were particularly hard hit.  相似文献   

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