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青藏高原东北缘隆升机制和过程一直以来备受争议,本文为了进一步限定北祁连山及其北缘地区山体的隆升历史,在旱峡、白杨河和红山以及酒泉盆地以北的黑山和金塔南山进行了磷灰石和锆石裂变径迹分析.测试结果表明,研究区基岩样品的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分布在晚白垩世—上新世(82~4.2 Ma),径迹长度介于9.6~13.6 μm;锆石裂变径迹年龄分布范围为106.3~480.5 Ma,多数介于106~195 Ma.结合镜质体反射率,热史模拟曲线揭示了中新生代三期主要的冷却降温事件:早白垩世期间(140~100 Ma)、始新世期间(55~30 Ma)、中新世(10~8 Ma)以来.早白垩世期间的隆升剥露冷却过程可能由于拉萨地块的北向拼贴碰撞引起;始新世期间的隆升剥露冷却事件可能是印度与欧亚板块碰撞远程快速响应的结果;中新世以来的隆升剥露冷却过程与北祁连山逆冲断层的构造活动有关.



本文利用径向和切向接收函数后方位角加权叠加方法分析了中国地震科学台阵探测项目二期资料, 确定了青藏高原东北缘海原断裂和西秦岭北缘断裂邻近区域地壳各向异性参数.结果显示, 研究区地壳各向异性快波方向表现出强烈的横向不均匀性, 快慢波延迟时间平均值为0.44 s; 快波方向受断裂带影响显著, 走滑断裂带附近快波方向和断层方向一致性较强, 逆冲断裂附近快波方向和断层方向差别较大或垂直; 晚中新世以来形成的海原断裂、香山—天景山断裂等多个走滑断裂附近地壳各向异性强度明显小于其他区域, 且形成时间更早的海原断裂方向和快波方向一致性更强.这种断裂附近各向异性强度和方向的分布特征也是该区域构造演化过程中逆冲断裂向走滑断裂转化的反映.陇中盆地快波各向异性结果复杂且没有明显规律性分布特征可能反映出该次级地块保留了较老构造过程中残存的化石各向异性.本研究结果表明东北缘地区高原扩展主要以连续流变模式为主, 在走滑断裂带附近存在局部侧向挤出, 但是侧向挤出影响的地壳变形范围较小.


Previous researches had emphasized tectonic impacts on the fluvial system at the tectonically active areas, while the effects of lithology and local base level change have received relatively rare attention. Here we investigated fluvial landforms at different spatial scales, focusing on knickpoints and channel network reorganization from an area affected by the Haiyuan Fault in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. The geomorphic indices, i.e., drainage pattern and χ anomalies, were calculated and investigated. The results show that two regional radial drainages formed around the Laohu and Hasi Mountains. Within the interior of the radial drainage, tributaries from the southeast side of the Laohu Mountain experienced near 180° direction change.We interpret this as the gradual drainage capture originating from the height difference(~190 m) of the local base level between the two catchments. Some tributaries from the Hasi Mountain show alternating gorges and broad valleys controlled by lithology.Besides, tectonic uplift and the lowering of base level(from the incision of the Yellow River) triggered an autogenic positivefeedback transition from parallel to dendritic drainage patterns. These observations suggest that base level change and lithology play a crucial role in landscape evolution, even in a tectonically active region.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东南缘处于渭北隆起、晋西挠褶带和东秦岭造山带的转折地带,构造位置独特,演化历史复杂.本文选取东缘韩城地区和南缘东秦岭洛南地区上三叠统延长组为研究对象,采集6件砂岩样品进行锆石、磷灰石裂变径迹分析,对关键构造-热事件提供热年代学约束,恢复盆地东南缘不同构造带的热演化史,深化对盆地东南部油气资源赋存条件的认识,以期实现油气勘探的新突破.研究表明韩城和洛南地区的抬升冷却史存在明显差异.磷灰石裂变径迹年龄表现为从南到北减小的趋势.东缘韩城剖面磷灰石裂变径迹记录51.6~66.3 Ma、33 Ma两次抬升冷却的峰值年龄.南缘洛南剖面锆石裂变径迹年龄和磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分别记录89~106 Ma和59~66 Ma的冷却抬升年龄.洛南地区抬升冷却时间较早,剥蚀速率(106 m/Ma)大于韩城地区(68 m/Ma),且持续时间长.磷灰石裂变径迹(Apatite Fission Track,AFT)热史模拟显示,晚中生代,受燕山运动的影响,东秦岭地区发生强烈的构造岩浆事件,洛南地区热演化程度明显高于韩城地区.洛南剖面的热演化主要受岩浆活动的控制,韩城剖面为埋藏增温型.鄂尔多斯盆地东南缘的裂变径迹年龄格局基本受控于白垩纪以来的抬升冷却事件.  相似文献   


本文利用径向和切向接收函数确定地壳各向异性的方法,处理了布设在青藏高原东北缘甘东南地区、横跨西秦岭北缘等断裂的24个密集宽频带流动台站远震资料,得到了研究区地壳各向异性特征.结果显示,平均快波方向呈现NW-SE、NWW-SEE及NNW-SSE,平均分裂时间0.56 s.甘东南中部及北部地区快波方向与GPS速度方向、前人利用XKS波分裂获取的快波方向及该地区断层展布方向基本一致,说明该地区壳幔运动可能是耦合的.同时研究区南部少数台站快波方向呈现NNW-SSE,与断裂方向及GPS速度方向有一定夹角,表明台站下方壳幔运动可能是解耦的.全区快波方向自北向南由近E-W逐渐转变为NW-SE,最后变为NNW-SSE.据此推测地壳在该区的变形挤压有顺时针方向旋转的趋势,这与该区块体挤压应力方向一致.


Accompanying with the shortening,thickening and uplifting of the lithosphere,a series of Cenozoic potassic volcanic rock zones are developed in the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.From south to north,the volcanic rocks can be divided into three volcanicrock belts:Qiangtang-Nangqian volcanic belt,Middle Kunlun-Hoh Xil volcanic belt and Western Kunlun-Eastern Kunlun volcanic belt[1].Spatiotemporal evolu-tion of the volcanism and the origins of magmas con-strains on the pulsing uplifting and …  相似文献   

The Eastern Kunlun Mountains play an important role in the growth and eastward extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonic and sedimentary study of the Cenozoic Qaidam Basin, especially the southern part, provides key evidence for understanding their evolution. Here we present evidence including isopach maps, seismic sections and sedimentary analysis of single well to illustrate the sedimentary development of the basin and the structural features of its southern margin. The Qaidam Basin extended across Qiman Tagh-Eastern Kunlun Mountains in the early Cenozoic and withdrew northward at ca. 35.5 Ma, and then buckled as an EW striking elliptical depression since ca. 14.9 Ma, with the main depocenter migrating eastward. Our results support the view that the Kumukol and Hoh Xil basins joined the Qaidam Basin in the early Cenozoic time and we propose the Eastern Kunlun Mountains uplifted in the mid-Miocene.  相似文献   

This study investigated the crustal attenuation structures of Sg and Lg waves of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. We collected ML amplitude data recorded at 168 permanent stations between 1985 and 2016 and 11 temporary broadband stations between 2014 and 2016. Detailed Q0 variation maps of Sg and Lg waves were obtained by applying ML amplitude tomography. The average Q0 values of the Sg and Lg wave were 440 and 220, respectively. Relatively high attenuation anomalies of both waves appeared in the central and eastern regions of the Bayan Har Block and the east edge of the Qiangtang Block, which may be related to partial melting, high geotemperature, and strong tectonic processes. High attenuation anomalies were also found in the Qilian Orogenic Belt and Hetao Graben, which may be related to their active tectonic behavior and densely distributed faults. The relatively low attenuation anomalies of both waves were revealed in the Alax and Ordos blocks, Qaidam, Tarim, Qinghai Lake, and Gonghe basins, which can be explained by the tectonically stable properties and ancient composition of geological elements. These results indicate that the path between the highly attenuated lower crust of the Bayan Har Block and the Qilian Orogenic Belt is obstructed by three adjacent low attenuated areas (i.e., the Qilian, Qinghai Lake, and Gonghe basins); thus, it appears unlikely that a crustal flow channel from the interior of the Tibetan Plateau to the Qilian Orogenic Belt will form.  相似文献   

Introduction Developing local attenuation relations of ground motion is one of the key steps in seismic hazard assessment. Because of inadequate strong ground motion records in China, the attenuation relations used in China are usually developed by using the transforming method (Hu, Zhang, 1983; HU, ZHANG, 1984). To use this method, we need to have both the attenuation relation of seismic intensity for the studied region and the attenuation relations of seismic intensity and ground mo-tion…  相似文献   

Through the analysis and 2-D inversion for the 5 profiles in Haiyuan arcuate tectonic region (105°~107°E,36°~37.5°N) in the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, we have obtained the electric structure within a range of 160 km in width (east-west) and 60 km in depth in the studied area. The results show that the crustal electric structure can be divided into 6 sections, corresponding respectively to Xiji basin (Ⅰ), Xihuashan-Nanhuashan uplift (Ⅱ), Xingrenbu-Haiyuan basin (Ⅲ), Zhongwei-Qingshuihe basin (Ⅳ), Zhongning-Hongsibu basin (Ⅴ) and west-margin zone of Ordos (Ⅵ) from the southwest to the northeast. The crustal electric structure is characterized by a broom-shaped pattern, which scatters to the northwest and shrinks to the southeast. The structures in the top part of Haiyuan arcuate tectonic region are complete and large, however, they diminish from the arc top to the northwest and southeast ends. In the depth from 0 km to 10 km, the resistivity is high in the sections Ⅱ and Ⅵ, but relatively low in the other four sections, showing a similar pattern of basin depression. The electrical basement in the section Ⅲ is the deepest, displaying a "dustpan" shape that is deep in the southwest and shallow in the northeast. A series of discontinuous zones with high conductivity exist in the middle-lower crust in Haiyuan arcuate tectonic region, which is possibly related to the moderate and strong earthquakes in the region. The resistivity distribution in the focal area of the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake is significantly heterogeneous with an obviously high conductivity zone near the hypocenter regime.  相似文献   

Based on a multi-proxy investigation into the deep core of the Cuoe Lake in the middle of Tibetan Plateau, a 2.8 Ma paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental evolution is reconstructed. The result of magnetic stratum indicates that the lake basin was formed at about 2.8 MaBP, while the multi-proxy analyses of lithology, grain size, magnetic susceptibility and geochemical elements reveal that there have been three major environmental evolution stages and at least two intensive uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau in the lake basin area, i.e. during 2.8-2.5 MaBP, the lake basin came into being as a result of the disaggregation of the planation surface and rapid rising of the Tibetan Plateau. During 2.5-0.8 MaBP, with gradual uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, the environment of this area was more effectively controlled by the climatic cycle of the alternative glacial-interglacial stages. After 0.8 MaBP, the middle part of the Plateau accelerated its uplift and entered cryoshere.  相似文献   

Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Longmenshan fault belt   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The giant earthquake (M s=8.0) in Wenchuan on May 12, 2008 was triggered by oblique convergence between the Tibetan Plateau and the South China along the Longmenshan fault belt. The Longmenshan fault belt marks an important component of the tectonic and geomorphological boundary between the eastern and western part of China and has a protracted tectonic history. It was first formed as an intracontinental transfer fault, patitioning the differential deformation between the Pacific and Tethys tectonic domains, initiated in late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic time, then served as the eastern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau to accommodate the growth of the plateau in Cenozoic. Its current geological and geomorphological frameworks are the result of superimposition of these two tectonic events. In Late Triassic, the Longmenshan underwent left-slip oblique NW-SE shortening due to the clockwise rotation of the Yangtze Block, which led to the flexural subsidence of the Sichuan foreland basin, but after that, the subsidence of the Sichuan Basin seems no longer controlled by the tectonic activity of the Longmenshan fault belt. The Meosozoic tectonic evolution of the Songpan-Ganzi fold belt differs significantly compared with that of the Yangtze Platform, featured by intensive northeast and southwest shortening and resulted in the close of the Paleo-Tethys. Aerial photos taken immediately after main shock of the giant May 12, 2008 earthquake have documented extensive rock fall and landslides that represent one of the most destructive aspects of the earthquake. Both rock avalanches and landslides delivered a huge volume of debris into the middle part of the Minjiang River, and formed many dammed lakes. Breaching of these natural dams can be catastrophic, as occurred in the Diexi area along the upstream of the Minjiang River in the year of 1933 that led to devastating floodings. The resultant flood following the breaching of these dams flowed through and out of the Longmenshan belt into the Chengdu Plain, bringing a huge volume of sediments. The oldest alluvial deposits within the Chengdu Plain are estimated to be Late Miocene (8–13 Ma). We suggest that the flooding that transported the course-grained sediments into the Chengdu Plain occurred in late Cenozoic, resulted from both the climate and the historical earthquakes similar to the May 12 earthquake. Estimated age of the sediments related to earthquakes and coeval shortening across the Chengdu Plain indicate that the eastern margin of the plateau became seismically and tectonically active in Late Miocene. Supported by Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-12), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40672151, 40721003, 40472121 and 40830314) and PetroChina Company Limited  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘的隆升和扩展一直是地学界长期关注的重要科学问题,对于研究整个青藏高原的形成演化过程具有非常重要的意义.青藏高原东北缘是高原向北东方向扩展变形的结果,其进一步向北东方向扩展变形的边界范围长期存在较大争议.本文主要收集了近年来前人在青藏高原东北缘及其邻区开展的浅表地质、地壳-上地幔三维结构以及壳-幔变形的相关...  相似文献   







青藏高原东北缘噪声层析成像研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用青海、甘肃和宁夏3个区域地震台网两年的波形数据,通过地动噪声层析成像方法给出了青藏高原东北缘8—40 s的瑞雷面波二维群速度结构和三维地壳上地幔顶部的剪切波速度结构。研究结果显示,相比传统的面波层析成像方法,噪声层析成像给出的短周期面波信息能够较好地约束地壳和上地幔顶部结构。8 s和10 s周期的群速度图像与沉积层和基底结晶深度有关,具体而言:祁连山和西秦岭造山带表现为高速体特征,柴达木盆地、河西走廊和鄂尔多斯西缘表现为低速特征;周期为15 s和20 s的瑞雷面波群速度图像反映的是中地壳结构,15 s周期群速度图像上造山带下方高速体向北和向东方向扩展,20 s周期群速度图像呈现大范围低速体,推测为中下地壳低速层影响所致;30 s和40 s周期的群速度图像反映的是莫霍面深度附近的速度结构,具体表现为青藏高原大范围的低速体,向北和向东逐渐表现为高速体,说明青藏高原的莫霍面深度较深,且向北和向东逐渐减薄。另外,三维剪切波速度结构显示祁连地块和甘孜地块中地壳存在大范围低速层,且由柴达木盆地东侧深部的低速层连接,该低速层可能是青藏高原物质北移的一个通道。   相似文献   

为了获取青藏高原东北缘至鄂尔多斯地块的壳幔电性结构,研究祁连造山带、鄂尔多斯地块及六盘山构造带的构造变形,布设一条甘肃陇西至陕西黄陵的近东西向大地电磁测深剖面,获取了91个大地电磁测深点的响应.经过对全剖面观测资料的数据处理、分析及二维反演,获得了剖面壳幔电性结构模型.研究结果表明:剖面横向可划分为三个区块,分别对应祁连造山带、六盘山构造带与鄂尔多斯地块;祁连造山带东段可能残存沟弧盆体系的构造格架,青藏高原北东向生长可能是在这一先存格架上的叠加与改造;六盘山构造带壳幔结构复杂,以中地壳拆离断层为界,上地壳发育拆离断层系统而下地壳挤压缩短增厚;鄂尔多斯地块成层性较好,地块总体较为稳定,但局部经历了与地幔上涌相关的物质与结构再造.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北隅强震构造模型   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
田勤俭  丁国瑜  申旭辉 《地震》2002,22(1):9-16
海原断裂带和中卫-同心断裂带是青藏高原东北隅二条主要断裂带。通过区域地质、地貌分析和二条断裂带的结构、活动历史的对比研究,建立了该区走滑和挤压活动的应变分配模型。通过对主要断裂带破裂分段的研究,确定了该区的强震破裂单元。应变分配和破裂分段是建立地震构造模型的二个方面。  相似文献   

利用青海地震台网和甘肃地震台网2007-2009年记录的远震波形资料,提取S波接收函数和SKS分裂参数,得到了青藏高原东北缘的三维岩石圈厚度分布和上地幔各向异性特征.S波接收函数结果表明:昆仑-阿尼玛卿缝合带以南的松潘-甘孜地块东北缘和西秦岭造山带下方岩石圈较薄,厚度为125~135 km;昆仑-阿尼玛卿缝合带以北具有较厚的岩石圈,在昆仑和祁连地块下方岩石圈厚达145~175 km,并向柴达木盆地(175~190 km)和克拉通(鄂尔多斯南部约为170 km、阿拉善南缘约为200 km)下方增厚.上地幔各向异性结果显示:东北缘地区的SKS快波偏振方向为NW-SE向,与前人得到的昆仑断裂带南侧的快波方向存在较大差异,南侧自高原内部呈顺时针旋转,表明昆仑断裂带可能为上地幔变形的转换带.SKS快、慢波延迟时间为0.8~1.9 s,且在昆仑-阿尼玛卿缝合带以北,延迟时间与岩石圈厚度呈正相关关系,推断该区各向异性主要来源于地幔盖层的初期伸展变形.  相似文献   

The surface uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau has provided a key boundary criterion for various geological, climatic, and environmental events since the Cenozoic. The paleoelevation history of the plateau is organically associated with interactions amongst deep geodynamics, earth surface processes, and climate change. Understanding of plateau uplift history has been advanced by the development of a number of paleoaltimetries and their application to studies of the Tibetan Plateau: the paleogeomorphic scenario for the Early Eocene Tibetan Plateau is thought to include two high mountains, the ca. 4500 m Gangdese Mountains to the south, and the ca. 5000 m Qiangtang Center Watershed Mountains to the north. Between these ranges, a low-elevation basin (ca. 2500 m) is thought to have been present. The Himalayas in the southern Tibetan Plateau was close to sea level at this time, while the Hoh Xil Basin in the north reached an elevation of no more than 1500 m. Thus, the so-called “Roof of the World” Tibetan Plateau formed subsequent to the Miocene. Nevertheless,, the uplift histories of the different terranes that comprise this plateau currently remain unclear, which constrains the uplift history reconstruction of the entire Tibetan Plateau. Additional paleoelevation data from different areas, obtained using multi-paleoaltimeters, is required to resolve the forms and processes of Tibetan Plateau uplift and extension.  相似文献   

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