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Acta Geotechnica - This study explored the characteristics of local responses in 2D assemblies of elliptical particles when subjected to shearing. A biaxial shearing system was designed for this... 相似文献
Three-dimensional Discrete Element Method simulations have been performed to study the deformation of cross-anisotropic granular materials under principal stress rotation (PSR), for rotation planes oriented at different angles θ with respect to the bedding plane. The simulations have been conducted with a novel technique for applying specified stresses at three-dimensional boundaries. The results are qualitatively in agreement with experimental results from literature. Cumulative volume contraction is always observed under continuous PSR and increases with increasing θ. The dilatancy rate decreases with increasing number of PSR cycles, tending to zero. The noncoaxiality angle between the strain increment and the stress in the PSR plane increases with increasing number of cycles, reaching the same asymptotic value for samples of various densities and for various θ. Periodic oscillations of the dilatancy rate and noncoaxiality angle within each PSR cycle are observed with an increasing oscillation magnitude with increasing θ, due to the larger fabric anisotropy within the PSR plane. When θ = 30 or 60°, significant noncoaxial strain accumulation occurs in the plane perpendicular to the PSR plane due to the oblique angle between the PSR plane and the bedding plane, echoing the major principal fabric direction's being neither parallel nor perpendicular to the PSR plane. The macroscopic behavior of the samples is related to the microscopic parameters including coordination number and fabric anisotropy. With increasing number of cycles, the difference between normalized stress/strain/fabric increment tensors tends to become constant, with only a small lag between each pair, irrespective of θ. 相似文献
This paper describes the constitutive behavior and particle-scale kinematics of granular materials in three-dimensional (3D) axisymmetric triaxial testing using discrete element method (DEM). PFC3D code was used to run the DEM simulations using a flexible membrane boundary model consisting of spherical particles linked through flexible contact bonds. The overall deformation behavior of the specimen was then compared with the specimen with rigid boundary and experimental measurements. Computed tomography was used to track the evolution of particle translation and rotation within a laboratory triaxial specimen in 3D. The DEM model of the flexible membrane specimen successfully predicted the stress–strain behavior when compared with laboratory experiment results at different confining pressures. The DEM results showed that the rigid specimen applies a uniform deformation and leads to non-uniformities in the confining stress along the particle-boundary interface in the lateral direction. In contrast, the flexible specimen better replicates the uniformly applied confining stress of a laboratory triaxial experiment. The 3D DEM simulations of the specimen with flexible membrane overpredicted particle translation and rotation in all directions when compared to a laboratory triaxial specimen. The difference between the particle translation and rotation distributions of DEM specimens with rigid and flexible membrane is almost negligible. The DEM specimen with flexible membrane produces a better prediction of the macroscopic stress–strain behavior and deformation characteristics of granular materials in 3D DEM simulations when compared to a specimen with rigid membrane. Comparing macroscale response and particle-scale kinematics between triaxial simulation results of rigid versus flexible membrane demonstrated the significant influence of boundary effects on the constitutive behavior of granular materials. 相似文献
This paper presents a comparison of a granular material studied experimentally and numerically. Simple shear tests were performed inside the magnetic core of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment. Spherical pharmaceutical pills were used as the granular material, with each pill's centre location determined by MRI. These centre locations in the initial assembly were then used as the initial configuration in the numerical simulation using the discrete element method. The contact properties between pharmaceutical pills used in the numerical simulation were obtained experimentally. The numerical predication was compared with experimental data at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. Good agreement was found at both levels. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
天然气水合物是一种战略性替代能源,又是全球气候环境问题和地质灾害的诱发因素之一。研究含天然气水合物沉积物的变形和强度等力学特性成为保障天然气水合物开发利用中工程与环境安全的重要一项研究内容。通过不同初始含水率控制试样的水合物含量的方法,开展不同水合物含量的粉质砂的三轴剪切试验,研究水合物含量对赋存介质的强度与变形特性的影响。试验结果表明,水合物在砂样中的填充与胶结作用,使得含水合物试样的剪切模量明显增加,进一步采用双曲线模型对各试样初始模量的计算与分析后发现,相同净围压下,随着水合物含量增加,试样的初始剪切模量具有上升趋势,但上升趋势变缓;试样强度随水合物含量增加而增大,但水合物含量高的试样破坏峰值强度与净围压并不是线性关系,净围压越大其峰值强度相应偏小;通过摩尔-库仑定律得出的试样强度指标可知,试样内摩擦角随水合物含量增加而增大,但增加幅度不大,但水合物含量31.0%和51.0%试样的与含水合物0%和19.7%试样相比,前2组试样具有较大黏聚力c值。因此,水合物对试样强度增长的贡献主要是其在试样中的胶结作用产生,且其对强度影响还受含量和赋存形态的控制 相似文献
Acta Geotechnica - The multi-scale characteristics of particle morphology, including the overall form, local roundness and surface roughness, affect the critical state behavior of sands and should... 相似文献
Acta Geotechnica - An accurate understanding of the breakage mechanism of broken coal and rock mass and its coupling relationship with stress and porosity is important for achieving efficient and... 相似文献
采用?800 mm模型土压盾构开展室内掘进试验,以探究砂卵石中土压盾构隧道掌子面失稳诱发地层变形特征。同时,补充开展三维离散元仿真以挖掘室内试验难以获取的掌子面失稳信息,并研究隧道埋深对掌子面稳定性的影响规律。研究结果表明:砂卵石地层中盾构隧道掌子面失稳发展到地表后,沉降曲面呈上大下小逐步收缩的沙漏状,影响范围小于砂土地层。考虑盾构动态掘进过程后,卵石颗粒接触关系变化十分剧烈,掌子面稳定性被削弱,极限支护压力随之增大。掌子面极限支护压力随隧道埋深基本呈线性增加,极限支护压力与初始支护压力之比则随埋深增大而减小。掌子面失稳机制可根据隧道埋深划分为3种模式。与既有研究相比,考虑了盾构动态掘进过程与实际工程更加接近,可为确保砂卵石地层土压盾构隧道施工掌子面稳定提供参考。 相似文献
Acta Geotechnica - The paper deals with three-dimensional simulations of a monotonic quasi-static interface behaviour between cohesionless sand and a rigid wall of different roughness during wall... 相似文献
Q3黄土在我国西北地区分布广泛,且大部分都具有显著的结构性。随着国家“一带一路”倡议的不断向前推进,作为丝路沿线的西北黄土分布地区将迎来新的建设大潮。黄土的结构变形特性非常复杂,深入研究黄土在压缩、剪切条件下的结构损伤变形特性,并依此构建黄土的本构关系在理论研究及现场工程应用中具有非常重要的意义。通过对黄土进行均等压缩试验及三轴剪切试验,基于损伤力学思想,提出黄土结构在均等压缩条件下的平均正应力损伤比,在剪切条件下的平均正应力损伤比及偏应力损伤比。根据弹性、塑性应变确定塑性势线,进而确定其屈服函数;将确定的黄土结构损伤比引入到屈服函数中,得到一定结构损伤时黄土的屈服函数表达式;验证了选取塑性体应变作为本构模型硬化参量的合理性;根据硬化参量与相关试验参数的联系,推导出结构性黄土在压剪条件下的损伤本构模型。经过实测应力-应变曲线与本构模型推算得到的应力-应变曲线对比可知,所建立的本构模型可以较好地反映黄土在压剪条件下结构损伤演化变形过程,具有较好的工程应用前景。 相似文献
运用FLAC3D软件对武汉长江过江隧道江南明挖段深基坑进行了开挖与支护模拟。计算中采用摩尔-库仑弹塑性模型,基坑围护结构与土体之间的接触面运用接触单元。通过计算得出不同开挖阶段的地表沉降、基底隆起和墙后土体水平位移,为工程设计与施工提供参考。 相似文献
通过引进和开发二维颗粒流程序,基于相似理论建立了可以模拟砂土地基强夯加固的细观颗粒流模型,结合小比尺室内细观模型试验,从颗粒细观力学角度入手对干砂在强夯冲击加固过程中的动力反应特性进行了数值模拟。结果表明,数值模拟结果与试验结果有较好的一致性,利用颗粒流模型可以很好地模拟干砂在冲击荷载作用下的锤底动接触应力、颗粒间动接触应力和颗粒位移场分布情况,并可以实时跟踪颗粒的变位及接触应力变化,实现从细观角度揭示干砂强夯动力响应特性,研究工作为今后砂土强夯加固宏细观机制研究提供了一条新的思路。 相似文献
考虑路面和地基之间的相互作用,建立了路面-双层地基的三维模型,将车辆荷载模拟成矩形移动荷载,利用Fourier变换方法对车辆荷载作用下路面-双层地基系统的三维振动问题进行了研究。假设地基为上部弹性土体和下部为饱和土体组成的双层混合结构,整个系统置于刚性基岩上。通过引入势函数,利用Lame分解理论和积分变换方法分别对弹性土层和饱和土层进行求解。在Fourier变换域内,联立路面和下卧双层地基系统的的运动方程,获得了车辆荷载作用下路面-双层地基系统三维振动的位移和孔压响应的积分形式解,并利用IFFT算法和自适应数值积分算法得到了数值计算结果。研究结果可为路基动力响应分析提供参考。 相似文献
Magma mixing structures from the lava flow of Lesbos (Greece) are analyzed in three dimensions using a technique that, starting from the serial sections of rock cubes, allows the reconstruction of the spatial distribution of magmas inside rocks. Two main kinds of coexisting structures are observed: (i) “active regions” (AR) in which magmas mix intimately generating wide contact surfaces and (ii) “coherent regions” (CR) of more mafic magma that have a globular shape and do not show large deformations. The intensity of mingling is quantified by calculating both the interfacial area (IA) between interacting magmas and the fractal dimension of the reconstructed structures. Results show that the fractal dimension is linearly correlated with the logarithm of interfacial area allowing discrimination among different intensities of mingling. The process of mingling of magmas is simulated using a three-dimensional chaotic dynamical system consisting of stretching and folding processes. The intensity of mingling is measured by calculating the interfacial area between interacting magmas and the fractal dimension, as for natural magma mixing structures. Results suggest that, as in the natural case, the fractal dimension is linearly correlated with the logarithm of the interfacial area allowing to conclude that magma mixing can be regarded as a chaotic process. Since chemical exchange and physical dispersion of one magma inside another by stretching and folding are closely related, we performed coupled numerical simulations of chaotic advection and chemical diffusion in three dimensions. Our analysis reveals the occurrence in the same system of “active mixing regions” and “coherent regions” analogous to those observed in nature. We will show that the dynamic processes are able to generate magmas with wide spatial heterogeneity related to the occurrence of magmatic enclaves inside host rocks in both plutonic and volcanic environments. 相似文献
台后路基荷载会使地基软弱下卧层发生压缩和水平移动,致使桥台桩基的受力性状非常复杂。在现场测试结果的基础上,建立了三维有限元模型,模拟了台后路基荷载作用下桥台桩基的受力性状,并与实测结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,有限元计算结果与实测结果较为一致。中间桩排和后排桩桩身最大弯矩与台后路基荷载的关系呈双折线型,与Stewart等提出的一致,但双折线转折点所对应的路基填土荷载并不一致。中间桩排的填土荷载为软土层固结不排水黏聚力强度ccu与土层厚度的加权平均值的3.34倍,后排桩约为2.22倍;前排桩的最大弯矩与路基填土荷载呈线性变化。桩顶变形与台后路基荷载呈非线性关系,可以分为两部分。前排桩桩身最大弯矩位置一直在软土层中,不随台后路基荷载变化;而后排桩桩身最大弯矩位置在台后路基荷载较小时位于软土层中,随着台后路基荷载的增大,最终出现在桩顶。 相似文献
应用双剪应力强度理论对拉压异性材料制成的圆环进行了弹塑性应力分析, 得到了弹性极限内压力、弹塑性极限内压力与拉压比的关系式, 并举例说明了其在岩土材料抗拉强度测试中的应用。 相似文献
为探讨海上风机在风、浪等水平往复循环荷载下大直径单桩基础的循环弱化特性,设计了稳定输出长期循环荷载的机械加载装置,开展了软黏土中长期水平循环荷载下海上风电大直径单桩基础和传统长桩基础的模型试验对比研究。根据API给出的骨干曲线和Masing二倍准则构建循环荷载下的p-y(荷载-位移)曲线,并借鉴前人工作,采用累积塑性应变描述软黏土的不排水抗剪强度弱化,提出了分析大周数水平循环荷载下单桩基础循环弱化的理论方法。该方法将循环荷载次数、幅值等外界条件与桩周土体的循环弱化特性建立联系,以适应海洋环境复杂多变的水平循环荷载形式。通过模型试验和理论研究认为,大直径单桩基础因刚度较大,在同样的水平力循环荷载条件下,其抵抗循环荷载的能力明显优于传统长桩。在海上风机大直径单桩的设计中采用基于黏土残余强度的循环后稳定水平承载力更为合理。 相似文献
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The micro-texture of the aggregates of a pavement layer has a direct influence on their resistance. Whatever the position of these aggregates in a pavement... 相似文献
射孔作为井筒与储层之间的液流通道,是水力压裂过程中的重要可控性参数。为研究水平井射孔-近井筒破裂机制,采用岩层变形-流体渗流方程描述应力状态变化,应用连续损伤破裂单元表征三维破裂位置与形态演化,并开发有限元求解程序模拟分析了射孔对水平井初始破裂压力、破裂位置及近井筒裂缝复杂性的调控作用。通过与解析模型及射孔压裂物理模型试验结果对比,验证了模型及有限元程序的有效性;水平井破裂压力数值分析结果与现场测试数据吻合较好。研究表明:射孔可调控水平井破裂压力与初始破裂位置,同时对近井筒区域裂缝扩展形态影响显著。通过优化射孔参数可以引导初始破裂向最优破裂面扩展、有效降低破裂压力,减小由于螺旋射孔空间排布引起的水平井近井筒裂缝迂曲与复杂程度,提高致密油气藏压裂改造效果。 相似文献
Open flaws without any filling material are common fracture structures in real rock. To study the failure characteristics of this fracture structure, small-scale rock-like samples with single internal 3D open flaws are prepared, and uniaxial compression tests are conducted. Digital image correlation (for surface strain and failures) and acoustic emission (for internal microfracture behaviors) monitoring technologies are also employed to analyze the flaws. The test results are verified through numerical simulations. Different inclination angles of the internal preset flaws are found to have little influence on the strength of the samples, and the surface and internal secondary failures of the samples exhibit very different development processes and distributions. The particle displacement trend method is applied to explain the initiation mechanism of secondary cracks, but the corresponding analyses are only reasonable if particle information along the y-axis is considered. Therefore, the particle information in the y-axis is incorporated by defining new 2D sections (with y-axis) or partial 3D models. Based on these research methods, the initiation mechanism of secondary cracks is reasonably explained, and the influence of the preset flaw thickness on the particle displacement trend fields and secondary failures in surrounding rocks can be discussed. Finally, the simulation results prove that the Mode II and III failures are usually coupled, and direct Mode III failures (displacement of two parts of rock parallel to each other and in opposite directions) only occur in the front and rear surrounding rocks of the preset flaw.