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为研究无侧限和有侧限条件下软岩贯入破坏特征,结合声发射检测技术和电镜扫描试验进行泥岩立方体试样常截面滚刀贯入试验,分析试验过程中荷载-贯入度曲线和声发射参数特征,并对岩石渣块断口进行细观电镜扫描,研究了破坏时细观和宏观裂纹形成过程。试验结果表明,(1)无侧限和有侧限贯入试验中荷载-贯入度曲线在跃进荷载处均出现明显峰值,跃进荷载峰值以后无侧限试样完全破坏,有侧限试样尚未完全破坏;(2)当宏观裂纹产生时无侧限试样声发射参数出现明显峰值,主要源于该宏观裂纹在试样内部的扩展。有侧限试样破坏过程中出现多次声发射参数峰值,对应多条宏观裂纹形成和扩展;(3)常截面滚刀贯入过程中试样内部出现微滑动,剪切破坏现象比较明显,可以认为滚刀贯入过程中泥岩破坏模式以剪切破坏为主。  相似文献   

Yang  Jie  Yin  Zhen-Yu  Liu  Ying-Jing  Laouafa  Farid 《Acta Geotechnica》2023,18(1):553-571
Acta Geotechnica - During the tunnel boring machine-based tunnelling, the grout loss caused by the grout penetration and filtration in sandy soils is a complicated multiphysics process. In this...  相似文献   

为了研究岩体节理参数(节理间距和节理倾角)对全断面岩石掘进机(TBM)盘形滚刀破岩效果的影响,对实际条件进行简化,在改进的试验装置上进行压头作用下相似材料的变形、破坏试验。采集整个加载过程中压头的侵入深度和荷载数据,并采用相机实时拍摄,获得试件表面破坏的发展过程以及最终破坏形态。试验结果表明,当节理倾角一定时,随着节理间距增大,达到跃进点的贯入荷载值增加,侵入功以及主裂纹扩展能量也都呈增大趋势,当 =0°、90°时,抗侵入系数基本一致,当 = 30°、60°时,抗侵入系数逐渐增大。当节理间距一定时,随着 角度的增加,跃进点荷载、抗侵入系数、侵入功以及主裂纹扩展能量都呈现先减小后增大趋势,在 =30°时,各值都为最小值。根据试件破坏后形态分析发现,节理的空间特征对裂纹扩展模式有明显的控制作用,对破坏区域的形成也有明显的限制。  相似文献   

超声振动辅助碎岩技术以其弱化岩石强度、降低切削力、加快钻进速度等优势受到广泛关注,将超声振动技术与滚刀结合,能有效提升隧道硬岩施工滚刀破岩效率。采用颗粒流离散元软件对超声波振动辅助滚刀碎岩过程进行了模拟研究,结果表明,超声波振动能够产生周期性应力波并向岩石内部传播,在岩石的近表面区域出现较强的拉应力,有助于浅层岩石的张拉破坏。超声波振动提升了岩石内部裂纹的生成规模,加快了裂纹的生成速度,提前了裂纹初次萌生时间,对滚刀的破岩性能有良好的增益效果。超声波振动下岩石裂纹生成更加平稳,减少了跃进式破碎现象,能够避免因剧烈振动产生的冲击载荷对滚刀产生异常磨损和破坏,对延长滚刀寿命具有促进作用。  相似文献   

An extensive use of solid-waste landfills for disposal of municipal and industrial wastes have prompted increased attention to groundwater pollution caused by leachate generated in such landfills. The potential for groundwater contamination by leachate has necessitated engineering designs for landfills. The quantity of leachate generated from the solid waste and the movement of water through the solid waste depends on water input and the solid-waste characteristics. This paper dealt with the experimental investigations using the laboratory solid-waste leaching column to estimate the total leachate volume/leachate flow for unsaturated and saturated conditions. The hydraulic properties of the solid waste like initial moisture content, field capacity, permanent wilting point, saturation moisture content, effective void ratio, saturation hydraulic conductivity and saturation suction pressure were determined from the small-scale laboratory experiments, which are the input for analytical model study of leachate flow/total leachate volume for both unsaturated and saturated conditions. The result of analytical model study was compared with the results of experimental investigations. Comparisons of measured and computed total leachate volume/leachate flow using Darcy’s law showed reasonable agreement.  相似文献   

胡华 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):507-510
软土具有明显的流变特性,导致土体沉降变形、滑坡等严重的岩土地质灾害,对工程的稳定性和安全性构成极大的威胁。在静态荷载作用下测试了淤泥质软土的初始剪切力、塑性黏度等流变参数,并分析了黏粒含量、含水率等因素对流变参数的影响特性。采用理论分析微观结构显微技术,揭示了黏粒含量、含水率等对流变参数的影响作用机理。研究结论对分析软土流变参数影响特性、快速预测流变参数、加固处理软土地基、提高承载力和整体强度等具有理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

土石混填体是一种由土体和块石混合形成的非均质散体材料,其抗剪强度特性主要受含水率、含石量、颗粒级配及压实度等因素的影响。基于室内大型直剪试验,在前人研究的基础上,考虑级配参数的影响,通过控制试样质量与体积达到试验所需的压实度水平,分析了各主要参数对土石混填体抗剪强度的影响规律。试验结果表明:在级配良好的情况下,随不均匀系数的增大,土石混填体抗剪强度先增加后减小,不均匀系数在22.99左右时取得峰值,而曲率系数对其影响较小;土石混填体的抗剪强度分别随着含石量、压实度的增加而不断增加,但当压实度超过92.5%后增加趋势变缓。随着含水率的增长,其抗剪强度先增加后减少,在最优含水率附近时达到峰值。基于Matlab多元线性回归分析,得出了各因素对土石混填体抗剪强度影响程度的主次顺序为:含石量含水率压实度不均匀系数曲率系数,通过非线性回归分析得到了其抗剪强度关于各因素的拟合公式,且相关指数R~2大于0.9。  相似文献   

Granular soils have the inherent ability to develop load transfers in their mass. Mechanisms of load transfers are used as a basic principle of many civil and geotechnical engineering applications. However, their complexity makes it difficult to formulate relevant design methods for such works. The trapdoor problem is one of the ways to reproduce load transfers by the arching effect in a granular layer in non-complex conditions. In addition, many analytical solutions for the prediction of load transfer mechanisms are based on the trapdoor problem. However, some of the parameters required are still being widely discussed, in particular the ratio of horizontal stress to vertical stress. For this paper, an experimental device for trapdoor tests in plane strain conditions was created and several geomaterials were tested. Three phases in the response of the materials were consistently observed. Each of these phases corresponded to a specific displacement of the trapdoor. A first phase of high load transfer was observed followed by a transition phase which was followed by a critical phase for which the load transfer amplitude increased and stabilized. Analytical solutions and experimental values of load transfers were compared. Considerable differences between the stress ratio needed to fit the experimental data and the stress ratio proposed in the analytical models were noted. Based on the conclusions of the experimental study, the discrete element method was used to model the same trapdoor problem. A wide range of granular materials was modeled and tested in the trapdoor problem. The three phases in the response of the layer were also observed in the numerical modeling. In addition, it was shown that the shear strength of the material is the key parameter of load transfers: peak shear resistance for the small displacements of the trapdoor and critical shear strength for the larger displacements. A micro-mechanical analysis showed that the effective stress ratio in the sheared zone does not vary as much with shear strength. Stress ratios here were again greater than those proposed in the analytical solutions. Nevertheless, the relevance of the solution of Terzaghi was confirmed as soon as the stress ratio was correctly chosen.  相似文献   

In this paper, we further elaborate on a methodology dedicated to the modeling of geotechnical data to be used as input in numerical simulation and TBM performance codes. The expression “geotechnical data” refers collectively to the spatial variability and uncertainty exhibited by the boundaries and the mechanical or other parameters of each geological formation filling a prescribed 3D domain. Apart from commercial design and visualization software such as AutoCAD Land Desktop® software and 3D solid modelling and meshing pre-processors, the new tools that are employed in this methodology include relational databases of soil and rock test data, Kriging estimation and simulation methods, and a fast algorithm for forward or backward analysis of TBM logged data. The latter refers to the continuous upgrade of the soil or rock mass geotechnical model during underground construction based on feedback from excavation machines for a continuous reduction of the uncertainty of predictions in unsampled areas. The approach presented here is non-intrusive since it may be used in conjunction with a commercial or any other available numerical tunneling simulation code. The application of these tools is demonstrated in Mas-Blau section of L9 tunnel in Barcelona.  相似文献   

以天津滨海新区地下工程涉及较多的9~18m深度海相软土为研究对象,采用应力应变控制式三轴剪切渗透试验仪,分别进行三轴固结不排水试验(CU)、三轴不固结不排水试验(UU)以及模拟基坑开挖卸荷的减p路径试验(DEP),得到滨海软土在不同应力路径下的力学性状与初始固结状态有关。CU与UU试验应力与应变关系曲线呈硬化特征,CU试验孔隙水压力与应变关系呈先剪缩后剪胀的性质;DEP试验应力与应变关系曲线呈软化特征,在等应力控制条件下,孔隙水压力与应变关系呈剪胀性质,孔压为负。DEP试验对于总应力强度参数有影响,对有效应力强度参数影响较小。在滨海软土基坑支护设计中,选用CU试验参数进行计算,设计偏于安全。  相似文献   

目前,国内外均面临着严重的套损问题,因此研究套管强度的影响因素是必要的。通过建立套管和水泥环的三维有限元模型,并利用Ansys有限元分析软件研究了水泥环参数、套管偏心率和椭圆度对套管强度的影响。模拟结果表明,只有水泥环的弹性模量超过一定值,增加水泥环的厚度、弹性模量才能提高套管的强度,否则还会增加套管内壁的等效应力,并且得出了水泥环对套管强度的增幅效果是套管径厚比的函数;此外套管的强度随着套管偏心率和椭圆度的增加而大幅度降低,容易引起套管屈服破坏。  相似文献   

The object of this work is a building situated in the ancient citadel of Damascus: tower 8 which has been affected by devastating earthquakes and subjected to a consolidation process thanks to the Syrian–Italian Cooperation Project. The aim of this research is to investigate the dynamic characteristics of this consolidated structure. Hence, a mixed procedure of experimental measurements and analytical analysis has been chosen. Considering the geotectonic environment and the historical importance, ambient noise measurements are preferred as being a non-destructive technique and the most suitable for the study purpose. The dynamic characteristics of tower 8 are analyzed experimentally and analytically on the basis of ambient noise measurements, which have been performed on the ground and floors of the tower. With spectral analysis of ambient noise records, the predominant frequencies, amplification factors, and damping ratios have been determined. The experimental and analytical results have allowed verifying the efficiency of the consolidation interventions in tower 8.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) mobilization and contamination of groundwater affects millions of people worldwide. Progress in developing effective in-situ remediation schemes requires the incorporation of data from laboratory experiments and field samples into calibrated geochemical models.In an oxidizing aquifer where leaching of high pH industrial waste from unlined surface impoundments led to mobilization of naturally occurring As up to 2 mg L−1, sequential extractions of solid phase As as well as, batch sediment microcosm experiments were conducted to understand As partitioning and solid-phase sorptive and buffering capacity. These data were combined with field data to create a series of geochemical models of the system with modeling programs PHREEQC and FITEQL. Different surface complexation modeling approaches, including component additivity (CA), generalized composite (GC), and a hybrid method were developed, compared and fitted to data from batch acidification experiments to simulate potential remediation scenarios. Several parameters strongly influence the concentration of dissolved As including pH, presence of competing ions (particularly phosphate) and the number of available sorption sites on the aquifer solids. Lowering the pH of groundwater to 7 was found to have a variable, but limited impact (<63%) on decreasing the concentration of dissolved As. The models indicate that in addition to lowering pH, decreasing the concentration of dissolved phosphate and/or increasing the number of available sorption sites could significantly decrease the As solubility to levels below 10 μg L−1. The hybrid and GC modeling results fit the experimental data well (NRMSE<10%) with reasonable effort and can be implemented in further studies for validation.  相似文献   

为了提高坚硬岩层隧道掘进机(tunnel boring machine, TBM)贯入度和降低滚刀受力,高压水射流辅助TBM滚刀破岩已在工业界初步应用。为了揭示水力切缝滚刀破岩机制,基于水力切缝岩石滚刀贯入试验进行了三维颗粒流模拟,研究了滚刀贯入力和贯入刚度随切缝深度的变化规律,揭示了不同切缝深度滚刀纵横剖面内的裂纹扩展和力链演化过程,分析了拉裂纹和剪裂纹随切缝深度的变化规律,明确了不同切缝岩石滚刀贯入的破坏模式和破坏机制。结果表明,第1次贯入的贯入刚度和贯入力随切缝深度的增加大致呈线性降低,第2次贯入的峰值力和贯入刚度小于第1次。而且,50~80 mm刀间距的变化对峰值贯入力的影响并不显著。随着切缝深度的增加,滚刀下方力链集中区边缘的倾角变大。由此导致破坏倾向于倾斜向下发展,当刀间距增加时,破坏由切缝一侧倾斜破坏向两切缝中间岩脊倾斜破坏转变,研究结果可为TBM滚刀与水射流布置和切缝深度的选取提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Thermophysical parameters are the main parameters affecting the utilization efficiency of shallow geothermal energy. Based on the research and evaluation data of shallow geothermal energy in capital cities of China, this paper analyzes the differences between two testing methods and finds that data measured in in-situ thermal conductivity test is closer to the actual utilization. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of thermophysical parameters from lithology, density, moisture content and porosity: The thermal conductivity coefficient of bedrock is generally higher than Quaternary system loose bed soil; as for the coefficient of bedrock, dolomite, shale and granite are higher while gabbro, sandstone and mudstone are lower; as for the coefficient of loose bed, pebble and gravel are higher while clay and silt are lower. As the particle size of sand decreases, the thermal conductivity coefficient declines accordingly. The thermal conductivity coefficient increases linearly with growing density and decreases in logarithm with growing moisture content as well as porosity; specific heat capacity decreases in logarithm with growing density, increases in power exponent with growing moisture content and decreases linearly with growing porosity. The thermal conductivity coefficient is high when hydrodynamic condition is good and vice versa. The conclusions of this paper have guiding significance for the research, evaluation and development of shallow geothermal energy in other areas.  相似文献   

金宗川  王雪晴  乌效鸣  彭赟 《岩土力学》2022,43(5):1335-1340
热性质是岩土体基本的物理性质之一,用以评价热量在其中的保持、传导和分布状况,以导热系数、比热容和热扩散系数最为常见,这些参数也是地热能管理与开发、工程冷冻开挖、寒区工程设计与施工的重要参数。已有研究表明,土壤热参数与土质、来源、含水率、密度等因素有关。通过广东湛江某工地粉质黏土和黏土的热参数测试结果分析发现:随含水率的增大,粉质黏土导热系数和热扩散系数的变化趋势是先增加至最大值,然后减小,而比热容基本呈线性增大。干密度对粉质黏土导热系数的影响与含水率大小有关,当含水率不超过20.0%时,其随干密度的增加而增大,而当含水率超过27.5%后,其随干密度的增加有减小趋势;当含水率在24.5%(液限)左右时,基本没有规律可循。干密度对粉质黏土热扩散系数影响规律不明显。黏土的导热系数和比热容都随含水率和干密度的增加而增大;热扩散系数随含水率的升高整体表现为非线性增加至稳定,在低含水率下干密度的影响不明显,在较高含水率下随干密度的增加热扩散系数先增大后减小。较大颗粒的存在导致粉质黏土的导热性较黏土复杂。  相似文献   

我国西部矿区普遍具有资源储量大、埋藏浅、覆岩结构简单等特点,采矿活动对地表影响明显。为研究神东矿区地表移动参数变化规律,首先基于大柳塔矿22201工作面实测数据分析其地表动态变形规律,再采用神东矿区18个工作面的实测数据,获得地表移动参数与地质采矿条件之间的对应关系,并分析地质采矿条件对地表移动参数的影响机理。研究表明:神东矿区煤层开采地表沉陷速度快、衰退期短,最大下沉速度达643.3 mm/d,活跃期下沉量占总下沉量的99.05%;下沉系数与松散层采深比呈先增大后减小的二次函数关系,水平移动系数、主要影响角正切分别与(采高×开采速度)/(宽深比×基岩厚度)、基岩厚度×开采速度/(采深×采高)呈先减小后增大的二次函数关系;边界角、裂缝角与松散层采深比呈正线性关系,移动角与基岩采深比成正比,与采高、开采速度成反比;基岩承载松散层荷载及松散层拱效应的变化是导致地表移动参数变化的根本原因。研究成果对西部矿区地表破坏控制与治理、矿井生产安全保障及生态环境修复具有工程实用价值。   相似文献   

Published and gray literature, and works in progress, were reviewed to identify biotic variables and analytical methods used in studying freshwater inflow needs of estuaries. Landings, CPUE, and other measures of single-species abundance are most often used, especially for shellfish and finfish. These efforts work best when biomass is used and lag times are allowed for recruitment, but neither method is always used, and most efforts have assumed that physical habitat availability is constant. Efforts employing habitat and community-level variables are used less often but more recent attempts are using dynamic as well as stationary definitions of habitat. Even stationary habitat methods have given less attention to tidal freshwater and brackish estuarine reaches, than to other reaches. Natural long-period climate cycles (El Ninõ Southern Oscillation; North Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation) are not factored into most inflow studies. Three promising approaches are encouraged; a mixture of variables representing different levels of ecological organization should be used, the natural non-linear geometry of estuaries (especially tidal rivers) should be exploited to identify critical thresholds of inflow, and the validity of using instream flow methods to calculate estuarine requirements by proxy should be determined.  相似文献   

The demand in mineral resources is increasing rapidly, but there is a lack of transparency in the trade of concentrated raw mineral materials because of speculation and involvement in the finance of armed conflicts. Because of the distance between primary extraction and the final production sites it is difficult to check the origin of these products. An identity card is required for mineral commodities, so that trading in the industry can be verified and the traceability of concentrates ensured. This problem may be considered as an inversion process: studying the products sold to identify the original ore. The discriminant parameters are mineralogical composition, identification of textural microfacies of the target minerals, “pseudo-paragenetic sequence”, and the contents and distribution of minor elements of target minerals. For base metal, the selected target minerals are pyrite, for its ubiquity, sphalerite for its ability to host numerous discriminant and potentially valuable minor elements in its lattice and chalcopyrite for its proximity with the two other minerals. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov distance and the Colin–White test are used to compare the chemical composition of the three target minerals. The application to Volcanic Massive Sulfide ore deposits shows that it is possible to distinguish pyrite, sphalerite and chalcopyrite between two ore deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt province and seven ore deposits from the Urals province using the selected characteristics. Ore deposits from different provinces may be discriminated using the identity cards, as well as different deposits in the same province.  相似文献   

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