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天王星卫星CCD观测的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1995 年8 月在上海天文台利用安装在1 .56 米望远镜上的CCD 探测器对天王星五颗主要卫星进行了定位试观测。将观测所得的位置资料与其理论值做了比较。结果表明:CCD观测的位置精度优于照相观测的结果。这些资料对于卫星轨道的研究是有价值的。  相似文献   

天王星卫星的CCD观测与分析解的比对   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文给出了处理天王星卫星CCD图象位置资料的新方法,并将我们在1995年取得的重要资料与两种理论模型位置进行了比较计算,结果表明经处理后的天王星五颗主要卫星CCD观测精度有了较大提高。  相似文献   

The results of observations of 46 radio stars carried out with the Repsold meridian circle of the Kyyiv University Observatory in 1984–1985 and 1989–1991 are presented. The main goal of these observations is to improve the optical positions of radio stars for determination of a relationship between the optical and VLBI reference frames. The standard errors of averaged positions in two catalogues amount to 0.2 arcsec. These results were compared with those obtained with the Bordeaux meridian circle.  相似文献   

We present proper-motion measurements for carbon stars found during the APM Survey for Cool Carbon Stars in the Galactic halo as reported in an earlier paper by Totten & Irwin. Measurements are obtained using a combination of POSSI, POSSII and UKST survey plates supplemented where necessary by CCD frames taken at the Isaac Newton Telescope. We find no significant proper motion for any of the new APM colour-selected carbon stars and so conclude that there are no dwarf carbon stars present within this sample. We also present proper-motion measurements for three previously known dwarf carbon stars and demonstrate that these measurements agree favourably with those previously quoted in the literature, verifying our method of determining proper motions. Results from a complimentary program of JHK photometry obtained at the South African Astronomical Observatory are also presented. Dwarf carbon stars are believed to have anomalous near-infrared colours, and this feature is used for further investigation of the nature of the APM carbon stars. Our results support the use of JHK photometry as a dwarf/giant discriminator and also reinforce the conclusion that none of the new APM-selected carbon stars is a dwarf. Finally, proper-motion measurements combined with extant JHK photometry are presented for a sample of previously known halo carbon stars, suggesting that one of these stars, CLS29, is likely to be a previously unrecognized dwarf carbon star.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSirius (α2 0 0 0 =6 h45 m2 ,δ2 0 0 0 =- 1 6°41′) ,thebrighteststarinthesky ,isadoublestarsystemwithlargemagnitudedifferencebetweenthetwocomponents (V =- 1 5 8forthebrighterstarand 8 44forthesecondary) .Thisyieldsvisualobservationstobemadeonlywhentheseparationsarela…  相似文献   

The common practice in luminosity calibration of sample truncation according to relative parallax error λ can lead to bias with indirect methods such as reduced parallaxes as well as with direct methods. This bias is not cancelled by the Lutz–Kelker corrections and in fact can be either negative or positive. Making the selection stricter can actually lead to a larger absolute amount of bias and lower accuracy in certain cases.
The degree to which this bias is present depends upon whether the sample is more nearly specified by the relative parallax error or by the limiting apparent magnitude when both limits formally apply; when the latter limit dominates it is absent. The difference between the means for the two extreme cases is what is customarily termed the Malmquist bias. However, it is not truly bias, but rather what we call here an offset .
For a sample to be effectively magnitude-limited, there is a lower bound imposed on the mean absolute magnitude which depends on the limiting magnitude. If a wide-ranging luminosity relation such as the Wilson–Bappu relation is to be calibrated, some portion of the relation may be magnitude-limited and the rest not. In that case there will be offsets between the different parts of the relation, including the transition region between the two extremes, as well as bias outside the magnitude-limited part.
Another, less common, practice is truncation according to weight, specifically with the reduced parallax method. Such truncation can also bias the calibration with one variant of the method. Indeed, the weighting scheme used with that variant introduces bias even without truncation.
For calibration it is probably best to use a general maximum likelihood method such as the grid method with a magnitude-limited sample and no limit on relative parallax error. The Malmquist shift could then be applied to obtain an estimate of the volume-limited mean.  相似文献   

We have performed simultaneous X-ray and radio observations of 13 Galactic Centre low-mass X-ray binaries in 1998 April using the Wide Field Cameras on board BeppoSAX and the Australia Telescope Compact Array, the latter simultaneously at 4.8 and 8.64 GHz. We detect two Z sources, GX 17+2 and GX 5−1, and the unusual 'hybrid' source GX 13+1. Upper limits, which are significantly deeper than previous non-detections, are placed on the radio emission from two more Z sources and seven atoll sources. Hardness–intensity diagrams constructed from the Wide Field Camera data reveal GX 17+2 and GX 5−1 to have been on the lower part of the horizontal branch and/or the upper part of the normal branch at the time of the observations, and the two non-detected Z sources, GX 340+0 and GX 349+2, to have been on the lower part of the normal branch. This is consistent with the previous empirically determined relation between radio and X-ray emission from Z sources, in which radio emission is strongest on the horizontal branch and weakest on the flaring branch. For the first time we have information on the X-ray state of atoll sources, which are clearly radio-quiet relative to the Z sources, during periods of observed radio upper limits. We place limits on the linear polarization from the three detected sources, and use accurate radio astrometry of GX 17+2 to confirm that it is probably not associated with the optical star NP Ser. Additionally we place strong upper limits on the radio emission from the X-ray binary 2S 0921−630, disagreeing with suggestions that it is a Z-source viewed edge-on.  相似文献   

The system of subdwarfs G89-14 is one of the most metal-poor multiple stars with an atmospheric metal abundance [m/H] = ?1.9. Speckle interferometry at the 6-m BTA telescope has revealed that G89-14 consists of four components. Measurements of the magnitude difference between the components and published data have allowed their masses to be estimated: M A ≈ 0.67 M , M B ≈ 0.24M ,M C ≈ 0.33M , andM D ≈ 0.22M . The ratio of the orbital periods of the subsystems has been obtained, 0.52 yr: 3000 yr: 650 000 yr (1: 5769: 1 250 000), indicative of a high degree of hierarchy o fG89-14 and its internal dynamical stability. The calculated Galactic orbital elements and the low metallicity of the quadruple system suggest that it belongs to the Galactic halo.  相似文献   

The local standard of rest(LSR) provides a reference framework for studies of Galactic kinematics. Determination of the LSR corresponds to the measurement of solar peculiar motion, which is under debate due to the fact that different methods and samples have been used. Adopting the astrometric data and line-of-sight velocities of main sequence stars from Gaia DR2, we present a detailed analytical study of stellar kinematics in the solar neighborhood. Based on an improved version of the Stromberg relation, we obtain a robust estimation of the solar peculiar motion, which is given by(U☉,V☉,W☉)=(8.63 ± 0.64, 4.76 ± 0.49, 7.26 ± 0.36) km s-1. The corresponding radial scalelength is yielded as Rd ~ 2.5 kpc. The radial and vertical components of solar peculiar motion are basically consistent with the classical values, while the tangential component is a few km s-1 smaller than most estimates in literature.  相似文献   

简要回顾了CCD在天文观测上的发展历程,介绍了CCD漂移扫描观测模式的基本原理;分析了该技术的优点和不足;综述CCD漂移扫描技术的应用现状;最后简述国内在CCD漂移扫描技术上的应用研究现状及对该技术的展望。  相似文献   

The computational algorithm to determine the the proper motions of Zirconium stars on the basis of catalogues “Carte du Ciel” and on the recent photographic observations carried out with the 70cm Abastumani meniscus telescope is presented. It allowed to determine the proper motions of 288 stars in the region around α Per with a rms error of ± 0,004 arcsec/yr. Applying the method proper motions of 74 Zirconium stars and 146 control stars have been obtained. The error of proper motions obtained for the North Zone (δ > −2°) 109 AGK3 control stars is ± 0.006 arcsec/yr. On the basis of proper motins absolute magnitudes were separately calculated for the MCLPZS and LASZS. For the MCLPZS the average absolute visual magnitude at maximum, corresponding to the mean period of P = 350 days, equals −3ϕm.9. For the LASZS the mean absolute visual magnitude, corresponding to the apparent median ones equals −1ϕm.9. Low luminosity (Mv = −1ϕmϕ9) Zirconium stars escape rather far (at a distance of up to 2 kpc) to the South from the Galactic plane into the region l ∼ 240 – 260°, where its assumed to be a connection with the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) begins to appear. Low luminosity Zirconium stars are weakly correlated with position of the Galaxy spiral arms. The MCLPZS show a somewhat other distribution.  相似文献   

We present predictions for the numbers of ultracool dwarfs in the Galactic disc population that could be detected by the WFCAM/UKIDSS Large Area Survey and Ultra Deep Survey. Simulated samples of objects are created with masses and ages drawn from different mass functions and birthrates. Each object is then given absolute magnitudes in different passbands based on empirically derived bolometric correction versus effective temperature relationships (or model predictions for Y dwarfs). These are then combined with simulated space positions, velocities and photometric errors to yield observables such as apparent magnitudes and proper motions. Such observables are then passed through the survey selection mechanism to yield histograms in colour. This technique also produces predictions for the proper motion histograms for ultracool dwarfs and estimated numbers for the as yet undetected Y dwarfs. Finally, it is shown that these techniques could be used to constrain the ultra-low-mass mass function and birthrate of the Galactic disc population.  相似文献   

342 CCD measurements of relative positions and magnitude differences for 145 visual double stars are presented. Observations were carried out at the 1.23m telescope of the German‐Spanish Astronomical Center at Calar Alto (Spain), all of them in V and R photometric bands.  相似文献   

Using new and archival radio data, we have measured the proper motion of the black hole X-ray binary V404 Cyg to be  9.2 ± 0.3 mas yr−1  . Combined with the systemic radial velocity from the literature, we derive the full three-dimensional heliocentric space velocity of the system, which we use to calculate a peculiar velocity in the range 47–102 km s−1, with a best-fitting value of 64 km s−1. We consider possible explanations for the observed peculiar velocity and find that the black hole cannot have formed via direct collapse. A natal supernova is required, in which either significant mass  (∼11 M)  was lost, giving rise to a symmetric Blaauw kick of up to ∼65 km s−1, or, more probably, asymmetries in the supernova led to an additional kick out of the orbital plane of the binary system. In the case of a purely symmetric kick, the black hole must have been formed with a mass  ∼9 M  , since when it has accreted  0.5–1.5 M  from its companion.  相似文献   

We search for stellar and substellar companions of young nearby stars to investigate stellar multiplicity and formation of stellar and substellar companions. We detect common proper‐motion companions of stars via multi‐epoch imaging. Their companionship is finally confirmed with photometry and spectroscopy. Here we report the discovery of a new co‐moving (13 σ) stellar companion ∼17.8 arcsec (350AU in projected separation) north of the nearby star HD141272 (21 pc).With EMMI/NTT optical spectroscopy we determined the spectral type of the companion to be M3±0.5V. The derived spectral type as well as the near infrared photometry of the companion are both fully consistent with a M dwarf located at the distance of HD141272 (21 pc). Furthermore the photometry data rules out the pre‐main sequence status, since the system is consistent with the ZAMS of the Pleiades. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Extended source size effects have been detected in photometric monitoring of gravitational microlensing events. We study similar effects in the centroid motion of an extended source lensed by a point mass. We show that the centroid motion of a source with uniform surface brightness can be obtained analytically. For a source with a circularly symmetric limb-darkening profile, the centroid motion can be expressed as a one-dimensional integral, which can be evaluated numerically. We find that when the impact parameter is comparable to the source radius, the centroid motion is significantly modified by the finite source size. In particular, when the impact parameter is smaller than the source radius, the trajectories become clover-leaf like. Such astrometric motions can be detected using space interferometers such as the Space Interferometry Mission . Such measurements offer exciting possibilities for determining stellar parameters, such as stellar radius, to excellent accuracy.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of the variable star EP Lyr were performed with a CCD photometer during the observing season of 2002. Analysis of these observations together with published data has confirmed the mean period of the main variability cycle P = 83.d248 over almost 100 years. The periodicity of the variations in the main cycle is investigated on the basis of O-C diagrams. The time scale of its variations ranges from 1–2 to 8–20 thousand days.  相似文献   

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