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Real-time evolution plays an important role to understand the dynamics of the early Universe. It would be of importance to be able to investigate such typical time dependent processes like particle production, reheating, creation and evolution of fluctuations, etc. In this paper we derive the one-loop renormalized coupled einstein field equations of a scalar field with λϕ4 interaction in a classical curved space-time of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker type. These equations can be used to calculate quantum corrections for the dynamics in the early Universe.  相似文献   

It is shown that the singularity of space-time in Einstein-Friedmann's cosmology can be avoided, if one takes into account the strong interaction of the elementary particles in the earliest stage of the Universe. Under the additional assumption that there exists a maximum temperature of particles and radiation (T max?1.9×1012 K) in consequence of which the number of hadrons (nucleons) in the early Universe has been greater than today by a factor of about 107, the Friedmann equation is integrated numerically where the integration constant is fitted by the present values of the massdensity, the Hubble-constant and the temperature of the background radiation. The minimum radius of curvature of the Universe becomes 1.4×1011 km; the density in its neighbourhood remains within reasonable limits of the magnitude of the nuclear density. The early evolution of the Universe with time will be discussed in detail. Concerning the idea of an universal upper limit for the temperature we follow the considerations of Hagedorn, but in contrast to the existing investigations we take explicitly into account the negative potential energy of the strong interaction according to Yukawa's theory.  相似文献   

In a closed gravitationally-bound Universe we are subject to an inward accelerationa 0. One consequence of this acceleration is that matter will radiate and create a black-body spectrum throughout the Universe. Using the valuea 0=7.623×10–12 ms–2 and a radiation formula from a previously-described cosmological model (Wåhlin, 1981), we obtain a black-body temperature of 2.766 K.  相似文献   

Starting from the field equationS =(T -A(T)), presented in a former paper, we present a test result, based on numerical simulations, giving a new model applied to the very large structure of the Universe. A theory of inverse gravitational lensing is developed, in which the observed effects could be due mainly to the action of surrounding antipodal matter. This is an alternative to the explanation based on dark matter existence. We then develop a cosmological model. Because of the hypothesis of homogeneity, the metric must be a solution of the equationS = 0, although the total mass of the Universe is non-zero. In order to avoid the trivial solutionR = constant ×t, we consider a model with variable constants. Then we derive the laws linking the different constants of physics:G, c, h, m; in order to keep the basic equations of physics invariant, so that the variation of these constants is not measurable in the laboratory, the only effect of this process being the red shift, due to the secular variation of these constants. All the energies are conserved, but not the masses. We find that all of the characteristic lengths (Schwarzschild, Jeans, Compton, Planck) vary like the characteristic lengthR, from where all the characteristic times vary like the cosmic timet. As the energy of the photonh is conserved over its flight, the decrease of its frequency is due to the growth of the Planck constanth t. In such conditions the field equations have a single solution, corresponding to a negative curvature and to an evolution law:R t 2/3.The model is no longer isentropic ands logt. The cosmologic horizon varies likeR, so that the homogeneity of the Universe is ensured at any time which constitues an alternative to the theory of inflation. We re-find, for moderate distances, Hubble's law. A new law: distance =f(z) is derived, very close to the classical one for moderate red shifts.  相似文献   

Under the assumption of a power law (k·R n=C,C=const.) between the gravitational constantk and the radius of curvatureR of the Universe and forP=1/3 the exact solution is sought for the cosmological equations of Brans and Dicke. The solution turns out to be valid for closed space and the parameter of the scalar-tensor theory is necessarily negative. The radius of curvature increases linearly with respect to the age of the Universe while the gravitational constant grows with the square of the radius of curvature. It has been shown (Lessner, 1974) that in this case (KR 2) the spatial component of the field equations is independent of the remaining equations. However, our solution satisfies this independent equation. This solution for the radiation-dominated era corresponds to the solution for the matter-dominated era found by Dehnen and one of the authors (Dehnen and Obregón, 1971). Our solution, as is the solution previously obtained for the matter-dominated era, is in contradiction to Dirac's hypothesis in which the gravitational constant should decrease with time in an expanding Universe.  相似文献   

In a closed expanding-contracting Universe, matter will be subject to an inward acceleration large enough to prevent perpetual expansion. A closed Universe must also perform a simple harmonic motion, which might consist either of one single cycle or of an infinite series of oscillations about a central point. It is the purpose of this study to find the rate ofa 0, the cosmic acceleration, from which the gravitational constantG can be determined. It will be shown from Ampère's equation and Planck's radiation law that it is possible to derivea 0=7.623×10–12 ms–2, a value which also conforms with the uncertainty principle. The relationship betweena 0 and electromagnetic radiation is based on the concept that charges (such as electrons) must emit radiation while accelerating. The rate ofa 0 yields a universal gravitational constant ofG=6.645×10–11 N m2 kg–2.  相似文献   

The present study deals with spatially homogeneous and anisotropic locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) Bianchi type I cosmological model with dominance of dark energy. To get the deterministic model of Universe, we assume that the shear scalar (σ) in the model is proportional to expansion scalar (θ). This condition leads to A=B n , where A, B are metric potential and n is positive constant. It has been found that the anisotropic distribution of dark energy leads to the present accelerated expansion of Universe. The physical behavior of the Universe has been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Using a reliablymeasured intrinsic (i.e., corrected for absorption effects) present-day luminosity function of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) in the 0.25–2 keV energy band per unit star formation rate, we estimate the preheating of the early Universe by soft X-rays from such systems. We find that X-ray irradiation, mainly executed by ultraluminous and supersoft ultraluminous X-ray sources with luminosity L X > 1039 erg s?1, could significantly heat (T >T CMB, where T CMB is the temperature of the cosmic microwave background) the intergalactic medium by z ~ 10 if the specific X-ray emissivity of the young stellar population in the early Universe was an order of magnitude higher than at the present epoch (which is possible due to the low metallicity of the first galaxies) and the soft X-ray emission from HMXBs did not suffer strong absorption within their galaxies. This makes it possible to observe the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen in emission from redshifts z < 10.  相似文献   

Attention is given to four reasons for believing that the upper limit on the rotation of the Universe ω set by isotropy of the 3K background may not be appropriate to the local system because of its hierarchical structure. In particular, recent work of Rubinet al. (1973) on the anisotropy of Hubble's parameter (H) as determined by certain galaxies is examined. The anisotropy inH is a 1st order harmonic effect, inconsistent with an origin in an acceleration of the expansion of the Universe (U α;4≠0), but explicable as being due to a large peculiar velocity of the Local Group. This compromises limits set on ω by isotropy of the 3K field, as does the realization that only weak limits can be set if the last-scattering surface (z *) is notz *→∞ but is at smallz * (as expected in a hierarchy). In a rotating Universe, the 3-spaces of constant density cannot be orthogonal on the world lines of matter: a number test of Gödell based on this is generalized and applied (after consideration of Galactic obscuration) to the local Universe, by taking data on clusters of galaxies from the Abell and Zwicky catalogues. Data from the former give only a marginally significant result for the component ω1 of ω in one direction, but a bootstrap argument is applied which takes significance over from Abell's data (considered as a class of galaxies) to Zwicky's data (taken as a class of clusters), giving a statistically significant result on the hypothesis that clusters are the fundamental units of the Universe: it seems likely that ω1r?(const)r-n with 0?n?1 over the interval 500–1000 Mpc (H=60 km s?1 Mpc?1) with a total rotation of ω<2ω1, and ω1 = 1.2 (+0.25) x 10-18 s-1 evaluated on data out to 103 Mpc. Strictly, the quoted value of the rotation only applies to a region of space that in some sense has an isotropic limit: if the actual hierarchy has a large density-dependence away from a local origin (i.e., large thinning factor), then the numerical value of the rotation is smaller than the quoted value but still finite and significant.  相似文献   

We continue to study the number of isolating integrals in dynamical systems with three and four degrees of freedom, using as models the measure preserving mappingsT already introduced in preceding papers (Froeschlé, 1973; Froeschlé and Scheidecker, 1973a).Thus, we use here a new numerical method which enables us to take as indicator of stochasticity the variation withn of the two (respectively three) largest eigenvalues-in absolute magnitude-of the linear tangential mappingT n * ofT n . This variation appears to be a very good tool for studying the diffusion process which occurs during the disappearance of the isolating integrals, already shown in a previous paper (Froeschlé, 1971). In the case of systems with three degrees of freedom, we define and give an estimation of the diffusion time, and show that the gambler's ruin model is an approximation of this diffusion process.  相似文献   

We discuss astronomical and astrophysical evidence, which we relate to the principle of zero-total energy of the Universe, that imply several relations among the mass M, the radius R and the angular momentum L of a “large” sphere representing a Machian Universe. By calculating the angular speed, we find a peculiar centripetal acceleration for the Universe. This is an ubiquituous property that relates one observer to any observable. It turns out that this is exactly the anomalous acceleration observed on the Pioneers spaceships. We have thus shown that this anomaly is to be considered a property of the Machian Universe. We discuss several possible arguments against our proposal.  相似文献   

Within the framework of FLRW cosmology withk=+1 a singularity free model of the Universe is proposed which readily accounts for the origin of the Big-Bang and for the preponderance of matter over anti-matter. It is also free from the problems of accounting for the observed large-scale homogeneity and isotropy of the Universe as well as from the problems of horizon and flatness. It is pointed out that the collapsing universe might have acted as an ultra-high energy particle accelerator. In the collapsing phase of the Universe, when the interparticle distances10–16 cm, the electromagnetic and weak interactions might have unified into electroweak interaction and as the collapse proceeded further the entire matter in the Universe might have been converted into quark-gluon plasma permeated by leptons. The gravitational energy released during the collapse might have been locked in this plasma. Ass approached 10–28 cm, grand unification of electroweak and strong interactions might have occurred. It is also suggested that, with further collapse, whens<10–33 cm super-symmetry (SUSY)—i.e., the unification of all the four interactions (viz., electromagnetic, weak, strong, and gravitational) might have occurred. During this process gravitinos, the supersymmetric partners of graviton might have been produced. As a result of the exchange of a pair of virtual gravitinos between two particles an ultra-strong repulsive force between them might have been generated. Due to this ultra-strong repulsive interaction between particles the motion of the Universe might have been reversed, i.e., the Universe might have started expanding. During expansion, whens10–28 cm, SUSY might have broken down spontaneously toSU 5 and gravity. Ass increased from 10–28 to 10–16 cm, the gravitational energy locked in the quark-gluon plasma might have been released with a gigantic explosion, the so-called Big-Bang. It is estimated here that during this Big-Bang more than 1082 GeV of energy might have been released. Whens10–16 cm,SU 5 might have broken down spontaneously toSU 3 andU 1. Expansion beyond this stage might have occurred in the manner described by the standard cosmology. It is further suggested that in due course of time expansion will be followed by contraction and the cycle of contraction-expansion-contraction will be repeated ad infinitum.  相似文献   

From the observed present parameters of the Universe and the model properties of an expansive non-decelerative universe it results that the value of Boltzmann's constant (coefficient)k does not change only before the end of radiation era, but also in the matter era; with the increase of gauge factora, it decreases as (a –1)1/4.  相似文献   

We use the generalized Brans-Dicke theory, in which the Pauli metric is identified to be the physical space-time metric, to study the Universe in different epochs. Exact analytical expressions for dilaton field , cosmological radiusR and density parameter are obtained fork=+1,0,–1 Universe in the radiation-dominated epoch. For matter dominated Epoch, exact analytical expressions for Hubble parameterH, cosmological radius, dilaton field, deceleration factorq, density parameter and the gravitational coupling of the ordinary matter are obtained for the flat Universe. Other important results are: (1) the density parameter is always less than unity for the flat Universe because the dilaton field plays a role as an effective dark matter, and (2) the new Brans-Dicke parameter must be larger than 31.75 in order to consistent with the observed data.  相似文献   

We have theoretically studied the influence of a far-infrared radiation (FIR) field from Hπ region on the cooling by C and O atoms, C+ ion and CO molecule in a photodissociation region, and a molecular cloud associated with Hπ region (hereinafter referred as HI region) at low temperatures (T k≤200 K). Comparisons have been made for cooling with and without FIR for two extreme abundances (10−4 and 10−7) of the mentioned species for temperatures ranging between 10 and 200K and an hydrogen particle density range 10 cm−3n o≤ 107 cm3. The cooling by the species with low line-splitting (CI, Cπ and CO) is significantly influenced by the radiation field for temperaturesT k < 100 K while the effect of radiation field on cooling by OI is significant even at higher temperatures (T k > 100 K). The effect of FIR field on the cooling of CO from low rotational transitions is negligibly small, whereas it is considerable for higher transitions. In general, the cooling terms related to the short-wavelength transitions are more affected by FIR than those related to longer wavelengths. It is also demonstrated here that in the determination of thermal structure of an HI region the dust grains play an important role in the heating of gas only through photoelectron emission following irradiation by far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation, as the infrared radiation from the dust is too small to have substantial effect on the cooling. It is found that in the Hπ /HI interface the FIR field from grains in the Hπ region is not capable of modifying the temperature of the warmest regions but does so in the inner part where the temperature is low enough.  相似文献   

Analysing the distribution of the redshift of clusters of galaxies, obtained from the catalogue of SCHMIDT (1986), two already known periodical structures were confirmed and both periods were extended by a number of periods — approximately by two times (We elucidated 5 new periods in the first structure and 4 in the second.). The statistical significance of these structures was estimated to 0.01 in the first case and to 0.02 in the second one. Particularly, the second structure may be the largest known object in the Universe (about 900 Mpc at H = 75 km s-1 Mpc-1). These results agree with the predictions of the axion-dominated early Universe. In addition, we discovered periodical structures of an another type — in luminosity functions of galaxies, which are members of rich clusters. Bei der Analyse des Katalogs von SCHMIDT (1986) wurden zwei periodische Strukturen in den Verteilungen der Rotverschiebungen von Galaxienhaufen festgestellt. In den beiden Strukturen wurden 5 bzw. 4 neue Perioden beobachtet, weshalb sich die Periodenzahl in jeder der beiden Strukturen etwa verdoppelt hat. Die statistische Signifikanzen dieser Strukturen wurden zu 0.01 und 0.02 abgeschätzt. Möglicherweise entspricht die zweite Struktur dem größten bekannten Objekt des Weltalls (etwa 900 Mpc bei H = 75 km s-1 Mpc-1). Diese Resultate stützen die Theorie eines axiondominierten frühen Universums. Außerdem wurden weitere periodische Strukturen in der Leuchtkraftfunktion von Galaxien aus reichen Galaxien-haufen entdeckt.  相似文献   

The MESSENGER Fast Imaging Plasma Spectrometer (FIPS) measured the bulk plasma characteristics of Mercury's magnetosphere and solar wind environment during the spacecraft's first two flybys of the planet on 14 January 2008 (M1) and 6 October 2008 (M2), producing the first measurements of thermal ions in Mercury's magnetosphere. In this work, we identify major features of the Mercury magnetosphere in the FIPS proton data and describe the data analysis process used for recovery of proton density (np) and temperature (Tp) with a forward modeling technique, required because of limitations in measurement geometry. We focus on three regions where the magnetospheric flow speed is likely to be low and meets our criteria for the recovery process: the M1 plasma sheet and the M1 and M2 dayside and nightside boundary-layer regions. Interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions were substantially different between the two flybys, with intense reconnection signatures observed by the Magnetometer during M2 versus a relatively quiet magnetosphere during M1. The recovered ion density and temperature values for the M1 quiet-time plasma sheet yielded np∼1–10 cm−3, Tp∼2×106 K, and plasma β∼2. The nightside boundary-layer proton densities during M1 and M2 were similar, at np∼4–5 cm−3, but the temperature during M1 (Tp∼4–8×106 K) was 50% less than during M2 (Tp∼8×106 K), presumably due to reconnection in the tail. The dayside boundary layer observed during M1 had a density of ∼16 cm−3 and temperature of 2×106 K, whereas during M2 this region was less dense and hotter (np∼8 cm−3 and Tp∼10×106 K), again, most likely due to magnetopause reconnection. Overall, the southward interplanetary magnetic field during M2 clearly produced higher Tp in the dayside and nightside magnetosphere, as well as higher plasma β in the nightside boundary, ∼20 during M2 compared with ∼2 during M1. The proton plasma pressure accounts for only a fraction (24% for M1 and 64% for M2) of the drop in magnetic pressure upon entry into the dayside boundary layer. This result suggests that heavy ions of planetary origin, not considered in this analysis, may provide the “missing” pressure. If these planetary ions were hot due to “pickup” in the magnetosheath, the required density for pressure balance would be an ion density of ∼1 cm−3 for an ion temperature of ∼108 K.  相似文献   

Plane symmetric cosmological models with perfect fluid and dark energy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider a self-consistent system of Plane symmetric cosmology and binary mixture of perfect fluid and dark energy. The perfect fluid is taken to be one obeying the usual equation of state p=γρ with γ∈[0,1]. The dark energy is considered to be either the quintessence or Chaplygin gas. Exact solutions to the corresponding Einstein’s field equations are obtained as a quadrature. The cases of Zeldovich Universe, Dust Universe and Radiation Universe and models with power-law and exponential expansion have discussed in detail. For large t, the models tend to be isotropic.  相似文献   

By solving a Wheeler-De Witt ‘extended’ equation in the Brans-Dicke theory, we have found that the probability distribution predicts: i) An initial value for the Brans-Dicke scalar field φ ∼ ρ1/2_VAC in the beginning of the inflation, where ρVAC is the vacuum density energy (this gives a planck mass ∼ ρ1/4_VAC) ii) Large values for the Brans-Dicke parameter w. On the other hand it is shown that by taking into account the dynamical behaviour of φ and the matter scalar field σ we can formulate a ‘creation boundary condition’ where in the ‘beginning’ of the Universe (R =0, ‘nothing’ for some authors) we have a dynamical σ already ‘created’. This could be the energetic mechanism which makes Universe tunnels the potential barrier to evolve classically after. Besides we have found the possibility of a cosmological uncertainty principle. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We assume the Universe during the recombination era as a three-component fluid constituted by neutral hydrogen, plasma, and radiation; such fluids are coupled via the effects of photorecombination, photoionization, and Thomson scattering. The hydrodynamical modes are calculated and the relation with the gravitational instabilities is established. In addition to the well-known Jeans's instability modes two additional ones in the neighbourhood of 1013 M are obtained in the case of an open Universe.  相似文献   

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