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The Juiz de Fora Complex is mainly composed of granulites, and granodioritic-migmatite gneisses and is a cratonic basement of the Ribeira belt. Paleomagnetic analysis on samples from 64 sites widely distributed along the Além Paraíba dextral shear zone (SE Brazil, Rio de Janeiro State) yielded a northeastern, steep downward inclination direction (Dm=40.4°, Im=75.4, a95=6.0°, K=20.1) for 30 sites. The corresponding paleomagnetic pole (RB) is situated at 335.2°E; 0.6°S (a95=10.0°; K=7.9). Rock magnetism indicates that both (titano)magnetite and titanohematite are the main magnetic minerals responsible for this direction. Anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements were used to correct the ChRM directions and consequently its corresponding paleomagnetic pole. This correction yielded a new mean ChRM (Dm = 2.9°, Im = 75.4°, a95 = 6.4°, K = 17.9) whose paleomagnetic pole RBc is located at 320.1°E, 4.2° N (a95=10.3°, K=7.5). Both mean ChRM and paleomagnetic pole obtained from uncorrected and corrected data are statistically different at the 95% confidence circle. Geological and geochronological data suggest that the age of the Juiz de Fora Complex pole is probably between 535–500 Ma, and paleomagnetic results permit further constraint on these ages to the interval 520–500 Ma by comparison with high quality paleomagnetic poles in the 560–500 Ma Gondwana APW path.  相似文献   

The Occidental terrane of the central segment of the Brasiliano-Pan-African Ribeira belt comprises two crustal scale thrust sheets (Andrelândia and Juiz de Fora domains) taken as reworked Neoproterozoic products of the São Francisco cratonic margins. Pre-1.8 Ga orthogneisses and associated rocks of the Mantiqueira Complex comprise the basement for rocks of the Andrelândia Depositional Cycle within the Andrelândia tectonic domain. Geochemical data indicate that the Mantiqueira Complex comprises rocks that can be grouped as follows: intermediate to acid calc-alkaline rocks and a transitional basaltic series. On the basis of quantitative analysis of the lithogeochemical data, these lithotypes cannot be related. Statistical and/or petrological criteria made it possible to define suites and/or groups within each one of those units and to constrain petrogenetic models based mostly on their REE data. Simple least-square regression analysis indicates that the basic rocks are unlikely to constitute a single suite themselves. The results of the geochemical modelling presented in this work suggest that crustal partial melting rather than fractional crystallisation is the most likely petrogenetic process associated with the rocks of the Mantiqueira Complex. The partial melting processes might have taken place under oxidising conditions, typical of tectonic settings associated with the generation of calc-alkaline rocks.  相似文献   

The Santa Catarina granulite complex (SCGC) is mainly composed of intermediate to felsic orthogneisses of trondhjemitic, tonalitic and granodioritic compositions (TTG) intruded by subsidiary basic-ultrabasic rocks, and a small metasedimentary component. The ortho-derived rocks belong to different igneous suites. Nd model ages TDM of 2.7-2.8 Ga date the first major mantle-crust differentiation in the area, while 2.6 Ga Rb-Sr whole rock isochron ages in both depleted and undepleted granulites and Nd model ages of 2.4-2.3 Ga record subsequent magmatic events. Regional granulite-facies which reached 800°C at ca. 5-8 kb finished at 2.3 Ga according to U-Pb zircon and Sm-Nd mineral isochron ages, and was also followed by a regional amphibolite facies metamorphism at 2.0 Ga, recorded by Pb-Pb, Rb-Sr whole rock isochrons in rocks with little orthopyroxene and predominant amphibole. Tectonic stabilization was complete at the end of the Transamazonian Cycle at 1.9 Ga as indicated by K-Ar mineral ages, and apart from local reactivation along faults at the margins of the complex and granite intrusion, the SCGC was not affected by the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano Cycle, during which it acted as a microplate and was incorporated onto the eastern border of the Paraná Craton. Isotopic and geochemical characteristics of Brasiliano crustal granites which intrude the complex suggest that it is not an adequate source for the melts, and thus the SCGC may be underlain by different Paleoproterozoic (2.0 Ga) crustal material.  相似文献   

Granulite rocks are exposed in eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil. Its early neoproterozoic evolution is characterised by a history of an active continental margin, including the accretion of suspect terranes. The Manhuaçu Terrane is one of those which is represented by a granitic continental plutonic arc and terrigeneous metasediments reflecting a continental margin. A metasedimentary gneiss belt at this margin with shallow to deep marine clastic lithologies as well as metavolcanic and metaplutonic mafic rocks was interpreted as an extensive tectonic segment with suspect development in a back-arc setting. Fragments of a volcanic arc are identified and interpreted as an evidence for a probable island-arc domain. The granulites occur as massive rocks as well as high-grade gneisses and show lithological, structural and metamorphic attributes consistent with their host belt type. In the western portion granulites derived from sedimentary protoliths, have been deposited, deformed and metamorphosed together with the mafic intrusions and as well as with their crystallization. Regional uplift exposed these rocks probably immediately after the metamorphism. In these belts the metamorphic grade is not uniform, especially where uplifting has exposed oblique cross sections over the granulitic rocks. Geothermobarometric calculations indicate that the granulites has been generated under T conditions between 800 and 990 ± 50 C and from medium (4.8 kb) to relatively high (10.0 kb) pressures.  相似文献   

Granulite from 66 sites along the Além-Paraiba dextral shear zone were collected for magnetic analyses. The rocks were affected by the Braziliano orogeny, which was responsible for the present structural pattern. Magnetic fabrics were determined applying anisotropy of low—field magnetic susceptibility (AMS, all sites) and anisotropy of remanence magnetization (ARM, in 21 sites). The ferromagnetic minerals are magnetite, titanohematite, and in some samples, minor pyrrhotite. Hysteresis curves show that both para— and ferromagnetic minerals are the carriers of AMS. Thus AMS is due to the preferred crystallographic orientation of paramagnetic matrix minerals and titanohematite, to the shape anisotropy of magnetite grains, or to a combination of all three. ARM was performed imposing both anhysteretic remanence (AAR) and isothermal remanence (AIRM). The AMS, AAR, and AIRM fabrics are coaxial and are tectonic in origin. Their parallelism indicates that both ferromagnetic and paramagnetic minerals recorded the same metamorphic event. A passive—marker model is suggested for ferromagnetic minerals at the outcrop scale. The magnetic foliation is very close to the strike of the Além Paraíba shear zone, suggesting that this generated the local rock fabrics during the Braziliano orogeny.  相似文献   

The wedge‐shaped Moornambool Metamorphic Complex is bounded by the Coongee Fault to the east and the Moyston Fault to the west. This complex was juxtaposed between stable Delamerian crust to the west and the eastward migrating deformation that occurred in the western Lachlan Fold Belt during the Ordovician and Silurian. The complex comprises Cambrian turbidites and mafic volcanics and is subdivided into a lower greenschist eastern zone and a higher grade amphibolite facies western zone, with sub‐greenschist rocks occurring on either side of the complex. The boundary between the two zones is defined by steeply dipping L‐S tectonites of the Mt Ararat ductile high‐strain zone. Deformation reflects marked structural thickening that produced garnet‐bearing amphibolites followed by exhumation via ductile shearing and brittle faulting. Pressure‐temperature estimates on garnet‐bearing amphibolites in the western zone suggest metamorphic pressures of ~0.7–0.8 GPa and temperatures of ~540–590°C. Metamorphic grade variations suggest that between 15 and 20 km of vertical offset occurs across the east‐dipping Moyston Fault. Bounding fault structures show evidence for early ductile deformation followed by later brittle deformation/reactivation. Ductile deformation within the complex is initially marked by early bedding‐parallel cleavages. Later deformation produced tight to isoclinal D2 folds and steeply dipping ductile high‐strain zones. The S2 foliation is the dominant fabric in the complex and is shallowly west‐dipping to flat‐lying in the western zone and steeply west‐dipping in the eastern zone. Peak metamorphism is pre‐ to syn‐D2. Later ductile deformation reoriented the S2 foliation, produced S3 crenulation cleavages across both zones and localised S4 fabrics. The transition to brittle deformation is defined by the development of east‐ and west‐dipping reverse faults that produce a neutral vergence and not the predominant east‐vergent transport observed throughout the rest of the western Lachlan Fold Belt. Later north‐dipping thrusts overprint these fault structures. The majority of fault transport along ductile and brittle structures occurred prior to the intrusion of the Early Devonian Ararat Granodiorite. Late west‐ and east‐dipping faults represent the final stages of major brittle deformation: these are post plutonism.  相似文献   

Linear domains of deformed alkaline rocks and carbonatites have recently been identified as representing sites of ancient suture zones. In peninsular India, the western margin of the Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Belt (EGB) is characterized by a series of alkaline plutons that are aligned close to the contact with the Archaean Craton. Most of the complexes were deformed and metamorphosed during a subsequent orogenic event. Unlike other plutons in the belt, the alkaline complex at Koraput reportedly escaped deformation and granulite facies metamorphism forming an anomalous entity within the zone. Multiply-deformed country rocks hosting this complex underwent syn-D1CR granulite facies metamorphism followed by D2CR thrusting, with pervasive shearing along a NE-SW trending foliation. A second granulite facies event followed localized D3CR shearing. Within the Koraput Complex, strain partitioning was responsible for preserving igneous textures in the gabbroic core, but aligned magmatic amphibole needles and plagioclase laths occasionally define a S1AC fabric. Along the margins, S1AC is rotated parallel to a NE-trending, east-dipping S2AC fabric in the gabbro, fringing syenodiorite and nepheline syenite bands. Locally, D3AC shearing follows D2AC deformation; S2AC and S3AC parallel S2CR and S3CR in the country rocks. High-grade metamorphism represented by recrystallization of amphibole and plagioclase, and breakdown of amphibole and biotite to garnet, pyroxene and K-feldspar in the complex follows D3AC. Unlike earlier reports, therefore, the Koraput body is also deformed and metamorphosed. The aligned alkaline complexes in the EGB probably represent deformed alkaline rocks and carbonatites formed by rifting related to an earlier episode of continental break-up that were deformed during subsequent juxtaposition of the EGB with the Archaean Craton. This supports the contention that the western margin of the EGB and its contact with the Archaean Craton is a suture zone related to the Indo-Antarctica collision event.  相似文献   

Migmatitic granulites and arc-related felsic intrusives of Pan-Africanage form the bedrock in the Rio de Janeiro area, SE Brazil.These rocks preserve a partial record of three parageneses.The earliest assemblage (M1) grew during fabric formation inthe rocks (D1) and is characterized by the mineral assemblagePl + Bt + Sil + Kfs + Qtz. Peak metamorphic conditions (M2)are characterized by the assemblage Bt + Crd + Kfs + Pl + Grt+ liq + Qtz and are inferred to have developed during D2 foldingof the rocks at T = 750–800°C and P = 7 kbar. M3 reactiontextures overprint the M2 assemblage and comprise symplectiticintergrowth of cordierite(II) and quartz that formed after garnet,whereas secondary biotite formed as a result of reactions betweengarnet and K-feldspar. By comparing the observed modal abundanceswith modal contours of garnet, cordierite and quartz on therelevant pseudosection a post M2 PT vector indicatingcontemporaneous cooling and decompression can be deduced. Theinferred equilibrium assemblage and reaction textures are interpretedto reflect a clockwise PT path involving heating followedby post-peak decompression and associated cooling. We inferthat metamorphism occurred in response to advective heatingby the abundant syn-collisional (arc-related) I-type granitoidsin the region, consistent with the unusually high peak T/P ratio. KEY WORDS: advective heating; Ribeira belt; granulite; partial melting; PT pseudosection  相似文献   

Abstract: The Paleoproterozoic Lüliang Metamorphic Complex (PLMC) is situated in the middle segment of the western margin of the Trans-North China Orogen (TNCO), North China Craton (NCC). As the most important lithological assemblages in the southern part of the PLMC, Guandishan granitoids consist of early gneissic tonalities, granodiorites and gneissic monzogranites, and younger gneissic to massive monzogranites. Petrochemical features reveal that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites belong to the medium-K calc-alkaline series; the early gneissic monzogranites are transitional from high-K calc-alkaline to the shoshonite series; the younger gneissic to massive monzogranites belong to the high-k calc-alkaline series, and all rocks are characterized by right-declined REE patterns and negative Nb, Ta, Sr, P, and Ti anomalies in the primitive mantle normalized spidergrams. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb isotopic dating reveals that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites formed at ~2.17 Ga, the early gneissic monzogranites at ~2.06 Ga, and the younger gneissic to massive monzogranites at ~1.84 Ga. Sm–Nd isotopic data show that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites have εNd(t) values of +0.48 to ?3.19 with Nd-depleted mantle model ages (TDM) of 2.76–2.47 Ga, and early gneissic monzogranites have εNd(t) values of ?0.53 to ?2.51 with TDM of 2.61–2.43 Ga, and the younger gneissic monzogranites have εNd(t) values of ?6.41 to ?2.78 with a TDM of 2.69–2.52 Ga.These geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the early gneissic tonalities, granodiorites, and monzogranites were derived from the partial melting of metamorphosed basaltic and pelitic rocks, respectively, in a continental arc setting. The younger gneissic to massive monzogranites were derived by partial melting of metamorphosed greywackes within the continental crust. Combined with previously regional data, we suggest that the Paleoproterozoic granitoid magmatism in the Guandishan granitoids of the PLMC may provide the best geological signature for the complete spectrum of Paleoproterozoic geodynamic processes in the Trans-North China Orogen from oceanic subduction, through collisional orogenesis, to post-orogenic extension and uplift.  相似文献   

The São Luís Craton, northern Brazil, is composed of a few granitoid suites and a metavolcano-sedimentary succession. New single zircon Pb evaporation ages and Nd isotope data, combined with other available information, show that the metavolcano-sedimentary succession developed from 2240 Ma to approximately 2200-2180 Ma from juvenile protoliths. The subduction-related calc-alkaline suites of granitoids, spatially associated with the metavolcano-sedimentary sequence, formed in an oceanic island arc setting between 2168-2147 Ma. Most of these granitoids are tonalitic and formed from juvenile, mantle- or oceanic plate-derived protoliths, whereas minor true granites are the product of the reworking of the juvenile island arc material. These arc-related successions represent an accretionary event around 2.20±0.05 Ga, which is coincident with one of the main periods of crustal growth in the South American Platform. This accretionary orogen has subsequently been involved in a collision episode, at ca. 2100-2080 Ma, which is mainly recorded in the nearby Gurupi Belt. The rock associations, inferred geological settings, and the crustal evolution detected in the São Luís Craton are similar to what is described in Paleoproterozoic domains of major geotectonic units of the South American Platform, such as part of the São Francisco Craton, southeastern Guyana Shield, and of the West African Craton.  相似文献   

Whole rock elemental and Sr–Nd isotope geochemistry and in situ K-feldspar Pb isotope geochemistry were used to identify the sources involved in the genesis of Neoproterozoic granites from the Embu Terrane, Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil. Granite magmatism spanned over 200 Ma (810–580 Ma), and is dominated by crust-derived relatively low-T (850–750 °C, zircon saturation) biotite granites to biotite-muscovite granites. Two Cryogenian plutons show the least negative εNdt (−8 to −10) and highest mg# (30–40) of the whole set. Their compositions are strongly contrasted, implying distinct sources for the peraluminous (ASI ∼ 1.2) ∼660 Ma Serra do Quebra-Cangalha batholith (metasedimentary rocks from relatively young upper crust with high Rb/Sr and low Th/U) and the metaluminous (ASI = 0.96–1.00) ∼ 630 Ma Santa Catarina Granite. Although not typical, the geochemical signature of these granites may reflect a continental margin arc environment, and they could be products of a prolonged period of oceanic plate consumption started at ∼810 Ma. The predominant Ediacaran (595–580 Ma) plutons have a spread of compositions from biotite granites with SiO2 as low as ∼65% (e.g., Itapeti, Mauá, Sabaúna and Lagoinha granites) to fractionated muscovite granites (Mogi das Cruzes, Santa Branca and Guacuri granites; up to ∼75% SiO2). εNdT are characteristically negative (−12 to −18), with corresponding Nd TDM indicating sources with Paleoproterozoic mean crustal ages (2.0–2.5 Ga). The Guacuri and Santa Branca muscovite granites have the more negative εNdt, highest 87Sr/86Srt (0.714–0.717) and lowest 208Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb, consistent with an old metasedimentary source with low time-integrated Rb/Sr. However, a positive Nd–Sr isotope correlation is suggested by data from the other granites, and would be consistent with mixing between an older source predominant in the Mauá granite and a younger, high Rb/Sr source that is more abundant in the Lagoinha granite sample. The Ediacaran granites are coeval with profuse granite magmatism attributed to continental arc magmatism in northern Ribeira and Araçuaí belts. However, their evolved compositions with low mg# and dominantly peraluminous character are unlike those of magmatic arc granites, and they are more likely products of post-collisional magmatism or correspond to an inner belt of crust-derived granites.  相似文献   

The Xilingol Complex comprises biotite gneisses and amphibolite interlayers with extensive migmatization. Four representative samples were documented and found to record either two or three metamorphic stages. Phase modelling using thermocalc suggests that the observed assemblages represent the final stages that underwent cooling from temperature peaks, and are consistent with a fluid‐absent solidus in P–T pseudosections. Their P–T conditions are further constrained to be 5–6 kbar/680–725°C and 4–5 kbar/650–680°C for two garnet‐bearing gneiss samples, 4–5 kbar/660–730°C for a cordierite‐bearing gneiss sample, and 4–5 kbar/680–710°C for an amphibolite sample based on mineral composition isopleths, involving measured Mg content in biotite, anorthite in plagioclase, grossular and pyrope in garnet and Ti content in amphibole. The peak temperature conditions recovered are 760–790°C or >760°C at 5–6 kbar based on the composition isopleths of plagioclase, biotite, garnet and especially the comparison of melt contents between the calculated and observed. A pre‐peak heating process with slight decompression can be suggested for some samples on the basis of the core–rim increase in the plagioclase anorthite, and the stability of ilmenite. Zircon U–Pb dating using the LA‐ICP‐MS method provides systemic constraints on the metamorphic ages of the Xilingol Complex to be 348–305 Ma, interpreted to represent the post‐peak cooling stages. Moreover, metagabbroic dykes that intruded into the Xilingol Complex yield 317 ± 3 Ma from magmatic zircon, and are considered to have played a significant role for heat advection triggering the high‐T and low‐P metamorphism. Thus, the clockwise P–T paths involving pre‐peak heating, peak and post‐peak cooling recovered for the Xilingol Complex are consistent with an extensional setting in the Carboniferous that developed on a previous orogen in response to addition of mantle‐derived materials probably together with upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   

Integrated petrographic and chemical analysis of zircon, garnet and rutile from ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) granulites in the Anápolis–Itauçu Complex, Brazil, is used to constrain the significance of zircon ID‐TIMS U–Pb geochronological data. Chondrite‐normalized rare earth element (REE) profiles of zircon cores have positive‐sloping heavy‐REE patterns, commonly inferred to be magmatic, whereas unambiguous metamorphic grains and overgrowths have flat to slightly negatively sloping heavy‐REE patterns. However, in one sample, a core of zircon interpreted as having formed prior to garnet crystallization and a metamorphic zircon formed within microstructures involving garnet breakdown both display elevated heavy‐REE (and Y) with positive‐sloping patterns. DREE(zrc/grt) partition coefficients suggest an approximation to equilibrium between zircon and garnet cores, although progressive enrichment in heavy REE towards garnet rims occurs in two of the samples investigated. Titanium‐in‐zircon thermometry indicates zircon growth during both the prograde and post‐peak evolution, but not at peak temperatures of the UHT metamorphism. By contrast, zirconium‐in‐rutile thermometry of inclusions armoured by garnet records crystallization temperatures, based on the upper end of the interquartile range of the data, of 890 to 870 °C and maximum temperature around 980 °C, indicating prograde and retrograde growth close to and after peak conditions. Rutile located in retrograde microstructures records crystallization temperatures of 850 to 820 °C. Rutile intergrown with ilmenite and included within orthopyroxene, which is associated with exsolved zircon, records temperatures 760 °C, consistent with Ti‐in‐zircon crystallization temperatures. ID‐TIMS U–Pb geochronological data from two of the four samples investigated define upper intercept ages of 641.3 ± 8.4 Ma (MSWD 0.91) and 638.8 ± 2.5 Ma (MSWD 1.03) that correlate with periods of zircon growth along the prograde segment of the P–T path. Individual zircon U–Pb dates retrieved from all samples range from 649 to 634 Ma, indicating a maximum duration of c. 15 Myr for the UHT event. This period is interpreted as recording modest thickening of hot backarc lithosphere located behind the Arenópolis Arc at the edge of the São Francisco Craton consequent upon terminal collision of the Parána Block with the arc during the amalgamation of West Gondwana.  相似文献   

In the southern sector of the Southern Brasília Belt, late Neoproterozoic arc–passive margin collision resulted in juxtaposition of an arc‐derived nappe (the Socorro–Guaxupé Nappe) over a stack of passive margin‐derived nappes (the Andrelândia Nappe Complex) that lies on top of autochthonous basement of the São Francisco Craton. (U–Th)–Pb monazite ages are reported from the high‐grade nappes of the Andrelândia Nappe Complex to better constrain the high‐temperature retrograde evolution. For residual HP granulites from the uppermost Três Pontas–Varginha Nappe, (U–Th)–Pb ages of c. 662 and 655 Ma from low yttrium monazite inclusions in the rims of, or associated with garnet are interpreted to date the late‐stage close‐to‐peak prograde evolution, whereas an age of c. 648 Ma from a similar low yttrium monazite inclusion is interpreted to record post‐peak recrystallization with melt via factures in garnet. For the same nappe, ages of 640–631 Ma retrieved from higher yttrium areas or cores in monazite grains that occur both as inclusions in garnet and in the matrix are interpreted to record growth of monazite either by local breakdown of garnet (±older monazite) and mass exchange with a matrix melt reservoir along cracks or growth from residual melt in the matrix as it crystallized during high‐pressure, close‐to‐isobaric cooling close to the solidus, the temperature of which, at a given pressure, varies with bulk composition of the residual granulites. (U–Th)–Pb ages in the range 620–588 Ma from lower yttrium areas in these monazite grains and from matrix‐hosted patchy monazite are interpreted to date exhumation, as recorded by close‐to‐isothermal decompression and subsequent close‐to‐isobaric cooling. Older monazite ages in this group are interpreted to record late‐stage interaction with melt close to the solidus whereas younger monazite ages are interpreted to record recrystallization of monazite by dissolution–reprecipitation owing to ingress of alkali fluid from the Carmo da Cachoeira Nappe beneath as fluid was released by crystallization of in‐source melt at the solidus. In the underlying Carmo da Cachoeira Nappe, higher yttrium areas in monazite and one single domain monazite yield chemical ages of 619–616 Ma, which are interpreted to date growth as in‐source melt crystallized close to the solidus along the high‐pressure, close‐to‐isobaric segment of the retrograde P–T evolution. Younger (U–Th)–Pb ages of 600–595 Ma retrieved from lower yttrium areas and one single domain monazite are interpreted to record recrystallization of monazite by dissolution–reprecipitation owing to release of fluid at the solidus during exhumation of this nappe. Monazite from the Carvalhos Klippe, interpreted to be correlative with the uppermost nappe, yields a wide range of (U–Th)–Pb ages: for two zoned grains, c. 619 and c. 614 Ma from higher yttrium cores, and c. 583 and c. 595 Ma from lower yttrium rims; and, 592–580 Ma from single domain grains in one sample, and ages of c. 593 and c. 563 Ma from monazite in a second sample. Ages younger than 605 Ma are interpreted to date a fluid‐induced response to the early stages of orogenic loading associated with terrane accretion in the Ribeira Belt to the southeast. The results reported here demonstrate that ages retrieved from monazite that grew close to the solidus in residual granulites from a single tectonic unit will vary from sample to sample according to differences in the solidus temperatures. Further, we show that monazite inclusions may yield ages that are younger than the host mineral and confirm the propensity of monazite to record evidence of tectonic events that are not always registered by other high‐temperature mineral chronometers.  相似文献   

The Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) is a Proterozoic suture along which the Northern and Southern Indian Blocks are inferred to have amalgamated forming the Greater Indian Landmass. In this study, we use the metamorphic and geochronological evolution of the Gangpur Schist Belt (GSB) and neighbouring crustal units to constrain crustal accretion processes associated with the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern Indian Blocks. The GSB sandwiched between the Bonai Granite pluton of the Singhbhum craton and granite gneisses of the Chhotanagpur Gneiss Complex (CGC) links the CITZ and the North Singhbhum Mobile Belt. New zircon age data constrain the emplacement of the Bonai Granite at 3,370 ± 10 Ma, while the magmatic protoliths of the Chhotanagpur gneisses were emplaced at c. 1.65 Ga. The sediments in the southern part of the Gangpur basin were derived from the Singhbhum craton, whereas those in the northern part were derived dominantly from the CGC. Sedimentation is estimated to have taken place between c. 1.65 and c. 1.45 Ga. The Upper Bonai/Darjing Group rocks of the basin underwent major metamorphic episodes at c. 1.56 and c. 1.45 Ga, while the Gangpur Group of rocks were metamorphosed at c. 1.45 and c. 0.97 Ga. Based on thermobarometric studies and zircon–monazite geochronology, we infer that the geological history of the GSB is similar to that of the North Singhbhum Mobile Belt with the Upper Bonai/Darjing and the Gangpur Groups being the westward extensions of the southern and northern domains of the North Singhbhum Mobile Belt respectively. We propose a three‐stage model of crustal accretion across the Singhbhum craton—GSB/North Singhbhum Mobile Belt—CGC contact. The magmatic protoliths of the Chhotanagpur Gneisses were emplaced at c. 1.65 Ga in an arc setting. The earliest accretion event at c. 1.56 Ga involved northward subduction and amalgamation of the Upper Bonai Group with the Singhbhum craton followed by accretion of the Gangpur Group with the Singhbhum craton–Upper Bonai Group composite at c. 1.45 Ga. Finally, continent–continent collision at c. 0.96 Ga led to the accretion of the CGC with the Singhbhum craton–Upper Bonai Group–Gangpur Group crustal units, synchronous with emplacement of pegmatitic granites. The geological events recorded in the GSB and other units of the CITZ only partially overlap with those in the Trans North China Orogen and the Capricorn Orogen of Western Australia, indicating that these suture zones are not correlatable.  相似文献   

The Betic Ophiolitic Association, cropping out within the Mulhacén Complex (Betic Cordilleras), is made up of numerous metre- to kilometre-sized lenses of mafic and/or ultramafic and meta-sedimentary rocks. Pre-Alpine oceanic metasomatism and metamorphism caused the first stage of serpentinization in the ultramafic sequence of this association, which is characterized by local clinopyroxene (Cpx) breakdown and Ca-depletion, and complementary rodingitization of the basic dykes intruded in them. Subsequent eo-Alpine orogenic metamorphism developed eclogite facies assemblages in ultramafic and basic lithotypes, which were partly retrograded in Ab-Ep-amphibolite facies conditions during a meso-Alpine event. The heterogeneous development of the oceanic metasomatism in the ultramafic rock-types led to the patchy development of highly serpentinized Ca-depleted domains, without gradual transition to the host, and less serpentinized, Cpx-bearing ultramafites, mainly lherzolitic in composition. The high-pressure eo-Alpine recrystallization of these ultramafites in subduction conditions originated secondary harzburgites in the Ca-depleted domains, consisting of a spinifex-like textured olivine+orthopyroxene paragenesis, and a diopside+Ti-clinohumite paragenesis in the enclosing lherzolitic rocks. During the meso-Alpine event, secondary harzburgites were partly transformed into talc+antigorite serpentinites, whereas the diopside and clinohumite-bearing residual meta-lherzolites were mainly transformed into Cpx-bearing serpentinites. Relics of mantle-derived colourless olivine may be present in the more or less serpentinized secondary harzburgites. These relics are overgrown by the eo-Alpine brown pseudo-spinifex olivine, which contains submicroscopic inclusions of chromite, ilmenite and occasional halite and sylvite, inherited from its parental oceanic serpentine. The same type of mantle-derived olivine relics is also preserved within the Cpx-bearing serpentinites, although it has been partly replaced by the eo-Alpine Ti-clinohumite. The dolerite dykes included in the ultramafites were partly rodingitized in an oceanic environment. They were then transformed during the eo-Alpine event into meta-rodingites in their border zones and into eclogites towards the innermost, less-rodingitized portions. Estimated PT conditions for the high-pressure assemblages in ultramafic and basic lithotypes range from 650 to 750°C and 16–25 kb.  相似文献   

The Palimé–Amlamé Pluton (PAP) in southern Togo, consists of silica-rich to intermediate granitoids including enclaves of mafic igneous rocks and of gneisses. They are commonly called the “anatectic complex of Palimé–Amlamé” and without any convincing data, they were interpreted either as synkinematic Pan-African granitoids or as reworked pre Pan-African plutons. New field and petrological observations, mineral and whole-rock chemical analyses together with U–Pb zircon dating, have been performed to evaluate the geodynamic significance of the PAP within the Pan-African orogenic belt. With regard to these new data, the granitoids and related enclaves probably result from mixing and mingling processes between mafic and silicic magmas from respectively mantle and lower crust sources. They display Mg–calc-alkaline chemical features and present some similarities with Late Archaean granites such as transitional (K-rich) TTGs and sanukitoids.

The 2127 ± 2 Ma age obtained from a precise U/Pb concordia on zircon, points out a Paleoproterozoic age for the magma crystallization and a lower intercept at 625 ± 29 Ma interpreted as rejuvenation during Pan-African tectonics and metamorphism. Based on these results, a Pan-African syn to late orogenic setting for the PAP, i.e. the so-called “anatectic complex of Palimé–Amlamé”, can be definitively ruled out. Moreover according to its location within the nappe pile and its relationships with the suture zone, the PAP probably represents a fragment of the West African Craton reactivated during the Pan-African collision.  相似文献   

The Junggar Alatau forms the northern extent of the Tian Shan within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) at the border of SE Kazakhstan and NW China.This study presents the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic post-collisional thermo-tectonic history of this frontier locality using an integrated approach based on three apatite geo-/thermochronometers:apatite U-Pb,fission track and(U-Th)/He.The apatite U-Pb dates record Carboniferous-Permian post-magmatic cooling ages for the sampled granitoids,reflecting the progressive closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean.The apatite fission track(AFT) data record(partial)preservation of the late Palaeozoic cooling ages,supplemented by limited evidence for Late Triassic(~230-210 Ma) cooling and a more prominent record of(late) Early Cretaceous(~150-110 Ma) cooling.The apatite(U-Th)/He age results are consistent with the(late) Early Cretaceous AFT data,revealing a period of fast cooling at that time in resulting thermal history models.This Cretaceous rapid cooling signal is only observed for samples taken along the major NW-SE orientated shear zone that dissects the study area(the Central Kazakhstan Fault Zone),while Permian and Triassic cooling signals are preserved in low-relief areas,distal to this structure.This distinct geographical trend with respect to the shear zone,suggests that fault reactivation triggered the Cretaceous rapid cooling,which can be linked to a phase of slab-rollback and associated extension in the distant Tethys Ocean.Similar conclusions were drawn for thermochronology studies along other major NW-SE orientated shear zones in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt,suggesting a regional phase of Cretaceous exhumation in response to fault reactivation at that time.  相似文献   

作为中亚造山带的重要组成,阿拉善地块北缘已成为研究古亚洲洋构造演化历史的关键地区。本次工作对阿拉善地块北大山地区两类辉长岩进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,获得成岩年龄分别为293±2Ma和267±2Ma,为早、中二叠世。早二叠世辉长岩为堆晶岩,呈亚碱性,拉斑玄武质,高Mg#值(64)、Eu显著正异常、极低的REE、富集大离子亲石元素(Ba、K、Sr),亏损高场强元素(Th、Nb、Ta、Hf、Zr),锆石的εHf(t)平均值为0.91,以上特征显示其岩浆源区为受俯冲板片混染或交代的岩石圈地幔,形成于俯冲相关的挤压环境;中二叠世辉长岩呈碱性、富集大离子亲石元素(Ba、K)和稀土元素,但Nb、Ta等高场强元素亏损不明显,锆石的εHf(t)平均值为3.5,显示其岩浆源区为受陆壳混染的亏损地幔,形成于大陆板内拉张环境。综合本文及前人研究成果,认为阿拉善地块北缘存在一条西起龙首山,东到狼山的晚古生代(328~262 Ma)超基性—基性岩浆带,其形成与古亚洲洋的俯冲—闭合—造山后伸展过程相关。在晚石炭世—早二叠世晚期,阿拉善地块北缘为大洋俯冲环境,到早二叠世晚期—中二叠世进入大陆板内拉张环境,限定了古亚洲洋在阿拉善地块北缘的最终闭合时代为早二叠世晚期—中二叠世。  相似文献   

In the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (South Africa), Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism was superimposed on an earlier Archaean orogenic history. Previously determined ages of  2030–2020 Ma obtained from high-temperature chronometers (zircon, garnet, monazite) are generally thought to provide the best estimate of the peak of Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism in the Central Zone, whereas ages as young as  2006 Ma from late melt patches suggest that temperatures remained above the wet solidus for an extended period. We present a new MC-ICP-MS 207Pb–206Pb age of 2030.9 ± 1.5 Ma for titanite found in amphibolite- to greenschist-facies alteration zones developed adjacent to quartz vein systems and related pegmatites that cut a strongly deformed Central Zone metabasite. This age could potentially date cooling of rocks at this locality to temperatures below the wet solidus. Alternatively, the titanite could be inherited from the metabasite host, and the age determined from it date the peak of metamorphism. Integration of the geochronology with LA-ICP-MS trace element data for minerals from the metabasite, the hydrothermal vein systems and comparable rocks elsewhere shows that the titanite formed during the amphibolite-facies hydrothermal alteration, not at the metamorphic peak or during the greenschist-facies phase of veining. This suggests that high-grade rocks in the Central Zone have cooled differentially through the wet solidus, and provides timing constraints on when Palaeoproterozoic reworking in the Central Zone began. This study illustrates the potential of combined geochronological and high-resolution geochemical studies to accurately match mineral ages to distinct crustal processes.  相似文献   

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