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High-precision proper motions and radial velocities of 1046 stars are used to determine member stars using three-dimensional(3D) kinematics for open cluster NGC 188 based on the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise(DBSCAN) clustering algorithm.By implementing this algorithm,472 member stars in the cluster are obtained with 3D kinematics.The color-magnitude diagram(CMD)of the 472 member stars using 3D kinematics shows a well-defined main sequence and a red giant branch,which indicate that the DBSCAN clustering algorithm is very effective for membership determination.The DBSCAN clustering algorithm can effectively select probable member stars in 3D kinematic space without any assumption about the distribution of the cluster or field stars.Analysis results show that the CMD of member stars is significantly clearer than the one based on 2D kinematics,which allows us to better constrain the cluster members and estimate their physical parameters.Using the 472 member stars,the average absolute proper motion and radial velocity are determined to be(PMα,PMδ) =(-2.58 ± 0.22,+0.17 ± 0.18) mas yr-1and Vr=-42.35 ± 0.05 km s-1,respectively.Our values are in good agreement with values derived by other authors.  相似文献   

NGC 6633 is a young, open cluster with a similar age to the Hyades and Praesepe, but probably a lower metallicity. We present the results of ROSAT High Resolution Imager observations of an optically selected catalogue of likely members of NGC 6633. 8 out of 51 NGC 6633 members have been detected, with main-sequence spectral types A to G, above a threshold X-ray luminosity of ≈6–12×1028 erg s−1. We find that NGC 6633 does not contain cool stars that are as X-ray luminous as the most active objects in the Hyades and that the median X-ray luminosity of F-G stars in NGC 6633 is less than that in the Hyades, but probably greater than in Praesepe. However, when X-ray activity is expressed as the X-ray to bolometric flux ratio we find that NGC 6633 and the Hyades are very similar and display similar peak levels of coronal activity. We attribute this discrepancy to a number of possible wide binary systems with higher X-ray (and bolometric) luminosities in the Hyades sample and either a low metallicity in NGC 6633, which makes its cool stars both X-ray and bolometrically less luminous at the same colour, or a distance to NGC 6633 that has been underestimated, which would decrease stellar X-ray luminosities without changing X-ray to bolometric flux ratios.  相似文献   

We report the results of a search for variable stars in the open cluster NGC 2141. Ten variable stars are detected, among which nine are new variable stars and they are classified as three short-period W UMa-type eclipsing binaries, two EAtype eclipsing binaries, one EB-type eclipsing binary, one very short-period RS CVntype eclipsing binary, one d-type RR Lyrae variable star, and one unknown type of variable star. The membership and physical properties are discussed, based on their light curves, positions in the color magnitude diagrams, spatial locations and periods.A known EB-type eclipsing binary is also identified as a blue straggler candidate in the cluster. Furthermore, we find that all eclipsing contact binaries have prominent asymmetric eclipses and display the O'Connell effect, which increases with a decrease in orbital periods. This suggests that the O'Connell effect is probably related to the evolution of the orbital period in short period eclipsing binary systems.  相似文献   

New proper motion membership probabilities are given for stars in the region of the cluster NGC 2324. The space density distribution and the luminosity function are discussed. A comparison with previous investigations is presented.  相似文献   

PhotoelectricUBV magnitudes and colours have been determined for stars in the field of NGC 1931. The reddening across the cluster varies from 0 . m 33 to 1 . m 20. A distance of 2.16 kiloparsecs has been estimated for the cluster. It is concluded that the age of the cluster lies between the ages of NGC 6231 and NGC 2362 groups.  相似文献   

We start with the hypotheses that the cluster space is limited by an ellipsoid with a semiprincipal axis directed to the observer and that the star density inside of concentric ellipsodal layers remains constant, although varying from layer to layer. It results that the mean star mass at the periphery of the cluster is 0.59 Sun masses smaller than that at the center.  相似文献   

The first charge-coupled device   UBV ( RI )C  photometric study in the area of the doubtful open cluster NGC 2129 is presented. Photometry of a field offset 15 arcmin northwards is also provided, to probe the Galactic disc population towards the cluster. Using star counts, proper motions from the UCAC2 catalogue, colour–magnitude and colour–colour diagrams, we demonstrate that NGC 2129 is a young open cluster. The cluster radius is 2.5 arcmin, and across this region we find evidence of significant differential reddening, although the reddening law seems to be normal towards its direction. Updated estimates of the cluster fundamental parameters are provided. The mean reddening is found to be   E ( B − V ) = 0.80 ± 0.08  and the distance modulus is  ( m − M )0= 11.70 ± 0.30  . Hence, NGC 2129 is located at 2.2 ± 0.2 kpc from the Sun inside the Local spiral arm. The age derived from 37 photometrically selected members is estimated to be approximately 10 Myr. These stars are used to provide new estimates of the cluster absolute proper-motion components.  相似文献   

The results of modified objective grating observations and photoelectric as well as photographic photometry of the open cluster NGC 2374 are presented. The cluster contains at least twenty stars as definite members down tom v ≈ 15mag. There is a uniform extinction ofE(B - V) = 0.175 mag and the distance is 1.2 ± 0.1 kpc. The most likely age of this cluster is 7.5 ×107 years.  相似文献   

We report the results of a time-series CCD photometric survey of variable stars in the field of open cluster NGC 2126. In about a one square degree field covering the cluster, a total of 21 variable candidates are detected during this survey, of which 16 are newly found. The periods, classifications and spectral types of 14 newly discovered variables are discussed, which consist of six eclipsing binary systems, three pulsating variable stars, three long period variables, one RS CVn star, and one W UMa or δ Scuti star. In addition, there are two variable candidates, the properties of which cannot be determined. By a method based on fitting observed spectral energy distributions of stars with theoretical ones, the membership probabilities and the fundamental parameters of this cluster are determined. As a result, five variables are probably members of NGC 2126. The fundamental parameters of this cluster are determined as: metallicity to be 0.008 Z , age log(t)=8.95, distance modulus (m - M)0 = 10.34 and reddening value E(B -V) = 0.55 mag.  相似文献   

We report the results of a time-series CCD photometric survey of variable stars in the field of open cluster NGC 2126. In about a one square degree field covering the cluster, a total of 21 variable candidates are detected during this survey, of which 16 are newly found. The periods, classifications and spectral types of 14 newly discovered variables are discussed, which consist of six eclipsing binary systems, three pulsating variable stars, three long period variables, one RS CVn star, and one W UMa or δ Scuff star. In addition, there are two variable candidates, the properties of which cannot be determined. By a method based on fitting observed spectral energy distributions of stars with theoretical ones, the membership probabilities and the fundamental parameters of this cluster are determined. As a result, five variables are probably members of NGC 2126. The fundamental parameters of this cluster are determined as: metallicity to be 0.008 Z, age log(t) = 8.95, distance modulus (m - M)0 = 10.34 and reddening value E(B - V) = 0.55 mag.  相似文献   

In the open cluster NGC 752, 89 stars are observed in the Vilnius seven-colour photometric system, including probable members fainter than observed hitherto. Spectral classification of observed stars are made and individual reddening values are determined. The mean reddening of the cluster stars is equivalentE(B - V) = 0 . m 025. By fitting on colour index-magnitude diagrams the cluster Main Sequence with the Hyades one the distance modulus (m - M)0 = 8 . m 15 ± 0 . m 15 is found. For 11 red giant members of the cluster absolute magnitudes are derived and compared with ones of the standard calibration. It is obtained that the cluster giants are in mean 0 . m 6 fainter than giants of corresponding spectral class in the solar vicinity.  相似文献   

We report on the discovery of 25 variable stars plus 13 suspected variables found in the field of the open cluster NGC 6819. The stars were identified from time-series photometric data obtained on the Isaac Newton Telescope, La Palma, during two observing runs covering the 19 nights between 1999 June  22–30  and 1999 July  22–31  . The variables found include 12 eclipsing binaries with an additional three suspected, nine BY Draconis systems, plus four variables of other types, including one star believed to be a Cepheid. Three of the 15 eclipsing binaries are believed to be cluster members. Details of a further 10 suspected variable stars are also included.  相似文献   

The results of CCD photometric survey performed with the 90/180 cm Schmidt‐Cassegrain Telescope of the Nicolaus Copernicus University Astronomical Observatory in Piwnice (Poland) and the 70/172 cm Schmidt Telescope of the National Astronomical Observatory (NAO) at Rozhen (Bulgaria) of the field of the 1 Gyr old open cluster NGC 6939 are presented. Twenty two variable stars were detected, four of them previously known. Four eclipsing systems (3 detached and 1 contact binary) were found to be members of the cluster. Analysis of the brightness of the contact binary V20 strongly supports the distance to the cluster of 1.74 ± 0.20 kpc. The small population of contact binaries in NGC 6939 confirms also the relatively young age of the cluster. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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