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Book reviwed in this article: GENERAL GEOGRAPHY. A Question of Place: World Regional Geography. PAUL WARD ENGLISH. Human Geography, Culture, Society and Space. HARM J. DE BLIJ. REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY. The Arctic Circle: Aspects of the North from the Circumpolar Nations. WILLIAM C. WONDERS (ed.). Geography in Japan. SHINZO KIUCHI (ed.). How Japan's Economy Grew So Fast: The Sources of Postwar Expansion. EDWARD F. DENISON and WILLIAM K. CHUNG. France. J. BEAUJEU-GARNIER. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. The Periglacial Environment. HUGH M. FRENCH. The Cooling. LOWELL PONTE. ENVIRONMENT AND MAN. Potential Energy: An Analysis of World Energy Technology. MICHAEL KENWARD. Man in the Andes: A Multidisciplinary Study of High-Altitude Quechua. PAUL T. BAKER and MICHAEL A. LITTLE (eds.). Landscape Assessment: Values, Perceptions, and Resources. ERVIN H. ZUBE, ROBERT O. BRUSH and JULIUS GY. FABOS (eds.). Inscape and Landscape: The Human Perception of Environment. PIERRE DANSEREAU. Epidemiology for the Health Sciences. DONALD F. AUSTIN and S. BENSON WERNER. URBAN GEOGRAPHY AND SETTLEMENT. Social Areas in Cities, Volume One, Spatial Processes and Spatial Form; Volume Two, Spatial Perspectives on Problems and Policies. D. T. HERBERT and R. J. JOHNSTON (eds.). Centrality and Cities. JAMES BIRD. Suburbia: The American Dream and Dilemma. PHILIP C. DOLCE (ed.). Black Suburbanization: Access to Improved Quality of Life or Maintenance of the Status Quo? HAROLD M. ROSE. Urban Transportation Modeling and Planning. PETER STOPHER and ARNIM MEYBURG. Transportation Systems Evaluation. PETER STOPHER and ARNIM MEYBURG. Urban Fields: A Geometry of Movement for Regional Science. S. ANGEL and G. M. HYMAN. Essays on Urban Spatial Structure. JOHN F. KAIN. The Environments of Human Settlements: Human Well Being in Cities. PIERRE LACONTO (ed.). People and Housing in Third World Cities: Perspectives on the Problem of Spontaneous Settlements. DONALD J. DWYER. Traditionelle und moderne Formen der Landwirtschaft in Iran. ECKART EHLERS with a contribution by GRACE GOODELL. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY. North Sea Oil and Gas: A Geographical Perspective. KEITH CHAPMAN. Land Concentration and Rural Poverty. KEITH GRIFFIN. Studies in Industrial Geography Volume III: The USSR. JOHN C. DEWDNEY. AIDS TO GEOGRAPHIC RESEARCH. Quantitative Methods in Geography. PETER J. TAYLOR. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Bibliography of Ceograph y, Part 1. Introduction to General Aids. CHAUNCY D. HARRIS. A Bibliography of the literature on North American Climates of the Past 13,000 Years. D. K. GRAYSON. Landscape Evaluation: The Landscape Evaluation Research Project 1970–75. D. G. ROBINSON, et al. (eds.). Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing. E. C. BARRETT and L. E. CURTIS.  相似文献   

Latin America. Preston E. James The Anglo-American Realm. Otis P. Starkey and J. Lewis Robinson Southwest Pacific: A Geography of Australia, New Zealand and their Pacific Island Neighbours. Kenneth B. Cumberland The Figure of the Earth. Tom B. Jones Elementary Photogrammetry. D. R. Crone Manual of Color Aerial Photography. John T. Smith , JR. (ed.) The Geomorphology of Beach Ridges in Tabasco, Mexico. Norbert P. Psuty Princifiles of Geomorphology. William D. Thornbury Geographic Reconnassiance of Seashore Vegetation Along the Mexican Gulf Coast. Jonathan Sauer Guide to Store Location Research, with Emphasis on Super Markets. William Applebaum and others, edited by Curt Kornblau Store Location Strategy Cases. William Applebaum Regional Economics. Hugh 0. Nourse An Introduction to Economic Geography. Arthur H. Doerr Location Theory. Martin Beckmann Economic Cooperation in Latin America, Africa and Asia: a Handbook of Documents. Miguel S. Wionczek (ed.) Locational Analysis for Manuafacturing. Gerald J. Karaska and David F. Bramhall (eds.) Southern Africa and the United States. William A. Hance (ed.) with Leo Kuper , Vernon Mc Kay , and Edwin S. Munger Geography and Regional Administration: England and Wales: 1870-1968. T. W. Freeman The Stzldy of Urban History. H. J. Dyos (ed.) København. Et Bysamfunds Saerpr?g og Udvikling Gennem Tiderne. Steen Eiler Rasmussen Hyderabad-Secunderabad (Twin Cities): A Study in Urban Geography. Shah Manzoor Alam Geographic Studies of Urban Transportation and Network Analysis. Frank Horton (ed.) Historical Atlas of New Mexico. Warren A. Beck and Ynez D. Haase Aldine University Atlas. Norton Ginsburg , Harold Fullard , and H. C. Darby (eds.)  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this aritcle: Geographical Regions North Carolina: Its Geology and Mineral Resources. Jasper L. Stuckey . Africa in Transition: Geographical Essays. B. W. Hodder and D. R. Harris (eds.). Frerøerne. Aage H. Kampp . Cmnada: A Geographical Interpretation. John Warkentin (ed.) The Tropical World: Its Social and Economic Conditions and Its Future Status. PIerre Gourou TRAVEL AND EXPLORATION Thoreau as World Traveler. John Aldrich Christie . Physical Geography River Plains und Sea Coasts. Richard J. Russell . Selected Pafiers in Soil Formatiom and Classification. J. V. Drew (ed.). Social Geography Southern Africa and the United States. William A. Hance (ed.) Aids to Geographical Study Communist China Map Polio.  相似文献   

Regional Geography . Man and Land in the Far East. Pierre Gourou , S. H. Beaver (tr.). The Middle East: A Geografihical Study. Peter Beaumont , Gerald H. Blake and J. Malcolm Wagstaff . Geographical Philosophy And Methodology . Regional Concept: The Anglo-American Leaders. Robert E. Dickinson . An Introduction to Scientific Reasoning in Geography. Douglas Amedeo and Reginald G. Golledge . Africa: Teaching Perspectives and Approaches. John E. Willmer (ed.). Physical Geography . Meteorology: The Earth and Its Weather. Joseph Weisberg . Climate in a Small Area: An Introduction to Local Meteorology. Masatoshi M. Yoshino . The Solar System. Scientific American . Glacial Geomorfihology. Clifford Embleton and Cuchiaine A. M. King . Periglacial Geomorphology. Clifford Embleton and Cucilaine A. M. King . The Geografihy of Soils: Formation, Distribution, and Management. Donald Steila . Mapping the World's Vegetation: Regionalization of Formations and Flora. David J. De Laubenfels . Introduction to Physical Geography. Robert E. Gabler , Robert Sager , Sheila Brazier and Jacqueline Pourciau . Environment And Man Environmental Planning: Perception and Behavior. Thomas F. Saarinen . Images of the Plaims: The Role of Human Nature in Settlement. Brian W. Blouet and Merlin P. Lawson (eds.). Arsenic and Old Lead: A Layman's Guide to Pollution and Conseruation. Ray Y. Gildea , Jr . Crowding and Behauior; The Psychology of High Density Living. Jonathon L. Freedman . Human Geography . The Geography of Health and Disease. John M. Hunter (ed.). Cultural Geography . Modern Political Geography. Richard Muir . Location and Space in Social Administration. Bryan Massam . Restless River: International Law and the Behavior of the Rio Grande. Jerry E. Mueller . Historical Geography . Colonial New England. Douglas R. Mcmanis . Land and People. A Cultural Geography of Preindustrial New Jersey: Origins and Settlement Patterns. Peter Wacker . Passage through the Garden: Lewis and Clark and the Image of the Arnerican Northwest. John Logan Allen . Geographies of the Mind: Essays in Historical Geosophy (In Honor of John Kirtland Wright). Edited by David Lowenthal and Martyn J. Bowden Urban Geography And Settlement . Metropolitan Impacts on Rural America. Richard Lamb . Urban Systems: Strategies for Regulation — A Comparison of Policies in Britain, Sweden, Australia, and Canada. L. S. Bourne . Main Street: Windsor to Quebec City. Maurice Yeates . Economic Geography . The Soviet Union: An Economic Geography. R. S. Mathieson . Man's Economic Enwiromment. Edgar C. Conkling and Maurice Yeates . Aids To Geographical Research . Clustering Algorithms. John A. Hartigan .  相似文献   

Economic Geography Principles of Industrial Facility Location. Howard A. Stafford . Industrial Location and Community Development. Barry M. Moriarty . Geography of Marketing. J. Beaujeau -Garnier and Annie Delobez Fundamentals of Modern Marketing. Third Edition. Edward W. Cundiff , Richard P. Still , and Norman A. P. Govoni . Philosophy and Geographic Thought The Nature of Change in Geographical Ideas. Brian J. L. Berry , ed. A Geography of the Lifeworld. D. Seamon . Physical Geography Physical Geography. 3rd Edition. M. P. Mclntyre . Applied Hydrogeology. C. W. Fetters , Jr. Political Geography Location and Public Probtems: A Potitical Geography of the Contemporary World. Kevin R. Cox . Population and Migration Population Redistribution and Public Policy. B. J. L. Berry and L. P. Silverman , eds. Population Geography: Problems, Concepts, and Prospects. G. L. Peters and R. P. Larkin . The Geographical Impact of Migration. Paul White and Robert Woods , eds. Geographic Perspectives in Migration Research: A Bibliographical Survey. Studies in Geography No. 12. D. Gorden Bennett and Ole Gade . Regional and Urban Planning Land in America. Richard N. L. Andrews , ed. Urban Revitalization. Donald B. Rosenthal , ed. Urban Hydrology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Timothy R. Lazaro Regions in Crisis. John Carney , Ray Hudson , and Jim Lewis . Regional Developnient in Britain. Second Edition. G. Manners , D. Keeble , B. Rodgers , and K. Warren . Regional Geography Europe: A Geographical Survey of the Continent. E. H. Mellor and E. Alistair Smith . Western Europe: A Geographical Analysis. Aubrey Diem . Social Geography Location and Environment of Elderly Population. S. M. Golant . Teaching and Learning Computer Assisted Learning in Geography. Ifan Shepherd , Zena Cooper , and David Wlaker . Urban Geography and Settlements . Geography and the Urban Environment: Progress in Research and Application, Volume 2. D. T. Herbert and R. J. Johnston , eds. The Form of Cities. D. I. Scarcill . The Soviet City. James H. Bater  相似文献   

Analytical Tools Statistical Concepts in Geography. JOHN SILK Towards the Dynamic Analysis of Spatial Systems. R. L. MARTIN, N. J. THRIFT, and R. J. BENNETT, eds. Economic Geography Agro-Industrial Complexes and Types of Agriculture in Eastern Siberia. V. P. SHOTSKI Farmland, Food, and the Future. MAX SCHNEPF, ed. Environmental Management and Resources Planning the Uses and Management of Land. MARVIN T. BEATTY, GARY W. PETERSEN, and LESTER D. SWINDALE, eds. Historical Geography Planning the Past. ROBERT M. NEWCOMB Philosophy and Geographic Thought Spatial Dynamics and Optimal Space-Time Development. W. ISARD, P. LIOSSATOS, with assistance by Y. KANEMOTO and P. KANISS Carl Sauer's Fieldwork in Latin America. R. C. WEST Physical Geography Geographical Approaches to Fluvial Processes. ALISTAIR F. PITTY, ed. Physical Geography. P. GERSMEHL, W. KAMMRATH, and H. GROSS Population and Migration Location and Environment of Elderly Population. STEPHEN M. GOLANT, ed. Regional and Urban Planning Applied Models in Urban and Regional Analysis. Norbert Oppenheim Economic Development in Retrospect. Allan Rodgers Local Planning. SEBASTIAN LOEW Regional Planning and National Development. R. P. MISRA, D. V. URS, V. K. NATRAJ, eds. Regional Geography The Spatial Structure of Development: A Study of Kenya. R. A. OBUDHO and D. R. F. TAYLOR, eds. Social Geography Geographical Perspectives on Inequality. DAVID M. SMITH Teaching and Learning Geographical Education: Curriculum Problems in Certain European Countries with Special Reference to the 76-79 Age Group. NORMAN J. GRAVES, ed. Urban Geography and Settlements Urban Residential Location Models. STEPHEN H. PUTNAM City and Suburb: The Political Fragmentation of Metropolitan America, 1850-1970. Jon C. Teaford The Open Housing Market: Race and Housing in Chicago, 1966-1976. B. J. L. BERRY Spatial Inequalities and Regional Development. HENDRIK FOLMER and JAN OOSTERHAVEN, eds.  相似文献   

Cartography and Maps Mapping from Aerial Photographs. C. D. BURNSIDE Introduction to Map Projections. P. W. MCDONNEL, Jr. Maps for America. M. M. THOMPSON Economic Geography The Marketing Environment. JOHN A. DAWSON Nonmetropolitan Industrialization. RICHARD E. LONSDALE and H. L. SEYLER, eds. Agricultural Geography. Second Edition. LESLIE SYMONS Environmental Management and Resources The Soviet Energy System: Resource Use and Policies. LESLIE DIENES and THEODORE SHABAD Historical Geography Geographic Perspectives on America's Past. DAVID WARD, ed. The Great Plains: Environment and Culture. BRIAN W. BLOUET and FREDERICK C. LUEBKE, eds. Philosophy and Geographic Thought Philosophy in Geography. STEPHEN GALE and GUNNAR OLSON, eds. Geography: A Modern Synthesis. Third Edition. PETER HAGGETT Regional and Urban Planning Land Use and the States. Second Edition. R. G. HEALY and J. S. ROSENBERG Transport Network Planning. PATRICK O'SULLIVAN, GARY D. HORTZCLAW, and GERALD BARBER Regional Geography A Geography of the Soviet Union. JOHN C. DEWDNEY Rural Africa. A. T. GROVE and F. M. G. KLEIN Social Geography Social Problems and the City: Geographical Perspectives. D. T. HERBERT and D. M. SMITH, eds. Urban Geography and Settlement The Socialist City: Spatial Structure and Urban Policy. R. A. FRENCH and F. E. IAN HAMILTON, eds. The Economics of Neighborhood. DAVID SECAL, ed.  相似文献   

Recent Publications in this articles: GENERAL GEOGRAPHY . Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya, Teoreticheskie Voprosy Fizicheskoy i Ekonomicheskoy Geografii, Tom 1, Obzor Osnovnykh Tendentsiy Razvitiya Nauki i Literatury. A. A. NASIMOVICH (Chief ed.) Ellsworth Huntington: His Life and Thought. GEOFFREY J. MARTIN. An Invitation To Geography. DAVID A. LANEGRAN and RISA PALM (eds.). REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY . Problem Regions of Europe. D. I. SCARGILL (ed.). PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . Duricrusts in Tropical and Subtropical Landscapes. ANDREW GOUDIE. Glacial and Fluvialglacial Landforms. R. J. PRICE. Slopes. ANTHONY YOUNG. Soil Geography. J. G. CRUICKSHANCK. Biogeography. HARRY ROBINSON. ENVIRONMENT AND MAN . Environmental Geoscience: Interaction Between Natural Systems and Man, ARTHUR N. STRAHLER and ALAN H. STRAHLER. Ecology, Food and Civilization. A HARRY WALTERS. POPULATION . Every Fifth Child: The Population of China. LEO A. ORLEANS. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY The Oder River: Transport and Economic Development. DON EDWARD BIERMAN. Mineral Resources. KENNETH WARREN. The Changing World Market for Iron Ore, 1950-1980: An Economic Geography. GERALD MANNERS. America's Land and its Uses. MARION CLAWSON. Uncertainties in Peasant Farming: A Colombian Case. SUTTI R. DEORTIZ. Regional Development in Britain. G. MANNERS, D. KEEBLE, B. RODGERS and K. WARREN. URBAN GEOGRAPHY Chicago: Metropolis of the Mid-Continent. IRVING CUTLER. Ethnic and Racial Segregation in the New York Metropolis: Residential Patterns Among White Ethnic Groups, Blacks and Puerto Ricans. NATHAN KANTROWITZ. Cities and Geology. ROBERT F. LEGGET. What Time Is This Place? KEVIN LYNCH. The Erosion of History. Archaeology and Planning in Tourns. A Study of Historic Tourns Affected by Modern Development in England, Wales and Scotland. CAROLYN M. HEIGHWAY (ed.). HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY . Prairie Perspectives 2. ANTHONY W. RASPORICH and HENRY C. KLASSEN (eds.). British Columbia: One Hundred Years of Geographical Change. J. LEWIS ROBIN-SON and WALTER G. HARDWICK. The Minnesota Messenia Expedition: Re-constructing a Bronze Age Regional Environment. WILLIAM A. MCDONALD and GEORGE R. RAPP, (eds.). CARTOGRAPHY . Maps and Man: An Examination of Cartography in Relation to Culture and Civilization. NORMAN J. W. THROWER. Maps and Man: An Examination of Cartography in Relation to Culture and Civilization. NORMAN J. W. THROWER. REMOTE SENSING . The Surveillant Science: Remote Sensing of the Environment. ROBERT K. HOLZ (ed.). ATLASES . Atlas Nacional de Guatemala.  相似文献   

GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS Modern France: A Social and Economic Geography. IAN B. THOMPSON. West Bengal. A. B. CHATTERJEE, AVIJIT GUPTA, PRADIP K. MUKHOPADHYAY, (eds.) The Transformation of the Chinese Earth. KEITH BUCHANAN. Geografia Cultural e Historica del Suroeste de Guatemala. FELIX WEBSTER McBRYDE. Development in Swaziland. FAIR MURDOCH JONES. Emergimg Southeast Asia: A Study in Growth and Stagnation. DONALD W. FRYER. Venezuela: Search for a Middle Ground. RAYMOND E. CRIST and EDWARD P. LEAHY. The Middle East, A Social Geography. STEPHEN H. LONGRIGG. New Zealand. KENNETH B. CUMBERLAND and JAMES S. WHITELAW. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYPhysical Geography. CLYDE P. PATTON, CHARLES S. ALEXANDER, and FRITZ KRAMER. Climate, Man, and History. ROBERT CLAIBORNE. Elements of Meteorology. RICHMOND W.LONGLEY. The Value of the Weather. W. J. MAUNDER. Climate of the Free Atmosphere. DANIEL F. REX, (ed.) The Earth. Its Origin, History and Physical Constitution. SIR HAROLD JEFFREYS. A Geography of Water. RALPH E. OLSON. Population, Migratiom, and Urbanization in Africa. WILLIAM A. HANCE. Population Geography: A Reader. GEORGE J. DEMKO, HAROLD M. ROSE, and GEORGE A. SCHNELL. Population, Resources, Environment: Issues in Human Ecology. PAUL R. EHRLICH and ANNE H. EHRLICH. A Geography of Population: World Pattern GLENN T. TREWARTHA; Geography of. Poppulation, A Teacher's Guide. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Communist China's Agriculture: Its Development and Future Potential. OWEN L. DAWSON. The Development of Chinese Agriculture, 1950–1959. PETER SCHRAN. Technology and the Economic Development of the Tropical African Frontier. THOMAS R. DEGREGORI. Earth Resources. BRIAN J. SKINNER. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY Acadia: The Geography of Early Nova Scotia to 1760. ANDREW HILL CLARK. Editors' Note: Acadia: The Geografihy of Early Nova Scotia to 1760 URBAN GEOGRAPHY The Metropolis: Its People, Politics, and Economic Life. JOHN C. BOLLENS and HENRY J. SCHMANDT. The New Towns: The Answer to Megalopolis. FREDERIC J. OSBORN and ARNOLD WHITTICK. Emergence and Growth of an Urban Region: The Developing Urban Detroit Area. Vol. 3: A Concept for Future Deuelopment. CONSTANTINOS A. DOXIADIS. Wachstum und Emeuerung britischer Industriegroßstädte. INGEBORG LEISTER.  相似文献   

Computer Programming for Spatial Problems. E. Bruce MacDougall. Quantitative Techniques in Geography: An Introduction. R. Hammond and P. S. Mc-Cullagh. Map Use: Reading, Analysis, and Interpretation. Phillip C. Muehrcke. The Food Crisis in Prehistory: Overpopulation and the Origins of Agriculture. Mark Nathan Cohen. (I) Contemporary Industrialization: Spatial Analysis and Regional Development. F. E. Ian Hamilton, editor. (II) Industrial Change: International Experience and Public Policy. F. E. Ian Hamilton, editor. Principles for Local hvironmental Management. P. G. Rowe, J. Mixon, B. A. Smith, J. B. Blackburn, G. L. Calaway, and J. L. Gevirtz. Ever the Land. R. L. Parson. Patterns of Disease & Hunger: A Study in Medical Geography. Andrew Learmonth. Environmental Systems. R. J. Bennett and R. J. Chorley. Science for Physical Cieographers. Donald A. Davidson. The PoliticaI Economy of Urban Transportation. James V. Cornehls and Delbert A. Taebel. Urbanization and Social Change in West Africa. Joseph Gugler and William G. Flanagan. Social Areas in Cities: Processes, Patterns and Problems. D. T. Herbert and R. J. Johnston, eds. Some Aspects of the Study and Teaching of Geography in the United States. R. H. Saveland and C. W. Pannell. Cities, Space, and Behavior: The Elements of Urban Geography. L. J. King and R. G. Golledge. Systems of Cities: Readings on Structure, Growth, and Policy. L. S. Bourne and J. W. Simmons, eds. Leaving London: Planned Mobility and the Inner City. Nicholas Deakin and Clare Ungerson.  相似文献   

Analytical Tools System Analysis in Geography. Richard Huggett . Multidimensional Spatial Data and Decision Analysis. Peter Nijkamp Behavioral Geography An lntroduction to Behavioural Geography. John R. Gold Cultural Geography and Ecology The Human Mosaic: A Thematic Introduction to Cultural Geography. Terry Jordan and Lester Rowntree The Necessity for Ruins. J. B. Jackson Economic Geography Farmland, Food, and the Future. Max Schnepf Agricultural Growth in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and the Philippines. Yujiro Hayami , Vernon W. Ruttan , and Herman M. Southwarth , eds. Planning Industrial Development. David F. Walker , ed. The Regional Theory of World Trade. Andreas Grotewald . Environmental Management and Resources Natural Hazards in Australia. R. L. Heathcote and B. G. Thom , eds. Marine and Shoreland Resources Management. Joseph M. Heikoff . Outdoor Recreation. Douglas M. Knudson Geography & Resource Analysis. Bruce Mitchell Historical Geography An Historical Geography of Europe 1500–1840. N. J. G. Pounds Human Geography (General) People, Pattern and Process: An Introduction to Human Geography. Keith Chapman Elements of Human Geography. Charles Whynne -Hammond Philosophy and Geographic Thought Geography and Geographers: Anglo-American Human Geography Since 1945. R. J. Johnston The Medusa and the Snail, More Notes of a Biology Watcher. Lewis Thomas . Physical Geography An lntroduction to Climate. Glen T. Trewartha and Lyle H. Horn Process in Ceomorphology. C. Embleton and J. Thornes , eds. Geomorphological Processes. E. Derbyshire , K. J. Gregory , and J. R. Hails Political Geography Centre and Periphery: Spatial Variation in Politics. JEAN Gottmann , ed. Population and Migration Population Analysis in Geography. Robert Woods Regional Geography . South America. Arthur S. Morris Social Geography Landscapes of Fear. YI Fu Tuan Accessibility: The Rural Challenge. M. J. Moseley Teaching and Learning Curriculum Planning in Geography. Norman J. Graves Urban Geography and Settlements Interpreting the City: An Urban Geography. Truman A. Hartshorn Concepts and Techniques in Urban Analysis. Bola Ayeni Rural Communities: A Social Geography. G. J. Lewis  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY. Black Africa Develops. WILLIAM A. HANCE. GEOGRAPHICAL PHILOSOPHY AND METHODOLOGY. Theoretical Problems of Geography. V. A. ANUCHIN. Roland J. Fuchs and George J. Dernko (eds.). Fractals: Form, Chance, and Dimension. BENOIT B. MANDELBROT. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Geographical Variation in Coastal Development. J. L. DAVIES. Geomorphology and Time. JOHN B. THORNES and DENNIS BRUNSDEN. ENVIRONMENT AND MAN. Environmental Choice, Human Behavior, and Residential Satisfaction. WILLIAM MICHELSON. Managing Canada's Renewable Resources. RALPH R. KRUECER and BRUCE MITCHELL (eds.). Early Hydraulic Civilization in Egypt: A Study in Cultural Ecology. KARL W. BUTZER HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. Human Geography: A Welfare Approach. DAVID M. SMITH. Land Tenure and the Rural Exodus in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Peru. R. PAUL SHAW. CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY. Jerusalem: Bridging the Four Walls; A Geographical Perspective. SAUL B. COHEN. Cargoes of the East: The Ports, Trade and Culture of the Arabian Seas and Western Indian Ocean. ESMOND BRADLEY MARTIN and CHRYSSEE PERRY MARTIN. Everything In Its Place, Social Order and Land Use in America. CONSTANCE PERIN. Hosts and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism. VALENE L. SMITH (ed.). The Social Impact of the Telephone. ITHIEL de SOLA POOL (ed.). HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY. Images of the Ohio Valley. JOHN A. JACKLE. The John Henry County Map of Virginia, 1770. LOUIS B. WRIGHT. URBAN GEOGRAPHY AND SETTLEMENT. Central Place Theory: A Reinterpretation. KEITH S. O. BEAVON. City Systems in Advanced Economies; Past Growth, Present Processes and Future Development Options. ALLAN PRED. Networks and Places: Social Relations in the Urban Setting. CLAUDE S. FISCHER, et al. How Cities Work: An Introduction. BARRIE NEEDHAM. Human Aspects of Urban Form: Towards a Man-Environment Approach to Urban Form and Design. AMOS RAPOPORT. Colonial Urban Development: Culture, Social Power and Environment. ANTHONY D. KING. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY. Agriculture in the Republic of Ireland. DESMONO A. GILLMOR. Inferential Statistics For Geographers. G. B. NORCLIFFE. REGIONAL AND URBAN PLANNING. Zoning and Property Rights: An Analysis of the American System of Land Use Regulation. ROBERT H. NELSON. Public Participation in Planning. W. R. D. SEWELL and J. T. COPPOCK (eds.).  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this aritcle: General Geography A Geografihy of Maskind. Jan O. M. Broek and John W. Webb . Man and the Earth. Joseph Bixby Hoyt . Geographical Regions Winter in Finland: A Study in Human Geography. W. R. Mead and Helmer Smeds . The Domesday Geography of South-West England. H. C. Darby and R. Welldon Finn (eds.). Latin America: A Geographical Survey. Harry Robinson . Monsoon Asia: A Geographical Suruey. Harry Robinson . Japan Advances: A Geographical Study. Prue Dempster . The Dodecanese: Diversity and Unity in Island Politics. Roger E. Kasperson . YEARBOOKS Pacific Islamds Year Book and Who's Who. Tenth edition. Judy Tudor . (ed.) TRAVEL AND EXPLORATION The Pacific Basin: A History of Its Geographical Exploration. Herman R. Friis (ed.). The Exploration of Western America, 1800–1850: Am Historical Geography. E. W. Gilbert . Cartography Kartografihie in Stichworten. Herbert Wilhelmy . Physical Geography Physical Geography. R. G. Greswell . Quantitative Geography. Part II: Physical and Cartographic Topics. W. L. Garrison and D. F. Marble , (eds.) Landform Studies from Australia and New Guinea. J. N. Jennings and J. A. Mabbutt (eds.) Man and Environment Environmental Perception and Behavior. David Lowenthal (ed.). Economic Geography The Economic Importance of the Coal Industry to Pennsylvania. George H. K. Schenck and JOHN J. Schanz , Jr . The Economics of Irrigation. Colin Clark Agricultural Geography. Leslie Symons . Geography of International Trade. Richard S. Thoman and Edgar C. Conkling . The Spatial Dynamics of U. S. Urban-Industrial Growth, 1800–1914: Interpretive and Theoretical Essays. Allan R. Pred . Political Geography Background to Political Geography. G. R. Crone . The Columbia River Treaty: The Economics of an InternatiomaL River Basin Development. John V. Krutilla . Atlases Kulturgeografisk Atlas, 2: Tekstbind. Johannes Humlum . Sierra Leone im Maps. John I. Clarke , (ed.). The Times Atlas of the World. John Bartholomew (ed.).  相似文献   

Recent Publications in this articles: GENERAL GEOGRAPHY . Between Two Worlds: A New Introduction to Geography. ROBERT A. HARPER and THEODORE H. SCHMUDDE. REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY . The Europealt Culture Area: A Systematic Geography. TERRY G. JORDAN Geography of Czechoslovakia . J. DEMEK, M. STRIDA, et al. The Indian Hill-Station: Kodaikalzal, NORA MITCHELL. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . Spatial Analysis in Geomorphology. RICHARD J. CHORLEY (ed.). The Surface Features of the Land, Problems and Methods of Geomorphology. ALFRED HETTNER. The History of the Study of Landforms or the Development of Geomorphology. Volume Two: The Life and Work of William Morris Davis. RICHARD J. CHORLEY, ROBERT P. BECKINSALE and ANTONY J. DUNN. Terrain Analysis: A Guide to Site Selection Using Aerial Photographic Interpretion. DOUGLAS S. WAY. Volume I, Community Development Series, Richard P. Dober, (ed.). Atmospheric Circulation Systems and Climates. JEN-HU CHANG. ENVIRONMENT AND MAN . Conserving American Resources, Third Edition. RUBEN L. PARSON. WATER SUPPLY . Water in Britain: A Study in Applied Hydrology and Resource Geography. KEITH SMITH. POPULATION . Populatioms of the Middle East and North Africa: A Geographical Approach. J. I. CLARKE and W. B. FISHER (eds.). ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY . A Marketing View of Spatial Competition. DAVID A. REVZAN. Geography of Transportation. EDWARD J. TAAFFE and HOWARD L. GAUTHIER, JR. The Growth, Location and Structure of Industry in Egypt. K. MICHAEL BARBOUR. A Geography of Trade and Development in Malaya. P. P. COURTENAY. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY . The Superpowers: The United States and the Soviet Union Compared. W. H. PARKER. Access to the Sea for Developing Landlocked States. MARTIN IRA GLASSNER. SETTLEMENT AND URBAN GEOGRAPHY . Basic Material for the Terminology of the Agricultural Landscape. HARALD UH-LIG and CAY LIENAU (eds.). The Study of Urban Geography. HAROLD CARTER. The Urban Future: A Choice Between Alternatives. JOHN N. JACKSON. Defensible Space: Crime Prevention Through Urban Design. OSCAR NEW-MAN. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY . Frontier Farming in An Urban Shadow: The Influence of Madison's Proximity on the Agricultural Development of Bloom-ing Grove, Wisconsin. MICHAEL P. CONZEN. A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain. PETER GERHARD. British Maps of the American Revolution. PETER J. GUTHORN. CARTOGRAPHY . Map Projections for Geodesists, Cartographers and Geographers. PETER RICHARDUS and RON K. ADLER. A La Carte. Selected Papers on Maps and Atlases. WALTER W. RISTOW The World of Maps and Mapping–A Creative Learning Aid. JUDITH A. TYNER. ATLASES . Oxford World Atlas. SAUL B. COHEN,(ed.)  相似文献   

Models of Spatial Process. An Approach to the Study of Point, Line, and Area Patterns. Arthur Getis and Barry Boots . Geographical Applications of Aerial Photographs: C. P. Lo . Social Issues in Regional Policy and Regional Planning. Antoni Kuklinski , ed. An Agricultural Geography of Denmark. Aa. H. Kampp. Finnish Farming: Typology and konomics. Uuno Varjo. Victims of the Miracle: Development and the Indians of Brazil. Shelton H. Davis . Regional industrial Analysis and Development. Geoffrey J. D. Hewings . Post-War turope: A Political Geography. Mark Blacksell. Land Use In Advancing Agriculture. A. P. A. Vink . The Real Wealth of Nations. S. R. Eyre . Mineral Resources and Basic Industries in the People's Republic of China. K. P. Wang . Forest Microclimatology. Richard Lee . Fundamentals of Geomorphology. R. J. Rice . Soil and Vegetation Systems. Stephen T. Trudgill . Transportation and Environment. John G. B. Hutchins . A Theoretical Introduction. J. Brody Foust and Anthony R. Desouza . Urbanization and Conflict in Market Societies. Kevin R. Cox , ed. The Urban Question. Manuel Castells . Land Policy and Urban Growth. Haim Darin -Drabkin . The More Developed Realm: A Geography of its Population. Glenn T. Trewartha, ed. A World Geography of Human Diseases. G. Melvyn Howe , ed. Environment and Society: An Introductory Analysis. Brian Harvey and John D. Hallett . The Environment as Hazard. Ian Burton , Robert W. Kates , and Gilbert F. White . Experience, Environment, and Human Potentials. Herbert L. Leff .  相似文献   


Books reviewed in this aritcle:

Africa South of the Sahara. A. T. Grove.

Africa's Lamds and Nations. Lucile Carlson.

Africa—A New Geographical Survey. A. B. Mountjoy and C. B. Embleton.

China: Ageless Land and Countless People. Chiao-Min Hsieh.

China: Emerging World Power. Victor P. Petrov.

Canada's Changing Geography. R. Louis Gentilcore(ed.)

The Southeastern Ulzited States. John Eraser Hart.

The Northeastern United States. Lewis M. Alexander.

North America: A Geography of Canada and the United States. J. H. Paterson.

The lndus Rivers: A Study of the Effects of Partition. Aloys A. Michel.

The Drama of Fiji: A Contempordry History. John Wesley Coulter.

Cripple Creek. Robert Guilford Taylor.

Future Environments of North America. F. Fraser Darling and John P. Milton(eds.).

General Geography Introduction to Geography. Henry M. Kendall, Robert M. Glendinning, and Clifford H. Macfadden.

A Question of Place: The Development of Geographic Thought. Eric Fischer, Robert Campbell and Elden Miller.

Compass of Geography. Jan O. M. Broek.

Travel and Exploration Lieutenant Zagoskin's Travels in Russian America, 1842–1844. Henry N. Michael(ed.).

One Chilly Siberian Morning. Douglas Botting.

Physical Geography General Physical Geography. Pierre Birot.

Plants, Animals, and Man in the Outer Leeward Islands, West Indies. David R. Harris.

Man's Influence on the Vegetatiola of Barbados, 1627 to 1800. David Watts.

Water Research. Allen V. Kneese and Stephen C. Smith(eds.).

Geology and Geornorphology of the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and Northern Uruguay. Patrick J. V. Delaney.

Problems of Weather Forecasting Ferdinand Steinhauser(ed.).

Introductiom a la Geomorphologie Climatique. J. Tricart and A. Cailleux.

Physical Geograflhy: Selected Readings. Fred E. Dohrs and Lawrence M. Sommers(eds.).

Statistics Quantitative Geography, Part I: Economic and Cultural Topics. W. L. Garrison and D. F. Marble(eds.).

Mathematics in the Social Sciences and Other Essays. Richard Stone.

Economic Geography Geography and Economics. Michael Chisholm.

Geography of Manufacturing. Gunnar Alexandersson.

New Viewpoints in Economic Geography: Case Studies from Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, North America. J. Rutherford, M. I. Logan, G. J. Missen.

Essays on Commodity Flows and Spatial Structure of the Indian Economy. Brian J. L. Berry.

Shifting Cultivation in Southeastern Asia. J. E. Spencer.

Economics of Outdoor Recreation. Marion Clawson and Jack L. Knetsch.

Settlement and Urban Geography Die Auszuirkungen eines Eisenbahnknotenpunktes auf die geographische Strukture einer Siedlung-am speziellen Beispiel con Lehrte und ein Vergleich mit Bebra und Olten/Schweiz. Werner Mikus.

City and Village in Iran: Settlement and Economy in the Kirman Basin. Paul Ward English.

Japanese Colonization in Eastern Paraguay. Norman R. Stewart.

Les Transports Parisiens. Pierre Merlin.

Geography of Market Centers and Retail Distribution. Brian J. L. Berry.

Urban Land-Use in Hong Kong and Kowloon. Part I: Tsim-Sha Tsui District. Chi-Sen Liang.

Greater London: An Industrial Geography. J. E. Martin.

The American City. Raymond E. Murphy.

The Internal Structure of Retail Nucleations. Barry J. Garner.

Planning for a Nation of Cities. Sam Bass Warner, Jr., (ed.).

Metropolis on the Moue. Jean Gottmann and Robert A. Harper(eds.)

Geography of Population Geography of Population. J. Beaujeu-Garnier.

Political Geography Systematic Political Geography. Harm J. de Blij.

The Northern Tier: Afghatzistan, Iran, and Turkey. Rouhollah K. Ramazini.

A Dictionary of Geography: Definitions and Exfilunutiotzs of Ternzs used in Physical Geografihy. W. G. Moore.

Physical Naster Plan of the Jerusalem-Ashdod Region. E. Efrat

A Catalogue of Latin American Flat Maps, 1926–1964. Palmyra V. M. Monteiro.

Atlas of North Carolina. Richard E. Lonsdale.

J. Russell Smith: Geographer, Educator, and Conservationist. Virginia M. Rowley.

The Geographer's Craft. T. W. Freeman.

Geography and History Traces on the Rhodian Shore: Nature and Culture In Western Thoaght From Ancient Times to The End of The Eighteenth Century. Clarence J. Glacken

Social and Cultural Geography Languages, Territories and Names of California Indian Tribes. Robert E. Hexer.  相似文献   


Books reviewed in this aritcle:

General Geography A Geografihy of Maskind. Jan O. M. Broek and John W. Webb.

Man and the Earth. Joseph Bixby Hoyt.

Geographical Regions Winter in Finland: A Study in Human Geography. W. R. Mead and Helmer Smeds.

The Domesday Geography of South-West England. H. C. Darby and R. Welldon Finn(eds.).

Latin America: A Geographical Survey. Harry Robinson.

Monsoon Asia: A Geographical Suruey. Harry Robinson.

Japan Advances: A Geographical Study. Prue Dempster.

The Dodecanese: Diversity and Unity in Island Politics. Roger E. Kasperson.

YEARBOOKS Pacific Islamds Year Book and Who's Who. Tenth edition. Judy Tudor. (ed.)

TRAVEL AND EXPLORATION The Pacific Basin: A History of Its Geographical Exploration. Herman R. Friis(ed.).

The Exploration of Western America, 1800–1850: Am Historical Geography. E. W. Gilbert.

Cartography Kartografihie in Stichworten. Herbert Wilhelmy.

Physical Geography Physical Geography. R. G. Greswell.

Quantitative Geography. Part II: Physical and Cartographic Topics. W. L. Garrison and D. F. Marble, (eds.)

Landform Studies from Australia and New Guinea. J. N. Jennings and J. A. Mabbutt(eds.)

Man and Environment Environmental Perception and Behavior. David Lowenthal(ed.).

Economic Geography The Economic Importance of the Coal Industry to Pennsylvania. George H. K. Schenck and JOHN J. Schanz, Jr.

The Economics of Irrigation. Colin Clark

Agricultural Geography. Leslie Symons.

Geography of International Trade. Richard S. Thoman and Edgar C. Conkling.

The Spatial Dynamics of U. S. Urban-Industrial Growth, 1800–1914: Interpretive and Theoretical Essays. Allan R. Pred.

Political Geography Background to Political Geography. G. R. Crone.

The Columbia River Treaty: The Economics of an InternatiomaL River Basin Development. John V. Krutilla.

Atlases Kulturgeografisk Atlas, 2: Tekstbind. Johannes Humlum.

Sierra Leone im Maps. John I. Clarke, (ed.).

The Times Atlas of the World. John Bartholomew(ed.).  相似文献   

The Experience of Landscape. JAY APPLETON REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY . Geographical Perspectives in the Soviet Union: A Selection of Readings. GEORGE J. DEMKO and ROLAND J. FUCHS (eds. and trs.) A New Geography of Liberia. WILLI SCHULZE Caribbean Transformations. SYDNEY W. MINTZ Themes on Pacific Lands. M. C. R. EDGELL and B. H. FARRELL (eds.) GEOGRAPHICAL PHILOSOPHY AND METHODOLOGY . Measurement in the Social Sciences: Theories and Strategies. H. M. BLALOCK, JR. (ed.) Cluster Analysis. BRIAN EVERITT PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . Physical Geography Today: A Portrait of a Planet. CRM Books The Unquiet landscape. DENYS BRUNSDEN and JOHN C. DOORNKAMP (eds.) ENVIRONMENT AND MAN . Geomorphology in Environmental Management: An Introduction. R. U. COOKE and J. C. DOORNKAMP Man-Induced Soil Erosion on the Southern Piedmont: 1700-1970. STANLEY W. TRIMBLE California Water: A Study in Resource Management. DAVID SECKLER (ed.) CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY . The Book of the Land. JOHN FRASER Cultural Discord in the Modern World. L. J. EVENDEN and F. F. CUNNINGHAM (eds.) West African Food In The Middle Ages. TADEUSZ LEWICKI The Russian Dilemma: A Political and Geopolitical View. ROBERT G. WESSON New Era of Ocean Politics. ANN L. HOLLICK and ROBERT E. OSGOOD URBAN GEOGRAPHY AND SETTLEMENT . Population and Urbanized Area Growth in Megalopolis, 1950-1970. CLYDE E. BROWNING (ed.) ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY . Economic Geography. B. W. HODDER and ROGER LEE Patterns of Economic Change in the United States: A Regional Study. C. JAMES SAMPLE Agricultural Colonizatiort in India Since Independence. B. H. FARMER Benelux: An Economic Geography of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. R. C. RILEY and G. J. ASHWORTH An Economic Geography of Romania. DAVID TURNOCK Rural Development: World Frontiers. LAURENCE HEWES REGIONAL AND URBAN PLANNING . Urban and Regional Planning. PETER HALL CARTOGRAPHY AND REMOTE SENSING . Aerial Photography in Anthropological Field Research. EVON Z. VOGT (ed.) ATLASES . The Times Atlas of China. P. J. M. GEELAN and D. C. TWITCHETT (eds.); JOHN C. BARTHOLOMEW (cartographic consultant) with other consultants. Historical Atlas of the Religions of the World. ISMA'IL RAGI AL FARUQI (ed.) and DAVID E. SOPHER (map ed.)  相似文献   

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